Every Boy's Worst Nightmare - r/CursedComments V33

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what's something you always need to explain so people don't get you wrong as a smoker i have to tell people i smoke and that i don't have of it when i cough relax it's just lung cancer an adult and a kid would be laughing at this for different reasons you'll never understand my pain hehe sorry sorry heartbroken family problems stress fake friends heartbroken harassment betrayal expectations they are missing a tag for one of the knives guess that's just a knife they didn't have a flag at the game so they used his pants i finally found it the worst possible time to get a boner well he had to raise the flag chyna's wuhan to test or residence as of it returns back home after a successful world tour i'm this old you guys remember when we used to put these in each other's rectums lmao we were wild what is this wrong answers only antidepressant pam there are actually many more kids in that class they are just shorter explain a film plot badly soldier on drugs fights as is with a frisbee somehow this makes captain america seem more american to me peace was never an option where is his thumb i need a backstory on pearl like how did mr krabs end up with a whale as a daughter napoleon's crab sugar baby cause she calls him daddy and asks for money so you know this episode was made in 1940 it's possible atlas or big chungus unverified sources say he also rubbed one out two big chunkers hello little human okay i kiss you now fun fact the cat is checking the baby's mouth to see if it is still breathing were it not breathing the cat would commence to eat it fun fact what women are hornier than men change my mind i was so horny once i made a hole in my wall and started freaking my house so that's how you become man of how far did you go in a game of truth or dare when i was like 13 my friend dared me to show my peen to his mom she was just making lunch in the kitchen and i went for it her immediate reaction was did andy tell you to do this all his friends do this to me apparently that was his go to dare that poor mother has seen some shoes men sucking laid as breast is normal because the act was learnt during their childhood but what baffles me as ladies sucking guys d where did they learn that from your mama never bought you lollapope what did you think she was training you for diabetes new breaks today cross your fingers don't need a screen to tell you when it's bad when you press the brakes and it sounds like two cats freaking in a dumpster it's time to change them i want to be a girl i want hugs too i'll give you a virtual hug brother thank you hugs back no problem dry humps your leg hey yo what the frick so the truck is the daddy or something transformers autobots pull out when yo girl leaves you for ultra magnus i'm from japan and school lunch doesn't look like that it's actually more delicious and better keep bragging and we'll send another missile my crush told me in the future she wants her kids to marry mine because i have a good heart what zone am i even and now ask her what she thinks of incest this might be her way of saying she's into you [Music] look a mermaid took ass eating to a whole new level what looks edible but shouldn't be eaten your friend's girlfriend jesus works at my office and has been chosen as the employee of the month excuse me but can you please touch the water dispenser i feel like i hurt everyone i touch or bring it in pal not again don't worry i'm fine cute little slime getting bone 10 atp why are americans bad chess players because they lost two towers they shoot the black pieces eating plastic so turtles don't have to thanks for watching next time i'm gonna freak the neighbor someone don't have to not to sound politically unaware but did you guys know fox news has absolutely no news about foxes wait till you hear about bbc news he what is something men do that women aren't aware of i've discovered that my fellow dusts is sacked with cornstarch in hot weather and i'm impressed at that level of self care why cornstarch instead of baby powder so it gets a crisp when you dip them in hot oil so i got my first tattoo home job why did you get the star of david tattooed on you you never striked me as a religious person it's a pentagram penta five points yours has six which makes it the star of david i'm sorry what a just convert to judaism problem solved tattoos are forbidden in judaism a just put this around it and convert to azism problem solved you can choose a superpower but the first person to reply can choose a side effect i can choose my own side effect you have aids be smart stay apart why couldn't they give him eyes oh thank god i thought this was a racial or shrexist thing we just got to stay away from the disabled i can feel my brain growing that's a tumor girls p boyz p p power 5 punch 2 multi shot flame unbreaking 3 infinity quick charge 3 you never saw a girl p and it shows my girlfriend pees on me all the time nicest custom horn i changed my horn to gunshot noises now people get out of the way faster when you realize ovid is 19 and can't legally touch you that's why it only affects older people you can choose a superpower but the first person to reply can choose a side effect i can make my dad return with milk your dad freaks you in the ass every day after he returns people who restrict their pets from sitting laying on their furniture shouldn't have pets usually a pet animal is already incredibly restricted to one house one yard and if they are lucky one neighborhood if you further restrict your animal to the floor of your house while everyone sits on the comfy furniture just know you don't deserve the man they deserve better than you don't even get me started on the people who leave their pets outside absolutely i'll let my goldfish lay on the couch for the first time a few days ago he loves it so much he hasn't moved from that spot so adorable to see him so free i love how these vegans still drink water that's a fish house you beach i don't drink water because fish freak in it i drink water because fish freak in it vampires would give incredible oral to women on periods who the frick starts a conversation like that i just sat down that explains twilight my mom's dad died because he got too mad rage quit being kissed in your sleepies like the purest form of love unless you are home alone or in prison turns out there's no candy you were the candy all along if an alien wanted to have shreks with you what would you do disappoint them top 10 organs to sell to buy a gaming pc me and the boys i tried to do this but the doctors didn't want the 10 fresh hearts and kidneys i got please do not enter if you have any symptoms of ovid 19 racism xenophobia homophobia transphobia shrexism amazing right boys let's go i will do whatever the top comment says as long as it doesn't involve me to shove a cucumber up my ass shove a pickle up your ass sorry for not posting i've been having a lot of shreks your mom doesn't count but your mom does me wakes up my d for no reason just happens just chop it off works great pro tip no tip hold up i thought i closed this tab sun tzu art of war closing your eyes for just another two minutes after your alarm goes off and waking up 25 years later married with three kids and a dog why would you marry three kids and a dog fbi open up what you doing when they come after you go up a single flight of stairs horrifying sperm bank greek yogurt mix-up scandal oops oops is insufficient so that's why it tasted salty my parents we want grandkids me best i can do is not killing myself hey man don't let your family hold you back from your dreams thanks wait if one more time traveler tries to kill me i swear to frick i'm going to lose my shoes i'm just a painter a doll fiddler in 1914 people out here trying to assassinate the first gamer to ever be born what is the worst advice you've ever received be more careful this time when i was pregnant after a miscarriage what movie would be the weirdest if it had shrek scenes willy wonka and the chocolate factory what's something you can say during shreks but also when you manage a brand twitter account i'll have the three finger combo please when you rub your eyes a bit too much [Music] it's lsd for poor people which celebrity death hit you the hardest adult hitler mariah went home happy telling her mother about how she earned 20 dollars by climbing a tree her mom responded mariah they just wanted to see your panties mario replied see mom i was smart i took them off mom maria plot twist maria had diarrhea chocolate rain worst she can say is no her female dragonflies often fake their own deaths to avoid having shreks like that will stop me holl up wait a minute hol up a second would you rather speak every language or be able to speak to every animal what if an animal flirts with me and i end up falling for it chinese japanese koreans filipinos indians people that are referred to as asians while asians are known for having tiny ds so we're not in that category tip when erasing a board use vertical strokes your hips will show the least amount of movement horizontal strokes make hips shake which students may find humorous and thus distracting alternatively use the whiteboard eraser instead of your ass why are your feet seasoned better than the chicken money can't buy happiness but it sure as hair can buy a lot of peace money can buy happiness money can't buy happiness for people who already have money money can absolutely buy happiness for the poor it's called arcane take the title of the last song you heard and add in my ass michael jackson beat it in my ass he he grandpa hold these grandson deez what grandpa deez nuts got him plot twist those are grandpa's nuts could be from that smug face he's pulling here too slay me with that little thing oh no i needed this to get here i thought you'd be lonely up here so i'm here to sit with you if you'd like is that how donkey did it oh he did it [Music] the forbidden bud plug how come in all the christmas movies the adults don't believe in santa yet not only is he an actual entity in the context of the film but he's the one putting presents under the tree like where do they think the presents come from they didn't put them there it's like not believing in the mailman or something it doesn't make sense hate to break it to you but your mailman is just one of your parents in a costume so that's why she's always inviting him upstairs long ago a wolf explained to his son eat a man and you will be fed for a day whimper and roll over and play dead and he'll feed you for a lifetime and the next day the wolf woke up to find his balls missing hey the man's got to eat too freaking heart attack who the hell is out here throwing away their shrek's dolls at the car wash finders keepers loses weepers why spinosaurus was the greatest predator ever and i thought my mom with a belt was the greatest predator shouting after pooping pooping after shower sometimes you have to meet in the middle we were in church and i pulled my toddler's hand out of his pants and he screamed i was making my peen big and now i need a new church he was making himself pretty for the priest ask me any question then edit the question to make me look bad you meet a black person for the first time what do you do i scream and burn it what's the worst possible time to have a boner funeral men only want one thing and it's disgusting then wash it it's actually a bit shocking coming to tokyo i thought everyone would be wearing kimonos and watching anime my family is one twelfth japanese and we seem to keep the traditions more alive than here it's sad how far japan has fallen from now how much for your daughter looks like mrs frizzle decided to take the kids to afghanistan compton an old accidentally said the n-word dammit arnold i told you not to say the rent word while we are going through grove street would you rather have meaningless yet great shreks with thousands of people throughout your life or meaningful shreks with only one partner and why one partner because it's more meaningful so you choose emotion over the physical aspect thanks for the reply meaningful shreks with one partner i'm not the type to just go and frick anything that walks i want to just experience that one person forever one partner because my dog is my best friend which mistake did you make as a teenager is still biting you in the ass until now not wearing my seat belt at least my wheelchair is fast how's your monday unknown social media manager person i think i'm depressed lmao hi vicky here managing director of socials for amazon prime video apologies for the last message that was an accident and will not be happening again we are having a fabulous monday and hope you are as well they shot him right at his damn desk fastest cure to depression what villains lines could also be used during shreks i'm sorry little one thanos ruin a first date in four words i'm a lol challenger you grandma is hot people are like nerf bullets you can't play with them after you shoot them that's where you are wrong about both things men shouldn't be allowed to draw anymore the fixes in men shouldn't be allowed to draw anymore a doll fiddler and i took that personally a body decomposes four times faster in water than on land who the frick starts a conversation like that i just sat down would have been nicer to know this last week police horses spooked by lgbt crossing up next donkey mad that owner won't respect his pronouns he identifies as he but owner says he's more of a jackass what would your name there tape lala gets her space jammed whenever you say 69 everyone within a one-mile radius will say nice i think it still has some uses imagine you're looking for that little girl who always manages to escape from the basement she ran off into the woods behind your house but she can't have gone far you strain your ear to hear where she went but you don't hear footsteps so she must have been hiding you take a few steps and in the meantime you lick your lips anticipating the moment then in a lullaby tone you whisper 69 then you strain your rear again and here just a few meters away from behind a bush a fright and voice sobbing nice scene a great power after all this is my gaming laptop yup it runs on windows yup it plays pc games that makes sense to me so it's a pc it's not a pc unless it's a desktop pc is a personal computer your phone is literally a pc so are some shrek's toys can't wait to play skyrim on a shrek's toy since female mosquitoes drink our blood in order to lay eggs you are technically blood related to a lot of mosquitoes sigh by your mentality if a mother eats a burger while pregnant the female baby is part cow you've met my sister then for this time only anything you say in the comments is not considered gay i once put a whole cucumber up my ass and recorded it on a school tablet to which my school administrators discovered my parents still don't talk about it why a cucumber why did you record it why on a school tablet because life is about taking risks one letter away from a hate crime which is the dirtiest joke you know most popular guy at the nudist resort he can carry two cups of coffee and a dozen doughnuts who's the most popular woman at the nudist resort the one who can eat the last donut the multi-chat emperor of the heteros it's like a hydra if you cut one another one grow only works with eddies usa and china the hundreds of metals they have india are first gold after 13 years when you cycle through all your games but you're so depressed that none of them interest you you are known for artists ancient rome food fashion luxury car you will be known worldwide for my mathematical discoveries for my low budget space projects for your educational youtubers everyone who drinks coffee in the morning is psychotic you know what reality is and you're still like yes i want to be wide awake for this nightmare when i see a meme i genuinely enjoy i would like to award you the highest honor i can bestow screenshot nobody italians during the stone age tape sticking to any surface i'm too weak tape sticking to itself unlimited power no offense but i love falling asleep and sleeping i love being unconscious you are known for the great wall of china our culture redacted all british people are bad sasha baron cohen j.r.r token [Music] she's way too unrealistic do men actually expect women to look like this incredible how is he glowing silver i must work out so i can be strong like goku and protect those i love eight-year-old me without any reason [Music] chocolate choco early you read a book and really like it you find an audiobook version you get it for free from a library the reader has a fantastic voice they pronounce her name differently when your neighbor have family issue in front of their house fat and curious you may be old but are you this old mario went home happy telling her mother about how she earned 20 dollars by climbing a tree her mom responded maria they just wanted to see your panties mario replied see mom i was smart i took them off mom maria you son of a namaste six-year-old me game telling me to press r3 you are known for mozart freud scrodina schnitzel hitler no people blame that one on germany me re-reading my meme every time i get a notification oh yes quality content when you're american and somebody breaks into your home beethoven are you ready kids aye aye captain i can't hear you the gum that's been stuck under a school desk since 2001. having kids is the most passive aggressive way of saying you have shreks wow i can't find a floor in his logic you are known for the airplane animation superheroes fat people the dudes in middle slash high school who overdid it with the axe spray thinking it would get them late maple syrup companies after inventing canada italians the stereotypes and true also italians i'll take a dr pepper we have coke okay i'll take a gram of that and a dr pepper you are known for my numerous victories in war cheese champagne surrendering in world war ii ask me a question then edit it to make me look like a d [Music] 360 180 90 270 dog licking the owner's face after 30 seconds of licking its own balls my cat when she's trying to eat my food my cat when i'm trying to eat her food [Music] unemployed girls when they find out that their phones have a camera i've devised the plans of plans teachers engineers architects people who design how lego sets are built time traveler moves a chair the guy sitting on the chair what society wants men to wear what i personally want to wear you are known for speed runs man hunts cringe i'm punk so i must rebel i'm asian so i must like maths i dye my hair crazy colors so i must be looking for attention i'm waterfall that means i must hide treasures world you are known for canada arm maple syrup no hockey for your hospitality and kindness a one-year-old voldemort's quest for immortality you are known for vodka communism rasputin phew me loses my phone me is depressed mom it's because of that damn phone me well you're not wrong nobody america's got talent contestants i was born with glass bones and paper skin every morning i break my legs and every afternoon i break my arms at night i lay awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep the ceo of bang energy drinks looks exactly how you'd expect how opening the discord light mode feels like sliding into adulthood like [Music] pansexuals when they see a guy with a pan he's panhandling on the florida panhandle in the middle of a pandemic introverts hello who the frick starts a conversation celebrating birthday as a kid celebrating birthday as an adult first person ever to escape scp 3006 man rescued after being lost in ikea for 12 days a disoriented shopper was rescued on thursday after being lost for nearly two weeks in an ikea store near the luxembourg border you are known for disney princesses disney delivering great marvel content ruining star wars and being d's to scholar johansson disney when you 100 a game and have to invent new quests for yourself this is every cheese wheel in the game girls ugg boys are so dirty they never clean up after themselves boys browser history you are known for spicy food muay thai fanboys will you press the button you win one million dollars the tick tock gets deleted every person with at least half a brain cell in a 4 000 mile radius i see this as an absolute win the horse definitely did it on purpose look at that damn smirk olympic pentathlete goes from first place to 31st after horse refuses to jump breaks down sibling is being super nice to me me i assume you need something yes this is dog if i ever smell you on my owner again i will freak you up this is what dads look like running errands with their old daughter my parents how do you still have access to the internet we took away all your devices me life are finds away when the enemy loses and still says gg [Music] most super models that one girl on your class asking for pen there's no time to explain get in the p imagine breaking real hard and just rolling off into traffic society if seven plus three was ten you are known for making excellent movies being a great nation donald trump fat people karens and cowboys i would watch the shiz out of a movie about these four thinking about how hedges aren't green and soft and fluffy all throughout the inside but instead looked like this jacob i have bad news for you about people it's dangerous to go alone take this frog frog you run out of interesting games to play a new game comes out your pc is too old to run it police training be like remember only blast the guys in black i got it when it's your first winter and your friend explains that you weren't supposed to eat all those nuts right away i'll turn on a two-hour movie just to eat my food in two minutes and 15 seconds quick the italian are asleep post italian stereotypes [Music] the person standing at the door of a shop when people come for shopping you will be remembered by the internet loading loading for being slow browser for being good browser how vanilla extract smells how vanilla extract tastes when she doesn't want to smash because it's too big and hurts dj khaled suffering from success avengers assemble what we see what doctor see the guy who thought this looked like a bear reality can be whatever i want parents have two to three kids kids have two two three parents [Music] what are these him you said don't forget the freaking cookies what twitter says italians are offended by what we actually are offended by me to pansexuals after showing them a pan no horny the face i make when i open my free award and realize it's a wholesome award time traveler coughs the timeline china with 38 gold medals japan with 26 gold medals kenya with three gold medals india with a single gold medal me watching the olympics my dad enters the room the olympics the moon six-year-old me in the car at night according to robert de niro he's going broke due to war on a virus his lawyer says de niro will be lucky if he makes 7.5 million dollars this year what in the gotham freak criminals broadcasted on tv with their name and face in japan lighty agami noted being online is terrible a co-worker said something horny in a meeting and i said bank and everyone looked at me like i was insane like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous tank memes videos thanks
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 1,026,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes, funny memes
Id: H9lmyEe_LcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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