The Strongest Bosses in TDS History...

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Foster history of Tower Defense simulator there has been an impressive amount of bosses these bosses vary significantly in difficulty and strength so in this video I'll be going over the 10 strongest bosses in TDS history before I continue do me a favor hit that like button and subscribe to Donut blue hair Mafia it helps me out a lot and I really appreciate it also if you want to talk to me suggest videos or maybe even be in one consider joining the blue head Mafia Discord it's a great time and I hope to see you there in 10th place we have walks to Fox one of the relatively newer bosses in the game it has 250 000 health or 275 000 when doing the lost souls challenge its base speed is slow but this can be increased using one of its ability it has five abilities its first one being a jump scare which reduces the range of all your towers by 50 this can actually be really detrimental as it can make some of your Towers no longer be able to hit the boss its second ability throws a cake into the air which falls on his hat breaking into smaller pieces these pieces of cake fall down and create shockwaves that stun any Towers within the blast radius its third ability shoots on multiple coins from his mechanical hand which creates shock waves upon Landing stunning your turrets once again or its fourth ability walks the fox would play its guitar which emits a Shockwave stunning all nearby Towers it also creates lightning bolts with hit random Towers also stunning them its Fifth and final ability activates once walks to Fox reaches half Health its speed is increased from slow to slightly slow and he uses a jump scare ability once again because of the insane amount of stunning abilities medic is pretty much required to beatbox the fox that being said if you have the medic the boss ends up being pretty easy as his health is relatively low and The Meta can just negate the majority of its abilities but ahead of walks to Fox in ninth place we have the final boss for the 2021 Halloween event decobot decobot had 350 000 Health making an overall much tankier than walks the fox it did have an extremely slow walk speed but its three abilities made up for this whereas first ability jacobot fires lasers from his right arm sweeping around in stunning any Towers hit its second ability with firearm 3 explosive pumpkins at random Towers which would explode and stun all towers of Finn radius but his most powerful ability would have jackobot's standstill and some summon various enemies unlike stuns you can't simply negate this using a medic and ends up being a much more significant issue in eighth place we have the final boss for the Xmas 2020 event Krampus Krampus had 400 000 health and a very slow walk speed I have 5 powerful abilities of its first ability having a Slimer staff into the ground sending out shockwaves that will stun any Tower's hit its second ability to summon a ton of powerful enemies such as yetis deep freezes and more or third ability Krampus would create a line of ice using his staff using all Towers in front of it when he got to half of its Health Krampus would enter rage mode increasing his health by a hundred thousand in this phase cramp has unlocked a new ability which will summon a snowstorm causing a deep fog to occur and rained icicles which would stunned towers for a long period of time overall krampus's abilities were much more difficult to deal with compared to jackobot and that period of its higher Health made it overall a much stronger boss in 7th place with the final boss for the 2021 Halloween event a nuclear Fallen King the nuclear Fallen King had 500 000 health and a slightly slow walk speed which is the fastest base beat out of any of the bosses so far it had a whopping six abilities his first ability was a summon which respond things like fallen heroes circus which could speed up other enemies and amalgamations which had 5 000 health and could heal themselves for its second ability the nuclear Fallen King would teleport into the air and strike downwards making a huge Shockwave that would stunned any Towers within its radius its third ability was a 360 degree spin with its sword selling all nearby Towers his fourth ability was acid rain which would create acid puddles that stuntage for a long period of time and some in greed lightning stunning random Towers the thing is this ability would actually occur after every other ability was used making a nuclear Fallen King significantly harder the fifth ability was a block where the nuclear Fallen King would protect the soap of its Shield making it temporarily immune to all sources of damage finally its sixth ability was his rage mode which will activate at half Health when in range mode the nuclear follow king would raise its arms up summoning two to four Fallen Guardians being temporarily immune it would also enter rage mode increasing its attack frequency and improving his walk speed to only below average instead of slightly slow one of the biggest issues when dealing with his boss was the circuits if they were not quickly dealt with they could speed up the boss and cause it to zoom past your defenses because it is and its powerful abilities the nuclear falling King was a very cool and difficult boss in sixth place we have the final boss of balance to a gunslinger the Gunslinger has 600 000 HP in a slow walk speed it has four abilities for its first one the Gunslinger takes out his revolver and shoots multiple different Towers each shot creating shock waves which stun surrounding Towers its second ability has to fire its double barrel shotgun into the air raining shells across the map which create shockwaves upon impact or third ability the Gunslinger takes out a Gatling gun from its coffin which rotates and fires stunning Towers temporarily its fourth and final ability activates once it reaches half Health in which it takes out both of its weapons and screams increasing his speed and temporarily reducing the range of all nearby towers by 50 it also has a chance to summon a sandstorm making it difficult to see well the nuclear falling King had much more threatening abilities the fact that the Gunslinger walks along a very short straight line makes it a lot harder to kill inside especially considering has 100K more Health in fifth place we have the Creator a boss that showed up in the hidden wave which was a secret feature that was removed in December of 2021 it had 600 hp but a below average walk speed which is the fastest base speed out of any boss so far it has three abilities it's first one summoning a variety of hidden wave enemies with the strongest being the developer 3 enemy which had a whopping 50 000 HP its third ability was a basic stomp which sent out a stunning shock wave and its final ability allowed it to shoot up purple lightning bolts which was stunned random selected Towers while His stunning abilities aren't as severe as the Gunslinger if someone made it way more difficult being able to casually summon enemies with 50 000 ASP is absolutely insane and why I placed it above the Gunslinger in the fourth place we got the final boss of the 2021 Xmas event the frost Spirit the frost Spirit has a huge Health increase compared to the Creator having a whopping 1 million HP which is 400 000 more than the Creator and while it does have a very slow walk speed its ability and much higher Health definitely makes up for that and has a total of four abilities the first one making the frost Spirit slam its Scythe into the ground forming a column of ice which stuns Towers within it its second ability as a stop which not only stuns Towers within the shock wave but also halves her fire rate crippling their DPS its third ability was a cold miss that it could produce which would freeze all Towers caught within it and finally its fourth ability would activate once it reached half Health this ability caused the frost Spirit to begin floating freely increasing his walk speed all the way to below average which is the same as what the Creator had is because of its insane abilities and massive Health increase that I decided to rank it above the Creator in third place above the frost period we have one of the most famous bosses in the game yombra the Umbra has 1 million Health which is the same as a frost Spirit however its three abilities are much more powerful for its first ability the umber would fire its bow at the star cannon blowing your base's health by 40. it set a cooldown of 60 seconds this ability meant that if he didn't kill the Umbra fast enough it could kill you without even reaching the end this made it already much more threatening than the frost spirit and gave you much less time to kill it or its second ability the Amber would shoot his bow into the sky raining arrows upon Towers which will stunned them for 10 to 14 seconds its third and final ability would activate once it reaches half Health which would increase his walk speed to slow and activate his first ability damaging the base Not only was the Umbra difficult it was one of the highest quality bosses his animation and voice acting are honestly gray and I wish it would make more events like this although it's still only the third strongest boss in second place ahead of the Umbra we got the final boss of hardcore mode avoid Reaver the void Reaver has an insane 1.2 million health and an extremely slow walk speed it has six total abilities which first one it makes multiple purple spheres a stun towers that are hit second ability is a stomp creating a Shockwave that stuns surrounding Towers its fertility allows it to summon a void portal spawning a multitude of enemies its fourth ability is arguably the strongest one the void River slams a sword into the ground creating a shock wave that stuns Towers where each Tower stunned a soul spawns which have 800 Health each if you have a lot of towers this could be a huge issue to deal with especially when considering that all your hours are stunned as fifth ability activates at half Health the void reaverse throws the sword at the base reducing Itself by 80. luckily this can actually kill you and caps out of 1 HP after this avoid Reaver rips off its mask into purple Aura and does a stomp ability while entering its void rage mode in this mode the Reaver can no longer use a voice slam ability however the void portal of ability gets a huge buff instead of summoning one portal it now summons two doubling the amount of enemies produced this makes the void Weaver super difficult to deal with you kind of have to rely on RNG it sticks a final ability activates when it reaches 240 000 Health the void River raises his hand forward and increases a speed from extremely slow to average the fastest out of any boss on this entire list I think it's honestly really cool just how many phases this boss has and the fact that even when it gets low it freely increases the speed making things way more stressful undoubtedly the void Reaver is one of the hardest bosses in TDS history it's got powerful abilities insane health and can reach impressive levels of speed but as one boss that's even more powerful the nuclear a monster it has 1.5 million health and an extremely slow walk speed it has 6 powerful abilities the first one being its summon when used the nuclear monster spawn some incredibly powerful enemies such as the Abomination which has 20 000 health and can revive itself after dying a second ability charged up his right hand slamming it into the ground and creating a huge Shockwave stunning all Towers caught within its radius its third ability causes the nuclear monster to start shooting out balls of acid which explode upon impact and stun any nearby Towers its fourth ability is a giant laser beam that shoots out of his chest that stuns any enemies caught within its fifth ability has a nuclear muscle howl into the air reducing the range of all towers by 50 or 8 seconds this ability always activates when summoning enemies or when the boss reaches half elf when a nuclear monster reaches 750 000 Health it will activate its nuclear meltdown ability it gains a green outline and its speed is increased to below average after this it will stop three times in a row uses laser ability and then another random ability luckily once it's activated rage mode it can no longer summon amalgamations dominations and super toxics currently the nuclear monster is the hardest boss in the history of TDS as a most health ever insanely powerful abilities is a hugely difficult boss to deal with I think it's weird that despite having the hardest boss ever the wastelands 2 is the only special game mode that doesn't give you a tower upon beating it as said that's the 10 strongest bosses in TDS history before I end the video I'd like to thank the Pirate Bay Elixir us John drill 6a4 and Adam for supporting my content by becoming a channel member if you'd like to help me out and get some special perks in the meantime such as adding me as a friend on Roblox consider becoming a channel member it helps me out a lot and I really appreciate it that's it for this video If you enjoyed hit that like button and subscribe to join the blue head Mafia my name is corso and I'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: CORSO
Views: 417,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U5u2HH5VHJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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