Every Luan Joke Ever! | 25 Minute Compilation! | The Loud House

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Every year, my sister Luan creates a prank apocalypse, and no one is spared. I present to you, Luan Loud's April Fool's Highlight Reel. I'd say this prank's a little over your head! [laughing] [clucking] Seems to be your clucky day! [laughing] I guess that's a wrap! [laughing] Awe, look at the Loud Family gettin' jiggly with it! [laughing] I shaved the best for last! [laughing] See what I mean? Thanks for coming out to Chuckle Condo. Lansing's fourth favorite comedy club. [Clears throat] I'm sorry, but tonight's headliner comedian has just canceled. [booing] Maybe, the comedian had so much on his plate. [laughing] Or maybe it's pasta their bedtime. [laughing] Hey Joannie, why don't you come up on stage and perform? You're already a hit with the audience. [cheering] Okay, knock knock-- Hey, Toots, let's wrap it up. If you wanna turn that play in on time, you better get to school. Just making some last minute changes to the scene. And... Done. Oh. [bell ringing] Hey Luan. Hey, what's up Benny? I just wanted to say, good luck. I hope you win the play writing contest. Oh, thanks. Knock on wood. Hey, quit it, Toots. You're giving me a splintering headache. [laughing] More like a mi-grain. [laughing] What did the bald man say when he got a comb for his birthday? I'll never part with it. [laughing] There go Bernie's teeth again. How about that talent, eh? That's my granddaughter. A-thank you. Well, this is my stop, so I mustache you, to excuse me. [laughing] ♪ I'm stuck like Santa In a chimney ♪ ♪ Been good all year So gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme ♪ Awe, rubbish! I'll say! Those lyrics make no frankincense! Ho ho ho ho ho, that's one. My 12 puns of Christmas are off to a great start. I've only got to come up with eleven myrrh! Ho ho ho ho ho! Make that ten! Come on, Lynn, they can do it. Please. Huh. Well, okay. But if there's an emergency, you give me a call. And when in doubt, use my cookbook. Every recipe I've ever made is in that thing. Ooh, you won't rag-gret this. Uh, Luan, that's Father's sweat rag. [gasping] Ugh. Ugh. Ooh, hey, check it out. Oh, I remember that. That was from the time you and Dad dressed as cattle to try to win tickets to Dairyland. Uh-huh. Sure ended up being a cow-tastrophe, but it was an utterly good time in the moo-ment. In fact-- Forget I asked, dude. The good news is the crash made the windows go back up. The bad news is now we have no door. No way I can reattach this baby. But I may have a solution. Nice fix, but we still have a grave situation. [laughing] Get it? What? Don't set me up if you don't want to hear a joke. Well, all done. I'd love to hang out and dish, but I'm sure you want to go back to your place now. Uh. First, I should say good night to everyone. Good night, Leni. Good night, Luna. Good night, Lynn. Good night, Lincoln. Move, you're blocking the TV. Well, now I'm going to have to start over. Good night, Leni. Good night, Luna. Good night, Lynn. [crashing] [gasping] What was that? Dang it! Ah, put her in reverse by mistake and knocked down the wrong garage. Can I still have your dad's lasagne? Knocked down the wrong garage? Dad's lasagne? Lori, you've got a ricotta explaining to do it. [laughing] Get it? [laughing] Lana, you'd better not be filling my sand castle with hermit crabs. Let's pick it up Lun's, everyone's got a leg up on us. This is not my optimal idea of resting... or peace. Well, here goes nothing. [groaning] [groaning] [screaming] I made that dish from scratch. [laughing] [yawning] Hey, Lincoln. Want some punch? Sure. [screaming] [laughing] If that joke knocked you out, don't miss my performance in the Junior Comedians Contest this Saturday at the Chortle Portal. It's sure to generate a lot of... buzz. [laughing] You guys hear that the lipstick and the eyeliner got into a fight? Don't worry, they'll make up. [laughing] Get it! [sighing] Come see me perform at the Junior Comedians Contest this Saturday. It'll definitely leave you feeling... flushed. [Luna screaming] Hey, Lisa, what's 3.14159? Pssh. Don't waste my time, that's pi. Did you say pie? [laughing] I'll be serving up a big slice of comedy at the Chortle Portal Saturday night. Knock, knock. Who's there? Ivonne. Ivonne who? Ivonne to suck your blood. Please don't touch Edwin. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to be a pain in the neck. [laughing] Hey, come see my act at the Chortle Portal. I promise it won't bite. [laughing] [farting sound] Gas what? You're invited, too. Thank you all for coming to my tea party. Who would like a finger sandwich? Finger sandwich? I was hoping for toe-fu. Har har. Get it, Toots? Don't be a dummy. Come to my show. Tomorrow you're going back to that mall as a new Leni. And the new Leni doesn't let people cut ahead of her in line. Ten-hut. Now, you're number one in the bathroom line. Don't let anyone make you number two. [laughing] Get it? Elevator repair, huh? Bet that that job's got a lot of ups and downs. Sorry. Didn't mean to push your buttons. [laughing] Get it? Luana Banana, it's you? Oh, hey, Dad. Is that a Monte Cristo sandwich on brioche? Uh. I messed it up. It's supposed to be on bread. No! [gasping] No. Brioche is bread. It's French. Hey, what's the occasion? Wait. This isn't a trick sandwich, is it? No. We picked electives in school, and I got locked out of my top two choices: Advanced Punning and To Hee Hee or Not To Hee Hee, The Philosophical Joke in You. And now I'm stuck taking Intro to Cooking, and I can't imagine a more boring class. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And I can't imagine a more delicious sandwich. Luan, you have some real talent. Really? I don't know much about food. Comedy is more my bread and butter. [laughing] Get it? [laughing] Good one, honey. Actually, cooking is a lot like comedy. A balance of creativity and performance. Just give me a chance to show you how much fun cooking can be. It's always been my dream to share my passion with one of you kids. What do you have to lose? I'm in. Whoo hoo! [coughing] Ugh. Say it, don't spray it, pal. Well, that ought to stop Lynn's competitive behavior. And all of her gloating. Yeah, I'd say we really got her gloat. We put her on a gloaten free diet. Unless she's a gloaton for punishment. Hey, where you going? I'm just gloating started. Hey, kids. Anyone up for a trip to the market with old daddio? I'll go. I'm out out of banana peels. Lincoln's about to use my last one. What? No, I'm no-- [yelping] [laughing] I'm also gonna need a dozen eggs. I'll go too. Lily ate all the macaroni off my necklace. [belching] Hey, Dad, want to hear some knock knock jokes? Does Cliff poop in my shoes? Heck, yes, I do. Ah, here we go. [laughing] Okay, here's another one. - Knock knock. - Who's there? - Europe. - Europe who? [chuckles] No, you're a poo. [laughing] I can't drive. You know what I want for Christmas? A bigger fireplace, What's that, Mom? I can holly hear you. Ho ho ho ho. That's three. Lily, are you stocking me? Ho ho ho ho ho. That's four. Luna's bass drum is the break, and Luan's whoopee cushion is the accelerator. Accelerator? Don't you mean gas? [laughing] Get it? [laughing] Hey, Lynn. She's our sister. This is Britta, dude. Hey there, Britta. Nice to meat ya. Ew. [laughing] Whoo! Oh, paddle boats are way harder than I thought. I'm getting a little sweaty here. Oh, no. Am I sweating, too? [gasping] Oh. Uh. Don't go anywhere, I'll be back in a splash. [chuckles] [laughing] If you don't fix this, will they give you the shaft? [laughing] Get it? Please leave. These are my rejection letters. It's like a coffin for your dreams. It's just part of the creative life. You can't expect to shoot to the top right away. When I was your age, I had to start at the bottom, performing for our pets' birthdays. What did the Dalmatian say after eating a snack? That hit the spot. Wow! Ruff crowd. Dang it, Charles. It was a long time before I was ready to try my act out in public. [laughing] Good one, Mr. Coconut. You bowl me over. Yes, that one landed in the gutter, Toots. [laughing] [audience booing] Ah! Curly fries? Even then I still had a lot to learn about comedy. So I enrolled in a clowning academy. [laughing] Finally, after paying my dues, I was ready to build my own business. How do turtles talk to each other? On their shell phones. [laughing] Just be patient and keep trying. And no matter how hard it gets, remember you always have a sister who knows you're spec-tacular. I feel a lot better. You know so much, Luan. Maybe you could help me become a successful poet. I suppose I could stanza to do that. After all, I am well versed in mentoring. We'd make quite a couplet. [laughing] Ha ha ha ha. You know, I think this experience will mean far more to father than a material good. Oh, my gosh! What?! Did I hit another trash can? No. Look what Becky just posted. She got her dad a parasailing experience, too. Ooh, yikes! More like parafailing. [laughing] [gasping] But seriously, that looks way too dangerous for Dad. A weekend at Funny Farm's Clown Camp? Oh, this is my dream come true. Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! But what's the occasion? Why do we need an occasion to spoil our favorite little comedienne, huh? Oh, wait. It's on April Fool's weekend. Is it? I, uh, I didn't realize. I don't know if I can be away from my family on my favorite holiday. Ah, but think about all that fresh meat at the camp, just waiting to be pranked. Oh, you're right. Well, in that case, I camp wait. [laughing] Get it? [laughing] That is hilarious. Where do you come up with this stuff? Oh, I swear I'm gonna pee. Lincoln, don't oversell it. [screaming] Hey, Linc, look. I don't think the clue's an animal. It's a pun. It's a navi-gator. Get it? Look. There's another one over here. I found another one. They're trail markers. I'll bet if we follow them, They'll lead us to the treasure. Captain Kip, here we come. Ew, gross. Someone put something in my zone called 'Uni', whatever that is. That would be a low fat, high protein, globular animal in the Echinoidea class, street name: sea urchin. Well, sea ya later. [meowing] Lisa Marie Loud, let us in! I'll need some assurances in return! One: I will never again be punished for the explosions in or around the house! Happy April Stools! Are those... diapers? She wouldn't. Whatever you want, just let us in! Sign here, here and initial here. [shrieking] Ha! [beeping] Uh-oh. [coughing] Towel! Towel! Towel! Where's the towel?! [screaming] Don't give up, no one likes a critter. [laughing] ♪ Dashing to the stove ♪ Hey, son, you're just in time to try the crown jewel of old Dad's Christmas Eve feast, the figgy pudding. [coughing] And ruin the surprise at dinner? I don't think so. Look at Dad getting figgy with it. Ho ho ho ho ho! Number five. Uh, I love the 12 puns of Christmas. Luan, you want to try my pudding? Sorry, Dad, yule have to ask someone else. Get it, yule? That's six. I just sleigh myself. Ooh, seven. - Ho ho ho ho ho! - Sleigh. [laughing] Oh, it's okay, Lily. - Chin up, Lily. - Awe, Lily. I've never seen Lily look so sad. You'll get that ice cream Sunday Lily. Perhaps when the road isn't so rocky. Don't have a mint chip on your shoulder about this. Luan, read the room! Hey, Dad, I think we need a different cart. This one's got a leek. [laughing] Are zucchini me? [laughing] Did you get Lola? Like, "Are you kidding me?", but I said, "zucchini me"? [laughing] [sighing] I get it. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the pasta aisle. Attention, shoppers. Please excuse this Lynn-terruption. And settle in for some Luan-tics. [laughing] Ugh, Lana move over. I can't, Lola's on my leg. I'm not on your leg, Lana. I'm stuck in the disgusting butt groove Lynn put in the couch. Who's on my leg? [arguing] Here it comes. [fighting] [groaning] Uh, Luan, what's going on up there? Looks like we've got a sit-uation. Hello, Royal Woods. So did you hear that the lipstick and the eyeliner got into a fight? Because seven ate nine. [gasping] That's the wrong punch line. Nevermind. Here's one I know you're going to love. Why did the chickpea cross the road? Wait. That doesn't make sense. Oh, "chicken". This writing is really hard to read. Why did the students eat their homework? Because their teacher said it would be a piece of pie. No, no, no. The punch line is "piece of cake". [laughing] Oh. His delivery was a little crummy. [laughing] But don't worry, things are about to get batter. [laughing] Did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato? The lettuce was a head, but the tomato was trying to ketchup. [laughing] Why couldn't Timmy ride a bicycle? Because Timmy was a goldfish! What are you doing home, sweetie? I just came back to get in a little in person family time. So, what are we gonna do today? Uh. [chuckles] Uh. What? Is this another inside joke that I'm not a part of? No. We're all totes excited that you're here. It's- it's just that-- - Game day. - Video game tournament. Funeral. Sorry, Lori, we didn't know you were coming home. All of us already have plans, and we don't want to be; someone hand me two books, double-booked. This is a brake pedal. What does the brake pedal do? White shoes after Labor Day? Ew, stop. Exactly. I gas you won't be needing this. [farting noise] [laughing] [growling] It's just for the older kids. Yeah, sorry, guys. It's just for us. Lincoln, put your pants back on. You're not invited either. Just Leni and Luna. What? Come on. Ooh, and me. Please, please, please, please, please. Fine, but you have to be cool. Cooley noted. [laughing] Get it? Don't make me regret my decision. We're now going to test an ability crucial to Double Dare victory, Spotting hidden flags. Eh, this coming from the gal who wears glasses. How eye-ronic. Insulting the team captain, instant disqualification. Darebot. It wasn't me! It was Mr. Coconut! She knew we'd go crazy trying to protect ourselves, so she just let us chase our tails. Oh, you're right. She is good. [laughing] Well, I may have burned through all our savings, but at least it's over Over? It's just getting started. [gasping] You know, family. I had a whole different plan in mind for today. But I'll save that for next year because once I saw the amazing doubles you guys found, I was inspired to do something even better. So stay tuned because the rest of this day is going to be doubly special. [laughing] Get it? You don't now but you will. What is she talking about? Ah! Stop! Stop! Uh! [groaning] Looks like spring is in the air. [laughing] I don't think Mom will mind if I just peel back the corner a little. Hold it! You are mistletoe-tally busted! Ho ho ho ho ho! That's eight. And I can't help it. The sound of the paper tearing, the smell of the tape, that moment when you stick the bow in your hair. Give me that! You gotta kick this habit, Lori. We don't want a repeat of last year. [paper tearing, giggling] You guys got some great stuff. You're right, Luan. I gotta fight this. Well, there's no time like the present. Ho ho ho ho ho! That's nine. Oh, hey, Benny. I didn't know you were in the play. Hey, Luan. Yeah, I'm a Montague, Oh, and I'm a Capulet. Guess we're sworn enemies. Ooh. [laughing] Look. My sister's a professional golfer, so stop rushing her or you're going to have to deal with me. [grunting] [groaning] [screaming] That was my club. [growling] Oh, let me guess. You want us to get our putts out of here? [laughing] [growling] Oh. Okay, so now you guys pretend to laugh at something I just said. Ooh, was it coffee related humor? It doesn't matter, Luan. Maybe you said this: Why did the hipster burn his tongue? He sipped his coffee before it was cool. [laughing] That's where Luan gets all her supplies. [gasping] You don't think she's behind this, do you? She can't be, she's at camp. I'll call her right now. Hello family, I hope you're enjoying your stay. Buckle up. There's mo-telling what's going to happen next. [laughing] Get it? [screaming] [squeaking] [laughing] Love the new look. Oh, you know me, always clowning around. Coming through! Okay, uh, gotta get some maps ready. Paprika, garlic powder. Does anyone have the time? It's 7:30. You walked right into that one, Toots. [scatting] Way to go, daddyio. Now my kids know I don't play favorites. - Ooh, you made my favorite. - What? Oh, beef stroganoff, my fav. It- it is? Yeah, Dad, you know I can't get anoff of it. [laughing] Lol, sweetie. Ding ding, darn it to heck. If I make Luan's favorite dinner, the kids will think she's my favorite and we'll be back to square one. Oh. [gasping] Easy fix. Youch! Okay, where were we? Milk. Step right up, folks! To see some egg-cellent juggling. [laughing] Get it? - Uh! - Whoops! Oh. Looks like the yolks on you. [laughing] Luan, cut it out! Whoa! How's this for a balanced breakfast? [laughing] Uh! Yount! Who did this?! We've got a hooligan in our midst. Ah, he's no fun. I was on an egg roll. Get it? [laughing] [sighing] Hey, guys, forget what I was wearing before. This is the perfect Christmas outfit. Has anyone seen all my tinsel?! - Shh. - Ooh, I'm gonna tell. No, no, no. Just ribbon ya. Ho ho ho ho ho! That's ten. My pranking is about to reach new heights. [laughing] Get it? Oh. There's no one here. [sighing] Time for AARGH . [squawking] You mean Vampires of Melancholia . You mean Prison Pageants . Basketball! [fighting] You guys can't be remotely furious. [laughing] But really, I want to watch the circus channel. So if this isn't the treasure, then what is it? I don't know but for now, everybody stop touching things. [groaning] Button. Uh-oh. It's a trap! Run! [screaming] [sighing] I think we're safe now. And also lost, bro. We really brought the house down. [laughing] Get it? [laughing] Step on it. You nose we got a gig. [laughing] Gotcha. Put me down, Bertha. What a hare raising development. [laughing] Get it? [sighing] [gasping] Ooh, one of dad's yummy brownies. Oh, wait. Didn't Luan call thi? Well, she won't mind if I just break off a little corner. Ow! The gloves are off now. [laughing] The ghost of Christmas past reveal to us where the presents are hidden. What'd he say? What'd he say? You two definitely have the Christmas spirit. Ho ho ho ho ho! That's 11. Pssh. That thing will never fly. Leave that to me. I'll have her up and running in no time. Well, even so, who's gonna fly it? How about Lori? She's been crop dusting us all day. [laughing] Excuse me. I told you it was the seat. Right. Mom? Pops? Help! We're locked in! What are you doing in your closet? Probably just hanging. [laughing] Follow me. Oh, my beloved. You guys! What are you doing? Lynn broke Edwin's fang. Tell her she has to pay for his dental work. He's a statue. The only thing I'm paying for is you getting your brain checked. If you give me ten minutes, I can warm up my MRI machine. Or we could just give her a CAT scan. [laughing] Get it? Well, that's sweet, mister, but we are pretty big family. How would you have enough space for all of us? Oh, not a problem. I've got the whole top floor. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jerry Kling, the Cherry King. [gasping] What? I-I cook with your cherries all the time. Well, come on, folks, and let me show you to your quarters. [cheering] We get the penthouse, aw. Aw, this was very cherry-table of you. Up until now, this vacation was the pits. [laughing] Luan. Okay. I'll can it. [laughing] Meet the newest member of the Loud cooking family? [gasping] Oh. He came highly recommended. And I can really dice and slice. Shall we get back to having fun? I think we make a great pear. You butter believe it. [laughing] Well, I guess that about wraps things up. Yes, I did it! That's 12! Merry Christmas! Whoo hoo! I've finally got one! I think it's over. [cheering] Wait, where's Leni? I have my suspicions. Okay, everybody in the van. Let's find Leni and then afterwards frozen yogurt to celebrate. Haha. [cheering] [door shutting] [splashing] Luan! Aw. The end of April Fools' always makes me feel a little... blue. [laughing] Get it? There she is! The winner of the Junior Comedians Contest. Oh. I owe it all to you guys. Lincoln, thanks for stinking on purpose, so I'd get up on stage. Uh, yes, on purpose, of course. We think you're really funny and we're proud of you. We're sorry we said that harsh stuff about you. Thanks. That means a lot and I know I can be a little bit much sometimes. I'll try to tone it down. Whoops! [groaning] Go ahead, you can say it. Your breakfast is toast, and that's no yolking matter. If you scramble, you can make another. It's good to have you back. Hey, why are you heading for the exit? I'm baking you to come back. [laughing] I crack myself up. [laughing]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 805,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, loud house full episode, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, luan loud, luan, pranks, pranking, every time, compilation, 30 minute, 30 minute compilation, pun, puns, punny, joke, prank, funny moment
Id: c987CP4Wu4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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