Best FREE Software for Game Development in (2024)

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being a game developer you have to do art  sound effects music file management and   more for your game so having the right tools  for making your game will make your journey   easier and it will be much better if these  tools are free you know as someone says all   free things are acceptable I don't know who  says that but it is true as a beginner game   developer you don't want to invest your money  in a game development because you don't know   if this field is for you or not so starting  with free tools will make you Focus just on   creating games I don't mean that free tools  aren't good it's the opposite if you have   an idea you can make it with any tool in the  beginning don't focus on the tools focus on the   core of the game development by making games  your understanding of game development will increase kenney Ken is site one of the best  resources I am using it has a lot of 2D   assets like 2D platform pack UI audio pixel and  more if you are a beginner you have to focus in   the beginning about how to create a game making  artwork will not make you focus on the game so K   site will take care over your artwork this is just  in the beginning or you can use it for prototyping   Fe just like kite  is a full of resources I mean a lot of resources   like 2D 3D art texture music sound effects and  many more but the main resources in open game art   is 3D assets I recently start using it and it is a  powerful tool flat icon flat icon is obvious from   its name icon FL icon has a lot of Icon images and  I use it for the UI of the game like the unknown   Mission what the hell you what you don't know  the unknown Mission the best game creature you   don't have Photoshop don't worry Krita is free  I never use Krita but what I heard of qua is a   powerful tour specifically in do so you have a  draw and you want to draw it you know you have Bosca Ceoil the first time I heard of this  Tool is in the video that talks about how   to make music for your game for man that we all  know him Brackeys you don't know Brackeys what   the [ __ ] Bosca Ceoil is an easy and funny  tool to make simple music and man it's easy   to learn I really advise you to make music  with it and you know it's free LMMS Lmms is   a free tool but you will take time to learn  it and you can make good music with it the   problem with Lmms is there are some bugs  in it to be honest I used it a long time   time ago so I think they fixed the box but  in general Lmms is a great tool for making [Music] music chip chip or is a good for making sound effects for a  simple game it generates different sound every   time you click the type of the sound effects you  want like coin boom jump level up lose and many   more you can change the frequency and amplitude  to make it give you different results there are   a lot of tools in it you can change them too I  leave it to you to test it I really like this   to sfxr and bfxr like the chip tun tool sfxr and  bfxr they work the same as the chip tone tool but   this time they are programs not websites sfxr and  bfxr they are really famous in game development   Community a lot of solo game developers use  these tools to get good sound effects in a   fast way mix kit mix kit is a site like Kenney's  site and open game it has a lot of sound   effects but this time not generated you can search  about the sound effect you want and you will get   your sound effects it's a big library that has  a lot of sound effects you can use them in your [Music] game processing if you are  beginning game developer who wants   to learn game development without entering the  world of game engines processing is the right   tool for you processing is a free software that  you uses the programming language Java learning   processing will make you understand how games  are created in a deep shallow way yes in a deep   shallow way do you have a problem do it will  give you the feeling of creating a game from   scratch and also will make you think like a  game developer Pygame so you learned Python   and you like it also you want to enter the world  of game development Pygame is a cross-platform   set of python models designed for watching  video games it includes computer graphics   and S libraries designed to be used with Python  programming language I made a game with P game   you can watch the video to learn more about it  Godot you all know Godot Godot is a free and   open source game engine and it is a friendly  game engine to learn game development with it   but I have to say this Godot is a good in 2D  but it is bad in 3D Godot developers started   fixing these issues in 3D I think in the future  Godot will be good in 3D because they have good   community that listen to game developers I use  God for making 2D games and I see it it's the   best game engine you can start with f beginner  game developer and remember it's free Unreal   Engine so you want to develop a 3D game unreal  engine is for you unreal engine is a series of   3D computer Graphics game engines developed by  epic games it uses the programming language C++ or you can use blueprints visual  scripting system which allows for   Rapid development of game logic without  using Code resulting in less of a divide   between technical artists designers and  programmers Unreal Engine takes a lot of   time to learn it but in the end it's worth  it a lot of famous games are developed by   Unreal Engine like Fortnite Hellblade  Blackmyth and many more famous games and there you have it a round up of some  fantastic free tools for game development   I hope you found these resources available  and can't wait to see what incredible games   you create with them you can watch this  video where it talks about which is the   best game engine to use Godot Unity or  unreal engine and yeah that's it and as always until then keep it [Music] [Music] simple
Channel: anyDev
Views: 31,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameDevelpoment, anyDev, best free software for game development, best software for 2d game development, best software for game development, best software to create games, free game creator software for pc, free software for game development, free software for game development (2024), game dev, gamedev, indie game devlog, music software for game development, software for game development, sound design software for games, the best free software for game development
Id: krCEbo-JzOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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