The movie where Romeo and Juliet are seals

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funding for shaper Alys is provided by Squarespace the sponsor of today's video Happy Valentine's Day gang so I figured this year I would serenade you all by talking about the most romantic movie of all time the greatest love story ever told Romeo and Juliet Sealed With a Kiss 2006 it's a retelling of Romeo and Juliet except the characters are seals this is a real movie that exists so allow me to give a bit of background this film is the brainchild of Phil nibbling an animator who worked at Disney for 10 years on Films such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit he also did some work for Steven Spielberg's now defunct Animation studio emation and eventually he moved over to his own independently produced animated features like Puss and Boots no not that one silly that's the one he made Romeo and Juliet's Seal movie is his most recent solo directorial effort a movie that came out 18 years ago but don't worry he recently co-directed the marmaduk movie which has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes so he's doing fine whoa whoa whoa whoaa sweetie you can't just do a video on the greatest love story of all time without me om G just hi this is my girlfriend who runs the lavender whale Channel you should go subscribe a thank you so no joke I found out about this movie and introduced it to James because of Free Birds meaning about a year and a half ago around Thanksgiving some friends and I were planning a movie night together I suggested Free Birds what with it being around Thanksgiving and all and the Free Birds meme having just taken Wing I explained the premise of Free Birds to them to which my friend Caitlyn asked and I quote is this movie just the seal version of Romeo and Juliet again and upon hearing that such a movie existed I was immediately intrigued my other friend who grew up with this movie when it was on Netflix somehow gave it a strong recommendation so we decided that would be our movie for movie night and boy did it live up to my highest zany premise expectations I was immediately captivated by its sheer absurdity I shared it with all my friends I made an AMV a YouTube poop collab and a Sherie board for when James and Patrick came over to watch it at my house etc etc the rest is history now when I called this movie Phil nibbling brainchild I don't think you understand the full extent of that not only did he direct it write it edit it and voice one of the main characters but he personally animated everything I'm not kidding every character every background it was all done by this one guy 112,000 frames of Animation that got done over the course of 4 and 1/2 years that feeling when you have to do all the work in the group project I can't even imagine doing that much effort for anything it's an absolutely commendable feat regardless of how um how well why don't not tell you how the movie itself is so it starts with some epic Zoomin on these Cliffs followed by some iconic narration very similar to the original story there live two fam alike in dignity differing only in color huh well that's a change from the original oh well they're just seals there probably won't be any weird lines or implications about them being different colors later on I also want to point out the opening narration calls seal Romeo and seal Juliet Starcrossed lovers even though spoiler alert they end up living happily ever after that's not what starcross means this is a pet peeve of mine when people use starcross to mean Super in love or meant to be when what it actually means is crossed or cursed by Fate as in these lovers must die anyway you know how it is two families hate each other and we get to see that in a little Kur fuffle between some capulets and two of the monu Ben volio and Mario and since this is a Shakespeare adaptation you better [ __ ] believe Mario is going to speak in random out of place Shakespeare references to be or not to be that is the question like there's no reason for him to be saying these things at all they barely fit the situation but hey it's a Shakespeare story so they got to do references to other random Shakespeare things why not oh and don't worry he has normal dialogue later I promise so the fight escalates into an all out uh yeah it's a race war there's no other way to describe this I couldn't make jokes about the um expert fight choreography going on here but like you got to remember that this is just one guy animating all these characters it's actually pretty impressive the sheer number of expressions and movements on display here and that's not even getting into the pretty cool use of colors like when the sky turns an ominous mixture of red and yellow as we prepare for our villains introduction like you know what there is effort here and I got to appreciate that and Phil nibbling should take all the compliments he can get cuz there won't be a ton of them in this video so as I was saying it's time to meet the villain of the movie The Prince voiced by the man the myth the legend Phil nibbling himself your very lives will pay the price you know what if I was making a movie like this this is the character I would cast myself as to he informs the quarreling families that if they don't knock it off they will get banished to shark Island which is an island that is shaped like a shark's fin and there's also a singular shark guarding it I love so many things about shark Islands but I think my favorite detail is the fact that almost every single time you see it in the movie It's shaped slightly differently but you know what that just means Phil went the extra mile to redraw it every time instead of just reusing the same drawing of it which would have been easier and made it look more consistent but you know what he put that extra effort in and we should applaud that so now that we've met the villain oh and also Juliet has already appeared just watching the fight she was there the whole time they just never acknowledged her uh anyway now it's time to meet our Romeo and he has a very interesting body shape that's a penis this is the best shot in the movie so Romeo is really sad cuz he doesn't have a nice seal lady in his life but don't worry his good buddies Benvolio and Mario are here to cheer him up with a song oh yeah did I forget to mention this is a musical [ __ ] and I think the first song Here is a great indication of the quality of the rest of the songs in this movie someone to love to call my own someone who wants to share my home yeah he's uh he's just kind of speak singing the words for the most part musicals uh at least the background instrumentals are kind of nice I don't know it's kind of an instantly forgettable song but not terrible I suppose it is worth noting that some random fish shows up and kisses him and then he randomly kisses the the fish back again this fish isn't properly introduced or anything but remember them they will be coming back later so Romeo decides to take his friends's advice and try and meet a girl at this party and I know what you're thinking yes Mario does say parying is such sweet sorrow but he changes party to partying partying is such sweet sorrow thank God could this movie call itself an accurate representation of Shakespeare's works if we didn't have that we get a glimpse of this party where all the seals are just copy pasted and dancing in unison oh so Phil can copy paste character movements but he's too good to copypaste the design of shark Island anyway there's just one problem with our montigue boys attending this party this is a Capulet party they will kill us uh-oh how can they possibly get in simple really it's the obvious solution they just have to do white face they just roll around in the snow for a little bit and Presto they're white now what's uh what's going on with this movie so they attend the party Mario is single and ready to mingle Benvolio is only interested in the food you see this is funny cuz he's like the fat friend and so that means he likes the food that's the uh that's the that's that that that's pretty funny I think and Romeo has his eyes on a certain lovely Capulet girl named Juliet but unfortunately so does the prince he's creep and he has the most rancid breath of all time and Romeo is not having it look at that naaza you know any movie that unironically uses the word schnaz Ola is okay in my book so the prince wants to marry her after dancing with her once which is absurd but it's not like the main protagonists of this movie are going to do anything similar so it's fine Mario improves the mood with the second song of the movie which is even less of a song than the first one is like 20 seconds long and he speaks through most of it de this is embarrassing hey bolia said it not me the prince sees Romeo and Juliet falling for each other and he prepares to murder our boy leading to a wacky chase scene throughout it all the little moments Romeo and Juliet share are actually kind of cute and it's made cuter by the fact that they're actually voiced by a husband and wife Duo that's kind of sweet I feel like every single compliment I have for this movie is something that you need to have behind the scenes knowledge for like that casting choice and the fact that this is all anim by one guy without that knowledge how much is anyone going to get out of this movie I don't know I guess I can compliment something on the surface and say that I think Mario's voice acting is pretty good hey us Bing banging I like this voice actor his delivery Works huzzah in general I'd say this movie has pretty solid voice acting with one exception that we'll get to eventually the prince finally succeeds in eating Romeo before he gets knocked out of his mouth by Mario what was the the prince chewing then cuz it clearly wasn't Romeo he's fine oh well Romeo falls into the water and then gets ousted as a nonwhite seal scandalous you might be thinking it's kind of cool that this movie is taking a stand against racism and using seals to do it but I don't think that was the intention at all I feel like all the weird racial undertones in this movie are just a complete accident like Phil didn't think any of the implications of a war between white and brown seals through it all at least I hope that's the case because of this next scene basically the equivalent of the original plays famous balcony scene you know it starts out like normal oh Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo the usual shiz except of course they get the meaning of wherefore wrong it's why not where SMH my head I got to dock points for that and then Juliet says this but it's only his color that's my enemy huh oh what's in a color excuse me if only you could could change your color what man I love you Romeo but if only you were white then we could be together this is the children's version of Romeo and Juliet again I feel like this is just an example of not putting any thought into a metaphor whatsoever like Phil was just thinking how do I convey to children that these two families are different oh they're two different colors children would understand colors being different better than family names I mean I guess but out of all the possible colors why did you make them white and brown what was going on there Phil you know gray seals exist right I'm pretty sure there are also Blue Seals also it's a cartoon and you can make them literally any color you want it doesn't have to be realistic just just just why is it white and brown I don't understand but whatever back to the movie about the seal race war oh goody we get our third song Perhaps the best one yet in the sense that it's it's also kind of fine at least they're obviously singing this time and not just speaking the lyrics speak for yourself I thought the best song up till now was a girl that's right for me at least that one has a distinctive melody in the chorus this one just sounds like surreal ambient noises you are my star they should have sung airplanes by Bo because this entire romance has the same energy as that morat Meme from a few years back plus airplanes also has star imagery that could parallel the recurring star imagery in the play which I think is what Lucky Star the title of the balcony scene duet is Lucky Star by the way was going for oh well this song is okay I guess except the lyrics are garbage I will love you now and forever I won't leave you ever that's the same thing you can't just rhyme ever with ever what are you doing they fly through space they fly down that path to get the star in Luigi's Mansion is cute I suppose so they're going to get married yay you know how that goes and Romeo is so excited that she said yes that he kisses that same random fish from earlier what why oh well at least that fish is definitely not coming back anymore the next scene is Benvolio and Mario just vibing and Mario tells him a bunch of jokes why wouldn't the clam share his toys because he was shelfish that's it that was the scene you might be thinking that was just there to get some easy laughs out of the four-year-olds in the audience but no that was sewing the seeds for a conflict that is relevant to the plot you'll just have to wait and see what it is now would be a good time to mention that it's kind of weird that they kept Romeo's friends in this adaptation but then they cut out the character of Juliet's nurse entirely Juliet has absolutely no one to confide in she's pretty much the only female character in this well except for one that we haven't gotten to yet but yeah surely this is the sort of movie that would have a force side romance between Juliet's nurse seal and either Mario or Benvolio seal it really doesn't matter which one they would would have like one or maybe even two scenes together with no chemistry and instantly fall in love tell me you're not seeing the vision there anyway now we get to meet the best character in this frier Lawrence he's just kind of funny what can I say I enjoy him you two can't wait until after the wedding he even gets introduced with another double bubble toil and trouble line bubble bubble toil in trouble which Mario already said earlier this movie is going to teach your kids random outof context Shakespeare quotes and you are going to like it but it turns out the thing he was making was a comically large sandwich I like that this movie is speaking my language so Romeo tells the frier about his love and he gives the gayest little giggle I've ever seen the frier gets the two of them married makes a very unsettling face as he does so and then they're off to their honeymoon but before we can get to that scene it's time for more hilarious jokes with our buddy Mario wow these slay me oh boy oh brother slow down with all that funny what do you call a Capulet with one brain cell gifted hey wait a minute you just stole that from The Lion Kake one and a half what do you call a hyena with half a brain GI I'm on to you Phil but tragically Mario's anti-c Capulet humor starts to attract the wrong crowd his jokes also get kind of [ __ ] up do you know how to save a drowning Capulet no good one of our Central characters in this children's movie is okay with murder that's pretty funny what do you call 500 capulets buried at the bottom of the ocean a good start scratch that he's okay with mass murder which is hilarious I think these jokes are getting too funny for me why don't we take a break and hear from today's sponsor this movie has Surfing in it and it also has a shark I think you know where I'm going with this why don't we put those things together and hear from Squarespace what why you look at me like that oh wait a minute Squarespace is an amazing online website builder that enables you to create beautiful websites for your business or personal hobby create your own online store to sell your products whether they be physical digital or service products you better believe Squarespace has the tools you need to start selling online hop on in with one of their professional website templates with designs for 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this was just a dumb feud between these two families but why does every other sea creature care about these two being together they even try and murder the two of them like what stake do any of these non seals have in the feud between the seal families maybe it is a race thing jeez I think this movie might have the highest amount of race RAC IST characters in any animated kids movie I've seen but this doesn't deter our Starcrossed couple they escaped to this lovely Island Getaway where no racism can find them a oh my God even the Birds are racist what's going on how far does this go whatever he leaves and they have some privacy but not for long do you remember that fish that Romeo kissed a few times they actually showed up at the Titanic and they were the one person to defend the couple that's nice well guess what they're back let me introduce you to kissy the kissing fish the worst character in Romeo and Juliet Sealed With a Kiss 2006 kissy was voiced by Phil nibbling daughter who was 3 years old at the time production started and a lot of this character's dialogue is just this child's incoherent babbling that Phil thought was really funny and put in the movie was the dialogue funny enough to be worth it babies my stinky babies PE you I don't no man you be the judge so Romeo and Juliet realize that the prince is after them and if he doesn't find them he's going to go kick Mario's ass so they got to go save him and this is where the masterful setup of Mario telling terrible jokes finally pays off because the prince shows up and Mario turns this massive roast towards him yo blubber butt I wonder how deep the ocean is when you're not in it he literally cannot stop insulting the prince with his jokes like he just cannot turn off the silly he's a silly guy and it's time for him to pay the price hey blobber nose yeah that was definitely not to take stitch together nope not at all anyway marush falls off the cliff and dies oh no did he hit a rock on the way down no he kind of just fell in the water yeah yeah this movie would definitely have the balls to kill him off this movie uh-huh sure yeah spoilers he's actually alive just so you know I wouldn't really care this much if they didn't pretend he was dead like why bother with that but oh well the prince is pissed and wow this shot of him laughing is the most Flash animation to ever be flash animated maybe Phil was just tired of hand drawing that day you know what I genuinely can't blame him this is fine I like how concerned Romeo's dad always sounds about his well-being Romeo he's so invested and that's very admirable okay enough stalling it's time for Romeo punishment for transgressing against the prince he is banished to shark Island farewell Romeo gone but not forgotten doomed to a life of being surrounded by one shark like that that's it I'm genuinely so curious about the logistics of shark islands like I assume they named it that cuz it looks like a shark's fin but is that what attracted this shark to live there what happens if he leaves then it's not really a good punishment anymore I mean maybe there are other sharks that we don't see who circle around here but I like to imagine it's just the one it's funnier that way all right now it's time for the moments you've all been waiting for the villain song Yes this movie has a villain song and I got to say it's the best song in the entire movie it's like a five out of 10 Juliet and I are getting married tonight baby baby that's all right what a sight like it meets the Baseline requirement for Creative visual It's relatively catchy and the uh the vocal performance isn't the worst thing in the world I don't hate it and yeah I'm sure you guys are wondering so I will say that it is my genuine opinion that this is a better villain song than this is the thanks I get I'm not exaggerating for the sake of a haha funny gacha to wish this is genuinely better not by much but it's admittedly basic lyrics Don't make me cringe and at least they rhyme Disney could have hired Phil nibbling back to write the lyrics for wish's songs and they probably would have turned out better that's honestly so sad that I don't take joy in reving in it the prince is a self-confidence icon he's just been rejected yet he sings about how hot he is anyway the motivation we didn't know we needed please make this guy a Tumblr sexy man anyway we cut back to Romeo on shark Island and he's really sad but don't worry kissy the kissing fish is here to make it all better in fact our last song was 2 minutes ago but you know what but it's time for another one damn it let's hear what kissy the kissing fish's little song sounds like okay here's my little song drinkle drinkle little St you know I'm going to take a while guess and say that she didn't write that yeah who needs original songs anymore when we can randomly shove Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in there I assume Phil just couldn't get his daughter to sing anything else since she was like anywhere between the ages of 3 and seven when she recorded this so so it was either this or don't give kissy the kissing fish her own song and we can't have that we just can't I think Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was chosen here because of the recurring star imagery in the original play that I mentioned earlier but yeah the brightness of her cheek would shame the Stars this song is not I mean to be fair it's not like we're going to have another song for a while so yet I have an idea that you might like oh my God stop it's only been two minutes since Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which was only 2 minutes since this is the thanks I get but better I like musicals and I think this is too much give it a rest anyway what's going on in this scene uh Juliet told frier Lawrence about the [ __ ] that went down and he's like hey you should kill yourself now but just fake kill yourself you know how the story goes she's going to drink this poison so it looks like she's dead and she doesn't have to Marry The Prince and frier Lawrence explains this through the most Sinister sounding song song that isn't a villain song drink this potion before you wed you go to sleep but the think you're dead like why is he in Shadow why is he so intense and menacing why does he give an evil laugh at the end man I don't know your guess is as good as mine cuz he's not evil so like why because they needed to rip off The Little Mermaid jeames oh what a tangled way we weave yeah you said it marush wait didn't you die I mean I knew you weren't dead but why is that revealed here why is he pretending to be dead I don't understand what's going on anymore but the movie is almost over we can get through it together so now it's time for the prince to Wed Juliet but uh-oh the frier is here with some bad news Juliet is dead oh women it's always something okay that's actually pretty funny but oh no Benvolio thinks she's dead for realy so he goes to tell Romeo and frier Lawrence must stop him but oh no again he can't because he has a run in with the shark of shark Island Fame it's a scene so dramatic they play the same dramatic sting two and 1 half times in 15 seconds wait why does it always have to be a shark that's how you know this [ __ ] is serious so while frier Lawrence is occupied with the shark Benvolio gives his friend the bad news she's dead why does it look like that oh my God I love this movie so Romeo sees her lifeless body at the altar and how do we follow this dramatic moment up come on shocky you big ugly whale don't you want to bite my nice FY tail this is not real this this is not a real film I'm Dreaming this is a dream if you somehow went into Romeo and Juliet Steel movie without thinking that the climax of the film would be frier Lawrence getting chased by a shark as wacky music plays then you need to get your head checked cuz there was no other way this story could conclude it was all building to this and good news kissy the kissing fish is here to save him with Terminator references come with me you want to live we stop baby I'll be back and also saying this I think he's suffering from attention deficit dis orderer again this is not a real movie this is not real I am not awake right now anyway now that the climax of the film is over I guess we have to resolve the Romeo and Juliet stuff whatever so Romeo kisses her and the poison on her lips poisoned him too so now they both look dead Romeo's dad sounds as invested as ever Romeo and then to really drive the tragedy home we get a dramatic instrumental repre of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star doesn't that make you feel so sad then frier Lawrence gives his big speech to the families about uh you guys get along already we are all punished yeah all punished oh my God shut up anyway this scene where everyone's sad about these kids being not actually dead is a little too sad how about we have Mario surf on in baby yeah nothing matters this is a happy ass story tone isn't real I'm not really saying I wanted them to kill off any characters in a seal adaptation of Romeo and Juliet meant for little kids but this movie really wants to have its cake and eat it too they want to have Mario functionally dead within the story for a while but then he was just faking it for no real reason and he comes back with no explanation and while it would be really dark to kill off the main couple in a movie like this it pretty much entirely negates the impact of frier Lawrence's speech like oh nice going you killed your children except they're not actually dead and this was an elaborate scheme to make you stop fighting like do you think that would actually work on these seals I don't know ultimately I don't really care that much this is a fine enough way to introduce kids to the basic plot beats of this famous story I just find it a bit annoying how they kept the death beats but removed the actual death these violent Delights have generic 2000's animated Kids Movie dance party ends yeah everybody's happy I guess do we forget anything oh yeah the main villain of the story he's still a thing so he shows back up and then he just eats Romeo and Juliet you know what sure why not but good news we found a solution to deal with him out of nowhere there's a girl elephant seal that shows up she looks almost exactly like the prince but you can tell she's a girl because she's pink and she has lipstick and boobies oh Romeo and Juliet Sealed With a Kiss 2006 never change so our main couple swims off and the credits start rolling and they're in comic Sands be honest were you expecting anything different so that was Romeo and Juliet sealed with a kiss and I have to say it wasn't terrible oh it wasn't good either not even close but there's just such a significant charm to with that I can't deny every single aspect of it from the animation to the voice acting to the writing is done in complete and utter Earnest everyone involved in this is giving it their all is their all particularly good no but honestly that's totally okay I derive a hell of a lot of ironic enjoyment from just how weird and baffling this project is and more than anything I just really respect Phil nibbling determination and drive to animate this entire film himself like I can make fun of the weird ass final product all I want but at least he made something on this scale which is more than I've ever done it's very impressive for a movie animated by a single person and I don't think its quality matters nearly as much as the sheer amount of Joy I've derived from it I'm kind of ironically obsessed with this movie in a very sharktail asque way and I believe it's very much worth your time to check out and all honesty it's only an hour and 16 minutes what have you got to lose I think one of the most fascinating things about this movie is how well it straddles the line between so bad it's good and genuinely good like the animation is bad yes but for all being created by one guy it's impressive the script is bad yes but some jokes really land and some banter is cute plus it manages to adhere more closely to the original Romeo and Juliet play than any other kids's adaptation I've seen which isn't many just like this lion kid King to and Nomo and Juliet but still and it's also probably just because they lean so hard on that Source material for lines but you'd be surprised what makes it in here like any old Romeo and Juliet adaptation can include wherefore art thou Romeo or Rose by Any Other Name but this movie has the Deep cuts paraphrases of he gests at scars that never felt a wound or my ears have yet not drunk A Hundred Words of thy tongue's uttering it's all there and Shakespeare is even credited as a writer that's fun this has got to be one of his best Works in my opinion and I can say that because I'm an English literature major who's taken four Shakespeare courses and did her senior thesis project on adaptations of 12 night overall as James said Romeo and Juliet Sealed With a Kiss is very Charming in its incompetence and will always hold a special place in my heart the movie is free on YouTube I'll be it missing the last 3 minutes which are on YouTube separately as of time of recording so feel free to check it out and like free birds let's all campaign to get it back on Netflix oh and don't forget to log it on letter box as well five stars obviously that's not my actual opinion but I did it cuz I thought it would be funny it is my actual opinion I don't know what you're talking about sure sweetie sure Happy Valentine's Day Gamers and good night shark [Music] Island [Applause] oh
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 377,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Romeo and Juliet Sealed With A Kiss, Schaffrillas Productions
Id: ek5TuyFb6lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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