Every 2D Node Explained in 9 Minutes !

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yes ladies and gentlemen we're back part three of explaining every single note with vodo I still haven't lost my sanity and today we're going to cover every single 2D note we're going to do them all in one video so grab a snack and come with me as we explore every single 2D note with Ino I'm going to be using this St set and this player character as our examples for today links to the downloads will be in the description please support the artists if you ever use them and let's get into [Music] it the note 2D the note 2D is the basis of all 2D notes it keeps track of rotation position and skill all the notes we're going to cover today inherit from the note 2D the camera 2D the camera 2D node specifies the points from which your scene is viewed it's very simple it contains some parameters for rotation and position and making your camera movement more easy on the eyes by setting up camera drag and smoothing the animated Sprite 2D and the Sprite 2D the Sprite 2D and the animated Sprite 2D are used to render 2D textures to the screen the texture displayed can be a region of a larger texture Atlas And The Animated Sprite 2D contains a great tool for setting up Sprite sheet animations the Collision object 2D the Collision object 2D cannot be used to Standalone but it serves as a base class for all 2D objects that have collisions it has properties for its Collision layer and whether it's enabled or not the physics body 2D the physics body 2D can also not be used Standalone but serves as a base glass for all 2D objects that are affected by physics the Collision shape and the Collision polygon 2D the following notes we're about to cover all ire a collision shape the Collision shape will need to be a child of the physics body and you can set your Collision shape within the Spector here the static body Tod the static body Tod is a physics body that cannot be moved however other physics bodies can be affected by it it can be used for things like walls floors or ceilings and if you decide to move aesthetic body it doesn't push any other physics bodies but instead teleports to the new location the animatable body 2D the animatable body 2D is almost the same as a static physics body only this physics body can be moved it's still not affected by gravity or other physics bodies but if you move it in code or an animation the other physics bodies in its way will be pushed appropriately the rigid body 2D the rigid body 2D is the physics body that is affected by other physics bodies and gravity this is the physics body used for all your physics items that can be moved and are not directly controlled by the player the character body 2D the character body 2D is a specialized physics body that is meant to be controlled by the player it contains built in functionality for precise movement controlling with code within the physics simulation The Joint 2D The Joint 2D cannot be used Standalone but it's a base class for all 2D physics joints these are nodes that connect two physics bodies together and gdau contains the following 2D joints The Damp and spring joint 2D The Damp and spring joint 2D connects two physics bodies together in a spring-like manner it contains parameters for the Spring's length stiffness and dampening the groove joint Tod the groove joint Tod is a bit of a confusing name but it connects two physics poies together like a piston meaning they can only retract and extend in one movement axis and finally the pin joint 2D the pin joint 2D can be used to pin two physics bodies together they're basically connected at one point and are allowed to freely rotate in any direction the area Tod the area Tod access two things one a detection field that checks whether Collision objects leave or enter it and to an area of space with its own physics and audio settings you can change things like gravity wind audio channels this allows you to create things like underwater areas or zero gravity areas within your game the audio listener 2D by default the camera will be the point that listens to 2D audio but if you want to hear your scene from a different location you can use this note to set up a listening point the audio stream player 2D this is the 2D audio source of gdau it can be used to play audio from a certain point in space and it has all the audio settings that you would expect volume pitch range attenuation the CPU particle 2D and the GPU particle 2D these are the 2D particle systems of c a lot of fun and cool particle systems can be built here there's so many parameters way too much to explain here but I find that particle systems are quite straightforward I would say a good way to learn them is just to add one to your seene and start playing with the parameters the tail map the tail map Noe is a huge note way too big to explain here it is used to build 2D tail Maps it has a great build-in tool for painting your ti maps and setting up tile sets cell also contains functionality to adding physics layers navigation layers to your ti map again a lot of awesome functionality here I'll leave a link to the go do docs that contains a lot of great tutorials now let's talk about 2D Lighting in gdau the canvas modulate node the canvas modulate node is needed to set up 2D shadows in your scene it first darkens your scene so that 2D lights can light it back up again the light 2D node the light 2D node cannot be used Standalone but it's the base class for all 2D lights it has settings for light color energy and its blend mode the point light 2D the point light is used to light up a scene from one specific point you do however need to give it a texture this is the way the light looks it's not a point as in there's a single point in the center that emits light to all directions but instead it's this texture that lights up your scene so why is it called a point light and not a texture light this is because it casts Shadows from its Center so lighting is done with the texture and the shadow casting is done from the point the directional light Tod the directional light Tod is used to light up an entire scene at once is used for things like the sun and the moon and the directional light to these shines from one angle and does not warp Shadows based on its distance like a point light the light uder Tod the light auder Tod is the shape that is used to cast The Shadow in your scene you can set up the shape of a certain an object and based on this it will cast shadows in the rest of the scene the line 2D the line 2D node does what it says on the tin it allows you to draw 2D Lines by adding points to this array it is a lot of properties for styling the line like setting up his width taper and how the corners of the lines are rounded and rendered the marker 2D the marker 2D node is a debuging Noe it's just a node 2D only it shows his position and rotation in the editor it can be used to keep track of invisible nodes or points in Space the mesh instance 2D the mesh instance 2D node can be used to render a mesh AK a 3D model in 2D it has properties for what mesh it renders and its material the multi mesh instance 2D the multi mesh instance Tod can be used to render a lot of meshes efficiently it is recommended to be used with a lot of meshes in close proximity think for example of field of grass the navigation region 2D the navigation link 2D and a navigation obstacle 2D these are nodes to set up path finding in 2D they're a bit more complicated than the 3D nav finding notes as you'll need to set up your own navigation regions manually well in 3D there's a tool for automatically generating your nav mesh there's a great read in the docks on how to set up nav finding in 2D and I'll leave a link in the description the parallx layer and the paralex background node the paralex layer and the paralex background node are used to set up paralex in backgrounds in a 2d scene any 2D Graphics can be used as long as they're a child of its appropriate paral Xing layer the path 2D and the path follow 2D the path 2D node and the path follow Tod node are used to set up a 2d path or curve and then bind another node to this path using the path follow 2D node the poly polygon 2D the polygon 2D node allows you to set up shapes in 2D you can add the points of the polygon into the array here or drag and drop them in the editor right here the rast 2D the rast 2D node can be used to check collisions in a straight line the node reports on whether it hits something the point of collision and what it collided with the shape cast Tod the shape cast Tod works exactly the same as the ray cast Tod only it checks for Collision in a line using a shape so where Ray cast would shoot out an infinitely Thin Line the shape cast would shoot out in a shape for example a rectangle or a circle the remote transform 2D the remote transform Tod node can set another no's transform to its own it basically acts as a parent to that node without actually being the parent in the hierarchy it contains properties for whether to affect the position rotation or scale or all of them the skeleton 2D the bone 2D and the physical bone 2D these notes are all used to set up 2D skeleton and 2D skeletal animations there is some third party software to set up these skeletons but gdau also allows you to build your own skeletons within kdo there's a lot that goes into building and managing your 2D skeletons the ducks have a great read on the whole process Link in the description the visible onscreen Notifier 2D and the visible onc screen enabler 2D these nodes are used to detect whether a visual is on screen or not the visual onscreen Notifier sends out a signal to code when it is on screen and the visible onc screen enabler Tod enables itself when it is visible the canvas group the canvas group note can be used to merge all its children into a single draw call this can be useful when you want to combine some textures into one for example a translucent bottle and its contents and finally the back buffer copy the back buffer copy note is used to capture a region of your screen or your whole screen to be used in shaders you can Define what part of the screen it captures and this texture can be accessed within your Shader script with the hint uncore screen uncore texture variable all right all right all right there were all the 2D notes some of you might have noticed that I left out the touchcreen button that one is going into all the UI notes I'm doing all the UI and window notes in the next video and that should cover everything and then I'll put them all together in one giant video we'll have the every note covered in one video uh yeah thanks for all the support on the series so far it's been a lot of fun to do a lot of fun to hear your reactions so subscribe if you want to see the next one and until then [Music] bye
Channel: Lukky
Views: 281,078
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Keywords: godot, godot4.0, godot 4.0 stable, godot4.1, godot 4.1 stable, 2023, godot release, new, tutorial, getting started, start, learn, course, godot engine, gaming, learning, rpg, godot 3d, first person, animations, godot game, gamedev, devlog, free, switching, godot for unity users, unity to godot, godot tutorials, gettings started, fps, nodes, every node explained, every node in godot, all nodes, nodes 3d, physics, visuals
Id: 22VYNOtrcgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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