Day Care Pokémon Meme Review

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(Michael claps) - Pokemon meme review. ♪ Leave your entries in the subreddit, Pokefans ♪ ♪ And I'll watch submissions in the next episode of ♪ ♪ ASPITPIAY ♪ - Greetings, Pokefans. Michael here and welcome to the newest episode of ASPITPIAY, at some point in the past I asked you, my ongoing monthly series where I react to submissions on my subreddit r/MandJTV. And since most of those submissions are memes, the alternate name for this series is Pokemon (claps) Meme Review. That's all I have for the intro stuff, so don't forget to subscribe to my channel, pick up some merch at and let's dive in. Here we are on r/MandJTV, sorted by top in the past month as I always do. And this top one is "saw a baby crying. "Tries to comfort the child." Very on brand for Dragonite. "Tries to make the child laugh." Sure. "Doesn't care." (Michael laughs) Dragapult is certainly a Pokemon that would not care about the well-being of a child. "Cries after the child. "Is the reason why the child is crying. "Puts the child in a fridge." Oh my. "A Psyduck plush? "Perry the Psyduck plush?" (Michael laughs) That was pretty good. They need to make a platypus Pokemon. I don't think they've ever done that. "He died fighting." Oh, it looks like Hitmonlee. It does! "Green Ninja. "I don't know. "I never played Gen 6." (Michael laughs) That's pretty good. Now that I think about it, I'm not entirely sure what the "gre" in Greninja comes from. Ah. Gren... It's the French word for frog, which is, grenouille. I don't know. French is a silly language. "Rare picture of Bede trying to get back "into the Pokemon League." Aha! Another Saxolotle comic. Let's read. "Hi, I'm Bulbasaur." "And I'm Squirtle." "And this is Pokemon-" "What the heck is that thing?" What is that thing? "Squirtle, that's our guest Tofrug. "He's a Lockemon from the Kaskade region." Oh, is this a Pokemon, oh! Oh, from Lockstin's thing. I love the face on Squirtle. That's very good. "Lockemon? "Is that a new Mega evolution dynamax gimmick?" "No, it's-" "Pokemon's getting too complicated! "It was better when it was just Kanto, "not this new Cascoon Region." "In his deeper pilot voice." Oh, oh! For a second, I was like, when did Squirtle fly planes? And then I remembered they're talking about the first episode when Squirtle's voice was much deeper. Weirdly enough. "I'm a Genwunner again. "There's nothing you can do to stop me." "Squirtle-" "My name is Crumpet Boy." (Michael laughs) "Okay then. "Today on Pokemon Talk we have a very special guest. "Everyone give a warm welcome to Tofrug. "Mikey, Saxolotle, "and many more people are eagerly awaiting your fan game "to come out. "How does that feel?" "Pretty good, I must say." (Michael laughs) Welcome, you just got a backstage view of the creative process for Pokemon Talk. What should this thing's voice be? (Michael groans) - Aha! It is I, Grunty Boy. - Here we go. What brings you here today? - The most important thing that's ever brought me here before. I am hungry. - Do you not have food at the hideout? - Well, we do, but Slowpoke tails get old after a while. - Oh God! Seriously? - No, I'm just kidding. We've reformed since then. Mostly. I was mainly talking about breakfast food. All they have is this really high sugar cereal that makes me feel awful after eating it and is definitely not good for my impeccable physique. - Well then you should try Magic Spoon cereal, the sponsor of today's video. It's cereal reinvented, delicious without all the bad for you sugar. The variety pack comes with four tasty flavors; Cocoa, Peanut Butter, Fruity, and Frosted. And all of them have zero grams of sugar, 13 to 14 grams of protein, and only four grams of net carbs. There's only 140 calories per serving, and it's keto friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, and low carb. - Wow, that's amazing! It's that healthy but it tastes that good? - Oh, absolutely! I've been enjoying it for breakfast. It reminds me of the cereal that I had as a kid but way healthier. - All right, I'm convinced. I'll take your entire stock! - Wait. Hey, those are mine! - Not anymore. Ta-ta! - Oh, come on! (Michael groans) Well, he stole my cereal, but you can get your own by heading to, linked in the description below and using code MJTV for $5 off your order. Thanks so much to Magic Spoon for sponsoring, But now back to the video. "If it's free, I'd 100% play it." Guys, if it's any Pokemon thing, you can't charge for it without risking severe legal action. "My trainer Lockstin is working very hard "on making a great game for our fans. "We can't wait to release it." "Like how Ash can't wait to release his Pokemon." What the heck is this outfit? That's actually adorable. "Man, I sure am glad Psychic types are still OP." Bulbasaur just 100% done. "You know that in Gen 1, "people used Squirtles as Water HM mules, right?" "Dang it, you're right. "Gen 1 did kind of suck." "Now that I made the Flying type Castform you wanted, "can you let our institute go?" (Michael laughs) "Hail no! "I need to abuse this power!" (Michael laughs) "Nana, what's that noise?" "It's nothing, Mikey. "Go back to bed. "There's something that Nana has to do. "Well, look who it is. "Back again, I see. "Tojehpi." What is that face? "If you so much as lay a stub on my grandson, "I'll send you on a one way trip to Lavender Town." What? These are clearly not all the same comics. I've just missed some. "Name?" "Mikey! "But I also go by "'the fearless leader of Hoenn's best evil team.'" "Okay then." "Huh? "Like Maxie and Archie, right?" "No. "Mikey is spelled like normal." Oh, M-I-C-K-Y. (Michael laughs) "What?" "Just write Michael. "Man, life sucks." "You don't know the half of it." I love that he's got a cocktail. Rick? Why is Cyrus's name Rick? "So you literally saved the world "from two legendaries, right?" "Indeed." "And you're very against air pollution too." "Well, of course, who isn't?" "Also expanding the sky will do literally nothing "if it's even possible at all." "Well, I wouldn't say that." "It looks like you're not evil at all." "You take that back!" (Michael laughs) I am evil! (Michael laughs) Oh, I just noticed the caption. "110% evil equals 50% evil." "So have you ever seen an episode of Pokemon Talk now?" "No, there's not enough sky representation. "Skydios was on one once though. "He told me that you got Primal Groudon and Kyogre here "like idiots and encouraged they're fighting. (Michael laughs) "Man, Skydios hated you guys for that. "He still kinda does." Oh, Squirtle's hat! That's so cute. "That's amazing! "Not the hating us part, that was pretty sad. "But you can understand a Rayquaza? "I can't believe you can talk to Pokemon. "How lang have... "Oh, I suppose it was pretty obvious, wasn't it?" "Land creatures, I swear..." "Tell me about it." (Michael laughs) That's pretty funny. "Squirtle, what the heck are you doing? "And how the, what did you do to him?" "Two Bulbasaurs! "Today is a good day!" "No, not again!" (Michael laughs) Oh, that's chaos. I love it. Bulbasaur and Squirtle are drawn so cute in these. "Squirtle, what's wrong?" "What's this style we're in? "It's so simple. "I hate it. "Where is the detail? "The shading?" "Be nice! "Saxolotle doesn't need to do all that." "And it's not faithful to the original." "Are you trying to make the artist angry?" "Happy now, Squirtle?" "Yeah, this is great. "Look how thin I am." (Michael laughs) Also, I like the saxophone and the Mudkip to represent Saxolotle. That's great. Oh, Saxolotle, your comics are always so lovely. I love that the lore of my silly videos can result in a whole comic universe. "This one sparks joy. "This one sparks Jenny." "Interesting to see this LOL." (Michael laughs) Oh! Oh, you've caught me. Seven years ago. Me simping on the internet before simping was even a term. "Haxorus looks a little scared of Silicobra. "Silicobra looks like it wants "to get to know Haxorus better. "Silicobra seems curious about Haxorus. "Haxorus seems to like Silicobra a lot." That's adorable. "I caught a shiny Feebas in Pokemon Go." Yeah. Go shinies are cool but just not as exciting. "Pokemon fans. "After all these years. "Sinnoh remakes, open world Pokemon game, "Cyndaquil's flame fixed. "Finally I have them all." Ah! The houses of Hogwarts but with Pokemon. You got Pyroar for the Gryffindor lion, Serperior for the Slytherin snake, Linoone for the Hufflepuff badger, and Honchkrow for the Ravenclaw raven. "KFC, spicy KFC, burnt KFC." And I can not remember the last time I had KFC. I should give it another shot. "Mom, I'm gonna go out with a male friend." "Be careful. "Boys now a days think about only one thing." "Sex?" "No, (laughs) Pokemon Legends Arceus." (Michael laughs) Oh my God. (Michael laughs) I'm just so tickled by the fact that a mother is warning her daughter about the fact that boys are thinking about a new Pokemon game. (Michael laughs) "Me trying to think of a name for my Electric type "other than Sparky, Zolt, et cetera. "User reports, this is misinformation." It's not in a video that's public yet 'cause it's still in the process of being recorded, but I recently named an Electric type Powerline, which is not only like literal power lines, but also a reference to the iconic pop star from "A Goofy Movie." ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ Great song. "Eye To Eye," classic. "Mudkip is asking you to stay hydrated." Oh my God, I've only been drinking coffee. (tranquil music plays) "Who knew that Squidward made the beta design for Guzzlord?" That is from a "SpongeBob" episode I've never watched. What is going on with this Castform post? It's got 1.4 thousand up votes. Trying to say that Castform doesn't have a sandstorm form because it's a water molecule. And has so many reports? I mean, I guess I'll acknowledge it. It got a lot of up votes. What does the sun form have anything to do with water? Like, Castform is based on a water molecule. Like, that's correct. But also, like, it should still have a sandstorm form because the sun form exists. "Petition for Combee to get an evolution called Wasprince." That wouldn't make much sense 'cause they're bees. They're not wasps. I mean, yeah, they're both usually black and yellow insects with stingers, but bees are great. Shout out to bees for like doing really good work for our ecosystems, and they won't mess with you if you don't mess with them. Wasps? Burn them all. "If people still don't know "why Applin is a Grass Dragon type, "it's because the apple doesn't fall far," (laughs) Okay, that's pretty good. "Gmax Grass starters. "Use big plants. "Gmax Fire starters. "Use large fire masses. "Gmax Water starters. "Use guns." (Michael laughs) Yeah, what the heck? "Choose one to be your starter and lose the rest forever." I think I would personally go with Hawlucha. Either Hawlucha or Honedge. Well, also Dragapult's really good. I'm not making a decision. I don't want to lose anything. "Her: I like guys who go to the gym. "Me." What is this a screenshot from? What are those badges? I recognize Viola's badge, Ramos's badge, Olympia's badge, Valerie's badge, and Wulfric's badge. But is that a Flying Water and Fire badge? Man, I knew they made up random badges back in the original series. I didn't know they did that in Kalos too. Who are the missing gym leaders? We have to find them! We must explore through the countryside of France! Maybe they're in Belgium or something. I don't know. "If the Gen 1 Pokemon were released now, "Pokefans would hate at least half of them." I don't know about at least half of them. But yeah, there are certain Pokemon that would be very unpopular nowadays if they were released nowadays. Some that come to mind, I don't think Voltorb would be very popular. I don't think Grimer would be very popular. "How my grandma thinks I look. "How I think I look. "How I actually look." I mean, at least you have good self-confidence. That's important. Having confidence can go a long way. Like, that can go a long way. Ooh an Odd1sOut meme. Let me see if I can kind of mimic his voice. "Do you remember those Kanto games?" "Yeah, Pokemon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow." "Do you remember that it made us a lot of money?" "Wait, did we already remake those games?" "Yeah, we did. "But we're gonna remake it again "with better," oh Jesus. "With better graphics." "But why are we remaking it "when we are already remade it?" "Because for some reason it makes us a lot of money." "But won't it be obvious that we are remaking it "for the money?" "They will buy it anyway." Yeah, I mean, obviously Kanto gets a lot of attention. But to me the purpose of Let's Go was, like, to appeal to the Go audience. I mean, it's a new, I mean it did bring Kanto back, like, a Kanto playthrough the first time since Fire Red and Leaf Green came out, which was a really long time ago. Like, 2005-ish, 2004. So yeah, they should not make another Kanto game for quite some time, unless it's a Johto game with Kanto post game. But like, also I get it. It's been a while, you know? And it's Gen 1. They're still very popular, guys. "The world is a cruel and unjust place. "There is no harmony in the universe. "The only constant is suffering. "OMG Cyndaquil!" (Michael laughs) "Abra immediately after breaking out of a Poke Ball. "Adios." (Michael laughs) I love this edit of just (laughs) What? "Help! "I've been stuck in this place for three years!" Yeah, that makes sense. "We're gonna be okay. "You can rest now." Can't rest yet. Furret on an escalator. The time is coming. "Hail Yeah. "There are one or fewer people in the US named Hail Yeah. "He could be anyone of us." It's one or fewer. Guys, don't name your children Hail Yeah. It's a fun phrase. Do not name a person that. "I was rewatching Twitch Plays Pokemon "on YouTube with a friend, he spotted this." Never gonna, oh, come on! I see the report. I know it's fake. Obviously it's fake. I've been Rick rolled. Also I saw a post the other day where like YouTube tweeted, like, "What are some videos of yours "that you can watch over and over again?" Someone was like, "I really like this one of kittens," and they linked to it. And YouTube responds, "Did you just Rick roll YouTube?" The guy successfully Rick rolled YouTube! It was hilarious! "Why is Miltank faster than Rayquaza?" Oh God! (Michael laughs) I didn't know Rayquaza was that slow. Huh? Oh, it is. I mean 95 isn't slow, but it's just, you know... I figured it'd be like really fast. "Other subreddits posting memes. "Here's a meme I made. "Hope you inhale oxygen. "MandJTV subreddit posting memes. "Omg this is my first meme. "Please up vote so Mikey can see!" Yeah, if it's a stupid meme and even if it gets a lot of votes, I will not. I'll just skip it. Make funny memes. That's what I'm going to like. "A beloved game from a handheld console remade "and keeps the chibi art style. "Zelda fans, Pokemon fans." (Michael laughs) I mean, yeah. That's kind of what I've been thinking. You know, like Wind Waker, not Wind Waker. Link's Awakening. That's what it was. Yeah, same navigation style but 3D. I don't know. I just don't, I still don't understand why anyone was upset with the chibis, you know? It's like, it's just like Link's Awakening, and they were chibi to begin with. Oh look, Team Sky fan art! That's really good. I look insane! (Michael laughs) But thank you for making that. "Anyone notice the Hoenn middle stage starters look "like a typical high school movie trio? "The protagonist who just moved in and is new in school. "A girl who is smart "and most likely be in a relationship with the protagonist. "The fat funny guy who is the protagonist's first friend." I would watch that movie. "Kids that can't trade. "You took everything from me. "Trade evolutions. "I don't even know who you are." (Michael laughs) Oh, that's pretty good. I thankfully never had to deal with that 'cause my brother always had the other version, like always orchestrated that. And then even when we got a bit older and he kind of lost interest in Pokemon, by that time I had like upgraded my consoles. Like, I had a DS and then I got a DSI? God, I don't even remember. Regardless. Or I had a 3DS and a DS. You know, I would a lot of times be able to just do it myself. "There's a place called Skylands. "Team Sky. "It's literally endless, "which means there's unlimited sky. "There's many dragon and bird-like creatures. "There's an entire element about the sky/air." (Michael gasps) But is it Pokemon? Also I thought, wasn't Skylanders, like, discontinued? I never played or anything. It was after my time. But it's not Pokemon. "Wurmple wants to say hi." Oh, I thought there was sound. It's just a Wurmple in a top hat waving at me. Actually that's quite lovely. "Frogadier after reaching level 36. "Could I be the Greninja? "Me accidentally pressing B. "I think not!" Why would you do that? "Shinx's intimidate. "Fear me." (Michael laughs) I've always thought that was so funny. Like, Shinx and Staravia I think are two Pokemon with intimidate that make the least sense. 'Cause Shinx is cute and Staravia is so durpy. "My idea for Gmax Giraffarig." That's awesome. I love that. "Who's stronger? "Alien-X, Thanos, Arceus." I don't even know. I don't really know much about Alien-X. I know of it but. "Prepare for trouble and keep it singular. "Jesse James." Oh. Oh yeah. I mean like, so that's the pun with Jesse and James's names, but there was also the other ones that haven't shown up in the anime in a long, long time, I think. But it was Butch and Cassidy. Butch Cassidy. Oh God! (Michael laughs) What the heck, guys? Ah, we have here a... Graphic for Bidoof, Gaydoof, and Straightdoof. And all are valid. "Who came first? "Goro, Machamp, or Four Arms." I feel like we could solve that with a Google search. I don't know who Goro is. Machamp definitely came before Four Arms. "If you're under the age of 13, "get off Reddit or at least stop reposting and get funny." "If those kids could read, they'd be very upset." Oh gosh. Yeah, I don't think you're supposed to be on Reddit if you're under 13. "Me trying to," oh, another comic! "Me trying to get accepted into Team Sky. "Idea. "A bit later. "Is this enough green, Mikey?" "I'm not sure." "I think my blood turned green from all the dye." "Perfection!" (Michael laughs) That's (laughs) oh, that's funny. Always gotta upvote Team Sky comics. "I found a shiny but..." Shiny Braviary. Excellent shiny. I'm worried about the but though. Oh! Oh, that sucks. That sucks. That's why when you find a wild shiny, you always need to look up the moves it knows. "Elementary school. "Yo, that's a sick Pikachu hat. "Thanks. "High school. "Ew, you still like Pokemon? "Nerd! "College. "Yo, that's a sick Pikachu hat. "Thanks." I didn't really experience the same thing. For me, I was made fun of a lot in elementary school for liking Pokemon. High school people didn't really care. But then definitely in college people were like, "Dude, that's awesome you like Pokemon." And also make videos about it 'cause I was a YouTuber in college. Flying Team Sky. Fighting normal for my crouch punch. (Michael laughs) "When you encounter a Magikarp. "A fish!" (Michael laughs) I love those types of memes. What is this? "Lawful good. "Shut up, crumpet boy. "Neutral good. "I like my tentacles. "Chaotic good. "Talk now or," (laughs) I forgot I wrote that line. "Lawful neutral. "True neutral. "The plastic one was half the price of the plushy. "Chaotic neutral. "Lawful evil. "Neutral evil. "Chaotic evil." Yeah, I think this is a pretty good chart. I've basically gotten through the list of top this month that I wanted to cover, but sometimes the top list doesn't really show memes that are like less than a day or so old. So let's scroll through hot real quick and see if there's any good ones. "I suppose self love is important." (Michael laughs) I love the edit here. There's a... Let me just show you. So on both of my channels now, I have this thing called Super Thanks which is in beta right now, but I was added to the beta where it's basically if you want to show some support, it's basically a way for viewers to super chat and donate money even if the creator does not live stream, which I don't. And so I just, I did one to myself to kind of, to kind of demonstrate it. So if you want to do that great. I appreciate it. But also there's absolutely no pressure. It's just the option is there both on my Plays channel and on this channel. All right, that's where I'm gonna wrap it up for this episode of Pokemon (claps) Meme Review. Thank you guys so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon who are helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also, if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So until next time, Pokefans. Gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,087,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, aspitpiay, meme review, pokemon meme review
Id: 6HqIUr_T5M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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