ITHS (English) | 11.09.2021 Those Who Trust in The Lord

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come you will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is a kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever amen psalm 125 those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be moved but abides forever as the mountains surround jerusalem so the lord surrounds his people from this time forth and forever for the scepter of the wickedness shall not rest on the land alluded to the russians least the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity do good o lord to those who are good and to those who are upright in their hearts as for such as turn aside to their crooked ways the lord shall lead them away with the workers of iniquity and glory to our lord and savior jesus christ amen my dear beloved brothers and sisters in our lord jesus christ we welcome you to another episodes with insights to holy scriptures we thank our lord and savior jesus christ who has given us this opportunity to come back once again into his holy house which is this holy church which is named after the two of the great saints of the church our holy mother mother mary and sam simon and may their prayers be a strong wall of protection around you and around your loved ones always my beloved tonight's preach is titled those who trust in the lord those who trust in the lord and we chose psalms 125 which we just read and i'll go back and read just the first verse which says those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be moved but abides forever my beloved we are living in some difficult times in our age and time which is causing a lot of people to be stressed anxious troubled maybe even depressed and going through a lot of difficulties from what is happening around us and around the world and of course not everyone has learned to as we said to switch off televisions to put away the technology and as i say disconnect from the world and connect to god we are failing in that regards and it's causing us and as we said the side the side effects of not trusting in the lord leading us to become anxious and fearful and worried as i said we need to come back my beloved we need to come back and revisit our spiritual morals our christian morals and we need to re revisit our trust and faith in the lord because we have to be honest and we have to be truthful when it comes to the lord and even when it comes to other people because that's what our lord has always taught us to be truthful we come to you o lord and and say and ask you that we have no faith that is everyone increase our faith and give us the trust so that we may become like a mountain which cannot be moved which abides forever am i saying that we do not have trust in the lord completely no my beloved when you when a person goes to a doctor for example and he does a blood test and that blood test comes back to the doctor and that doctor says well you are lacking or the level of vitamin for example vitamin c or vitamin d in your body is not at the right level the doctor doesn't say that completely that you completely don't have the vitamins required for you but you are feeling tired because your vitamin d levels are low so of course that doctor is going to tell you a few things of certain foods or fruits to eat or he might even prescribe you some you know vitamins so you can take so you can increase the level so very similar in our spirituality is that we are lacking the level of trust in our lord jesus christ and it's different with everyone somebody trusts in the lord at 50 someone is at 90 somebody is at 10 percent but with all truth we come to you o lord jesus christ our heavenly father and we confess and say that we are lacking in this area please bless us fill us with the holy spirit and help us as we said my beloved we read in psalms 125 and in that very first verse it talks about it likens those people who trust in the lord like a mountain and that mountain represents stability a mountain is a big object which cannot can probably never be moved it's impossible to move a mountain and that mountain faces you know different types of weather sometimes storms come winds come and you think what is the worst thing is going to happen to the mountain because of the wind it's probably going to lift a little bit of dirt or soil off it but the mountain continues being a mountain and never to be moved psalms 125 like is those people who trust who have high trust in the lord they are stable they are not easily moved when they hear news for example from different sides and you know television as we said or other sources of news they are not easily moved and the wise ones even they try and avoid they give a death ear deaf ear to to these types of news so as we said my beloved a mountain represents somebody who is faithful somebody who is stable in his faith psalms 87 we will read it in verse 5 psalm 87 verse 5 and it says and of zion it will be said this one and that one were born in her and the most high himself shall step establish her the lord will record when he registers the peoples this one was born there in psalms 87 what is the holy spirit teaching us my beloved it represents mount zion or zion as the mother church and what is this mother church calling out her children and reminding them of it's saying that one was born he who was born in the church who was born in our house it's calling out and saying my beloved children do not forget that he who was born in your house is jesus christ god in the human flesh he is in your house can be the church can be our spirit our body the church he is in you he is on our altars we have put him on in baptism and we receive him and the holy eucharist the body and blood of jesus christ and every time we receive him my beloved children we abide in him and him and us what a great mystery that is that we have jesus christ abiding in us and as he taught us our lord and savior in john chapter 5 verses 56 and he says he who eats my body and drinks my blood abides in me and i in him these are the words of our heavenly father of jesus christ of nazareth it is not a word of any ordinary man but these are the words of our lord and savior jesus christ who is our heavenly father who is always there looking out for his children so they do not be worried or depressed or scared we need the church as we said in psalm 87 is reminding us to remember who is with us and as saint paul says in romans chapter 8 31 he says if god is with us who can be against us if god is with us what can be against us so my beloved is why is it that we get worried and shake and shaken up become unstable as we said these are the side effects of lack of trust in the lord we need to always to remember my beloved and remind ourselves that god as we said he is with us emmanuel what a beautiful name emmanuel is in aramaic in our language it means god with us god with us we need to always remember that emmanuel who is god he is always in control he controls the past the present and the future and everything is in the palm of his hands nothing is outside that means he is in full control me and you my beloved we may sometimes lose control because as we said because of lack of trust and faith but he who we trust in he never loses control in his name in jesus christ's name when jesus speaks storms are stopped the sick are healed the blind are given sight the dead are raised and then through his crucifixion death and resurrection he defeated sin satan and death and he is reminding us my beloved that trust in me trust in jesus christ no matter what is happening around you you need to be stable in our faith we need to be trustworthy in the lord because he is capable he will make what is impossible possible for he is our victorious king and in his name we should put our trust because because the bible says there is no salvation in any other name it is only in the name of jesus christ that there is salvation do not trust in men and riches which the moment they vanish they are gone but trust in jesus christ who is with us now and forever and ever my beloved and as psalm 146 says verse 3 3 to 4 it says do not put your trust in princesses or kings nor in the sun sons of men in whom there is no help so do not put your trust in ordinary men yes as christians we love and respect authorities whoever they are but we do not put our trust in them we have the right to question but we do not put trust in our and the kings and rulers because jesus christ he is the one that establishes them and he can take them away any any time so we trust in the lord jesus christ and then it continues and says he spirit meaning the man that if we put our trust in kings it says his spirit departs and he returns to his earth and that very day his plans perish his plans perish we will take a couple of biblical examples now from the holy bible which is the source of all life and as christians we always base our preachings our lives our daily life a christian is not a christian only on sundays and the rest of his life he applies his own rules you know a christian applies everything puts it through the holy bible when i put the holy bible it is like a microscope to see is it acceptable to my lord and savior because if it's not acceptable to my lord and savior i shouldn't be doing it so let's look at some biblical examples the first one my beloved it is from matthew chapter 17 verses 14 and to 21. when you have time re read it fully but just to give you a summary this is a chapter when our lord and savior jesus christ takes peter james and john to the mountain of transfiguration and he shows them his divinity the divine side because why does he show them because he wants to give them strength because after that he is going to jerusalem to be captured by the jews to be judged and then put on the cross and death and then rise again so he wanted to give the disciples strength and trust to show them that i am god and take heart because what is going to happen you need to always remember who i am because i will resurrect again anyway he comes down from the mountain with his disciples and as he comes down a certain man comes to him with his son and he says to the lord please help my son he is demon-possessed i brought him to your disciples but they could not cast the demon out so jesus casts the demon out and then when the disciples are alone with our lord and savior they ask him why could we not cast out this demon why couldn't we perform this miracle let's see what our lord and savior comes back and says to his disciples he says because of your unbelief because of your unbelief and then he goes on to say if you have faith slash this slash i'm putting it there as trust because faith and trust go hand in hand when you trust in the lord you have faith in the lord so he says if you have faith in other words trust as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you so jesus is telling his disciples they come to him and say why couldn't we move cast this demon out he comes back and says because of your unbelief if you had i believe as small as a mustard seed mustard seed it is the small smallest sea of all grains it is the smallest seed so if you had a drop of believe you could have performed that miracle you can tell this mountain to be cast and to see to be lifted up and removed you could do that coming back to our subject as we said lack of belief and trust can hinder our spiritual life can cause us a lot of issues in life we to my beloved we come to the lord and we say lord why am i feeling sad lord why am i feeling down why am i feeling afraid why am i worried about my future why am i worried about about my children i cannot think straight i am not stable he comes back and says i believe he would come back and say exactly the same answer as he did to his disciples he will tell me because of your unbelief and he'll tell me if i had a trust and believe as a mustard seed i would not be feeling so stressed out i would be able to pray and that problem will never seem to be like a mountain to me if we had trust and faith as a mustard seed my beloved we would be able to change the whole world we would be able to change the whole world and what do we mean change the whole world change them to the faith to the knowledge of jesus christ so they there's a lot of people out there who know the lord jesus and they have salvation in his name but there is many other people who do not know or some they do know him but they choose not to follow him so if we had a faith of a mustard seed we would be able to change the world let's also compare the disciples the disciples here we see them before the resurrection having trouble with faith having trouble with trust let's compare that with after our lord jesus christ resurrected from the dead he rose from the dead and the disciples witnessed it and they saw the risen road lord and after 50 days for 40 days he was with them on earth he appeared to the disciples all the time to strengthen their faith on the 50th day on pentecost he sends the holy spirit they are filled with the holy spirit meaning they are filled with with faith and trust and the helper the holy spirit they go out and preach in about 30 to 40 years 12 disciples plus another 70 they change the whole world what happened what changed from the time that when some of the disciples came and they could not even cast a demon out yet all of a sudden after they trust and believe was increased they were able to change the world some examples in the book's book of acts which is the first book after the four gospels it said that as soon as they received the holy spirit they started speaking different languages paul himself when he preached he converted almost 5 000 people to christ yet we see paul the apostle before the resurrection he denied jesus christ what changed the faith and the trust and the lord change so when that changes we become they became like mountains of faith that cannot be moved another another example from the apostles the first friday after receiving the holy spirit on sunday five days later which we call it in our holy church golden friday because it is the friday when peter and john they are going up to the temple to pray and they see a disabled man sitting outside the temple begging for money the disciples come and he begs him for money he said they say to him gold and silver we do not have but what we have we will give you in the name of jesus christ i tell you get up and walk and that lame man gets up and walks he is healed through their faith through their trust yet as we said in matthew 17 14 simple demon they could not cast out so we see the two examples the two the other example we want to look at my beloved it is also recorded in the gospels of saint matthew it is in chapter 8 verses 23 23-27 and i read it and it says now when he got into abort his disciples followed him and suddenly a great tempest or a storm arose on the sea so that the boat was covered with waves but he was asleep meaning jesus as a man was asleep then his disciples came to him and woke him up saying lord save us we are perishing lord save us we are about to be we're about to die but he says to them but he our lord says to them why are you fearful all of you of little faith or you of little faith then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm so that man marveled saying who can this be that even the winds and the sea obey him the boat my beloved so we have a boat this boat can represent the church can represent the sea represents the world the disciples the christians the clergy people inside the church jesus being with them but we look at it different in a different way we'll look at it as as sons and daughters of our lord jesus christ the boat is our life the boat is our life the sea is the world the storms are the difficulties and problems that we face in life like for example one example is this current pandemic that we are facing in the world the question is jesus comes in the boat and it says he's asleep as we said jesus as a man and our church fathers always showed us he is taught us that he is 100 man 100 percent god at the same time and one of the examples that he shows us that he is a man because he fell asleep in the boat but does god sleep he never sleeps they question my beloved can we put jesus to sleep in our life can we put jesus to sleep in our life yes we can yes we can when we start to lose trust in him the enemy is sitting there throwing darts as they say arrows you try and concentrate on your spirituality with your bible one dot is the news that you hear another dart is the biggest time waste i would say and with all love and respect but we have to say it as facebook news every second there's a message coming notification on the phone all the time satan throwing darts instead of sitting in silence and spending time with our lord and savior so that we can gain that trust and the belief what do we do every two seconds ah another message somebody's done this they're saying this about this quran of ours this and that what a time waster satan using darts throwing it at the children of our lord jesus christ so the question is can we put jesus to sleep yes we can unfortunately very sad to say a lot of people have put jesus to sleep in their life they have put him to sleep how as we said when we are christian by name the word christian or the name christian i have taken it on myself and i am only called a christian because i was born in the christian family and i was baptized and then i grew up and now yeah i'm a christian by name but what does matthew our lord and savior what does he teach us in matthew chapter 7 21 he says not everyone who says to me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven it is not by me saying i am a christian lord it is doing the will of our heavenly father and there is many ways all our life our board should all reflect the life of jesus christ but when that trust that stability is missing that board starts our life starts going through the storms and jesus as we said our lord and savior he holds everything in his hands these storms this pandemic and everything else cannot harm us and they cannot come upon us unless jesus allows it jesus wants the best for his children i'm a father i have a son all i want for my son is to be healthy but i want him to be as close as to me as possible i want you to be comfortable protected but at times when my son drifts away i will have to show him a bit of justice not that i can lose him forever no to wake him up and say you need to come back so the storms and difficulties that come up upon our lives jesus allows it so that we can come like the disciples and say lord we are perishing we need to do that as christians we need to come to the lord it's not because i'm a deacon i'm a christian now i am saved that's it no i need repentance 24 7. i need to be close to the lord we need to be serious about our relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ we either become true christians through his grace not my own power i can do nothing we can do nothing out of if jesus is not there nothing can happen when we don't speak the truth that's also putting jesus to sleep when we start to agree with whatever the world says and does we are putting jesus to sleep and sometimes jesus decides to be hidden so that he waits for his children as a father as i said i come i wait for my son to come and say dad i've upset you i am sorry so that i can show him my mercy and my love our lord and savior jesus christ allows these pandemics to come upon us and these difficulties and these storms because we have put him to sleep and unless these problems and difficulties we face we will never wake up we will never wake up so we need to come back like the disciples and say lord i have sinned against you and against heaven i'm not worthy to be called your son i was in the pig's field he brought me back and gave me this deaconship made me a deacon gave me white clothes so i can stand on the altar all this glory to his holy name not to me who am i i am nothing but dust and dust will return to dust so we start to agree with the world and we put jesus to sleep we need to come back my beloved as i said we need to come back and repentance and ask for forgiveness and say lord i am perishing lord i am stressed i am depressed and believe in his holy words when we come back to him as a child as a child like faith and ask for forgiveness he is the treasure of all love and mercy no other king no other person can give us the love and the mercy that jesus can give us and it was for that reason emmanuel god with us came to earth so that he can embrace his children to win them back from from satan and set them free but what happened my beloved jesus came he took us he set us free and now very sad to say that out of our own doings we are putting ourselves back into satan's hands and putting jesus to sleep never underestimate the power of jesus christ when you trust you become stable in him and you will come later on to see some of the small very simple examples that we can apply in our life daily life through his grace so that our trust and belief may increase two more examples i want to we want to use from our church fathers these church fathers who established the church through the holy spirit through jesus christ jesus christ established the church but he put faithful fathers the disciples and other fathers like mara eddie marmary they are the fathers of this of this church these people had trust and faith in the lord they raised the dead when they prayed they healed the sick when they prayed they healed the sick they did not tell people go and someone else will heal you by giving you certain things because that's what the bible teaches our lord jesus christ says if anybody of you is sick call the priesthood so they can pray on him so that he can be healed very easily my beloved nowadays very simply and i'm not saying it is wrong but let's just think for a moment stop and think when a doctor or any organization brings out a medicine without thinking twice without even reading what's in it just because the doctor says so we go and take it trusting in that doctor because we trust that doctor is has received his qualification and degree from university and he is qualified to give we don't think twice why don't we sit in silence and just think what are we doing to the ones that have just drifted away from the lord said for a moment when we have the doctor of all doctors jesus christ who can move mountains who can make what is impossible possible a priesthood a bishop or a preacher or a brother and sister comes and says come to church pray read your bible for free with no side effects for free with no side effects come and receive the medicine of all medicine which is the body and blood of jesus christ right then and there all of a sudden that person becomes a theological wisdom comes in the mind and starts making excuses from now till a thousand years but a doctor comes and says take this eat that with no questions whatsoever i will take it have we ever sat down and thought about these things and please don't understand me wrong i'm not against doctors doctors there's great doctors out there we believe that jesus christ who is god has given them blessed them they've studied hard and they've become doctors but my what i'm saying is not every doctor believe that jesus christ is god with all love and respect not every doctor but there are some great doctors who are faithful who they do everything through jesus christ and they believe that they cannot do nothing without him and they confess they say i wouldn't have become a doctor or a deacon or whatever qualification god has given me without his grace and love so these back to these two examples from the church fathers again it's in regards to the mountain the mountain can represent any difficult situation and i think we've already touched base on this and we've got the idea that sometimes when we are faced with difficulties they become like mountains it is almost impossible to be moved and again going back to what our lord and savior jesus says if you have a mountain like a mustard seed you will say to this mountain be moved be moved so he's talking about the problems in your life when you trust and you are stable in the lord through his grace and power he is the one that will be able to lift it up what are some of these problems maybe maybe we are going through some health issues maybe we are worried about our children especially with what's happening you know they're studying from home especially if you have kids who are in year 12 finding it difficult to go to school and study and they're worried about the future which is fine maybe you are facing difficult people at work and uni and this is very common with my beloved brothers and sisters the youth i get questions sometimes that i'm going to work i'm a christian i'm faced with people are gossiping and i don't want to be part part with them but if i set myself aside they will start gossiping about me it's a difficult situation to be in that could be another mountain and the biggest mountain our life it could be a particular sin a particular sin that i cannot get rid of every time i come and say lord please you know i give up i will never do it again i see myself going back to it again and again can these mountains be removed yes of course they can according to the word which we believe and trust and the in the words of our lord and savior jesus christ if we have a mustard seed faith we would be stable these problems will sometimes they will not disappear but we will change as mother teresa this great saint mother teresa said and i quote from other terrorists as she says i used to believe that prayer changes the situation or changes things but now i know that prayer changes us and then we change things so she's saying i used to think every time i used to come and pray that all of a sudden that the problem i'm facing it's gonna is gonna disappear but now i realize when i come and pray the holy bible the word of god jesus christ through the holy spirit changes gives me remedies changes the way i think the way i feel and then all of a sudden i see the situation differently for example that person who was giving me difficulties at work which i thought he was like a mountain it got to a point where i didn't want to go to work anymore or uni because i just don't want to see that person because he upset me so much he went against me so much that i don't want to go back there again but i need a mustard seed faith and trust i come back and i read the holy bible and the holy bible says to me well unless you forgive god will not forgive you i pray the our father and lord says forgive me my sins as i have forgotten forgiven those who have sinned against me when i start to pray slowly slowly the holy spirit starts to heal my heart the way i look at things i start to see clearly there was a blind man once and he came to jesus and he said to jesus the lord always out of his love he already knows what we want when we come to him but out of his love and to teach us as well as love and respect and mercy he says what would you like me to do to you and he says i want to see and jesus touches his eyes and he says what do you see he says he says i see men like trees i see like trees and then he touches him again and then his eyes are opened fully and then he sees he says i see clearly i see men maybe the first time we come and pray jesus touches us a little bit we start to slowly slowly start to see clearly the spiritual realm the spiritual life and then when we go further when we spend more time with the lord our eyes are more opened so that we start to see the situation differently all of a sudden i have gone to work to uni and i have met that same person and i don't know how i smiled i used to give him like a dirty look especially my sisters the girls once they hold the grudge and don't hold the grudge you know they they give these looks the deadly looks all of a sudden that look is not there i smiled she smiled he smiled and we said hello and we started talking satan on other hands plants these thoughts and makes it very difficult he doesn't want us to see clearly because the moment we start to see clearly jesus starts working in our life our trust increases and our enemy does not want us to see clearly so prayer changes that mountain is like a difficult situation but through prayer that situation can change or the lord will change us sometimes he'll change us to change the situation as mother teresa says another church father says a mountain is jesus christ himself the mountain is jesus christ himself and if we put that into that verse we read from saint matthew he says if you had a mustard seed faith you can say to this mountain be lifted and be moved are we saying that we can say to jesus move no god forbid we are not saying that but what are we saying their disciples as we said 12 disciples plus another 70 after the resurrection they took after they had the trust and the faith in our lord and savior jesus christ who is this beautiful mount zion full of love and mercy they took him what did we say they see is the world they took this mountain of faith and trust who is jesus christ they took him into the world and they changed the world into a mountain they changed the sea into this mountain as we said within 30 to 40 years they were able to reach out to india ethiopia all around the world to preach the good news to preach and that good news is he is risen jesus christ has risen he has defeated death and satan do not fear have hope trust in him because only in the name of jesus christ there's salvation now we come to some remedies some small remedies which through the grace and love of our lord and savior jesus christ we ask him to guide us to help us because as he says without me you can do nothing without him we can do nothing in everything that we do we ask him to bless to guide to show us the way because without him we are lost i am lost i am blind he who says that i don't need jesus because i am wise with all love of respect he is i'll just say this he is not wise sorry to say so in every relationship husband and wife brother and sister in every relationship uh fiances mother and son there has to be trust trust and how does this trust get gets built up can i just come and trust somebody which i just met hello my name is john my name is uh james and all of a sudden i trust this person fully or even if i was to come to somebody who's does not believe in jesus christ and i'll say to him trust and believe in jesus christ god can touch his heart or to through the holy spirit and change him but to be realistic he needs to have a relationship with our lord and savior and what does a relationship involve a conversation they need to talk and when we pray we are talking to god very simply these are simple lessons that we teach i teach myself as a child of christ and even to our teenagers out there we always tell them this and even to the the grounds grown-ups when we pray we are speaking to god when we read the bible god is speaking to us so all of a sudden there's this relationship and as this relationship becomes bigger the more time i spend the more love there is the more trust there is and the more trust there is there is more sacrifice you start to spending more time so we need to build this trust through a relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ you see our lord and savior jesus christ always if you read and i'm sure you do read the holy bible you'll find jesus always spending time on the mountain spending time in the mountain what does that mountain represent that time that that mountain represents a time where he spends alone in spirituality in prayer in fact when he came to choose the 12 disciples he spent all night in prayer jesus as a man he prayed to god the father but he was 100 at the same time but jesus as a man he prayed he spent time in the mountain and all the prophets of the old testaments for example moses elijah john the baptist all these faithful trustworthy servants of the lord they spent time in the mountain and we need to come and learn from them my beloved we need to find the question is where is this mountain if you're living in australia don't pack your bags and go to blue mountains there's some area called blue mountains it's not about going into a mountain it is about finding the mountain it is about finding the silence escaping from the world and finding silence a time where i sit and listen to my soul a time where i sit and pray and speak to my heavenly father a time where i spend time praying and talking to my lord and savior jesus christ a time to sit and read my bible a place to sit and contemplate these other remedies because trust comes from relationship and unless i strengthen that relationship with the lord i will always be lacking and we have to be truthful and i am the first one we all lack in this area there is no one can come and say my trust in the lord is a hundred percent i don't need any more trust no we all lack because we all sometimes fear are worried and not knowing what the future holds so the stronger our trust the more we become like those who trust in the lord they are like mount zion as he says they cannot be moved they cannot be moved so we need to my beloved to come back to the lord in repentance if there is any particular sin that we have not repented of we need to repent and come back to the lord we need to deny ourselves carry our cross and follow the lord jesus because that's what he commanded us to do my beloved walking with the lord jesus for anybody out there who thinks that christianity because i'm a christian i should have an easy life and i should be you know my relationship with people and everyone around me they all like me that love me as you know i'm walking in the right direction not always my beloved and we need to be careful because he who follows he gives all his life to the lord and says lord let your will be done in my life and not my will the enemy and i'm not trying to scare you because he who has jesus christ as i said the enemy as our beloved bishop says he is like a rat satan is like a red under the foot of jesus christ so as a christian when you are following christ you will have difficulties you will be prosecuted people may go against you whether at work or uni but we are reminded to bless those who prosecute prosecute us pray for them we do not carry a sword we carry the love and mercy of jesus christ no matter what they do to us but we need to trust and spend time in that mountain and as we said my beloved lately the bishop and he's always been saying this our beloved bishop may his prayers be with you all always ever since i was before me becoming a deacon before even you know coming and receiving the deaconship he always reminded us when we were young that you should have a small church at home and even nowadays he is still reminding everybody to make a church at home am i saying to go and fight against your mom and dad and break all the tv no no jesus is not like that jesus is love and mercy when you give him your heart and your mind he will make a way for you maybe you think well there's too many people living in my family that's too too chaos i can't well i'm sure you have a bed and next to your bed i'm sure you have a small table on that table you can have this this holly book which is whole called the holy bible every time you open it a light of love and mercy comes out satan cannot stand one second when he sees you reading this holy book i'm sure we have a small place at our places but the most important area for prayer is the prayer of the heart the silence hearing god's voice in our heart too many voices as i said my beloved too many voices we are hearing nowadays the voice of television of news of other people talking about ah nonsense this is you know we're about to may god bless you the lord we're about to die this is the end of the world what's going to happen to us my beloved he who has received baptism and received the body and blood of jesus christ jesus has defeated death this life is nothing the first death is nothing we need to remember not to fear death but be prepared for death i know this may sound a bit difficult maybe it's do not fear death the death of the body but be prepared for death see that is why every time the disciples came and asked our lord and said jesus christ when would it be the end of time where would it the whole world will end he gave him some hints and examples when you see wars and diseases and son going against father he gave him but he says no one knows except for the father but he always says always be ready always be ready be ready for what lord be ready for the time for the end of the world that end of the world for me i could go home and sleep and never wake up if i am not ready what use is it for me to sit and discuss and listen to different youtubes and people talking about conspiracy or theories that this number and this number and this is what's happening this is what's going to happen yes it is good through love and the grace of our lord jesus christ to have knowledge of the word of god but not to make it because my beloved satan is nothing as we said he's a red but he is a spirit he has cunning ways we need to be always in silence blocking out all these noises and trying to hear only one voice i want to hear one voice only my savior what is he saying to me because it's only through that voice that i can have salvation what is the point of hearing voices that teach me nothing but nonsense and there is many great voices when i say the voice of jesus christ bishops our beloved bishop always preaching that's the voice of of christ using the bishop to preach using somebody an unworthy servant and as i said i was in the field in the pigs field he brought me back to stand he to share his love and grace so we need to find a place first of all let's make our hearts a prayer room a silence a prayer in the heart and say lord jesus christ have mercy on me i the sinner have mercy on me i the unworthy servant have mercy on me we're coming to an end of this bible preach which was titled those who trust those who trust in the lord are like mount mount zion or mountains which cannot can never be moved there was over 200 verses or 200 verses that used in the holy bible that use the word trust i've picked only three and i'll just read them to you and i'm sure you'll find these so the first one it is found in psalm 7 verses 1 it says o lord my god in you i put my trust save me from all those who prosecute me and deliver me proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding trust in the lord and do not use your own understanding isaiah chapter 12 verse 2 says behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for yahuwah the lord is my strength and song he also has become my salvation a couple of other quotes from the from from our church saints from our churches i should say the first one is saint isaac which is one of the he was a hermit in our church a great hermit and a great saint not only in our church but all over the other churches they used saint isaac because he was a hermit and he says blessed is the man who makes himself deaf to every pleasure that separates him from his creator saint isaac says again blessed is the man who makes himself deaf to every pleasure that separates him from his creator my pleasures in life could be different to yours you take it you think of what pr pleasures of life is making me separate me from god because satan tries to separate me from god so that i can slowly put jesus to sleep that i can slowly start to lose trust and faith slowly to become depressed and give up all hope before it's too late i need to give a deaf ear block what is separate me from god this great saint many may his prayers be a strong wall with us because we believe in an apostolic church that these saints are part of their victorious church the victorious church they have already won this fight this spiritual fight with satan and they are alive with jesus christ they are praying for what we call a militant church we are the militant church here on earth we are still fighting spiritually so that we can one day through the grace of our lord and savior and his love that maybe one day we can be with him so may his prayers be a strong wall around us the next one is from saint paul corollas he was a patriarch of the our brothers our coptic brothers and sisters he says trust that god sees you trust that god sees you he hears you and he feels you so your little metal a little problem are very big before him or very important before him and your big matters are very small in his might may the prayers of saying carlos be with us all amen my beloved we pray and ask our lord jesus christ to have mercy on us to give us faith trust that we are lacking nowadays to glorify his holy name in our lives always let us always remember each other and prayer my beloved a prayer is very important that we as we says it builds our relationship with our creator it brings us back to our creator who is jesus christ um and we ask you all to pray as the bishop has been doing and reminding everyone i'm also as a unworthy servant reminding you all that every day at 6 30 for the whole month of august and god willing this becomes a blessings in your life that even after the month of august that you make time for the lord he is asking everyone and we're coming together and when i say coming together coming together in the spirit we're not coming together obviously there's still these laws of lockdown we're still not coming to the church but we believe in the holy spirit we are together when we pray at 6 30 every night my beloved get together with your family all alone open your bible read pray ask the lord to strengthen our trust our faith and change the situation that we are going through for the glory of his holy name also if you want to find some materials which can help you go to which is the church website which is www.3ws c for christ g for good s for shepherd c for christ so that's dot dot a u so then click on an icon that says or a link that says journey with christ and you'll find there a prayer book in three languages in the assyrian language and the english language and also in the arabic language which you can use you you'll find that there's you know in english there's 33 pages you might think well ah do i need to read all of them no my beloved there's some prayers that you will say once you get to the epistles of saint paul choose one for that day once you get to the gospels choose one for that day because there's about three or four epistles of saint paul there's about four gospels so choose one for that day and even the psalms there's about five or six if you can read all the psalms that are there the greater the blessings but if you choose one psalm and then read some of the concluding prayers and by the way this is what the book looks like a hard copy of the book is that it's in three languages we have it here at church we did when we first started these um episodes inside the holy scriptures we did say if anybody wants a hard copy please email us go to the church website you'll find the email there as well give the church a call place an order and we are more than happy as a church to send you a free hard copy but if you go to the church website you'll be able to download a digital copy of it and that way you can you can be helped also my beloved i am sure i'm sure most of you have a holy bible in your houses and if you don't you must have one and not only to place it in your houses but start reading it to build that faith and the trust and if anybody does not have and it's not it's never too late it is never too late the bible says if you hear god's voice today do not delay get up straight away and pray and grab yourself a bible and read may god bless you my beloved i pray and hope make jesus christ have mercy on me and on everybody else we ask you lord to bless us guide us give us the faith the trust and these trials so that your holy name be glorified always in our lives my beloved may god bless you always we will stand for the finale prayer have mercy on us o lord god have mercy on us because you are always worshiped and glorified in heaven and on earth christ are righteous patient and full of mercy and compassion he who loves the just and shows mercy to all sinners whom i am the first of them all he who does not wish death for sinners but repentance on life as he calls us to salvation and to the promise of all gifts that awaits us oh lord accept our prayers in this hour and in every hour calm our lives and be our shepherd so that we may be able to work according to your commandments make holy our souls purify our bodies strengthen our thoughts enlighten our intellect heal our sickness forgive our sins and deliver us from every discomfort and evil tribulation encircle us with your holy angels to be preserved and protected with them to gain unity of faith and knowledge of your glory which is invisible and eternal for you are glorified for all eternities to come amen glory to our lord jesus christ amen [Music] you
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 1,844
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Id: _z99FQYi3zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 1sec (3901 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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