End of Times Church by Mar Mari Emmanuel

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one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ always and forevermore for his infinite love mercy and kindness for giving us always the opportunity to be with you our beloveds for another bible preach session and i pray that all those who are watching us through live streaming i pray that you are always in good health and in good spirit if i could ask everyone to stand for the lord's prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from their perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at day a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes you shall look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone you shall tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation amen please be seated we thank our lord and savior jesus christ our beloveds wherever you are and whoever you are before we go into our topic of this evening which is end times church the end of times church before we go on to that topic which we saw it extremely relevant of our time and age and what is happening all around us on a global level before i go into that topic i'd like to bring to your attention a couple of things number one probably some of you have seen that video that was shared which we spoke last sunday and apparently from what we are hearing it went viral there was thousands of people have seen it and i'm sure it has reached in a lot of places here in australia and also abroad i'd like to say one thing what we actually spoke the way it was um put on the mainstream media i believe it was taken out of context but i those who have watched the entire sermon that we did during the holy mass service last sunday they will understand where we were coming from all we said was a concern for the well-being of our people and this great nation australia and i believe uh under the freedom of speech and under the freedom of religion we all have the right to express our concerns and as a spiritual and a a religious figure i have the right also to express the concerns and also to be also aware and and protective of the well-being of my people and i have the right to express that so it was taken out of context and shown on the media mainstream media and that is to be expected no hard feelings absolutely fine the other thing the only reason the only reason we said what we said on sunday was only for one thing that was burning us from within and that is written in the psalmist book psalm 69 verse 9 says because zeal for your house has eaten me up because zeal for your house has eaten me up psalm 69 9. it was that zeal for the house of the lord and i'll say i'm the number one sinner i am the unworthy servant of the lord jesus however it was that zeal for his house the lord jesus christ that made me speak and cry out and since the lord jesus has set me free and since the lord jesus has purchased me with his precious blood and since the lord jesus has called me the son of god and made me the son of god and since the lord jesus has given me that freedom then no one on the face of this planet can shut me up except god my beloveds we are living in the end of times 100 100 the other thing i would like to thank everyone that has been sending their um their love their appreciation their support their respect whether it was through emails through phone calls through messages look may the lord jesus bless you but i'll say this what we said last sunday i did it for my lord jesus christ no one else with all love and respect to all of you my beloved but i did it for my lord but what made me happy what made me happy about the emails and we were flooded we were flooded with emails phone calls and messages we were flooded with them what the only thing that made me happy out of all of those who have send their love and respect and and and support one thing there are still good people there are still beautiful people there are still people that have a living conscience and a beautiful heart may god bless you all and by the way the messages came from christians and different faiths not only christians i want to say to everyone may god bless you and may the lord jesus christ always guide you into the truth for he is the truth and there is no one else but him but i thank you from the bottom of my heart and i am happy for one thing as i said we i still see there are people that do care about seeking the truth and reaching to that truth may god show you that truth and jesus christ said it in john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life amen and just one thing i'd like to mention as well if you don't mind with all love and respect for those who are still you know sending their their messages if you could send your messages via email please to the uh to that email that you have and you've been using so please send them instead of calling because as i said we have been inundated with phone calls and we're not catching up you know with all the phone calls so if you don't mind if you could send your email if you can send whatever you you wish to share with us via an email instead a phone call that would be greatly appreciated may god bless you once again and forever and ever and ever more amen our topic of this evening there have been some views that were trying to attack what we said and some of those views came within the church and some of the so-called leaders of the church that does not worry me one bit that does not worry me one bit because i have nothing to lose but i'll say one thing the lord jesus was attacked by church leaders no one else so what has changed absolutely nothing the history is repeating itself one more time the lord jesus came what has he done for humanity i am a sinner it is not about me it is about the lord it is about jesus christ my beloved let no one boost let all glory be given to the name of christ the king of kings and the lord of all lords but the lord jesus came what did he do to the israelite nation or to the people of his time he raised their dead he healed their sick he cleansed the lepers he opened the eyes of those who were blind he did all wonders and great miracles he was nothing but goodness love mercy compassion kindness humility in its perfection totally illustrated in its perfection and its beauty and at the end of his missionary work on the face of this planet which took just over three years from the age of 30 to the age of 33 where he embraced the cross which he came to do the will of his dad i came to die and save and redeem the entire world i came to do your will father therefore it worries me not if people love me or hate me if people be supportive or against me because i did not come to please people i came to please my heavenly father only and every christian if you call yourself a christian then you need to walk in the footprints of the good shepherd the head of the church there is only one head to the church and that is christ the king all of us church leaders and i am a church leader and what i'm saying i'm saying it to myself before i say it to anyone else so please once again do not take what i'm saying out of context but if even if you do i do not care with all love and respect i do not care from the highest rank in the church to the lowest we are nothing but servants and i should add to that we are useless and hopeless servants jesus if the lord jesus had said it to someone like simon peter philip andrew bartholomew and the 12 apostles who are the pillars in the church of christ if the lord had said to them whatever you do remember one thing you are nothing but useless servants if jesus our lord and god said it to the 12 pillars in the church of christ then who am i and you my beloved leader who am i and you we need to humble ourselves before the lord so the lord came and he did everything that only god can do and what did the leaders of the temple of the church of the old testament what did they do caiaphas and those who were like him got up and said crucify him and they said we do not want this son of the carpenter son of mary my mother my holy mother son of mary we do not want this man to be king over us we want caesar caesar is our king well my beloved caiaphas and the likes what did caesar do to you he enslaved you he was like a like a vampire sucked your blood and trampled you under his foot but the one who was all love kindness and mercy and compassion what did you do to him you crucified him and what is happening after 2021 years the same thing is happening the leaders of the church are crucifying jesus christ one more time but there is a difference back then there was only one caiaphas today wow plenty back then there was only one judas iscariot who sold his master with 30 pieces of silver today endless judas the history is repeating itself and if we are calling ourselves christians and followers of christ then if we walk in the footprints of the good shepherd then we need to do the will of our father who art in heaven not the will of no human being on the face of this planet we obey god not people we have forgotten the creator and we have become hypocrites to the creation and i want to say this i'll say to everyone that is listening i'll tell you which universe i come from my dear friend i come from the universe that says in the beginning god elohim created the heavens and the earth i come from the universe that jesus christ the king of kings and the lord of lords has created with his word that is the universe i come from but i just wonder which universe you come from i wonder the end times church we're going to read from the book of revelation chapter 3 verses 14 to 22. again the book of revelation chapter 3 verses 14 to 22 and we will see what kind of of a church are we living in in the end of times what has become of the church of christ and the end of times i wonder what has become of it revelation 3 14 to 22 and to the angel of the church of the odisians writes these things says the amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of god i know your works that you are neither called nor hot i could i could wish you were called or hot i could wish you were cold or hot so then because you are lukewarm look warm and neither cold nor hot i will vomit you out of my mouth because you say i am rich have become wealthy and i have need of nothing and do not know that you are wretched miserable poor blind and naked i counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich and white garments that you may be clothed that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed and anoint your eyes with eyes with i salve that you may see as many as i love i rebuke and chasten therefore be zealous and repent behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come in to him and dine with him and he with me to him who overcomes i will grant to sit with me on my throne as i also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne he who has ear he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches in the book of revelation which is so relevant for the 21st century our time and age my beloveds and the book of revelation when you read in chapter two and three you will see there are there there are seven churches being mentioned in these two chapters two and three however the lord jesus his church is one and we believe in one holy apostolic universal church one because the church is the body of christ she is the bride of the groom of the heavenly groom christ the king so the lord has only one church but how come he is mentioning seven john the beloved in the book of revelation is telling us that the only church of christ the only bride of christ is going to go through seven different stages from the beginning of her birth until the end the second coming of the lord where he will take his bride the church without a blame without a blemish perfect and bring her into the father's house where we will live with our god jesus christ our our groom our heavenly groom for eternity is to come seven stages all the names are of greek descent the the words are they come from a greek language it begins with ephesus and it ends with le odikiya ordisia ephesus means the beloved le odikiya it is a compounded word two words in one leos means nation dikia field of the road in the beginning the lord jesus says my church is my beloved in the end my church has veered of the road denied jesus denied jesus and this is the cry in the wilderness of this world where is the church of christ where are the leaders well in these verses we see why the church is so weak you only live once my dear friend and i choose not to die a coward i choose not to die a coward because my god my savior my redeemer is jesus christ the sovereign authority over every king and ruler of the world you can kill the flesh but you cannot touch the spirit the lord jesus when he was hanging on the cross he said father into your hand i commit my spirit where did the lord place his spirit into the hand of his heavenly father and the lord jesus said it no one can take anything away from my father's hand and then the following verse he says i and the father are one meaning he is god and no one can snatch nothing out of the hand of god in the hand of jesus christ i commit my spirit the church of laodicea the nation who has veered off the road and walked away why have we veered off the road my beloved i'll tell you i wish i had more time i wish but god willing will continue next time if we can't finish it in this evenings if i ask any one of us if i ask any one of us what is the definition of god well god is way way beyond our intellectual capacity god is way way beyond our entire wisdom put together god is the infinite wisdom the infinite source of light the infinite love the infinite mercy he cannot fully be comprehended it is impossible however to come down to my and you know my new intellectual capacity and my weak human level i will say the following definition god is love and humility god is love and humility god is love and humility love is to do with knowledge humility is to do with wisdom you see what leads to love is knowledge i cannot claim that i love someone i do not know i can only love someone that i know i get to know the person then i am able to love the person what leads to love is knowledge but what leads to wisdom is humility my beloveds and that is why when you read in the gospel of matthew and the gospel of john the lord jesus when he's talking about the church the house in the gospel of matthew in the gospel of john he says my father's house is a house of prayer but you have turned it into a marketplace buying and selling in the gospel of john chapter 2 he says my father's house is a house of prayer but you who is you the church leaders that's what he referring to the church leaders but you have turned it into a marketplace buying and selling and then in the gospel of matthew the lord jesus says my house not the father's my house is the house of prayer but you again church leaders have turned it not a marketplace a den of thieves you have turned it into a den of thieves and the gospel of john my father's house is the house of prayer but you've turned it into a marketplace buying and selling and in the gospel of matthew my house i jesus christ my house is the house of prayer but you have turned it into a den of thieves now at then my beloved is a place where lions live and lion in the holy bible in in the in the epistle of saint peter refers to satan lion devours and kills it is a den of thieves my father's house is to do with love my house i jesus christ is to do with glory what is in the father's house what should be vividly present in the fa and the in the church of christ two things love and glory they should be present at all times in the church of our lord and savior jesus christ love father's house glory christ's house love knowledge glory what is the glory of christ well the mother of the sons of zebedee james and john she came to the lord jesus when the lord was talking to them and he said very soon i'll be handed over to authorities i'll be persecuted and prosecuted and i'll be sentenced to death i'll be crucified i will die but i will rise from the dead on the third day because it is written about me she the mother out of love and concern for her children like every mother out there is concerned for the well-being of her children she came to the lord jesus begging him she said lord before you go please can you guarantee my two sons a position in your kingdom can you put my two sons one on either side of you right and left in your glory can you put my sons on either side of you in your glory the the mother poor mother she was not fathoming what she was really saying but the lord looked at her heart and saw she meant well her intention was good a good mother caring and worrying about her kids he said women and he turned to the disciples he said can you can you be baptized with the baptism of mine and can you drink the cup that i am about to drink all of them they said yes he said my baptism you shall take on you and the cup that i'm about to drink you will drink also but to put you on either side of me in my glory it is it is not mine but the father who has sent me but my father has sent me what is the glory of jesus christ the cross my beloved the cross that is his glory so he was literally saying to that woman a mother a concerned mother he said women if i grant you your wish then your sons will have to be crucified on either side of me i won't let that happen i'll do it my way not your way but i will give you your wish but my way jesus and the reason i'm gonna give it my way because i saw there was love in your heart woman for your children and truly jesus did it because he is god never fails and he put number one was james he was the first martyr to be beheaded in jerusalem for the name of jesus christ and john the beloved the gospel writer the epistle and the revelation writer he was sentenced in exile to a an island in the middle of the mediterranean sea in greece called petmos and he died a natural death there james the first to go and john the last to leave out of the twelve apostles he put james and john on either side of him but his way not the way the woman was thinking the glory of jesus christ otherwise they would have been crucified and counted as thieves and robbers on either side of the lord so what is the glory of jesus the cross and what is the father's house love why when it comes to love the lord jesus said you have made it you have made my father's house a place of a marketplace buying and selling very simple because you do not buy something you do not love you will only buy what you love isn't it my beloveds so when it comes to love there is buying and selling because why would i buy something i don't love and when you're buying something you are dealing with money your what dealing with money revelation 3 17 no wonder the church is so weak no wonder the church is so weak revelation 3 17 look what the lord is talk is saying to the shepherd of leo dikya church he's not talking to the sheep he's talking to the shepherd the lord jesus deals with the shepherds not the sheep but unfortunately the shepherds of the end of time church are weak revelation 3 17 because you say the lord is talking here to the to the shepherd of the church of leodicia because you say i am rich have become wealthy and have need of nothing and do not know that you are wretched miserable poor blind and naked who is talking god is talking to the shepherds of the end of time church you guys are saying to me that you are rich and you've become wealthy and you are in need of no one of course because caiaphas once again has come alive in the end of times and said we don't want jesus christ of nazareth to be king over us we want caesar satan to be king over us now wonder the holy spirit has been handcuffed and is not able to work in such a rebellious church a church that has sold jesus christ for 30 pieces of silver judas iscariot is among us in the hundreds and the thousands but i will not be sold and i will not be bought jesus says the lord of lords and the king of kings and i'm not talking about every leader everyone knows themselves very well but above all jesus christ knows us more than anyone else including ourselves there are some great leaders still in the church priests bishops cardinals and great leaders but unfortunately they have been suppressed they have been ridiculed they have been persecuted and they have been deposed from the church the moment they speak the truth and those who are in those high places are caiaphas and judas because they sold their master and they became nothing but nothing short of hypocrites saying caesar is our king you liars caesar enslaved you caesar killed you caesar made fun of you ridiculed you and trampled you under his foot and under his feet and jesus the love of everyone jesus is my love jesus is my adoration jesus is my worship jesus is my sweetheart jesus is my eyesight jesus is the crown of glory over my head jesus is my strength jesus is my shelter refuge jesus is the way the truth and the life jesus is the alpha and the omega jesus is the first and the last jesus is the beginning and the end jesus is the good shepherd and there is no one good but him for god is good and jesus is the life and the resurrection jesus is my home my love my dad my mom my brother my sister my kingdom my everything with him i need nothing in him i have everything and let this be heard he who has an ear to heal let him hear for i fear nothing and fear no one the church and the end of time it is we are living in the end of times and what we are seeing around us on a global level it is nothing short but evil in its core so-called pandemics a new world order freemason new world order someone like bill gates someone like george soros someone like klaus schwab and anthony fauci and those who are behind them jesus sees you all i say to all of you repent before it is too late a day is coming every human being on the face of this planet regardless your race regardless your color regardless your ethnicity regardless of your religious background every human being a day will come you will have to face your creator and give an account to everything you've done and said and what have you done for him when he calls you and say give me an account of what i've given to you i've made you a steward and i've given you my property my possession and i said look after it what have you done with what i have entrusted you with where is it what are we going to say i just wonder what are we gonna say there is one true divine god that has created everything that is visible and invisible and this god for me is no one but jesus christ of nazareth all glory and worship and hallelujah to his holy name the church and the end of times their god became money the love that has to be one pillar on this side in the church of of of god that love is supposed to be given to god no one else but we have given that love back to people the creation and we've forgotten the creator we loved and worshiped our leaders and we said it is them and no one else we forgot that jesus christ is the only one that is worthy of worship and glory and thanksgiving we started worshiping people not god we started loving leaders not jesus christ who is god in the flesh no wonder the church is in ruin and turmoil and division the love has to be given to god the father not to us and not to no one else no matter how high or low they are how big or small how powerful or weak they are the love is supposed to be given to god the father we started buying and selling in the name of god we turn the house of jesus father into a marketplace and what did the lord jesus do he overturned all their tables and he said out of my father's house for my father's house is a house of prayer but you have turned it into a marketplace back then my beloveds when they used to bring a sheep to to offer it as a sacrifice to to yahweh the god of the israelites people poor people that cheap same sheep you see the temple had the temple had its own sheep they had their own shepherd those shepherds who were minding the sheep when you read in the gospel of luke and others you know those shepherds who were minding their sheep at night time they were the shepherds minding the sheep of the temple so someone [Music] is not very rich give us our daily bread on a day by day basis i can't i don't have much money in my pocket so if you bought exactly the same sheep outside probably you would have bought it i'm just giving an example probably let's say you would have bought it for one shekel or that currency of the time shekel or one denarii but if you buy the sheep from the temple that belongs to the temple you'll have to pay ten shekels why because the high priest prayed over it this is this is holy this sheep is blessed my blood my friend this sheep is blessed because so and so this leader and that leader have prayed on the sheep it is worth 10 shekels when you slain the sheep which caiaphas prayed over god will forgive all your sins are you joking or are you joking which one is it so this poor guy knows nothing well when a church leader says something of course i'm going to obey because the sheep cannot do nothing but follow the shepherd in fact my beloved i'll give you a bit a piece of information a sheep has no sense of direction so when a sheep gets lost cannot find its way back but sorry to say this but i don't mean it in any way wrong or bad but when a dog loses its its way it can find it back again the dog sniffs and goes back where it came from but a sheep cannot find its way once it's lost that's why the lord jesus gave us the parable in the gospel of luke chapter 15 and said the good shepherd went out searching for the lost sheep in the wilderness why because the sheep has no sense of direction so the sheep got lost in the desert could not find its way back and another thing the sheep the moment hears the sound of the wolf it freezes in its place and becomes like a statue out of fear the sheep the moment hears the sound of the wolf becomes a statue out of fear tells the tells the wolf come and eat me and devour me can't move anymore a sheep without the shepherd is lost and dead but the lord jesus said it my beloved when the multitudes gathered around him and he was preaching to them for three days and after three days he realized they were hungry and he said to his disciples you know and he said i need to release them because they are hungry but the reason why i came and preached to you for three days non-stop because i showed compassion toward you my sheep since i put shepherds to shepherd you but those shepherds turned out to be hirelings they were there for wages they were not there for my sheep since i put shepherd but they came to be [Music] false shepherds then i jesus christ the good shepherd came and looked after you myself today exactly it is happening in our time and age the very shepherds which the lord jesus has placed in his church have falsified the truth and have drifted away from their truth because they said now we are rich we became wealthy and we are no not in need of no one including god we are god on earth and that is why the sheep are hungry and lost there is only one that is the head of the church jesus christ all of us are hopeless servants it is out of the mercy out of the love and the compassion of our lord jesus christ that he placed someone like me and called me a shepherd but this shepherd when jesus put me here that does not mean i can do whatever i want no i can only do what my jesus tells me to do the moment i walk away from the lord i have destroyed the flock and i have brought turmoil and division and chaos into the church of christ we are all followers christianity is about followers not leadership there's only one leader jesus and all of us from the highest strength to the lowest are nothing but followers of the only good shepherd who is the head and the only head of the church my beloved that love that divine love which we were supposed to give it back to god the father we gave it and we made people to give it to us as leaders don't worry my dear friend the lord jesus gave me the keys and he said whatever you loosen on earth is is loosened on in heaven and whatever you tie on earth it is loose and it is tied in heaven excuse me but based on what the lord jesus said it based on him on his word which is the truth the holy bible any shepherd that loses and ties things outside the word of christ is a false leader he's not telling you the truth he's lying to you when did the lord jesus give the keys to simon peter we need to read the holy bible my beloveds when the lord jesus was with the 12 apostles in the last supper the passover where the lord got up and that night and he said this bread is truly my body and this wine is truly my blood and he said to them it is written about me that the shepherd shall be striked and the sheep will be scattered it is written about me the lord is referring to the old testament he is referring to the prophecies of the old testament and what is the prophecy it is the word of god god cannot lie my beloveds so the lord said it is written about me it is prophesied it is the word of god that is written in the old testament that i the shepherd the good shepherd shall be striked i'll be crucified and you sheep you my apostles you'll be scattered out of fear simon got up and said lord if all of these meaning his brothers the other apostles if all of them deny you i will not deny you the lord you know in a nice way said simon you're talking too big of a word it is bigger than you you can't handle what you're saying my dear simon relax take it easy brother yo bro take it easy simon didn't get it he continued on and he said even i am with you till death the death of the cross i am with you wow he gave jesus our lord no choice but to say to him simon you've pushed your luck my dear friend i'm telling you tonight before the rooster crows you will deny me three times and simon did when the lord rose from the dead he called simon peter he said simon son of jonah come here i'm wondering what was simon thinking he said simon son of jonah do you love me simon got the shock of his life he was thinking that now since jesus is calling me to him he is gonna wipe the floor with me he's gonna chop me to smithereens he's gonna put me to shame in front of everyone because he's gonna remind me what i said couple of days ago at the last supper i promised jesus that i'm with you till death and i failed i denied him not before a roman soldier i denied him before a a woman and i denied his divinity and humanity and i swore i do not know this man yet in matthew 16 he said you are jesus christ son of the living god he did not he he acknowledged in matthew 16 jesus christ both his divinity and humanity and before a woman he denied his divinity and humanity where is your promise so when simon heard from the lord jesus saying to him simon son of jonah do you love me he was shocked totally unexpected he said lord i thought you were gonna put me to shame i thought you were gonna judge me i thought you were gonna chop me do i love you lord you know that i love you the lord repeated it three times and three times simon said lord you know that i love you and the last supper my beloved simon said i am with you lord in the last supper simon put himself before the lord and anyone any church leader and any government and any human being that put themselves before god they have to fall and must fall because no one comes before god no one no one has no one will ever be able to and anyone who tries to be before god that being must fall satan was an angel in heaven he tried to put himself before god he failed and fell from the highest level to the lowest level from a beautiful angel to an ugly fowl spirit so simon in the last supper said i then jesus and when anyone put themselves before the lord they must be put to shame and fall simon learned the lesson after resurrection simon come here do you love me simon said hang on and the last supper i said i am with you i was afraid and denied you before a woman not an or a and i a roman soldier i learned my lesson lord lord you know that i love you the cycle was reversed now it is you first i learned my lesson lord but i learned it the hard way but it doesn't matter as long as i've learned it it is okay lord you know that i love you then jesus gave the keys to simon because a shepherd a leader in the church that put himself before jesus christ must fall and destroys the sheep but a true shepherd is the one who puts christ first than him because i only get my strength i only get my wisdom i only get my energy i only get my food i only get my life and my glory and everything from jesus christ of nazareth no one else so the leader of leo dikia you're saying that you are rich and you have become wealthy and you are in need of no one so you are not in need of god jesus christ and you want to lead the flock of christ and you want to lead the church of christ without christ have you become the head have you lost your mind can anyone remove jesus from his position can anyone take jesus christ's place there is only one head to the body the church is the body of christ as saint paul tells us in ephesians 5 and christ is the head of the church but we've become the head come to me what's your problem go and pay this much and i'll give you whatever you want because i've got the keys whatever i tie it's tied in heaven and whatever is loose and is loosened in heaven we are buying and selling in the house of lord we have snatched the love of god the father and given it to ourselves as leaders in the church shame on us and i'm the number one shame on us love is supposed to be given back to god only i don't have time time flies when you're having fun as they say glory is the cross what is cross humility what is humility self-denial because the cross is death and what is death i'm no longer in existence when i die i don't exist anymore nobody will see me on the face of this earth so what is what is death in the biblical language in the biblical terminology death equals self-denial self-denial is humility what is humility humility leads you to wisdom and knowledge leads you to love the moment we snatch the knowledge of god and give it to us we are making people knowing us not god a leader that makes people love him and not jesus christ is a failure of a leader and he's nothing but a miserable being he is another caiaphas caiaphas made the people of his time love him not yahweh that's why they were enslaved and that's why the church is being enslaved one more time by caesar the ruler of the world satan because the church leaders have bought sold their christ sold him sold him for their prestigious places sold him for their thrones sold him for their crown of glories sold him for their stars on their shoulders sold them for their fame name sold him for their own empires which they have created and established on earth today the church is measured to be either rich or poor by what it has in properties my goodness we've lost the plot okay let's come and see what this church is all about how many churches how many buildings do you have how many properties do you have how many businesses do you have how much money are you generating whoa you're making millions and billions now that's what i call a church look honestly i am lost for words nowadays the church is being seen as poor and weak when it has faithfuls for christ are your old fashioned are your soul behind are you still kneeling and praying are you still fasting are you out of your mind enjoy life brother enjoy life what fasting what kneeling what praying shame on such leaders and shame on such so-called christianity we have betrayed our master we have betrayed our lord we have sold him for peanuts we have sold him for a second of pleasure and lust in the core of satan shame no one can take me away from my sweetheart jesus christ of nazar of nazareth my god my lord my savior my redeemer the one and only i am in love with you in purity and holiness you are the love of my life jesus and i will always shout hallelujah to your holy name for as long as you give me the breath of life for as long as you give me the strength of your your divinity for as long as you show me the way and grab my hand and lead me and guide me i am indebted to you my sweetheart jesus forever and ever and eternity is to come amen and a million zillion are men's after that we have snatched the glory of christ away from him therefore his house we have turned it into a den of thieves because we stole it we are thieves we stall the glory of christ meaning when somebody comes and says to me you are you are a holy man you are a faithful leader you are this and you are that sorry i am nothing i am nothing but a sinner i am nothing but a blind person i am nothing but a useless hopeless servant of jesus christ do not glow do not glorify me glory must be given to one name only jesus christ of nazareth the crown of our heads amen amen my beloved glory is given to christ and christ only wake up you sleepy church today as a church we are so concerned about our as someone said it but it's biblical we are so concerned about our bank accounts on earth more than our bank accounts in heaven everyone those who know themselves very well they are concerned about their empire this is my throne this is my territory no one comes in if anybody tries to come in i will chop their head excuse me my dear friend i'll tell you one thing if you are seeking christ and if you are seeking the throne of christ i'll tell you where the throne of christ is it is where someone like mother teresa walked the streets of calcutta looking after the lepers and the rejected and the afflicted and those who were thrown the streets that's where the throne of christ is where everyone is hungry thirsty naked sick tired afflicted rejected and cast out that's the throne of christ if you are truly seeking christ then your job on earth as a leader is nothing but a beggar we need to walk barefooted knocking at the door at the door of the hearts of people begging for the love to give it back to god what has happened and has become of us we have lost the plot no wonder we are going through this so-called pandemic it does not take a genius to figure out what is happening in the world please guys so don't come and say the bishop said and the bishop did just look in the social media platforms there are renowned doctors and scientists and professors telling you what is happening and someone like bill gates to come and say that we need to cap the world's population who do you think you are you lost all who do you think you are are you trying to be god shame on someone that tries to be god shame on you but i'll tell you one thing that day will never happen for you my dear friend if you are gaining your power from satan i'm telling you your god satan is trampled under the foot of my sweetheart jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name my vaccine is the blood of christ my vaccine is the blood of christ against every tyranny and against every pandemic and the cross is my mask and when jesus says open your mouth no one can shut it with all love and respect i'm saying it the truth hurts doesn't it winston churchill who was the prime minister of great britain during world war ii winston churchill said something extremely profound he said the most powerful thing in the world is the truth and that is why it is quiet often being surrounded by a bodyguard of lies the most powerful thing in the world is the truth that is why it is quite often being surrounded by a bodyguard of lies today both on church level and world level are trying frantically to surround the truth by a bodyguard of lies but i'll tell you one thing the truth will always be the truth for the truth jesus said it and i am the truth jesus christ of nazareth can you hide the sun when it shines can you hide the light when it shines on you no matter what you do no matter how much darkness you try to bring onto the onto the world the moment the sun shines that darkness is decimated and it is gone for good jesus christ is the truth is the light of the world is the sun s-u-n of righteousness and healings in its wings and he is the son s-o-n of god and he is god revealed in the flesh i love you jesus i love you my lord let me live hungry let me live naked let me live afflicted let me live rejected i rather be rejected afflicted and deposed from the church and then to lose you my lord because the moment i lose you i've lost everything forever therefore i i will lose the whole world and it's lust and temptation just to gain you my i will never swap jesus for nothing and nothing i live only once and in jesus mighty name i will not die a coward people should be given the ch the choice people should be given a freedom to decide for their well-being governments are playing the role of god governments did not create me to die to tell me how to live and neither church leaders created me to tell me how to live for jesus christ you were supposed to feed me the manna the true blood the true body that came from heaven but you instead you fed me poison allies twisted twisted statements i'm not angry it's the seal it's the zeal for the for the house of the lord that is making me cry out i'm not angry in fact this kind of an anger the holy bible calls it holy anger it's not about me it's about the lord and we all need to be zealous for the lord all of us every christian and everyone who was seeking the truth everyone is in search of the light should be zealous we're not slaves and when the sun s-o-n the son of god jesus christ and when the sun sets you free then you are truly free he who has the son has life and he was he and he who does not have the son has no life in him but rather the wrath of god is bestowed upon him when the son sets you free you are truly free we have stolen the glory of christ you know why because we were not ready to sacrifice for him you see it is too much to give up my throne it is too much to give up my empire it is too much to give up my bank account that has millions and billions in it it is too much to give it up for jesus you know what it doesn't make sense i'm i'm living in a mansion i'm living in linen and gold i'm living in lux luxury i am i have everything around me everything i need everyone is worshipping me it doesn't make sense to give up on all this wealth and treasure and whatever and to follow jesus and be ridiculed persecuted rejected deposed and crucified doesn't make sense some people they just don't have it in them they can't go that extra mile why would i do that for you jesus what am i going to get jesus i know you are god and i know you are this and this and this but you know what i can't give up on all this it's just too much i can't if i follow you i have to deny myself then who's going to glorify me who's going to come and bow before me who's going to come and kiss my hand and my feet no one in fact they're going to ridicule me and spit on me and and give me some foul language and stab me in the back and throw me in the street i can't do that but woe unto you leaders when jesus calls you to him to give account to what he has you know what he has entrusted you with woe unto you there when you face your master neither your throne neither your empires neither all the wealth you have in the bank accounts and the gold and the linen none of that is going to come to your rescue the only one is going to come to your rescue my dear friend is the lamb of god who carries away the sins of the world all glory to his holy name jesus christ of nazareth my lord my god my crown of glory it is only him no one else so it's up to you everyone is free what to choose but the moment we choose we are no longer free a lot of people ask this question are we free or are we driven no my dear you are free until you choose the moment you choose you are now no longer free because whatever you chosen you have to be responsible for a counted two i'll leave you with this i've taken too much of your time the seven stages of the church in the book of revelation begins with ephesus the beloved ends with leodikia the one who has denied jesus christ her bridegroom and the and the head of the church look my beloved where jesus is in accordance to the first stage of his beloved church ephesus look at it revelation 2 1. the angel of the church of ephesus right this is the lord jesus talking to john the beloved to the angel angel means the leader of the church to the angel of the church of ephesus right these things says he who holds the seven stars in his right hand who walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands and the lord goes on and he explains what the golden lamp stands he says the seven golden lampstands are the seven churches and the seven stars are the seven leaders of the church of these churches so where is he walking he is walking in the midst of the golden lampstand he is in the middle of his church why because it is his beloved why was the church at the first century his beloved because from the highest simon peter andrew philip all these hierarchies all these leaders of the church that they have limousines that they were they wearing gold and linen and diamond that they have millions in their bank accounts that they have empires did they sit on high places and made people kiss their hands and feet no they were walking in the streets from one village to another from one corner to another from one street to another like beggars if you had looked at them you wouldn't even you know say a street beggar is better looking than them a street beggar is richer than them and these were the leaders of the church of christ in the beginning so humble so down to earth so self-denied themselves for the sake of the glory of christ they did everything to give glory to jesus christ and to bring that love back to god the father that's why jesus was pleased with his church and where was he in the midst of it i can assure you my beloved if jesus christ was in the midst of his church today there is no power in heaven nor on earth nor beneath it to close the the door of the church but why are the doors of the churches closed today because they have turned into den of thieves that's why jesus is allowing it it is a twist of an ear for so-called christians and it is a slap across the head for us to teach us not to do this one and any any any other times don't ever deny your jesus and say you are rich and you are wealthy and you don't need no one i'll show you what's going to happen to you when you walk away from christ satan will devour you satan will enslave you that's why the churches are closed it's the doing of satan not pandemic come on please guys speak honesty and truth once in your life be men even if you are a woman be a man don't take it out of context i'm talking about guts have guts if you're all men stay a woman please don't change and if you're a man please stay a man don't change but have guts the church doors are closed because in ephesus he was in the midst of his church in the odiki our time and age 21st century now look where jesus is revelation 3 20 behold the lord is talking jesus christ is talking himself no one else behold i jesus christ i stand at the door and knock we have kicked jesus out of his own house and we have placed ourselves in his place we've kicked him out and we've taken his position shame on us shame on us all jesus in the end of times standing outside knocking at the door he's begging us please open the door don't let leave me outside why have you denied me why have you betrayed me why have you sold me for the leisure and the pleasure of the world why have you swapped me with satan why did you say we want caesar to be king over us we don't want jesus christ of nazareth why what have i done to you i am all love i am all mercy i am all kindness i am healing i am light i am life i am everything you need and lack why we've kicked him out of his own house the very house that he established with his own blood on the cross on calvary we've kicked him out we've become christ on earth and we are still wondering why is this happening to us of course it's going to happen you see when we walk away from jesus there is only one other authority and there is satan darkness if anybody says i am free he's been deceived there is no freedom you're either under the wing of christ or you're either under the foot of satan which one you want you choose we are free we can choose i'll leave you with this my beloved and i know i've taken too much of your time and i'm extremely happy that i've done so that was a joke but it's a good one to all my beautiful boys and girls all the young men and women you are my sons and daughters i beg you i beg you do not be conformed to the world but rather transformed by the renewal of your mind do not my beautiful daughter don't focus on the way you look and dress do not imitate the world do not show your body to the world do not worry about your beautiful outer appearance be concerned of your inner beautiful appearance let jesus see you beautiful from inside not outside my sweetie you don't need to do botox you don't need to do facial changes so that people say oh you look beautiful what however god created you you are already beautiful you don't need to change nothing my beloved christians the reason why we are going through this turmoil because we have walked away from jesus leaders and followers but it begins with the leaders if the leaders were true leaders they would have fed the followers christ but they fed the followers nothing but lies and they made the sheep scatter and lose their sense of direction and orientation but i beg you as a spiritual father as a as a useless and unworthy servant in the house of the lord jesus i beg you my beautiful daughter be beautiful for your jesus not for the world my son you don't need to show nothing christ see that you have a heart for him let christ see that you have a place for him inside of you open your heart invite jesus and say lord i have shut the door in your face you have kicked you out you've been knocking on the door of my heart all my life saying to me son don't go in those dark alleys don't take drugs don't take alcohol don't take this don't chase that come back to me my son i have purchased you with my own blood which is my life i beg your son come back to your jesus because you will never find anyone that loves you more than me and you will find no one that is loyal to you more than me and you will find no one that knows you more than you more than me you will find no one that died for you more than me come back to jesus my beloved children and say lord have mercy on us we repent before you i beg you you know what i'm gonna kneel and i want everyone to kneel i want everyone to kneel we are begging the lord jesus to have mercy on us uh we need to pray we need to fast and we need to repent for jesus christ to have mercy on us all you can fight whichever way you want to fight you cannot overcome the enemy you can only overcome the enemy with prayer and fasting and the lord jesus said it very clearly very clearly he said it this kind does not go out unless you pray and fast it is through prayers and fasting we overcome the snares of satan and the powers of these foul spirits that have been released in the world repent my beloved pray and say lord jesus i am sorry forgive me have mercy on me son of david for i have been blind i have been misled i have been so far and distant from you lord jesus forgive me for my sins those that i am aware of and those who are that i am not aware of but you are aware of everything lord have mercy on me jesus christ bestow your mercy on your church on the world even if i say but i am saying it out of love and out of humility i am praying for every church leader to be awakened by the love and the mercy and the compassion and the blood of christ that's what sharon that was sharon calvary i am praying for every church leader to come back to our senses we need to come back to our senses and realize at the end of the day it is the grave and in the grave we will take nothing from us nothing with us we will take nothing everything will stay here the cross the crown the glory the wealth and the empires everything will stay here we were born out of the womb of our earthly mother with and with nothing and it is surely we're gonna go back to our mother nature with absolutely nothing we came with nothing we're gonna go with nothing but the only thing we're gonna take with us is our deeds what have we done for jesus and the question to be answered will be remained in the end just the lord like the lord jesus said to simon son of jonah do you love me that question will be asked of every one of us jesus in the end will say do you love me what am i going to say no lord i swapped your love with the picks field i swapped your love with a star city casino i swapped your love with clubbing i swapped your love with drinking and dancing and nakedness and drunkenness and lust for life i swapped your love with filth no my beloveds we cannot afford to swap jesus with nothing the moment we lose him we're finished forever jesus is the only way jesus is the only truth and jesus is the only life come back to him say sorry jesus forgive me i am not worthy to be your son once again but make me as a servant in your house and you will see the father running frantically and meeting you halfway on calvary hugging you and embracing you and saying to you you are my son you are my son and you will always be my son i will embrace you in your filth because so god loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life and the word saw meant the way the world it was god loved it the way it was in its filth and its dirt and its deception god still loved it and gave the only most precious thing he had his beloved son to redeem and save the whole world he will embrace us in our dirt and filth and ugliness and say you were my son you are my son and you'll always be my son clothe him with the outfit of righteousness the dress of the kingdom of god give him new shoes a new life a new attitude a new behavioral pattern and you start detach him from this condemned earth and bring him into the holy land and then put a ring in his hand authority you are the son of god this is the authority that god gave to all of us who believe in his son jesus christ we are the children the sons of god and then the the the the the um the ferret calf has been slain jesus the lamb of god slain for the redemption of the world the father is embracing us all we need to do is turn around and face him and run to him don't ever run away from your lord but run to him jesus said i did not come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance and since i am here that means all of you are sinners there is no one righteous there is no one good but god and that's why i came because all of you have sinned and veered off the road and have fallen short of the glory of god that's why i have come and revealed myself in the flesh to redeem you and bring you back to holiness to deity to divinity to life everlasting and to be equal to god sitting at the right hand of the father in his glory come back to the lord as you are in your nakedness let him cover your nakedness don't try to do it yourself don't try and fix your mistakes you cannot jesus is the only one that can come back to the lord my beloveds now it is the time to repent and ask for forgiveness and i'm begging you i am begging you i want everyone that is listening and i want you to share this with everyone around the world i want everyone on a daily basis starting from tomorrow at 6 30 p.m sydney local time at 6 30 p.m sydney local time i am begging everyone wherever you are drop everything you've got make time for jesus for the for jesus to make time for you drop everything you've got 6 30 p.m sydney local time come let us come together in unity in oneness in unity of heart and language and mind and soul and spirit and thought and bring glory and give thanksgiving to thee one and only jesus christ of nazareth let us pray together 6 30 p.m every day we will pray so that jesus have mercy on his church and on the world for this pandemic to be decimated once and for all to perish and never to come back again and jesus can do it this is our fight and this is the only way we can be victorious and i'm asking you next week wednesday thursday friday i want you to fast whichever way you can how much ever way you can if you can fast all day do it if you can fast for an hour do it if you can fast for half a day do it whatever capacity you've got through the grace of the lord jesus do it fast from next wednesday from next wednesday thursday and friday three days i want fasting let us be like the people of an enemy the people of the ninevites when jonah was sent to them from the god of israel he said the god of israel is saying to you that your wrongdoings have reached my throne and i am absolutely angry i will turn your country up on your heads if you don't repent from here to 40 days the king of nineveh said before we fought the enemies of the world with swords and spears and weapons but this god we cannot fight him with sword and speeds and weapons the only way we can fight this god is by repenting and coming down from our high places and coming down from our high horses and kneeling and sitting on the ground and and and dressing up in sackcloth and sitting on ashes and we gonna fast and pray it is through prayers and fasting we're gonna win the battle with this god and it is through our prayers and fasting and seeking repentance and forgiveness from the lord we will win this battle we will make jesus once again to come from the outside into the center of his house once again and let us make leo di ephesus jesus can do it but we need to forgive ask forgiveness we need to repent we need jesus my beloveds 6 30 p.m every day everyone is to pray you can pray your way whatever makes you comfortable but also have a look out on the church website on our church website we will put a prayer book if you wish to use that prayer book absolutely fine if you don't want to use it absolutely fine you pray the way that you are comfortable you can go and say a couple of words lord have mercy lord come to our rescue whatever makes you happy whatever makes you peaceful whatever makes you you know you know whatever makes you um i don't know honestly i'm lost for words i'm lost for words please do forgive me but i'm urging everyone please let us come into the unity of christ and pray 6 30 every evening 6 30 sydney local time those who are living overseas and those who are living in places where there is a time difference if you think 6 30 sydney local time is too early or too late for you that's okay you can pray 6 30 your local time that is okay as well but there is no time to sleep wake up there is no time to rest we need to be uncomfortable we cannot be comfortable anymore we cannot afford to be comfortable anymore and sleepy we cannot it is the end of times satan is devouring the children of the kingdom satan is devouring the church that the church is in turmoil the church is in ruin the church is in division the church has lost her sweetheart jesus christ satan has blinded the world and the christian world together we need to be alert and uncomfortable so that jesus can be comfortable we've given him enough pain and sorrows it is time to swap him his agony lord give me your agony and let you be at rest isn't it enough you've been suffering for me all these 2020 years you've been crying out saying children of mine what has happened and become of you come back to the bosom of your jesus the one who loves you the most and died and saved you and redeemed you come back so it doesn't matter it's three o'clock in the morning doesn't matter at six o'clock in the morning in your country wake up and pray with us 6 30 p.m sydney local time and next week wednesday thursday friday fasting for the lord jesus to have mercy on us all amen before i call it before we conclude this evening's topic i'd like to give you some encouragement biblical verses to encourage all of us there are only very few that i have selected there are so many encouraging verses in the holy bible here are some that i wanted to share with you my beloveds you can write them down if you wish the gospel of john chapter 1 verses 1 to 3. and the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made the gospel of john chapter 16 verses verse 33 these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will be you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world amen isaiah 41 10 fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand hallelujah romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love god to those who are the called according to his purpose joshua 1 9 have i not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go amen proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths romans 15 13 now may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy spirit hallelujah ii chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land jesus will come and heal australia and he will heal the whole world if the christians truly come back to him isaiah 41 13 for i the lord your god will hold your right hand saying to you fear not i will help you first peter chapter 5 verses 6 to 7 therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of god that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he cares for you amen psalm 94 verses 18 to 19 if i say my foot slips your mercy o lord will hold me up in the multitude of my anxieties within me your comforts delight my soul be strong in the lord be strong in the lord my beloved and i'll leave you with this lastly revelation chapter 21 verse 4 and god and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death no nor sorrow nor crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away forever and ever and ever more amen uh to all my beloved christians and to all my beloved australians i'm an aussie mate and i'm proud to be an aussie i love this country it is my country most of my life i have spent it in this country i love this country i pray for this country and the people of this country they mean the life for me and i am willing to put my life on the line for the well-being of every australian without any differentiation and when we cry out it is out of love but i will sell i will tell the truth and i'm not going to be afraid of no one what is happening in the world is nothing short of evil because we have denied the creator of this universe jesus christ of nazareth father son holy spirit one god amen god willing this pandemic is gone let us pray and fast and the day is going to come back where we're going to go back again with the lord's grace back to normal life and then we're going to put the prawns on the barbie mate i'm a true blue aussie brother from down under right and i'm gonna put the prawns on the barbie when this pandemic is over and if anybody tells me that i'm not an aussie i may not look it but as they say never judge the book by its cover it's what's inside the book that matters not the cover my beloved cheer up smile be strong be courageous and say i have jesus christ of nazareth i fear nothing now vaccine or so-called experimental vaccine oh you didn't hear me it's an experimental vaccine but it doesn't bother me for the blood of the lamb of god defeats every evil doing of satan and those who follow satan let us stand for the finale prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grant that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is important that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore are men and amen the peace of christ be with you wherever you may be
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 62,033
Rating: 4.9258771 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Mar Mari Emmanuel
Id: 9ctznXyIJfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 48sec (6468 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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