Every In-N-Out Secret Item RANKED

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put it up five ah I don't understand this will be known as the great burger walls of 20 ox 19 real quick guys we just dropped an awesome collection and Smosh store so if you want to get it you got to get a quick Smosh dot store hello so today so maybe we can I didn't do it oh yeah that's he caught me today we're raiding all these secret items that are on the secret menu and in and out I love it so much I've had all the regional stuff I'm from the South I've had plenty of Shake Shack up north in and out is the way to go it's so cook and it out has a very very small menu and what a lot of people don't know is that there is a secret menu so we've ordered all of them we're gonna be ranking them on this board just as we did with the 31 flavors video which if you haven't seen that go watch that right now swipe up on YouTube swipe yeah this this item is so secret that they have a specific box made just for it I know this is the the in and out animal style fries the fries are just about the worst Oh buddy we have opposing tastes I feel like that's gonna come up again look here's that here's a secret for anyone that goes in and out if it's your first time get the fries well I'm done light fried light it's the opposite of well why the a--take take a nice take a good good pic estándar at that goose that's some goose humor for you sure there's a male goose um thank you however I think we can both agree that animal style fries are dabao alright alright we're gonna be thinking yeah mmm even lukewarm aha the onions are like smoking they definitely caramelized really well the cheese is rich this gets a yes from me it's good to bear yes so I'm ready this is going let's put this is number one we can only scoot you down but this is my favorite thing we've had so far you can't disagree vault right to the front put it put it up we're up somewhere and we can always scooch it up all right animal fries I'll put it to I just want to leave room for improvement I wonder what would be the daiquiri ice of the internet world nothing will be the daiquiri ice of the internet world because nothing is as bad as daiquiri ice mmm I hate it this is who made this do you want to status it to the others is this is ice cream ice cream hell for sure should we start with this this is the grilled cheese it appears I already know there's gonna be low on the list because the meat is so delicious but let's give it a shot let's don't get in songket okay fast food commercial tip if you book a fast food commercial gotta have the tips you fingers all the people watching they're gonna bet book a fast food don't stifle their dreams fingers all the way on the edges and the tips so that it looks like a bigger burger and you've got to like smile while eating it so watch you can't believe how big it isn't like mmm that's really good I mean as good as a burger with meat on it hell no so I'm gonna be low on the list and so we should probably put it at 12 then yeah similar to the other one I'd say 11 so we have room to grow and I also just want to disagree with you just a little bit okay okay okay okay all right okay [Music] you know it's kind of looking like it may be a protein moment protein style burgers are my absolute favorite they saved my life sponsor me ended up by me in and out Shane I hate you I love you oh yeah it's dripping all over the place here triple it there's meat in there somewhere mm-hmm and it's dripping quite a lot cease so I'm just gonna take a box ease so when you roll six sixes in a row and you're like Matt see the guy who decided burger without bun is way smarter than a guy that decided burger without the meat yeah yeah to have lettuce this crisp cold like refreshing squirt of lettuce while you're trying to balance it out with hot you had me until you said word oh yeah you don't need to say that yeah I'm gonna have to take a bite number three of this cuz I like it remember that when we're ranking it uh-huh number one baby no a protein style burger is still in incomplete burger you know I'm not gonna say it so number one are you gonna really put that above the animal fries yeah but you know hey this is a team effort right yes no high team but there's a me and team and please appease me by putting that at first look we all know that that's a lot that protein style burger being number one is a freakin lie I know but what just to appease you for now I'm gonna put in one just to make you happy it's not gonna stay it's not [Music] oh the Chili Peppers are on the bottom that's what this is Oh chili peppers chili pepper I didn't even know they had chili peppers why did it require to like in keeping all the spice keep it all done to youth alright you ready to go for this all right cheers buddy mmm it's got a nice little spice you know the spice is good and it's sort of overpowers the actual flavor of the chili hmm ticket I mean like I guess maybe I'm just used to a normal in-n-out burger so some sort of addition to that flavor is very welcome I would not say no to this I wouldn't kick this out of bed I'm gonna say on the count of three one two three four five they spelled chili like the country petruchio are our translator for El Smosh is from Chile oh that's awesome yeah so shout outs of Patricio are we ready for the next box opening you know we are oh well that was kind of anticlimactic what the what oh yes there's a Scooby this Scooby Snack seriously Scooby nurse it would you do it for one scoober snatch so this is a scooper starch it appears to just be a hamburger I can see the crystals of salt in and out always looks appetizing to me I think this is the one way you could ever make it look Rosie mmm this is for sure in the bottom 12 why yeah is it literally for your dog yes oh it is hey doggies drop on the ground is this like the the unclaimed meat from in and out like everyone's like I don't want that in my burger have you ever just licked him a unseasoned meat patty before 3 2 1 not great it's going to the bottom the list I would give this call at 12 hey you know what uh Damien I'm feeling I'm feeling like a little little bit first upon my mouth can we do some milkshakes now [Music] sorry yeah let's do milkshakes I will give a little disclaimer I'm not the biggest sweets guy and milkshakes sure as hell don't like me then all these boys show up in your yard you like come on I know so this one let's do this first one okay over this is the the root beer float we're doing it oh I'm down for that for sure mm-hmm why don't you looking at me in the eyes when we're doing this Damien one of mine is it's sweet just like you huh thank you it's spicy just like you it's full lactose just like you it is less than $3 just socially it just it's just the cranium root beer basically there's malt in there it's malted vanilla ice cream in root beer and for me not gonna do sweets often if I am malt is amazing I love it so much stop saying Walton I think that's you know that's one of my words that I don't I think so so like after well after hearing you say it I don't want to hear it again tune what sauce Japan okay oh I thought it's good mm-hmm is it better than burger with chili peppers good hello I put it like a solid six oh that would have been really cool if that where it's at least take number five for us you guys so this is the Neapolitan milkshake so it's the strawberry milkshake the vanilla milkshake and the chocolate milkshake all swirled together in one delicious bunch let me ask you this has anybody ever actually enjoyed Neapolitan after the age of like eight because when you're a kid you're like I want all the flavors but as an adult like it all mixes together I guess I guess we got to try this bad boy yeah oh yes your are going I know I wasn't multi me although it does remind me of a whopper which I know is I'm nice multiple to milk ball yeah well okay so the issue I'm finding here is that there's no discernible flavor mmm it's just it's just sweet malted milkshake yeah thank you I know we just had a difference of opinion I think we did just learn that one of them was correct it's not as good as a root beer float hell I'm gonna put that like at 9:00 all right like a German person seen know hey you know I'll support I'll support that decision Neapolitan shake oh right no Marone nine Oh a V for animal style we got those special special grilled onions we got a pickle on there I guess and we got a burger with cheese yeah I didn't know animal style came with a pickle it's been a while at the very least these are some thick balls this is gonna be so good I know all right here we go baby three two one I like it I'm not a pickle man but I like it and it no burgers hold up really well over time mm-hmm like you know a lot of birdies got a soggy and stuff like you know the flavor stays so seven seven all right I'm very down for seven burger with cold cheese you asked for a B dub CC and there's how they give it to you ya know if you go to any in and out and you say I want to be dub CC with wdf hold on fries and a DC burger with cold cheese well done front a diet coke a disclaimer if you go to in and out and say any of those things will throw you right out I'm liking it more as the cheese gets warmer in my mouth which defeats the purpose that also begs the question a little bit of a tangent if they keep mixing up stuff like this why is there not like a fries on the burger option wouldn't it be dank yeah look at those lows up sighs hold up though hey fry bun I'm gonna put this down low I'm gonna put it down the way down how low can you go how low can you go yeah the lowest like you go is probably its head oh I'm on board I'm on board no look at this baby this is so dumb I'm a super on board why would you do this the best part of a burger what are you talking about why would you order this let's find out sorry that's really good I really like it this is the best part of the burger this is what you're trying to get to anyway tomato get it out of here let us have a nice day this is really good it's not great but it shouldn't be this good it's better than the sum of its parts okay I'm moving Neapolitan shaker and I'm moving burger with cold cheese Oh better I guess can you just can you just wait should we just bump all these forward right please good Flying Dutchman over burger with no cheese cold cheese to diet you've got frigging burger with slightly less melted cheese those melon your mouth and eat it but it so how's it any worse old dim irregular as burger it's just so different didn't did it really oh really good no Josh sharp you okay thank you that's for you I'm glad with the compliments so we dink the mostarda head stink i'ma start who started that's damn good even better then without mustard how's about it I'm not I'm not sensing a difference what have you a both monsters I definitely didn't get the mustard last time then eat the ass of yours can you do me a solid and never called that the mustard it's got a distinct smack of mustard not really what your palate is dead you're not a refined gentleman like myself look man half my body is meat and milkshake right now mm-hmm do you think my mental faculties are gonna be completely intact if it's the same to you put it above no I'll put I'll move all these forward I'll move all these forward and I'm gonna leave 11 empty cuz Scooby Snacks still belongs at the very ass end of this list it's 11 for the friends that are no longer here with us and that's why you leave a chair empty at the table [Music] why is the 4 by 4 4 times SOG here then the other pair is that a real question and four times as much creasing meat yeah go for it Oh Bhaiji he's headed touch every part of that burger than you alright for my poor baby that's a solid bite damn buddy that's a solid bite bite mmm so good all right it made me actually kind of miss a bun with all these other things we might know dude you know I'm just now realizing that we get paid to do what we love with the people we love and I was very salty mm-hmm yeah I think that's why it's so good so good why it's so good our bodies crave salt that's true that's why we lacrosse mm-hmm what so but are you thinking what I'm thinking in terms of rating for this thing I'm so meat sick at this point I can't I feel like I can't give a inaccurate review you know what I mean don't you worry buddy that's why we're a team but I don't trust your opinion so also I can't just go along with whatever you say let me just make some adjustments on this board don't you hold up hold up no no you said you sit your butt down I haven't gotten to do any of them and we're a team yeah but but the team aspect is that you tell me bad opinions and then I put the correct rating on here except for that gimme that I gave you if you really think that then look what Stephens doing right now oh dang it he got me so I think the four by four is the perfect perfect in-n-out burger it's its claim to fame and for good reason got your meats you got your cheese it's still a classic burger but boom okay I will fight you I will physically fight you protein style burger amazing that's a terrible positioning that's terrible what on earth do you Utley Damian be ashamed of yourself really never really protein style that high up sir listen [Applause] [Music] this early note is the great burdens of 20 opt 19 here's why I'm doing this because my go-to order at in and out I forgot about you Damien we're voting for America and the rest of the world I'm trying to distill these into separate parts and figure out what I love about each aspect of that and therefore rated with you whose opinions are wrong protein style burger right is not a real burger you're a liar and a cheat and a snake it's not Google burger you're not gonna find it buddy you're not your your cheese's perk it's this burger and there's all sorts of lettuce - protein style and then you just typed in Bern I didn't do that tell me it tell me the thought that went through your head when you ate the burger with chili peppers but today were you trying to put that old are you even get above hold on but the Damian did it make you feel something different you came in here with a very heavy bias towards the protein burger I did I don't think that about to be on top I'm not and you put four by four at number one it doesn't belong there that's an abomination it's really discussed look at it it's America in the palm of your hand yeah you know America isn't perfect but it all comes together it's better than any other burger you've ever had five guys gibbehhhh can we agree than the double-double is better than four by four Oh what this has no business being in the culinary world it's completely weighted towards salt it's not excess it's a monument to excess its we aren't gone it will be here it is an obsidian sir everything we do oh I agree with that I agree with that then do not want to eat something that reminds you of you know I want to feel something good I want to feel something new you want to try it feel something new take a bath and pop rocks we're talking burgers buddy when you bite into that burger with the Chili Peppers uh-huh you get the salt you get the spice you get that whom I mean how far down would you even put the four by four and don't you say four I put it at five ah I don't understand annal style we barely like pickles are supposed to be oh there should be below the animal Stalin this is no more jokes this is on that I'm very okay okay okay [Music] what would you put it number one chili burger I think I got us here I think I got us trust anything is about Damian what's up man the thing that belongs the number one near the animal fries I will compromise and say animal fries can go at number one because they are also better than some of their parts they're also an in-and-out staple but you're not getting anywhere else at least at the same caliber I can agree with that okay okay all right so if I agree with that uh-huh can either 4x4 or protein style be number two okay Damian since you are willing to compromise with me on the animal style fries I will put the protein style burger at two if and only if you want to put chillies we put the four by four burger above the animal style but below chili but below chilli and root beer float yes I can do that I could do that it's not just for me you're right this for America America Ferrera of Ugly Betty my best friend I think I think we agree that fried mustard is better than the rake by far I hated the rare okay great then I think we're I think we're settle I think when you do a quick recap yeah all right hey we made a year we probably been filming for 20 minutes yeah it's been about an hour and 20 minutes yeah secret menu [Music] oh we're back baby countdown the numbers of the things we ate my god you watched a second one of these so thanks well those Scooby Snacks neither munch am so they're pretty wack 11 the flying dutchman son number 10 slightly better with some mustard on nine good cheese in that salt eight not great cold cheeseburger took the fall seven a Neapolitan shake drink it all down give ourselves a tummy ache in enough secrets then you would see if it's wait for me shame by me in and out six animal style father for which eating to cry o for a root beer float classic American but it didn't write the poem chili pepper burger we put in number three burger protein style number two for me finally there's item number one and the most high price to fill up the Oh shame by me in and out I'm gonna rob you blind the guys like what we did here please let us know we want to eat more delicious foods even if they're not necessarily the best for you and this is the way we want to do it so yeah please do things are coming out both our ends we got a leave we love you guys so much I want to do this again I came in I love you buddy we don't get enough bonding time I know we talked about getting a hot chicken at some point yeah that's right hot chicken Oh remember me apply this sweet sweet Murch before it's all gone smash that star baby wow those were sure a heck and a lot of bees triggers for munching I hope you guys enjoyed watching us eat way too much beef hey if you want to see what we did last week try not to laugh to click this video over here otherwise this video over here was picked out just for you now I'm gonna go have a beef coma [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 945,692
Rating: 4.95649 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, in n out, taste test, food ranking, ian hecox, damien haas, Every In-N-Out Secret Item RANKED, food, fast food, challenge, burger, burgers, secret menu, in n out secret menu, 2019, mukbang, eating, california, ranking, ranked
Id: MylDzSr-SsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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