The Mario Party TRIGGERS You Compilation!

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warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions said aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings so don't you dare pick me for chance time i don't want to risk a heart attack man [Music] [Applause] [Music] what kind of losers sit around on a couch playing a virtual board game and call it a party are the minigames like shots of vodka too there is zero skill involved in mario party it's all just stupid dumb luck why you gotta pick on luigi huh what'd he do uh guys you want to give toad some space okay of everyone running towards this pipe wario should not be the furthest ahead he's kind of a big boy what kind of birthday cake lets you grow living plants inside of it and everyone is stepping all over the cape worst birthday ever luigi's engine room since when was luigi an engineer the one player minigames are not only boring but show up way too frequently that moment when you land on a red space freaking chance time this is when the game starts to hate me and takes away all my coins and stars bumper balls is great but 99 of the time it's just a tie game wait i lose coins when i lose a mini-game is this actually real the boo is a bastard man he'll steal people's coins for free yes for freaking free and guess what pay him 50 coins and he'll steal a star from someone when you pick the poison mushroom and can't move the next turn bowser spaces actually suck in this mario party you're likely to lose a ton of coins and sometimes even a star why on earth does pipe maze bother to show you the maze if the screen scrolls up so damn fast that you end up guessing anyway if you show up for a star in mario's rainbow castle and bowser is there you lose 40 coins 40. this has to be the easiest game of guitar hero i've ever played it is literally impossible for the skateboarder to lose in piranha's pursuit if he just makes all the jumps tug of war need to remind you of the blisters you got from this and paddle battle is worse because you rotate the joystick for even longer and guess what you do for pedal power rotate the joystick oh cool a shy guy toy what does this do rotate the joystick oh my god catching up in bobsled run is nearly impossible because it's so easy to screen cheat some of the one player games are so easy a toddler could do them oh herpa derp match the cards herpa derpa ground pound the poles that aren't pointy there is no reason for slot car derby to be so awkward to control oh my god we hit you a thousand times fall already oh my god dude you gotta put this in the video holy crap i've never seen him land on this ship before whenever koopa predicts who's gonna win in the last five turns it's literally always a shot in the dark you're not some wizard alright don't you hate picking the last seed and knowing it's gonna send you to bowser because that's totally fair look at all of that freaking treasure at the end and we all just get 10 points bowser i really didn't want the cake okay look at it it's got spikes in it this so-called lucky box gets you 10 interest on coins but what kid is gonna know what that means there's nothing more cruel than getting turned into a toy only to be assaulted by a human crane there's not nearly enough 1v3 or 2v2 minigames you constantly play the same ones over and over again and this mini game lasts for like 5-10 seconds it's just a tad short if you don't know how to play a mini game well tough luck because there's no option to practice the jk controls make it hard to move bowser's face there is no reason for the thwomp to allow us to artificially raise the price i say we take this to and make things right actually please don't do that and worse the happening space moves the star to the other side of the island forcing you to pay another toll and the vicious cycle continues infinitely also i like that toad doesn't care that he's getting eaten by bubba it's just like a normal day routine you know whatever bowser put a tube on me then it broke and then he made me pay for it and he called me fat that's what you call a bad day what is wrong with the goomba's eyes my problem with coin shower flower isn't the absurd unfairness of the guy on the flower taking 99 of the coins but the fact that the other three float on giant leaves like i'm sorry that's just never gonna happen coin block bash and coin block blitz are like clones and smash bros they're basically the same thing but do one tiny little thing to be different playing basketball with a bomb is a horrible idea is there really a purpose in buying the mini-games after playing them i mean it's kind of cool that you can use the coins you earn but they're way too expensive the only fun one player mini games are the bumper ball mazes but those can only be played in the mini-game house and not on the boards wario's battle canyon sounds cool you know you shoot cannons to different parts of the board but when you crash land behind the star that's when you want to rip your eyes out yep that said bomb not boom the red and blue doors suck ass they open and close after every turn as well as when you land on a happening space and you can pay some robot 20 coins to change the order good freaking luck getting a star here oh cool thanks for the coin bowser uh oh that that costs 20 coins ah if you land on a green space in bowser's magma mountain every space turns red i'm not joking i love that bowser's roulette has 100 stars or a thousand coins on the board because you'll literally never get that it's just there to tease and mock you an eternal star not only do you pay 20 coins for a star but you have to get a higher dice roll than baby bowser and if you don't he actually takes your star what the actual hell is wrong with this game the happening space teleports everyone to the start to sum up mario party in a nutshell it's the equivalent of getting punched in the balls over and over again and never knowing when you're gonna get hit again warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings because these mario parties ain't stopping anytime soon party rock boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] mario party 2 isn't the best mario party stop saying that how is a castle sitting atop a cloud clouds are made of water vapor none of the character models were updated or polished from the first game and there's not a single new character i like how toad says we're gonna do all this crazy stuff like be deputies or whatever but we all know we're just gonna run around aboard playing mini games good luck winning as the hammer and lights out that face when yoshi loses what the hell uh they brought back chance time mario party 2 introduced luck mini games where it's literally just luck if you win or not they're so freaking dumb the train's mustache must be dirty as hell from all the dust and sand kicking up why are we forced to watch the computers play item games just give them the item and move on half of the mini games were just remade from mario party 1. oh cool there's a genie item that just straight up takes it to the start that's fair the so-called duel minigames barely qualify as minigames if at all a b no b b a b a what what oh oh my freaking god shy guy you're a dick you know that why do i gotta pay money for walking past the bank like what kind of sense does that make what is with having to buy the mini games i've already played them a thousand times i like how when bowser waves and his skin moves into his body it looks very delicate the skeleton keys suck most of the time you never need it and there's no way to throw it out for a new item also when you use a key you can't use it again what did the door eat the key when you're going for a nice little stroll and get shot with a cannonball for no reason why do they take so long to get in position come on this is still the easiest guitar hero game i've ever played why do i have to manually turn on autosave i really wish this swordfight was an actual minigame and not just a cutscene why don't the item shops always have the same items sometimes they got two things sometimes four god i hate sneak and snore like you need hyper reflexes to have any chance of winning don't play toad in the box with hard computers they have pinpoint accuracy and you will lose yeah nice try toad bandstand is just mario bandstand despite it being a 2v2 minigame boy do i love getting the thwomp cop called on me for just walking around peach loves tricking people well that explains a lot i mean think about how many castles mario's gone to with no peach in sight why did they bring back slot car derby that's like the worst minigame the mystery land ending goes from guessing a picture as bowser to getting sucked into a void then a trophy turns into a bomb and more bombs come down from a ufo and then they fly away what magic prevents womp moving at night you know honestly he's probably just taking a nap rox needs sleep too is that x the penguin's closed butthole oh god lord have mercy give toad 20 coins to get it seems a little pricey to me well wait a minute has toad fluctuated the value of stars this whole time oh my god we've been gypped i like how you don't even go through the pipe you just kind of slide i guess this is the worst parade i've ever been to oh nice just steal your own idea from mario 64 why don't you good job spelling charles martinez name wrong in the credits if you want a heart attack just be the victim playing this mini-game it's pretty lame that two of the three unlockable minigames were again just remakes from mario party 1. wait this whole thing was just an act what did i get so worked up about then warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings so for the love of waluigi don't claim you're the superstar unless you can prove it comprende [Music] [Applause] [Music] the change up on the box looks so stupid how sad is it that this is the first mario party to have save slots i mean come on the legend of zelda on the nes had saves so waluigi and daisy are new characters but can't be used in the duel or story mode why dk still looks way dirtier than he should those freaking eyes man i'm sorry but if a star that big fell to the ground an earthquake should have happened or something you must pass my test to prove yourself worthy of possessing me i didn't know we were watching the bachelorette the press start animation goes in sync with the music but then it goes out of sync i don't like that who would pick easy minigames freaking wusses the story is literally just the beginning cutscene like the exact same thing what's the point the character models have again not been updated since mario party 1. the game guys spaces are horrible if you lose the minigame kiss every last one of your coins goodbye and these mini games are luck based so 50 chance you lose all your coins to rng i don't think those are waves they're more like hypersonic laser rings you can only tap through the instructions from the right and not left we still have to painfully watch the computers play item mini games like seriously why make us wait the star ended up here no one will ever get it wow thanks for having confidence in us the luck minigames have returned and they still suck action time more like quick time event time yoshi winking is literally just an arrow pointing in his eye taking the thin path is just a mistake like honestly don't bother because someone else is going to step on it and screw you over playing with a friend that learned how to spam his taunt makes me want to rip my nose off will you cut it out buying cellular shopper is like uber eats in real life you get what you want but pay way more than you should mpiq is the most bullcrap mini game against hard computers they pick the answer before the answers pop up completely like wow oh yeah that's that's super fair i think boo is scarier when he looks this happy he's actually terrifying catching this chicken reminds me of the monkey in mario 64. thanks for the horrible memories man imagine randomly hiring employees and hope they do well on the job that's basically what dual mode is i don't understand why deep bluebird c isn't deep blooper c like did they purposefully not use a pun or something like what is this all about is this the ihop ihop thing i just don't get it we could have made it what the heck as if marty party couldn't get more random now there's fake stars fake news sad what the hell is mario's cry when he spins out etching catch is the most awkward minigame i've ever played in my life did the other rocket really not have a parachute rip whoever was inside look at this the wombs are playing mario party and it's almost like they're breaking the fourth wall but wait they are walls oh my god i hate and love you nintendo what do you want a key for to eat it are all skeleton keys secretly edible [Music] oh no i lost yeah i was two feet away i heard him holy okay seriously this back trap map is so obnoxious because the players are constantly changing direction it's smashed to her levels of random and you shouldn't go that low this mini-game is just a rip-off of tetris waluigi's first ever board has a giant ticking time bomb in the middle of it and people wonder why he didn't make it into smash ultimate as of july 2018 because we don't know if he's gonna be added in or not his dlc motor rooter is a really cool minigame but it's annoying when the amps pop up so fast that you can't react on time the title does not lie this tower is awful to climb up apparently accelerate and race mean the same thing after all this build up in the story of bowser wanting to fight us he's not even the final boss what the heck warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thotties and feelies is this to real and true party tune in right now to find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] replay that jon what the hell kind of jump was that all right nintendo i get it the gamecube has more polygons [Music] really the same eight characters come on couldn't they have added two or three new ones it's gotta suck having to swim in full clothing those people that don't think book squirm is the best mini game of all time they're just objectively wrong i do wish the book's text actually said something clever like book squirm is godlike because it is all the boards look way too similar i know there's different themes but the running tiles never change color or anything i'm pretty sure his leg should have shattered on impact reversal of fortune is literally just chance time name change confirmed unnecessary i don't think a single snowball will entirely freeze a person but okay this is basically a crappy version of splatoon why don't they just run and shoot there's no reason for them to stop in place bananas tripping up a giant wooden robot i feel like everyone and everything moves so slowly on the boards like what the heck the lottery shop is a complete waste of time don't even bother with it is this nintendo subliminally telling kids that candy is bad and money is good i see what you all are up to the crane controls are so unintuitive you hold a to move it around and release a to drop the crane i guess joysticks weren't invented yet dungeon duos is one of the best mario party mini games unless you're playing with an idiot then it's one of the worst he's not just a winner but a wiener oh good i'm so glad this luck based minigame was brought back from mario party 2. it's obviously better to bring that back than say oh i don't know skateboard scamper hexagon heat no i don't want to spend 10 coins on a complete and total gamble and getting closer to a star especially since there are spaces that already send you to other players for free red spaces become bowser spaces hilarious oh yeah that's really funny does bowser seriously have this random kid waving a fan for him i hope he's at least paying him also needs to hit up the dentist look at all that nasty yellow plaque on his teeth ugh bowser wrestling isn't really wrestling it's more just slapping each other this is luigi's table it's fashionable but not very functional like luigi oh my god nintendo dropping the roast i feel like koopa kid didn't make peach hang this up it was totally her idea this is the worst clock i've ever seen in my life that moment when you get squished by someone bigger than you you can't collect the star if you're giant what kind of bull crap is that oh so i have to block three soccer balls at once oh yeah that's really fair why does it look like toad's head is on a floaty john can you photoshop that picture into a pool with like happy toad sounds and like you know maramba music and you know why does the shot bother to sell mega and mini mushrooms when every board has ten thousand mushroom spaces this mini game is horrible like who the hell catches fish with a net anyway and yes i know that some fish are caught with nets but like come on fishing rods are way cooler the mega board and mini board mayhem are incredibly boring because there's no items or mini-games you just collect coins [Music] yay i want a box that just exploded on me this game has a bit of a creepy start it wants to know my name date of birth and hobby what does it matter to you what is my biggest dream i'll tell you my biggest dream is to stop getting pestered with these job interview questions what's my silliest secret hello is nintendo trying to take data from us and even if they were how would they do that when this data couldn't be distributed to them due to a lack of internet everything about this is just weird you should have seen it coming buddy why the was ecad turned into a helicopter there's four characters i know it's game boy advance but four characters that's it if you were expecting to play mario party you know hence the name mario party advance welp you're not getting that instead we have a limited number of dice rolls and have to complete fetch quests by ourselves that's the game so games and gadgets fell out of the sky which serves the purpose of doing side quests but why do i have to get them can't toad run to everyone's house and get his crap back so i needed to buy this goomba a ticket first off this is with my own money so thanks for that pal and second look how close he is to the train station get it yourself next time look i know it's just a video game but if an actual ufo showed up they would not be following orders or signs in fact everyone probably died they drain all the resources the chain chomp barks even if it wasn't compressed the pitch is just way off no prob i'd be delighted well wait a minute what if i don't want to get his coal i'm not left with that option nailed it there's a lot of buzz about this game room i get it buzz i get it ah yes my favorite vending machines the ones that sell coal gk means goalkeeper not good kitty oh really i thought gk stood for gamer king only the best fast food joint out there look how big the net is look how big bowser is do you see the problem oh wow i literally just kicked straight and it goes through his legs it's literally impossible to lose since you only have to score three of the five goals so the chain chomp wants to challenge me to this duel game where you cut it a chain but i end up facing luigi what about the chain chomp anyway when i end up winning the chain chomp's all like you beat me uh bro you didn't even participate you weenie these are the strangest side quests ever i'm now helping a wiggler get a date i love guys with big deep blue eyes and guess who it is it's mr eye it's mr it's mr eye i i that yeah i'm done why am i poking a womp last time i checked they're a little sensitive to having their backs touched tony's in the con to stoic like a hippo yeah okay that's that's gotta be the worst rhyme i've ever heard in my life after getting a seashell for goomba to try to get a date i find out that the girl he has a crush on looks exactly like him besides the bow the sprites are exactly the same i'm now telling bowser jokes this is what we've come to as a society this ninji wants a dvd this game very quickly aged itself so i've learned something don't gamble your money away trying to marry someone i find working a job is a little easier pal the robbery quest is so stupid so koopa loses his coins and i have to talk to three suspects to find out who it is after talking to them all paratroopa is the one guilty and what's his response oh was just a prank bro i was just messing with him and guess what he gets away with it because they're cousins ugh you know why would a mecha koopa need to learn math and not because he's balor's minion but because he's a robot just google it in your head i don't know you should know this this punching bag must come to a lot of use since this swap doesn't have arms so this thwomp lied about getting coins stolen because he couldn't leave his own house due to the door being too small that is the saddest thing i've ever heard oh petal guy cheesy poems don't tend to work on getting dates most the time it's a little annoying we can only do one side quest at a time i can only leave a flag on one location at a time this is a pain at the end of the game when trying to scout out the remaining quest to finish i'm so tired of this koopa kid constantly interrupting me to play rock paper scissors or randomly launch me somewhere else on the map don't you have something better to do after beating the final quest we get this very uncomfortable batch of text saying congrats with no music it's really unsettling mr eye is learning how to wink for peach well good luck with that all i gotta say best of luck with winking without an eyelid i've barely talked about the mini games and that's because they're pretty bland a lot of them are just really forgettable we spend the entire campaign unlocking widgets and it turns out most of them are like the stupidest things ever like counting sheep what what's the point of this you don't even interact with this widget you just watch the shine gleam and that's it okay how do i even respond to this this is basically nintendogs but you can't interact with a dog great widget oh dude thank god there is an eye exam widget finally after all these years i can take eye exams in the comfort of my own home trying to balance this stupid egg to stand up straight i've wasted more time than i want to admit doing this you can't be serious a fan widget what the heck this might be the worst bowling game i've ever played that's because there's no physics with the pins whatsoever you just pray they all fall down so yeah mario party advance is just okay but i wouldn't really call it a mario party game per se and i wouldn't call this one either oh yeah we're going there this is mario party e and what is this well it's a card game and a board game kind of mixed together and it also uses the e-reader let's check it out so the goal of this game is to put a superstar card in play that's how you win but you can only do that once you have the superstars hat clothes and shoes there's also coins block cards search cards chaos cards dual cards and we even use the e-reader at some points this actually looks kind of cool but nathaniel isn't here and i've got no one to play [Music] with all right pal so you get five cards to start and uh i'll let you go first good just want to double check you weren't alive still all right well might as well try out the e-reader games castaway mario is annoying because we have to grab a fish but the rod goes so slow that it's really hard to time mario's mallet you just hit the goombas and you avoid luigi daisy's rodeo everyone's favorite quick time event mini game fast feed yoshi eat a coin or a shy guy who knows what you'll get because there's no strategy bolt from boo run away from the boo faster than the other player time bomb ticks count up faster than the other player waluigi's reign collect coins wario's bluff stop a car before it flies off the hill balloon burst don't pop the balloon okay you know what i've had enough of this i'll just wait till nathaniel comes back [Music] all right nathaniel waffles are ready oh you made the good stuff oh i love eggos hey prayers oh sorry sorry warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings even if these games are starting to feel more and more uninspired how are you doing i didn't know what you asked me to think how could i guys guys will you chill out i just want to spread the waffle love this is the game where the franchise started to dip in quality and it shows the character models weren't updated at all the opening cutscene is nothing more than random gameplay the pre-rendered cutscenes are gone the dk's spaces are neat but couldn't they have used some random mario enemy instead i liked playing as dong see this game actually invented battle royale nice try fortnite if there's one thing the tag team names got right it's daisy and waluigi being titled the awkward date cause damn they would be pretty awkward when you pair yoshi and koopa kid they're called dino cousins which makes me wonder is yoshi secretly a double agent if he's related to koopa kid who's related to bowser is that why yoshi wouldn't go in the castles in super mario world because he knew he'd be killed off for betraying bowser and they say mario games don't have war the computer players move so slowly it feels like ages before you get to play every turn hey look we're playing eiffel tower again banking coins is basically just hammer drop and coin shower flowers to form child it sucks that you can't pick out the capsules you want i'd rather buy them than get something random do you see what i'm seeing they're putting goombas in cans to eat that's just not right man that's not cool so unrelated can we talk about how god damn catchy this minigame song is it's one of nintendo's best pieces [Music] gladiator and squared away are basically the same minigames but with the roles reversed if you don't get first in the main game you're brutally sucked into a black hole holy it's sad that penguins are better off in mario party while real life penguins are risking extinction due to the poles rapidly melting if you lose an id ufo you get sent into space to die no space suit no oxygen just pure unadulterated suffering i thought this was mario party not candyland heat stroke actually gives me a stroke there's only three types of bonus stars mini game coin and happening where's the variety vicious vending is the dumbest mini game ever you turn a lever for two seconds get coins or a womp and that's the whole game you can't lose on the tightrope literally just tap left and right to avoid the slow moving balls and you'll win every time don't get stuck in this red circle of death it's not fun why can't i play the card party game with boo koopa kid or toad also this mode is incredibly slow and monotonous you just get stars without playing mini games or collecting coins whoever came up with this bobon ball needs to get fired this is unethical as adorable as this little cut scene may be there is no way that bouquet had this many flowers inside of it why is luigi's head so off-centered compared to everyone else oh yeah warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings because day and night cycles it's the one backup gimmick to freshen up any video game series why does the sun and moon have to argue why can't you just be friends mario how is a star gonna help their problems the sun is a star they just need to go to couples therapy and work this out while luigi's getting hooked not cool like it too is it just me or do all these gamecube mario party games feel the same they didn't add a bowser board and no infernal tower doesn't count i feel like we've played this mini game before eiffel tower at leaflet the s in results looks like a flip too mr tree don't get mad at me i have to obey the dice roll and that's that why do the pokies look so freaking creepy in this game so dk takes one bite out of this banana and then just throws it behind him how about finish your food okay and don't litter [Music] a piece of fluff can be turbulence free man we should get rid of airplanes this is the real deal round of miracles just call it chance time it's literally the same thing i don't like how daisy says no need to sound so sassy miss man come on why do i have to watch the cpus play dual mini games just tell us the winner and move on this is the sixth game now let's get it right you know what this mini game kind of reminds me of [Music] don't worry i won't show the ending this so-called car commercial scarred me as a kid i've always wanted to mow the lawn in a video game why is this a thing what did they do to yoshi's voice i feel like dropping all these mines in the water is bad for the environment dizzy rotisserie is way too easy once you find out which way is straight you're basically set there should not be a wheel to change the pricing of the stars do you realize how shape that can be this star shuffle space is literally just giving you a free star it is way too easy to keep track of the spinning hats they're basically just humping the tree let's be honest just like in mario party 4's mr blizzard's brigade one snowball somehow turns you into solid ice the player on the stage stands no chance of surviving because the balls move so fast wario looks way too happy trying to hit us with these spineys the fact that dk moves the star every turn makes it so unlikely you'll ever get a star on clockwork castle and then at night he's replaced with bowser this is blasphemy bowser moves so slow pick it up pal did that boulder just scream yep it screamed all the mini game modes are pretty boring and don't do much to add value to the minigames this shy guy is the worst mailman ever he's making civilians pick up his drop mail okay if you actually got near a black hole you can't just swim through it because you'd be slowly torn to atoms and sent to either another universe or literally nowhere why is seer terror a rare mini game it's nothing special it's just a luck based one where you pull a rope and hope you don't lose ooh look at these strange black balls hey luigi you shouldn't stalk mario and peach in their free time that's a little creepy the soul levels are just linear boards and it's honestly pretty lame without stars warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings i felt that i was a mario it was spooky i hope to read more by bowser perhaps next time something longer did you like my auto generated haiku you did good [Applause] [Music] so what's different about this mario party compared to the other six well i'll tell ya absolutely nothing mario is out taking his morning constitutional who talks like that just say he's walking i have a hard time believing a ship was able to fit peach's entire castle on board why did they get rid of the day and night cycles that was a cool idea and they could have expanded on it why can't you play his koopa kid anymore maybe birdo sucked the skin off him with her giant snout and all that's left is dry bones the bones and soul of koopa kid you know you're out of ideas when you turn hitting the dice block to move into a mini-game when you pause the game bowser blows mist out of his nose every two seconds and it gets really annoying hey there's the star well so much for that i feel like we shouldn't be popping balloons what if the rubber gets caught in our blades and the helicopter explodes [Music] bowser i did not agree to get my picture taken and pay up the 20 freaking coins for your lousy photo what is the point of mic minigames if you can set them to just playing them on the controller that defeats the whole purpose there is an eight player mode well i'm too lazy to call up seven friends i'll just clone myself seven times instead those aren't spiders game those are scuttle bugs call them by their name if you guys just stayed on the hot air balloon you wouldn't have to worry about getting zapped to smithereens i don't know what i did but these cheap jeeps have a serious grudge against me i like how the blooper just casually steals a star no big deal good job koopa kid you made toadette swap the same amount of coins with toad oh you're so evil wait a second when did i start playing kirby air ride i'm pretty sure hives aren't built like this but okay why does grandpa koopa raise the price of this star every time someone gets one that's not fair this pose of yours makes me a little uncomfortable so i went to this orb shop and saw a gamecube but it's not for sale what a tease most of the music is sadly pretty weak in mario party 7. there is so much lag when you're shooting these darts it takes like two seconds after you say fire mario party crossed minecraft only the best collab what on earth does shooting targets have to do with acting like a two picked up this chest by just putting his rod through the top that makes all the sense 8 000 mario parties later and we're still playing shy guy says this mini game is literally just picking up dk's garbage i am never taking vacation advice from toadsworth ever again he gave us tickets that bowsers inferno for crying out loud the dk's faces are getting old can we just play his dk again i miss the monkey the big dong the happening space on bowser's board moves the star every time it's stupid luck if you get one what's in there anyway huh hey john why don't you zoom into that jar so we can see oh hey what's up buddy oh yeah what kind of windmill grinds corn oil crisis is a really fun mic game but i wish everybody could go at the same time instead of painfully waiting one by one warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings because really who doesn't love to wiggle waggle the wii most of whoopity whoop don't lie you about that life wow the first mario party on a new console and they skimped out the intro is belly who's hat cappy's little brother or something why on earth is mario party 8 running in 4x3 when 16x9 was more than possible on the wii there's no online man have i just been craving to play as a blooper all my whole life i've always wanted to play as a freaking blooper let's be honest the only good board is koopa's tycoon town wow dk just throws people to the star that's really fair for all the weird crap waluigi does this takes the cake the dude straight up pulls out a rose when he wins for literally no reason why are the character profiles cramped into the top right corner it just makes the whole screen look cluttered i don't think the blooper can play punch a bunch he doesn't have hands or arms i gotta say i never thought i would trade candy with a shy guy get a spear shoved up my booty and then get paid for it at the end why do i feel like i've played this game before wait wait a minute wait a second hold on and don't even get me started on baseball this is like the millionth time they've made a batting minigame ah yes shake the soda that's not suggestive at all all bowser does on this board is move stars or give you coins why isn't he being evil why does this leaf game have to be so slow and boring for the love of god berto stop shaking your hips like you're such hot stuff please dry bone straight up died after losing the game his yellow eyes just pooped out of existence goomba's booty boardwalk okay he does not have a booty i'm just saying i'm sorry just i'm keeping it real i'm not the only one that thinks some of the boards look way too bright right since when could you ever shoot booze with anything goomba is the worst pirate ever he straight up hands over stars for free good luck popping all those teeny tiny balloons 10 coins for a star you know what's with the newer games always changing the price 20 is the perfect cost for how many coins you get each turn when did i start watching terminator 2 how does boo even trip on rope he's floating in the air bowser has financial clout in case you forgot so bowser candy takes two stars from every player you pass that is straight up evil and i love that this minigame is the equivalent to button mashing in the old days all you do is shake your remote as fast as you can why can't the ship save both of us that's kind of messed up for it to pick up one person and strand the other i guess we're playing sonic advance bonus stages now this is just unintuitive wii sports bowling they'll never give up on shy guy says will they so we did get f-zero on the wii kind of a 30 person racing mini game is insanely cool but the models look pretty stiff i gotta be honest warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings because let's be real this is one of the most underrated mario party games out there [Music] you know why does most mario party games have to start with mario and his friends just talking in a circle also listen to that crowd chatter [Music] ah it's so awful you're inviting us for food and apologizing for being a jerk nobody would fall for that oh bravo dumb bravo i didn't realize i was watching honey i shrunk the kids why can't i use the stylus to look around the map i'm forced to use the d-pad i'm not gonna lie the music is pretty forgettable and just not that good compared to the older games wow only eight characters of course they cut some of them mashing multiple buttons on a handheld is incredibly uncomfortable kitty piranha is a playable character in smash bros ultimate before waluigi but even in mario party ds this plant was still messing him up man press f and chat for respect why aren't there bonus stars in story mode being able to play multiplayer with four people using one game card is awesome it's just too bad it wasn't online based they got all these puzzle mini games but no tetris you can't beat tetris this is the most unnecessary and difficult way to go up a pile of books why don't you just climb you have legs and arms climb why is bowser being nice at all in the last five turns he feels bad for the guy in last place and gives him something like shouldn't some other mario character be doing that this is basically slot car derby everyone's favorite mini game oh yeah no no no not not at all they're digging a hole in the ground with a spoon that's not a good idea guys one of the boss minigames is literally just simon says how anti-climatic i feel like i played this minigame when i was born in high school so i just finished this parachute minigame but the other players didn't land with me what did they fall back up now that's a big but where the heck did they go you think we would have seen them fall onto the bottom screen i love the idea of stars costing different amounts based off the music notes but 5 coins for 1 star doesn't that sound a little cheap that dk stone statue is terrifying i wish slicing cucumbers was this easy in real life [Music] college students have this exact nightmare when they're assigned a hundred pages of reading every two days and i'm serious guys this is not even exaggerating some classes actually do this why is there friend spaces i don't want to give coins to anyone this is mario party for crying out loud it's neat how some of the four player and 2v2 mini games can also be played as dual mini games but since there's no exclusive dual mini games they might as well not even call them that to begin with man they sure made this whole getting your picture taken thing really over dramatic i'm pretty sure it's impossible to win cherry go round against hard computers they spin faster than the human arm could withstand without breaking their ds bowser's pinball machine has to be the least intimidating lair for a boss i've ever heard imagine if you had to fight ganondorf on a beach same idea why are we shooting scuttlebugs they've done nothing to us bowser this is your lamest looking transformation ever you're literally just a pile of blocks wow so scary ooh watch out for the blocks guys so what's the big reward for completing story mode a puzzle game no seriously you unlock one puzzle game and that is it that is all you get warning the following video is not over exaggerated most opinions shared are totally accurate to my thoughts and feelings because honestly this is like turning monopoly into candy land it just doesn't make sense [Music] i guess the animated intro cutscenes are just gone now which stages do you like toad road is my favorite oh we'll look at mr bias here how does this giant vortex only suck up the mini stars and not the whole planet but then we zoom in to see bowser and bowser jr with some sort of vacuum gun and i have no idea how that's creating a huge vortex what's even going on what dry bones is teaming up with bowser after being playable in mario party 8 what a backstabbing flip-flopping jerk okay hold on a second bowser just wanted the mini stars to decorate his castle bro have you ever heard of etsy or amazon just order stars from there look at that boom my place looks nice now that wasn't hard why can't i use the joystick it should at least be an option players travel together wait what does that mean what the is this why does everyone win many stars after a mini game this is some participation award bs what happened to all the boards they're all linear so there's no element of strategy now okay like the board does occasionally split paths but we're all in a car anyway and worse there's not even coins to collect you can only get many stars and that's it also why the heck don't you play a mini game after everyone's turn there's a reason every other mario party has you doing a mini game each turn to prevent too much boredom after rolling dice look at how ridiculous this is half of these spaces do nothing at all mario party 9's music is bland none of it's really memorable or really catchy at all the normal dice blocks don't even go to 10 anymore now it's just six for some reason and the only items you can get now are dice blocks so exciting if only making pizza was this fun trust me i know as someone that worked at papa's for two years those flower wheels can't be good to drive with ah great counting enemies we've never seen that before so guess what a reverse minigame is bowser says you have to be the first person to lose then he gives you 10 mini stars okay it's way too easy to pick the right path to the cannon the camera should scroll a little bit faster they do have stars in this game but they're just used as a prop for the person that wins the whole thing why does this mini star graph look like something i'd find in the stock section of a newspaper the king the bomb car honestly creeps me out something about it is unsettling this is a great mini game but why on earth do we need 30 seconds per section i like how playing cards hurt dry bones you know you guys could just like push the bomb off and be fine right no you don't you don't want okay it's fine bowser jr is straight up asking if i'm sure i want to play this minigame why is he being so polite while it looks like we're in different vehicles and can move freely it's just a tease because we all move the same spaces after a dice roll it's about time hotel mario got a remaster luigi is dropping the l for getting last place whatever makes you happy i guess press two or up down left to right wow that is some bad grammar so we all lost this minigame yet still somehow got many stars and it wasn't an even amount for everybody because logic well this mini-game is unfair poor wario has to avoid these giant boulders that quickly move down the mountain and they aren't easy to avoid i love that minigame dude kid you knocked next time sorry i'll go back i load the reverse spaces because it makes the game drag on longer than it already does why do i have to watch the computers finish the captain event after i'm done the camera really doesn't need to zoom in and out every time a character rolls a dice it could have saved time by painting from character to character bowser jr's boss minigame is hitting a dice and hoping you get a star to attack him could it possibly be any lamer you know upward mobility kind of reminds me of awful tower no wait was it a leaf leap no wait a second it was what goes up wait what if there's only gonna be one donkey kong mini game why bother anymore just make him a character again the mini games in perspective mode really could have just been swappable before playing it normally warning the following video is kind of over exaggerated some opinions shared are accurate to my thoughts and feelings yada blada pluto are we going to tour the islands or sink our ship there goes mario waving it nobody okay oh come on they couldn't have updated the intro screen mario party 9 has mario holding up a hand with characters floating in the back an island tour is basically the exact same thing i know mario party isn't really meant for story but even what's here is so dry and boring compared to usual and that's saying something a letter floats down inviting everyone to party then they go into bubbles it's so drab so in this mario party every board has different rules for some reason well so much for ever playing traditionally again right the characters look so stiff in these pictures that it's actually creeping me the hell out waluigi looks like he's being held at gunpoint if he doesn't smile so you get better or worse bonus dice blocks depending on your placement in a mini game what if you get luck based minigames and have bad luck this is such bs speaking of the dice block i see we're sticking with one through six and not one through ten again why damn i'm so glad the game is telling me mario is playing now because oh man i never would have known otherwise from now on we'll play a mini game at the start of each round uh okay i mean that's kind of how it's always been at the end of a round or i guess in your words before a round begins it's the same thing since when did mumu meadows sneak into mario party it takes like 10 seconds for these plants to grow so you could just move out of the way in case the piranha plant chucks you away being in the bowser zone makes me feel dead why are the mini-game names on the top and bottom screen that's a little excessive mario party 9 and island tour have at least one thing in common the boards feel like they last way longer than they should waluigi always getting shafted poor guy the final challenge on this board is just rolling a dice to slowly take out a womp truly riveting and intense so i won the final challenge but i don't feel like i did the entire board was luck based and depended on what items i'd randomly get this is one of those minigames that looks so fun to do in real life but it will never really exist to this extent what is the point of bonsai bill's mad mountain you just hit the dice block and pray you don't get hit by the bonsai bill there's almost no strategy to winning this for star cross skyway you're just trying to be the first to get some mini stars there is zero depth or strategy again see they really should have just made one style of gameplay that was good instead of a bunch of bad ones how is yoshi bouncing off the ground like that with just his feet that's a feat of incredible strength give this dinosaur an award i absolutely love this galaxy inspired board but there's one problem it's in mario party island tour also this board is completely unbalanced stacking boosters is so broken that i managed to win in three turns three freaking turns while luigi can hold a squat for a pretty long time i'm impressed how does it boost skateboard when he floats in the air when i'm using the power precision card it'd be nice if the backwards moving characters could all move at once instead of slowly one at a time hold up shy guys shuffle city requires three or four human players do you know how unlikely it would be to find one person playing this let alone three or four holy sh bowser just launched mario into the lava pit of death that's pretty savage for bowser's usual standards [Music] yeah no you did not just catch that fish on one hook [Music] wrong didn't happen impossible new record could just sound any more unenthused [Music] so how was my boo impression huh pretty good what you're expecting some sort of interesting outro well you want me to put up the lights shave my face all that good stuff write a script maybe why should i even bother doing that when this game doesn't even know what it wants to be you tell me warning the following video is not over exaggerated most opinions shared are accurate to my vibes and thoughts so who's ready to party with bowser and get completely annihilated any takers [Music] there's no intro cut scene and this menu is incredibly boring why does amiibo have to be shouted every time i put my cursor over it [Music] i know this is really picky but if you're going to have black outlines around the characters make them look smooth at least i love how the game expects you to only spend 5 minutes in free play that's pretty low expectations so what's with this easy mini game pack aren't like 99 of mario party mini games easy great we're back in the freaking cars again but there is an option for traditional play more on that at 11. you can't even hit a dice block anymore to see who rolls first since when was anybody ever scared of a goomba even the big ones aren't intimidating isn't it a little odd that the minigame instructions scroll under the video feed instead of being oh i don't know written on the left side where there's space bullet bill bullies is stupidly unfair for the person on the switchboard they stand no chance of surviving shouldn't there be a seat belt or at least a bar on this ride everyone's gonna fall off and die this is just splatoon mario party 10 has insanely unmemorable music it all feels very generic and bland i guess we're playing paper mario color splash now so we have five boards to pick from the first mario party had a bigger selection than this there's something really stupid and funny about bowser just chilling in jail on the gamepad the backward spaces still suck they just add more time to a fairly dull board why make the car look like a plane now i just want to fly around especially on this board because this is a dope location wow we count goombas in this game that's really fun mega money moles maze mischief say that 10 times fast this is a great co-op mini-game but why not just use the polterguster to suck up the booze bowser party is a cool idea but it's so broken bowser gets so many dice blocks to catch up to everyone else and it's nearly impossible for the other team to win because of this and worse there's only 10 bowser mini games so they constantly get replayed like seriously you can cheese this game so hard with bowser just knock out one character in the minigame then the car can't move as far since there's less characters and yep bowser is just completely op an entire game mode that requires an amiibo to play it oh and uh by the way this came out when most amiibo were pretty scarce that's right the amiibo mode is what we wanted all along a traditional play style so this is basically 12 dlc and the board is literally just a square but what about the other amiibo well they've all got unique boards too as in they're all squares but the backgrounds and subspaces are different being forced to switch from using the gamepad and wii remote is needlessly over complicated i love that you can view the route when the board already fits on the whole screen [Music] hey fellow stranger that's picked me up set me down at once if you throw me you will enter the circle of hell yeah okay and i'm getting really delusional these days got a four no what what uh hello stop okay i'm sorry i believe you i what is going oh my god what is going on warning the following video is over exaggerated some opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings i hope you're ready to check out the 46 000th mario party it might be a doozy why is mario running around in a circle do you not have anything better to do so weird gripe but why does the instruction manual take so long to load and who's even gonna read this we have the internet of course there's amiibo to make your games easier who's even surprised anymore right why can i only play as toad in this mode and why are all my opponents toads did paper mario sticker star slip some toads into the game so apparently i get bonus stars at the end by just having coins i really miss when mario party actually played like mario party why are these mini goombas a threat at all i could squish them with brute force if i wanted to also why are we taking this goomba's apples he was literally just taking a nap i'm sure we could have had a meeting and got a contract signed out to get the start back but no we have to steal his apples i don't know why the game bothers to dramatically reveal the winner when the game literally shows you the stats beforehand if you are paying attention you know who the winner is this song shouldn't be this much of a bop imagine getting confused at which monty mole is the real one you know i'm uh i'm pretty sure that these guys have never had massive red fuses on their heads before i'm not gonna lie i'm starting to get used to rolling all at the same time but i do wish this was just a side mode and we still had regular mario party as well why aren't there instructions that explain the controls of playing some of the mini games if this is a way of saving time it's cutting way too much so i can unlock certain characters by just skinning in certain amiibo but why can't i unlock toadette this way just let us use the toad amiibo instead there's only 53 mini games that is way lower than most mario party games look at how smug yoshi looks he definitely did something he shouldn't have i'm watching you pal i'm watching you this is the weirdest version of pac-man i've ever seen pinball with new super mario bros 2 injected into it so according to the game this is a fish-shaped map but uh i don't know i'm not seeing the fish i'm really not as strange as this sounds i miss actually hitting the dice block with my fist it just feels so much better oh wow hitting the dice block turned into a dual mini game so that's where it went went into a mini game because it's just that inventive and cool and fun riddle me this how does moving around on the game board feels so much slower when we move at the same time every time we stop moving the camera has to pan to someone showing their balloon and then it freezes then it pans to the next thing and then the next thing and the next thing and this and that and this and that it can be such a drag there are so many mario games that have these rhythm games inside them so when is nintendo gonna make a full-fledged game out of this with all their music the possibilities are endless mario's shuffle has to be the stallest version of mario party i've ever played you move in a straight line there's no mini games no coins no stars and you just try to get to the other side and the freaking characters are cardboard for some reason and give off this creepy vibe oh no waluigi fell off the tower if you have a compatible amiibo nearby tap it to continue oh my god am i playing a 3ds game or a mobile game so all these characters in the museum have these action animations where they move around a bit when you push x but the urchin just doesn't for some reason king boo why are you just floating there waiting to get hit by the lights you're not chained up or something move out of the way looky looky knock off luigi's mansion okay this is literally just overcooked so many mini games are so similar to others in star rush i wish i could use a massive glove to fish in real life that'd be so much easier mario party star rush isn't the worst mario party but it could have been a lot better if there wasn't like 8 billion modes they should have just focused on one or two instead and really make those solid experiences so you might be wondering is mario party star [Music] rush a rush no it's not it's not a rush sorry to tell you warning the following video is over exaggerated some opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings so don't throw a party without inviting me you got that [Music] why on earth is this game on the 3ds please stop supporting that system nintendo we wanted the next mario party on the switch there's no online multiplayer yet again only local play but good luck finding three people that want to play a mario party game on a handheld are you kidding there's only eight characters eight and they don't even have donkey kong or birdo the 3d serves no purpose just like 90 of the other 3ds games on the system well would you look at that there's a total of one game board this is laziness to the extreme i mean i guess i should be thankful we aren't in cars again but my god just look at how bland the board is too ugh this is just pathetic oh of course you don't play a mini game after the turn ends what actually happens is someone has to land on a coin balloon which turns into a coin roulette and then you can pick from five mini games for the whole game and everyone's choices are spun around and it's it's over complicated the die roll only goes up to six instead of ten i really hate that everybody moves at the same time what's wrong with taking turns if i'm playing mario party i'm not in a rush okay oh god this freaking shy guy is trolling with the flags the deckathon is the same mini games every time and it's basically the same thing as championship battles so what's the purpose of having two game modes that are both essentially tournaments why on earth is tug of war in this compilation last i recall nintendo had to provide gloves to kids because they were getting blisters on their hands because this exact minigame i was one of those kids i know also i can't really use the palm of my hand for tug-of-war it doesn't work with a 3ds sadly it is still impossible for the skater to lose in piranha pursuit unless you're an idiot and trip up on purpose i'm sorry but i don't know a single person that likes slot car derby top 100 my bunk hole it's strange how they included hexagon heat as a mario party 2 game but it actually debuted in mario party 1. the graphics are more similar to the mario party 2 version but this is still kind of misleading and confusing to newcomers and it's the same deal with bumper balls maybe i'm just being nitpicky here but still i just realized not a single handheld minigame was included in this compilation nothing from mario party advanced ds and those 3ds ones i don't know or care to know the names of oh sweet get some background information on all the mario party games this could be cool and it's just one sentence about each game okay then the steering and speeding bullets isn't smooth at all it feels like you turn an increment which is really awkward when you're using motion controls i kind of miss and bombs away when the last few seconds shot a giant bomb that would come from the ship and make a huge explosion at the end the mario party 2 version was better is it just me or do the mini games feel a lot shorter than they used to be mario why do you look so happy to land on this red space you're gonna lose coins buddy it feels kind of dirty to be playing the wii mini games without motion controls whoa whoa hold on a second why can't i see the percentage of pizza we ate button mashers has to be the most awkward transition mini game trying to mash shoulder buttons with the face buttons is giving me early arthritis the dual mini games on their own make zero sense for this compilation because in the gamecube titles they feel really tense and exciting since you had to bet against your own coins but here you just play them and they're boring the physics and bumper balls is completely different when you hit someone they go flying back and you don't really need to build up speed to do that it's kind of lame now why is there only three mini-games from mario party 8 or 6 from mario party 1 yet mario party 7 has 12 there's no consistency i thought it was going to be 10 games from each mario party why did they change the mario party 3 mini game toadstool titan 2 mush pit the name change is really random and uncalled for so i'm gonna run through a list of many games that were missing from this collection so where the heck is balloon burst or hot jump rope or crazy cutter or platform peril or bobsled run or bowl over or shock dropper roll or avalanche or stamp out or chain chomp fever or fun run or speed gravity or shake it up like what the i'm sorry i got a little carried away here's the thing about this game okay only half of it is really being celebrated the mini games overall are honestly great but the lack of interesting boards to play on is really disappointing in a letdown warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings because hot mama it's about time we aren't riding in those dumb cars thank you nintendo [Music] okay what are you all doing just blabbering nonsense to yourself so there's pom pom but no boom boom or birdo they should have included both of them i can jump on the other party players but not toad while i guess getting a break from getting jumped on i'm sorry to tell you but those exclamation point spaces are not chance time it's just a happening space why does second and third place get coins when they technically lost the minigame and why is a star only 10 coins on most boards the whole system feels a little thrown off the overall game speed isn't too bad but i do feel it could move a touch faster with less animations there is no good reason that i can't select a 50 turn game so i can play for five hours straight because that's the best way to play here via versus space nice grammar guys toadette is probably really light but not light enough to be lifted by three measly balloons even to this day you can still pass up on collecting a star i'll never understand why that's an option there's only four boards nintendo look thank you so much for getting rid of those god forsaken cars but come on mario party one had eight boards oh wait let me guess in a month or two y'all gonna add more boards as free dlc and do that for a year oh yeah just add the content later like with splatoon 2 arms of mario tennis aces now assuming that's the case please stop doing that with all your games cause it's really starting to get old the golden pipe puts you close to a star but not directly on it why not just put me on the freaking star the poison mushroom takes two spaces away from a rival that is such a dick move and i love that this womp said i could hide behind him if i want to cry but i'm not allowed to do that oh uh why are you swinging with a batter you know you're not up yet right oh god this is hot bob i'm all over again but scarier yep this hand motion is definitely not suggestive in any way whatsoever nope slaperazzi the game inspired by our entitled selfie culture soundstage is so much fun but it's way too short you'll experience all the mini games in like 10 minutes so nintendo finally added online but it's only a selection of 10 mini games look let me get this straight okay i can play monopoly on the switch a board game that lasts over an hour with friends online but i can't play mario party what even the local version of this mariothon mode has the same 10 mini-games why can't you play the rhythm games in the main party mode wait a second i don't remember playing super mario odyssey good luck getting all those music notes in river survivor the whole clapping your hands thing gets old really quick believe it ah this is one of those take a break games well how about this don't tell me how to live my life mr koopa troopa toad stop being such a nuisance get out of my way this is probably as close as we're getting to another mario striker's game oh my god waluigi looks so uncomfortable in that tiny tricycle i'm not gonna lie bumper brawl is basically a better version of bumper balls but there will always be that one guy in the comments all like um bumper balls is best you dummy and then they're gonna spell dummy wrong and it's gonna make them look stupid it would have been nice if there was some final boss minigame at the end of challenge road but nope well that's one way to waste fresh water holy crap birdo's wearing a ring is she engaged or married who is she even with how long have i not noticed this i have so many questions playing whack-a-mole with money mole makes me feel like a big jerk so after taking several hours to unlock all the gems you know what i unlocked a freaking giant crown yep that that's it i stood on the thing was cheered on for like five seconds then bowser came in and basically ruined my spotlight ah poor waluigi warning the following video is over exaggerated most opinions shared aren't accurate to my thoughts and feelings so don't you dare pick me for chance time i would be moderately upset man [Music] i'm not even gonna say that five boards and superstars is better than the four board in super mario party because both games don't have enough how is mario party 1 beating out a modern switch version now yes i have heard that there's a chance for dlc boards maybe they're free maybe they're not but if that's the case stop doing that and just release the full game why is the character selection so small there were 20 characters in super mario party and just 10 here the mushroom mix-up song remix is just okay [Music] i can't do 50 turns like the old days and play for three hours straight how inconvenient you know how cool it would have been if the background for facelift was super bowser odyssey it would have been a fun upgrade to the original since that one had super bowser 64. what the hell is wrong with daisy's face really the picture beneath the tiles is just a generic mushroom or flower on a white background we couldn't have gone with anything more interesting i missed the old announcer there was so much more excitement start where's the energy the distribution between the n64 and gamecube games compared to the wii and wii u ones is astronomical like as an example there's two mario party 8 mini games only two of them that game had some really solid mini games i'm a big fan of balloon burst but the original is way more charming look at how many face expressions bowser cycles through the bigger he gets it's hilarious and a lot of fun this remake is just a typical macy's balloon with nothing interesting about it i don't know about you but the stickers are really forgettable i'm only using them to show you how they work how many damn mario party games need bowser's big blast it's in mario party 2 mario party 4 or a part of the top 100 and now mario party's superstars cake factory is a lot slower paced for some reason and same with cheap cheap chase it's been slowed down to a crawl to avoid irritation to your skin and slash or damage to the control stick do not rotate it with the palm of your hand oh yeah you can't stop me ha oh yeah you can cheese messy memories so good now literally just take a snapshot and if you forgot any of the pieces just go to your album and check it and the same thing applies to roll call look i'll admit that i shouldn't be doing this but why not right arch rival is still a super unfair minigame for the group of three anybody else find it obnoxious how noisy the characters are in minigames it's like every little movement they do they have to yell or shout something it's completely unnecessary just stick with sound effects the penguins are so loud shut the hell up oh no do you see what i'm seeing they removed the colored golf clubs oh the humanity oh no what the hell is going on with these leaves they're like fading out of existence where are they going rip the super big heads on the cars it looks so stupid but you know nostalgia why is leaf leap and what's go up both in this compilation they're basically the same minigame the scoreboard is missing in rock and raceway i can't believe they didn't include that wow there's a serious coin problem yet again players get coins way too easily just like in super mario party the issue is that there's too many lucky spaces and they're too generous which makes getting stars incredibly easy and it doesn't help that you can still get pity coins if you lose a mini-game there really should be a way to turn that off bowser no longer calls me fat in his bowser tube that's strangely disappointing what the heck dk i was right next to the star and your stupid warp block got me away from it just how i like mari party oh yeah the super warp block lets you pick who to swap with like damn this really is old school mario party isn't it why is this stupid fish predicting who's gonna win the entire game it's just a fish who cares i'll miss the way the inside of your pocket smells uh skeleton key you don't even have a nose dude ah yes the classic bowser blast where you lose all your coins if you get hit by it good times of return i'm not upset no not at all there's no big final missile at the end of bombs away anymore so peach's birthday cake has this new junction that you can take to make the map more open but you only take it when you land on the event space why can't it be a choice everybody's so focused on coins but there's more to life bowser it's just mario party why doesn't the item button also have a hotkey like the dyson map man all this talk about mario party sure has given me this incessant need to find a salty bag of carbs that'll surely kill me faster [Music] carbs come to papa salt what's all this ruckus you got crisps hey i spotted them first they're mine well i'm closest to them well i traveled miles and miles for this moment so i think i deserve them nathaniel nandy with all due respect i live outside and my boulders get hungry sometimes you know okay look great idea here let's just share the bag no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and also by the way no well that wouldn't be well themed of course let's just fancy up a mario party mini game instead you know right now no in the mario party superstars mind blowing video duh oh come on nathaniel nandy i hate cliffhangers well too late sorry
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 447,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Mario Party 4, Mario Party Advance, Mario Party 6, Mario Party Superstars, Mario Party DS, triggered, trigger, triggers, mario party the top 100, mario party 8, mario party 10, mario party 9, bathaniel nandy, nathaniel bandy
Id: pEHHNS-f6Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 53sec (4373 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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