My Hopes & Predictions For Super Mario Bros Wonder!

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after nearly six years of waiting since the last Mainline Mario games Super Mario Odyssey we have finally been given the announcement of a brand new entry for the series Super Mario Bros Wonder on top of this just being the first Mainland Mario in a little while this is the first Mainline 2D game since new Super Mario Bros U in 2012 or 2013 if you count Luigi U that is a long search of time and it's safe to say that I am very excited to see what Super Mario Bros Wonder has to offer and how it'll stack up to the other 2D titles as of writing this video we only have the announcement trailer from the direct so there is a lot of room to speculate on what this game is going to include so today I thought it would be fun to run through some predictions and hopes I have for the game you're going to want to make sure to stick around for this video because my predictions are always 100 correct but with that said if you enjoyed this please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and let's jump right into the first set of predictions now this video isn't going to have any sort of strong structure behind it I'm just going to go with whatever random order for these predictions I land on I did want to start with a thing that interested me the most in this trailer though that being the playable characters from this trailer in this promotional image alone we have six technically 10 can confirm playable characters we of course have Mario and Luigi who are in every 2D Mario game along with yellow toad he's been a prominent playable character in New Super Mario Bros Wii and you now I know what most people are probably thinking where's the far superior blue Toad well don't worry despite not being in the trailer his cap is seen on the box art so it's safe to say that he will be playable it'll likely be in the same way he was in new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe requiring the players to hold the L button to change yellow Toad's color why did they make yellow toe the main color despite Blue Toad being far more popular who knows Nintendo probably flips a coin or something Peach is also playable as well she has been in the past too so this isn't terribly shocking the last two characters though are the ones that I find to be the most interesting first we'll start with the one that got the biggest reaction out of me Princess Daisy this is her first appearance in a Mainline Mario game since Super Mario Land in 1989 which I would have footage of if Nintendo bothered to put the game on Nintendo switch online and her first playable appearance in a Mainline title ever ERM actually she was playable in Super Mario run so yeah her appearance is really cool but the last character may just be the most interesting of all Yoshi on top of the standard green Yoshi red Yoshi Yellow Yoshi and light blue Yoshi were also seen playable in the trailer now he's been in most games since Super Mario World but he's almost always just been a sort of power-up that Mario ride now that he's playable you may expect this functionality to disappear however despite Yoshi clearly being controlled by another player in this scene Mario is indeed able to ride him this feature is really cool because now we can kill actual people when we jump off Yoshi okay no the real reason this is interesting is because this clearly shows that at least Yoshi is going to have unique abilities I already talked about the writing thing but we can also see him use the flutter jump in the trailer I'd be incredibly surprised if we didn't see Yoshi use his tongue as well so since he has so many abilities while the other characters have them as well so as my first prediction I say probably not in every playable appearance Peach is made she's used her signature float ability so it would be a little surprising if it were removed I imagine the other three main characters would retain their abilities from 3D World Mario's the all-rounder Luigi with a higher jump and towed with a faster run speed but with that said there was no evidence of any special trade for any character in the trailer their physics as far as I can tell seem exactly the same that also leaves us with Daisy who hasn't been playable before so it'd be a bit hard to say what she might even do if I were to guess though I'd go with the float as well while she doesn't float in the main series Daisy has floated in Smash ultimate so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for her to do the main thing is though why would she have the same ability as Peach well we already know that the alternate colors exist for Toad and Yoshi so maybe Daisy could work as just an aesthetic swap for peach but that's all assuming unique character traits will happen and sadly it just doesn't seem that way based on the trailer footage now abilities aren't the only character related thing we have to talk about as there's also the question of if there will be more playable characters we haven't seen yet of course I'm not saying the amount we have is bad I mean this is the most playable characters we've ever gotten but hidden characters aren't a new thing either Super Mario 3D World has a secret character in the form of oh but the point is that there could be one or more hidden characters personally I'm leaning towards there isn't but if they were to add another character I'm between three different options first off we of course have to talk about cringe yourself personally I doubt she'll make it in Rosalina isn't a super relevant character right now and as we can see see by the trailer everyone could do the mid-air spin which was Rosalina's unique ability in 3D World the character I think is the most likely would be Wario just like Daisy he hasn't appeared in the mainline series for quite some time but unlike her he's actually been playable before being one of the four main characters featured in Mario 64 DS alongside that Wario has made several playable 2D appearances in his own Wario Land series so if every character is unique and wonder giving him some of his Wario Land abilities is a Clear Choice while I think that Wario is the most likely character Bowser himself may even have somewhat of a chance being the big bad of the Mario Series this would of course be pretty huge you could control Bowser at the end of Super Mario Odyssey using the capture mechanics and becoming fully playable is totally possible he would certainly be an unlockable character though I mean we see his castle a few times showing that he is in some way an enemy here while I think he is the least likely of these three I did want to throw that possibility out there because playing as Bowser would be really cool [Music] [Applause] one last character related thing I wanted to touch on has to do with those alternate colors you mentioned before now this prediction may be a bit of a negative one but I don't see anyone but Yoshi and Toad getting different colors they're the only two known for having a ton of different color variations while yes Mario for example has been seen in a ton of different outfits over the years he's not known to have a ton of different colors on top of that every alternate color for a character will need to have their own colors for each of the game's power-ups this may not be something they're very interested in doing so I imagine colors will be a toad in Yoshi exclusive gimmick with that said will there be more colors we haven't seen yet we've already seen four different Yoshi's and I'm assuming they'll be the max player count I mean four is already torture God forbid we have eight player Mario so I think we have all of the Yoshi colors we're gonna see which is kind of sad because I would have loved to see black Yoshi too as for toad we've only seen two which means two more could possibly be on the table the fact that red toad has still not been playable in a Mainland game is pretty shocking since we see a red Yoshi is playable I don't think the overlap in colors will be much of a problem as for a possible fourth toad I have no idea let's just throw in purple toad in there so I think before the game's release we may very well see toad get two more colors now it's time we move away from the characters and talk about what's probably the most popular aspect of 2D Mario games the power-ups there's a few things relating to the power-ups I want to talk about so first let's start with the returning power Ops in the trailer we see the super mushroom and the fire flower I'm sure everyone around the world was shocked by their return besides that though we saw no other returning power up so which do I think are the most likely to return well first off there's no way the Superstar gets cut it's one of the staple 3 power-ups right next to the mushroom and fire flower out of all my predictions in this video the Superstar coming back is definitely the one I believe in the most now besides the star there are two other power-ups I think are more than likely going to return first off the ice flower it's become a fan favorite ever since its rework in New Super Mario Bros Wii it works really well with the fire flower as that can kill things faster but the ice Lara can kill more things and the ice blocks can be used as Weapons or platforms seeing as the ice flowers in both of the last two Home console 2D Mario games and Super Mario Bros Wonder takes place in the flower Kingdom I think it's got a really good chance to return I mean there are a ton of other flowers like the Wonder flower and the talking flower so I think it's pretty likely at least I hope so because of one of my favorite power-ups in the series The Other likely power-up though is one that has a much more mixed reception the mini mushroom it's been in every new Super Mario Bros title something not even the Ice Flower can say so it's a fairly well-known power-up at this point while its uses may not be even close to as fun as the Ice Flower it's clear that someone on the Mario team likes it so it's probably gonna stay one other thing that helps both of these power-ups is that they played a fairly major role in the Super Mario Bros movie which definitely helps these power-ups popularity I mean that movie made like a bajillion dollars so it's safe to say people know about these power-ups so if I were to take a guess these three are more than likely going to come back I'm not going to go over every Pass power up maybe that could be a future video but some other notable power-ups I think have a chance of the propeller mushroom penguin suit super Leaf Boomerang flower mega mushroom and catsuit all six of these are incredibly popular and are seen as power-ups in either the new Super Mario Bros series or Super Mario Maker 2. the boomerang flower and catsuit especially are helped out by that game since Mario Maker 2 showed how these power-ups can translate over to 2D some of these power-ups may also be in the game in a different way than before as seen with the elephant throw this game will actually have Mario turn into the animal so I could see new penguin or Cafe's power-ups that aren't just suits I also could see the mega mushrooms abilities being given to a Wonder flower as we see it affect Mario's size at some points in the trailer finally the last thing I want to mention is that while the super Acorn could come back I think it's less likely than those six as I find it to be much less popular and we see Mario and Peach gliding with their own hats in the trailer so my final power-up predictions are that these three are incredibly likely and these six have a very solid but not a strong shot now I want to take a look at this elephant power-up because this has to be one of the most talked about elements of the trailer while the power up itself is mildly interesting I mean Mario gets a new trunk attack so that's kind of cool but the real discussion comes from the question is this a Mario exclusive power on new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe we saw a character exclusive power up for Toadette in the form of the super Crown everyone's favorite Power Up the point is though that character exclusive power-ups are a possibility so do I think the elephant will be Mario only probably not it's definitely possible seeing as the elephant fruit is red and that's like super Mario but it just seems kind of weird to me to show off this as an exclusive it looks to be in the first level too so I think the elephant is more than likely just this game's main power up so all characteristics of power-ups are definitely still on the table I just don't think it's very likely for the elephant fruit to be one and also based off the box art I'm assuming one of the power-ups in this game will allow people to turn into a Goomba seeing as that's the state blue toad is in oh wait yeah Toadette exists sorry purple toad you're being replaced okay those were my two big categories out of the way now it's time to look at some more miscellaneous stuff first I want to start with one that's more of a hope than a prediction since there's really no indication of this existing or not existing in the trailer that would have to be a challenge mode in new Super Mario Bros U this was my favorite aspect of the game this would require Mario to do a ton of different challenges whether it be to beat a random level in a certain time collect as little coins as possible balance on a platform for as long as you can and so on these challenges were not only very creative but also actually challenging getting gold medals on all of these is definitely the hardest thing I've ever had to do in any Mainline Mario game but that's what made this mode such a great side mode if Super Mario Bros Wonder does not have a challenge mode then I will legitimately be quite disappointed I honestly found the challenges to be more fun than the actual game for New Super Mario Bros you to lock so I think a challenge side mode should be included in every 2D Mario game without it I think Super Mario Bros Wonder would take a serious hit in terms of replayability and challenge so if there is any one major hope I have for this game it's that challenge mode returns now I want to take a look at what I'm presuming will be this game's version of the Star Coins being the Wonder seeds now I say that's what we can see by the trailer that they already work extremely differently first off the levels we see in the trailer only have two as opposed to the three star Queens per level in the new Super Mario Bros series we also see that one of the levels Wonder seeds are given at the end of the stage which as far as I remember never happened in New Super Mario Bros also I'm personally of the assumption that you will only get the seed if you hit the top of the flag obviously there's no way to know for sure but that just makes the most sense to me now I'm not really sure how I feel about the system personally because star coins are one of the essential aspect that make me enjoy the new Super Mario Bros series as much as I do they give a reason to explore the levels and make the game significantly better so if there are only two per level with one of them being given at the end of the stage that's a big hit however I'm not too worried just yet as I think this game will likely take a similar approach to Kirby and the Forgotten land did with its waddle Deeds they were essentially that game Star Coins but what's important for this video is that the amount per level varied a decent amount with the first level not having nearly as much as every other level in the game now we know the first two levels in Wonder only have two seeds but I wouldn't be surprised to see levels of the higher difficulty rating hide more seeds inside them also while we're on that topic it seems like these seeds will be able to buy levels based on the scene in the trailer honestly I wouldn't be surprised if some Wonder seeds are required to beat the game just like green stars were in 3D World one other aspect of the levels we saw as the second coin type being purple coins now we have seen purple coins in the past as they were also the secondary currency seen in Super Mario Odyssey for that reason I'm actually going to guess that the purple coins here will act very similarly while normal coins will be used to get extra lives purple coins will be able to buy things if I were to guess I'd go with either their power ups or much more likely Wonder seeds but wouldn't that be overpowered and easily exploitable if people can go back to the easy stages to get more well this is where I think a key difference between normal and purple coins will come in collecting a purple coin will be permanent again just like in Super Mario Odyssey that might even explain why there's some decimal purple coins as possibly every stage in the game has a set amount of purple coins hidden within it's clear that these purple coins are important in some way more than regular coins there are a few attached to spots where Star Coins May normally be hidden that's why I think they'll be used to purchase Wonder seeds or at the very least something important it may even explain why there are only two Wonder seeds instead of three as now people also have to focus on collecting purple coins which method of exploration is more fun we'll have to wait and see but I think this is probably what they're going for and if you need any more evidence to show the purple coin connection to Mario Odyssey these are shaped like flowers which means just like in Mario Odyssey the purple coins are shaped around the kingdom in this case being the flower Kingdom this is the closest we're gonna get to Mario Odyssey 2 isn't it and my final prediction for this video has to do with Bowser himself is they're keeping him fairly hidden now I mentioned before that we saw his castle but if you notice it's a very odd selection of colors it's unlike any other Bowser's Castle we've seen in the past additionally we get a look at Bowser Jr and he seems to also share a very wonky color scheme I'm going to assume that this color scheme is either them trying to use the magic of the Wonder flower or they may even be getting controlled by some other entity entirely so for my final real prediction for this video this worm is clearly the big bad I mean look at those eyes but anyways that's it for this video are you all mad that I didn't predict what level 3-2 is going to be like and hate this video because of that let me know in the comments feel free to share your predictions down there as well I might even do a follow-up video to this at some point talking about Euros predictions and my thoughts on that I'm sure I'll be making a ton of videos on this game as I'm just excited to finally be getting a brand new Mario title but with that said Dry buns for Smash and I'll see you guys next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 130,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario bros wonder, super mario wonder, mario wonder, smbw, super mario bros wonder predictions, super mario, super mario odyssey, super mario wonder hopes, super mario bros wonder power-ups, super mario bros wonder daisy, super mario bros wonder characters, odyssey central, nintendo switch, new mario game, elephant mario, wonder flower
Id: AGqYRJbap_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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