$1000 Dining in Europe!! The Most EXPENSIVE Food Country!!

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in this video you're going to witness a day of dining right here five star cheese in the world's most expensive country here sixty dollars for a burger I've never seen anything like this in my life Welcome to Switzerland this is a salad it's a ceramic dish with little holes inside of it and that's where they put the snail meat this is really bouncy in a moment I'm about to leave the hotel and go to a very exclusive restaurant this is a restaurant you can only get to buy boats no roads can get you there I guess maybe helicopter could work too if they have a helicopter pad which they may not yesterday we flew into Zurich and then took a one hour train to the lake of Lucerne here we're staying at one of the country's nicest Resorts burgenstock this place is so remote that you have to take a ferry to it and then a train to take you up the mountain to the resort Switzerland is an incredibly expensive country especially when it comes to things you wouldn't think would be that expensive like going out to eat today I want to show you how expensive this food is but I also want to get an idea of what Swiss food is like Swiss food is much more than drippy boiling cheese or chocolate fondue it's or is it more than that I guess I'm going to find out the room we're staying in here is 900 per day and it's surprisingly not huge but it does come with breakfast so we're gonna eat that first and check it out let's move [Music] we have just entered the buffet area I'm not sure if we're allowed to film here I'm gonna go with no it's okay it's surprisingly not very big right here they have some of the basics they have scrambled eggs now I love scrambled eggs I don't like scrambled eggs soup and that's how they like to make it here they also have sausage hard-boiled eggs here is the Dairy Corner so we have multiple cheeses butter yogurt ah right here five star cheese and a giant cheese knife I feel much take advantage of the cheese it's five star he was an assortment of nuts dried fruit here's the meat sections they have all kinds of ham here even this Swiss beef ham they have salmon they have fish lots of pickled things and lots of cured things here's some seasonal fruit this is the Bread Wagon right here and then guys that is it it's not expansive it's not going to have food from every corner of the earth I'm gonna load up some food sit down and eat five star cheese I got my food right here it looks healthy I guess these are goji berries what even is that just like when you get at Whole Foods these are Brazil nuts I love these These are definitely not from Switzerland I said already the buffet is not really that extravagant when I was at the Four Seasons in Bali there was like a different section for each country here it's just kind of the basics but what's Wild is that the price is seventy dollars not bad but is it worth 70 bucks that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about let's get into it first of all this is beef ham it's basically cured beef Consulting soft delicate smoking that's good here that is goat cheese I literally saw some goats this morning and let me tell you that goat cheese tastes like how those goats smell but we're just like a little bit of goat cheese for breakfast here we have just some pretty typical stuff delicious breads of course nuts fruit yeah there's wild mushrooms that's been fried very nice and then here a salad I like going to a new country or a buffet or whatever and seeing something new or presented in a way I've not seen before so even though I'm not like wild about salad this is interesting it's kind of like a bed from which these bean sprouts are sprouting from the counter there actually had as scissors you could cut these off if you want or you could just you don't like that that's a good salad very fresh so soon I'm going to finish up my ham with my cheese my bread all the European favorites and then we're gonna head to the room so I just left from the buffet and one of the things I forgot to mention is that the price you're paying here it's not just about the food it's about this right here whether you're at the buffet whether you're at your room this place has incredible views that you could only get here it's amazing we're going to talk as a collection of hotels and this is Walled Hotel and Spa we're going to enter right now and show you what our room looks like by the way if you're wondering where all that delicious Swiss milk and cheese comes from right here take a look at these milk bags work it girl [Music] so one thing kind of unique or maybe unusual about this place is they have a Dermatology Center they have a dentist they have a medical center if you want to come relax but also do some medical procedures or get a facelift I think you can do that too take a look at that view and let's go to the room here we are 515. let's take a look [Music] Welcome to our home as you come in there's two closets for him and for her over here a bathroom very compact just one sink this is a shower it comes from the sky I don't know how that works here my favorite room the toilet here bathrobe this is all just normal stuff right here this is hot so your towels stay kind of warm so after you take a bath or a shower Ah that's slightly warmer than it would usually be right here we have the refrigerator our refrigerator is already stocked with wine and with food you don't have to be in Switzerland long to realize you should go to the grocery store and eat from the grocery store as often as possible they have a coffee machine I was impressed with the amount of snacks that came with the room originally they have a hemp of protein bar and then some honey which has got to be crazy expensive as you enter further a king bed with a TV across from it this is a little workspace right here they felt bad because there was some kind of a water leak in our room on the first day so they wrote us a card and they gave us a free bottle of champagne across from the work area is a little hangout area on the table a variety of snacks that they've brought us we have fresh local seasonal fruit macaroons pecans and then local hazelnuts these are really yummy so if you look to the end of this room and then back you might be asking yourself why is this 900 per day the answer is I don't know but I can tell you that the best part it is the view a couple tables couple chairs and then this view right here when we first got the room I was actually surprised by the size I thought it was a small but it is really efficiently put together we're not spending a ton of time in the room and actually half the time we are here taking a look at the mountain the sunset it is really something to behold from here I'm gonna wait a couple more hours digest my breakfast then we're gonna order some room service in the most expensive burger I've found anywhere foreign since breakfast and right now it's time to order some room service so I've got the website pulled up here it is not an extensive menu on the first page they said they have starters salads and soups this is called verbena crowd daughter Salat baby vegetables seeds and tapioca chips and that's 25 buckaroos by the way they have hummus they have gazpacho ah right here they have a good old vicer Sparkle what okay there is no translation for that 44 bucks oh God do I get some vicers bubble it's gonna be the only thing that's relatively Swiss I have to get the sparkle this is the main food you can get for room service it's about four or five options and they're all sandwiches and or Burgers the other day I ordered a club sandwich they cost 55 USD so today I want to get the most expensive food that they have here that would be the wagyu beef burger now nothing says Swiss food like meat from Japan for this beef burger it is 54 francs 60 dollars for a burger I've never seen anything like this in my life and then desserts five varieties of finest twist artisan cheese Ah that's what I love about Europe cheese is dessert hello hi there I'd like to order some room service all right so I've been waiting for one hour I just got off the phone and they brought our food to someone else's room and some psychopath who didn't order a burger he said yeah I'll take that and they didn't check out so um if I want this food I have to order it again and I have to wait again for 30 to 40 minutes I'm actually very hungry now all right let's order again that was fake I didn't dial anybody alas our Burger is here let's go check it out [Music] hi I don't see any food oh yeah right here what a weird day this is a late lunch it's 6 p.m it's an odd feeling because when they finally deliver it they're like don't worry you don't have to pay for it I'm very sorry for waiting but no worries for sure you'll get it for free my goal was not at all to get free food my goal was to get food this right here is the vicer sparkle I guess vicer must be in white asparagus this must have been a Catholic white asparagus if you get what I mean here the tip is nice oh God I can't do this the body of it is a bit fibrous it's got some nice flavor to it mainly salt mmm all right this is penne pasta a truffle sauce I'm told this is a big container of Parmesan oh a free pasta in the most expensive country in the world follow my travel hacks to get cool discounts all you have to do is confuse them by telling them your actual room number very trufffully this right here is around 48 dollars it's literally just noodles with no meat with like some truffle sauce it's like fancy European daycare food would I pay 48 for that again hypothetically no but in reality no moving on to our wagyu burger right here we have sweet potato fries we have a small stack of onion rings and then the burger itself is branded with a b and then it looks kind of uninspiring onion ring first here is the wagyu Burger sixty dollars the bun feels nice and it has a good construction and it's kind of dense but soft it is a thick meaty Patty that's got an orangey sauce and then I don't know like I guess a piece of lettuce but not really any like tomato onion anything like that let's go for it [Music] please sixty dollars I'm gonna have an emotional breakdown [Music] I can't rub my head around this burger first of all we're in the land of cheese there's no cheese on here that's already confusing people who eat hamburgers not cheeseburgers and they're not lactose intolerant what are you doing every hamburger must have cheese bread nice sauce nice the meat the whole special thing about wagyu is the intramuscular fat within the steak this ain't no steak all you need is 30 fat 70 meat grind it all up you don't need wagyu putting wagyu on a burger is a way to charge more for that burger does this taste better because it's wagyu no I gotta say this is kind of a strikeout for dinner we had to plan the most extravagant wonderful blow our socks off type dinner bark and socks in a moment I'm about to leave the hotel and go to a very exclusive restaurant this is a restaurant you can only get to by boat no roads can get you there I guess maybe helicopter could work too if they have a helicopter pad which it may not but before we can go to the restaurant we have to leave the hotel and take the lift all the way down to Lake level where we'll be in our boat [Music] welcome to the funicular the exclusive one of Transportation taking people from the resort down to Lake Lucerne right here Ariana Waits let's go [Music] so right now we're on a rented yacht Captain by Mr Ingo there is here is what's Wild the transportation today just to get from the hotel to the restaurant is over 600 that's not even including the price of food and to be honest I'm not really sure what to expect yet all I know about this restaurant is that it's very traditional Swiss food so in order to forget about the price I'm gonna have a sip of wine a couple of snacks and soon we will reach our final destination cheers I'm not crying it's salt in my eyes oh wait this is a lake I am so excited because we are pulling up at the restaurant right now this is like their family Boathouse behind me so members of the family are actually fishermen maybe they bring in some of the fish that people are eating here I'm not sure I have a lot to learn but this is gorgeous here we go [Music] this is probably the most bougie thing I've ever done in my life I feel slightly out of place I also don't know what I'm doing I walk to a dead end there's no sidewalk here ah that way I don't know what to expect exactly but I'm told this is the most traditional real like authentic Swiss so we've just been sat down at our table right here they've brought a wine menu and the dinner menu and the menu is actually all in German now I did take three years of German in high school I should know some of these words carpaccio schnecken house it's gonna be tough so I'm trying to understand the menu and luckily Google translate has an app where you can take a picture and it will translate automatically and change it from German to English keep in mind they're not perfect translations first of all it says Carpaccio means beef owl and the second one snails in the potty toilet snails okay Whitefish Piccata perch fillets asparagus with hollandaise sauce this is slightly helpful garlic foam separately could I have this one with the fish from the lake and meat you have the answer court it's beef sure okay I'll get that and is this a snail yes oh could I have that yeah [Music] boom course one right here these are the snails it's a ceramic dish with little holes inside of it and that's where they put the snail meat and there are no shells at all this is really fancy I'm told get a little bit of bread a little bit of snail put that on top that's olive oil that's delicious herbs it's buttery try it out foreign snail I love snails and I usually eat them in Vietnam where they're a bit more chewy I like that too but these are like really soft snails super delicious would recommend would eat again right here we have our final course of this entire magical extremely expensive day they said this Bean is from this Lake wait hold on that might be the fish it turns out Spargo it means asparagus then we have potatoes of two varieties french fries and a whole potato very Herby and then we have two different sauces here that's ranch sauce no I'm just kidding that is a lot of herbs it's like a Milky gravy and then right here we have Hollandaise sauce right here take a look at the steak you can see there's two melted pads of butter right here one a type of herb butter right here a different type of butter oh that's nice take a look at that I'll call that roughly medium I'm gonna hit it with some butter cheers [Music] to be the cow we saw this morning let me explain a little bit why this country is so expensive when it comes to food the regulations in this country try to make it so people have to buy from others in the country you can't just get a bunch of cheap crap from other places and import it and then leave people here hanging so when you get this type of beef you know that it is absolutely local and that's why it tastes so good oh Lord finally our last dish right here this is fish from this Lake right here [Applause] I want to try it out naked and then maybe I'll put some sauce on it it is a perfect tiny little filet it looks like it was given a little bit of a crust for someone who ate a lot of fish sticks growing up that's real nice that is like a fish Peck or a fish brisket definitely it's not the dick do you think I said Fish Sticks no I was talking about actual fish tank right here though they have this beautiful green herbaceous mayonnaise ranch sauce I'm so white trash I don't know what it's actually called I'm gonna try to fish with that [Music] buttery there's some lemon taste there's just a Familiar Taste of delicious herbs it is so good food here is not about combining ingredients and making like some kind of psychotic American creation it's pure ingredients and absolutely local no Nigerian beef here not that that would be a bad thing okay I went out I drank so much wine from here there's only one thing left to do drink more wine no do the conclusion boom guys that is the end the end now that was rolled into our room price of about 900 but still was it an amazing Buffet it was fun to try some local foods but it did not blow off by Birkenstocks then came lunch someone else ate our food but then finally dinner very satisfying now it did cost 600 to get to and from dinner but the food itself fantastic the best I've had since I came here to Switzerland in all today we spent this much for the buffet and the Rome we spent this much for lunch oh that was nothing because they gave us our lunch two hours late and then we spent this much for transportation and then finally this much for dinner that is a lot of money I don't usually recommend spending that much but it's tough when you come to Switzerland things are expensive and there's no way out of it the best option when you come here go to the grocery stores the grocery stores here have everything you need cheese olives wine meat nuts that's all you need for a week in Switzerland and otherwise that is it for this one thank you so much for watching guys I will see you next time a piece oh I should jump in the water it's so cold though it's a glacial Lake I'm gonna do it anyways [Applause] [Music] oh my god oh you're in the water it looks awesome of course it's freezing oh that smells like Jasmine really yes it smells like perfume elevate your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over to buffers.shop today
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,131,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JOQ5tfA5g_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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