Justice League | Fiona de Lanerolle | 27th May 2018 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Music] hi everybody see you at the five-day program in September this program and especially designed customized from heaven just for you it is guaranteed to change your life it will definitely set you apart in the flesh and will cause you to be led by the spirit to hear the Lord voice for your next season it's a life changing experience to see you in September god bless you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bless you guys bless you guys bit of extended worship there sorry I let me do what I need to do before the meeting stop how are we doing you know I was listening to my teachings and I always open with asking you how you're doing and you'll always say oh you're lying [Laughter] [Music] even during the fast everybody was like I are enjoying the after fast have y'all have how many here I'm sure Yola how many here have said some kind of discipline to introduce fasting maybe on a weekly or a bi-weekly or wha what dad really can we get the cameras on in please I'm gonna keep a food diary of because it's the culture right and everybody realized the benefits of being in that place on the fast and and so now we just carry it through and and it's a great opportunity to do it now because you know you can easily get back into right you all don't know anything about that kind of stuff but you can okay I don't go to Philip but he makes these funny noises like AHA and then I find myself you know like our bodies are like offered up as instruments of righteousness so whenever we look at a point it's all relevant it's all profiting if your body gives out a laugh that's like Sarah okay I want to read you this scripture cuz this is gonna kick us off okay it's gonna kick us off and there's gonna be a new joy okay so this is from Psalm 45 7 okay I love this you love righteousness and hid wickedness you love righteousness and hid everybody say hate yeah it's not a bad word okay hid wickedness therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions man give me some of that oil of gladness like smear me smear us but why because we loved righteousness and hid wickedness hid evil okay we have to love what he loves and hate what he hates okay love what he loves and you know what it doesn't just happen okay it doesn't just happen I remember when when I first got to know him and I was like wow Jesus you love me this is all awesome I was still doing a lot of things that he hits okay I was still doing a lot of things that he hates and I didn't share the same hatred for it I didn't and it wasn't clear to me even righteousness love righteousness I'm like righteousness right it's just a big word what's righteousness it's like a fancy word you know like holier-than-thou it's not for us how could it be for us you know but then I realized oh my god we are the priesthood we're not wearing white and walking around like Vestal Virgins but we are the priesthood and I realize oh my god it's for me it's for you it's not only for me it's for you and you and you and even all of you for all of us and that's the difference here and then I was like oh gosh okay okay cuz I was like I was like I want it thrown into the whole thing I was like a grace baby just growing up with the whole thing I mean Kirby's grandfather was like a Methodist priest and he had a bit of you know background even his name means from the church okay my name incidentally means pure but I didn't know that cuz my father didn't name me because it meant pure okay he named me after a poster he had hanging in his college rooms bought whatever boarding room of a pin-up girl and I was like dad why did you tell me that La Mina you know I thought you know I thank God I'm very secure you know people look at that children they're like oh god she looks like she's gonna be pure for the Lord I named her Fiona and he names me and then he tells me and he's chuckling this is before he loved what he he loved and hated what God hated before okay all right all right I can deal with that why did you tell me to share that with everyone but it's okay now I'm cleansing the atmosphere I grew up with this you know it was like I I was just in it and then Kirby was he was the holy one he was the one that every man of God saw him oh we need to spend time with him or he's God's gift he is this is that Who am I I'm like the bad influence the one who might take him off the track distract him I don't know whether my auntie Monica nuns only thought that of me they were very nice to me and auntie pansy his grandmother usually hated most of his girlfriends but was very nice to me so maybe she she meant it I'm believing she did later on she grew to love me a lot but but so I was like the oh god what's she doing you know she smokes she drinks she went short short short she's this she's that so I was like don't no no not the poster child for Christianity okay and on the road and the plans that God had for Kirby nobody was sure whether I was going to be on that path neither was I actually I mean if you told me that I'm gonna be married to a bishop of 600 or churches I would have ha ha ha laughs like Philip I just thought I was on some bad trip or something like that oh I might have run in the opposite direction who woulda thought it's possible but that's His grace honestly it's His grace I mean once I once we got into it I had to go and look what Episcopalian meant I was so not in that culture you know and it was all foreign to me but it didn't matter because I'm not here by my own qualification okay I was not I didn't pursue this and say this is what I'm gonna be I wasn't an ambition of mine it was my calling and he chose me okay and he qualified me so now I can stand beside this beautiful man and face people and preach to you and teach you and have a wonderful church family to call my own okay so I didn't come with years and years of struggle and sacrifice and you know ripping my head out looking at theological exams or anything like that okay all came by grace by grace by grace so righteousness is a beautiful word it's a beautiful beautiful it's the most valuable commodity righteousness and when you realize what it is you're like I want that I want that I want it you know and I think every religion is looking for it okay they all look even the Atheist is not looking God and kill people the Atheist is looking for some form of righteousness in their own right okay so everybody wants it everybody doesn't want to do unrighteous things but we have got it as a free thank God paying god Pango Pango tangled as a free gift okay and when we truly understood that he came as a free gift it was so much easier to grow out of where we were okay and that's really important because when people talk of grace churches they're like oh my god it's like full of sin oh no no no no no no no no you you don't know where we were you don't know every were or maybe you knew where we were and you think we're still there because you don't believe in the transformational power of grace maybe it's because you don't believe in the power of his blood and that it has the power to wash away everything squeaky squeaky clean no trace remember no more and when we first embarked on it I didn't honestly I didn't know the difference because I didn't know like what really is law law grace grace you know Kirby was like when he when he his eyes first opened to it he he actually told past anybody said can I come and sweep your house and live with you I'll do anything just to serve you so I can learn more because his eyes open to the grace of our Lord Jesus and what we had received I was like oh I don't get it I don't get it so I understand okay we're saved by grace were saved by grace but I didn't really see the difference and then when I did because I had to struggle with lots of things y'all know about the drugs but the hardest thing for me was the cigarettes because I was smoking like a packet a day since I was like 13 okay so for me to stop cigarettes I mean IIIi won't even go in the car with you if you wouldn't let me smoke okay I won't go on long trips I didn't want to go with uncle Oneonta money because they wouldn't stop anywhere and I had to stay for hours on the way to New Delhi and not smoke and I get really irritable and they will not dissing me as a future daughter-in-law so it was a real problem from his real bond age and I didn't have the power to break out of it you know and then when I realized his righteousness given to me as a free gift and I did have to work at it under stress from me I didn't have to hide what I was doing I didn't have to fear that oh go and I've got to present something now because I don't really have what they expecting of me because that's what people expect of you they expect some kind of righteousness and not everybody expects it to be his actually very few people even understand what is his righteousness and they all caught up even looking at his righteousness comparable to their idea of what righteousness is so you often find yourself defending God you know people would like oh this God is just he's mad he's crazy was killing women and children and he didn't have compassion on the elderly and what kind of God is this and then you find yourself defending him and saying no but this and finding like theological arguments and wringing out of your head and just lying because you really don't know or coming up with some theory or saying oh that was before the cross before the cross before but no but he doesn't change so can I look at someone in the face and say God is righteous when he does all this stuff and he did and he's supposed to be the same yesterday today forever unchanging whoa how do we evangelize now but he is righteous in fact he's the only one who is righteous he is righteousness epitomised we don't know what righteous disease we think we can light a few candles give a few bad packets rice packets to the poor sacrifice a couple of birthday gifts and we feel good about ourselves no matter what we do in our entire life even if we gave our entire life from birth to him and we remained unmarried pure and serving and praying on our knees with bruises and fasting and prayer can never never never touch come to Norse in fact it says it's like filthy dirty yucky yuck yuck yuck and I won't even mention what kind of rags but rags like you can't compare it his ways are so much higher so much higher and you know what it doesn't take a amazingly big brain or highly functional brain to realize that he's God and we are not it honestly doesn't and I and I look at some people and I know it's like a spirit of hardness and something blinding them because there's no way there's no way if you look around you and wake up and see everything even creation everything speaks to him and his existence and his goodness and his righteousness everything so we can't plead ignorance and say oh I didn't show up or he didn't do this or he didn't do that he's everywhere it just takes a very humble heart to say he's God he's good he's righteous and I am NOT I'm not I'm not even gonna try I'm not gonna try I'm just not gonna try thank God I don't have to try because you had wow you don't have to try but when I first came to this I was trying and trying and trying and pretending to try actually pretending to try because as I come on and get over this just pretend you know it took away the whole amazing grace feeling that I had because I had to like put on this facade and pretend I didn't smoke and put perfume all over me so that I would be presentable so people could believe so His righteousness is not you see we're trying to think okay is God like someone if he like loves dolphins and loves the tree huggers and loves the babies and saves the old and the elderly and the and all of that he's a good god he's a good god he's a good god I can convince people but what if they throw these arguments at you how do you defend him do you have to defend him can't you just trust that he's righteous you know righteousness doesn't really mean just goodness it doesn't just mean goodness so yes we've told you listen God's righteousness and it's been given to you means that yes you know that he's good to you and that remains he's good to you so don't get like Oh shakey he's good to you he loves you he's good to you but let's just can we go on from there because he's not stuck in a doctrine he's not forced to like oh no I forgive I love I love you I have no choice I'm stuck in my doctoring my hands are tied I love you I love you I love you I love you what kind of bad would that be righteousness means just just like justice justice looking for justice anyone righteousness means justice it means a brightness means he's able to just stand and we have to look at him and we have to trust and we have to say I'm not trying to fit you into my box I'm not trying to fit you in and make you eat make you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because I think this is good and this is bad this is good and this is bad and God would do this and God wouldn't do that and God wouldn't do this and God would do that and that makes me comfortable because he's a good good he's a good good father was a song I'm off to you I was laughing at Mill that's like it's a good good father it's who he is who he is you killed babies you killed women helpless elderly in fact you said don't have any compassion on them it's you're a good father you're a good father oh good I'm gonna show you some scriptures from the New Testament from the new after the grass after aisle of gladness because we love what he loves and hit what he hits okay where should we go let's go to X 13 okay X okay so after Barnabas and Saul who is Paul okay I decided the Holy Spirit said okay send them out separate them and send them out after fasting and prayer okay after the hands are laid on them they were sent out okay and then further down in verse 6 it says now when they had gone through the island to Paphos they found certain saw Sara a false prophet a Jew whose name was BA Jesus who was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus an intelligent man this man called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God from them but Elemis who is BA Jesus the sorcerer withstood them seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith okay so here's a leader and he is interested to hear the word of God but the guy sitting next to him his advisor who happens to be mr. bad guy right he's trying to turn him away from what they're going to say okay then saw her look at this Saul who also is called Paul just in case you doubt so it's Paul filled with the Holy Spirit looked intently at him and said Oh full of all deceit and all fraud you son of the devil you enemy of all righteousness enemy of all will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord yeah making crooked the straight ways of the Lord and now indeed the hand of the Lord is upon you and you shall be blind not seeing the Sun for a time hmm handed the Lord the Lord Paul saying is upon you and you will not see basically blinded and immediately a dark mist fell on him and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand whoa look at this one more time okay he's an enemy of righteousness and he's making crooked listen to this anyone who takes the ways of the Lord and makes crooked he's an enemy of righteousness and yes after the cross Paul stood and said the hand of the Lord is upon you you are blinded he's cursed and then immediately he walks around saying hey I can't see where I'm going help me help me can you show me where I'm going help me so imagine you go to a leader you're called to meet the leader of a country or leader of a big company or something and there's his assistant or his secretary who's tried to like sir commit the meeting just picture I mean make it relevant to you and that person is a hungry wanting to hear what you have to say would a prophecy a Word of God and here this person is twisting and turning and making crooked the straight ways of the Lord an enemy of all righteousness and sadly the Spirit of the Lord is upon you and he leads you to look intently I'm not telling you to do this but I'm saying picture this scenario and this woman or man goes blind and says please help me I can't see show me the way guide me and how would you feel you might even think you're more righteous than God oh god please please forgive this person what god this is not you heal them heal them heal them but that's not what they did and the proconsul he looked and he believed because he saw the power of the Lord that's our God that's our God Wow there is no salvation in the other name no matter how good do you think people are no matter how good you think a concept is or an idol can be for what they stand for no matter salvation will only come through the name of Jesus we love what he loves and hate what he hates this is Grace this is Grace you know I was reminded when I was reading this I was thinking you know we need to know that our Father is not like trapped into something I know we said God is good god is good but it takes away his character his choice his personality he's a just God a holy God a righteous God righteousness doesn't mean he's good he's good he's sweet he's good he's nice oh he's awesome we can learn from AHIMA we shouldn't look anywhere else or righteousness has no other concept of righteousness but him it means just God justice justice justice and I was reminded of this incident when I was thinking of of the scripture and I was thinking you know we were when we were little right and Simon my brother was I don't know maybe he was he was he's always been he was like he was small cute kid like wherever he goes like this squeeze his cheeks and he had like like they call him pudding head because you can take him and switch him over and just shake him and his hair just falls into place his hair doesn't look like that now but it was just like straight fringe like Chinese doll so like people would just squeeze his cheeks and he was like the cutest kid and I'm like yeah yeah yeah okay he's cute he's cute let's go let's go and so we had gone to the concert at the line of the wind and we were small and so my dad was like okay I'm gonna drop you here stick together and I'm gonna pick you up now don't go anywhere okay okay don't worry do I did will be fine now holding his hand and we go off to the concert and now we're in but Simon goes missing for a short time and then he comes back and he's crying and he's scared and now next time what's going on he said no no no these big guys these big ideas they took me and they pulled a knife out at me and I was like what and then I said oh God and we were I was scared too it was like let's go let's go let's go and then we went back out and dad was there and dad came to pick us up and he looked at Simon and he said what happened son what happened in and he said these guys they just took a knife and and then he did these big guys and I was alone and so my dad just got out of the car and we stood now at the laniel wind at the exit and no one everybody has to leave through this exit so now we're they're like yeah dad's here right and we're holding on to him and now I'm Simon to be like they I would have been like there and now we're waiting and then Simon goes right and my dad just walks up to this guy catches hold of him and starts punching him school school principal comes whoever the some concert movie with that know what's going on what's going on this boy pulled a knife out on my son okay okay where the school will take care of it we'll take care of it you take care of your school I'll take care of my own and punched him again sadly this guy who was all bigshot with the knife and everything dropped everything started crying and well and this is before we got to know Christ okay but you're not the feeling the feeling was yeah my dad rocks he protects us no one can come against us well it'll Tuffy's and Simon and me walked out like really proud with our dad got in the car and drove off and it was like a wonderful experience if we just we were just so you know what I mean we felt so like he's got her back like he's looked up I mean it's not easy to get down in public in the middle of that school with him and just I mean he just went fine he didn't care and I was like okay you know God Father God is not very different necessarily it's kind of cool let's go there you know he'll protect us if we know that where he is if we identify ourselves as his he won't let any harm come to us in fact if somebody rises up against he's innocent one's innocent not of our own but because we are in Christ he's in a sense his righteousness covered in his righteousness justice is served and we can't stand around say what kind of God is this picking on what kind of father is this picking on hey when your kid gets beaten up you know what kind of father this is subsequent to that Simon got beaten up about the times and then Kobe would go and and I would drive the getaway car was a little bin I don't know what is it about his cute face that he always gets into trouble but we've always known to like get our brothers out of trouble both Kirby's and mine and recently like actually a few days ago one of the coaches actually at Wow we have been having this small not small I wouldn't say it's a small issue I would say it's it's a serious issue where their child is in competition with as in serious competition sports competition and there are these parents that are going to extend that are totally not on to try and cheat and twist the system and make crooked the pathways of righteousness and they're doing everything possible because they're jealous and they can't stand to lose and so here we had a father are in Christ in Christ okay Fiona what shall we do now we've done the prayer we've done the covering actually we have victorious now to a certain point we need a final little push okay with supernatural victory really right but there's a final little push that has to be done because this thing is a stubborn spirit okay and so you know we just had a little chat touch base what's going on and you know as a father and a mother they want to do what they can to protect their child and so different things ideas come up because actually what's been happening is totally unfair and so they spoke to us about it and we said no that's fine that's fine I see what you're saying but you know what we have a greater revelation now a greater revelation of who our Father is and better than we can handle this thing he will avenge us he will avenge us if we expect him to if we give it to him if there's any way that these people would repent then fine good for them it'll it'll finish easy for them but if they don't we don't want to know we don't want to know we just want to carry it on and do what we need to do and we're proud that we have a good God and a good father who is righteous and makes straight and keep straight his ways he serves justice that's why your conscience is really important while your conscience is so important because we need we can come before him we're not we're not without failings you can get worked up when your kids are getting bullied around and done and also it you can react in your flesh you can go into control but we have a good God so we come before him in truth and we see God I'm feeling this way I'm gonna like rip their heads off but God no no no that's not for me I'm gonna give it over to you you're a good god I trust you you love my children more than I love my children and you will defend us if we stay in our position in you and in that place he sees us innocent innocent righteous righteous because we're his sons in Christ and then he moves to defend us and to raise us up so we can't say oh it's so unfair you know there are unfair judges it's so unfair there's corruption in the police station it's so unfair you know there's no no no no it doesn't matter he will use even the unjust rulers to minister rot to protect his sins to protect his sense you don't need to move you just have to go before him with a true heart with a true heart with the true heart willing to surrender it all with the true heart and then he rises in all his righteousness he rises so we get stuck sometimes while thinking oh no no God forgives he forget he slow to anger it doesn't say he doesn't anger he slow to anger and slow meaning he's very slow not like you're slow you're slow is like like generations I mean if one day is like a thousand years he slow some people really know the pushes button but he's slow still so we try to we try to put him in our box and meter does sometimes rattling got older of God but I bless him I forget yeah yeah you bless them because your heart can't handle anything else you bless him that's what you're called to do but you let him do what he wants to do don't put him into your religiously the box he's a good God righteous righteous just up right now this kind of righteousness is what we have received as a free gift not the nice sweet Smiley's feel good I feel liberated I'm going to love everybody know this righteousness cannot be explained to the world they will look at it and they'll call it oh this is wicked no it's not it is justice he loves justice so much his son was a public demonstration of justice and that demonstration still now speaks so I mean when you know for me personally I mean if somebody comes up against my if somebody says okay funeral oh where do you go what do you listen to like you know when people say a lot of lot of this time we face persecution like like even mild stuff like if people they attack your faith right they take your faith or your church or your pastor your prophet or your home culture or you or your friends or who you hang out with and they were very quick then to say no it's okay and we're like become the middleman hello you're not the middleman you're the one they accusing don't be quick to jump in the middle it's who you are it's who you are so you don't quickly move away and say oh I'm in the middle here let me sort it out yeah no no no no no no you're attacking me you're attacking me and you stand in that place and you speak from that place we're not we don't have to be we're not we're not telling you to like let loose or curse people or anything like that my god no but I'm telling you to understand if you want to walk in power you know why the the what do we call it they're not they call themselves grace churches but it's a it's not a correct understanding of grace we're we're a grace church we're a grace church but you don't see power in a lot of grace churches you don't because they're trapped in this idea of goodness goodness but this goodness is whose idea of goodness is this is that a idea of goodness that makes presentable to the world is it liberal because that's not goodness that's self-righteousness of the world it's not working it's causing for the division and hatred or not that's not goodness he is goodness if you want to use the word good he is good we need to shift our minds of what we think goodness is and when we're in that place trust me when you walk there's authority when you speak there's authority because we're not stuck in some feel-good place our conscience has been matured to know and grow and stand in authority yeah this is so important guys redefining righteousness as justice because the just he gives you justice that's it you've already got on a cross with justice and that's his goodness his righteousness so when you're walking righteousness of course God is good but you're also walking in a realm of Justice you didn't love what he loves you hate what he hates okay because you loved what you love and hate what he hates now he's giving you the oil of gladness you understand it so we cannot say we cannot look at something good and call it bad the Bible says look at something bad and call it good he says my god you know that that that means we don't understand justice you got it that is why a lot of people who understand righteousness in the right way the power of righteousness when they walk into a place they'll go to a place when they pray in a place everything gets exposed have you noticed like you invite me to pray over your company you will realize that everything gets exports the guy who has been cheating will get exposed just by me come in and pray know of your company the guy who's cheating get exposed the accountant gets fired there are managers Sonny gets sick like what the heck is going on ah justice was yourself you see the right type of righteousness when you walk into a place it will expose injustice and it will serve a scepter of righteousness it will serve justice immediately so that is why I always tell people if you will be very careful when you invite a prophet to your church because you will see as a prophet come to your church all hell breaks loose I tell my pastors you invite him to your church how was your how was your life how was your life are you your conscience very clear you even invite me there either when I come there things will start the things that are in your church that are not does not reflect justice that is that is making crooked per worked in the ways of God will get expose I'll come down within one week you'll tell me this happened that happened this is going on to them when you go on a fast watch what happens justice is served to every demon in the house you understand it so it's you have to understand what you have got when you say I've got righteousness we cannot receive righteousness by loving same you understand that we have to hate it now God now you can receive a fullness of righteousness righteousness means the Justice of God but you understand it it's a power guys it's a popular transform yeah you understand it so don't don't don't take righteousness just as a very flowery little thing that you have prophets on your head and walk around like that ain't righteousness okay righteousness is the power that causes you to be holy okay not by your own works but by receiving it and when you walk into a place everyone gets served the same kind of holiness okay by a free gift you got it yeah okay and it's not a scary place because you know the grace of God you're not expected listen we're not talking about your outward actions okay not talking about your outward actions by talking about your heart your conscience before the father okay that's how you come to him with a true heart with the true heart confessing your struggles knowing that he's good and just and merciful and gracious and you will find grace you will find grace and the only thing I would tell you is if you are looking at someone else and judging them if you're looking out there and a lot of people looking in here and judging here I would be very careful because this is a place where we go before God we're open it's an open book you everybody everybody in mother land here and everywhere knows everything official and unofficial about our lives and we don't make it a secret because that's the old man and we're very very very proud of our God who basically took us out of darkness and brought us into light and if we can boast in him through showing our weaknesses of the old or standing even in our weaknesses now then we're boasting in him not in ourselves you know last Tuesday if you were here I shared a few things okay and someone who loves me very much you know spoke to me and he said come you better correct this with the church because you don't want people to think that you know you've struggled with womanizing okay okay because I said you know if I if I wouldn't live the life I could fall into womanizing and I want you guys to know you're my family I don't struggle women hi i I'm just trying I'm in understand the week before he said pedophilia so I'm just trying to show you that if I didn't have the holy spirit and if I don't spend time in receiving from the Holy Spirit I would be just like any other man yes dad that's what I'm trying to say so yeah I want you to understand please my god you know the Holy Spirit has done a wonderful job I have no struggle with money I mean I've given more money than a weight and I think it's I don't be don't struggle with those things you don't understand the power of the Holy Spirit if you understand power the Holy Spirit he's a transformer he transformed you takes you from darkness and it takes you and makes you into that light so you it you epitomize yeah I want epitomizes you understand I hate sin now you understand and it's time that righteous preachers holy preachers preacher to preach grace be able to see the transformation they're living in and there's nothing wrong in saying believe a holy life my god believe a holy life but not by our own strength it is impossible we live a holy life because of the Holy Spirit it's a but it's like it's I can only say it's nearly impossible to sin I promise you it's so hard I caps so hard to say it doesn't even cross our mind so much so that I can say so much so that I can say without him I will women eyes I will smoke I will drink I will be an ax murderer without him because I'm so sure because it is supernatural when a man is free but he can he can no can say such things it's absolutely supernatural if you ask me how I'm living like that I will try to say I don't know it's just so supernatural so without him I will be worse or worse you put all of you together the biggest sinner I will be that person in a second so I I have to depend do you need to depend on his righteousness that now righteousness doesn't mean goodness it means when it comes into your life if you have kept me out if you have things that are in error in your life justice will be I don't know whether you understand it the house of God is judge first that means you cannot be preaching here you cannot take this mic and have issues that you have not gone before to God with be careful teachers pastors if you have issues go to God with it go to your coaches field you understand that don't take this mic till you've done that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God he's not trapped in some dog training you like Kirby are taking a mic you did that yesterday and you're preaching to people and telling him not to do the same thing that you are doing on a daily basis and that you have not admitted and that you have not come to God with it guys please wake up it is impossible to be taking his mic and not falling into traps unless we are living lives that reflect the Lord Jesus Christ do you understand it is impossible don't look at it don't look at people like I know the books say Alan was drinking a Alan wasn't drinking a Alan was not drinking they say he was doing all America's he was happy drinking he was not I've know the family they're not it's very hard to walk and do great things for God with problems in your life you have to allow the Holy Spirit to sort it out in you when I said justice is served it means in a cross you go before God and say God heal my issues he takes it out he's good you understand that he will transform you you will never have to be tempted by those things ever again ever ever ever ever we're not talking about empty listen because you can easily go with that offering but outward offering of the confession like but like in the old and you can say I confess I did this I did that and some people really confess everything but their heart before God is not confessing because of change or because they hate what he hates and love what he loves they're just confessing so they can get it over with and carry on so we're not talking of empty confessions but because you you may be confessing to a man or to God but God sees your heart your conscience speaks your conscience speaks he knows you struggle he knows what you struggle with he knows what you enjoy struggling with he knows when you don't plan on stopping he knows when you when you're really struggling and you want to stop he knows that you're making an effort you're not making it if effort he knows the shades of everything he knows the thoughts and the intents of your heart even you can't fathom what's going on in your heart he knows he knows so it's not out of a fear of man here it's a fear of God because he knows he knows all things he's real we're not here wasting our time he's alive he's here he's in you he's in you who the Holy Spirit has we should have brought in your hearts for what oh and it's all you need to do because some people hold on like I remember I'll take the example of the smoking I didn't have the faith that I could stop okay so whatever your struggle replaced smoking with whatever it is you don't have the faith you can stop because yeah yeah you're trying on your own or you don't believe you can or you don't have a reference point no you have a reference point the cross and if you just go to him and you say here I'm willing I really want to you know give me the heart to hit what you hate and love what you love because I don't feel like I hate this enough it's not very clear to me I don't feel like I hate it you know this is kind of okay you know it's kind of like this is this is okay for me because a lot of things that we do that we think are ok because we're conforming to the world because the world the world thinks we're weird for them their kids going out and doing drugs every night and sleeping around is okay you are weird is a flipside really you coming to church and having a committed walk with God is just too extreme please go and have some fun seriously that's what some parents advise their kids because they're blinded conformed a lack of transformation we know it is possible transformation is possible not by your own work we're not here by our own work trust me anyone out there from any legalistic church or whatever they tell you they can look all the part trust me inside there is no way no way no way that there's in a transformation without the grace of our Lord Jesus no way no way if righteousness would come from the law what are we doing then why did Jesus waste his time getting hurt on the cross for us we could have got righteousness from the law and all been little legal babies doesn't work that way so they can look at you they can judge you they can point fingers at you they can accuse you all the different things all the accusations are nailed on the cross on the cross and we're smeared with the oil of gladness smeared should I show you not the happy scripture from the New Testament whoo nobody loves head buddy heads come on okay first Corinthians five and the heading for this section is immorality defiles the church but let's subscribe breeze down to verse four okay now basically they're talking of this person this particular person having a problem with and saying no not even the Gentiles are doing this kind of thing you know this man is having his father's wife all right and he's puffed up and I mean these guys are just maybe they are hardening themselves towards it for I indeed as absent in body but present in spirit have already judged as though I were present him who has so done this deed in the name of our Lord Jesus when you are gathered together along with my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ deliver such a one to whom for the destruction of the that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Paul in the name of our Lord Jesus deliver this man to whom so there's this misconception Satan is the bad guy God is the good guy Satan snooped God God didn't know any better God was fooled Satan was this beautiful looking thing fool God God got snooped so Satan is quite powerful bad guy good guy what nursery did we learn that him he created the destroyer to destroy now Paul is employing the destroyer for the sake of this man's soul it's a job role do you think Jesus didn't know that Judas was going to betray him how then how could the father not know about Satan in all that that doctrine that we've heard how could he not know if God could be fooled no wonder the church is an insecure bunch because they don't have security in their God because God was fooled if God was fooled by Sid and it could happen any moment say it would be fooling God no no Satan is a piece of poo God is creator Almighty like we're done we're done with a job role with the job role let me read this to you okay because y'all I don't want to lose you guys I don't want to lose you okay you're like oh my god I'm gonna go into Isaiah 54 this is really good it's really good because you got a dad who protects you this is not against you yeah this is mature stuff okay are you mature mature Church okay we are the sons of God say you're the sons of God you are the sons of God okay we are the master of the devil and a servant of man the son of God the master of the devil Master the servant of man that is who Jesus was and that is who you are you understand we are not fighting against Satan do you understand that when you start fighting against Satan you're in big trouble that were Church in him big trouble you understand dad he is like a destroyer that destroys we understand his job role you're in the Senate and therefore he will be employed when he needs to do his job but he has no right to me he has no right to you if he is working in your life it might be because you are looking a bit like him I was recently I got out a demon I mean I Legion of legions was his name one of in a legion of legions okay there was literally about thousand of them it took me five hours okay normally takes half night you saw what happened here on Tuesday right fifty minutes half an hour okay this one the key about each one was he bows down and he goes mouse down he goes mouse down and he goes and then I thought I'm taking it all in ones I said this one working ones let's take him out in pins so I said well ten will go at once Tim will go at once Tim will go at once and then I when I realize every retiree attends we said okay hundred a bunch hundred of ones one hundred ones 100 ones it's true you were here yeah yeah yeah yes all right okay the last at the end he subdued because one by one by one by one they left you have to understand they will go if you tell them to go but if you now look like them they are not going anywhere if you don't love what he loves and hate what he hate what he hates we have the right in Jesus name right now I speak now as a prophet to this nation that every man who goes into Sciences goes into sastras goes into different things to find out I shut it up in Jesus name I shut it up they will be blinded to the Sun in Jesus name right now God Himself is standing on the throne and he employs a lying spirit he employs a lying spirit to go into the false prophets we release them round in Jesus name that everything that ever get would be deception and the people who follow them will fall into the same deception there will be no salvation you understand these words that I'm saying I'm saying with the authority watch what deception of a deception I believe fall into deception now why why can we do it because we hate come on we might we might be a great church but we hate sin guys you can be a great church but please say that you hate sin you hate crookedness you hate that you might fall into it guys I'm not saying if you fall into it it's okay because it's a seeming it's not your position but you need one to fall indeed you need to wake up and say I hate doing that now you can never get caught with yuka you got it I remember the time of his I was on drugs and the Lord said I can't deliver you of the drugs until you hate it you need to hit it so I said God first give me the appetite to hate it and then I hated it I said go it didn't last a day I mean I wasn't heroin you must understand for three years cocaine for 10 years till I developed an appetite to hear it the spirit will not hear me you understand it but as I said go in one day I stopped heroine no cold turkey not in three days three years of heroine everyday people go to cold turkey I was just delivered in a second because I first cultivated I hear it I hate it I hate it I hate it as I then one word it was gone why because righteousness now was my potion righteousness is just this guy you got it I'm telling you these away you can break away from every sin that is snack is snaring you you understand it receive righteousness in the real sense of it that means you hate it if you've not developed attitude to hate the things that God hates in the world ask God God you're honest and then righteousness comes in full and it's served as a scepter in your life and my god this nation will be cleansed yeah when the church rises up into who they really are if we can develop an appetite for certain types of food we can develop an appetite for the righteous and we can go off what is unrighteous okay so we don't have to be stuck into something and it's very you see how can you heal him if it's filtered through shades of blurred us and no clarity you'll actually say I mean and some people might even say oh the Lord led me to do this and it could be the most horrible thing like how do you know the Lord led you to do that that's not the Lord but how would they know if it's not clear to them if they don't know who he is what he loves and what he hates now I have people who say oh the Lord led me to have this affair with this person I'm like I can tell you the Lord would not lead you that way the Lord led me to stay away from church the Lord would not lead you to separate from the body he wouldn't it's a demon but you don't know that because you don't love what he loves and hate what he hates I remember when I was we were still I was still doing the drugs and we were getting ready to go out for this thing in the night and I was praying in the morning okay that was our lifestyle for a short time because I love this new experience with Jesus so I spend my morning in prayer and he led me to like some extended prayer that morning okay and then he showed me now every time I mean there's no question about it if we went out we had drugs there's no like shall we shall we not it's there others we won't go out so I'm in them I'm in the morning I'm praying and whatever and he gives me this vision and he says when you go out today you're gonna you're gonna something's gonna happen I'm gonna show you something and he says don't be afraid don't be afraid and when he showed me that I would go to this certain place and I would wait there and he said stayed there and then over there you'll remember that it's me so I was like okay I didn't it was an audible voice okay but I saw a vision of the place it looked like a cubicle like thing okay so we went out and whatever and we did the usual and and trust me I mean at the time we were doing so much drugs it was an everyday occurrence we it was just a normal thing you and you won't even tell I was on drugs okay and then we were I was there and we're at this wedding and suddenly I felt my vision change and I felt like my eyes were seeing what he sees and suddenly I looked at everyone the people I love are friends of their faces and there was all distorted and it was like demons coming out of everyone and I was like and people would think that I was just on a bad trip but he told me he told me he's gonna show me something how he sees and I was wearing this sari and I mean saris like quite a lot of fabric you don't feel naked in a sari I thought naked so I'm wrapping this sari around me I'm wrapping it and everyone's just like Fiona you cold I'm like no no no I'm not cold but I just felt naked I felt naked and dirty and exposed and I looked at everybody and I was like oh my god like we've taken all this stuff and people would even take anything and everybody's just like manifesting demons you know and I've talked Kirby I said I'm going through something I need to go and be alone so I went into the loo and I'm gonna walk into the loo there were men there there were women there I didn't know where it was all of doing various things i double-checked it was the ladies and I went and I closed myself in the cubicle and I was and that's when I lized Oh God you told me you told me when I come to this place don't freak out that you're with me in my druggie moment you told me you're gonna be with me and you're showing me something and then I I calmed down and I realized it's okay it's I'm in the reality of the vision of God so I was calm and I knew I wasn't going crazy I knew I hadn't taken some bad pill I knew he was showing me something and I went but we went back home and I was up all night and Coby was like you had to listen to me because I was rebel ating and relating and relating and revealing everything that he told me and he shared with me and that experience actually helped me to stop the drugs for good to see what he sees I could have easily said oh the Lord took me on this trip to show me all the blah blah blahs and he told me he's gonna speak to me through drugs oh he knew I was gonna take the drug and he was with me and it's cool my dad loves me I knew yes you in your darkest moment he's with you but that doesn't mean he's approving of where you're at it just means that he's with you he's not gonna forsake you it's gonna take you out follow him give your heart to him and say listen I'm weak but I know that your strength is made perfect in my weakness and I'll boast in this weakness and I'll tell you that it's hard for me and I'll do what I can to seek help and watch him our lives are testimony of that testimony of that and we have numerous testimonies all over this church of life set free because we can go to him in truth and because we've given ourselves and we said listen honestly we want to love what you love we want to hate what you hate we don't really somewhere in us there are compromises show us so we can stand and from that place from the place you have that's why the church needs to wake up to the power of his righteousness it doesn't mean this goody two-shoes its power because it's definite it's a strong conscience that's looking and seeing clarity clearly you are not fearing man you're not fearing what man will think what he'll say you're fearing him you're fearing God and then you're speaking and people are set free they're released they're loosed deceptions are exposed demons manifest you don't care what the world has to say we can't be minding what the world says we're not going to get anywhere with what the world says you'll just end up dying and this is not this righteousness that we received don't doubt it you have it it's given to you it's given to you free gift free gift and just because he's created the destroyer to destroy it's not gonna come after you so don't stand with an identity crisis how many times does he have to reassure you don't sit here thinking oh my god now I'm not sure don't be a victim he did everything he had to do do you want him to come and get crucified again for you what more do you want wok you received now walk in the spirit walk in the spirit if you are in Christ you have been raised up so set your mind on things above set your mind on things above and we're not holding on we're not boasting in any of our you know when we talk of witnesses honestly I am so it just it just demonstrates how free how much freedom you know where he brought you from when I tell people things they look at me like a free prophet you I'm like yeah me yes don't ever think that I came out with a little angel wings from my mum and dad none of us did none of us did and we have to see no matter how good you thought you were in the old its we could we could we could we could we could no matter how much pin you did it's wicked people find it so hard to let go of their hard work let it go because trust me it's just heavy baggage it's wicked look let me read from Isaiah from Isaiah 54 16 okay behold news flash I have created the blacksmith who blows the calls in the fire who brings forth an instrument for his work and I have created the spoiler to destroy your father your father my father ruler of heaven and earth creator the uncreated one created don't think oh gosh no he's righteous don't look for goodness in the world he is righteous verse 17 but listen to this this is so important no weapon formed against you shall prosper every tongue which rises against you Wow in judgment you shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord why because their righteousness is your own works your own pin your own charity your own sacrifice your righteousness is from him your righteousness is from him so all this stuff you are a master of the devil don't give him that place when he comes to test you show him who you are stand in who you are standing who you are without without doubt and you can do that if you're true with your father you see if you're not true and you're hiding different things okay grace and truth come together if you're not true that means you haven't understood grace why would you not be true with God he sees all things he knows all things if you justify your position then you haven't received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness oh no I stole this because I was hungry and I had to feed my child who is a crying infant no I stole because I was a thief why justify I did this because my friend forced me to and no no no I knew where I was going I knew when they took me there what I was gonna see what I was gonna be faced with who I was gonna meet what they were gonna give me I knew don't justify come before him with the true heart because you won you're reassured and assured and assured that you will find mercy and grace you'll find mercy and grace if you've judged somebody else oh gosh go before him the odd I judge that person and I ended up doing the same thing how horrible I'm sorry forgive me thank God for your grace thank God for your grace you know that you mustn't Wow we shouldn't at any point find confidence in our flesh at any point don't find confidence in your flesh never find confidence in the flesh Paul says in Philippians he says listen if anyone could boast in their flesh or find confidence in their flesh in their past in their works he said I can I was circumcised on the eighth day from the tribe of benjamin a hebrew of hebrews a Pharisee concerning the law blameless followed everything to the tee concerning the law i was righteous by the law i can boast he can boast but he said no I counted all loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus you know I preached I was going through my own messages I shouldn't send someone I was just going through the old stuff and there was his message when I preached it as a grace message and it ended on like on a very uncomfortable note but I like I did it on purpose it ended where I walked away from the message and I could see my parents also were like what have you said now because I walked away anyone could have thought that I sold my soul 6 for money that I was a prostitute ok they could have thought that I stole I stole actually did steal ok they could have taught all kinds of different things about me like the lowest low of the law of what the world would see okay and I left it there I left it there I didn't go to say oh no I took drugs but I didn't sell drugs oh no no no no one thing I didn't do is I never saw it myself I didn't ever sleep around I didn't bother saying anything I left it why why what do I need to hold on to um that guy that that girl whoever were speaking of now he's not here who crucified on the cross I could feel as I walked away there were little bits of should I explain should I should I what was that that was my flesh getting crucified not fearing judgement oh my God my people are gonna think I was this I was that so I I'm righteous my faith I don't care what everybody thinks the only thing good about me is him the only thing good about you is him him him you don't have to come up here and say oh I did this I did this I did this you don't have to but I just want you to understand the grace of our Lord Jesus the free gift that you received and the only thing that you are justified by the only thing and if I stood here saying oh yeah okay you know I did this but I didn't do that I did that I didn't do this you know like we're doing these deep embodiment meditations for spirit gym for the prophetic workshop and for some people it was hard to identify with the woman at the well well I don't know because I need to go there need to be the woman at the well and she's been with five men and the one that she's with is not even a husband how do I have never had that kind of temptation the only reason we can go over there is because of the cross I wouldn't go in embody in Iran because I'll come away with all kinds of things I'm going through the cross so that I can identify in their weaknesses their sins maybe you weren't tempted in one way but you were sure as hell tempted in another it's the same seed the same seed the same seed that you know say sexual scene this scene that high of all the same seed it could be girls boys fruits flowers but still it's the same seed wide wide split has what do you wanna split hairs you know just just just jump in with the new jump in with the new yeah we can if we can identify in his death and we have to identify in his death otherwise how can we identify with his resurrection we're quick to identify with resurrection but we don't want to die you have to die first so if you stand here or if you stand before him in truth let go let go let go let all that flesh get let people think what they want to think don't justify yourself don't make excuses receive the abundance of grace because there's a river unending river of grace available to you just keep receiving drinking drinking drinking drinking it'll never now no matter how bad and how dark and ugly were trust me trust me like Kirby says he can compete you know and we love these stories because they're stories of redemption to anyone else it will disqualify where we're at now why because they don't understand his righteousness why because they don't believe that the blood washes away sin why because they're holding onto their works and they think we have to - they don't know and who the son says read I think we've done well I think we've done well okay I've done what we're supposed to go into the world this is the word but we're supposed to go into the word series this is a nice base okay it's a nice base of grace okay the word that we receive is what's transforming us okay we're looking into the mirror we're looking boldly into the mirror and we're seeing a transformation am I not forgetting who we are we can boldly look because there's no punishment there's no penalty we'll just keep looking looking looking beholding Jesus beholding the world and we're being transformed all we need to do is come in truth that's all in truth no justification no excuses no high being he sees all things no hiding no hiding take your head out of the hole your butt sticking out no hiding okay he sees he knows all things and you know the beautiful thing is our Savior he knows everything that you're tempted with okay he faced the same temptations every single temptation I believe he faced but you know what he faced them without sin why so that now you can in him okay so we're gonna have the communion the Bendis and the communion the oil of gladness is gonna come upon you [Music] we just thank you how awesome is a god man never forgiving the fullness is man he we've got an advocate if your heart condemns you God is greater okay God is greater than your heart man okay we got an advocate we got an advocate if you have if you have errors you've got I look at you coming to the table man come in too too hard just come open with a true heart let a word of God transform you lady come deep into your heart to the one you had to give a count to there's one who sees all things maybe your coach can't see all things hmm maybe I can't see all things that no property sees all things trust me okay that it would be a if a prophet sees all things God is not a good God you understand it he won't he won't do that to you yeah but he sees and so so what he's your dad he loves you and he's covenant with you and he's covered in with you and said I will never be angry with you that's his covenant with you so why why stay in fear why be in fear just come to the table drink on the table they say God these beer look at my heart look who I am I'm I so identify with your debt I am crucified and therefore I well I'm also resurrected I identify with my death on my old man I know exactly who died I know exactly who died I remember dome a stiff-necked look back and see that guy don't worry you know you're not going to be identified with your death you identify everything miss that on the cross I am crucified that guy is dead but I'm also resurrected okay it's both places okay a lot of people jump into the second place and identify only with a resurrection and they've forgotten what type of man they were don't forget that that old man died I remember ol Kirby okay thank God he died thank God he died thank God we buried him okay he's dead he's buried I remember him and I'm resurrected I'm seated in heavenly places now raised up in Christ Jesus I can't see myself but I see him he's awesome he's awesome he's awesome he's awesome thank God thank God Delana role is finished you understand that Christ is alive thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come to the table like that come to the table like that sugar Abba cigar gigabyte do do dodo Yarrabah Bachand um but right now in Jesus name in Jesus name I bless I bless I bless I bless I bless i bless I bless I bless I bless in Jesus name I bless I bless I bless I bless in Jesus name we are going to proclaim your death Lord they're going to proclaim our death Lord so that we never die Chikara Boogedy abba-zaba zu go big a doo doo doo doo don't oh yeah baby we belong to you we belong to you when you're taking this there should be no condemnation while you're taking it if you have to fix yourself hear me out hear me out hear me out first hear me out don't don't don't go anywhere if you're going to take this if you're going to fix yourself before you take this you're still very condemned the reason you're taking it is because you can't fix yourself if you fix yourself before you take this and you say God forgive me for my sins it means that you can do something by your own strength eating this represents that he will fix you you don't fix yourself before you come to the table don't fix yourself eat of righteousness eat of righteousness and live eat of righteousness and live I'm not telling you to condemn yourself please understand it's a Word of God that comes to you like a sharp two-edged sword it pierces through the division of soul and spirit it leaves you naked it leaves you open before the word to the one you must give account you understand it you can't fix yourself even if you try ha ha ha ha you can't even fix yourself even if you try the only way you can easily eat of him he can he can he can that's why when you come when you come when you come to the table guys come naked come naked don't wear your fig leaves don't wear don't cover yourself with your performance don't cover yourself with your performance don't cover yourself with your justifications when you come you come naked naked and open say God Here I am making an open you see everything I need to eat of you I need to eat of you when I eat of you I will live when I eat of you I will live but I eat of you a meeting justice righteousness only one God I'm weak but in you amid strong haha I'm coming to you as a frail man I'm coming to you crucified crucified thank you for your gift Lord for your righteousness that transforms me thank you Jesus now you eat now you receive I can't fix me if I try Lord I can't fix me even if I try haha you know Here I am naked before you you know everything I can't fix me even if I try I need help bah come yeah I am I belong to you in you I live and move and find my being in you lord come on [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 2,427
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, Righteous Word Series, wow sri lanka, wow life, Kirby and Fiona
Id: oJemKf8ugz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 26sec (5246 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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