ETS (English) | 25.06.2021 The Book of Revelation 1:4-8

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you could ask everyone to stand for the lord's prayer please let us pray together in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm number 38 o lord do not rebuke me in your wrath nor chasten me in your heart displeasure for your arrows peace me deeply and your hand presses me down there is no soundness in my flesh because of your anger nor any health in my bones because of my sin for my iniquities have gone over my head like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me my wounds are fowl and festering because of my foolishness i am troubled i am bowed down greatly i go morning all the day long for my lines are full of inflammation and there is no soundness in my flesh i am feeble and severely broken i ground because of the turmoil of my heart lord all my desire is before you and my sighing is not hidden from you my heart pants my strength fails me as for the light of my eyes it also has gone from me my loved ones and my friends stand aloof from my plague and my relatives stand afar off those also who seek my life lay snares for me those who seek my hurt speak of destruction and plan deception all the day long but i like a deaf man do not he and i am like a mute who does not open his mouth thus i am like a man who does not he and in whose mouth is no response for in you o lord i hope you will hear o lord my god for i said hear me lest they rejoice over me lest when my foot slips they exalt themselves against me for i am ready to fall and my sorrow is continually before me for i will declare my iniquity i will be in anguish over my sin but my enemies are vigorous and they are strong and those who hate me wrongfully have multiplied those also who render evil for good they are my adversaries because i follow what is good do not forsake me o lord o my god be not far from me make haste to help me o lord my salvation and all glory be to our lord jesus christ forever and ever amen please be seated well a very good evening to everyone as deacon george said that from now on bible preaching will be friday evenings at 7 30 pm shop instead of sundays however the last sunday of every month we will always have the holy mass service or the divine liturgy at 6 30 p.m so this coming sunday after two days we will have we will celebrate the holy mass service here at the church in english at 6 30 p.m we pray we see you and bring more people with you for the glory of our lord and savior jesus christ this evening is a continuation of what we started last friday and that is the book of revelation so today we will be reading from chapter one of the book of revelation verses four to eight here we go john to the seven churches which are in asia grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne and from jesus christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth to who to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and has made us kings and priests to his god and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen behold he is coming with clouds and every eye will see him even they who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him even so amen i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end says the lord who is and who was and who is to come the almighty and glo all glory be to our lord and savior jesus christ forever and ever more amen well the book of revelation we started last week before i go into this i pray those who are watching us live are always in good health and good spirit and thank you for joining us may the lord jesus reward you abundantly book of revelation we've been actually approached so many times to come and give a commentary on the book of revelation we did it in assyrian and it took us just over two years to finish so it'll take us probably another two years to finish it in english with the lord's grace but hey time with the lord it does not really matter i pray and i wish i could always spend my time with the lord because everything outside of jesus christ is nothing but vanity absolute emptiness last week just to um connected to this week's session we spoke about the book of revelation and we said the following that the book of revelation is the last chapter of the new testament it is a prophetic symbolic book it is a judgment of god to all mankind to all the human race on the face of this world or this earth and it is the revelation of jesus christ which was given to jesus by god and then the lord jesus gave it to the angel and the angel gave it to john the beloved and john the beloved gave it to the seven leaders which are referred to as angels or leaders of the churches the seven churches in asia so and we said that this book is jesus revelation the lord is trying to reveal to his children not to the whole world because the whole world did not accept the lord jesus but those who accepted him and made him hit their lord and their savior jesus will reveal to his christian people not only by name but by deed as well those who are true christians and seeking the lord from the heart not from the lip the lord will reveal what will happen in the end of times before it really happens so it is a revelation of the lord jesus so we covered verses 1 to 3 last week and today we will continue from verses 4 to 8. here we go verse 4 begins with john to the seven churches which are in asia we said john is the is john the beloved one of the 12 apostles of jesus christ the gospel writer the writer of the epistles and the book of revelation he was the youngest in age out of all the 12 and the last one to depart this world at the age of around approximately 105 years of age he passed away a natural death in an island in the middle of the mediterranean sea called pedmos which is in greece currently an island in greece called pedmos and he wrote the book of revelation around 100 a.d to john john to the seven churches which are in asia we see in verse four the role of john the beloved what his role is all about he is writing or he's sending this book of jesus christ to the seven churches in asia now when the bible mentions seven churches yes there were seven churches in asia at that time however book of revelation it is a prophetic book and a symbolic book therefore we should not take it in the literal sense because the lord jesus does not have seven churches because saint paul his epistle to the ephesians chapter 5 says that the church is the body of christ since the church is the body of christ therefore there is only one body to christ meaning there is only one church of jesus christ so what is he meaning by the seven churches in asia he's meaning that the only beloved church of christ is going to go through seven different stages until the end of times it's going to go through seven different stages but we will cover this in chapter two and three but he says to the seven churches i.e to the church the only church of christ that is gonna go through seven stages until the second coming of the messiah but where are these churches in asia now the word asia if we look at it in the arabic language they call it asia now in arabic asia there is one word that derives from the word asia is kasia now kasia means means the the oppressing one the um the torturing one the difficult one someone who is kasi means he is oppressive he the one that persecutes you the one that gives you a hard time so where is the beloved church of christ that is gonna go through seven different stages where is it it is in a place where it will be persecuted and it will be oppressed and afflicted in asia when we look around us now what is happening in the world nowadays it is mainly focused on the church not anywhere else the persecution is mainly focused on the church asia here refers to the world and the lord jesus established his church and he placed it in the world where it will be persecuted and we see a great deal of persecutions happening against the church in so many countries that were once upon a time christians nowadays they are denouncing their christianity and becoming of a secular atheistic government and they do not want to do nothing with christian values morals and laws they are walking away and they're giving the church a hard time they want to implement rules and laws where as a christian you have no right to speak your christian faith did you see what happened to israel file the the um the rugby league player what happened to him he was taken to court actually he took them to court because he was kicked out of his professional job because he quoted something on his facebook or on his twitter and he actually quoted something from the bible he was expressing his faith but he was persecuted how dare you judging people i'm not judging my beloved i'm just quoting and confessing and professing my faith so the church is in a place where it is persecuted asia here represents the whole world he says do we have the verses on the screen we don't that's okay grace to you and peace john is sending the message to the seven churches in asia and begins the message with grace to you and peace in a nutshell it is that grace that brought jesus christ and when jesus christ came peace was made possible grace and peace to you all grace to you and peace grace brought jesus and when jesus came peace what made possible what is grace grace is a gift from god given for free to someone like me unworthy of it grace is a gift from god given for free to someone like me that is not worthy of it so what is the grace of god jesus christ himself jesus hanged on the cross is the grace of god to all humanity how did peace come about when jesus was crucified through his precious blood that he shed on calvary on the cross washed away the sins of the world and those who accepted him their sins were washed and once their sins were washed they became reunited and reconciled back to god peace was made possible by the lamb of god in shedding his blood on calvary on the cross god was reconciled back to men peace was made possible through the blood of jesus christ so grace brought us jesus and when jesus came peace was made between god and man from him who is and was and who is to come so this grace and peace is from the one who is is from the one who was and it's from the one who is to come now i'll give you two interpretation from the one who is who was and who is to come one interpretation is from the one who is the holy spirit the holy spirit is the one who is at the moment dwelling in us the holy spirit is the one who is present in the church of christ the holy spirit is the one in whom we walk we talk we move and we live currently we are in the presence of the holy spirit from the one who was god the father who was from the very beginning the one who loved us from the very beginning the one who created us from the very beginning and the one who is to come the son jesus christ who will come in the end to judge the living and the dead who will come to take his bride without a blemish without a stain into the father's house but in this particular verse and for this evening i will say that since grace is given by god because grace is a gift from god given for free to people who are not worthy of it and that gift which god gave all people is his son jesus christ he is the grace of god therefore i will say that the grace is coming and the peace from the one who is and from the one who was and from the one who is to come is god the father and why i say all of them god the father because straight after that and from the seven spirits who are before his throne the seven spirits is the holy spirit and from jesus christ the son of god so grace and peace from the one who is from the one who was and from the one who is to come god the father and the seven spirits be who are the before the throne of god the holy spirit and from jesus christ the son of god god the father god the holy spirit god the son this is the trinitarian god which all christian people believe and worship we believe that god is one but this one god is the father the son and the holy spirit now when it says and from the seven spirits who are before the throne the seven spirits is the holy spirit does god have seven spirits of course not send what is the seven spirits it is talking about the holy spirit working in the church of christ the true church of christ through the seven sacraments of the church the holy spirit working through the sacrament of the priesthood the holy spirit working through the sacrament of baptism the holy spirit working through the sacrament of the body and blood of christ they are seven sacraments when you go to the both catholic and orthodox faith they will say we have seven sacraments in the church of christ that's why he refers to the seven spirits meaning the holy spirit is working through these seven sacraments to bring salvation and redemption to all christendom or the christian faith it is through the priesthood that the sins of people are forgiven it is through the baptism you are giving a born again a second birth from above it is through the body and blood that your sins are forgiving and the inheritance of the kingdom is made possible to you the forgiveness of sin the anointing of the sick and the rest and the rest and the rest that's why he says seven spirits and from jesus christ the faithful witness the faithful witness jesus christ is the faithful witness to his beloved dad his father who sent him to redeem everyone but why is jesus the faithful witness because there were so many witnesses prior to jesus and after jesus but all these witnesses who came before him and after him no one was faithful except jesus everyone failed we look at our father abraham in the old testament he was a witness to god but not faithful because when he was placed before the king of egypt out of fear he denied his wife and he said she is my sister he lied to save his own life because the king saw his wife so beautiful he did not know she was married he said i want to take her as a wife to me abraham said you can have her she's my sister yet she was his wife abraham was a witness to god but not faithful all of us have veered off the road and have fallen short of the glory of god there is only one faithful witness to god and that is jesus christ of nazareth he remained loyal all his life on earth until death the death of the cross if i ask what was the authority or the ministry of jesus christ what was it all about to sum it up one word miracle doing the ministry of jesus given by god the father to him was to do wonders and miracles this was the ministry of jesus christ out of the entire miracles and the wonders that jesus had done in the entire new testament there was no one miracle he did for his own name's sake for his own glory for his own benefit every miracle he did was to glorify his dad he was faithful to his calling he came to glorify god and he did it perfectly when the lord was preaching to the multitude in the wilderness in the desert for three days and three nights he multiplied out of five loaves of bread and two fishes he multiplied them and fed five thousand men not including women and children and there was left over when he was alone in the wilderness when he was tempted by the tempter by satan satan came to him and he said if you are the son of god say to this stone to become a bread and jesus was hungry he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights ate nothing he was extremely hungry now could jesus have turned the stone into bread yes he is giving the authority from his dad to do miracles he could have changed the stone into bread but did he change it no yet he could have why because he would have done it for himself if he had changed the stone into bread he said nothing for me everything is to glorify my dad i am the faithful witness none of you were faithful yet a lot of you were witnesses but there was only one faithful witness and that is jesus christ of nazareth the firstborn from the dead why the holy bible calls him the firstborn from the dead because simply in the entire human race from the very beginning adam till the last human that comes to the face of this planet there was no human that ever died and rose from the dead on their own except jesus of nazareth so that's why he is the firstborn from the dead he is the only one who died and rose from the dead by himself his grave his tomb is empty he is the only firstborn of from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth this is the only place in the entire new testament that tells you that jesus christ is the ruler over the all the kings of the earth so who rules over scott morrison jesus christ who rules over joe biden in jesus christ who rules over all the kings queen elizabeth jesus christ when you look at the world you say these rulers are doing whatever they want the world is in chaos the world is in turmoil they are destroying people well where is jesus christ in the midst of all this how come he's not stopping them a few guys say a few christians claim that your holy bible says that jesus christ is the ruler over all the kings of the earth then where is he how come he is not doing something about it i'm telling you we will never be able to understand to fathom the wisdom of jesus christ he knows what he's doing what we need to do in turn to trust everything he does and everything he says because he is the only one that knows what is good for everyone but he is the ruler who brought saddam hussein to iraq jesus christ the president in china who brought him jesus christ but he can say i can do whatever i want any king can say we can do whatever we want and we can get away with murder but that's only their their intellect is telling him the truth will always remain the truth jesus is the ruler of every king and every leader no matter who they are or what they are regardless of their christians or not regardless if they are believers or not jesus is the one who appoints them jesus is the one who removes them at his appointed time but you see the problem is we look and we judge things with our own intellect that's why we can never fathom how jesus is ruling when the world is in turmoil but have faith in the lord and trust in his infinite wisdom he knows what he is doing my beloved he knows what he's doing when someone comes and rules a nation and that someone is very harsh to this to the citizen of that nation rest assured rest assure there is wisdom in here maybe the lord jesus is trying to tell those people in that nation you guys have denied me you guys have walked away from me you guys are not listening to me i'm telling you don't go downtown and you keep on going i'm telling you don't go clubbing and you keep on going i'm telling you don't dress up in this indecent way and you're still doing it i'm telling you don't take drugs and you're still doing it i'm telling you don't go after guys and after girls and you're still doing it so what do you expect from this just judge to do he will come and discipline you he will put a leader that will give you a hard time for you to realize your errors and mistakes and come back and repent before it's too late that's what jesus is doing my beloved that's what the lord is doing we need to pay attention we need to pay attention i have so many young men and women here i was your age and i lived in this country you may say you come from the middle east yeah i was born in iraq the land of the mesopotamia bethnahren between the two rivers tigers and euphrates i'm proud of my heritage i'm proud where i come from but i thank the lord for australia i was raised most of my life here i lived my teenage life in australia not in iraq so i know what australia is all about i know what australia offers because i've done it before you i've lived it i know exactly what you guys go through and i know how difficult your time and age is the problem of our time and age is one thing freedom is misinterpreted and misdefined they will encourage you and please pay attention i may stop here i won't go any further because i really want to get this message across to you guys it is coming from someone who lived your life before you and i've passed the stage and i know exactly what awaits you i know exactly i know exactly we are living at a time and age where freedom is misinterpreted and misdefined a government and please i want everyone to listen a government has no right to tell you how to live your parents have the right to tell you how to live family but the problem is the problem is when there is imbalance in a family we have an imbalanced society and when the rule that is placed by the government that once you are a mature 16 years of age you decide to leave home you are absolutely free and no one can stop you i just wonder a 16 year old an 18 year old a 20 year old a 30 year old for that matter how much do you know about life and the ins and outs of that life not much my dear friend a teenager will always come and say i know what i'm doing mom dad that's what they will say i know what i'm doing and they see that mom and dad are nothing but an obstacle are nothing but a hindrance are nothing but a pain in the neck because they are standing in my way and they are not letting me to have fun enjoy life and experience it for myself okay mom and dad you say this is wrong but let me experience it and let me find out for myself if it is right or wrong well if i let you experience it it may be too late because the damage will be much greater than you and i to be able to fix jesus christ is the ruler of every king of the earth the problem of every kingdom of every nation of every country is one thing the day that nation denies the existence of god we lose origin we lose meaning we lose morality and we lose destiny we lose our origin we lose the meaning to that origin and we lose the morality of life and we lose the destiny where am i going to end up at the end i'm lost when a nation believes that every human race came from mother nature there is no origin therefore the ape is your granddad next time you go to tauranga zoo and you see that gorilla in there throw him a when we take god out of that equation there is no more meaning to nothing i ask someone who believes in nothing then what are you who are you and and what what are you all about if you believe in nothing then you're nothing because what you believe in is what makes you then if your belief is in nothing then next time you talk i'm gonna deny you totally because nothing is speaking where is the meaning in here the meaning of what a human is all about nothing and then the morality moral values maybe what i'm saying to some of you are too big of words i'll try and be very simple as much as i can moral values is who is gonna teach me what is right and what is wrong who's going to tell me this is right and this is wrong am i going to be just free in the sense i decide what is right and wrong so therefore mom to me you don't exist dad to me you don't exist because i'm living in a country they're telling me you are free no one can stop you so at the age of 15 16 17 18 in my 20s i'll do whatever i want because it's a free country and i decide what is morally is right and what is morally wrong i decide then my question as a teenager what do you know about morals what do you know about values what do you know about life yet it is so complicated so deep in meaning not not much you're still living that life you haven't lived it for you to understand it i remember once this girl came to me crying crying like a baby like there was rivers of tears gushing down her face father father i'm destroyed father what's wrong my daughter my boyfriend left me how old are you my my darling 16 how long have you known this guy four years father i started counting backwards sixteen minus one fifteen minus two fourteen minus three thirteen minus four twelve so you were still drinking milk in a in a dummy guys pay attention anyone comes to you and says don't listen to mom and dad go out as you please do not befriend that person anyone says to you you can do whatever you want you're absolutely free this is australia they are lying to you lying anyone that says it does not matter if this guy chooses to be a male or a female or in between it is a free country we should love one another same-sex marriage is no different to any other marriages we do not accept it because our jesus says otherwise do not listen australia's got nothing to do with the christian faith australia's got nothing to do with jesus christ the australia's got nothing to do with god god will always be god you cannot impose your laws and rules as a government on my faith how come an atheist has the right to attack me as a christian and i can't say nothing because he is in the right where is fairness where is justice here where is freedom of speech where is freedom of religion i wonder i'm saying this to every nation what happened you know what we're living in the end of times the attack is against jesus christ because satan is behind all of this satan will not attack muhammad because he won him long time ago satan will not go after buddha because he won him long ago satan will not go after krishna because he won him and the 300 million gods long ago satan was overcome by one and was crushed on calvary his name is jesus that's why he will attack jesus and everyone who professes and confesses jesus christ will be attacked my beloved children i know what happens at school i know exactly what happens you need to be equipped in your christian faith otherwise it is not a joke of what is happening in the world they are brainwashing everyone the social media platform is doing a great job in giving you nothing but lies lies but jesus will always remain the ruler over every nation yes in this country you can go out and live on your own and no one can stop you the law says parents cannot stop you someone like me cannot stop you but i'll tell you one thing you go and live on your own and let me see where you're gonna end up anyone that does not listen to jesus christ will end up in darkness in a very bad place not every parent is a parent not every dad is a dad nor every mom is a mom however just because some parents do not do what is asked of them to do as parents that does not mean every parent is in the same scale there are great parents there are very good mom and dad with very great values in them and principle and morals in them and they want to raise their kids in the right manner but what is happening out there in the world they are being bombarded those kids are being bombarded with lies lies my beloveds lies listen guys every human being came from adam and eve not adam and steve i just don't know where steve came from i have no idea looks like from satan we are christians we need to know what our christian faith says and what i'm saying i'm not judging i have the right to teach my faith to my children as a spiritual dad i have the right to teach it i'm not judging i pray for everyone who does not believe in the christian faith or in christ i pray for them and i love them but i cannot do and cannot accept what the lord does not accept i cannot jesus christ is the ruler time flies when you're having fun [Applause] i'll read it very quickly and i'll conclude with this look at this to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood who is him jesus christ who is jesus christ the ruler over every leader in this on on this earth so jesus christ who rules all the kings of the earth to us what is he he loved us and he washed us from our sins with his own blood therefore why are we afraid of getting close to jesus jesus christ who rules the world is the one who loved us not loves us now in the past tense not the present he loved us before he made us and created us jesus to us is all love jesus to us is all salvation and redemption with his own life he put it on the line to give us life with his own blood washed us clean from every sin every mistake every error isn't he worthy of our love and respect we need to come closer to jesus my beloveds read the holy bible stop using your iphone and ipad and ipad was this dad who had three sons one son put his hand up and said i have an iphone the other son said i have an ipod the other one said i have an ipad and daddy looking so miserable put his hand up and he said and i paid stop being on the net on facebook and on instagram and i don't know what else is out there grab the holy bible and read become familiar with jesus of what he says and what he teaches use some time with the lord make him your friend for a change make him your friend and has made us kings and priests to his god and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen i will talk at a later stage for a different topic about he made us priests and kings to god and his father that's a long and very deep topic anyway i want to get to this point verse 7 behold he meaning jesus christ is coming with clouds and every eye will see him even they who pierced him he's coming back with a cloud what is in the cloud water what is the lord coming with he's coming with a cloud meaning water he is coming to quench the thirst of everyone who says i'm thirsty to you lord is coming to quench your thirst those who seek the lord will be quenched those who say we are thirsty for the lord he's coming with a cloud and he's gonna quench that thirst and he'll say here i am my child you were seeking me you were searching for me from the heart i am the god of the heart you seek me through your heart you will see me in your heart and then i'll take you from there and i'll put you in my heart i will quench your thirst and to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen he is the king of all kings he is the leader of all leaders he is the lord of all lords and the ruler over all the kings of the earth and his dominion his authority his sovereignty is forever it will never end it is forever jesus then in verse eight i'll leave you with this jesus is saying i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end says the lord who is and who was and who is to come the almighty look at this jesus is same as his dad who is who was and who is to come jesus christ says i and the father are one we are all one i am god i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end this is the answer to everyone who claims to be a jehovah's witness or a mormon this is the answer to everyone who claims to be a jehovah's witness or a moment open your ease properly because you claim that jesus christ is lesser than god jehovah well if jesus in the book of revelation which you accept as well says i am the alpha and the omega what is alpha and omega alphabetical letters these are letters i am the a and the zed or in the american accent or style z i am the a and the z or zed my question is there anything alphabetically speaking is there anything before the a is there anything after the zed okay if jesus christ is less than god and jesus says i am the a and the zed now if he is the a where would i put god if there was another god greater than him where would i put him there is nothing before the a and if he is the zed where would i put god after zed there is no other letter so if jesus is the a and the zed he is god if he is the beginning and the end is there a beginning to a beginning no is there an end to an end no it is either the beginning or the end nothing before it nothing after it and if jesus says i am the beginning if there was a god greater than him where would i put that god no place for him anymore and if there was a god greater than jesus where would i put him after that end there is nothing after the end because everything ends with an end i am the alpha and the omega letters i am the beginning and the end time with letters you make words and with words you profess and comes intuition when we read in the book of genesis in the very beginning and god saw it was dark and god said let there be light what did he say letters words so when god said let there be light light was made was created because of those words that were said so i am the alpha and the omega i am the word the logos that everything was made through it and created through the word things were created i am the alpha and the omega the creator i am the beginning and the end i am the creator of time because i put the beginning and i put the end i surpass time i am beyond the time and above it i am god you read genesis 1 1 in the beginning elohim created alpha and omega the word created heavens and earth but how does it start in the beginning the beginning is the time created heavens and earth elohim created heavens and earth so what were the heavens and earth how were they created by the logos the word through the word everything was created and then when you read in the gospel of john 1 1 in the beginning was the word logos and the word was with god and the word was god so this is jesus the creator the alpha and the omega the creator the creator of time the beginning and end he is that he is beyond everyone but this mighty god loves who loved us who washed our sins with his own precious blood my goodness how much does this god who is almighty how much does he love us he died for all of us there is no greater sacrifice than this for someone so holy to put his life on the line for someone like me so filthy this love cannot be expressed any greater than this and what he is who was and was to come the almighty i'll leave you with this the almighty when you read in the holy bible you have these titles given to god when you read it says on one hand that god is the all-powerful in here it says he is the almighty what is the difference between all powerful and almighty all-powerful means every time you and i i and you do something wrong he will wipe us he is all-powerful meaning he cannot accept one tiny little error one mistake the moment we break his word he will wipe us from existence this is all-powerful and what is almighty all almighty means when we sin through our sin he brings something good when we destroy things he brings something constructive out of destructive when we go into darkness he brings light out of darkness what is god in this essence almighty not all-powerful almighty means he changes sin into holiness darkness into light death into life that's one of the reasons why god did not put an end to satan he left him even though satan is doing a lot of damage but he left him why because even from the damage which satan does god brings something good god brings something good coronavirus it was approved by jesus christ otherwise wouldn't have happened whether it was done in the laboratory in china the americans say one thing in the chinese say the other and they have been going at each other brother sending these nasty arrows and pointing the fingers at one another and going full steam ahead to destroy one another and threaten one another just get a life get a life the day that you guys come back and surrender to jesus i can assure you you ain't gonna create no more viruses uh we know this virus was man-made and it was deliberate and look what's happening till now we are we are paying the price but you know why coronavirus came i'll tell you jesus is not happy with his children he is not we have walked away from the lord we started doing things that upset him we started saying things that disappointed him the way we chose how to live it was against his will and against his wish boys and girls young men and women my beloved children i beg you especially those who are teenagers here and even the young ones here everyone is susceptible to making mistakes we all get tempted we all get you know drawn by people around us i beg you i beg you i beg you do not look at what other young men and women are doing and you start to imitating them you are not them they are not you you do not belong to them you belong to jesus christ i beg you if anyone comes and says let's have fun say can you explain what fun is do you understand what fun is it's fun to you to lie to mom and dad and do things behind their back is that fun it's fun to dress up in a in responsible and reasonable way to cut to show your body to the world is that fun is it fun to change your shape your face do all these botox and changing your facial countenances which god has given you and created you've got a big nose be happy you've got big ears be happy you're not as gorgeous as mariah carey who cares you're not mariah carey stop imitating them you are you work on you and let your heart be beautiful to god not your outer appearance your inner from inside be pure from inside be clean from inside be beautiful not just from outside you're not meant to go and do things as you please you are meant to do things according to jesus what he wants why because he loved us from the beginning he washed us clean with his own blood he purchased us with his own blood which is his life he wants you to him not to the world not to your cousin not to your friends definitely not to satan don't do things unless you tell mom and dad what you're doing before you do them tell them if you can't talk to mom and dad talk to someone like me open up your heart and say i'm facing this dilemma i'm facing this problem i'm facing this obstacle i'm facing this challenge speak up don't be quiet and go hush-hush and start doing things your way because you'll end up in a place i can assure you it's not going to be comfortable it's not going to be comfortable they can teach you whatever they want at school but you come to church and learn what jesus wants we all came from adam and eve and eve adam and steve are good boys but leave them alone social media do not spend too much time on youtube and facebook and the rest not too much and you need to watch what you watch if you know what i'm saying you need to watch what you watch you need to see what you are seeing and reading and exposing yourself to be careful my beloveds be careful be careful jesus is calling everyone says come to me because you'll never find anyone that loves you more than me you'll never find anyone that cares for you more than me you'll never find a friend so loyal to you more than me you'll never find someone that knows you more than you more than me i'm the only one that in me you'll find yourself and you will find everything you lack and everything you need in me you'll find it not in anyone else come to church and have fun but come to church have fun in the church under the banner of jesus christ don't have fun in the street because the street is nothing but poison it's nothing but deception and lies don't have fun with so-called friends you need to know your friends you need to choose your friends you need to pick them you need the friends that will say let's go to church not to the street you'll need to choose the friends that will say you cannot lie to mom and dad not the ones that say hey you're mature enough you can do whatever you want no one can stop you this is australia brother i love australia but hey this is not the way australia teaches this is the way i am using that freedom wrongly let's use this freedom in the right way and that right way is the only way jesus says i am the way the truth and the life let's come to the lord my beloveds i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end no one before me no one after me because i am the only true divine god who was revealed in the flesh and came to become a friend with you i love you guys it's one hour on the dot we shall continue the book of revelation god willing next week i encourage you and i urge you to come always bring more people invite your pr your your relatives your cousins your friends to the church let's change our way of living let's change our way of thinking let's change our behavioral pattern and our attitudes we need to change it we are the light of the world it cannot be darkness jesus cannot be darkness he will always be the sun s-u-n the light of the world bring people to him encourage people and next time your friend says let's go out ask where and if they say and mention a place that jesus disapproves of you say sorry i can't come why you cannot come because jesus will not be happy if i go there that's why i'm not coming it's not because just mom and dad does not approve of it but above and beyond everyone else because my jesus does not approve of it i belong to jesus not to you not to the world not to no one else i belong to him amen i love you guys let's stand for the finale prayer please [Applause] in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair or hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grand that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is important that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 8,117
Rating: 4.9906101 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Id: d65b0ewXew0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 21sec (3861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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