spawning in removed zombies in TDS.. | ROBLOX

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god i miss old tds john roblox was there so for this video i want to spawn in a bunch of all zombies that you guys may have not seen before so it's gonna be pretty cool if they still work cause enemy raider and just a radio active guy comes up because the raider boss got removed but there's some that i could still spawn in enemy sword yeah i do have like some weird swamp thing pops out pretty sure that's from like the halloween event this is a really cool looking zombie but it was a shame that we don't see more things like this where they have moving parts okay what about the clown yes the oh he died can i spawn in this girl yes yes i can dude i just spotted a bunch of these little miniverse girls they are actually so weak and this is more so done it's like a troll thing i guess because i don't think below was really serious when when he was making that and sledgers beat it down pretty hard yeah you just counted this with sliders you don't really need to worry about that enemy imposter no i cannot do that it only gives you the invisible guy enemy frost hero so frost here before it does exist in game still but unfortunately it's a totally new reskin it looked like this before which kind of looked lame but now looks really cool i'm gonna do enemy bone and yes we still have some of the halloween guys from the trick or threat event uh there's there's there's not really special because you guys seen this for like eight months probably yeah they get destroyed by sledger so hard i should be able to spawn in this enemy frost tank yes this is from the old chris's event and basically this is just a normal tank that you see in game but it's frozen only the bowlers work no so it does it does pick up the boulder oh and now we killed it dude yeah now he's just staying stuck doing the same thing and he will remain there so this is tds saw there's also a beehive guy which i i i guess the thing here is that he has a beehive on him and he's like very frantic about it these guys are beefy though they have 350 health so that's pretty cool there's also sir hypes a lot not much to talk about except shield and carrying hand why does sledger kill balloon guys ah yes i forgot sir hustla also throws carrots at nearby towers but it doesn't really stun them very well as you can see sludgers still going at it he does have a shield but doesn't seem to be doing much it's just kind of lobbying is his care at the towers oh no sir obslot died who would have thought no furry there's also these bomber guys explosive zombies i think when they die they blow up yep they blow up and stun your towers so that was pretty cool i don't think that's stunning works because because he's because these zombies are more old that's probably why it does not stun them properly there's some weird enemy presence they have a hunter health and they have spider legs on them that's that's kind of uh weird and yeah it's the same thing except that they're uh burnt and what did he what are you doing oh they burnt they just burnt the sledger yeah they like throw coals on on nearby towers but they're so weak that they're not really gonna be much of a problem there's also some yeti guys they have 3000 health and for some reason in this picture they have little face but here they have nothing it's just like the the old old tower defense guys and they claw at nearby towers to uh stun them but that but that's not working and they are immune to freeze as well but uh i don't know they're gonna get beamed by the mini accelerators here yeah dude i mean they're kind of getting i don't know man they they kind of send no chance to the accelerator spam hey did you spawn in a bear sound this is the way you look they actually look pretty cool and i'm pretty sure the same thing as a yeti they're going to claw at nearby towers and stun them yeah as soon as it makes contact with tower it will spam stun them this guy's going to probably lie the game this this is lagging my game right i could also spawn in these guys these little hollow guards they have 10 000 health and they have a sword which i'm pretty sure they used to stun towers oh the bear guys heal themselves like oh no they just get immune to shield that's actually really cool and they play like a knob so i don't know if you guys heard that yeah i appreciate you guys heard that one so that's all so that's actually really cool oh then here's the sword guys yeah they are spam stunning in the tower but it doesn't work because it's old that's actually so cool these guys are pretty dangerous because they can get shield for a bit and that are clawing and eating at the same time but eventually they died hello guard spam i feel like it's a good way to kill somebody i have by the way when these guard guys die they just fall apart like a bunch of roblox pieces so that's pretty cool i can also spawn in these guys like they're called like a just literally a this is from the secret wave and there's also b and c what a very creative uh game below made man what i mean he he clearly put a lot of thought and care into designing these uh guys names i really appreciate tire defensively for what it is and this guy's gonna kill two marks wow but they walk funny and they go super fast also demons in this game yeah these are the demons they don't have much health and they walk super slow so yeah those are the demons there's also frankensteins as well which really they're just beefier boys they have 3 000 health and they look like frankenstein and he does get bullied by sledger as well yeah that's like really bad i did some reapers from the halloween event i'm pretty sure these guys spawned in something weird oh no they're just reskins like he spawned in crap okay cool i guess so these guys suck i forgot about these guys these are called the hunters and from the easter thing they don't work no more but i'm pretty sure they would shoot at towers there's also a uh bunny in here that's just bunny it's not the same thing as sir hops a lot because instead of throwing he will club you with his carrot and stun the tower though oh he does throw okay he does both yeah this this fairy does both that's cool uh r.i.p this zombie just it just doesn't work wait what's this all right p bunny man you won't be miss goo guys from the halloween thing um i don't know why they walk like that it's very weird very strange but it's something new i suppose and they just look weird in general but they still die normally i'm gonna spam just a bunch of phase and see if i can pretty much lag the game out instead of jeeps it's gonna be these guys guys trust me this is hurting my forearms dude this is actually a good way to work out your forearms because the easier i don't know what muscle but this is a muscle i don't use so it's starting to hurt a lot actually wow uh so far he's actually doing pretty good but to be fair we do have uh all the rest of us behind it actually it sucks it didn't even pass this corner it keeps dying okay it's dying by the golden meat it's it's not about the golden minigun or spam it doesn't even die it doesn't even get a lock on from from these guys dude enemy grave keeper no it's replaced by digger now shame enemy witch well we got this floating witch lady thing um she's gonna kill us because we can't target that tower unless we spam in the unit marks and it might be able to kill her the most intense battle bones japan witch versus walker punched a punch to punch to punch a punk yeah we just lost guys um we we literally lost to this one zombie because we needed a specified type of tower this is stupid don't make zombies like this it's just it's just dumb imagine having walkers and the most expensive towers in game to lose to one zombie uh shout out to all my tank supporters really appreciate the support and i gave these super big boys a new glowing thing i don't seen her name no more because it started to get too long and it started to take too much time and i feel like that kind of gets in the way of content so yeah they're there they are glowy glowy boys all right um that that is all as always dude have a good day
Views: 3,513,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eYOFfkUIeZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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