ETS (English) | 24.09.2021 Journey With Christ Part 9

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] of the father of the son of the holy spirit one god amen we thank our lord and savior jesus christ for another bible prayer session this blessed friday evening 7 p.m all the way from sydney australia we pray that all of our beloveds who are watching us now live we pray that you are always in good health and in good spirit let us all stand for the lord's prayer please in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon day a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall be shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone you shall tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation and all glory be to our lord and savior jesus christ forever and evermore amen please be seated well a very good evening to everyone we pray that you are always doing well and in the midst of all these um troublesome times i urge you my beloveds to pray especially for our beloved people in melbourne what we are what we have been witnessing in the last maybe few days and week it is unprecedented what is taking place in this beloved country of ours australia definitely australia is not being recognized anymore military forces treating people as if they are slaves yet all they are trying to do is seek their or ask for their freedom freedom of choice i just wonder what has become of so-called leaders in this country definitely it is not australia the australia that i happen to know definitely it's not we need to pray for such leaders to come back to their senses and realize what they are doing is inhumane the least to say it is inhumane so then andrews you need to get your acts together my dear friend and behave like a human being and come back to your senses what is going on i just wonder definitely you guys have lost the plot it is an absolute shame on any government that becomes a traitor to its own people it is an absolute shame to any government to go against their own people what you are doing is nothing compared to so-called coronavirus honestly this has gone too far but i just wonder is there any politician that still has decency in them is there any politician any leader that still has a heart a human heart in them have you guys sold your souls to the enemy have you sold your souls to the enemy because this kind of a behavior from so-called government leaders it is absolutely a disgrace an absolute disgrace we need to pray my beloveds we need to pray for premieres prime ministers presidents the world has lost the plot because the world is a godless generation when you lose god you lose your sanity you lose your dignity you lose your humanity you lose everything that makes up the human being you need god my dear friend so then andrews i pray for you that the lord jesus touches your heart before it's too late for you and the likes of you i pray for you but i'm praying to the lord to stop this nonsense because what these premiers are doing and i just wonder where is the prime minister what they are doing definitely you are not a government that represents the nation of australia definitely or not come back and show some respect first for yourselves then for the people of this nation and i say great nation australia is a beautiful country it is a shame to have such governments representing such a wonderful country an absolute shame but i am praying for you need to wake up to yourself dan andrews and the likes of you the other premiers that are that are going in the same footprints and i'm praying for my beloved people in melbourne and victoria and in every state of australia new south wales and all the states alike the same we are one there is no difference between us there is no difference and i urge you all who are watching us live now please light a candle for the people of a melbourne of candle for the people of melbourne and of sydney and every city in every state of this great country of ours australia true blue down under brother my beloveds before we go into our topic of this evening let us come together in contemplation and listen to this church hymn let us contemplate on this beautiful hymn god bless [Music] lord i'm standing here before you knowing you were in control resting in your heavenly glory let your will be done for me [Music] knowing you will take them [Music] i know [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] but god you never let me go [Music] [Applause] through my darkest days you're with me [Music] knowing you will take them all i'm trusting in your blood you share for me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah all of heaven sings worshiping the old [Music] forever [Music] [Music] jesus christ forever you're the one the greatest [Music] [Music] the greatest [Music] amen to that the great i am the great i am jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name we entrust australia in the hands of the most high god jesus christ of nazareth lord you look after australia you protect australia and the people of this country lord jesus shed your light forth the light of the world your divine light onto australia and every country of this world may the whole world realize there is no one but you there is no other way but you there is no salvation except in you lord jesus there is no one that can come to our rescue unless it is you my lord let everyone know this jesus christ lives forever reigns forever and jesus christ is the ever-present god in everyone's life all we need to do is turn back to him face him seek his mercy seek his grace and love and compassion and say lord i have sinned before you in heaven i am not worthy to be called your child but let me be one of those hired servants in your mansion jesus i pray the whole world come to this street to this realization there is only one truth and that truth is you my lord my savior my redeemer jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name amen my beloveds just a small announcement we would like to inform every teenager and every parents that are watching us that have teenage children um coming next thursday the 30th of september 2021. thursday at 7 p.m we will have teams for christ bible study so you will see the information on the screen as we are mentioning this to you teams for christ bible study is commencing on thursday the 30th of september 2021 at 7 pm sharp please visit the church website and for for the link or the church facebook christ the good shepherd church you can visit christ the good shepherd church website for the link or the church facebook as well please i encourage every teenager boys and girls sons and daughters and parents please i encourage you to uh push your children to join us on thursday evening at 7 pm which is under the title of teens for christ it is going to be every thursday commencing on the 30th of september at 7 pm sharp please go to the church website or the facebook look for the search for the link and join us my beloved it is absolutely important that we bring ourselves as teenagers into the presence of the lord and share his word with everyone around us this is the only way my children this is the only way my beloved equip yourself with the love of god equip yourself with the word of god jesus christ of nazareth become familiar with what the lord has said to us over two thousand years ago we need to grow in his love we need to grow in his friendship and his holy companionship we need to become friends with the lord jesus make jesus your ultimate friend and the only true friend my beloved son and my beloved daughter i want to see you next thursday 7 p.m 30th of september let's come and join together for the love of the lord jesus christ amen okay so we're going to go into our topic and again we are continuing i believe we're going to have this evening session and next friday under the title of uh journey with christ once we finish hopefully by next friday we will revert back and we'll continue the commentary on the book of revelation as we started about maybe two or three months ago we will go back and we'll continue with our commentary in english of course um on the book of revelation we've been getting a lot of questions uh do we have any commentary on book of revelation in english well we started it we are still in chapter one but once we finish with the journey with christ which is hopefully going to be next friday will be the last one and then after that we'll go back to the book of revelation god's willing now journey with christ today i believe it's the ninth lecture or the ninth session under this title journey with christ we've been speaking for the last two months eight weeks uh about the book of genesis chapter three so the last eight weeks has been focused on genesis chapter three we spoke about the fall of man how adam through eve ate from the forbidden tree and they have ignored god's warning and adhered to the enemy satan the snake or the serpent and we spoke about governments as well and we went into details about this this particular topic do we adhere to government authorities or as christians are we allowed or do we have the authority to stand against any unlawful laws being passed through or evil laws being passed through as we are witnessing right before our eyes in these very days of the end of times and then we spoke also about when adam and eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the forbidden tree and they realized they were naked and they were ashamed for seeing themselves naked and they hid behind the tree and then they made out of the fig leaves clothing to cover their nakedness but obviously that is not going to last and anyone of us that tries to fix their own problems by themselves it's not going to last you cannot fix your problems by yourself you need god to cover your nakedness i.e you need god to forgive your sins to fix your life wholesome and bring you back to the perfect picture and image which he had created you from the very very beginning so those fig leaves did not last and then god made tunics out of skin and clothed adam and eve and covered their nakedness and that tunic of skin came from an animal a lamb a sheep so there was an animal being slained and this animal that was slain was symbolic for the lamb of god jesus christ that was going to come in the end of times to cover our nakedness once and for all so that lamb in the old testament was symbolic for the lamb of god as john the baptist says in the gospel of john chapter 1 behold the lamb of god that carries away the sin of the world behold the lamb of god jesus christ that carries the sin of the world so now we're gonna come and talk about the lord jesus christ as the true covering for our nakedness the true solution for our problems the true way to redemption and everlasting life when we read in the book of job job is one of the fathers patriarchs of the old testament when we read in the book of job chapter 9 verses 32 to 33 job 9 verses 32 to 33 this is what job is saying for he is not a man he's talking about god for he is not a man as i am that i may answer him and that we should go to court together verse 33 nor is there any mediator between us between god and job nor is there any mediator between us who may lay his hand on us both job was married and had 10 sons when he came to give an offering for the remission of the sins of his wife and his ten children he would offer that animal according to the old testament way that animal was slain and offered for the remission of sins he would offer that animal for his wife on behalf of his wife and on behalf of his ten children bar himself he would not offer anything for himself because job thought that he was righteous he was not in need for an animal offering for the remission of his own sins because he thought that he was righteous he did not need a sacrifice offered on his behalf the lord god sent three people his way now to cut it short so we can come into the topic later on when job was being tested and put through a trial he came to this realization and this truth he realized that he is also a sinner like his wife and his children and everyone else he realized his sins he acknowledged that he is a sinner he is not perfect as he thought he was then he raised this question he said well now i've realized that i've made a mistake i've realized that i have committed a sin against the almighty god but now i've got a problem job is being legit legitimate here he is legit in his question in his statement he says okay i've realized i've made a mistake against god but i've got a problem for he is not a man he's not a man like me god is not like me that i may answer him and that we should go to court and fix this problem in court together i can't talk to god he is not like me like i am a man nor nor is there any one else who can be the mediator between us between god and me nor there is any mediator who may lay his hand on us both what a profound statement mentioned by job our father job job the just when job realized his mistake and he he realized whom he has offended he said i've got a problem how can i fix it since the one i've offended is god god is spirit i am physical god is infinite i am finite god i can never reach him god i can never see him i can never hear him i can never fathom him comprehend him how can i fix this mistake since i have offended this infinite mighty god and there is no no mediator between god and me job to lay to put to lay his hand on both of us there is no mediator his question stayed unanswered until jesus christ showed up in the end of times in the picture jesus of nazareth all glory to his holy name now job is adam we are all adam we are all human beings we all came from adam and we are all adam when we realized that we have offended god how can we now fix this problem now what is job is saying i'll put it this way and i've said it before but i'll say it again so we can understand what our father job is is talking about here very important let's say i know two people that at some stage were extremely close friends and i know both of them they were very very close friends one day something happened between them and they became enemies and they departed from one another's friendship each walked their own way they there is no more connection between them so when i looked at the way things turned out between these two best friends i got really hurt and i could not wait to see them this way not talking to one one another as enemies they have become in order in order for these two to come back and be reunited in order for these two two to be reconciled to one another the one who is going to come to reconcile them the one who is going to come to mediate between the two of them first must be the same nature as them both he needs to hold the same nature two human beings another human being as a mediator must come an animal cannot because the nature of an animal is different to the nature of a human there is no compatibility between the two it's like xp and apple macintosh hard drives they do not communicate with one another they have to be the same drive the same computer drive so the one who's gonna come to mediate between the two has to hold the same nature that's one number two that that mediator has to be able to read both of these people's minds in other words he needs to be in the same level as their intellectual level i as a human can only relate to another human like me i cannot relate to an animal fully i cannot relate to a plan to a rock different natures i can only relate to a human and build a an actual relationship with another human who has the same nature as me so now that mediator has to have the same nature and has to have the same intellectual capacity and level so what would that mediator do he would go to the first person and talk to that first person alone read his mind or her mind read their mind and then understand why this person was upset why this person was offended and why this person walked away from his friend or her friend and then i'll do the same and i'll go and see the other person talk to them read their mind and then by reading both of their minds now i can see the picture very clear and now i have found a way to come in to bring these two minds together and reunite them and reconcile them once again now job is saying for he is not a man like i am i've offended god god is not like me his spirit his nature is spiritual my nature is physical he is infinite i am finite there is no connection between the two i cannot speak to him i can never understand him even if he talks to me different nature different level different hard drive so he said but i want to fix the problem but i can't he's god i'm a man he's spirit i'm physical he's elevated i'm so below here down on earth so what do i do job is stuck he can't fix the problem my beloveds keep this in mind my punishment my punishment is measured according to the rank that i have offended my punishment is measured according to the rank whom i have offended i'll give you this analogy basic analogy i'll bring a little kid i'll bring a police officer and i'll bring the president of the united states of america i will smack the kid the kid is going to cry and he's going to hate me for it he doesn't want to talk to me anymore he doesn't want to look in my face anymore i put my hand in my pocket i bring out a lolly and i say to that little kid gucci gucci here's a loli for you i'm so sorry please forgive me is a loli for you the kid takes the loli forgets about the smack totally and all of a sudden now i am number one in their eyes we're best buddies now i fixed the smack with a lolly imagine i go and smack the police officer with all with all love and respect to those honorable men and women wearing that blue uniform those who have conscience and good heart not corrupt i have great deal of respect for our beloved police force those who still have a conscience and i'm sure we have plenty of them in the police force may god bless you always may god bless you always for us and for australia i smacked the police officer do you think the lolly will fix it imagine i smack that police officer and i say gucci gucci here's the lolly for you i'm so sorry officer you know what's going to fix it i'll be thrown in the cage of that car and straight to fairfield police station without love and respect to all the police stations but because we live locally so that's why i mentioned fairfield police station so i'll be taken to the to the police station and then i'm sure they're not going to give me a lolli it's going to be a different loli imagine before my hand gets to the face of the president of the united states of america i'm gone never to be seen but hang on a second what happened it's the same smack the same smack that i smacked that kid it was the same one for the officer and it was almost the same one for the president but i didn't get to his face it's the same smack but the consequences are different here a kid a loli fixed it here police station here i'm dead meat what happened you see the rank of these people changed here is the rank of a little kid here is the rank of a police officer here is the rank of the president of the united states of america so my punishment was measured according to the rank i have offended when our father adam when our father job and all of the human race when we make a mistake when we sin who are we offending we are offending our creator we are offending god now god his rank is infinite like him he has no beginning no end so when i have committed a sin i have offended god the infinite almighty god my punishment now is measured according to the rank whom i have offended when adam brought god's word who did he offend he offended god and the rank of god the infinite rank of god when job made a mistake who did he offend god when all of us make mistakes who do we offend we offend the one who created us who has the copyright to this human being we've offended god the infinite rank my punishment now is infinite my debt now is infinite because i offended the infinite god job realized his mistakes realized his sins he said i have sinned against god but god is not like me a man he is spirit i'm physical god is infinite i offended the infinite rank now my sin is infinite my debt is infinite who's gonna pay this infinite debt for me there is no mediator between god between us two to lay his hand on both of on both of us now jesus christ is the only mediator and i'll come to this in more details jesus christ is the only mediator why because what did we say earlier when i had those two friends that something took place between them and now they are enemies they are not talking with one another in order for that mediator to bring these two back and make him friends again he needs to hold the same nature he needs to have the same intellectual level and capacity that is the only way for a mediator to be able to achieve this now we offended god the mediator that is going to come to reconcile me back to god to reunite me back to god and bring god and man together again in unity and harmony this mediator has to have the nature of god and the nature of man at the same time and also he needs to read the mind of god and the mind of man so his his intellectual level has to be exactly the same as god's and his his his human level has to be exactly the same as us humans who is this mediator that in him there is divinity and humanity at the same time no one but jesus christ of nazareth all glory to holy name he is the only mediator because the mediator's job is to reunite and reconcile two parties that now are enemies back into unity and reconciliation so jesus christ has to be able to have the same nature as god and he has to be able to have the same intellectual capacity and level as god and he has to be able to have the same nature as a human and the same until in intelligence or intellectual level as a human at the same time he has to be god and man at the same time now who has the nature of god it is only god because god is one there is no other one there is no gods there is only one god so the one that has the same nature as god is god himself the one who has the same intellectual level and capacity as god is god himself therefore jesus christ is either god or he is absolutely nothing jesus christ cannot be alone just a prophet alone he cannot only a prophet cannot happen only a saint cannot happen only a priest cannot happen only a holy man cannot happen he is god in fullness he is all god because the mediator has to read the mind of god has to be the same nature of god and since god is only one and one only then when jesus came god came so jesus christ is god and nothing else to speak with god he needs to hold the same nature the same level the intellectual level since jesus christ is perfect god and perfect man so this perfect god that was revealed in this man he is he read the mind of god he read the mind of god he holds the same nature and the same level as god and since he became man and took on the nature of the human race we were able to relate to him he became like us [Music] because we can only relate to someone who is like us holds the same nature as us and has the same level as us jesus christ became one of us perfect man the same human nature the same human level so when he spoke we related to him we saw a human right before our very eyes but this human in him laid the perfect god why because jesus christ is the only mediator between god and job between god and all of the human race because we need to be reconciled back to god we need to fix this problem with god we need to reb be reunited with god and no one can do it except god because who can when any human being when any human being i'm not talking about christians here i'm talking about any human being when any human being comes and claims this statement that they believe in god and they worship god and that's it my question will be to them have you seen god they will say no can you see god they will say no can you get to god they will say no can you ever get to him no do you know him no can you ever know him no did i just hear earlier you said you worship god they'll say yes but hang on a sec you just told me you have no idea who this god is how can you worship someone you don't know how can you worship someone you've never met how can you worship someone that you don't know yet you claim you work for him and you follow him and you worship him that is a very contradictive statement in its essence it's absolutely contradictive how can you work in a company where you've never met the ceo you can never meet the ceo and you have no idea what is expected of you to do in that company yet you come back and claim that you are working in this company how if you don't get told how the other thing the only one that can speaks on my behalf is me because there is no one on earth that knows me more than me no one can talk perfectly and fully about me except me no one can talk about god except god himself since he is the only being that is infinite who can fathom this infinite god who can reveal this infinite god who can speak about this infinite god what he is who he is and what he wants except god himself that's why god came in the end of times and was revealed in the flesh called jesus christ of nazareth the only mediator between god and man christ perfect god perfect man the perfect god in christ read the mind of god and the perfect man in christ read the mind of the human race now christ realized where the mistake was since he understood why god was offended since he realized how god was offended and then since he realized what man has done and which way they went wrong now he said i have found the way to bring the two parties into unity and reconciliation once again and that way to re to bring god back and to be reunited with with the human race and vice versa that way was the only way to do that calvary the cross he was crucified on the cross calvary the cross is the point where jesus christ entered through to bring god and man back into unity and reconciliation he looked at god and he realized that god was offended through his justice because god said to adam you break my word surely you shall die so therefore the judgment was passed through by god unto adam and the entire human race you break my word my word will come back and judge you and if you get judged by my word then you will die forever meaning you will be separated from god for eternities this is what the holy bible calls the spiritual death when the spirit separates from the creator this is the true death spiritual death so when adam brought god's word spiritually he was separated totally from god the two parties before in the garden of eden were were friends god and adam were very best buddies when adam brought god's word he became separated from god forever the two parties now are not talking to one another there is no connection there is no communication there is they became enemies jesus christ could not hold to see the two not talking to one another he became to answer job's question over fourteen hundred years prior to that maybe more seventeen hundred years the lord jesus came he said job you said many centuries prior to my coming into this world you said there is no mediator between us to lay his hand on both of us he said job i am the mediator between god and man i will die on the cross and through my blood being shed on calvary on the cross i will reconcile you job back to god again because you have offended the rank of the infinite god your sin became infinite your debt became infinite who's going to pay the infinite debt there is only one that qualifies to pay the infinite debt and that is the one and only the infinite god so jesus christ is perfect god through that perfect god that he is he paid the infinite debt of adam and all of his descendants of the human race he paid that infinite debt through his divinity and through his humanity he fixed the mistake that was made in the flesh by adam and his descendants through the flesh he fixed the mistake which adam had done in the flesh and through his divinity he paid the infinite debt because adam offended god whose rank is infinite no one can pay the infinite debt except the infinite god that's why jesus christ is either god or he's absolutely nothing else when the lord jesus died on the cross his divinity paid the infinite price his humanity fixed the mistake of the former adam and all of his descendants and this is why my beloved please pay attention this is why when we come to church to receive the body and the blood from the holy altar what do we refer to the body and the blood whose body and blood are they christ not jesus not god christ you go to any apostolic church whether it be catholic or orthodox any apostolic church you ask them whose body and blood are you receiving from the altar no one can say nothing else except christ if any if any priest if any clergymen bishop and and and and all the ecclesiastical order if anyone comes and says receive the body of jesus that is a blasphemy receive the body of god that is also a blasphemy but when you say you receive the body of christ this is absolute biblical true teachings absolute theological sound teaching because christ is the person who united divinity and humanity or in other words christ is the person where divinity and humanity were united together and the person of christ so we are receiving the body of christ not jesus not god it's christ so you go to any apostolic church the priest will say the body of christ the blood of christ isn't it anywhere orthodoxy or catholicism doesn't matter there is no way out of this because in christ divinity and humanity were united and unless the divinity and the humanity were united there was no salvation there was no redemption because the debt was infinite i needed the divine the infinite god to pay the infinite debt christ holds both divinity and humanity so through the divinity the infinite debt was paid and through the humanity the mistake was corrected that's why my beloved jesus christ was crucified on a piece of wood you know why because the former adam the first adam in the garden of eden he stretched his arm and ate from a tree and the tree is wood so the cross represents the tree which adam ate from the forbidden tree which adam ate from he adam stretched his arm and ate from a tree which is wood jesus christ the latter adam he stretched his arm and was nailed on this tree on this wood the former adam stretched his arm and ate from the forbidden tree and broke broke god's word the letter adam jesus christ comes and was nailed on this tree the cross to fulfill god's word and the former we failed in the latter we succeeded and the former we lost everything in the latter we regained everything that was lost and the former we lost the image and the likeness of god and the latter we were given back that image and the likeness of god in its perfection so now job is saying there is no mediator but the lord is the mediator he holds the nature of god he holds the level of god and he holds the nature of man and the intellectual level of man both at the same time this you find it nowhere else except in jesus christ there is no one that is god and man at the same time and without this one being god and man at the same time there is no salvation there is no redemption forget about prophets forget about good people forget about philosophers forget about the entire human race forget about angels forget about everything we offended god period god is infinite his rank is infinite the debt now is infinite who's going to pay this infinite debt there is only one god period it's very simple very straightforward i haven't even started well anyway it's friday tomorrow is the weekend you're not going anywhere you're gonna sleep in the church this evening now there are some of our beloveds they mix between mediation and intercession they mix between the two when we read in the epistle of saint paul to his disciple timothy timothy timothy chapter 2 verse 1 and then i'll read first timothy the same chapter 2 verse 5. saint paul is speaking in the same chapter first timothy chapter two verse one and first timothy chapter two verse five look at saint paul in verse one he says therefore i exhort first of all that supplications praise intercession and giving of things be made for all men what is to be given to all of all men intercessions verse 5 in the same chapter saint paul is saying for there is one god and one mediator between god and men the man christ jesus my goodness will give you a bit of a taste of theology saint paul when he talks you need to pay enormous attention to the way he is talking because saint paul speaks so deep so profound his teachings are absolutely difficult to fathom and comprehend at a surface level you cannot you will misunderstand what saint paul is saying saint paul in in first timothy 2 5 says for there is one god and one mediator between god and men job in chapter 9 verse 33 he says nor is there any mediator between us between god and man there is no mediator but saint paul says to job while the mediator has come his name is christ jesus there is only one mediator between god and man and that is the man christ jesus but in verse 1 he says intercede for one another what is the difference between intercession and mediation intercession my beloveds is when i when i go to someone and ask them to help me about a particular issue that i have i go to someone that i know and i ask them to help me about a particular issue that i have that's someone that i know says i cannot help you to fix your issue but i know someone that can very easily so what would that do what would that friend do he intercedes to the one he knows for me on my behalf so who is an intercessor an intercessor is the one who goes seeks the help from someone else to help me i know my friend but i don't know the one my friend knows but the one my friend knows is the one and the one and only who can help me and fix my problem now that's where the role of saints come into play that's where the role of saints come into play now please please have a a big heart and an open ears and a beautiful heart and let's come with simplicity of heart someone might say that jesus christ is the only mediator why should i go to someone else ask them for help since jesus christ came and he is the only way between god and men well you need to understand what intercession is and mediation is intercession i go to the one i know he can't fix my problem but he knows someone that can mediator is the one that reunite two enemies and these two enemies one is one side is god and the other one is man people humanity is there anyone that can reunite god with humanity is there anyone that can sit with god and be at the same level of wisdom as the same level of intelligence as god unless that is god only of course it is only jesus christ the only mediator of course because who who is amongst us to be smart enough to plead with god is there anyone in the midst of the human race and not only the human race in the angelic order is there anyone intelligent enough to plead with god and sit with god and say come on god let's fix it is there anyone as wise as infinite as smart as god there isn't it's only god therefore jesus christ of course is the only mediator because he is the only one in him divinity and humanity were reunited in the person of christ so that the role of the mediator is to bring two enemies back into unity the mediator is to plead with the one he knows to fix my problem when someone says why should i go to a saint since jesus christ is the only mediator jesus christ is the mediator to reconcile god to men we cannot go to jesus christ always we cannot and i'll tell you why and please bear with me every time we we sin every time we make a mistake every time we break god's word the word and the law of god stands forever what does the holy bible say about sin the wage of sin is what death the wage of sin is what death every time we make a mistake the law stands the wage of sin is death what is death i become separated totally from god as christians don't we sin of course we do we make mistakes after the holy baptism we still make mistakes every time we make a mistake we are totally separated from god can i go to jesus christ any time i want no when i'm a sinner i am separated from him jesus christ is god and god is light and sin is darkness there is no unity between darkness and light there is no connectivity between the two so i have made a mistake i am detached i am separated from my lord jesus what do i do i go to the saint i say saint please i beg you i've got a problem i've done this and i've done this and i've done this please help me the saint of course cannot forgive sins does not have it there is only one that can forgive sins the blood of christ the blood of the lamb of god who carries away the sins of the world there is only one that forgives sins jesus christ of nazareth all glory to the holy name so when i go to the saint and i beg the saint and tell him about my issues the saint says i know what your issues are i cannot help you but i know someone that can i'm gonna go to jesus christ and i'm gonna beg him for you to help him out now when i made the mistake i became a stranger to jesus but that saint is in paradise that saint is always in the presence of the lord jesus they are the best friends the unity between the two of them is so enormous no one can separate the two from each other the saint is in paradise cannot sin anymore cannot sin but i'm still in the flesh and as long as i live in the flesh i am susceptible to making mistakes but the saint cannot make mistakes anymore therefore his connection with the lord is always there 100 percent my connection with the lord is every now and then one day i'm with him the other i'm not because i'm a sinner and i sinned yesterday so i go to the saint the saint has the connection with christ always so he's going to go to the lord and beg the lord he will intercede for me to beg the lord to help me the saint knows the lord when i sinned i did not know the lord anymore what is sinning denying the lord every time we sin we are denying jesus christ because what is sinning breaking god's word when adam brought god's word what did he say to god i deny you god that's that's literally what it means when god said to him don't eat and he ate what does that say he said to god i deny you and i acknowledge satan so when i sin i have denied jesus christ i have become separated i'm a stranger now but i go to the saint begging him to intercede for me i will never ask a saint to forgive my sins that's a blasphemy there's only one that forgives sins jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name i can never ask my holy mother mary to forgive my sins that's a bless for me the holy mother can't no saint can only jesus can and the holy mother and all the saints they know this truth very well i can assure you but i go to my mom i say mom i'm in trouble i have offended god i have offended your son my lord my god my savior please mother you know how to get to your son's heart you know how to speak to your son because the connection between your son and yourself yourself and your son is so so enormous so powerful so magnificent when you ask him my mom for me i'm sure he will not deny your request because he loves you so much you're so close to him yet i'm so distant from him because of my sins yet you are holy mother go to your son and beg him to have mercy on me my mother holy mother mary interceded for me saints intercede for us but who saves who delivers who redeems who washes the sins of the world jesus christ and jesus christ only my beloved so now we became enemies with god we broke his word christ is the mediator and look how saint paul puts it for there is one god and one mediator between god and man the man jesus christ is it no he says the man christ jesus not jesus christ now that's a bit of a theology here when you read the holy bible everything has a meaning it didn't just come like that saint paul did not make a mistake he was deliberate in what he said he said there is only one mediator and that is the man christ jesus but we've always known him as jesus christ how come saint paul when he came talking about mediation he put christ first and then jesus and you see saint paul in other places he refers to the lord jesus christ but here he refers to the lord as christ and then jesus wow you know why since the lord came to be the mediator between god and men now who are we connected to we are connected to christ not to jesus saint paul says that we are members in the body of christ not members in the body of jesus jesus has one body and that body is his no one else's but we are members in the body of christ since we are members in the body of christ then who is going to be the mediator between god and us christ because we're members in his in the body of christ not jesus i wish i had more time to explain this and that's why we receive the body of christ not jesus the mediator is one and that is the man christ jesus we are connected to christ the church is the body of christ and christ is the head of this body the church is the body of christ and and christ is the head of this body that's why the mediator is christ not jesus because we're connected to christ maybe another time i'll explain it because i need to finish now in the epistle of saint paul to the ephesians chapter 5 verse 23 for the husband is the head of the wife as also christ is head of the church and he is the savior of the body so we are the body of christ we are the church and the church is the body of christ we are members in the body of christ just like the husband is the head of the wife so as christ as the head of the church i.e the body of christ that's why when it comes to mediation christ being the mediator saint paul he put there is one mediator and there is the man christ he put christ first and then jesus because we are members in the body of christ we are not members in the body of jesus now i want to talk in the next five ten minutes before we we wrap it up about the covenant you hear the word covenant and sometimes you may just wonder what is a covenant a very simple definition of a covenant what is a covenant covenant is an agreement usually formal between two or more persons to do or not do something specified it's an agree covenant is an agreement usually formal between two or more persons to do or not do something specific so it's an agreement a covenant is an agreement between two parties to do or not to do something very very specific it's been pointed out there are two covenants one the old testament and the other the new testament the old covenant testament and the new covenant testament jesus christ is the shepherd is the good shepherd to both branches of his church old testament church and the new testament church these are the two branches of his beloved church the old testament covenant was an agreement made between two parties one god the other men so the covenant of the old testament which our father job spoke about in job nine who can lay the hand and nor there is a mediator between us between god and men the covenant was between god and men in the old testament now this covenant talks about something specific needs to be done what was the specific thing that needed to be done in this covenant that was between god and people of the old testament salvation redemption eternal life god entered this agreement and men entered this agreement with god salvation this covenant says salvation will only be made possible when both sides hold on to this agreement meaning you do not break this agreement you do not breach this agreement you do not walk away from this agreement from both sides for salvation to be made possible both sides have to be faithful and loyal to this agreement god is always faithful god is always loyal god is holy god will never walk away from his word from his from his promise so when god entered this covenant he said i am willing to save you i stand by my word i am loyal to my word i am faithful to my word i am the holy of holies uh what i say i deliver i never change my mind i never change my word i stand by it forever on the other hand of this covenant there was the men us were we loyal never were we faithful to the promise of this covenant agreement never we broke it left right and center the israelite people entered the covenant with god but was israel loyal to yahweh was israel loyal to god never in their entire life never the agreement of the old testament the covenant of the old testament was not able to save the human race because god was loyal but on the other side the other party was not loyal was not faithful but god wants to save the human race so what did god do he said i'm going to come and bring another covenant of the new testament but this time this covenant of the new testament it's not going to be between god and men because that one failed the ma the ma the human race were a failure but he said this time the new testament covenant is going to be between the father and the son not god and men god the father and god the son the new testament covenant it is between the father and the son when any one of us humans outside of jesus christ when any one of us try to enter into this covenant we ruin it the lord jesus says any human being tries to come and enter this covenant to please god you will destroy this covenant that's why i jesus will never let anyone enter this covenant of the new testament because the only one who fulfilled every word every law of god is jesus christ of nazareth he is the only faithful loyal son to his beloved father and the father said it at the river jordan when the lord jesus went to the river jordan to be baptized by john the baptist the voice from heaven was heard saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased to him you should listen this is the only son this is the only son of man the son of god is god but this is the only son of man that i am well pleased in him because this man there is no other man but this man that in him every law of god was fulfilled jesus christ as a human being fulfilled every law of god he never broke god's word in the flesh never but the first adam the former adam and the entire human race all of us broke god's word so that's why the covenant of the new testament for it to stand and for it to be of salvation and redemption the covenant must be held between the father and the son any human intervention will destroy this covenant therefore every christian whether you are the pope or the cardinal or the archbishop or the bishop or the priest or a deacon or a layman any christian please pay attention any church leader any christian that tries to do things in the house of the lord their way not god's way they will be punished and they will destroy the house of the lord because the covenant is between the father and the son it is not between god and men we are nothing but failure only one never failed jesus christ of nazareth all glory to his holy name so the new testament covenant is between the father and the son so what are we supposed to do now all we need to do is accept the son so that we avoid the wrath of god when you accept the sun the sun shall set you free when you accept the sun the sun will give you eternal life when you accept the sun the sun will give you salvation redemption when you accept the son you become the son of god the heir to the throne and the inheritor of the kingdom of the almighty god that's our job that's our role in the new testament all we do we accept the sun hide in the sun so that way we are seen in the eyes of the holy heavenly father as his beloved son when we hide in the sun that's why we are united to christ not jesus because christ is the temple that was given to us through the holy baptism one of the seven sacraments of the true church of christ through the holy baptism we receive the temple of god christ we've put on the christ galatians 3 27 saint paul says in galatians 3 27 you who have been baptized into christ have put on the christ so we are connected to christ christ became the mediator between god and men when christ gave us his holy baptism and we received the holy baptism what did the lord do through the holy baptism he adopted us to be sons of to god and god became our father through jesus christ the beloved son of god he adopted us through his holy baptism and made us sons of god and god became our heavenly daddy when god became our heavenly daddy the lord jesus christ rose from the dead he went up to heaven ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of the father not of god see when you read then i see and creed you need to pay attention to the wording he went up and said at the right hand of the father now this father is god but why why it's why the holy bible says he said at the right hand of the father because my beloved holy baptism made us sons and since we are the sons of god god is our heavenly dad now what is the lord jesus doing sitting at the right hand of the father what is he doing now he is not mediating he is interceding oh my goodness i don't have the time christ is the mediator between god and men so christ is mediator when it's to do with god and people but christ is the intercessor when it's to do with the father and the son mediation mediation is done between two parties that are totally strangers intercession is done between family members not strangers a saint is a family member we are all the churches the body of christ now where is this body this body is in heaven and on earth at the same time christ is not only in heaven because christ is god and god is everywhere so christ is in heaven and on earth at the same time the body of christ is the church so where is the church now the church is in heaven and on earth at the same time the church in heaven is called the triumphant church and the church on earth is called the militant church the saints who preceded us to paradise they fought the good battle on earth based on love they persevered persecutions they were killed for the lord jesus and they made it to heaven now the church is triumphant in heaven that church in heaven are the saints in paradise the third heaven and on earth we are still battling against the currents of the world and the snares of the enemy satan and the poison of the snake we're battling through this dark world in order to make it into heaven and be reunited and joined with the church that is triumphant in heaven so on earth we're called the militant church in heaven we are they are the triumphant church but that church in heaven and the one on earth is one body of christ because christ is one body so we are linked we are connected we are one family in the body of christ when your finger is cut isn't it the whole body mourns doesn't the whole body feel the pain when the finger is cut or does or does the or does the rest of the body say i don't care it's just the finger it's got i don't care about the finger no every single member in this entire body externally and internally feels the pain and if we truly love the lord jesus then we are one family in christ the only stranger in the midst of us not in the midst the only stranger outside of us is satan so when someone falls into sin on earth the saint in heaven cries out to the lord please have mercy because the finger got caught got cut the heart ached out of love and said lord jesus have mercy on this sinner and since we are members in the body of christ no one is asleep how can you be dead in christ how can you be asleep in christ isn't christ the life and the light of the world and what did the lord say my father till now he works and i work too when has it been that jesus christ stopped working the day that comes that the lord stops everything stops and whoever is the member in the body of christ is always working like his master christ and is always living like his master christ the living messiah who rose from the dead triumphant and lives forever how can you be in christ and asleep how can you be in christ and dead i just wonder impossible so the church in heaven prays for the church on earth intercedes to the head intercedes to the head because salvation is in the head christ is the head of the church when the lord said at the right hand of the father now he is not mediating he is interceding interceding to the father look at this when you read the epistle of saint paul to the romans 8 romans chapter 8 verse 34 who is he who condemns it is christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of god who also makes intercession for us he intercedes for us because now he's interceding to the father god as god is a stranger but father everybody knows their father as children don't you know who your father is of course you do father is not a stranger but god is a stranger judge is a stranger but my daddy is my daddy i know him so when you when you're talking to your dad this is family between family there is intercession time with his divinity he read the mind of god with his humanity he read the mind of us humans and he realized through which point to enter to bring the two enemies back into oneness into unity and reconciliation and that was calvary the cross divinity paid the infinite debt humanity fixed the mistake that was made in the flesh and the garden of eden and he stretched his arm on the tree of the cross the wood but this time he did not pluck the fruit and brought god's word this time the hands were nailed to fulfill god's word and to give god's justice its justification may the lord jesus bless you may the lord jesus guide you and protect you may the lord jesus always show you the way for he is the way the truth and the life there is no one but him and through him and in him salvation and redemption were made possible pray to the lord beg him to have mercy on us all ask the saints to intercede for our for us the sinners on earth that the militant church on earth while we are in the flesh we we make mistakes a lot of times ask the saints beg the saints to intercede for us to the one and only the savior of the world jesus christ of nazareth to forgive us our sins and to deliver us from the snares of the enemy and the poison of the snake for his blood is the antidote to every poison that comes from satan we thank the lord jesus for his faithfulness for his truthfulness for his loyalty for he is the only one that fulfilled every law of god in the flesh he never brought god's word neither with thought nor with deed he is the only perfect lamb of god the perfect man without a blemish without a stain without a mistake ever to be seen jesus christ is the only the only salvation and i'll say this again jesus christ is god revealed in the flesh loves every human being and he's god is just because you're a christian that does not mean that you know jesus until you begin to build a relationship with him so what you're a christian the lord jesus will only recognize at the end those who have tried to be with him those who worked very hard to live for him those who gave up on everything so that they please the lord through his grace and his mercy jesus wants people that are willing to be disciples of his that are willing to give up on things and follow him just because you're a christian that does not mean you're saved just because you believe in jesus christ that does not mean you're saved until you reflect christ in your actions on a daily basis the works that you do have to be the fruits of that faith in christ jesus and unless you live christ every day in your life salvation cannot be made possible because the covenant of the new testament is between the father and the son and until you hide in the sun and until you be submissive to the sun this covenant is not for you will not save you salvation will be given when you accept the son as lord and god and savior then god the father will recognize you as his son because god the father has only one son and that's all he sees because jesus is the only one that never brought god's word he is the only light the true light from light and of light and he is the light of the world and the god the father can only see this light anything else is darkness god the father does not recognize darkness he sees the light in the very beginning god said he saw that it was dark and god said let there be light and there and light was was there and he separated the light from darkness he called the light day and he called the darkness night separated the light from the darkness and that light is his son for his son when he came in john 8 12 he said i am the light of the world i am that light of the world but the world was darkness from the very beginning and the darkness until it comes back to the light it will always live in darkness so we need jesus christ we need to establish a relationship whether you're a christian or not unless you get to know god a prophet cannot save you a prophet cannot deliver you a prophet cannot bring you to god it is god who can bring you to him for no one can speak about you except you and no one can reveal god except god himself and until you get to know god how can you work for this god how can you worship this god that you don't know you need to know this god in order to worship him and work for him someone you don't know you cannot do nothing you need to know them in order to please them through jesus christ he made god known to us he made god our father and he made us his sons the father is no longer a stranger i came to know my god through jesus christ the beloved son of god amen god bless you all again a reminder my beloved before we say the finale prayer um next thursday the 30th of september uh teens for christ is commencing at 7 p.m it is extremely vital parents that you're watching us now please encourage your sons and daughters the teenage children that you have uh to join us every thursday starting from next thursday at 7 p.m sharp every thursday get him to join us let us share with one another the word of god and the love of god jesus christ our lord and god amen so it's commencing next thursday at 7 pm i i pray that i will see many young men and women joining us next thursday at 7 pm i love you very much god bless you and keep you deliver you from every evil tribulation whether it be visible and or invisible in jesus christ mighty name amen let us stand for the finale prayer please in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me sow love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grand that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is in pardoning that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you all the days of your life now and forevermore amen before i leave you with him again again this wednesday our free food hampers are being also given to these families that have been struggling all these months so again at 12 p.m here at the church location there will be food hampers given for free again may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you and until next week go in peace the peace of christ be always in your house my beloveds amen god bless [Music] lord i'm standing here before you knowing you were in control resting in your heavenly glory let your will be done for me i [Music] i'm trusting in your bloody shed for me [Music] [Music] let us [Music] jesus christ forever [Music] but god you'll never let me go [Applause] through my darkest days you're with me yeah you have always been my [Music] knowing you will take them [Music] you
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 5,442
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Keywords: Christ The Good Shepherd Church, H.G. Mar Mari Emmanuel, Mar Mari, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Christian, Holy Bible, Sermon, Love, Mercy, Unity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 51sec (6351 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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