McDonalds in Africa!! I Wish the USA had This!!

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in now for breakfast while they're still serving it boom when I'm done eating that go in for lunch we're going back to back this is a McDonald's bang bang let's go do it have permission to film here but we're going to do it anyways here is the ordering kiosk luckily I don't have to talk to a human being now when you open this up you see they have a few different things that I've never seen before in my life this is called the boring breakfast bun or bowlery is a famous sausage in South Africa and they've taken that sausage and kind of flattened it out and made it into a Patty and they have that inside the breakfast Burger so I'm gonna get one of those you can also get a brewery with a freaking hash brown in it I'm not sure why they're not doing that in the U.S putting the hash brown inside the burger is freaking genius this is called the South African breakfast it is hilarious you're gonna see sir they also have a mega muffin I'm gonna get those go outside and try it out right here we have our McDonald's breakfast here in South Africa I'm going to start with this this is a mega McMuffin it's not just something you could order when you're high like look at this sausage cheese more sausage ham egg and ketchup that is the Mega heart attack but it looks pretty good for me with a breakfast sandwich like this I prefer something more like a jam or a jelly but ketchup is really just like a tomato jelly anyways isn't it let's try it out oh my Lord it is pretty awesome it's meaty it's all the sodium you need for the week and then the ketchup offers a bit of sweetness stuff like this used to only exist in fairy tales I like it but that is all stuff you've seen before I want to get to the South African stuff first of all we have this this is touring breakfast sandwich boom that special South African sausage beat down bang down into a Patty plus there's an egg there is ketchup but there's also some caramelized onions in there too it does look like a normal pork patty would McDonald's be daring enough just to take the same Patty from the USA bring it here and then brand it as something local well let's find out hmm not loving to catch up on the breakfast item I do believe the sausage patty is slightly different now it's hard to taste because there is so much ketchup in there it is so over sweet and so overpowering I gotta wipe off some of that ketchup I would say but it's slightly different from the pork patty you'll find in the U.S but quite similar if it's juicy it's full of pork fat it's good the only thing I don't love about this is that they've just absolutely smothered it with ketchup otherwise it's a pretty big breakfast win this is another invention that I love this is the brewery sausage and they put a hash brown inside since before I was born I've been seeing hash browns on the McDonald's breakfast menu but I've never seen it put into an actual sandwich and then it looks like a different sauce maybe a mayonnaise we still have the caramelized onions but this is going to be a vastly different dining experience and guys this is just really an epic powerful way to start your day let's try it out they could even put an egg in there as well and I would be happy with that crispy hash brown little Carby I don't usually like extra carbs being put into a sandwich but here the hash brown offers a little bit of body it's almost like eating a vegetarian sandwich that also has meat in it after that we have the same sausage experience but we've got mayonnaise now and I prefer mayonnaise usually over ketchup especially in the morning McDonald's in the USA has a ridiculous amount of breakfast options but it's still fun to come somewhere else and see how they're remixing the ingredients or adding new ingredients to make new menu items that being said this South African big breakfast take a look what have they done here here they've essentially deconstructed a sandwich and they've called it a breakfast look at the picture right now they took random menu items and they're like that looks like a breakfast slice of tomato British people will eat that caramelized onions we already have that laying around the sausage we already have that for our sandwiches I do like the sausage but then the funniest part is this was that toast this is a plain naked bun with nothing on it what is the purpose of this well you're essentially making me do McDonald's is reconstruct a burger the only thing really different or unique here is that they have scrambled eggs which I do like so let's build the ultimate McDonald's big breakfast South African breakfast sandwich right here the brewery sausage or bori or buhari then tomato then onions on top of that scrambled egg wait let's see how the scrambled egg is alone it's right on the line but that's still pretty good look gooey it's like an 11 year old May scrambled eggs sauce bun boom and then you have your own creation let's try it out I do love these patties the fun really isn't building it yourself and that's what we're here for also did I mention french fries the big breakfast comes with french fries which are now cold because I waited too long for me I don't actually know what a typical traditional South African breakfast looks like to my South African peeps watching in the comments down below tell me do you guys have like a tomato slice some scrambled eggs and then like some grilled buns is it kind of like that and then we have the biggest orange juice I've ever seen in my life now with 10 actual orange juice guys please don't get this and think that it's healthy drink water or Diet Coke that is our warm-up I'm gonna take a walk around the block soon we're gonna step inside and see what they have different on their lunch menu too it might just blow your mind but probably not foreign [Music] everything that I've never seen before on a McDonald's menu okay let's start with the veggie range I hate doing this to myself but I gotta do it they have a lone veggie burger you see how it tastes here this is something I've never seen before this is called a fold over it looks like a sort of a ramp would have two different chicken fold over and a spicy chicken fold over go spicy right all right now let's get to the burgers here we have the big booty spicy I'm gonna get that Blitz excuse me does that say Blitzball what's that mean so this book it's like lightning bugs okay cool all right thanks very much they have the blitz book big booty classic I have to get that too they have a MC Feast when you check out the sides they have corn and they have regular chili cheese mcflavor fries I'm gonna try that too boom lunch is served let me tell you what's interesting about this place you select a number you take this to your table and then they bring the food to you and the reason they have to bring the food to you is because it just took 40 minutes to get all of this right here is it fast food no but is it food let's find out I got four different kind of burger situations I've got corn french fries I got a chicken flop over wait I can't read upside down fold over let's start with this this is the veggie burger you know it's going to be a very quick review that's a vegetable and then you've got that fried kind of hockey puck crusty Brown veggie patty a bunch of ketchup and onion right here with squash that back on there does not look that great I gotta say some of the veggie stuff I saw in Spain was looking a lot better than this but let's give it a try oh interesting take a look it is it's like kind of like a mashed potato fried up Addy and it's got a lot of Indian spices inside it tastes almost like a Indian curry inspired Burger okay so that's that and we can put that away and never take it out again let's take a look at this this is the mcflavor fry unveiling seeing for the first time that is pure Madness we've got jalapenos what I assume to be sour cream or cheese or mayonnaise a load of french fries that looks pretty decent step one identify the white sauce this seems like it would be cheese but it could be their spicy sauce too let's just get a little bit of sauce on the fork [Music] and like some kind of spicy sauce they call it Mick flavor anyways here's some fries some jalapenos some of this mystery sauce foreign too because that is just straight up sauce if it was sour cream or cheese it would have a little bit less sodium this has a lot of punch my favorite part right here I'm definitely the jalapenos because it's a real plant that's been pickled it's got some flavor it's got some kick cleanse the palette with some Coke Zero full Coke flavor with none of the calories they paid me five million dollars for this finally gonna get that private jet next this is the Burger I don't know if they made it right is that all it's supposed to be it's ketchup it's onions it is a bigger Patty than this morning but it looks like the same material it looks like the same muri sausage that is interesting it's like the quintessential South African menu item here at this McDonald's at least for lunch and dinner try it out I like that it's a different bun with sesame seeds on top it's basically what we had for breakfast but minus an egg and plus it's a bit bigger it's a good flavor overall now if you think you're missing some vegetables when you're eating at McDonald's in South Africa don't forget about this a cup of corn this isn't just corn this is McDonald's corn this is cornography it just tastes like mushy watery it could be more salty if you're lacking fiber maybe it's good but overall I mean if they had to choose a vegetable do you want broccolini from McDonald's I don't think you do next right here this is the other very South African Burger now this one has the Buri Patty it has tomato lettuce they put the onions on there and the ketchup and some spicy sauce on top that's the orange part this is basically what we just had just with some vegetables to be fair I was complaining about it feeling a bit empty and now they filled it with some tomato and some lettuce and some spicy sauce let's try it out I like it but this gives it a little bit of crunch tomato makes it real juicy and then there's a lot of sauce on there now including that spicy sausage [Music] next this is a chicken fold over to open the pack use the easy tear strip around the middle like taking off a bra for the first time but the price here is even better big revealed boom so on the outside we have a bread it's not quite a tortilla it's not quite pita bread when you open it up a double breasted chicken patty this is what was inside of our Mega McMuffin this morning underneath that a tomato cut in half some lettuce in that same spicy sauce so Let's Fold that back up and give it a bite that's pretty good here's how you know you can trust me because I tell you when stuff sucks it's pretty decent what I like about it is that even the bread is flavor and then you bite into some tomato that chicken is soft slightly juicy [Music] I love this you could come to McDonald's eat this and not feel like you have to immediately lobotomize yourself this chicken eat it's tomatoey it's a little bit spicy I like the spice it's got some cake it's sitting in the back of my throat reminding me whose boss the spice is boss this is called a MC feast and we're gonna find out why I don't think this has anything traditionally South Africa but what they've done is piled up a huge assortment of ingredients it looks like they put two Quarter Pounders making it a half pounder let's see what is underneath the hood barbecue you've got raw onion tomato pickle cheese mayonnaise lettuce all together and then between the beef there is more cheese it is spot welded together with really sticky in there final Burger let's go [Applause] tiny barbecue a massive mountain of beef I feel it in my heart it's actually giving me heart problems it's not good oh deep breath I've tried like 10 foods now this thing is so thick and so meaty take a look at that you can see I pulled some of the vegetables out in my last bite but that is a heavy dense serious portion of beef in there double cheese and tons of sauce on top there's barbecue but it's spicy at the same time this could kill an elephant even like a hyena if you don't eat 10 different things maybe it's okay so that is everything unique about McDonald's here in South Africa the only thing left to do now is to tell you which thing was my favorite let's do that now foreign [Music] I like that they have a few different menu items that mimic the traditional food of this country but sometimes it was a little bit of a stretch like the South African big breakfast really some empty buns is that a traditional breakfast I don't think so hey but let me know in the comments down below Maybe I'm Wrong maybe that's exactly what Everybody Eats every morning some empty Burger buns mmm my favorite breakfast item was actually the mega McMuffin I love that I love they just threw every meat in there with no abandon it was completely Reckless and fairly delicious my favorite lunch item was the chicken fold over uh yeah it seems like a boring choice right it tasted really good it tastes like something that wouldn't kill me if I ate it every day otherwise let me know what you would want to try if you were here in South Africa looking at that menu having a stare back in your eyes which item would you choose which one made you the most curious that is it for today breakfast and lunch maybe I'll come back for more I will not here in South Africa guys thank you so much for watching I will see you next time [Music] all right should we do South African Burger King I mean there's South African KFC South African uh Taco Bell oh Taco Bell I want to find a Taco Bell welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodie pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food around the world graphic tea we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,749,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6hXs6_VA964
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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