ETS (English) | 09.07.2021 The Book of Revelation 1:9-15

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the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ for another bible preach this evening friday at 7 30 p.m from sydney australia for all of those who are watching us through live streaming i may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life amen i pray if we could all stand for the lord's prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our dettos and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yourself the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm number 39. i said i will guard my ways lest i sin with my tongue i will restrain my mouth with a muzzle while the wicked are before me i was mute with silence i held my peace even from good and my sorrow was stirred up my heart was hot within me while i was musing the fire burned then i spoke with my tongue lord make me to know my end and what is the measure of my days that i may know how frail i am indeed you have made my days as hand hand breads and my age is as nothing before you certainly every man at his best state is but surely every man walks about like a shadow surely they busy themselves in vain he heaps up riches and does not know who will gather them and now lord what do i wait for my hope is in you deliver me from all my transgressions do not make me the reproach of the foolish i was mute i did not open my mouth because it was you who did it remove your plague from me i am consumed by the blow of your hand when with rebukes you correct man for iniquity you make his beauty melt away like a moth surely every man is vapor hear my prayer o lord and give e to my cry do not be silent at mighties for i am as stranger with you as adjourner as all my fathers were remove your gaze from me that i may regain strength before i go away and am no more and all glory be to our lord and savior jesus christ forever and ever amen please be seated well we thank the lord jesus again for another bible preach as we are going through these some difficult times in relation to covet 19 coronavirus and we are having some lockdowns here in the sydney city in some areas of sydney and we pray that these lockdowns are only very shortly lived and through the grace and mercy and compassion of our lord jesus christ may this all be gone away and never to come back ever again our session this evening my beloveds is the book of revelation and we are continuing in chapter 1 from verses 9 to 15. we shall read the from the book of revelation chapter 1 verses 9 to 15 inclusive i john both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patient of jesus christ was on the island that is called petmos for the word of god and for the testimony of jesus christ i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet saying i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last and what you see write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in asia to ephesus to smyrna to pergamos to sardis to philadelphia and to le odikiya then i turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned i saw seven golden lamp stands and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded above the chest with a golden band his head and hair were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes like a flame of fire his feet were like fine brass as if refined in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and all glory be to our lord and savior jesus christ forever and ever and ever more amen well in the previous sessions that we had in relation to the commentary on the book of revelation um up until the verse 8 it was just an introduction into this chapter now we are coming into verse nine of chapter one and john the beloved is actually going to reveal to us what kind of jesus is truly is it is not the jesus that he was used to when he saw while he was on earth and john the beloved he used to be the closest out of the 12 apostles to the lord jesus it was he who actually put his head on the lord's chest or bosom and i'm sure he even heard the heartbeat of the lord jesus he was so close they he embraced the lord he hugged the lord and and walked with the lord without being fearful uh or blown away by the awesome mighty jesus christ of nazareth well in verse in verse nine and and thereafter we will see that john the beloved is saying that i saw jesus here totally different to the jesus i saw while he was in the flesh on earth so we begin with verse 9. i john both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of jesus christ so beautifully said i john your brother and companion in the tribulation john the beloved when he came to put himself in relation to the lord jesus he said i am the servant of jesus christ but then he comes to us and he says i am your brother it is absolutely wonderful and it's an absolute blessing to have one of the one of the twelve apostles of the lord jesus so close to the lord being my brother and your brother it is so wonderful to have such a brother but he is not stopping at the word i'm real brother but he goes and says i am also the companion during tribulation john the beloved is trying to tell us that not every brother is a brother brothers who have come from the same mother's womb if that brother who came from the same mother's womb as i did is not there for me during my troublesome times then he is not a true brother to me so john the beloved is he here is defining who is the true brother to you he is saying the true brother is the one who is there for you during your tribulation tribulations he is there he is your companion during tribulations and hardships this is their true definition of a true brother so the one who came from the same womb mother's womb if he is not there for me during my hard times he is not truly my brother he's we just came from the same mom but he did not give me a helping hand when i needed it the most a total stranger may come and says give me your hand and let me lift you up out of your trouble sometimes this is a true brother so i john your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of jesus christ so the kingdom of our lord jesus christ on earth it is called the kingdom of patience but the kingdom of the lord jesus christ in the next world it is called the kingdom of glory so the kingdom of the lord on earth it is the kingdom of patience why patience because his kingdom is going through tribulation and when any one of us go through tribulation or hardships we must acquire patience otherwise we will not last that tribulation that tribulation will overcome us rather than us overcoming it we are going through some great tribulation as we speak now because of covet 19 coronavirus there are lockdowns here in sydney and it has been throughout the past year and a half on a global level every country every every citizen of of a particular country felt the pain and the suffering and the tribulation of a lockdown hardships and not only lockdowns and we lost some loved ones to our our hearts because of coronavirus a lot of people passed away and moved on so this is a very difficult tribulation we're going through therefore john the beloved is saying ask the lord to give you patience in order to overcome it and come out of this tribulation triumphant and victorious we need patience now as we said the kingdom of the lord jesus on earth it is the kingdom of patience because he placed his kingdom in an in a world that is placed in the bosom of satan it is the world that is in total darkness and the lord jesus who is the light of the world came to shine forth his divine light on a dark miserable world living in misery in chaos and tribulation that is why those who walk in the footprints of the lord on earth we acquire we need to acquire patience in order to be able to make it he's saying john the beloved was on the island john was on the island that is called pedmos and pedmos is a small island in the middle of the mediterranean sea which is in greece in greece i was on an island that is called pedmos for the word of god and for the testimony of jesus christ in previous sessions we said the word of god meaning the gospel the testimony of jesus christ the epistles john the beloved wrote three books the gospel of john and the epistles of john and the book of revelation so when the when john the beloved is saying i was there in that island for the word of god meaning the gospel and for the testimony of jesus christ meaning the epistles because in his epistles he is saying in relation to the lord jesus he's saying it is he whom we have seen with our own eyes we have touched with our own hands we were eyewitnesses we are here to testify that we lived and walked and saw all the miracles and the wonders that jesus christ of nazareth had done while he was on earth for those three years and four months we are eyewitnesses we are here to testify to what we witnessed right before our own eyes of what jesus of nazareth had done all glory to his holy name i was in the spirit on the lord's day i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet i was in the spirit on the lord's day the lord's day meaning sunday that is the lord's day and i know some people may say that the lord's day is saturday sabbath because in the old testament when the lord god gave the ten commandments to moses he said to moses sanctify or make sepa sabbath hallowed because this is the day of the lord but that sabbath is not a literal day that we should take but rather we should take it in a spiritual meaning so that spiritual sabbath is sunday resurrection when the lord jesus rose from the dead this is a different topic totally i don't want to spend too much time but we did speak about it in previous and different lectures at some stage but he was on the lord's day which is a sunday when the lord rose from the dead it was the sunday and he was in the spirit in the spirit meaning he was in a contemplative in a contemplative state of mind he was contemplating he was contemplating on one thing i believe john the beloved was deep in thought in the spirit wondering what was what has had had happened to the churches whom he had established in asia whom he had send this revelation to the leaders of the seven churches in asia he's just wondering what has become of those churches lord he's saying lord i have been sent in exile to this island pedmos in the center of the mediterranean sea at the age of about hundred hundred and five i am old lord i am tired i am exhausted exhausted and i am in an island at this old age in the midst of probably as as history tells us that that island was used to send people who had psychological issues either demented or psychologically imbalanced they used to send them to that island so that they cannot escape from it because it is surrounded by water from all over so it was like a big open prison for those um psychologically affected people john is at the age of 105 very old very tired he lived so long for the lord jesus preaching the gospel going from one place to another at this old age he's been sentenced to that island as a prisoner in the midst of demented and psychologically unfit people he's saying lord please come to my rescue my heart is burning from within me just wondering what has become of those churches in asia while he's wondering and don't we all wonder and ask the lord what is going to happen lord the situation is so difficult i am at a lockdown situation everything looks dark miserable ugly looks like it's the end lord i just wonder all this hard work is it going to go in vain i have gone the extra mile lord for your name's sake what is going to what is going to happen i see myself after all these years it's gone to waste what a waste lord until when are you going to be silent lord until when are you going to allowed tribulations come against your church until when are you gonna see your sheep scattered we try so hard to bring young men and women to church with one lockdown everybody gets scattered it is so hard to build it is so easy to destroy the twin towers in new york city they it took 20 years to build those twin towers it took one hour to bring it down crushed down to the ground 20 years to build one hour to destroy so hard together so easy to scatter so easy to scatter lord until when i work all my life for you lord this is john the beloved saying i worked all my life for you lord and at the end of my old age is this it i am in exile in the middle of this island with sick people wondering what's happened to your church the church that i preached to the church that i visited the church that i established for you is this it lord i was in the spirit wondering of what is happening around me i don't know what to say lord anymore it is so sad as if it's the end but look look what he sees and he hears while he is troubled john their beloved he says and i heard behind me a loud voice as if as of a trumpet and i heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet saying i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last wow in the heart of our troublesome time in the heart of us giving up on life itself and the heart of saying it is finished it is over it is destroyed it is useless case it is shut in my face i cannot walk any further the moment that comes when you and i i and you begin to give up on life we hear a loud voice behind us as of a trumpet and my beloved a trumpet is blown to give a warning a trumpet is blown to make people awake and alert those who have gone astray those who have gone to sleep those who have said it is it is over those who have said there is no use the doctor said you're gonna die tomorrow the whole world is saying it's the end the government is locking us down and not letting us leave our homes the day that you say and the moment that you say it is finished jesus says my voice will be made known to you like a trumpet i will shout from heaven and i will shake the ground beneath you to wake you up and remind you i am the alpha and the omega i am the first and the last don't let this difficult situation make you lose faith in jesus don't let this dark tunnel make you forget that he is the son of righteousness s-u-n and the light of the world don't let no situation make you forget that jesus christ is the alpha and the omega the first and the last and we said previously alpha and omega are letters alphabetical letters and the word is made out of letters jesus christ is the logos in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so when jesus says i am the alpha and the omega i am the word i am the logos which is god and i am the first and the last i am the creator in the beginning elohim created the heavens and the earth the first and the last is the creator i am the creator with the word created everything i am the creator the the first and the last and with the alpha and the omega created everything so john the beloved and every one of us of the 21st century christians jesus christ is always the i am he is always the continuous present tense he is yesterday he is today and he is tomorrow it is only jesus that yesterday to him is present the present is present and the future is present because he is the creator of time and he is the creator of everything and everyone let us not forget my beloved coronavirus is absolutely nothing to who jesus is absolutely nothing i beg you rejoice in these difficult times be glad and of a good cheer when it is going rough because our joy is jesus christ not the people not the situation not the country we live in not the position we are in it is the lord who is my joy and my happiness be glad my beloveds be glad the lord is the alpha and the omega the first and the last he is much greater than any tribulation my beloved so do not be disheartened but be of strong will and leave everything to the lord put everything in the palm of his hands the hands that molded us and shaped us and formed us i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last and then the lord says to him and what you see write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in asia and we said asia symbolically represents the world the entire world that's what we said previously and asia we said it actually refers to affliction tribulation hardships oppression that's what asia means here when we said that the lord put his church established this church in this entire world where it will be oppressed and suppressed and it will be afflicted and there will be great tribulations coming against the church but he said to john the beloved and through john to all of us he's saying do not be disheartened and discouraged for i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last i am the creator who creates everything with one word and my voice is like a trumpet with a trumpet everyone gets warned and everybody gets alerted when i speak things move and things come about and he says right to the seven churches which are in asia the first church ephesus followed by smyrna followed by pergamos number four theater number five sardis number six philadelphia and number seven le odikiya or all these names are of greek descent or origin they are greek the first church and we said the lord jesus does not have churches the lord jesus has only one beloved church of his own because saint paul says that the church is the body of christ and christ is one so therefore his church is one but these seven churches are the seven stages which the beloved one church of christ is gonna go through until the end the beginning of the the first stage of the church of christ is called ephesus and the word ephesus in greek means the beloved one the beloved one ephesus is the first century the first hundred years is ephesus where the the disciples of the lord jesus and the followers of the lord jesus walked according to the way the lord wants his church to walk and that was through humility and simplicity of heart none of them seeked thrones none of them seek positions none of them strive to be seen above and beyond everyone else everyone humbled themselves before the lord jesus that's why the lord called the first stage of his beloved church ephesus you are my beloved when my church walks in humility and true love and then that's the first century followed by the second stage smyrna smyrna means the bitter one and it was the second and the third century the second and the third century it was the bitter stage where the church went through and it was the stage of martyrdom where the roman empire um through their some great terrible emperors when they started slaining the christians whoever professed jesus christ as lord and savior was persecuted was killed for the sake of the name of jesus it was the the stage of martyrdom second and third century it was the bitter century but my beloved through that difficult time through that tribulation through that persecution through that martyrdom stage great saints came out of that stage and one of the greatest saints to be seen in the world was saint george saint george is a saint appearing in that period between the second and the third century so smyrna is bitter one then followed by pergamos pergamos my beloved is after the third century where the roman empire for the first time receives the lord jesus and becomes christian the king constantine who was the son of helen his mom the queen queen helen constantine converted to christianity and then the con the government or the empire became a christian empire and the church became united with the government and it's called pergamos because the word pergamos literally it is referring to the matrimonial bond it is the bond between a husband and a wife a man and a woman it is that bond of matrimony what the word pergamos refers to so pergamos is the stage where government where state church and state became one church and state became one so dangerous so dangerous my beloved and this stage was after the third century it was actually after the decree of constantine in 313 a.d where he asked that what he said that the roman empire now is a christian and then he called in for that universal senate of nicaea in 325 when church and state became one united like a matrimonial bond pergamos what happened in that period and it was a period after the third century up until the 11th century and the fourth century fifth all these centuries great heresies came about um arios the heresy of arius and so many heresies they were people coming and saying nonsense about the lord jesus some people claimed that jesus was only spirit some people claimed that jesus was only flesh without divinity in him so there was absolute heresies left right and center and why heresies came about my beloveds when when everything goes smoothly when the government is no longer persecuting the church when the church is now so freely proclaiming the good news when the church is now so openly speaking about the lord and the government is embracing the church when that kind of a freedom comes to the church great heresies come out it is great disasters will come out when the church lives in peace it is the human nature the moment you live comfortable you forget about god it's human nature the moment we are comfortable we forget about god and even if we don't when we pray to him our prayer is at a surface level our prayers are so shallow so cold so meaningless but when we are in trouble oh we mean every letter and every word we say we mean it we live it it comes out of the core of our heart when we are in trouble sometimes but the moment we're free who cares about what god says and what god wants so after all my beloved corona is good you know how many people are now sitting at home not leaving home in the thousands in the millions would that have happened if there was no corona lockdown i doubt it maybe it's good for us to stay at home for a change maybe it's good for us to spend some valuable time with family and see our kids see our partners husband and wife children mom and dad it is good to spend time with the family we before my beloveds we were so busy we were so busy chasing this empty world we were so busy planning for this and that and thinking about traveling and thinking about eating and thinking about dancing and singing and drinking and thinking about having so-called fun we forgot that what is valuable is the family it is the family that makes a society but when the family is wholesome the society is good but if the family is divided and weak the society is destroyed so it's good that we are staying at home that's good we need it enough going out all the time relax put on the brakes and sit with yourself and ask yourself where are you heading what are you doing with your life it's not yours it is god's and one day he's going to ask for it we need to stay at home more often my beloveds going out in the street is not healthy it's not healthy when there was great martyrdom happening in smyrna second and third century great saints came out when freedom came about and the church united with the state great heresies came out and great divisions came out my beloveds and the greatest schism of all happened in the 11th century in 1054 where the church got divided into two parts the east orthodox and the west catholic this all happened during pergamos this all happened when government and church united politics cannot come into the church life because the lord jesus does not know deviations the lord jesus does not know hypocrisy the lord jesus does not know some dark little corners over there the lord jesus is the light of the world everything must be straight forward do not deviate from the truth the world is full of lies and that's why the lord jesus said my church will never unite with the world and if the day comes that anyone comes and says to you that the church must unite with the world is speaking from the mouth of satan that's a lie the world is darkness and the church is the light of the light of that world can ever light unite with darkness impossible it is either light or dark the two together never jesus is the truth satan is the father of all lies there cannot be unity between the church and the world this is the word of the lord not mine not anyone else's so when the church unites with the world that's what we're gonna get coronavirus and there are other things coming about my beloveds there are some great stuff happening in the in the near future much greater than corona much greater than corona i don't want to scare no one but what's coming my goodness the world has not seen yet the world has not seen yet what's coming do you think it's a joke when people deny god and they think they can get away with it do you think it's funny when you say i don't care about god and i'm i can do whatever i want do you think you can get away with it do you think that your wealth and your fame and your power and your on your wisdom do you think you can do whatever you want and there is no one watching you and no one seeing what you are doing and no one can stop you my dear friend you have no idea what the lord has prepared for the world in the very near future no idea the lord jesus is the alpha and the omega he is the first and the last he is god the creator there is no other god but him hallelujah to this i will proclaim this i will confess this i will profess this even if they put a sword on my neck let they kill me but they can't take me away from my jesus he is the only god he is the only way he is the only truth and there is no one else but him this is the whole story of our existence we live for this man jesus christ of nazareth if people come back to jesus regardless what your calories what your race is what your religion background is if you truly with your with the with a an absolute contrite heart with a a humble approach you come back to jesus you will see if jesus is who he is or not jesus will prove to you that he is the only way he is god that was revealed in the flesh over 2000 years ago this is the truth my beloved we need the lord pergamos led to division in the church the great schism in 1054 the church became west catholic and east orthodox and then after the division what happened theater came theater is the 12 13 14 15 century the medieval ages theater means it that's where the english word comes from theater and who goes on that theater on that stage actors so what is theater my beloved or in other words who is an actor an actor is a person that has taken upon him or herself a a a position or a personality that is not his or hers example in reality that person could be a teacher but on stage when he goes on the stage to act they give him the role of a king does that make him really a king no in reality he is a teacher but during that act in that theater theatrical stage he is a king now if that person believes that he's a king he is deceiving himself you're only acting it therefore who is an actor an actor is a person that reveals himself to the world which is not the truth not the reality of life or of that person he shows himself as someone else that he is not if you're a teacher you better show the world you're a teacher don't say i'm a king theater my beloved is when the church acts on one another meaning i am faking it when i say to my brother i love you when i am truly lying when i deep down i don't really love my brother but in front of my brother i say i love you but deep down i have no love for him i'm an actor i am theater i am theater christianity the church became a theatrical stage the children of god began acting on one another faking their true identity and you want the lord not to be angry my goodness we keep on talking about love where is it where is it where is it my beloveds theater the medieval ages and then sardis saudis my beloved is it means a selected group that is set aside from the rest a selected group that they have separated themselves set themselves aside from the rest and that is the 16th century where protestant came about martin luther protestantism came that is sardis and protestantism said that we have set ourselves aside from the apostolic churches why because you know guys the apostolic church has got it wrong for 16 centuries now we will show you the way we've separated ourselves from the rest of christendom and now we are going to protest against the catholic church and we going to show the crest of the christian world what the holy bible is all about they set themselves aside and destroyed a lot of foundational fundamental teachings of the master of all masters and the teacher of all teachers jesus christ sardis another division pergamos made a huge schism take place in 1054 where the where christendom became east and west east orthodox west catholic and sardis a division came out of the catholic church in the 16th century by martin luther and he protested against the pope uh of rome and they were called protestant from the word to protest and sardis continued from the 16th century up until the end of the 19th century and now we are coming into the 20th century and the 21st century my beloved the 20th century and the 21st century are together hand in hand they are called philadelphia and leo the last two stages of the beloved church of christ that is going to go through until the coming of the messiah the second coming of the messiah to take his bride without a blemish without a stain to the father's house 20th century and the 21st is philadelphia and leo philadelphia is that it is a compounded word it is again we said it's a greek word it comes from fellows means love adelphos means brother so fellows adolfo's brotherly love philadelphia means brotherly love and le odikiya compounded word leos means nation dikia ordisia means field of the road so leodychia is the nation that has veered off the road of our lord jesus christ philadelphia brotherly love leodicia walking away from jesus we are living in the last two stages of the church of our lord jesus we are living in the end of times and on every social media level you open all these channels and platforms everyone is talking about brotherly love everyone is preaching the gospel everyone is talking about jesus christ jesus is the way jesus is the savior everyone needs to come to jesus wherever you go everyone is talking about jesus there is so much brotherly love happening that has not been seen throughout the 2000 year history of the church of christ till this very moment but at the same time for as much as there is so much love given to jesus and talking about jesus at the same token there is so much and so many people walking away from the lord jesus within christendom we're living in the end the last stage my beloved look at the church of the lord it is going through tribulation very badly there is so much division in the church the church is divided the church is weak the church is in turmoil but there is a lot of preaching but there is a lot of division at the same time you know why because genuine love is missing true divine love is missing i've said this before and i'll say it again i need to watch the time if we were to define god yet god is so immense so awesome so beyond any any comprehension any intellectual capacity but in our human uh limited intellectual capacity if we were to define god how would we define god i would say in a nutshell in a very simple intellectual human being capacity i'll say god is love and humility these are the two pillars that define god then god is the holy one god is the light of the world god is the alpha and the omega the first and the last god is the good shepherd before of all of these he is love and humility love knowledge humility wisdom what relates to love is knowledge and what relates to humility is wisdom it is impossible for any one of us to gain wisdom from god unless we humble ourselves before him and it is impossible for anyone of us to love god unless we get to know him but the problem is in order to get to know god i need humility because it is only through humility i get closer to god or god gets closer to me then he brings me closer to him without humility there is no knowledge of god and with that knowledge there is no love and without humility there is no wisdom you see i can gain love through knowledge but i need wisdom in order to protect it to preserve it and to increase it and multiply it and enlighten it more and more wisdom protects and preserves and multiplies love without wisdom i'll lose the love that i gained through knowledge in the church of the lord jesus of the 21st century leo dikia there is everything available except two things true divine love and true humility are absolutely missing that's why the church is veering off the road of the lord jesus true love is missing oh yeah i love you so easily said than done it is so easy to say things but so hard to do him and fulfill them the lord jesus is the god of hearts not the god of tongues and lips love and humility are missing no wonder the church is veering of the road philadelphia brotherly love le odykia walking away from jesus christ and the lord and the lord said it when the son of man comes again the second time will he find faith on earth he won't that's why he's going to come back so when the lord comes back that means there is no faith there is no faith then i turned verse 12 then i turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned i saw seven golden lamp stands and in the midst of the seven lamp stands one like the son of man clothed with a one like the son of man and he turned to see the voice and he sees seven golden lamp stands and in the middle in the midst of these seven golden lampstands he sees one like the son of man the son of man is jesus christ himself divinity revealed in humanity this is the son of man he sees him in the midst of those seven golden lamp stands the seven lamp stands are the seven churches golden why because the church of christ is his body the body of christ is gold what does that mean meaning his body is incorruptible his body cannot decay his body cannot see and taste and and go through death gold never changes never rusts never fades away gold always remain gold the body of christ is gold that's why he saw seven golden lamp stands and those lampstands are the churches and they are the light he said you cannot hide a city built on a mountain my church is the light of the world it is a lamp stand shines through this dark world but this lampstand is gold because the church is my body the body of christ is gold incorruptible cannot decay cannot die cannot wither away gold will always remain gold and the body of christ never changes gold never changes and this one like the son of man he was clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band he was clothed down to the feet from neck to the feet he was clothed and around the chest there was a golden band a belt a golden belt his head and hair were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes like a flame of fire my goodness john the beloved what in what way are you describing jesus this is not the same jesus you saw on earth you saw him so humble so weak so silent so quiet so down to earth what is this eyes of fire i saw them clothed with a garment down to his feet clothes from neck to toe with a garment here he's talking about christ's power in protection christ's power in protection and when he talks about and and girded about the chest with golden band christ's power in his actions based on love so covered in a garment from the neck to the toes it is christ's power and protection and girded with a golden band around the chest it is christ's power in his actions based on love and also his feet were like fine brass as if refined in a furnace christ's power in his redemption clothed from neck to toes christ's power in protection girded with a golden band around the chest christ's power in his actions based on love and his feet as if they were as of refined brass going through an inferno of fire it is christ's power in redemption girded with a garment the body is covered with a garment my beloveds when our father adam and the garden of eden when he ate from the forbidden tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil what happened to adam the bible teaches us that adam after eating from that tree he saw himself naked jesus christ the latter adam came to clothe our nakedness to cover our nakedness with the dress with the garment of righteousness he covered our nakedness sin with the garment of righteousness he covered our nakedness death with the garment of righteousness eternal life he came to cover our nakedness to wash us clean and give us eternal life garment white all the way from the neck to the toes and girded around the chest with a golden band or a belt my beloveds when we wear a belt don't we put the belt around our waist that is the normal thing every one of us does the belt is used around the waist not around the chest but why is john the beloved saying that this belt was around the chest of the lord jesus to tell us my beloved and i said the belt around the chest reveals christ's protection in his action based on love and his deeds based on love the chest one side the old testament the other side of the chest the new testament the chest represent the word of god the holy bible both in its both testaments old and new as the chest and it is gold why because the word of god is endures forever it is the never-changing word like we said gold never changes so as the word of god is that goal that never changes forever so the belt was put around the chest one side old testament the other new testament the word of god is gold and the belt you put it on when you are getting ready to go to work you tie your belt tying the belt represents i'm ready for work jesus came clothed us with his garment white righteousness the dress of the wedding of the king it is the dress of the kingdom the father's house with no blemish no stain he came to wash us clean and and clothe our nakedness with his own garment with his unrighteousness and he said i did this and i gave a promise i came and i tied my belt and my belt is my word and my word is my name and my name is my honor is my identity and my name is my glory and i will not give my glory to no one else and i made a promise that i have come to save you and i have come to redeem you and i have come to tell you that i am with you all the days of your life and until the end of all ages i have built my church on the rock unshakable unbreakable neither hell will prevail against it no any storm any wind any cyclones any rains any floods nothing will shake my church for i have built my church with my own precious blood on the cross on calvary do not be afraid my children no one touches the church that jesus had built with his own blood no one no one every weapon targeted against the church shall fail every snare placed against the church shall be decimated no one prevails against the church of christ no one the gate of hades will not prevail for i have crushed the head of the serpent i have crushed satan under my foot on calvary on the cross my church shall stand till the groom the heavenly groom comes back again and takes her without a blemish without a stain but the lord said it he who endures till the end shall live be faithful till the end and i will give you the crown of life revelation 2 10. be faithful till the end and i will give you the crown of life so the garments clothed us and that nakedness was gone once and for all and then that belt he came he was ready to deliver us he was ready to redeem us he was ready to save us the good shepherd the the good shepherd who died on the cross in the flesh with his precious blood his word is his promise that i will deliver you and he did he did it till the end the end the death of the cross and he rose from the dead on sunday to say i have overcome satan sin condemnation and death i have come all these four enemies overcome them and whoever has jesus in him he shall overcome these four enemies satan sin condemnation and death and then his head and hair were white like wool sorry i've maybe take a little bit longer but i'm almost there his head and hair were white like wool when you go back to the greek text his head my beloved means the hair over on his head not his head as in head but the hair on his head otherwise it doesn't make sense that his head and his hair was white doesn't make sense so in the greek text the head represents the hair of the head and the hair here represents the beard my beloved just like my one white but of course it's not the lord's the lord is something else and his head the hair of his head white and his beard what the what were they white as wool and his head and hair were white like wool as white as snow he brings wool and he brings snow both are white the hair of his head is white and the beard is white like wool and like snow and straight after this and he says and his and his eyes like a flame of fire my goodness he's saying his hair is white his hair and his beard are white like wool and as white as snow and straight after snow he says his eyes are like fire are like a flame of fire unbelievable the way john the beloved is describing the sweetheart of all sweethearts jesus christ unbelievable my beloved wool is used for winter and snow is for cold wool is heat and snow is cold jesus christ thy beloved is saying i am there for you when you are hot for me and when you are cold for me i am there for you when you are wool hot close to me and i'm there for you when you are snow cold miserable distant from me you can walk away from me but i'll never walk away you can deny me but i jesus never deny you you can betray me but i the lord jesus i'm faithful always you can be miserably cold but i am the sun s-u-n that will melt that snow and i'll bring you back to me and when you are wool hot close to me i'll make sure that you stay with me always because i made a promise i am the savior and the redeemer of the world whether wall close or snow distant jesus is always going to be the same loyal faithful savior redeemer sovereign authority the alpha and the omega the first and the last god the creator of everything and everyone visible and invisible and that's why after snow he says and his eyes were like a flame of fire and wherever you read the word eye or eyes in the holy bible replace that word with knowledge the i in the bible represent knowledge my beloved meaning that jesus when he was girded with the golden belt around the chest and we said the golden belt around the chest is the holy bible both old and new testament the word of god the holy bible the word of god his promise meaning his eyes his knowledge his word in with his word he made a promise that i am there for you all the days of your life and all the days of your life meaning literally every single moment of your life whether you were at one moment wool hot for me close to me or you were snow cold distant from me i made a promise that i am with you all the days of your life and until the end of all ages never fear for jesus christ of nazareth is always near and here never fear his feet were like fine brass as if refined in a furnace christ's power and redemption his feet were like fine brass fine brass is copper fine brass meaning it's pure because he is the only pure out of all the human race the only human being that was pure in the flesh is jesus of nazareth his feet were like fine refined brass as if refined in what in a furnace a furnace is a concentrated fire meaning the temperature of a furnace is much higher than a normal fire because in a furnace that fire becomes concentrated and the heat gets multiplied a thousand times more over his feet were in the midst of a furnace and his feet were what brass fine bras fewer bras out of all the substances if you put a silver in fire the silver becomes liquid if you put gold in fire the gold becomes liquid yet gold is more expensive than silver and definitely more expensive than copper but when you put the copper in fire it becomes harder and stronger a thousand times more you cannot break the copper once you expose fire to it so copper does not melt copper becomes stronger when it is exposed to fire his feet fine brass copper put in what in an inferno a thousand times more strong heat than a normal fire meaning jesus power and redemption he came to deliver us from satan from sin sin was like that fire that was burning us alive when jesus came to save us he had to walk in our sin he had to take our sin upon himself the crown of sons is the sin of the world the sin of every human being he took our sin and pla and put it on himself when he came to deliver us from our sinful status he had to walk through that fire of sin but when he walked through the fire of sin to pick us up and bring us out of that fire his feet are fine copper so when his f when he walked with his feet in that fire his feet became much stronger and those feet were placed as if in an inferno which is much much stronger in heat and power than a normal fire so when he walked in that fire the fire of christ burned the fire of satan and sin and condemnation and death through the fire of christ the fire of sin was decimated so when you deliver someone you gotta run to that someone you walk with your feet jesus came his feet are fine copper he stood in the midst of our hell he stood in the midst of our sin and he he burned the fire of sin with his holy fire and picked us up and brought us out of the fire and that's why i finish it off with this and he says john the beloved after the feet as if they were put in in a furnace his voice as the sound of many waters oh my goodness you see what puts the fire off is water we have so every almost every year in australia bushfires how do they put those bushfires off they use water water decimates fire puts it off so we were in that fire of sin we got burned we were hurt we were afflicted we were rejected we were demented we had lost self-confidence we were scarred mentally emotionally physically psychologically spiritually in every aspect we were scarred this needs healing john the beloved said after the lord jesus took us out of the fire of hell he soothed every pain every burning sensation every sorrow every tear every scar he soothed it with his voice because his voice was like many waters the sound of many waters my goodness when jesus comes and speaks to us his voice is so soothing like the water that puts that fire off his voice soothes the pain and makes it disappear i was so hurt yesterday but today i'm standing i was so alone yesterday but today i am strong again i was lost yesterday but today i am found i was dead yesterday but today i am alive and living i was so weak yesterday but i'm so powerful and strong today i lost hope yesterday but i am all full of hope and energy i want to embrace and engulf the whole world for christ yet yesterday i was given up because his voice was like the money the sound of many waters when he came with his voice and said my son do not fear i'm with you my child it is your lord jesus it is the good shepherd speaking to you it is your god and creator it is the alpha and the omega the first and the last i have taken you out of your misery and i brought you into the bosom of my and to the core of my heart and i embraced you into my bosom do not worry do not be weary for my voice i have made it known to you and when you heard the voice of the good shepherd all miseries were no longer to be seen i am wholesome again [Applause] jesus is good his voice soothes the heart the soul and the spirit his voice reaches where the unreachable is reached where the impossible is made possible his voice and the song of solomon and i'll leave you with this in the song of solomon chapter 4 the bride is describing her bro her heavenly groom jesus christ and the bride is the church is the baptized soul in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit on gadamen the bride is describing her sweetheart her lover her groom jesus christ to the angels of heaven she's saying the voice of my beloved is coming from afar from a distance the voice as many waters the voice of my beloved is coming from a distance leaping over the mountains jumping over the hills the voice of my beloved is coming from a distance leaping over the mountains jumping over the hills quickly mountains and hills both require climbing there is a difference the mountain the surface is strong but the hill the surface is soft it is sand when you climb as a hill you climb up one step you go down 10. it is so soft you just fall and slip and slide back again you get up again and you climb and you slide back again you climb and you slide you get up and you fall you get up and you fall the hills the bride and the song of solomon she is saying the hills are the difficulties of my life i.e the sins the inequities the wrongdoings the foolishnesses and the shortfalls of my fallen human nature these are the hills the difficulties of my life i sinned i went and repented and i sinned again and i went and repented and i sinned again this is the sandy ground of the hill you climb and you fall you climb and you fall but he is saying do not give up when jesus is your groom my beloved soul do not give up for his voice not himself but his voice is coming from a distance leaping over the mountains jumping over the hills the hills are the difficulties sins the mountain is the impossible of your life hills difficulties of your life mountain the impossible you climb the mountain much easier than a hill but a time will come when you face a huge bulldoze and the road comes to an end you cannot go any further that is the impossible so what is the impossible of the human race in its entirety death for no one died and rose from the dead but on their own accord by themselves only one did it jesus christ of nazareth he placed it and he took it again he died and he rose from the dead by himself mountains is the impossible of my life death when i die i cannot live again jesus died and rose from the dead hill's difficulties my sins she's saying his voice is leaping over the mountains jumping over the hills this is an encouragement to all of us the voice i heard his voice was like the sound of many waters so soothing so comforting so delivering so redemptive his voice is that's difficulties of my life and your life which are the sins and the impossible of my life in your life which is death both death and sins are under the foot of jesus christ for his voice was jumping over the mountain death was leaping over the mountain and jumping over the hill's sins everything is under the foot of christ everything my beloveds is under his feet trust in the lord and trust when he whispers in your ear for his voice saves delivers redeems and soothes every pain and sorrow on good friday the lord jesus wiped all the hills of your life all the sins of your life and on sunday resurrection he wiped the mountain of your life death and through his death burial and resurrection he trampled death under his faith and rose triumphantly forever he who has christ has eternal life an eternal life where no sin ever is in existence holiness only is there that is the voice of the alpha and the omega the first and the last for all of us my beloveds enjoy your stay at home thanks to corona and enjoy the the family that you are in the family that you have the family that god has given you enjoy it with the lord i urge you those who are watching us and hearing us read the holy bible to your family bring all your family members while you're at home and you can't go anywhere thank god for corona bring the holy bible and make him sit around you and read the word of jesus christ which is the sound of many waters so soothing so comforting so delivering so promising so strengthening so comforting utilize this time be wise and spend this moment with the creator the savior and the redeemer of the world the one and only the sweetheart of all sweethearts jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy precious adorable worshiped name jesus christ of nazareth amazing stunning breathtaking i love you jesus i love you i adore you lord i worship you and i praise your holy name i thank you all my life and for eternities to come for eternities are never enough enough time to thank what you have done for me and everyone it is never enough to thank you lord but i will still thank you and i will still praise you for i am indebted forever for you my lord for what you've done no one can pay you back all i can say as a sinner thank you jesus for your love for your sacrifice for your loyalty for your honesty for your presence for your holiness for your beauty for your enlightenment for your voice that is the sound of many waters so soothing so comforting jesus we love you we worship you we adore you now and forever and ever and ever more amen well we come to the conclusion of these verses from chapter 1 revelation verses 9 to 15 and with the lord's grace next friday we will see you again at 7 30 p.m sydney local time for the continuation um with this commentary that we are doing through the grace of our lord jesus christ through the love of god the father and the power of the holy spirit and the sacrifice of god the son jesus christ revealed in the flesh the holy trinity one god amen we shall continue the commentary on the book of revelation which is so so current and so relevant to the 21st century our time and age and the lord jesus bless you guide you protect you and please send your questions we have our email address appearing on the screen don't stop sending your questions because we want to hear from you my beloved very vital share with us what you have and through the grace of our lord we shall answer all the questions that we get uh at a later stage with the lord's grace until then may the lord always be with you guide you protect you and deliver you from every evil tribulation whether it be visible or invisible in the name of the almighty jesus christ of nazareth our lord our god amen let us all stand now for the finale prayer if we don't mind in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is in pardoning that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen and the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen may the voice of christ the sound of many waters be always with you the soothing the comforting the delivering the redemptive voice guide you protect you now and forever and ever more amen god bless
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 4,221
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 3sec (5463 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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