Europe DESTROYS Burger King!! What Are They Doing To Our Food??

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He talks about McDonald's too. Blew my mind bc title says BK. Strap on and strap in for a wild ride.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/clumsyStairway 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2022 đź—«︎ replies
what has Europe done to American fast food french fries Tower is that even food I thought this was ketchup it's cranberry sauce you can get the 16 Wing Bucket what son of a are you gaming what the frick is going on with Europe in this video we're gonna find out right now I'm in San Sebastian Spain and I walked by this Burger King and I knew I had to make a video because the menu was unlike so many things I've seen in the USA so I have to try it out and I have to know are they building on what we started in the USA or is it debauchery right now Burger King behind me across the street McDonald's right rain are you really it's behind this bus I swear to God so we might go there later too I'm feeling super hungry I have a hankering for fast food because I drank two bottles of wine yesterday which doesn't make me an alcoholic it makes me culture I'm in Europe now let's go eat some fast food first of all I want you to take note of the outside of this Burger King like look up here this place is beautiful it doesn't make any sense that a Burger King would be in a building like this this building must be 200 years old it could be like putting a strip club in an Old Stone Church it just seems wrong we can enter here and then the best part is we don't have to talk to a person we can just use these machines let's dine in scan my Burger King QR code and access uh no if you have a Burger King app evaluate Your Life Choices up to this point I eat Burger King but the app is where I draw the line This Is The Limited Time offers so here is some wild stuff stuff I've never seen before french fries Tower ping pong pedal is that even food is that a toy so let's order it anyways so here you can see they have a lot of vegetarian food personally I'm against vegetarian burgers they're full of weird chemicals they don't make sense never eat a vegetarian burger unless it was made by an Indian guy on the streets of Mumbai that's the only time it's okay except for in this case I'm gonna eat it to show you how it tastes hold on you can add bacon or cheese that's incredible I have to add bacon and then when you choose your side there are so many sides here to choose from I'm gonna go with this King fries cheese bacon plus crispy for the choices of sauce I thought this was ketchup it's cranberry sauce this is what I'm talking about what the frick is going on with Europe cranberry sauce nobody eats french fries with cranberry sauce I mean I do now today but that would be a first and last time so let's get to it I should I should get this as well Coca-Cola zero sugar because I'm on a diet they try to upsell you here with the additions I'm gonna get some Italian sticks and you can get six chili cheese bites I've not had that ever in my life since we're going full vegetarian to start with I'm also going to get the long veggie and this is something I've never tried here before veggie nuggets let's go for that too our first chorus comes out to 35 Euros cheapers that's uh 35 oh round one I'm very excited because a lot of this stuff I've ever tried before this Italian sticks I think they called it oh this is what you don't want when you make some cheese sticks you don't want a whole to explode it for the cheese to ooze out is there still cheese in there oh there is and it looks different this is what I was wondering in the U.S it's going to be more than that Pure White mozzarella let's try it out it's like cheese sticks but they put a little bit of oregano I like the texture it's warm and gooey on the inside although it'd be nice if there's more cheese juice like cheese oil dripping out and it's crunchy on the outside that is a pass from me let's check out these These are cheese bites I'm gonna try ripping them in half oh look at that it looks like there's broccoli or something in there oh some kind of a chili like a jalapeno it's like a green chili with super processed fake cheese gooey on the inside slightly spicy I mean they are real chili so that's good before we get into the veggie food we have one more thing the french fries cheese clearly a blaze orange super fake let's try it out super salty usually I'm not someone who likes loaded fries because it can get soggy and overly loaded with salt but these are pretty good even the bacon has a little bit of a crunch to it so we have three foods left I can't believe we have so many to start out with of course I think we go with the Nuggets these are vegetarian nuggets they're a bit too flat a bit too perfect at a glance if you were driving and someone handed you one of these you would think it was a normal chicken nugget based on site alone and by feel alone but what about okay I gotta say it's not bad there is what feels like a skin that's this outside part that peels off so the skin is super crunchy and then there's the inner important Meat part it has a meat ish texture although the giveaway is always in the oils because when you bite down you don't feel any chicken oil leaking out of it you just feel it's like if your mom was replaced with a clone she looks the same she sounds the same but something's off about the way she's hitting me today she's not putting her all into it she's just going through the actions like obviously overall I love it take a look at this Americans eat cranberry sauce exactly once a year on Thanksgiving here you can dip your vegetarian food into it give it a little bit of a dip try it out no no sorry I'm about to get hanging with you there super sweet jelly of cranberry is it a Spanish thing at this particular franchise I don't get it anyways on to the long veggie so long and so veggie a little bit of lettuce on there a little bit of mayo I'm guessing this is gonna be like a giant vegetarian nugget that's fine when you put it with the bread and the mayonnaise it's a bit hard to distinguish it from real chicken I gotta say it tastes a lot of the lines of the chicken nugget over here but in Sandwich form that's tasty I don't hate that but I also don't know why I would ever order it right here one of my most favorite things I've ever seen a Big King vegetarian but with bacon I love that Burger King even made this a possibility on their ordering screen they're like should we still try to upsell the bacon I mean like you had good intentions you're feeling good about yourself because you ordered vegetarian a little bit of bacon can't hurt come take a look at this three layers of red and all that's a veggie patty so much real bacon in there onion cheese and lettuce see how it tastes [Music] salty bacon little mayonnaise to bring it all together the bread's a little bit crumbly but that's okay with everything in there you really cannot tell them too much that this is fake beef but I think we've stumbled upon something incredible here vegetarians if you want to make your food taste even better the last step add a little bit of bacon better to be mostly vegetarian than not vegetarian at all right I should try the beef patty alone I mean it looks kind of like real beef wow I'm effing surprised it's pulling chemicals from him it has some spring to it it's not just mushy it's mixing of course like the beef juices but they're getting real close that's scary the other thing we got now these days apparently you can get merch I got Jenga I don't know why but I also got this it's a ping pong set turns out you can't eat this so who cares let's get some more food girls coming in hot for round two let's check out snacks I'm sorry they have buckets at Burger King you can get the 16 Wing Bucket what I have to see what a bucket looks like at Burger King I'm gonna get this mix two types of wings we got chicken wings and we got Nuggets oh this is the big one they're pushing right now this is the chili cheese with one patty let's try it out look at this you can get a triple Whopper who is that Reckless right here this is the king huevo huevo means egg all right let's order that up try it out course too and our final course here at Burger King this is a bucket I cannot believe they have buckets here at Burger King although I don't know if I'd call that a bucket as much as I'd call it a box right here inside we have wings and we have drummies that cannot be faked [Music] I'm talking about the juice they can get the shape the look the texture but they can't get the juice I love animal juice oh it's just gonna show a juicy this is a real chicken nugget it seems like the shapes are quite similar to the veggie ones very similar I'm very impressed by the similarity it's all about that chicken juice once you can recreate meat juice then you will be the god of vegetarian food that to the side I can't tell what this is just by looking at the outside let's unwrap it and find out oh beautiful bun look at that this is a king huevo Manny's egg cheese beef that is incredible oh ketchup under the egg all right let's try this out the bread is super dry and there's some barbecue flavor too interesting no sauce on the bottom beef is good but a bit dry in sauce but not enough sauce overall I like it I like the idea of it the king huevo juevos in Spanish can mean balls and this sandwich has some huevos just one huevo next right here what a mess of cheese let's uncapped it to figure out what it is yes this is the one they are pushing the most you see signs everywhere it is the chili cheese now what confusing to me is I see beef I see cheese but what is this disc is that going to be a cheese disc like Loteria let's find out well I'm excited let's go for it what huh no what is that I think this is like the same chili cheese bite cheese in a disc and I don't think it's very good it just tastes super processed wait is that cheese or potato foreign like me in high school look at me now what am I doing I didn't even ask permission to be here I'm gonna get kicked out by the police at any moment while eating a mediocre Verner oh very sad student would be heading to France not to show off I'm curious if they would have this in France or is this a Spain thing in each country of Europe do they have different food options when you go to Germany do they have the king wiener schnitzel when you go to Russia do they have the kingly or the trick question there's no more fast food in Russia sorry guys from here we're gonna go right across the street head to McDonald's too and see what they've got [Music] we've made our way into the McDonald's start order okay here we go whoever's ordering on this side it's very aggressive the whole machine is moving all right let's start with sides gouda cheese sticks I have to try that chicken mixed bites right next to the chicken McNuggets I'm not sure why you would need both but let me try these out here they have something called the Grand mink extreme cheesy roll I've never heard of this in my life personalized what can they write my name on it oh you can add cheese bacon all this stuff how much can you add oh just two you used to be able to add like 10 pieces of cheese in the beginning here they have the Sebastian yatra double I'm very interested in learning more about this it is a Double Quarter Pounder but it's also somehow related to Sebastian yatra we can get beer disclaimer uh please promise you're over 21 this is where the US lags behind and honestly this one thing already makes McDonald's in Europe way better than it could ever be in the USA we have the most annoying laws around alcohol all right let's wrap up this order and go eat and drink this is our final course because I cannot eat anymore after this this is beer what kind of beer I don't know it's amazing I'm gonna do a beer review but I just love the idea that I went to a machine and the machine's like do you promise you're old enough and I'm like I guess and they're like okay never could happen in the USA first course right here gouda cheese sticks if I want to make a cheesecake probably gouda is not the cheese I would go to first I'd probably go with mozzarella or cheddar but nonetheless we're gonna try it out I'm gonna break it in half okay it's got a little bit of stretch I don't think good is known for being a stretchy cheese so let's try it out it actually does not taste too much like gouda it's not too intense it does taste a bit mozzarella they tried to do something new and different with the crust on here it looks like it's got like dried parmesan or something on the outside or maybe it's just more gouda I give it a pass better than the chili cheese bites in Burger King that's for sure yeah we have sugar here we have chicken bites now look at a product like this I think who is the customer here because you can get chicken nuggets which are maybe four times the size so what is the name for this is this for babies is this for little children three years old who just barely stopped teething Saltine pepperoni lots of breading a little bit crunchy on the outside but not better than a chicken McNugget also in my country we would just call that popcorn chicken this is Sebastian yatra and I'm about to eat the Sebastian yatra double quarto de Libra con queso oh he's a Colombian singer he somehow made it onto the burger here in Spain you have to be very famous for them to name a whole burger after you at Burger King or at McDonald's let's take a look at this it is essentially just a McDouble cheese on the bottom patty patty cheese on the top pickle I don't usually get the Double Quarter Pounder because it's too much meat it's literally heavy it's like hurting my biceps how could it not be good they just take a familiar product a product everyone knows and they just called it something different beer final food now take a look at this the grand Mick extreme Dem McDonald's when you open it up it looks like an absolute mess let's see if I can dig this out of here oh I see all they've done is taken two cheese sticks and some cheese they put that on the bottom that's the base on top of that is the beef and then I don't know just a hodgepodge of lettuce some cheese that got folded over and then it looks like barbecue and mayonnaise this is classic fast food strategy take ingredients they already have green mix them create a new menu item but let's see if other things [Music] at this point in the day I'm actually glad there's lettuce on here I'm so deprived of vegetables the cheese is crunchy the beef is a thinner Patty than the quarter pounder but still delicious and actually mayonnaise and barbecue is a wonderful combination at this point I'm so full I want to die I'm just pretending to be excited to eat food um I gotta tap out I'm gonna take this home though and eat it later it's very nice I enjoyed it overall it has failed definitely this good to pass this was a lot of fast food in one day boom guys that is the end of the video I gotta say I was pretty Blown Away impressed and surprised by a lot of the options here in Europe that you cannot find elsewhere well at least in the USA as I go to some other countries here in Europe I'm gonna see if the menu varies from country to country or is it all just like this is it all just gouda and renowned Colombian singer how am I talking about I thought Asia was pretty different because I mean a lot of Asian fast food places but man this one even more different okay I'm done okay guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time okay please all right now I'm gonna find the European in and out or european Subway or european Taco Bell welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodie pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and are street food around the world graphic tea we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,211,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5-iFJOgowt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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