Spirit Of A Servant (English) | 22.09.2021 Prayer - Q&A

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in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ for another another spiritual event and a new program beginning this very evening this wednesday blessed wednesday and this new program our beloved it is titled spirit of a servant we thought it was very relevant for all of us to come into this new program and begin to learn how to be a true servant in the in the church of our lord jesus christ how to be a true servant for the lord himself our beloved so that's why we gave it this title spirit of a servant i pray that you are always in good health and in good spirit um i'd like to encourage you my beloved to be standing for the prayer and follow us as all the prayers will be actually be shown on the screen as we go let us pray together in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen to you the lord of all we confess and to you jesus christ we glorify for you are the reviver of our bodies and you are the savior of our souls i was glad when they said to me let us go to the house of the lord to you the lord of all we confess and to you jesus christ we glorify for you are the reviver of our bodies and you are the savior of our souls glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit from eternity to eternity amen and amen to you the lord of all we confess and to you jesus christ we glorify for you are the reviver of our bodies and you are the savior of our souls amen the tri-sagun pray holy god holy mighty holy immortal have mercy on us glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit holy god holy mighty holy immortal have mercy on us from eternity to eternity amen and amen holy god holy mighty holy immortal have mercy on us amen a reading from the holy gospel of our lord jesus christ according to saint john may his blessings be with us all amen [Music] and the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it there was a man sent from god whose name was john this man came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all through him might believe he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that was the true light which gives light to every man coming into the world he was in the world and the world was made through him and the world did not know him he came to his own and his own did not receive him as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of god to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth john bore witness of him and cried out saying this was he of whom i said he who comes after me is prepared before me for he was before me and of his fullness we have all received and grace for grace for the law was given through moses but grace and truth came through jesus christ no one has seen god at any time the only begotten son who is in the bosom of the father he has declared him glory be to christ our lord amen [Music] number one blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seed of this cornfield but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night it shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leave also shall not wither whatever he does shall prosper the ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind drives away therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish amen psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake he though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever amen psalm 121 i will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber behold he who keeps israel shall nigh the slumber no sleep the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our detours and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever amen we believe in one god the father almighty maker of all that is visible and invisible and in one lord jesus christ the only son of god the firstborn of all creations who was begotten from his father before all the ages and was not made through god from true god of one essence with his father by whose hands the worlds were established and everything was created who for us humans and for our salvation descended from heaven and was incarnate of the holy spirit and became man and was conceived and born of the virgin mary and suffered and was crucified in the days of pontius pilate and was buried and rose on the third day as it is written and ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of his father and he will come again to judge the dead and the living and in one holy spirit the spirit of truth who proceeds from the father the life-giving spirit and in one holy and apostolic universal church we confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection of our bodies and life everlasting amen please be seated well we thank our lord and savior jesus christ my beloved we wanted our prayer to be simple what we need to really remind ourselves as the church of our lord and savior jesus christ we need to remind ourselves that we ask the lord always and pray to him seeking his counsel seeking his wisdom seeking his discernment of what the very purpose of our existence here on earth and more so for the lord jesus we need to ask the lord to give us a life of simplicity we go back to the good old days where we did not have all the technologies and the fancy technologies of our time and age how did the apostles pray how did everybody pray how do they approach the lord jesus what did they do as servants for the lord jesus spirit of the servant of christ this is our topic this is our lesson this is our program and we pray for the lord to bless this program and continues for many years we pray for that so in this program my beloveds we will have some of the questions being answered and we're going to do that this evening on other wednesdays we're going to go and talk also not only answer questions sometimes we'll answer questions but sometimes we will actually talk about the spirit of a servant how to be a true servant of christ we will talk together we will teach one another through the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ through the love of god the father by the sacrificial lamb of god our lord and savior jesus christ by the power of the holy spirit the spirit of wisdom and truth to reveal to us how a servant should be in the house of the lord and how we should reflect christ and our daily life our beloveds so this evening we'll be answering some questions we've received a number of questions and i encourage you my beloved to send your questions always to the email address that appears on the screen and we will allocate a time on one of these wednesdays to answer them but we will also talk about how to become a true servant of the lord jesus and we hopefully will do that next wednesday so this evening we'll be answering some questions um we won't be able to answer all of them but we'll try to answer some of the questions that we've received from our beloveds your names will be kept anonymous so do not be concerned if you've got a question don't be worried or or you know afraid to send it uh your name will be absolutely kept anonymous nobody will know where this question came from except the lord yourself and myself here we go question number one can you please explain this bible verse i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to god which is your reasonable or rational service romans chapter 12 verse 1 well this question my beloveds is very deep saint paul is really talking about how we should be how we should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice acceptable to god in a nutshell saint paul is saying offer your bodies as a living sacrifice now there is an issue here because a sacrifice is when you actually slain something or kill it and the in the old testament times they used to offer an animal as a sacrifice so they would kill that animal slaying that animal so a sacrifice it's talking about an animal that is dead but saint paul here is saying my brothers i urge you to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice well there is contradiction in this verse because a sacrifice is dead something that is dead how can this sacrifice be living saint paul is saying i want you to be living for christ and dead to the world i want you to be living to christ and dead to the world when the lord jesus speaks to you you become all ears opened to his voice but when the world tries to speak to you you'll be dead and a dead person hears nothing sees nothing knows nothing cannot say nothing saint paul is saying as far as the world is concerned be dead to it but as far as our lord and savior jesus christ is concerned be all living for him do not dishearten yourself do not shut the door in the face of the lord when the lord is calling you be the living person say yes lord i am here what can i do for you but when the world speaks to you you be like that dead person that's in a nutshell my beloved now when he talks about um offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy acceptable to god which is your rational service he's talking about the intellect your rational service because my beloved how do we worship god how do we please god when we obey his word so the word is law the law is to do with your with your rational mind you with which to do with your intellectual capacity so the saint paul is saying as far as the law is concerned when you obey the law you are obeying god you are worshiping god so he's saying when you get to know when you get to know how to worship god when you get to know the law of god you get to know how to worship god because worshiping god and offering your bodies as a living sacrifice acceptable by god to be acceptable to god i need to obey his word and to obey his word means i begin to worship him being obedient to him because he goes on on verse 2 and he says do not be conformed to the world so how do i offer my body as a living sacrifice acceptable to god how do i make sure that i am worshipping him which is that reasonable or rational service he says when you do not become conformed to the world but rather renewing your mind being transformed by the renewing of your mind do not be conformed to the world but but rather transformed by the renewing of your mind so don't be like the world so how do i be not conformed but rather transformed when i renew my mind you see he comes back again to the rational service renewing the mind and the word renew meaning to go back to the origin and my origin is god and to go back to god is the holy bible how do i renew my mind how do i get to learn on how to get to know the world which is the law of god in order to worship god and offer my body as a living sacrifice acceptable to god when i begin to read his word and get to know the meaning of his word i begin to renew my mind what it where it is acceptable to god because the day i know the word of the of of god i begin to worship him and then i become a living sacrifice acceptable to him i'm no longer of the world i am of christ question number two hi beloved marmary sorry for the long winded question and with all the problems happening in the world this question feels irrelevant but i've been thinking about this for a while now can someone be a nationalist while still be a good christian at the same time i dream of a day we assyrian can have a country of my own but when i read my bible more and more it draws me away from that thinking such passages or verses as galatians 3 28 which calls us all to be one under christ despite our race color etc is it wrong to love one's nation and christ thank you and thank you for your question well we need to understand one thing when you were born in an assyrian family guess what who chose that for you god the lord jesus when you were born in a lebanese family who chose that for you the lord jesus god when you were born chinese when you were born aussie when you were born american canadian european mid from the middle east anywhere in this world who gave you that family who gave you that place and that race and that color god so therefore everything is of god so we we should never sort of put separation here but the approach has to be adjusted slightly i'm assyrian another one is from the middle east someone is asian someone is european someone is canadian and someone is american whatever country you come from that is your nationality but when you receive jesus christ as lord and savior and when you were baptized in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit you became the child of god christ our messiah through his holy baptism adopted us to become sons of the almighty god and god becomes our heavenly father so when you were baptized and become a christian you became the child of god but at the same time as far as the physical realm is concerned you're still a syrian or middle eastern or american and etc etc you should never deny your roots you should never deny your heritage you should never deny your ancestral lineage because that is also of god's so can i can you be a nationalist and also a believer in the lord jesus i'll tell you this the only time the only time you will know you will get to know how to love your country the only time please pay attention the only time you will ever know how to love your country truly how to be a good citizen in that country truly when you have the love of god in your heart you see without god there is nothing if somebody says i don't believe in god but i love my country i'll i have a humongous question mark on that kind of a love because my question will be to that person with all love and respect of course where did you get this love from definitely mother nature did not give you that love because mother nature is pre-wired one plus one equals two mother nature cannot give you feelings emotions loves morals ethics principles values mother nature cannot give you that we're that's a done deal finished so where did you get that love from where did you get those moral values from where did you get your ethics and values of life and principles in life where did you get all these from definitely from god my dear friend so when you come back to god and acknowledge god that he is the very reason for your existence then and then only you will know how to love how to have love for your country how to have love for that land where god has made you be born in that particular land yes i should love my country and i should pray for my country and being a nationalist as you put it my beloved it is not only necessarily that i need to have my country back and unless i have my country back i cannot be a true assyrian no i can be a true assyrian wherever i am whichever country i am when i have jesus christ in my heart and my life then i can be a true assyrian what is it what is the benefit from having a country that has no god ruling over that country look at the people of the world what are they doing with their own countries they are destroying their countries because the only one that can give you that wisdom to discern what is right and wrong what is good and evil is god it's not about having a piece of land called country then i can say i've got a country no when you have god wherever you are that is your country on earth but above all and beyond that god is your country at the end because sooner or later i'm gonna leave this world and this country on earth is only temporary i have another country in heaven that is forever i need to be the citizen of this country in heaven where i live there forever no one can ever take me out of my father's house ever so you can be a good assyrian a good a good um middle eastern a good aussie a good brit british man american european wherever you come from asian you can be a very good citizen for your own country but above all you need to love god because the love comes from god there is no other source for it my beloved so don't worry that you don't have a country as an assyrian when you have jesus christ you have that country look i believe as a syrian as an assyrian person myself i believe if we are truly seeking a country is when we really bring our sons and daughters our younger generation our children when we bring him into the fear of the lord into the love of christ when we re when we teach them the word of the lord jesus when we raise them in the love of god i believe this is the true country that we can establish on earth more than any piece of land because the land one day it's mine tomorrow it's not going to be if not if not the enemy is going to come and take it away from me death the ultimate enemy will come and take it away from me but when you have faith in christ death was conquered jesus our lord through his death on the cross crushed death underfoot and rose from the dead triumphant victorious forever let jesus be our country first and then whichever piece of land on earth we go to you can call it home as well temporarily only on earth so it's all good be a good christian be of uh carrying good values be a good citizen for your country wherever you are living this is a true assyrian um when you are really showing good values good morals and good ethics and being someone of good um gesture and and and you bring good values to that society i believe this is the way to reflect uh your nationality and and and your assyrian assyrian hood my beloved question number three how can i lay a good foundation so that i don't start building my house on the sand yes the sand it's not a good place to build a house because the foundation is very shallow and it's very weak any water any erosion the sand is washed away and the foundation collapses look i believe and this is what the holy bible teaches us the number one thing we need to ask the lord jesus to teach us so that way we have a strong foundation built on the rock instead of the sand number one ask the lord to give you humility and with humility you will understand how to be obedient number two and when you're obedient be always in touch with the sound biblical teachings based on apostolic truths it's very vital that we have a connection with the true teachings in an apostolic sense but you see before you read the holy bible before you start understanding the word before you begin even to to start preaching the word humility is foundational humility is foundational the beginning to humility the beginning of the road to humility is when you and i begin to see our hearts the way god sees it i'll say that again the beginning of the road to humility is when you and i begin to see our hearts the way god sees it the question is when god looks at our hearts how does god see it well the lord jesus said it very clearly he said it is not it is not that what enters through your mouth that defiles man but it is what comes out of the mouth of the man that defiles him it is out of the heart of men all evil comes out out of the heart of men all evil comes out so the lord jesus said the status of your heart is evil as far as the natural normal human being the physical human being the the fallen human nature the fallen human nature the heart is evil out of the heart comes envy jealousy hatred bigotry self-exaltation self-pride dignity you name it out of the heart comes all evil when you and i begin to see our hearts not other people we're very good at pointing the finger at others but i'll tell you one thing you know when we point our finger to other at other people you know what we are really saying to ourselves when we point the finger we this is how we do it we fold these three fingers inside of the palm of the hand and the thumb on top of them and one finger pointing at people every time you want to point your you want to point your finger at someone remember you are pointing three fingers at yourself do not judge lest you be judged so when i'm pointing the finger at someone else i have judged myself three times moreover i've just pointed three fingers at me and one finger at my neighbor we need to be very careful we need to be very careful my beloved we need to be very careful um when you read in the gospel of saint luke chapter 3 talks about the lord jesus and it says that the lord was growing in stature and wisdom before god and men the lord jesus was growing in stature and wisdom before god and men stature is referring to their physical body wisdom is referring to the spirit in that physical body so the lord was growing in stature physically and in wisdom spiritually look how amazing the holy spirit is revealing it to our beloved saint luke he's put the physical before the spiritual jesus was growing in stature physical growth before the wisdom spiritual growth why because my beloveds we are living in a tangible realm in a physical realm where we need to see through our naked eye i cannot see the spirit i can only see the physical so the reason why people loved the lord jesus the reason why people followed the lord jesus the reason why the why people believed in the lord jesus it was because of the physical first prior to the spiritual because they saw him the way he spoke was so respectful was so eloquent was so beautiful they've never heard anyone talk like that when they saw him walking the way jesus lived the way jesus walked the way jesus talked that's what drew people unto him and what made jesus succeed in his ministry on earth was humility humility was number one for the lord he emptied himself of all the glory that he had with his father in the very beginning and he became a servant on earth the highest rank in the world is a king and the lowest rank in the world is a slave jesus became a slave on earth yet he is not only a king but he is the king of all kings but when he came to earth to glorify his dead he became a slave he emptied himself of all glories so that all glory was to be given to his heavenly father humility and through humility obedience we can never be obedient unless we are humble first people talk about jesus so much but they are disobedient they preach on every social media platform you you tell them one thing they don't listen talking about the lord is easy but living with him no my dear friend that's a totally different level humility foundational and the day you become humble when you acknowledge and confess that you are the greatest sinner of all sinners when you confess this and when you truly live this knowing for yourself that you are the greatest sinners of all sinners then you begin the road to humility and you will see the lord jesus so vividly clear and and then in your life my goodness you know why why people say where is god well they are lacking humility humble yourself stop judging others stop pointing the finger at others stop seeing yourself as if you are the first class citizen and everyone else is a second-class citizen to you stop looking at yourself as if you are the smartest you are the strongest you are the highly elevated out of all stop come down come down to earth humble yourself when you learn to live a life of humility the lord jesus is your friend believe me this there is no theological university can give you this or teach you this when we go to school and study theology when we go to university and get receive our phds all that is doing has given me knowledge but cannot give me how to live this knowledge to live this knowledge that i gain through uni is when you become humble before your master jesus christ jesus will make you live what you've learned because that's the only source it's the lord and when the lord teaches you is there anyone more supreme than the lord of course not is there anyone wiser than the lord of course not is there anyone that is more qualified to be the teacher than the lord jesus of course not when the lord teaches you my goodness what you've been studying what you've been learning what you've been hearing it's nothing compared when jesus teaches you humility the key to your success in your spiritual life before your lord be the sinner the number one sinner always let jesus sanctify you question number four thank you for sharing your beautiful messages online i feel so blessed to have found you well we thank the lord my beloved my question is about the rapture revelation chapter 4 when when saint john states this this this these two words after this so chapter 4 in revelation begins with these two words after this is he talking about christians being raptured i have noticed that the church is not mentioned again in the book of revelation until chapter 22 which is the last chapter in this book thank you i look forward to understanding this and pray that jesus will call us soon such sorrowful times we are living in blessings and blessing to you my beloved so our saint john in the book of revelation when he talks in chapter four after this does that mean after this does saint john mean by stating after this does he mean after being raptured now the word rapture is not found in the holy in the new testament at all as the word rapture i'm going to say this with absolute love and respect rapture my beloved it is not actually the teachings of of the apostolic church and when i say apostolic churches i mean catholic and orthodox and these two branches catholic and orthodox we do not believe in rapture this is only taught in in in the um in protestantism with all love and respect i'll just say this very very quickly and then it's it's up to you if you want to accept it or not i'll leave you with the lord and and his holy spirit rapture where did this come from the word rapture when you read in the epistle of saint paul to thessalonians 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 to 18. yes first thessalonians 4 verses 13 to 18 let's read together but i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning uh who those who have fallen asleep lest you s sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus verse 15 for this we pray to you by the word of the of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout and the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up now the word caught up they called it rapture so rapture as a word does not exist in the holy bible so then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words so first thessalonians 4 verse 17 then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up raptured caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air now some of our beloveds took it as the lord prior to the tribulation or the great tribulation you know the uh when when the lord jesus prior to his second coming he will rapture his church meaning those who believe in him those who who follow him not just with words but with a lip service but with the in their heart they follow him truly true followers of the lord jesus he will rapture them they will be caught up to be met in the air with the lord so caught up they said they will be raptured why because the lord prior to the great tribulation coming he will deliver those who are his he will deliver those who are is so they don't enter the great tribulation the most painful times of the end of times so who's going to stay on earth those who are evil doers and who are going to be taken into heaven the good christians the good people well the lord jesus spoke about this we read in the gospel of luke chapter 17 and the gospel of saint matthew chapter 24 the lord jesus um is talking about the the lord jesus coming as compared to the days of noah and the days of lord so when the lord spoke in in the gospel of saint luke 17 and saint matthew 24 the lord was comparing his second coming to the days of noah and the days of lord however however when we read about the days of noah and the days of lord who remained on earth the bad ones sorry the good ones not the bad ones when we read in the days of noah and the days of lord who remained on earth the good ones some of our beloveds are saying rapture is when the good ones are taken and the bad ones are left that is not biblical because the ones that were left where the lord jesus was referring to in luke 17 and matthew 24 he was referring as the good ones are remaining and the bad ones are gone because he was talking about the days of noah and the days of lord well let's come to the days of noah who was delivered and remained on earth noah his wife his three sons and three daughter-in-laws so who left on earth the good ones who died and who perished all the bad ones the days of luth who was saved from sodom and gomorrah lord and his two daughters while his wife turned back and she turned and she turned into a statue of salt and she died and perished but it was lord and his two daughters they were delivered and remained on earth and all the bad ones they were they perished so my beloved when we read in the holy bible there is no such thing as rapture prior to the great tribulation now we read in the gospel of saint matthew chapter 13 verses 39-43 39-43 matthew 13 the enemy who sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so it will be at the end of this age the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire there will be way there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father he who has ears to hear led him here it's very clear that when the lord comes again they'll be separated the good will be taken with him and the bad will be burned in the in hell forever there is no um there is no people sort of uh working in the field two people working in the field one will be taken up disappear all of a sudden and the other one remain now if we're going to take it in this way my beloved the lord here was referring to the days of noah and the days of lord the ones who remained on earth were the good people not the bad people so the good people were not taken up or did not did not disappear from earth it was the bad who disappeared from earth the good remained the good remain my beloved so when you read in matthew 13 39 to 43 the lord is very clear here when he comes to cleanse this earth those who are not hers will perish in hell and those who are his they will be taken to heaven there is nothing prior to that as being raptured and some people staying on earth and those who are evil they'll be tortured for a thousand years or whatever there is that is non-biblical unfortunately some believe the rapture will happen pre or mid-tribulation so some believe that this rapture will happen prior to the tribulation or in the midst of the tribulation the answer to that is no christian believed it or knew about it for the first eighteen hundred years of christianity so this kind of a teaching was non-existent in christendom for over eighteen hundred years about being raptured that one was never taught by church fathers for 1800 years we never saw such teachings so this rapture only came out in recent times so what john the beloved in the book of revelation chapter 4 and after this what is after this you see the book of revelation we can divide it into three sections chapter one on its own chapter two and three and then four to twenty two these are the three sections chapter one introduction chapter two and three the history of the church the beloved bride of christ chapter four to twenty two the the wrath of god the judgment of god coming upon the whole world until chapter 22 where the lord comes back the second coming and take his bride uh without a blemish without a staying perfect like him and bring her into the house of his heavenly daddy so when you read in chapter 2 and 3 john the beloved was revealed to him by the lord jesus what is going to happen to the church of the lord throughout the history of the church so it begins with ephesus and ends with le odiki or leodisia so the history of the church was revealed to john the beloved prior prior to the end of times so the book of revelation is israeli has become alive more so than any other century in our century the 21st more than any other century so when you read in chapter 3 and 4 the lord jesus reveals to john the beloved what will happen to his church from the very beginning ephesus till the very end le odisia and then after that saint john comes and says what's going to take place in this history of the church that is chapter 4 to 22 the church will go through different stages then the wrath of god is going to come on the world and also a disciplinary action on the church like we are being disciplined now by the lord jesus through these pandemics and lockdowns this is a disciplinary action from the lord to his beloved church why because the church has veered off the road and walked away from her beloved heavenly groom christ the king so when the church went through these different phases then different punishment and different disciplinary actions were going to come to the church and to the world and that is chapter 4 to 22. and chapter 22 because the question says we do not hear anything about the church until 22 why because 22 my my beloved is when the lord jesus comes back again and takes the church as the perfect bride to his and bring her into the father's house that is the second coming there is no rapture prior to that because rapture when the lord jesus was talking in luke 17 and and matthew 24 and when saint paul was referring to in first thessalonians 4 17 we be caught up we be caught up with him he's talking about the second coming of the messiah my beloved because look at this i'll read it again first thessalonians 4 13-18 but i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus who are the ones who are asleep in jesus now the saints in paradise and by the way sleep in jesus doesn't mean they don't hear us they don't you know pray for us no no no because how can you be in jesus and be asleep whoever is in jesus is fully alert and fully awake when the lord jesus said in his parable in matthew 25 about the ten virgins five wise and five unwise what happened they both fell asleep but when they heard the cry and the voice at midnight those who were wise they woke up and lit their lanterns but those who were ignorant when they woke up there was no oil they didn't carry oil with them they were not ready why because they la they lived a life of ignorance they ignored the calling of christ they ignored the signs of christ they ignored the lord himself and they wanted to live on earth their way not god's so the ignorant went away by the time they came back the door was shut too late but those who were alert those who were with the lord they were awake they were alert so sleeping in christ i don't have the time i don't have the time to explain it but sleeping in christ meaning the saints in heaven so even so god will bring with him god will bring with jesus those who are in paradise verse 15 for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive meaning us on earth who we are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep meaning when the lord jesus comes the second time he will bring with him those who are asleep in him the saints so the lord will come in his glory with his saints with him who have preceded us who are living on earth the saints preceded us they departed from this realm and went into the spiritual realm they went into paradise they will come with the lord and us remaining on earth we can never precede those who have gone before us what will happen when the lord comes with his saints with him for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first who are the dead in christ the saints who have gone before us to paradise they will rise first then we who are alive and remain then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds so who was who was remaining on earth those who were going to be caught up together they will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air so when the lord comes he's going to come with the saints who slept in christ who preceded us to paradise he will come with them and us remaining on earth will be caught up with the saints that came with the lord and we will meet the lord together the saints that came with him and us remaining on earth being caught up with them we will meet the lord in the air now rapture those who believe in rapture what do they say they say that the good ones will be taken up no but saint paul says us who remain on earth will be caught up will be raptured with whom with the saints so if rapture was taking the good ones and leaving the bad ones well that is not according to the holy bible because those who remain on earth in the time of noah and lord were the good ones not the bad ones so and saint paul here very clearly says those who remain on earth will be caught up with the saints to meet the lord so those who remain on earth are going to be the good ones not their bad ones but according to some of our beloveds they say rapture will take the good ones and leave the bad ones it's not biblical the good ones will remain and they'll be caught up with the saints to meet the lord in the air and that is the second coming and that's why the church will be taking in the end chapter 22. the bride and the spirit say come quickly calling the bride the church and the holy spirit in the church calling jesus to come to come quickly and take his bride and take his bride so rapture is not according to biblical references it is not that you will be taken up and then the bad ones will remain on earth there is no such thing okay the next question is also to do with rapture as well uh question number five says my question is about the rapture as christians are we supposed to believe in the rapture is it true that there will be a generation of believers who will be snatched from the earth and go up to be with the lord in the air is it true they will have a glorified body and go up he will rapture them before the tribulation starts well we just answered this please listen to this the lord jesus second coming he will not come to live on earth as something the lord jesus only came to this earth once he walked on the face of this earth for about 33 years and a bit and then he was crucified he was buried and he rose from the dead and he went up to heaven the second coming will come in the air from the from above he will separate the sheep and put him at the right hand they'll be caught up and and the goats they will be go into the into the fire into hell forever the second coming of the messiah will never touch foot on the earth and he will come to give us the glorified body so there is no way the lord jesus is going to come and rapture some and then come again and take others never because jesus came once the first time to give us salvation and redemption and the second coming the lord is gonna come to give us the glorified body you know why because the first coming [Music] everyone as a human being that dies leaves this world the body goes back to earth only the soul and the spirit go wherever it goes whether in a good place or in a bad place so we go with the spirit and the soul only we don't have a body that's why the lord jesus is going to come back again for those who are his remaining on earth as saint paul says in first thessalonians chapter four those who remain on earth they will be as saint paul also says in other places with the last trumpet in a blink of an eye we will be changed from physical into spiritual and will be caught up and will be given the glorified body that's why the lord is going to come back to give us the body he's got the soul he's got the spirit but he needs to give it the body so that way we go back to that perfect human being that was made out of body soul and spirit but this time this body which the lord is going to give us in his second coming is going to be a glorified spiritual three-dimensional body not physical but it'll be it'll be like this body the way you see me 3d that's the body he's going to give me but that body will be spiritual glorified the very body by which whom the lord rose from the dead with he rose in that glorified body three-dimensional but spiritual he'll give us that glorified body so that way the human comes back again to the perfect picture as the lord as god created him body soul and spirit then he will take us to the father's house and that's where we will live with him forever this is the rapture which is the second coming of the lord will be caught up and be with with the saints with them and will meet the lord in the air and he will take his bride to the father's house prior to that there is no rapture because rapture is taking the good people the lord was referring to the time of noah and lord that's how it's going to be the day of the lord on his second coming but and now a lot those who remained on earth were the good people not the bad people what rapture is saying is going to take the good people and leave the bad people on earth the lord was referring to the days of noah and lord he said this is going to be the day of the son of man when he comes again the second time he's going to take the good people remaining on earth and those who are not they'll go to fire to hell forever maybe one more question do we have the time for one more question yes dear marmari why don't we call jesus joshua or yeshua i have read jesus may mean hail zeus thank you for taking these questions god bless you and god bless you my beloved okay why don't we call jesus joshua or yeshua well you can call him joshua or yeshua that's fine when when you actually pronounce the name of the lord in the hebrew language and the hebrew language is yeshua in aramaic or syriac we refer to him as yeshua yeshua the letter youth in aramaic which the equivalent of it is e in english stands for yahweh yahuwah jehovah so youth or e for yahweh and then means savior so yeshua or yeshua in hebrew means yahweh the savior now the translation of yeshua in english is joshua yeshua in english we pronounce and we we actually pronounce it as joshua now where did jesus come from jesus actually came from the greek uh word for uh esos is became jesus so it all really depends what language you speak the name remains the same name whether it's jesus or esos or yeshua or yeshua we are all here talking about the same the same person absolutely 100 now you have read jesus may mean hail zeus i just wonder where that came from but i'll just say one thing about zeus zeus here means the sender of thunder and lightning rain and winds and his traditional weapon was the thunderbolt he was called the father i.e the ruler and protector of both gods and men definitely jesus christ has got nothing to do with zeus but in those olden days they used to have all these uh imaginations the philosophers of the of the greek world they had all these imaginations of what gods alike and the next life is like but jesus or yeshua or isha it literally means jehovah or yahweh the savior yahweh the savior um these are the at the end of the questions we can go for more questions okay question number seven um how do we know if a miracle is from god or or the evil one is that the question that is on the screen yes how do we know if a miracle is from god or the evil one because the devil can also perform miracles to deceit us or deceive us thank you for your question how do we know if a miracle is from god or the evil one because the devil can also perform miracles to deceive people to deceive their faithfulness well well to put it in a nutshell how do you know if this miracle is from god or not time will tell time reveals a lot of things my beloved if this is from god or not but one thing i'll say a miracle that comes from god it um there is a very direct reason for it uh it's a very good intention the re the result of it is of good origin meaning it's for the awakening of people bringing people back to god reminding people that god exists and he's always present in their life they need to be present in his life and in his presence so the miracle from god is a reminder of god's presence in our lives period a so-called false miracle from the enemy it brings chaos it brings confusion it brings some sort of a fear it's it will never have peace in it it will never have that inner uh tranquility in it because the enemy does not have peace he lacks it fully so what he lacks he cannot give the enemy does not have love he can't give you love the enemy does not have peace in him he cannot give you that peace the enemy does not have the light in him he cannot give you that light so if you want to call it that miracle from the enemy i can assure you it will be nothing but evil dark chaotic um brings fear brings confusion bring brings chaos you name it so it's very clear but a miracle from the lord jesus it is in the light uh it is so beautiful it's so good it gives you that hope it gives you that sense of being revived once again and brings you closer to the lord jesus but i'll say this do not be focused on tangible materialistic miracles do not be focused on that do not say i want to see with my own naked eye you know i want to see like um something happens so with with so i can see it with my own eyes i'd love to see that when you focus on this two things can happen here maybe the miracle will come from the lord i'm not saying that it won't it will come from the lord but also the enemy will come into the equation when you are seeking a miracle that is tangible that is visible to the naked eye remember this miracle will only be temporary this miracle will only be temporary because the holy bible tells us very clearly saint paul says he says do not chase the things that you see with your own eyes because everything that is visible to the naked eye is temporal but rather chase the things that are invisible to the naked eye because everything that is invisible is eternal so when you are seeking a miracle that is visible to the naked eye you are seeking a miracle that is only short-lived what are you going to do when you chase such a miracle the miracle appears to you and you become engulfed with the love of god you become so so sort of revived again you become full of the holy spirit again and you become so energetic and so you want to run you want to scream to the whole world and you want to embrace the whole world and bring them bring the whole world to the lord jesus but that miracle is only short-lived and when the miracle disappears what are you gonna do your love for the lord is gonna disappear everything else is gonna disappear you know what's gonna happen to you it's actually gonna backfire on you and you'll come back much worse than you were prior to seeing the miracle the lord out of his love sometimes he does not reveal to you tangible miracles because he cannot handle it once it's gone you'll be so happy when you see it but you will be much worse than before once the miracle goes and anything revealed to the naked eye will disappear afterwards the ultimate miracle believe in the risen messiah believe in the risen messiah and the resurrection of the lord jesus is love the birth of the lord is hope the baptism of the lord at the river jordan is faith the resurrection of the lord from the dead is love and when you read uh first corinthians chapter 13 verse 13 saint paul says three things remain in any one of us faith hope and love but the greatest of all is love because god is love my beloveds so the resurrection of the lord from the dead is love the greatest of all the ultimate miracle the lord jesus performed in the flesh was his resurrection from the dead that is the ultimate miracle because it it has never been heard before that somebody died and rose from the dead except jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name when you believe in the risen messiah this is the ultimate miracle you have received the love of god for you and that love is the foundation that you need to build everything else that is good on it so don't look for miracles i saw an angel appeared i ran i saw oil oozing out of an out of a a wall or out of a picture i ran to that house rush walk by faith not by sight my beloved walk by faith not by sight when the lord teaches you spirit in the spiritual realm when he makes you grow in that spiritual realm he knows when the time is when you are now ready when he has prepared you to that level that he wants you to get to when that time comes he will reveal also tangible things because when he reveals them then the lord knows that once they disappear you're not going to struggle and go back much worse than you were before because he brought you to that level where now it is safe to reveal certain tangible visions and miracles to you but unless you've reached that level if you're still a toddler you're still living in nappy don't ask the lord to show you a miracle that is tangible that's very dangerous i cannot show you and you know what since you're a baby and a miracle is revealed to you from the lord what's going to happen to you false glory will enter you self-exaltation will enter you the enemy will come and devour you before you blink your eyes my goodness you will be so lost you don't know what hit you be careful say lord let it be your your will not mine i'm gonna ask what you uh have chosen for me and have revealed to me and have given me let it be always your way not my way um question 8 and the last one how are we as believers in jesus christ supposed to best protest against unjust actions of the australian government regarding the pandemic please can you address the multi-facets of this question for example do we obey unjust restrictions travel zones limitations some australians believe only force milit militancy is the solution in other words an uprising re mask wearing how to protest that requirement or resist by not wearing masks and copper a hefty fine this may be done by the well-off but by the well-off financially meaning but for the majority of us australians it is financially not feasible to take such action thank you so much bishop for your godly input your sister in christ jesus god bless you um how are we to do that i think we spoke about this um in one of the sessions uh under the title journey with christ and we spoke about it um in in depth uh about governments shall we obey their their laws or not as christians are we entitled to go against some of the wrong laws or the evil laws that are being uh you know put forth by by governments in this world and we spoke in depth about this topic my beloved i'll tell you just one thing christianity does not teach us to do an uprising and use military power and military force this is not the lord's teachings at all period when saint peter simon when he took the sword and he cut the ear of the servant of that of that of that a priest the lord jesus said to simon put your sword back where it belongs because if you if you take by the sword you will be taken by the sword you will be taken by the sword christianity is based on love not on military force not on military force and by the way on this point i want to say this very important thing as christians sometimes i've heard this people say we are we are the army we are the soldiers or the army of the lord jesus now biblically that is not accurate 100 percent the lord jesus as far as the human beings are concerned they cannot be his army they cannot be his soldiers they cannot what are we jesus came to make us children we are the sons of god and god is our father the children do not fight the children do not fight for their daddy who fights for their daddy the angels of heaven please pay attention the army of the lord jesus are the angels not us we are the sons we are not the servants the angels are servants us humans who were baptized and adopted through baptism to be the sons of god we belong to god as his own sons the sons do not fight the servants of the mastified the angels fight but how do we get engaged in this battle we get engaged in this battle with love but speaking the truth now this truth when you say it allowed and you on top of your voice you scream in the wilderness of this world when you speak the truth the world will persecute you the world will get up and even maybe kill me for speaking the truth in this i should never be hesitant i should never be a coward as the son of god i need to be strong because god is the ultimate power he is the source of power he is the mighty almighty god so god never fears nothing god is mighty god is powerful he speaks the truth with no reservations no hesitations no matter what the consequences afterwards will be so be it jesus was crucified for speaking the truth john the baptist was beheaded for speaking the truth all the prophets of the old testament were stoned to death were crushed were killed were persecuted for speaking the truth and the apostles of the lord and the church fathers of the new testament all of them were persecuted for speaking the truth john chrysostom the patriarch of constantinople istanbul turkey in the 4th century he was sentenced in exile four times by the queen four times and the fourth time on the way he passed away everyone faced persecution but john chrysostom was not afraid of speaking the truth and standing and facing the queen and saying to her you are a queen over the country you are not in charge of the church i am in charge of the church i take my orders from my lord jesus christ not from you so when you enter the church you are like anyone else in the church you obey what i john chrysostom say to you because what i say comes from the lord the lord is in charge of you of everyone but he was sentenced in exile so we fight the good battle we speak the truth and we stand our ground even if we get killed for it but for me as a christian to take the sword and go and fight jesus said to me you take the sword you'll be taken by the sword you kill you will be killed this is not the way of the lord jesus my beloved but i tell you what when you speak the truth and if the lord jesus through his infinite wisdom and through his will divine will wants you to live i can assure you my darling i can assure you my beautiful daughter there is no power neither in heaven nor on earth nor beneath it that can touch you when jesus wants to save you and give you still time on earth there is no power that can touch you nothing rest assured you see if our god was a weak one then we need to be soldiers for him we need to be warriors for him and take the sword and take the machine guns and go out in the streets and and just slain everyone who stands in our way but the god we believe in the god we follow the god we worship is the only sovereign authority there is no one above him there is no one more powerful than him he doesn't need protection he is more than capable of looking after himself and after those who trust in him is more than capable so we are his children we don't fight with the sword our sword my beloved is the word of the lord jesus christ is the word of god that is sharper than a double-edged sword and this word is love love when the premiere of new south wales or melbourne they need to wake up the premiere of victoria this is for you my dear friend and this is to every premiere of this country and to the prime minister of this country i'm saying this to you all of you if you do not repent if you do not repent believe me the lord jesus is coming after you do you think that you can run away from the wrath of god do you think you can run away from the wrath of god the lord jesus is coming after you the lord jesus will start doing things in this country this country has not seen yet for every man and woman for every human being to come to this truth there is only one god in heaven and that god is jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name premieres enough suppressions premieres enough being so harsh on your own people enough of this nonsense enough of this evil agendas and please your theatrical act is running out of time [Music] this so-called pandemic is running out of time stop talking about vaccines they are not vaccines stop talking about coronavirus it can be easily treated with very safe and sound medications why are you denying people those safe medications and look what are you doing in melbourne what's been happening in melbourne i pray i pray for my beloved people in melbourne and in sydney and in every state but more so in melbourne more so in melbourne then andrew i'm praying for you but i'm praying for you for one thing for you to wake up and repent if you do not believe in god that's your choice but i can tell you one thing with absolute love and humility and confidence there is god and this god whether we like it or not is jesus christ of nazareth the truth will always be the truth whether we accept it reject it that nothing that will never scathe the truth jesus is the only true god i can assure you prime minister premiers put an end to this nonsense while you have the time believe me i want this message to reach out to you believe me very soon if you do not repent you will know who jesus christ is i'm praying for you don't take me as your enemy don't take me as someone who's standing against you this kind of a warning is out of love nothing else so to the mainstream medias don't twist the truth this is from the lord to all of you this is from the lord america cannot protect australia mr prime minister neither the nuclear submarines can protect australia do you know who protects australia and every country the truth jesus christ the truth jesus christ jesus christ my beloved do you know who is stopping world war iii the nuclear weapon from beginning from starting jesus he's stopping it a day is coming and if we do not repent all of us the church and the whole world if we do not repent the day where the button will be pressed to send a rocket that carries a nuclear head to australia to america to china to everywhere in the world that they will be coming very soon if we do not repent the one who is stopping the nuclear war from happening is the lord so please wake up it is not your intelligence it is not the pentagon it is not the kremlin it is none of this nonsense god is the sovereign authority god who art in heaven and this god is my lord and savior jesus christ i am praying for all of you and for all of us repent while you've got the time believe me i promise you this you remove every restriction you let go of everything nothing will happen those who get sick let them receive those safe medications and those who have faith let their faith save them but let people live free let people choose for themselves because at the end of the day this is their body not yours dear prime minister or premieres for you to say you must be vaccinated you must do this you must do that no sorry you have no authority to say you must do this or you must take that you are not god stop acting like one you're not my advice to the prime minister and all of the premiers remove every restriction are you worried for your life for someone to come and kill you for someone to come and hurt you if you don't do their agendas it's much more honorable to die with dignity and to live with humility it is much more honorable to die with dignity and to live with humility do not live as a slave but die as a son do not live in bondage and slavery die in freedom and speaking of australia die like the anzac the people of the anzac learn from them they died to protect and preserve the freedom of their people now these what i call brave men die brave do not live a coward believe me remove every restriction nothing is going to happen it's all cool and put the prawns on the barbie mate and i will i will call all the prime minister and all the premiers i'll do the barbecue for you let's have some fun brother we only live on earth for a very short time nothing is worth it let's make friends not enemies let's make let's make people live in harmony and in peace not in division and in chaos and fear let's give our people their dignity let's give our people their freedom let's let's tell our people as leaders of this nation we are here to serve you not you serving us gain the respect of your people do not leave this world because sooner or later you're not going to be a prime minister forever you're not going to be the premier forever and we are not going to live on earth all of us we're not going to live on earth forever one day we will leave let's leave a good memory behind let's let people let us let those people remember us with good things not with bad things and evil things what does it benefit a man if he gains the whole world and at the end loses himself prime minister leave with respect premieres leave with respect and dignity be good for your people so that god can be good for you when you need him the most and a day will come when every one of us will need god the most when i go to the pit then i will realize there is god if you have denied him on earth rest assure my beloved i am saying it with love and humility rest assured when you leave this world you will know for sure there is god in heaven oh my goodness these eyes have seen it anybody home these eyes have seen the other world do you understand i'm not talking because i'm wearing these clothes i'm not talking because i'm putting the cross around my neck i'm talking because my jesus revealed it to me and jesus is the only one while you're in the flesh the lord loves you the lord judged himself to deliver you from the wrath of god and the judgment of god but don't let jesus come to you as the judge because then and then only there is no mercy there is no more forgiveness there is no more a second chance you've got it while you're in the flesh the day you leave the flesh too late too late my dear friend [Music] make jesus happy not people make the lord happy not the freemason make the lord happy not your empire not your wealth not your fame not your position not your name not your title all will perish and fade away jesus lives forever prime minister premieres think think think very deeply think thoroughly think in wisdom discern the times and do as the smarts merchant would do invest in a business where it is profitable do not invest in a business that will end up being bankrupt do not invest in you do not invest in people do not invest in any power in this world because everything that is you and others and this world will perish it is nothing but bankruptcy invest in jesus christ for this is the business where you are profitable 100 percent remove the restrictions i beg of you before the lord will come in a different way and reveal himself to you believe me dan andrew gladys berejiklian scott morrison and every premier it is not good it is not good to hurt people because what goes around will come around and haunt you for the rest of your life it is not good to hurt people for what goes around will come around my dear friend and again i'm reminding you and myself i'm talking to you with love and respect and humility out of love i am warning you because i know what my jesus is capable of doing when he corners someone there is no power in existence that can come to the rescue of that someone when jesus corners you please do not let that time come upon you because the lord will come at you as a thief at a time where you do not expect at an hour where you have no idea he will devour you do not hurt your people for god will hurt you god is just nothing is lost nothing is forgotten premieres love your country love your people be good to them give them back their freedom restore their trust in you as government do not betray your people for it is a shame for it is a shame for any government to betray its own people there is no greater shame than this there is no greater shame than this for a government to betray its own people to walk away from your own people leave them behind leave them to the vicious wolf god has put the government on earth to protect and preserve human freedom and dignity not to enslave people and be dictators over them you are here to serve us just like the shepherd serves a flock as as government leaders you are here to serve your people of this great nation and every nation in the world don't let money be your god satan has laughed at you and made fun of you if you think you chase this you'll do whatever you want that's a very deceitful statement come back to the lord remove the restrictions trust me nothing will harm this country start saying the our father in parliament and see what the lord is going to do for this nation start teaching good christian values to children the true christ give him to the people and see how these people will be will end up be we have destroyed our children we have destroyed our people because we have separated them from god believe me the lord is coming very very soon he will visit every prime minister he will visit every president every king and every premier every leader in the church and outside the church he is visiting everyone believe me the lord is already here the time is very near remove the restrictions otherwise the lord will remove you you don't want the lord jesus to be on the wrong side of you let him be your defender not your judge oh my goodness if you let jesus be your judge you're gone please allow the lord to be your defender there is no one that can defend like jesus then andrew enough gladys braglian enough mr scott morrison enough let people live let us all live together in love and harmony and respect reopen the places of worship do not pick and choose do not divide your nation for the lord will divide you do you think it is easy do you think it is easy to harm others oh my goodness no one escapes the judgment of the lord jesus no one but we are seeking his mercy not his judgment this is the final warning out of love and respect to the leaders of this nation and every other nation this is the final warning stop stop this evilness let people live god bless you my beloveds let us stand for the finale prayer i pray that the lord jesus always be with you guard you and protect you i pray that the lord jesus always reveal to you the truth show you the way to walk in that way which leads you to the truth and the truth shall give you eternal life freedom my jesus is the only way we need him more than ever before let us bow our heads in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit one god amen have mercy on us o lord god have mercy on us because you are always worshiped and glorified in heaven and on earth christ our righteous patient and full of mercy and compassion he who loves the just and shows mercy to all sinners whom i am the first of them all he who does not wish death for sinners but rather repentance and life as he calls us all to salvation and to the promise of all gifts that awaits us oh lord accept our prayer in this hour and in every hour calm our lives and be our shepherd so that we may be able to work according to your commandments make holy our souls purify our bodies strengthen our thoughts enlighten our intellect heal our sickness forgive our sins and deliver us from every discomfort and evil tribulation encircle us with your holy angels to be preserved and protected with them to gain unity of faith and knowledge of your glory which is invisible and eternal for you are glorified for eternities to come amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen until next wednesday may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you may the peace of christ be in every heart may the light of christ be in every soul and in every house and in every human being for all of us to realize there is only one god in heaven there is only one truth and there is only one way and that is jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name god bless you all and until next week may the peace of christ be always with you in you circling you within and without amen
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 7,272
Rating: 4.957983 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Id: oEwoqA9iuqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 57sec (6657 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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