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hey curlfriends welcome or welcome back  to my channel proudmane it's your girl eva   your loyal curlfriend and in today's video  guys i'm going to be spilling all the tea   on this indian secret hair growth oil um if  you want long luscious beautiful healthy hair   this is the way to go so if  you're interested stay tuned so guys we're not gonna waste any time we're  gonna jump right into this video so your first   ingredient is fenugreek y'all know how i feel  i'm not gonna say nothing all the ingredients   will be listed in the description box along with  a few of their benefits next we have tulsi leaves   i got this at a local indian grocery store then  we have cloves same place is where i bought it   and we have black cumin seeds or kalanji seeds  or nigella seeds whatever you want to call it   we have dried amla or indian gooseberries as  they're also called you can find this again at   the local indian beauty uh not beauty store in the  local grocery store and then i added neem leaves   as well this is great for treating your scalp  hibiscus leaves another powerhouse ingredient   and curry leaves this is another secret ingredient  that indian women love to use in their hair   treatments and then none other than aloe vera  make sure you clean your aloe properly wash it   drain out that latex and cut them up into small  little pieces so that they're easier to work with   and then you just toss it around a  little bit and add your avocado oil   now you can use avocado oil or you can use  coconut oil as is typically used with these   hair oils i particularly like avocado oil  because the molecular structure of it is   small enough where it can actually penetrate  your hair shafts so it can actually be used as a   sealant and as a penetrating oil so i love to use  avocado oil then you want to just bring this to a   slow boil on medium low heat and you're  going to let this cook for about 20 minutes so yeah this has been cooking for about a  few minutes now as you can see periodically   i will stir it and what i'm looking  for is like a darker brown consistency   that the ingredients are a little bit wilted and  discolored and and the aloe vera is a little bit   dehydrated and discolored as well a darker  brown color and then i'll know it's ready so this is what it looks like after 20 minutes  as you can see guys again the ingredients are a   little bit wilted and dehydrated and you're just  left with the oil um i like to let it sit and cool   all the way down before i move on to the next step  you can extract the oil while it's hot i prefer   not to so yeah i'm just gonna let it sit for a few  hours or just until it cools all the way down i   believe on this day i had it sit out for at least  four hours and then i proceeded to extracting the oil so now that our oil is ready it's cooled all  the way down we're going to proceed to extracting   the oil you just want to get a container any  container is fine any strainer you can use a   cloth you can use anything you have a pantyhose if  you want to and just strain this out here you can   see me using a wooden spoon to just press down on  the ingredients just to extract a little bit more   of the oil we do not want to waste any of this and  then i'm going to add it to my applicator bottle   because i will be doing a demo later on and adding  some to my hair and my scalp so yeah you just want   to put it away in a container for storage you can  store this in a dark cool place in your bathroom   if you'd like and then with any leftovers i would  store it in a small mason jar as you can see here   and then i'm gonna go one step further because i'm  extra extra and i'm gonna add some hibiscus leaves   so it looks nice and pretty and it further infuses  as well as it stores over time and then i'm gonna   add my rosemary oil about i think i put like five  or six drops there and that should be sufficient   and just give it a little shake and tada doesn't  that look luxurious i mean wouldn't you drop   coins on this like come on come on this is  luxurious and expensive and so good for your hair so now we're on to our application i like to use  this as a pre-poo and then leave it on my hair for   a few hours before i wash condition and style my  hair as usual right now my hair is about i think   four or five days old i only put some mousse in my  hair so there's not a lot of products on my hair   anyways but this hair oil guys it is the truth  i tell you no lies the ingredients in there are   bomb for your hair it'll help your hair grow  it'll thicken your hair it'll stimulate your scalp   and grow your hair at optimal speed i recommend  using this two to three times a week to maximize   your hair growth this oil has really helped me  grow my low density high porosity fine hair you   couldn't tell that my hair is actually fine in  low density um by the look of it and this oil has   really helped me come a long way so yeah that's  it guys let it sit on your hair for a few hours   and um wash it out as you normally would and if  you found this video at all helpful or informative   in any way please hit that subscribe button  and hit that notification bell so you don't   miss a video and you grow girl in the meantime  in between time see you in another one yes
Channel: ProudMane
Views: 506,212
Rating: 4.9443498 out of 5
Keywords: proudmane, indian hair growth secret, indian hair oil for hair growth, grow long hair fast, grow long thick hair, natural hair growth, faster hair growth, best hair oil for hair growth, fenugreek for hair growth, best oils for hair loss, stop shedding, stop hair fall, grow type 4 natural hair, ayurvedic hair oil, hair growth secrets, how to grow long hair, 4c, 4b, 4a, diy hair oil, hair growth, long hair, natural hair, curry leaves, neem, tulsi, clove, hibiscus, fenugreek, aloe vera
Id: BgvpT4xGxts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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