I quit using oils and butters on my hair for a #30dayhairdetox 😬 and...

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it blew my mind [Music] [Laughter] hey guys it's chris so in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you my personal experience with the hashtag 30 day hair detox so i was scrolling on youtube a little over a month ago and i came across the youtube channel of a young lady named truly talented beauty um i was instantly hooked she's so beautiful her hair is so big and thick and fluffy and it her hair reminds me a lot of mine but she mentioned in one of her videos the idea of not using oils and butters and i'm going to link that video down below because it blew my mind you know in the natural hair community we love a good oil and a good butter okay but does it love us back so from there i was actually led to the instagrams of cut it kinky and i have black girl curls and that's who coined the term 30 day hair detox so i began doing more digging i saw they have a podcast and a youtube channel as well so i'll link that information down below but i'm not gonna lie what threw me off is that in their description it says we are we're two women from chicago taking the stupid out of natural hair care and you know it kind of threw me off a little bit you know because my thing is you have so many licensed natural hair stylists and a lot of them seem to be saying different things and plus we can't we can't ignore the fact that clearly oils and butters work for some people we've seen our natural 85s we've seen oh how i grew my hair this long with with uh this butter and i get that genetics and all that play a part in it but i mean clearly it's working for some people but anyway sometimes you have to look at what is said and not how people say things so that's what i did in this case and the proof is really in the pudding like if you look down the instagrams you see uh kinks you see beautiful kings beautiful coils you see hair that looks uh moisturized it looks hydrated it looks defined it looks healthy but from there i purchased their pdf because i had to know more they have like i think it's a 151 page pdf called washer darn air i'll leave the actual title down below and a link to it as well for you to purchase so the 30 day hair detox is basically avoiding products with oils and butters in the first five ingredients for your hair and to kick this off they actually do disclose the proper wash day process in their pdf washer darn hair so what you want to do to start this off is clarify your hair cleanse your hair hydrate define dry and fluff your hair and you'll repeat a variation of those steps with each wash day that's just the oversimplified version but they break down everything from what each step is how to do it and they also have product recommendations or products that fall into each category and properties to look for and other products if you want to you know swap some things out so that's why i recommend checking out the pdf i'm not affiliated with them in any way but after being you know on the outside looking in i think the information they give is super beneficial so i gave it a try from uh starting february 17th today is march 19th so i want to tell you guys my experience i have really have three main takeaways i'm gonna include some footage at the end like the first week or so so you can see how things go but i can go ahead and tell you off the bat this is going to be something i'm going to continue so let me tell you the three things that i found uh after this experience so the first thing is my wash day is way way shorter like like i feel like i have a life like i you know usually before we call it wash it's called wash day right you you have a day planned out like you got some snacks you know you know you're not going anywhere because you have to wash your hair and that's the whole entire process no yesterday i did this wash and go on my 30 minute lunch break now granted i did let it air dry a little bit but i mean my hair still looks it looks good it didn't take forever like it's not an all day to do i can still do other things and go on about my life and that i really love all right so thing number two i took away is that my hair actually does not take as long to dry because it is not as loaded down with products and it's hydrated properly my hair like okay usually before i could do a wash and go at like 6 a.m one day the next day at 6 00 am even throughout the day my hair would still be super damp at the roots like yesterday my hair was i would say 80 percent dry by the end of the night so what i did is i took my hair dryer and just only dried the roots a little bit put my bonnet on and we're good to go today we are back in action and the third takeaway and perhaps the most wonderful takeaway of all that i have found since doing the 30 day hair detox is that i don't use as much product that eight ounce bottle of kinky curly knot today before i would use that maybe two two and a half three times when i'm telling you i'm not exaggerating i can get like four to six washes out of it depending on how it's down my hair like at least four to five washer goes if i'm gonna do twists definitely i can stretch it even further than that but you'll see that in the footage at the end um but my products go way longer now and i love that because by saving product i'm also saving money and we love to save someone and i have noticed a difference in the way that my hair looks and feels it is like so much softer like these these are the curls that i know and love okay but that's just a really shortened version of my experience i do have some footage i'm going to play for you guys but before i do i want to know do you guys currently use oils and butters in your hair is that something you would consider would you consider not using oils and butters in your hair if you choose to take on the hashtag 30 day hair detox i'd love for you to come back after the 30 days and tell me your experience tell me if you are going to continue to not use oils and butters did you notice any changes in your hair but as for always thanks so much for watching i'll see you guys in the next video now on to the footage all right so this is day two of my wash and go i washed my hair yesterday i only used actually i just rinsed it out i rinsed it out with water because the previous wednesday the 17th i did the full wash day where i did uh shampoo i did a clarifying shampoo conditioner and the kiki curly and i left my hair in twists three days later i re-moisturized with only kinky curly and then yesterday morning i rinsed everything out with just water just a lot of water until everything was clear and then i reapplied more kinky curly and this time i applied uncle funky's daughter curly magic so the thing i noticed and this would make day five of no water no oils the 30 day challenge basically but my hair was actually almost completely dry by the end of the night and when i say completely dry i mean at the roots so i put my hair in two ponytails two puffs last night but this is a close-up of what my hair is looking like let me show you so my hair feels soft um to get this kind of weird funky shape out i am gonna use i have a spray bottle right here with some water it's got a little bit of allocate naturals lemon glass lemongrass sleeping it's got a little bit of something [Music] it's got the botanicals not sauce coil detangler um nothing too heavy so i'm just gonna spritz my hair with that fluff it put on my headband and go on about my day i will probably my intention today's monday my intention is to do the whole wash day routine um but this time with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner then kinky curly and maybe a gel if i do another wash and go maybe i'll do that wednesday or thursday but i will spritz it with some sort of moisture between them okay so i gotta tell you guys about this wash day so it's a few days later um it is thursday the 25th of february and so i just finished washing my hair i started washing my hair at 4 50. it is now 5 28 and i'm completely done with washing my hair moisturizing my hair and applying my products i even detangled everything and this is how much kinky curly i have left this is the leave-in that i used from the last clip that i showed you and everything went smoothly so what i'm finding so far is that i don't have to use a lot of product um detangling even with my hair i'm sorry i'm rinsing stuff off but even when my hair was wet without product i could still finger detangle through it so i'm really excited so i'm if you're wondering what the heck i might have surely i'm prepping my hair because i'm going to go get a haircut today i'm getting um a device curly cut whatever you want to call it um because my phone the shape of my room has grown out but i'm really excited about that really excited about my results and getting my wash day my wash day i should have deep conditioned i didn't i didn't use regular conditioner because i'm kind of rushing for time today but still it's great to do all of that in like what was it 4 50 to 27 in 37 minutes i think that's really great all right so good morning so i got my hair cut today saturday i got my hair cut on thursday so i'm going to wash it again i washed it on thursday but this is what we're looking like my hair feels very soft we've still got a lot of definition and my curls are still intact um but i'm like i said i'm trying something new so i'm gonna wash my hair today i'm feeling kind of lazy i kind of want to do a water only rinse but then again i've got a new conditioner so i'll do the moisturizing i don't know i don't think i need to wash it that much though i think i'm gonna rinse condition and reapply my product i think i'm gonna limit my washing with the moisturizing shampoo to once a week we'll see how that goes
Channel: Khristian Simone
Views: 40,892
Rating: 4.877408 out of 5
Keywords: #30dayhairdetox, 30 day hair detox, no oils natural hair, no butters natural hair, hair detox, 30 day natural hair detox, why oils are bad for natural hair
Id: q-3GvvquNW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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