Eugene's Boyfriend Reveal - You Can Sit With Us Ep. 20

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is you can always change to a new therapist or counselor so many people have been using betterhelp they're recruiting additional counselors in all 50 states we want you to start living a happier life today as a listener you'll get 10 off your first month by visiting sit with us join over 1 million people taking charge of their mental health again that's betterhelp sit with us [Music] hello everyone welcome to another episode of you can sit with us i'm one of your hosts becky i'm joined by maggie hello rachel hi and the guest you've all been waiting for matthew mclean hello thank you thanks for having me welcome the internet insisted yes they demanded we love you the people voted you won the popular vote in the comment section and you know this weekend who else won the popular vote dab dab dab dab yes yes yes here's harris hair's hair yes what were you guys doing when you found out oh we just watched the mandalorian oh you were watching the mandolin yeah we kind of gave up the stressing over checking our twitter all the time the night before when it was like very obvious that there was no way these margins were going to get shaved off even if trump tried something so we were like we'll go to bed i woke up by like zach shaking me in the morning he's like and i was like and then i signed on to social media and just saw like all these people in new york just like dancing in the streets and i like opened up the balcony and i was like anybody anybody and we didn't hear anything and i went downstairs to go get like an amazon package that had arrived and like my neighbor was like on the phone she's like did we win and i was like yeah and she like tried to give me a hug and i was like we just like tapped i air hugged it was really exciting and then zach went and walked the dog to like go see if people were like celebrating we ended up taking bowie to the groomers that morning in west hollywood and we ended up driving down and people were just going nuts dancing yeah we went out in west hollywood to go check out all the action yeah it was cool it was crazy people were popping bottles dancing in the streets cars couldn't get by yeah it was wild yeah i got calls from my family in peru and they were like so happy and like even like getting dms from people from like international fans everyone was like so excited for us and they're like i've never seen like americans like so collectively happy like it was just such a the rest of the world's waiting for us to rejoin the paris climate accord among other things yeah the world health organization yeah yeah well matt now that you're here with us thank you sweet baby angel welcome welcome thank you thank you so excited to be here this is my first podcast i've never been in the process before we got you exclusive before the tripod we'll make you sign an exclusivity contract after this you'll never go anywhere else you are going to be in a upcoming episode of without a recipe this is true this is an expert judge yes i'm definitely an expert [Laughter] don't just like padma you know don't spoil who won and who lost yeah but um overall how how was the cookie everything was bad people were bad don't get your expectations too high because all the food was bad most of it was almost unedible so the other judges i felt were being so nice and i was like you're just being nice yes were you the simon cowell of the judges i was definitely the second guy you're like yes this is awesome i was the grumpy one rosanna pansino was the other expert judge and you know she is just as nice as they come she always tries to spin it in a very positive light and she would like really think you could see her really thinking about it you know and like really trying to find the things to say if it wouldn't be damaging she's very like glass half full of champagne or something else you know so she's the mary berry and you were paul hollywood and you would give no handshakes then no one got a handshake whoa no yeah whoa but you are an expert in cooking because you love to cook right i do i do love to cook i would say i'm a good home cook you know i'm not trained at all except from like your parents and your grandparents and cooking and growing up and stuff but i do i cook almost every night for eugene and i so yeah eugene's the non-cooker in the house he's so blessed to have matt in the house can you imagine and you also bake yeah i do i do bread i don't i don't like do too many desserts i'm not like a big dessert person i don't bake a lot of sweets but i do do bread so of course during quarantine like everyone started doing more bread so yeah that's when we're able to hone our skills you and max i did it for a little bit i still need to continue oh of your three breads okay judges my starter i like to eat bread way dead i need to come over to your house and get another starter because every week on my weekly list to do i have to like water my plants i have like other things to do in the house like my starter life's so hard i know it's dead it's not dead but it's just it's going to take a lot to get her back and happy yeah so maybe just adopt another yeah yeah steal from matt's kitchen when did you first start cooking matt when did you first like realize that you enjoyed cooking i think i mean it's always been growing up like we would have a lot of family traditions where we would cook so like for christmas we would always go to my grandparents and make homemade raviolis because we you know yes yeah and so i think it's just through those traditions and spending time with family and like every night we had like a garden growing up that it was just part of our kind of daily lives are you guys planting a garden at your house we do have a small a very small garden because we don't have a lot of outdoor space like it's all kind of patio and there's not a lot of light in some areas but i put a small garden on the side of our house so it's growing some things that are coming soon yes some some fruit trees we put out there and then you know doing some good things like some kale some beets some kale some kale some other fall things yeah but it takes it just takes so long to grow it does take a lot of water and you're a big plant guy too you have a lot of plants and here we have like about like 30 plants in the house nuts because i have like a plant watering day where i like like bottom water them in our tub yeah so they're just sitting there did you gene water any of the plants no he's he always forgets he almost forgets to water the dogs it's like really water in the dog he forgets to water himself coffee he's usually always just drinking coffee yeah i've never seen water not one and i always have to yell at him more water what day of the week is your plant day it always changes so since i'm home all in out home all the time now um it's just like whenever i remember like it's every week week and a half i'm just like oh they look thirsty do you like stick your finger in it oh yeah yeah whenever we go on a trip i take all the plants from around the house and put them in the sunshiny areas like on the kitchen island that i wouldn't normally want them to give them a vacation yeah like when we're on basically get a good time when you get back yes yeah do you have lots of plans i've thrown out like i've thrown out i've thrown out a we have like four plants that have survived but since the babies came all the cacti had to go a poisonous one had to go one they killed had to go so all of our plants are in jeopardy but i used to have more babies and plants they don't they don't mix no same with cats everything will kill alfred i'll do this that's true oh this is a cute plant do a quick little google search toxic to cats on one bite like all plants will make cats like vomit and not that i want alfie to vomit but he like doesn't eat our plants like he doesn't eat food off the ground he doesn't eat any of that stuff but like i get really paranoid that one is going to be out and he's going to be like happened to my sister's dog yeah she had she had some flowers or something on the patio she just planted them and then the dog she has a little tiny min pin went out got one bite and was like almost dead oh i was about to say that rusher to the vet and everything yeah not the same surface area yeah so you really have to be careful you never know it just takes one bite sometimes dogs and raisins too miles do you not know that smiles as a new puppy why he's not here i don't know a little bit angry about it you said you were good again you're so cute no raisins though one raisin will kill a dog of any size and they don't it's not per breed it's just like something that some of them have and some of them don't oh or like i know grapes are bad for you eat but raisins are like grapes times they're constantly because they're constant concentrated and you know who loves raisins wine toddlers so if you have a dog and you have toddlers you have to it's like a whole deal but no reasons um but speaking of dogs you and eugene have three beautiful poo-poos mm-hmm we have yes and you started with one when you and eugene first started dating or did you well were you emma's owner so eugene already had emma he inherited her from a roommate who's going to give her back to the pound and then you're just like no i'm not going to let you bring the dog back to the pound it's just heartbreaking so he just kind of took over emma from an old roommate and then when you died for emma yeah took over her care and then yeah and then when we were going to move in together i was like well emma is a friend she needs those seven years ago he's a bigger secret y'all unsolved seven years ago um no we we're like okay well we need to get emma a friend so then we went and adopted pesto who named yeah because we want to have a food name and so it took us a while to like see his energy and like what he seemed like yeah let me land on pesticides he's the perfect person he's definitely mailed i didn't really need to have another dog because like we were all around that day i went with thank you i blame becky together apply to us right did you and i were walking around this yeah um what do you call them patrons yeah a rescue place yes rescue like an as pcpa yeah yeah so we were walking around this place and they're all these little doggies and they're all sitting all cute and then we saw kimbop and his funny little face and he was just sitting there like didn't you bring pesto in by accident too and kimbap was the only one that just like stood there and was like what's up yeah it was an accident we didn't know that you couldn't bring a dog like we didn't read any of the signs around us just too excited to see all of you guys that were like don't bring your dog back here don't bring your dog back here but i was just excited to go because my parents didn't let me go to like adoption places when i was little because i volunteered at one once and came home crying because i wanted a dog yeah so i was really excited yeah to be there and we walked in and all the dogs are like barking like crazy and kim bob's just like was that yep yeah and he was really chill when we took him out to play with like pesto and emma he was just like sitting there and then he changed he changed he got a little comfortable in his home and now he's like he had the worst case of kennel cough i've ever heard in a dog before he was just sick so he was really sick when we first brought him home so after he was mellow because he was sick yeah after he was not sick anymore he's like whatever he's like him went crazy yeah he feels great alfie that was the first time kim had met a cat so yeah mm-hmm first and last year will this friendship continue i don't know what to say we'll have to house yeah easy yeah that'll be their little party area [Laughter] ralphie he's like mom coors heart seltzer isn't your average seltzer they were inspired by generations that want to do 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fort worth texas [Music] becky aren't you getting another cat yeah that's what i heard word on the street heard about [Music] everyone here was on miles yeah you were on the text thread too um there's a street cat that we like and we named him bart and i've been feeding him trying to kidnap him so we could take him and see if he got chipped um but then the old owners of our house came back because they like forgot something and we were asked keith asked them about the cat and they're like oh he actually like belongs to someone though he's very dirty so i'm like those owners need to give him a little hosting scrub yeah um but i was giving him i gave him like a wet treat and like fed him water and he's chasing me around the deck because he's like i want to go in i want to go in i want to go in and then alfred was sitting there and he's like what's going on and they were kind of like meowing at each other and then all of a sudden uh bart just goes like he looks like i'm looking forward to he looked like the cougar from the new york times video yeah so needless to say will not be kidnapping bart no yeah it's typically they say that you should get two cats so that you can like they just grow up with each other but we were looking at older cats and then we were looking at two cats at once but in our apartment they said they had just said that we could have a cat and keith was like i don't know if i wanna i don't know if i want to test this yeah and get like evicted it's a long i worked for a crazy cat lady for a while and she was always introduced i think she just called you a crazy cat she was always introducing new cats to her cats not you you feed one street cat you get ladies you're a cat lady i think really matt is the biggest like animal person here you have the most yeah yes four if by sheer volume yeah eugene it was like watching space you got another dog all right eugene always wants another dog yeah he wants like a big one he always talks about no i'm not getting big dogs equals big poops i don't want that you know that's true yeah who takes care of the doggies we co-parent that's good yeah that's good yeah yeah who's training kim pop that's definitely me yeah he's still a pup in training for sure um but he's calmed down a lot yeah he's still done he's become much more affectionate much more cuddly than he used to be and also i'll be eating at matt and eugene's house and he is just there he's like hey girl yeah you're gonna drop something his eyes are always on he loves to like follow you around and watch you uncomfortable eye contact from kim yeah yeah trying to go to the bathroom he'll like come in you know he's like be my friend he is like having a kid then i mean all three of them all four of them all four so when you had your first child eugene um tell us more about when you and eugene met oh yeah everyone's gonna ask for his story we heard nothing of that he just told matt that so that's all you're saying fake news fake news eugene said it was fine yeah and jean said it was fine um we met at the gym he's strong boys you strong boys you strong guys it's funny because we had seen each other at the gym for like a year who was scoping who first eugene said it was me but it was definitely him okay okay yeah yeah definitely him so how do you move on from like jim like peering at each other into the gym to talking yeah because i talked to him first and then he just asked me out right away oh so forward i love it yeah and then we went to a dinner in a movie on our first date oh that's so cute what movie do you know i feel like it was argo oh this is very dramatic okay light not a rom-com serious you know serious film film um yeah and then we got drinks after so just like a date that just kept on going going oh the date never stood yeah and i'd also just fallen off my vespa so i don't have a car right i drive a vespa yes very italian yeah um but i had just fallen off my vespa because i got stung by bee and it made me like like jerk around i didn't know that's what happened yeah so then i fell off and i like scraped my like arm all up and i like hurt my knee and all this stuff so that was when i went on my first date he liked you because you're rugged you're like i'm slightly injured so i was like well i didn't tell my first and then he kept trying to hang out with me and i was like i can't hang out with him i have like like i have wounds he's very insistent come over and bring you like soup and like things make you feel better yeah kind of kind of kind of so did you um take your vespa to the movies did you like hold on to the back and then you're like oh by the way i got this from asked me how i got my scarves right no he came and brought me in his honda civic the one you guys are not up on the cars you're i feel like your little vespa his little civic they need an upgrade i wonder if i'm allowed to tell this story this is my favorite eugene story he was driving that car into a photo shoot we'll see i'll check with him and he was only wearing his robe to the photo shoot because because he didn't want to get changed and wrinkle his clothes till we were at the photo shoot i think this was for the book and apparently a woman like lightly rear-ended him on the freeway in his beat-up old civic that had like been to hell and back and he's just wearing this robe and she comes around to the side and he leans out the window and he also hadn't slept all night because they were like operating the book yadda yadda yeah par for the course and he's wearing this robe and he's so sleep deprived and it's like 7am and he just leans out the window and he goes it's fine i'm not going to worry about it he's like you get a freebie i'm not going to worry about it and he's like half asleep and then he drives on into work and he was like i got rear-ended but it's okay i let her go and i was like what are you doing you were wearing this robe and he was like yeah and that's why i was like you need a new car eugene if he doesn't even care that someone hits it i know i mean have you seen the back of the civic it's just like a little bumper car i know matt's vessel is my first and only basketball ride i did it because i got to hold on to him and like snuggle in it's time for a cuddle but it was horrifying driving between the cars and the parked cars i was like this is how i die yeah i remember telling my mom about it and she was like why did you get on that motorcycle it's a best friend to your mother it's just a death trap yeah well all my uncles have uh harleys so that was like a big thing of like don't get on a motorcycle yeah you don't get on the freeway dude okay that's good good good good good that's that's what we like to hear so okay so that's how you and eugene met yeah how did you guys meet um we met at that holiday party the buzzfeed roosevelt hotel holiday party i remember that one yeah and the drinks were flowing so i had matt's number in my phone and he texted me like hey the next day and i was like oh my god who'd i give my number to i put his phone number like in facebook and was like oh it's mad oh phew i went with keith but i gave him my number back what was i thinking yeah when was the first time you guys met i'm trying to think me and matt were like buddies from the get-go i can't remember i feel like i was the last to meet you yeah yeah eugene and matt i met eugene the first night i met zach but i didn't meet matt for a long time and i we went to like the hollywood forever cemetery and i thought i was gonna meet you then but eugene and your friend david came and i was like where's your where's matt where's matt and then i finally met you i don't know i don't remember how did try wives come to be because i that you came up i did i was the one who coined the phrase so i should be getting all royalty the trademark money sentence that's actually the fifth try guy sorry miles um we were all on a group text thread and then i don't remember who had started it or who had named it you would do you you said buzzed wives did i say buzz wives you came up with ariel it was it wasn't me i don't know how to name i don't remember doing that i don't have any message i've tried i don't know how to do it so i'm positive after this and i don't even remember how long ago it was while they were still buzzfeed yeah they were still buzzfeed and so then i just changed it to try wise instead of buzzed wives yeah because they were we were all part of the try group and not necessarily buzzfeed you know a little more intimate yeah that [Music] maybe it was i'm trying to remember i remember the stripping show when they did that variety show we all had to text i wasn't around that i don't think not yet yeah this was bm before me or maggie [Laughter] um yeah it was maybe it was the stripping show because that's the only time i could think like when we would have all needed to communicate when we were getting somewhere but then they didn't want to let you in and wait after you went and got an android for a while so oh that's right i know can't look back we lost the early days because i had a pixel and then i promptly broke it and went back to my iphone yeah so um there was some drama at the stripping show yes because they had i asked keith i think the reason that we're normally on text threads is because the boys are really bad at communicating with us about like when events start if we have tickets that are under our name or their name um just many fasted of things so this was back when they were doing their variety show and i'd ask keith do we need to buy tickets or are you just going to put like a comp in or something and he's like i'll figure it out figure it out figure it out of course i didn't figure it out so when all the tickets get sold and keith was like i don't know i don't think you can come and i was like well i don't think you can strip so that's what you can tell them i was like they either led your girlfriend in or you're not going like that what the hell who are you going to strip on yellow um but they had gotten me and ariel in because we were going to be in the show and then i remember it was matt and cespy andrews girlfriend at the time now fiance they also were like oh yeah you can't come in either and ariel and i were like that we were like just refused to leave and sit on our chairs and so we all shared like the four of us had like one cheek on each chair and we were like smooshed into the front row this is hollywood we were like yes no it was in hollywood it was at uh the virgil oh it was their like actual show but we did go to hollywood men hill matt you're a um big world traveler and you've actually traveled with all of us oh yeah oh man she's not too excited to talk about it well when the guys were doing their tour last year um international tour we got to go down under so um maggie and i went a little earlier and went to new zealand it was so nice that was really fun do a little trek through new zealand and then we met everyone in australia and then i had to come back for work but then you guys continued on to singapore which you had already been to i'd already been in singapore earlier that year yeah so i didn't feel like i was missing out too much you know just only a little bit just a little bit of fomo but new zealand was amazing it was so cool new zealand was my backup plan new zealand or australia or like a combo if uh trump won your fallout plan yeah you don't wanna they don't want us but you know nobody wants us no one does anymore what were your favorite parts about new zealand um we went to two different places we went to queenstown we went to the south island yeah and then we went to like a wine country in wahiki island it was the food there was incredible the people there were so nice and like so welcoming what sort of the only thing that sticks out to me was that water jet tour that we did that mat i should have brought it it was pouring rain and the boys all had hoods and like sunglasses and like scarves i i just had no i think i was wearing like some sort of like coat without a hood or anything like that and i didn't have sunglasses and it was raining so we were going how how fast did that thing go it was pretty fast it's like one of the flat bottom boats and you're like in the canyon yeah so you were all on and you're like together yeah you're on a boat with like 10 12 people or whatever you're tokyo drifting like through this like through and they do like you know termites and stuff yeah spins around and all this stuff and it was so fun but the the rain was like pelting in the face and i like matt has like the photo from it and like my shirt is just like all the way up to my eyebrows and i was just so miserable but it was so funny she was brilliant she was pissed at zack for sure she was like get me off this boat now this is not fun anymore but then we went to this amazing like hot tub view situation that's nice very spot-like it was like next to the onsen baths because the onsen baths were completely booked but that was really nice um we went on really really beautiful hikes too tramping in new zealand they call it tramping like against tramping yeah so you were a we were trampers at our house we love to cook but sometimes getting to the grocery store can be tough so having a easy meal kit delivery service like hello fresh has been so nice it's super easy and stress free hellofresh delivers fresh high quality pre-portioned ingredients so you can make meals that are delicious and nutritious it cuts out the stressful meal planning and grocery store trips so you can just enjoy cooking and get to eat in a little sooner by skipping the grocery store and using hello fresh you're reducing your food waste by at least 25 percent they deliver pre-portioned ingredients so you're not over buying which can be a burden on the planet and your wallet hellofresh is committed to donating to those in need so far in 2020 they've donated 3.5 million meals you can help too with hellofresh's beyond the box program where you give nutritious meals to those experiencing food insecurity with just a few clicks in the app we are obsessed with the crunchy curry chickpea bowls they're just a little bit tangy a little bit spicy but very very delicious and so easy to make so go to sit with us 90 and use code sit with us 90 to get a total of 90 off including free shipping that's sit with us 90. code sit with us 90 for 90 off and free shipping at hellofresh we did like a helicopter ride we went to like milford and apparently milford sound it's like 260 days of the year it's always raining and we happen to go on a day that wasn't raining yeah we went on like the snow-capped mountains it felt like very lord of the rings then we went down to the sound so it's also very like precipitous because you're like up there in the helicopter and it's going in and around the mountains and like so close yeah it was so cool yeah what's next where are we going next well we went to vegas oh it's true we did it in exotic circus wait what so matt invited becky and i to go and visit him out for work um and he picked an what show was it becky it was um not zootopia zoology but that's wrong um humanity my coworker had been like oh this is a tastefully erotic show so i was like okay that sounds fun peacefully erotic try wives yeah yeah i do not think it was totally appropriate wait what is this different dimension for vegas show yeah because the cirque du soleil show i saw was like appropriate for kids yeah i enjoyed watching like the topless women like dancing so beautiful but the mcs were i don't know i just there was a band and then it was a drag performer was the host i thought it was a couple i don't remember well they were like performers yeah and it's a lot of audience participation so they like come out and like grab people and talk to people and touch people and all this stuff so they noticed there was nothing it was like a wednesday or something a lot of people not allowed people to audiences the erotic part that wasn't tasteful because i'm dying of curiosity here it was just like like remember the moaning girl on the ring so there was this ariel dancer yeah like an aerial dancer and she was like going up in the air and she was just like really heavily moaning like she was having sex like the whole flight up and we thought it was gonna end in like you know she's gonna do like a back flip off the thing nah that was it her whole band was just like slowly spinning up this thing moaning and moaning well it was also like a lot of the jokes were just like very like crass they weren't there's no innuendo it was just like full straight on you know it was just like yeah so at the end they sent a couple of performers out to grab people from the audience and of course and of course this beautiful man they crawl over like five people to get to me and we saw him come here like they're coming for him they're gonna take matt of course they win and they were like are you here with your girlfriend or wife he's like yeah both of them those two yeah and then they continue like interviewing him and i think they're like matt are you gay and he was like obviously i never i just remember they tried to take like my shirt off and then they're like tickling you with like feathers and like all this stuff you at one point too you're really trying to mess with them and matt was like no and i was like okay like very unimpressed yeah it was just lasted too long yeah it was a long time i can't believe they're allowed to touch you the opposite of a haunted house it was a hoot that we got lots of good photos of mountain yeah do you still have that framed picture did you say friends we bought it for rain the picture um somewhere it's gonna be right next to the framed picture of mackie i gotta just throw all those in like a drawer i know so then you just have them yeah yeah i remember in australia when we did that uh we climbed the sydney harbour bridge keith and i went back to get the pictures that everyone took and everyone's like don't worry we'll take them back for you we'll take them back when we're back at the you know hotel you still have them you know who still has them you do like pictures of everyone there's hundreds of photos oh my god this and i was like keith we gotta like throw these out or like people worry about yeah he was like we can't give them away their memories you should put them in everyone's christmas cards i was like i think i left one in your hotel room because i was like take it back i'm taking all these in my suitcase yeah yeah australia was fun though australia was super fun we could see all the animals is that that's probably the favorite part set your highlight yeah yeah we got to touch all the kangaroos that was like the first official video that you had come out and was like hi i'm eugene's boyfriend oh yeah yeah and your instagram went the launch of the instagram yeah were you my influencer instagram were you not on instagram until 2018 no i just had a private instagram where i have like 200 followers 200 my closest friends only the inside circle exactly exactly so then i was like okay all these people keep trying to look me up because of you jeans so i was like let's just give them somewhere to go because then they'll stop searching got it got it yeah but i'm really horrible at it i really don't keep up with you are i don't see anything from you well just take better pictures of me rachel come on okay yeah if you tag that he'll repost he doesn't post it own but he'll re-post right i do i do repost this yeah he's the king of reposting yeah i remember with both of you who was always being so careful about not posting like pictures of us together so yeah being careful you guys had to be yeah so it was matt and i think always at events together appreciating that apples we'd always hang out with one that's true yeah yeah we'd be at the food table together like i don't know i feel like i've been around it for so long like in the buzzfeed videos and stuff at the beginning like youtube like can you come with like 10 people to be in the background of these videos so it's like when no one wanted to be in buzzfeed videos so i was i'm in the background of all these different videos and stuff back then so i feel like i never really faced what a good supportive boyfriend i know right showing up to be bg and buzzfeed videos that is love yeah that's what i love lots of background lots of backgrounds you're like the hidden mickeys in buzzfeed videos yeah if we can find it where's waldo yes what's your favorite video that eugene's done favorite how um okay well probably like all of our favorite videos the coming out videos just about we can take that out off the table it's just everyone's favorite video what is your favorite um like what video do you watch and you see eugene and you're like eugene that's my eugene like i still think like some of the original drag ones and like high heel ones are really good but then also where they like redefine different formats like beauty standards throughout history or um like disney princesses in real life like ones that people went on and copied oh yeah those are pretty cool yeah and you've been in more videos now how do you have you liked it have you enjoyed being in the videos yeah i think so i mean i i feel like the ones that i've been in have been kind of more in my wheelhouse like in my comfort zone a little bit more good you know yeah rather than skydiving or like doing something crazy i mean is that one in x-rays the boys yeah the boys skydiving and so we gotta do it no yeah no it's easy it's easy part of it is a comfort thing right you're little so you're strapped to like a big dude or a woman who's done it a bunch keith miles even eugene to an extent are taller than the average person so if you're strapped if if you were strapped to keith's back do you think he would feel safe jumping out of a plane if i had jumped out of a plane like 10 times that day and like thousands of times in my life yeah but what if you crashed and then you literally couldn't move his body because you're smaller than him that's not how it works we got to do it somewhere like really cool we can't just do somewhere like that yeah it's like 10 feet i looked up a video it's very hilarious the guys were acting especially keith very afraid and we were like if you if you search it you're gonna know it'll be fine it's like it's like just like that's how you drop the ground and you're just like tourists do it on the ice where like someone's off the side of a mountain and they're like no no that's like cliff jumping paragliding paragliding that's what i thought it was that yeah that's what it was this is like you're like barely off the ground this is i'm a parasailing gal you go up really steadily and you're just like in a big ol balloon you're waving at everyone that's my vibe yeah then what's the number you're like behind the boat that's parasailing parasailing or sailing the drink works home bar by keurig is the perfect gift or addition to any small gathering i have one and it is amazing it is my favorite gift to give and so easy to use the home bar makes over 30 bar quality cocktails literally at the push of a button i'm a big fan of mojito so i love that it's so easy to just you know pop one in and start sipping all you have to do is insert the pod which has all the alcohol and ingredients and push start every time it's a bar quality drink visit to buy one for yourself or a perfect gift for someone else before the holidays at check out use code drink to save fifty dollars that's code d-r-i-n-k to save fifty dollars at cheers we'll do it all eventually but yeah because they're afraid of it it's gotta happen that's so interesting watching people do something that they're deeply afraid of and figuring out and having sort of the like climax of like sounds very fear factor rachel i mean in new zealand they're known for um bungee jumping and i was like zack there's no no you're a bad dude you cannot skydiving is just adrenaline but bungee jumping has like an impact impact on your body has anyone been on a hot air balloon no i would i want to do that i want to do that zach and i were supposed to do it in out of mexico city like by the pyramids it was too windy we got up at like five in the morning we got there by 5 30 and they sat us around this room and they're like we're so sorry we don't want so for you guys to blow away so we have to go away you can't steer them it's just like you go oh you can't that's like a moody's point from the amanda show the mom gets lost on the hot air balloon how do they track you and know where to pick you up if you can't i think that they stay within a certain gps perimeter i don't know and then you kind of just fall not fall but you like kind of fall i guess there's no way and you just kind of go up and you go down yeah and there's a guy with you yeah yeah okay so it's not as like romantic i mean a lot of people got married doing that in mexico city over the pyramids they got married in the hot air balloon that's right that's cute yeah that's very covet friendly yeah i mean it's true talk about social distance yeah everyone's underneath watching down below is the hot air balloon guy considered a pilot like can he like like legally usually like ship captains you're official yeah easy you know you can do um business venture going on here becky has balloons you can go um balloon hot air ballooning at the san diego safari park i love the safari park i have never i've never been it's really nervous the animals are very like free you know they're not like like i grew up going to like brookfield zoo which is a really beautiful zoo but it's like also like kind of sad because you're like all zoos yeah but the ones that are more focused rehabilitation yeah san diego's close that's easy okay it's like two hours yeah what video would you want to be in matt if there was a true future i've really been wanting to go to japan lately all of us can we cook serious in japan yeah ramen making noodle something i feel like that would be a good one or except for no one can travel i know well one day it'll be a dream okay drink that's a dream yeah why are you killing him sorry sorry because when you say dream i'm like well then let's do that but it's really hard i'm planning the seats for later rachel i'm planning that for later season take a long time so you want to do like a japanese cooking tour yeah that'd be fun and the fear factor one could be what is the fish that can kill you the cuttlefish or whatever oh yeah and then we could go like take the train out and climb the snow monkey mountains where all the monkeys are around yeah we go to kyoto there's so much yeah disney world in japan yeah disneyland okay what's a non-travel related try that you wanted there we go local i mean like wine tasting vacations that's planning this weekend we'll just take videos on our iphones and share them with each other i don't know i don't know what are you doing sunday right i don't know what what what do you want to do becky you're putting me in the spot i want to do eat the menu baskin robbins is my my god the one that i'm always sounds like a tummy tuck sounds like a big all 31 flavors all 31 flavors yep you're going to need those like little baby sampler scoops to eat that menu back back you are baby pill she's getting ready oh my gosh that sounds so good what do you want to do maggie what do i want to do um my eat pray love is i've always wanted to go to peru and take like a full-blown culinary arts course there and just learn how to do like really i mean ceviche is not hard but just learn how to use different ingredients or just anywhere a culinary tour i'm not like really uh confident in using like herbs and like different ingredients in the kitchen so just learning taking like a full-blown chef course yeah vegan or dairy-free friendly uh-huh and learning how to be like more confident in the kitchen because i am by no means on matt's level and i feel like in a relationship between zack and i one of us has to be good right are you trying to say exactly we're just gonna get skinnier and skinnier and skinnier considering where zach was when we first started dating he's come a long way he's come a long way but we could be better always cooking classes are so fun too yeah yeah matt you should give us a cooking class so you can cook them okay okay yeah yeah that's so easy trying to keep up rachel i don't know if you know this story but eugene could make it his talent in the talent show um this weekend keith was showing us how to juggle and eugene just picks up the balls never juggled before in his life it starts started juggling a story immediately so he just does it and then like when he was sewing pants for two hours he's like crying in front of the sewing machine he can't sew a stitch he can't sew he doesn't eat lunch he works through lunch he can't sew and then all of a sudden he really just stole some pants in like 10 minutes and i was like and they fit and i was like what just happened here is he like that around the house he's very coordinated so like those types of things he's good at but i don't understand other things he's not good at you know like cooking like cooking cleaning organization you know yard work yard work yeah anything with plants he's not good well he can sew pants out of nowhere out of nowhere let's see we talked about cooking a lot do you have like a really uh like a favorite ingredient that you add to things that just makes it really good like if you ever mentioned or uncle roger says oh gosh sure yeah that's a good one actually i feel like the tip of the day would be my to the day would be when you're watching youtube videos don't always think that they're real right there's a lot of cooking ones that are very tasty-esque they don't actually show you how to do things so you're going to be you know hoodwinked if you try to do it yourself they're tricking you so before you try to do something you see on the internet like do some research look into it make sure it's actually possible look of an actual recipe exactly got it exactly if something looks too easy like something looks beautiful like great cake good decorating something looks too easy it probably is got it all right because they're just looking for those clicks becky got ticked lied to by tick tock i got trick talked someone slid into my dms and said that it was it was true that you could you can't you can't boom i don't know i saw in tick-tock someone smacked a pineapple and then when they opened it it was all cut so that would be getting hoodwinked yes that's not that's not true yes totally i wish man have you ever cooked anything from tick-tock because you're a big tick-tock bellar i love tik-tok but i've never cooked anything from tik-tok i mean actually there are some people who have good recipes and i'm like ooh those look like i should look that up but they're all they always divert you to their youtube channel they're gonna check out my full thing on they have really good drink recipes on tick tock becky always sends me like maggie's cafe add this one to the menu anytime there's one where they're making like a simple syrup or like a flavored like a milk alternative drink i'm like maggie learn how to make this i'm ready so guys that is the end of the podcast i think the moral of you know the story here is don't get hoodwinked um and matt is awesome he's real we love him keep it real we're so happy that he was able to join us for this episode and he's actually gonna be on on dancing with this dog brother and you can catch him on the bachelorette on tuesday oh my god but we are so happy that matt stopped by to hang out with us thank you you enjoyed sitting with us matt always come back always cuddle some more yeah come back and see us anytime um if you have any questions for matt for the next time he's on you should leave them in the comments or email them to you can sit with us pod um and now that we're having more guests on we'd also love some suggestions who do you guys want to see on the pod who do you want to have as a friend of the pod we want to know well thanks for tuning in guys we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 1,156,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, boyfriend, eugene boyfriend, matt
Id: eHWpQ7oi728
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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