Every Loud House DATE Ever! | The Loud House

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[music playing] [music playing] [music playing] [clearing throat] [music playing] [music playing] [gasping] [music playing] [squeaking] [music playing] [music playing] [spitting] [music playing] [squeaking] [music playing] Kids, what are you guys doing here? Luna got a secret admirer letter from Sam telling her to meet here. - We're here for moral support. - And dessert. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. There's been a mix-up. That letter was meant for your father. Wait. Sam likes Dad? No, sweetie. I sent the letter. Secret admirer letters are kind of our thing. It's how we met. Back in the day, I had a wicked crush on your father. Every morning, at my crossing guard job, I'd listen for his melodious voice. And when he talked to me in that cute accent, he picked up from his semester in England, I'd swoon. 'Ello, love! Pip-pip! Mind the gap! [sighing] [honking] But I was too afraid to speak to him because I thought he was out of my league. [humming] So, I started slipping notes in his pocket as he passed by. ♪<i> Crossing</i> ♪ [sighing] By my third note, I got up the nerve to ask him to meet me here. And my boldness paid off, because here we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of that first date. I'm sorry about that, Sam. Hey, you know, sailing's just-- Not really your thing? Then why didn't you just tell me that? I just wanted us to have something in common. [sighing] Haven't you noticed? We've kind of got nothing. Yeah, I noticed. It's such a bummer 'cause I kind of thought we were perfect for each other. Me too. Well, what do you think? Should we call it quits? Well, we've come this far. We- we might as well finish the quest anyway. You know, a-as friends. Right, friends. [trumpets sounding] [gasping] [laughing] Huh? [trumpets sounding] Emma, will you be my date to the Valentine's dance? I'm really sorry, Clyde, but I just want to be friends. <i> Friends.</i> [gasping] [trumpets sounding] Clyde? Clyde? Who is Clyde? My name is Jacques, I am the baker of the cake. Ow! [giggling] You're funny. Hey, umm, I wanted to tell you something. [sighing] Go ahead. You're probably just gonna tease me about my big rejection, right? Tease you? No way. I wanted to tell you that your dance proposal was really sweet. It must have taken so much courage to put yourself out there like that. Oh, thanks. And that Italian Cassata cake you asked her out with looked amazing! You could totally be a contestant on<i> Operation Dessert Storm</i> . That's my favorite show! Mine, too! So, who ended up being your date? Oh, no date. I just came with my friends. Well, I should head back to the dance. Have a nice night, Clyde. <i> Ask her to dance. Ask her to dance.</i> Chloe, wait! [panting] I know the dance is almost over, but would you like to dance with me? Yeah, that sounds fun. I love this song. Me too. After you. [music playing] [laughing] [music playing] Oh, nice cabbage patch! [chuckles] [panting] Whoo, that made me thirsty. I'll get us some refreshments. What is? [gasping] Principal Huggins' toupee. Oh, he's been looking for this all night. [laughing] You made it, girls, congratulations. Let me show you to your station. Your last challenge is to bake an apple pie. Good luck. [both] Ooh... [both] baking is not really my thing. [gasping] Okay, two sticks of butter. One cup flour. Two cups of lard. And, uh, maybe we should mix it up now. [laughing] [laughing] [alarm sounding] Spatulas down, folks. We have our quest winners! [drumroll sounding] Scoots and Helen were the first to finish the final challenge and bonus: Their pie is delish! Congrats, ladies. Woo-hoo! Well, we didn't win, but I had a lot of fun today. I think I was wrong before. I-I know we don't have a lot in common, but maybe we can discover new things we both like, you know, like together. I'd really like that. And, uh, next time, I'll try not to hit you with any lasers. [chuckles] And I'll try not to spit any juice on you. [laughing] I think I'll hit the buffet again. [gasping] We both said the same thing at the exact same time. It's like we're literally meant to be. "It's like we're literally meant to be." [chuckles] Uh, they're so cheesy. Yeah, Yeah! Cheesier than this Fromage Con Queso! [chuckles] Oh, remember that time Bobby decided store-bought flowers were too "impersonal", so he picked his own? Yeah, and they turned out to be poison ivy! Lori swelled up like a salted turkey! [laughing] Aw, look, they're getting along! Ah, yeah, Dairyland! This was such a good idea, guys. I can't wait to check out the new cattle battle. Oh, oh, oh, I might even try to beat my personal puke record on the Curdler. Maybe next time. Today's all about the new Sweetheart Land. We've planned an awesome day, sharing hot chocolate at the Cocoa Corner. Holding hands on Fly Me to the Moo. Sunset raft rides through the tunnel of butter. Just think, that'll be you and Dexter. Blah. Hey, can we talk? Privately? [everyone] Ooh. [groaning] There's probably a way you're supposed to do this, but, I don't know it so, uh, yeah... we gotta break up. What? Look, it's nothing personal, but, the only reason I asked you out is because all my friends are doing the couples thing and I don't wanna be left out. Late bloomer huh? That's rough. - Bro. - Oh, ooh, uh, sorry, sorry. The thing is, this mushy coupley stuff isn't for me, and I can't keep trying to fake it. [sighing] I'm just sorry if you've, you know, fallen head over heels in love with me or something. Um, actually, I only said yes to dating you so my friends would stop razzing me about not having a girlfriend. Oooooh, ha, totally get it. Dude! Private conversation! Oh, yeah, yeah, my bad, my bad, mooving on. Wow, well I definitely didn't see that coming, but I guess I'm glad I'm not the only lame-o here. [laughing] Who says we're lame for not being into all that romance junk. Maybe your friends are the weird ones. [laughing, chattering] [everyone] Definitely. [laughing]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 6,525,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, loud house relationship, loud house love, loud house dates, loud house dating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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