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so we got I don't know how much is basically every option on the menu welcome there's more an entire Domino's we beat up the employees we stole their pizza how do we end up with more non pizza looking things than radio we actually somehow I've got a blueberry pie nice okay well are you making that's your pizza okay everybody calm down shuttle of this freaking out yeah okay so we got this is a big a deluxe pizza and it's got like we get everything right we also got my peeps of the Cortney pizza which is disgusting so good sweet spicy situation that looks vile coordinator and then damn immense pizza let's stole that from my lovely delicious on Netflix its alfredo sauce onion and bacon it's pretty solid alright we deduce what this was just a moment ago this is the greatest thing Domino's has ever created the lava cake which looks a little deflated and it's just grease all the way through that's but these are these are some kind of a barbecue I know it wings no I feel like some weird like chicken bites yes okay I guess we're just digging it in what is it where's that right here [Music] that's not a win-win oh yeah oh you'd like a medium pizza and wear these this is just pizza that they rolled up into a thing oh it's delicious oh dude they kinked the Little Caesars Italian cheesy bread he used to Little Caesars Italian cheesy bread is one of the greatest things has ever been created a man if you've never had it go to Alessi's wheels we also got some other wings here think these are the classic Hollies I think these are you putting on your frickin boxes here each of you to try my pizza Courtney we're gonna try your gross nasty horrible pizza I can compare atrocity peeps I can confirm it's not groans why are you causing such a mess today I am what I I tell you once I was on a date with this guy I'd been dating for a while Wow I was trying to be flirty you're sitting in a booth and I was like that's so funny huh and I put my arm up like this okay and this is a huge spot or whatever you just like looked at it just lifted up your arm Oh Cornell he goes without saying that you're a huge mess hey David I dared you earlier to just drink Little Chute with these hot sauce packets you simpleton I said give me $10 I didn't say I would do it for $10 you need to give me $10 for price for this a point okay well in that case you ready cuz I'm just gonna do it you're gonna do it you have to give me $20 can we all get I mean it's on camera $20 for Damien if I do that no one wants you to do that [Applause] through that inside of all of our mouths is fire fest arrow sandwich why does that exhibit because you see when I mom and dad love each other very much everybody needs to think about this they don't think it's a force then the dad starts ordering that I'm gonna dress I ever said no I'm not getting that chicken sandwich is looks so pro so I hate I hate me now is just a page yeah Kourtney's froze one he'll eat the bun of mine I'm gonna hear but I'll eat sandwich ass well that's right Courtney can't hand what is this penne pasta oh you ever got some that's nom you don't have there's make their own an error right here but yet to say like you know she's in Milan I'm gonna get some marinara heaven no will sound like a Wahlberg is it pronounced marinara no one's that was like that I really wanted to like this cheesy bread but I just couldn't make it happen yeah okay without the marry now I know tomato sauce I just like knowing that somewhere out there is someone who's like hi Domino's can i order just some penne pasta please it's like a dollar to make yourself anybody else I'm behind Karen's one price up yours you try my pizza all right come on down right it is a beautiful creation you know that does not see from me why do you want to cut it so gross our crew is very dumb I'm as dumb as something called peopIe are but I'm very dumb do you know wash it down with some marinara no yes now get out of our video where the stars that's my god I got fire fest going on here it's traveling down to here eventually they'll make its way out that's what we call the Jerry Jerry that molten lava cake is very good no Darrin Darrin's called it there Darrin man behind the cam spotted the the lava cake so yeah as much as I want a camera but also come in up give us a review that wrong maybe drugs thank you my metabolism is all slowing we're just like we're actually becoming now that I know the door just boil it just feels weird [Music] yeah so much did anyone open this what is this wings that goes back to hell one second guys hi this Domino's your my favorite pizza place anyways you didn't even wait for a response that guy could have been a fan oh man I never thought about that well now they know hmm hey pizza yeah you're my favorite pizza place [Music] [Laughter] what is this I can't even tell what this is it's a fried cheese man oh you ain't living if you don't know what that is hey guys watch surprised this is literally sitting on a bed of like cinnamon we all take pictures of our dubs after this and try to compare goes the better no well it's dominoes so it'll take a few days we cork ourselves up like a bear when we need to have much cheese I never thought about that is that what bears do they cork up they eat like leaves and twigs and stuff the thing I need I jest they literally can't move it's like a cork and then one unfortunate bug is just in the wrong place at the wrong time in spring it's like it's the prophecy is the mom getting food right now so what's your favorite um type of language actually that is nasty oh my god and I don't think anybody does that except you it looks like turmeric actually okay I'm gonna try this dry ass while the cake mmm that's lovely what else last know anybody went to Domino's and ate at Domino's is that even a thing there's just like one table there I would like two large pizzas to stay it's in their bathroom Domino's that's a double Domino's yeah lava cake was good wait let me try a bite of your pizza yeah let me try a bite a bit gross I'm sure it's gonna make me be good this season if I know it means a lot to Courtney's so I'm gonna give it a shot all right here we go let's see how good Courtney's pizza is you know you guys eat that are you saying no are you bi labeled on all of everybody that's not the rules have been prom yes and I will listen the rules of improv I know what you mean does this thing listen and then I like the jalapeno pineapple has no business being on pizza it's not a lie no business being a pineapple has zero business on cheese I would never order it but if it's around and it isn't disgustingly attached to jalapeno somebody has to eat all this leftover cinnamon on this will you don't this is an Italian household we don't let food go to waste well I'm only half Italian so I can inside look at the porta-potties at Coachella it was good the jalapeno parties are awesome the pineapple part is just unnecessary I don't know that was gross on pizza I think it's unnecessary there's a million better ingredient it was so much fun your pants what do you mean whoa pants did you mean that Lake napkin yeah Courtney here not normal yeah does anybody want some of our trash any oh my god and you know what some football we got some real good Oh two worlds collide will it work do opposites attract we will find out on this episode of do opposites attract that's so invasive alright welcome back to that so invasive we have our guest here Carl Carl what's your social security number seven I'm very old I have a mixture of garlic cinnamon and grease on my fingers give me twenty bucks that smells like Bologna I'll take it home we're not wasting any food baby why do I want this happy but there's no maze guys why are we single [Music] penny do you think your guy or girl the key day all for us the same time you leave an email you might have a complete disaster uh here's here's the requirements you must be at least 70 years of age you must be at least 500 pounds you must be a grown black bear and you must be Portuguese American and Braille why the hell not oh so you gotta be real plug will corked up corked up though we all show up to a date hello Oh would you like the one word at a time interrupting hello I your lonely boy daddy showbiz baby food therapy session well-read I think did we decide doesn't sad I feel like we should do is we should have a doctor test their blood before and after this [Music] no no it is good though quitting's him I don't like putting skin you know like putting skin don't worry it's pudding you could you it's pudding you jus that sounds disgusting it's when you go to the cafeteria and it has been out for a minute but it's like a fine and you pay the extra dollar to get a nice cuppa pudding were you in jail or something no I was visiting someone in the hospital it was cuz I forgot for the first half of that story where they came from I really you know what since we're on this track but does anybody else when they get into bed and tuck themselves in anybody else wiggle around cuz I wiggle around just like I think it's like it's like heat up okay if it's coming everyman like yeah like I like squiggle around like that for a good bit and then I'm like okay now it's like it when a cat like just boxers and if I've been wearing like constricting like tight jeans all day it'll be like the feeling of like sheets on the legs just like whoa just see wiggle Italy but I got all these cats in my bed and I'm gonna prove you make some of your benches I got just to do but for the first time I the night they actually both like hot date at the same time select like a yin yang and I was just like ah now we're all chillin bed together this is one sign up for when I adopted cats yeah so I am single heads up now they have plants so I just like wine I just like once I get tucked in I put my succulents all the way around my body is there you screenname suck boy succ boy why that's impossible odds mix well what if it comes out like a hot stick that's what you call it the world is moving there wait are they still AG minds are still when you get it from the butt to the water without breakage I've never not been there I only save up till it's 14 inches possible it's like ker baloneys joke it wasn't a joke he's like you ever just lay anchor and I was like why he's like it's like your balls touches the water of like how far are your balls wait when it's a really hot day this has gone too far we're done eating oh yeah is anyone hungry after commencing blood sugar is spiking like cream okay we're all for sure having a panic attack yeah please uh if you don't yet subscribe to our channel for more of this madness please do that please give the video a nice little like see ya and follow us on all the social guys it's a it's a brave new world for Smosh and I almost just threw up what's eating you will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,813,267
Rating: 4.9516592 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh squad, mukbang, pizza mukbang, domino's pizza, ian hecox, courtney miller, shayne topp, damien haas, funny, challenge, eating show, pizza, dominos
Id: 2vrKcwJFGjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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