Secret TDS Wave With 5 Umbras.. (she's hot) | ROBLOX

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okay guys we're gonna destroy all the knight bosses me the jacks swamp guy the samp and also the girl we're gonna uh uh obliterate all of them dude um does anyone have defense we don't have the money oh i i got a dj okay we have deployed a good defense fortress thing i am now going to do a test one enemy jack dies instantly how about two jaxes okay they both died how about spamming the jaxes okay that was right for a second i'll give him that new record one second survival and then let me do a grave digger uh so he lost ten thousand health another ten doesn't help and dies dope and he came back from the dead to stop and then doc okay after some test runs we just ran that it is time to start doing all the night bosses so the first one will be the umbra because she has the most health and stuff the iron won't die as well and then the sim then the swap monster and then the uh enemy jacks i'm gonna deploy two jackses just because they have 5000 health beats so we kind of feel bad for them anyways the umbrella now is just getting bean right now 800 000 health already uh faster hp to mouth 300 000 health removed there's about to be 300 000 health removal already and the accelerator is barely locking on right now we do have the calamaris going on as well um and don't forget about the fallen stuff still being spawned as well it's not a big deal but it does kind of interfere just just a tad bit just tap it anyways half a million health already gone the swap musher is getting beamed episode jax the first jax is gonna go down it and then the umbra still can do her charge aero attack thing so we just lost a bit of help but that's all right look at how much help we have doesn't matter we're not gonna die from that and then she does her stun attack thing still works in the normal map by the way and there we go she stun some uh accelerators oh these even get stunned nice bro swap musher down 28 000 help the umbra down to a quarter of her hp she is charging through uh the rage ability is going down pretty strong i will start spawning in marks here very soon because it looks like we need that support like right now uh peanut butter the simp guy is at 75 000 health just you know chilling in the back umbrella 40 thousand health three thousand off twenty thousand enough ten thousand enough and boom woman destroyed dude destroying the december dude and the swamp guy died yes yes yes okay now we are ready for the ultimate challenge i'm gonna be spawning in five umbras there's the first one i'm not gonna put them all at once because they will crash a game already tuna doesn't help shred it and she just barely walked out the third umbra is going up and now for the fourth one we got cinco armbros right now dude we have four of them and then now for the fifth one boom five umbrellas remember that they they all still do their attack stuff so one is already doing to charge the aero attack we okay two wait wait was that two or one no it was one okay good we have 360 off it still is still a lot of help uh the sunny is getting annoying but it's not that bad of a deal the umbra the first one is gonna go down here right in the gypsy dude all right eight that's enough fifty thousand off she is doing divisibility three thousand twenty thousand ten thousand and boom she died and then we're on to the second umber already i need to start spamming in march dude uh we do have one monster one good doggo but it is gonna take a while for that support to get here i didn't want to spawn in too many because that's boring so the second umbrella is already on 700 000 health we did place out some towers in the middle right here so that the range of ability won't really matter because so because so these towers are already out of range but no worries we prepared for that by placing out some in the middle we are pros at this i'm doing this uh charge attack arrow it is gonna hit our base and we lose an additional 40 health or so not that big of a deal though because again we have so much help still uh we still have more than half proper hp has she done all those in the the base game we would have lost that already but yeah a second uh bruh already went down wait it's a dog all right attacking wait hold on wait yeah where's the dog where's the dog at i can't i can't see the dog dude where's the dog i can't see the dog die dude there was a dog george attack arrow incoming there we go we lost an individual for him okay i assume the dog died because that umber went down way too fast another charge okay wait wait was that was that two wait stop stop that's three of them at three of them okay okay there was only two remaining but some of her towers are out of range and she's dealing with the fallen stuff now uh i need i really need to start spamming in march we might lose this if she does four three more attacks i think if she does three more attacks i said we lose i gotta keep spamming in the marks dude uh already two on the two of the umbrellas still remain due but at least we kill down three oh my god dude she's gonna do the chris brown combo one more smackdown okay cool 122 health i i think we only take three more shots and that's it we die i think one of him is already on her rage ability yes uh 240 000 health um 200 000 it is it is depleting but we still need to keep up the mark move over the towers guys guys move the towers move it up move it up move over the towers come on place it over here the last umbrella is being beam right now we just took down the fourth one the fifth one is going to work right now there's no way we're going to fell from this there is absolutely no way dude highly doubt it highly highly highly doubt it but yes six hundred thousand health already we're about to get half her hp removed the mark spam is real keep spamming out the the accelerators i would hope but i can't i am busy swimming tomorrow so i'm doing a very important job here okay she just sent in another charge arrow attack but it's but it doesn't matter we are going to survive this there is no way she can kill us that fast uh she is on a rage ability thingy we need killer really soon right right now i'm still spent i am still spamming the mark 109 that's health 180 170k 160k 150k 140k 130k 120k one 110k 100k 9000 80 thousand seventy thousand sixty thousand fifty thousand forty thousand thirty thousand twenty thousand ten thousand and boom boom okay now we're gonna speedrun uh jack's night one to see how fast we can just obliterate this man dude name one is easy guys just just do this one one tip uh know the owner of tds and you can get at the commands dude this is so easy dude i guess i'll do it myself uh i the undead jax for whom was appointed by nutter then the mattress herself will deliver you to your grave consider yourself lucky [Laughter] i am not lying if you guys we are going to die if she shoots the left please guys spam spend the up move it all up move it up move it up move it up and look look at all these accelerators doing nothing and the turrets are out of range move it up move it up move it up guys i'm gonna cheat i'm gonna use a monster that's a yes i have to use a monster we cannot do this normally i'm gonna use two monsters come on red toggles do it i gotta use too much please don't do that no tag we are gonna lose if she doesn't arrow no no no no no [Music] you
Views: 1,151,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lHAFS236CgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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