WOW Christmas Message | Kirby de Lanerolle | 25th December 2018

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I already are you sure you're ready because I mean this is gonna be a really awesome word okay so you need to get rid we're gonna go into the word though okay so you might have returned some scripture today you might have to pay attention to the board but this is your story are you ready well okay then welcome clear me up with the Christmas word for 2018 come on come on Jesus this is that day that the prophets of all prophesied and spoke for thousands of years that a savior is going to be born in Judea Bethlehem the house of David come on those words matter and today we're gonna go in you're gonna see why you those words matter and why it was prophesied exactly like that come on take a seat yeah we're going to finish with communion okay but I need your ears and I need your heart I'm telling you just grab onto your seats because it's going to be riveting are you ready okay we are going to span thousands of years okay you know if you are new to Wow okay you have to get used to the word we preach word here we go into the Bible okay so we teach from this book but if you've never had a Wow Christmas experience it means that we go deep into the word spanning thousands of years and bring the whole epic saga together and so last time we did a teaching on the last Magi it's like the last Jedi but it's truly it's better than Star Wars you know why you like Star Wars you like Star Wars because you first saw Luke Skywalker and then you realize the Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father that's crazy is it a crazy right but you see this story is much better okay when you see what happens in this story it will it will blow your mind you know we like those stories because you can go back in time and we realize that every person was destined here in the Senate every person had a destiny had purpose and the best story you can ever hear honorific saga is this one right here are you ready the last one the last merge I was to do with the Magi that came there was no three wise men it was the Magi the word Magi comes from the word magistrate you see so the Magi comes in other word Magi they become actually establish a king because they were coming to establish an empire okay so we explain the last much I get it it's on our Facebook page I'm telling you you never heard a message like that ever before I can promise you because I didn't get it off Facebook or the Internet you understand I got it right downloaded from the Lord so God gives us like mind-blowing Christmas messages are you ready for this one okay this one I want to take you back pounds of years to show you that every single person was destined and now here's the interesting thing let's just jump straight into Luke 2 I'm going to show you something okay so run with me we're going through passages okay look to these how we started Luke - so it says here and in Luke 2 chapter 1 and it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Kiev from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered is it there this census first took place while I can't understand the Roman words but is I think it's Queen area so queer something like that was governing Syria so all when to be registered everyone to his say own city so they all went so it obviously these guys were from Nazareth that's why Jesus came was brought up in Azeroth but they were sensitive a call to go into a place called Bethlehem in the land of Judea now there's also a place in close to Nazareth about eleven kilometers away there is also another place called Bethlehem but it wasn't that bad to him that he was called - he was called to the Bethlehem that is in Judea you understand Judea is maybe the way the Roman saved but the Hebrew if you're a Hebrew boy you say Judah okay now these words are very important because he says this Joseph also went up there from Galilee out of city of Nazareth into Judea to the City of David is it there which is called Bethlehem because he was from the house say he was from the house he was from the house and he was he had a lineage he wasn't just a normal guy you know people say that Jesus was born to her I mean really you know III grapple with that because this guy was from the house and the lineage of this house of David who was one of Israel's greatest kings the you understand it so he just it just doesn't make any sense to me so he goes back to the City of David which is called Bethlehem because he was from the house and the lineage of David just imagine if a city is named after your family you understand that so the it brings it puts a lot of holes in the Christmas story I'm sorry it might break your your paradigm of what the Christmas story looks like but that's what I'm here to do I'm here to facilitate you into a revelation of who you are okay now watch this so it was that while they were there the days were completed for her delivery so they stayed in Mary okay the house of lineage of David to be registered with Mary his betrothed wife who was with child so it was while they were there the days were completed for her to give delivery to her child yeah and she brought forth her firstborn they wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger and now the story goes on to explain that exactly at that time can you believe it exactly at that time they called back to their house of lineage exactly at the time isn't that crazy I mean August Caesar could have planned this okay exactly in the time when she was about to give birth they have to go back to Judah understand that okay so the timing was exceptional and so that when they go into Judah they say they're going to find in themselves even but actually you know you need to do a voice search on the word in and they find himself a manger and the manger was and people say oh he's so humble and I mentioned that's that's great may if Jesus is very humble okay but the manger was a lot to do with the prophetic that was in there for thousands of years saying that the Lamb of God is going to be born and so a lamb is all is born only in a manger do you understand it so he had to be born in a manger it doesn't mean a bad place it means that shepherds at that time it was for the first people who came to see Jesus with shepherds and these shepherds were not normal shepherds you must understand that we are dealing with Israel a blood nation a blood nation means they sacrifice lambs morning noon and night and they have to sacrifice perfect lambs you understand it can't be without blemish so you can't have like I swap horses that means to be still give birth to horses and we could remember when a horse falls from from the mother to the ground it can get hurt and blemished so you need a manger to be able to make sure that a horse will fall in the right way or the language fallen right way and not get damaged because those are the exact Lambs that were given as a perfect offering in the temple you see so Jesus had to be born in in a manger because it was prophesied for generations thousands and thousands of years that he will be the final sacrifice and the lamb so you have to understand the context of why they went so they go into Judea and he's from the house of David say Judah and how to David now these two names are very important okay why does God love these two people so much Judah David just imagine if says Ryan and Philip okay and he's going to say my child God's child not man's child is going to be born through these lines and I'll make sure that no matter what happens no matter what man's plan is I will bug them from these two houses you can understand that these two people had to be very special in God's heart and we are going to go in to understand who Judah was and who David was are you ready okay so we have to go back a couple of thousand years to get into this place to understand exactly who these people were you see if you look in the New Testament this is so important these are parallel passages I think every every believer or who knows Jesus from time I went to charismatic church you know I started hearing these words you are a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar you're peculiar people called to show forth the praises that we are talking about Peter - you understand that we are talking about we are talking about these verses that every believer knows you're a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people about you call you are a chosen generation call to show forth the praises that one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light now here's something that is very important this is in 1 Peter okay you can you can you can get you guys as I'm talking just get it just be sharp and get it on on the board I can't wait for you because we need to get this done ok so 1 Peter says you are a holy nation royal priesthood a peculiar people a chosen generation ok so get it up online there is 1 Peter 2 something now you have to understand that it starts then his preachers off with this it finishes off it saying this he says you were not a people but you are now a people you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy now I want you to understand that he says that it was not a normal people that he has chosen they were not supposed to in the in the span of human conditioning they were not the right people that was chosen do you understand her he says yeah there you go you were who were once not a people but now you are say I am the people you had not obtained mercy but I've now obtained mercy you understand it you are a chosen generation you are the Royal Peter do you understand it so this passage you see throughout the span of the history of who Jesus is and the sub of the story you'll see this passage come in that people who are not the people were chosen as the people anybody's people nobodies people were chosen as the people ladies and gentleman talking about you you see that will span throughout history another passage that that really rings in my ear is from Romans 8 and every time we went to charismatic church and the whole revival we would hear this all the time and people would use it about the sons of God in Romans 8 it says the whole earth will respond to the kuya's or they say the elder son but actually it means the first bones you must understand the whole earth response to the firstborn son of God now he's not talking about Jesus because he goes on in Romans 8:28 to explain ladies and you can put it up on on the screen there Romans 8:28 explains it like this he says now all things work together say all things work together okay that means but it's good or bad we do in a mess today we are in a financial crisis to do video or sick today it doesn't matter because all things work together for those who love the Lord and that's what he says who are called according to his purpose do you understand it that's what it says that that is God Romans 8:28 says that all things work together it doesn't matter what situation you're in you don't understand in the span of time that you are chosen for something great it might not look like that because of your circumstance but you are chosen as a royal priesthood a holy nation all things are going to work together for those who love the Lord this is what it says okay and he says who being called and you've been predestined to bear the image of his son Wow you have been called to bear the image to take on the image of his son and it goes the firstborn before all brothers so you have to understand what is the image they're taking on me when Jesus is being born you're taking on the image of the firstborn son you know that when in the world the traditions of the world make sure that the firstborn son gets the inheritance you have to be firstborn to get inheritance you understand it that's why the firstborn in every family has a huge mandate on their lives and you see that the firstborn needs to love all the rest you see that the firstborn needs to provide for all the rest you see that there's chaos in families when the firstborn cannot provide or does not provide like he's supposed to hmm okay so if you're a firstborn ladies and gentlemen then God has called you for a great mandate because gold is called the whole world whether your second born third born even if you're a daughter in the house your call now to bear the image and receive the inheritance of the first born did you understand that so this team these two verses that is the verses of Romans 8:28 which I just explained and the verses in in in 1 Peter 2 okay that you are a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people you were not a people obtaining mercy you were not the chosen people but now you are okay this will ring throughout this saga are you ready okay so remember that as we go on the story now looking at this let's jump in to Jesus we thank you why Judah and why David are you ready okay so to do that let's go back maybe it may be two thousand years before Jesus okay and we get to a guy now it's four thousand years after Jesus has come maybe a little more Jackie would give you the exact timelines okay okay it's about four thousand years okay but let's go two thousand years before Jesus and if you go to two thousand years before Jesus you get a guy called Abraham okay and now Abraham why did Jesus choose these people to burn his lineage from he calls Abraham from out of a family that was maybe worship in the Sun Moon and stars he calls him out of the family and wants to make him a special people a royal priesthood a holy nation a chosen generation and he gives him the same promise he said I want you alone with me because I want to make you special you understand I want to do something special with you Wow and that's what he tells Abraham and Abraham believes him and he says it was countered to Abraham for goodness for God's righteousness when he believed God did that was true and then Abraham was really special because he was the one who wanted a son remember for so long and he prayed for so long and he the first son that was born for him was a guy Colly smile and he thought that his smile was the son of his inheritance he was a very rich man got it prospered him but then Abraham was asked to wait for a hundred years and he was the we gave birth to Isaac remember his prayer yeah and so Abraham was the guy who took Isaac you can understand how special this guy is up the mountain to give His only begotten Son so that he could have a generation for God do you understand that so you see in the Bible there are characters who are there and these characters are there because of one thing and what I've seen the cutting-edge streaming thing characteristic about the people and the name that I know Bible is their ability to release grace and receive grace the characters of the Bible have huge flaws but these characters had the ability to receive grace you understand that and also the ability once they've received the grace of God for all their flaws they had a tremendous ability to show the same grace to others and that is why I believe God chose Mary you see even just imagine Mary in a Hebrew culture where you are carrying a child of what people believe is fornication the stickman never leaves you throughout your life they don't know what is going on with this woman throughout her life she carries through me she is the ability to receive grace in times of scandal and also the ability to show grace okay so true out you'll see this throughout the patriarchs lives that Jacob after of Abraham Abraham had a son called Isaac Ishmael and Isaac now Isaac was a awesome person because also Isaac himself just like Abraham was an Ursa n-- who understood the ways of God Isaac had a son called Jacob I'm going to take you down at the end of this at the end of this message I'm going to take you down to something that intimidates a lot of people and that is the beginning of Matthew and a Christmas story and the being of Matthew has this long line of genealogies generations and people would breeze past those generations without looking at it carefully but if you look at it in there it's just awesomeness okay so I want to go there but I don't want to jump in there now I just have to give you a bit of the lineage for you to understand who the characters are is that okay yeah can I do that because if I take you directly to Matthew and show you the lineages it'll be you know Abraham begot you know Isaac and Isaac got Isaac begat jacob and jacob begat and he goes on joseph and then he goes on and on and on and on and so you won't understand the characters okay unless I start giving you a bit of a description so you'll understand where you come from are you ready so basically I'm giving you the rough understanding of this guy called Abraham who's taken out of his own nation his own people and then he had a child and his child his name was Isaac he was the promised child he had two children one was Isaac he's the one who sacrifice he will gave as a sacrifice Isaac had a son he had a phenomenal life Isaac but he had a son called Jacob okay we have to understand Jacob Jacob was the one who was called Israel the nation of Israel was born now from Jacob okay so Jacob had a brother just like Isaac had a brother Isaac had a radical Ishmael the interesting thing about Isaac is that he was the second born Ishmael was a come on firstborn but what happened was God called Isaac to the inheritance and not Ishmael but it looked like Jerry the firstborn has to get it if it was man's plan but God had another plan the same way when Isaac had children he had two boys one name was Esau and another one's with Jacob okay it says that when Jacob was born it's a crazy story that when Jacob was when Jacob was born he came wrestling with his brother it means that when the in those days they would tie a cord on the first one that comes out it was so important the first one that comes out the first one that breaks out what the guy who's getting the inheritance okay so it was like there was they said when Jacob finish my endeavors like a war in her stomach you understand and so there was one guy who was trying to push and come out and so the elder boy when he just came out when he so came out you could see Jacob is wrestling trying to push this guy in and to jump out but luckily the handmaiden who was there ties the in those traditions they would tie a little red trend on first guy who put his figure out and that's a guy so even if he goes in again he was the guy okay so but it's because to make sure that the one who first breaks open the room get to the inheritance it was a big deal guys a very big deal in that culture okay and so this guy Jacob came holding on to like when they pulled the first guy out this guy is being holed up and he's coming with the other guy okay and so his name was Jacob means the guy who grabbed hold and came out like I will wrestle with you to get the inheritance do you understand that okay so there was something godly about this now the things that Jacob did in his life were not so nice the way he went about getting the inheritance if you know the stories what he did and how he did those things were not right okay how he got the inheritance of his brother he actually bought the birthright of his brother because he loved the inheritance of the firstborn now desiring the firstborn inheritance is a holy desire okay everyone desires it okay but God gives it to us by grace in the New Testament now do you understand that okay so Jacob when he came out he came out like that and he had a he had a phenomenal life Jacob had 12 sons and those 12 sons one of the most famous ones you already know and they've done movies about him his name is Joseph do you remember him he's the one he's one of the twelve he's the one who went to Egypt became a prime minister had a dream was able to tell the Pharaoh what the dream was was be able to change the economy of Egypt and he became the Prime Minister remember that guy okay he was the last son of Jacob when he left the house after that Jacob had one more and his name was Benjamin is that okay do you understand is this too much yeah okay this is so important very very important okay so Joseph was the famed son of Jacob gate 12 and that's why they say that twelve tribes of Israel that's why we have 12 constellations hmm okay it's to do with the twelve tribes of Israel okay now if you look at look at how this thing works so Jacob when he he loved Joseph that Joseph was the last child okay now here's the interesting story but Joseph had dreams that all the elder ones would worship Him and kneel down to him okay he had he had illusions of grandeur at that time okay and he got into trouble with the rest of them and they decide to trow him in to a pit or maybe even kill him that's what they decide his brothers hey guys come and say come and said Quinn said please let's room you know so his brothers decide to kill him because he had visions that he told everybody okay now very interestingly when he was thrown into this pit now remember what we are busy with remember the prophecy of Jesus what is the prophecy of Jesus from the tribe of Judah and the house of David will my son comfort did you just get that okay so when Joseph was thrown into the pit it was one of the brothers fought down the line his name was Judah okay he had a bright idea that saved Joseph's life and he became a savior that day to her Savior who went to Egypt and he's the one who told the rest he says don't throw don't don't kill him let's sell him into slavery but that was his way of saving him do you understand that and guess who they sell him to they sell him to the Ishmaelites which is esau tone to the Ishmaelites were passing by at that very time hemolyzed ishmael is the one with the problem wait come on with Isaac Jacob's father so they sell him to the Ishmaelites this is crazy okay they take Joseph to Egypt as a slave you understand it it was Judah is a good yeah it was Judah who actually had the idea now I want you to turn to the blessing of Jacob over his twelve sons and that's in Genesis 48 to stand there this is 28 are you with me I want you to see this blessing a father just before he dies is given to the twelve boys so now remember Judah wasn't a firstborn he was the football but you see now that he's contending okay to have the blessing of the first okay because though God had planned Ruben to be the first the man had planned Ruben to be the first God had planned something else okay are you ready so it's Genesis 38 he insisted in sari 40 yeah 48 that says Jacob blesses Joseph's sons Genesis 49 the next chapter Jacobs last words to his sons okay this is 49 Jacobs last word three sons now you must understand when Jacob is now giving this blessing he has now come from his place into Egypt and he is literally sitting in the best land the land called Goshen okay because his son Joseph now was prime minister of Egypt and had done phenomenal things now anyone must think that the child Jesus should come from Joseph slime but it didn't come when Joseph slime okay it comes from Judah slime and the reason Jacob gives is this if we look at Jacob's blessing always sons in chapter 49 this is what it says Reuben are you with me you are my firstborn my might and the beginning of my strength isn't it beautiful is it your the beginning of my strength the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power it's there but you're unstable as water you shall not excel because you went up to your father's bed come on this case this stuff gets really interesting okay so what has gone wrong with this guy why he can't get the first point inheritance is because he has gone up to his father's bed now they don't go tell me anymore anything more explicit but we are getting to some really cool stuff okay but this guy had disqualified himself because he did not have the father's heart on or the Father's heart now David was known as a man after the Father's heart God is looking to and fro throughout the earth 1 chronicles 16 says schroederd to find a heart that is completely his and so he wants to birth his promise and his holy generation his DNA true people who are looking for his heart not people who get it right please understand are not people who are sinful sinless because these these guys as you go on the story you'll realize these guys are far from being sinless he's not looking for people who are keeping their religious traditions he's not looking for people who got it right he's looking for one thing to birth his promise true for generations and that is those who are after his own heart those who have been ability to exercise grace to receive grace in the toughest times to know his goodness in the toughest times and released that as well in the toughest times he's looking for that type of person okay so Reuben get disqualified and then he goes on to the other two Simeon and Levi are brothers instruments of Cruelty find their dwelling place my god can you believe the blessing on a father like this man the boys are stand in front of him okay I did it going on and this is true because you understand the story these two guys really slaughter a whole village because someone messed with a sister and truly they really messed with the sister okay and these boys really did maybe probably what I would have done a couple of years ago honestly right and sometimes what I feel like doing even now when people mess with the girls in this place okay so but the problem is because their daughters in this house you do that oh come on you know you if you're a father you know what you're gonna feel okay so you see these guys did something relatively righteous but many people died and it disqualifies them because they did not show grace you understand that okay and it curse be their anger for it is fierce is it there cursed be their anger for it it feels and their rot for it is cruel I will divide divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel is it there now we get to Judah foot down okay look at the prophetic statements of this is nearly 2,000 years before Christ is born I want to get this okay 2,000 years before Christ growing Jacob can see that true him will be a king that will last forever and it describes this king okay watches Judah you are he whom your brothers shall praise okay Judah means praise your hands shall be on the neck of your enemies Wow I love that blessing man let's mean like that dad no your father's children shall bow down before you is it there Judah is a lion's well that is why Jesus is called the lion off come on okay it's because of this guy he's the Lion of Judah remember in the story that he was going to Bethlehem of Judah do you understand that remember don't be no don't forget what we are busy with okay we're going through a span of time but remember I started saying that Jesus is taken to Bethlehem of Judah why Judah because of this guy this guy is one hundred ten twelve patriarchs of Israel okay and then he goes on verse 10 as a lion as a lion who shall who shall rouse him the ship now listen to this the scepter the word scepter is in those days the scepter main kingship rulership authority okay kingship shall not depart from Judah that means from you Kings will come and it will never depart from you is it there that's what it says okay the scepter shall not depart on Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet and then he goes and to him now listen carefully this prophetic statement and to him shall be the obedience of the people now he's talking of Jesus the remainder donkey story with Jesus binding his donkey to the wine and his donkey's colt a choice wine and I saw that's how Jesus came in remember on the donkey but his legs on a donkey's colt come on he's prophesy in two thousand years this coming this is crazy two thousand years he's seen the line of Judah is going to do this with the donkey they weren't coming that's the time they said Hosanna to the king of the Jews when Jesus came on a donkey and he's prophesying that you will be king and the people will bow down to you and say that you are king two thousand years in the future and Jesus comes in on a donkey and his feet on the court of donkey and the people are waving and saying Hosanna to the king and I tried to make him King but he can see this two thousand years isn't it amazing and then he goes and explains what is going to happen to him and he says he's washed his garments in wine and his clothes is blood like grapes and he can see the cross you understand it and he's explaining what is going to happen to Judah and a tribe and the people that will come from him come on isn't it also this guy is seen I mean we've seen like names and places I mean imagine seeing two thousand years chantilly Ron two thousand years into your generation but God thinks like that he says I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he never says I'm God of Abraham he says I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so he's saying I am now the God of three at least three generations when I look at um seen at least seven generations if you can't think like that if you can't plan for that we don't know this eternal God you understand that so he sees is he prophesized it and and he releases that blessing upon Judah and it exactly happened according to the patriarchs word do you understand that so Judah was an awesome guy he was the same guy who if you understand this is beautiful when Joseph became king of Egypt or second-in-command let's put it like that or Prime Minister what happened was he was upset with his family I think naturally he was sold into slavery and he had not seen his father or his brothers and he was now prime minister of the greatest nation and he finally sees his brothers because there was a great famine like he prophesied there would be and his brothers now come to see him and now because he's you know what Pharaoh looks like his dick up like Pharaoh no one can recognize him and so his brothers come they can't recognize him and then he sees them I mean he sees him he I I go to the story I I just feel like he sort of bullies them but I don't blame him he was sold into slavery by these same boys okay and so he sort of bullies them he keeps them going he does all continue reader so it's quite phenomenal okay and and what happened was and what happened was he didn't release his identity he said like Pharaoh and he started doing crazy sometimes cruel stuff to them and he says bring the old man and come who buys your father bring him in come they don't know who is he why is he get asked me for the old man I said bring him in community no but my father is very old we can't bring me to bring him and come okay and then he finds out that day is another boy called Benjamin after he had left the house his mother had given birth to one more and now he remembered that he was the youngest and he says bring Benjamin and come and now Jacob could not release Benjamin because he'd already lost Joseph and he thinks Joseph is dead and so he can't release Benjamin and he's like no no no we can't bring Benjamin because that will die if we be made the last time we release our youngest brother he was killed not they're telling the story like yeah I know about that Rickon rickety can't recognize him huh okay and then so the crazy the crazy thing is at that time Judah goes to the Father pleads with the father and says dad we will die of starvation release Benjamin to me and if I promise you I will be a redeemer for Benjamin if anything happens it'll happen to me and not Benjamin I'll send Benjamin back and they bring Benjamin and guess what Joseph does he again does you know he doesn't reveal his identity and so he he does something with Benjamin by putting a cup a chalice in one of Benjamin's goods and accused them of thieving and stealing from him and they were so scared it was so that he could see now his father he said now bring the father in come okay he wanted to see his father okay so he said bring the father come I'm gonna keep the boy I won't release the boy you bring the father and he once sees that but he's not rebuilding identity okay at that time it was Judah who comes again and he tells this to Joseph he says Joseph I will be a slave in your house forever just release the boys you understand that and he gave himself as the Saviour right there and he showed a grace I mean why did God choose this guy okay he showed a grace that was unbelievable and Joseph when Joseph saw that that's what he whipped and he revealed yeah his identity you see it's what Cain said when the Lord came to him he said where's your brother he said am I my brother's keeper and Judah truly was his brother's keeper you understand okay and so Judah is a very very important person and that is why Jesus is born from his genealogy are you with me now we're getting to something really interesting are you ready okay this is crazy okay but Judah had flaws okay and it goes way back if you jump into Genesis 38 you'll realize what type of flaws Jane sees yeah yeah I remember that Jesus is destined to be born from one saying yeah from the house of Judah so remember we're dealing with Judah and we'll get it with David are you ready how do we thank you we thank you so Judah after doing all this Joseph is being Pharaoh in being second-in-command in Egypt but now we talk of Judah's life and they tell a story that Judah goes out of his father's house and he gets married to Gentiles that means people who were not part of his family okay and the wife gives birth to three boys okay I can't remember the exact names but you'll read it here and when the wife gives birth to three boys you have to understand what happens he finds a wife for the first born you remember the firstborn so that the inheritance can go to the firstborn and the lady's name was Tama okay so she brings Tama and tells the firstborn this is the girl I like and I want you to be able to have children with her so that we can now have a perpetual generation that we can have the name of this house to go down to my firstborn but somehow they don't tell the details but all we know is the Bible clearly says that God kills that's what it says this guy because he was wicked I want you to understand you have to understand that it was true his genes that the Christ should be born but God is very particular of whom Christ should be born off and somehow this guy didn't cut the qualification and he says that God killed him and he goes on I'll just read here he says it here in Judah in chapter 38 it says was six then Judah took a wife for a ER that was his name strange name okay he's first born okay and her name was Tom ah but ah Judas firstborn was what do you say wicked in the sight of the Lord is it there and the Lord killed him and Judah said to owner okay Onan is the second going to your brother's wife and marry her and raise up raise up an heir as your own brother now would stop there for a moment don't read anymore because you're gonna come into a story that you need to really understand now okay so he says the tradition of those days Akali numbers 25 was that if someone dies if a if you're married to a brother and the first the elder boy dies then the younger brother will marry that wife for one reason and it was called the reason of the Kingsmen redeemer that means you would marry your brother's wife not for your sake but for the sake of the deceased brother for his name and so you will have even a child with that bride or that wife but that child will not be your own he will actually carry the brother's name and the brother's lineage you understand it and the brother's lineage of the firstborn will continue do you understand that so what happens is so it's a very it's a very expensive thing because now you will look after your brother's family the firstborn and your inheritance becomes his can you believe that that means you're relay your life down it's a huge sack fyz for your elder brother's family because he's deceased now so that they can get the inheritance you to make sure that his name will be of a perpetual kind it will go true you understand that so Onan was given the responsibility as the second to now meet Tama and have a child with Hama but this is what Onan does it's a very strange story already okay I know this Christmas day but it becomes a bit explicit okay alright okay but Owen I knew that the air would not be hiss is it there and it came to pass when he went into his brother's wife that he emitted on the ground did you just get that okay I won't go into any more detail you need to get it okay so it didn't happen okay that she got pregnant let's put it like that okay the ground was fertilized okay now then he goes on check this out that he emitted on the ground lest he should give a air to his brother because he knows if now he has a yeah and his brother's name that guy will get the inheritance not his child come on you see how wicked this is yeah so what happens is as he does that see God is looking for his seed and he's planning for his seed and man has different agendas and different plans but it really doesn't matter because who God called who God predestined to be in the image of his son he will make it come to pass for sure do you understand that you we can't get away from his great plan you are a holy nation you are a royal priesthood you are a peculiar people you have been chosen now you are the chosen people can you believe this so remember how many times so many people got disqualified previously when Jacob had to disqualify the first three sons and give the Judah guess what happens here it is called rusev is the first when the second one fails what does he do it says here when he went to his brother's wife he emitted on the ground that she should give the air to his brother and a thing which he did displeased the Lord and therefore the Lord killed him also look how many people getting disqualified for this believe it so he's dead as well okay and now well Judah tells there's another boy and I really really his name means his name is Sheila and it means Messiah okay the third boy okay and this is what Judah tells him and Judah said to Tama his daughter-in-law remain a video in your father's house till my son Sheila is grown okay because he was very young I mean he grows up I will give him to you as a husband so that my seed now can be for perpetual generations do you understand that okay now this guy has no clue that Christ is gonna be born from his lineage but can he see the mists up for this to happen okay everything's gone messed up and so this Tama is sitting there you know father's house as a widow wearing videos clothes okay waiting for Sheila to be bought to be grown up so that Monday he managed that Sheila will marry him when you bury her but what happens is at that same time Judah's wife passes away okay I mean Judas bypass it away he's in sorrow and he's in mourning and I don't know what happened with these boys in those days looks like when they were in mourning they mourn differently okay let's put it like that so they went out with their friends okay yeah yeah so so they when he was in mourning they he left his house and he's with his friend okay and they're they're shearing sheep okay and maybe having fun with with the guys and stuff like this morning but they are drowning their sorrows in different ways okay now he loved his wife I'm sure about that but what happens is Sheila was never given in marriage to Tom ah and so Tama is waiting and wondering what is going on because now Sheila is the right age but I'm still a widow and he's not he's forgotten about me so what she does oh my god this is Jesus's genealogy can you believe it this is Jesus Christ his genealogy okay Irena I mean I can tell you stories about my life but honestly you can't compete okay even even my ancestors can't compete with this kind of stuff trust me I and these guys were serious business okay so what happens is she goes on the way to where he's shearing sheep now in those days they would cover their face so no one would know who is who so he had not actually seen what she looked like continuously he not looked at her like that okay so she goes and stands at a juncture okay looking like a prostitute hmm interesting Christmas story huh okay and he sees her Judah Caesar and he goes into her and that's the polite way of saying something more explicit okay in the Bible goes into her okay and doesn't have the payment talking about he doesn't even have the payment so she says where's the payment he says I'll send you a goat okay she says she says no that won't do you know you give me okay she shop he says you give me your signet ring because those days the signet ring means your identity and give me your signet ring give me your stuff and give me your card okay till I get the payment now he doesn't know who this is okay so he does he gives it to her okay he comes back and now he's trying to find this prostitute to make the payment and it has become a public scene okay because now he's servants know he's like finest procedure to make sure that the God goes to her but they're looking for everyone is like knowing that area they there's no one you know running a house like that in that area is it's a strange story that you're telling me and as a servant is telling that they can't find us but they then find out in here it is then they find out three months later that Tama who is the daughter-in-law is pregnant and living in the house and there's no husband and he knows he's not given Sheila see he doesn't make the connection for sure I mean how can he make the connection like a good Jewish boy he does what Jews would do to someone like that what is that come tell me stoner so he he says pull my daughter-in-law out this is a disgrace to the family okay we're going to stone this girl and they bring her out and publicly what did she say she says you read the story quite phenomenal okay she says well the father they who is the father tell us who is the father he said the father is the one who owns the signet ring and he gives a signet ring oh my god okay can you believe it and what happens was Judah remember who Judah was is a very kind guy you know as he sees that he breaks down he repents you know and he says truly you know this woman is greater than me he said I promised her my son but I did not give it and in that time there was a law in the Old Testament believe me there's a law in the Old Testament that said if a father in any way causes their daughters to become prostitutes okay that it the blame goes on to the father the Old Testament law he says do not grieve the daughters you've got to treat them like gold okay that it'll never do this kind of stuff and so he takes that upon himself and he says I am a mistake okay and he repents okay and finally the story is that he she finally gives his son to her but here's the funny thing okay yes the twins so when she's about to give birth and this is the story okay now she's about to give birth in verse 26 is this good so Judah remember what we're busy with the lineage of Jesus Christ you understand this is the lineage of Jesus Christ it's crazy okay you can see that Jesus didn't choose the best of the best you can see that Jesus didn't choose to birth his own son through the most refined priesthood he didn't choose the priests of the Levi tribe to make give birth to his son he chose guys like this okay wow what is he doing in your life is that Christ been born in your life why are we chosen we look these guys could turn around and say why am i chosen it's a question that I ask myself all the time why am i chosen why are you chosen grace it's grace that we are now the chosen generation it's grace and we need to take it we need to believe in it and it says here in verse 26 so Judah acknowledged them and said she has been more righteous than I because I did not give her to sell her my son is it there and he said now it came to pass a little time giving birth the behold twins winner boom is it there and he says that again there were two wrestling in the womb in verse 21 then it happened as they drew back that one guy came out jumped out and he put a hand out and they managed to wrap the red cord around that hand so maybe it's like finger that came out not a big fast okay but before they could wrap it even with the red cord he goes in again and another guy jumps out unexpectedly and who's this guy and they called that guy his name was Perez not Pyrrha Perez there's good pay raise and what Perez means the one who broke through okay now why this is this name very important because now we're going into Matthew and you will see these names Judah Perez all these guys in the genealogy of Jesus so you must understand it wasn't the other guy because there was two and the other guys name was what was the name yeah Zehra Zehra is not the one the god he was the one who got the red cord around his hand he's the firstborn but who got that the lineage Perez the one who breakthrough okay so the second boy not a fast one remember this that all things work together this is what you are seeing here right all things work together for those who love the Lord we call according to his purpose you understand it to bear the image of the first born that's what you're called for that's what your call for your call for the purpose to bear the image of the passport okay are you with me okay so now we're going to jump into Matthew but Before we jump into Matthew I want to tell you a small small side note my wife uses his done I ll be she knows the law okay and I'm going to talk to you about a bit of the law here which is very important this is a side note here's a side note in that time it was written by the Prophet Jeremiah in the law and it was prophesied in the law listen carefully that illicit child King James has a word for that that some of you might use okay illicit child King James says it with the big be okay shall not enter the Assembly of the people for 10 generations Wow so the law of Moses had this that if someone is born out of wedlock he cannot enter the Assembly of the people of God for ten generations do you know how long that is isn't that crazy I mean ten generations and ten people ten people ten ten people down they cannot come and be with the people when they are doing their festivities or anything like that for ten generations and that's in Deuteronomy 23 - you can read it yourself for 10 generation you can come in so you have to understand now who piracies Wow so he can't imagine imagine his childhood he can't enter the Assembly for in generations okay so Perez had to wait 10 generations to get into the lineage of Jesus then you understand that now understanding that let's tackle Matthew the lineage are you ready now the names are familiar so you can tackle the lineage are you ready turn to Matthew 1 91 yeah yeah you guys are listening very well maybe that's why you're quiet hmm so here it is you see when people read that they're like what the heck is going on here because it's be good so and we got so and begat so and got so but now when you know the story you understand right okay so this is about this is the narrative that goes into the birth of Jesus Christ so it starts off like this okay so now you know the story so Abraham begot Isaac you know the story huh Isaac begat Jacob remember Jacob begat come on twelve okay twelve 12 boys Joseph was the one who began prime minister and Judah and his brothers you see Judah is in the line not Joseph Joseph is not there do you just get that and guess what Jukka Judah we know how this happened come on you know what this happened right Judah we got Perez and zerah is it down by Tama Wow she's in there man can you believe it come on give a big hand it's awesome ladies all the families in the house I'm telling you she is in there she's in ER she's unbelievable okay with all the boys she got into him I was there three of them two got in there that's awesome okay bye-bye Tama Perez we got hezron hezron we got RAM and he goes on like this okay and you'll see going down to this if you I want you to take your Bibles you have your Bibles okay if you don't have your Bibles just I'm gonna come with you okay we'll go on with me just keep it there keep it on - okay I want you to see like this okay Judah we got Peres superiors say one I'm talking to in generation now okay after after after Perez hezron - okay after hezron Ram 3 after he Ram I mean a DAB nice name for after Amina dub Nashawn 5 a finish on salmon 6 after salmon Brow's okay what is that eight hey boys bow but seven seven oh I see seven right boys Mary's Rahab who was a prostitute okay but anyway we won't go into that story that's that's awesome story as well but boys okay boys we got so that is eight by root huh nine obey we got a guy call Jesse here we come the ten generation nowadays a guy who's sitting with his sheepfold and the king of Israel is a guy called Saul Saul was selected by a prophet to be king and it's because the people of Israel wanted the king so they look at the best-looking guy the tallest and the most gorgeous guy and a pixel and says you are form the right tribe you can be king yes I'm telling you man the seeds that you saw in grace is for perpetual generations you might be doing things for people now and you might not see any results but believe me I can tell your children will see your children will see okay Saul is from the tribe of Benjamin come on remember Benjamin the guy that yeah the Judah was ready to be a slave for the one he redeemed and released back to his father remember that guy Saul is on the line of Benjamin okay now Saul has fallen short his king but he's fallen short of his kingship and God is looking for another king and guess what ten generations have passed and the birth time was perfect and David is sitting in the forest and in the wilderness as a shepherd boy and the ten generations has now come to him okay and now God says Saul is not my king anymore I'm going to appoint the king that I have chosen he's sitting in a forest with the sheepfold he's a Shepherd of the Sheep go bring this [Music] that is why so important to understand who this God is when he says you are a chosen generation just imagine the selection that he's gone through he's very particular when we say that now you are called you are a royal priesthood do you understand the magnitude of your calling when I understood the magnitude of my calling I started doing what I'm doing today do you understand it I knew that we can make history I knew that we can change a nation I knew that we can change the world why because I knew how God selected and now he says hey it's you do you understand that I choose the nobodies to be somebody you understand that I choose the ones who are completely disqualified by men to be qualified you are a royal priesthood you are a chosen generation you had not obtained mercy you were not the people that at one point in time in my life that people used to say you are nobody's people the understand that but he's calling you somebody do you get that that is God could call for your life right now now revel in the grand scale of things now David is chosen to be king because the seeds Judah soared towards Benjamin now when Benjamin's tribe was taken out because of the seeds of grace the Judah sword towards Benjamin God is raising up someone from the tribe of Judah because he loved Judah so much did he just get that you just get that man what is it like to be a friend of God he's calling everyone Jesus at the end of his life he says you know I don't want to be called Lord Lord I want to be your friend Abraham was known as the friend of God God is wanting you to be his friend and he covenants and aligns with his people in a different way it's not a religion he's looking for friends do you understand and he's spanning he says his eyes got to vote from all the earth looking for someone who's completely his his is still going through and he said I've chosen you in the city of Colombo Sri Lanka you are that people see we can't take it lightly because we know how God chooses it's awesome and so now David is made King I with me okay how many means have we got no you got half an hour for communion unless this is really awesome I'm wondering what I should do the rest okay fifty minutes yeah how do we just thank you we just thank you for your word this is just awesome this is just awesome how do you thank you finish it no it's also it's an awesome story it's an awesome story it's an awesome story let's go I mean try and we'll try and wrap it up like this okay I'll try and land like this and when you place the land now okay you see if you go into Luke just now we've got Matias genealogy right did we get into do you get into David but just just just keep it back at David it just just to land this thing keep it back at Matthew just keep it back Matt you want to show you something in Matthew genealogy just keep it there for a moment I just want to show you something okay how things change so David the king we got a guy called Solomon famous guy huh King Solomon's Mines in a movie yeah Solomon the wisest king the richest King David be God Solomon okay and you know how he begat solomon and i love this because they put Uriah then it's gorgeous because they would kill this guy you know that and he gets into the lineage he's not a part of lineage but his remember there and he shows the integrity of god yeah he says david begat solomon from Bathsheba who the wife it's there it's right there to keep the integrity of the story in the Bible he was the wife of uriah huh is it strange that it's someone's lineage the David has a son from someone else's wife is there okay it's not they're not trying to hide the genealogy that's why I love the Bible and that's why I know it's God inspired because no one is trying to hide the bad patches anyone else would try to cover it up but here it's there this is how it has happened David killed Uriah to sleep with his wife and it's there right there okay he's right there and then his head's a son called Solomon and here's the interesting thing about Solomon that everyone doesn't know about Solomon that Solomon David has nine brothers okay they will had 9 sons one was Solomon but there was also another one called Nathan after his friend who was a prophet Nathan Natan is the one who reminded David of his sin with Bathsheba remember you remember even Natan so Bathsheba actually calls one of her sons Nathan so there was another one called Nathan okay the two boys there were nine boys but are two boys so we're going to land this thing are you ready when I will show you how someone gets disqualified here so Solomon was a great and mighty king but what people don't know is in 1 Kings 11 that Solomon went away from God 1 Kings 11 just go down 1 Kings 11 probably just thank you for your word I just want to read it fast to you 1kings Edelman but King Solomon loved Minnie is it there these boys had problems is it there okay but King Solomon loved many many foreign women as well as the daughters of Pharaoh we may not be mobilized the ammonites to the nines Hittites now you see this thing gets bypassed you'll see okay because of this very issue he tides from the nations of whom the Lord had said to the children of Israel you shall not marry with them okay no nor day be to you surely they will turn away your heart from your God into their God is there Solomon says clung to these in love and he had 700 wives 300 concubines I mean this guy was busy I don't I can't imagine it okay I can't really imagine it because he said he was the wisest King anyone with any brains would not have so much of trouble okay but and it says this that Tiana Compu and his wives turned away his heart is it there but it was so when Solomon was all that his wives turned his heart after other gods is it there and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God is it there as was the heart of his father David come on is it there for Solomon went after a stir up the goddess of Cydonia Malcolm the abomination of the ammonites saman did evil in the sight of the Lord is there okay and so it shows he says in verse 7 a summon build high places for chest more the abomination of Moab is all kinds of gods and he and he left Oh God come on come on how many of you knew solid how many knew that everyone says I want Solomon's glory but Solomon left God now God has a problem no okay and that is why people don't understand why the genealogy of Luke is different from the genealogy of Matthew because of this situation you must understand that Solomon's sons were very very wicked all the people form an answer to the guy called jerk him his sons were very wicked in fact in one place Jeremiah the Prophet now comes and prophesize it was in it's in Jeremiah he prophesized that no one shall be born from this lineage ever again and the God says now God is trying to birth his son from David right but they became so weaker that God sent a prophet and says I've closed the tap it's all none will prosper from your lineage it is the same lineage that he says from the house of David because I love David he was a man after my own heart but God himself closes it so now we come to why the Immaculate Conception it's because of this situation come on Jesus so now Solomon's firstborn can't have because that's all the boys kind of they're not allowed to rule on the throne of Babel he said we will not have a king from your lineage game so what do you do it had to it would have to be born from one of the daughters without the service in comes Mary Mary as much as Joseph is from the house of David Mary is a cousin of Joseph and she is from the house of David come ah Jesus you understand that and that is why if you go into Luke now turning to look and you see the lineage in Luke and how it changes and it changes from this exact place isn't it awesome okay here we go man can I have you up this is what it says here so it goes like this let's eat here in verse 31 the Sun sorry Luke 3 sorry my fault Luke 3 verse 31 the son of Miglia the son of menon the son of Matata the son he hears his name you see his name the son of Nathan yeah okay so who is Nathan ok this is very interesting we'll go from here for you Gary better the son was 29 the son of Jose the son of ELISA the son of joram the son of Mahad the son of Levi the son of simeon the son of you you see that son of Judah so you know Judah right so now you can figure it out who was who the son of Joseph the son of Jonah did that might not be the same Judah but keep going the son of melea the son of Menand the son of Matala the son of his name the son of Nita not Solomon and then the son of David is it there so the son of in in matthew's genealogy it said the son of Solomon but in Luke he changes with son of nathan the son of David is it there the son of Jesse who is the father of David easy there the son of Obed and then he go to cain generations right there and you see the son of Perez is it there the son of Abraham the son of Terah the son of now and it goes on and on and on so right there you see this neighbored Natan the word Natan is the second son of David from Bathsheba do you understand that ok but why did he do it because people get confused and says hey the two generals are different yeah the jihad is a different because of the Immaculate Conception one is about Joseph's house but we know that Jesus doesn't have an earthly father so it was from the house of David because he had to go to the house of David where his house walls but he could not bring forth but he needed the bloodline of David to be there but if Joseph didn't impregnate Mary the bloodline of David will not be there so he planned that there be immaculate conception but he being the father but it would be one of David's daughters isn't it awesome so Mary comes forward to have an immaculate child and this is what angel says to Mary yeah the first Judah was a different idea okay and he comes his chapter 2 was 1 and he came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus now see we now come to the birth of Jesus okay we spend literally thousands of years and generations to understand how this was plan did you see the grand scale or the plan you see how strategic the plan was I mean do you see how immaculate and strategic our God is do you see also that his plan is unstoppable the man's plan changes that what he's going to birth through who he is called and who is chosen he's unstoppable the story of our lives you know I know it is to be true in your life as well you understand that we are called to bear the image of the firstborn and it was exactly at that time when Caesar Augustus and this is the beautiful story it was when Solomon messed up his kingdom was broken into two and it was told to Solomon stripe because of the father David I will only give you one region only one region could be predicted and Israel again you can guess what that region was this is all the risks of the tribes 11 tribes will be taken away from you but I'm going to leave juga ha bit the Israel people and it was exactly at that time okay when Jesus was born that August to Caesar calls a census he seizes this census first took place and he goes on I want to read what the angel said look one put in witness the one please what angel said the angel comes to Mary in verse 30 Luke one verse study an angel said to her do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God verse 31 and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and she shall call his name Jesus what study - what's that you do and be holy we conceive in your womb and bring forth a son we shall call his name Jesus he will be neither angel Gabriel Saint he'll be great you'll be called the son of the highest and the Lord God will give him it is the throne of his father David now she knows who that is because she's coming through that line and he will reign over the house of Jacob remember Jacob Israel Jacob for ever kingdom there will be no and now people think oh poor Mary this is what people think and this is what I want to bring Mary what is simple gone okay Houdini was just a cop and his wife ladies and gentlemen Mary was a great great granddaughter of David she knew to birth the king she when she was told that rulership become her this was something that was in them they knew who they were they were not this this is the daughter the granddaughter of David understand so she this this come as a surprise but the way she responds is very queen-like because she says this and you reign over the house of Jacob he's talking about father David your father David's throne will be established forever that's what he say and he's talking about her blah blah it's not some alien bloodline is in your bloodline it's going to be forever you know about your father him I love your father David I love Judah that you are from and now I'm going to make sure that true you there's gonna be a bloodline forever that's what he said and you will reign over the house of Jacob forever and his kingdom there will be knowing and look at him a merry response to rain and Mary said to the angel how can this be listen carefully nothing to do with David not even do it how can this be because I'm not for the house of David you understand if someone comes and tells tell us tell Tammy okay that she is going to have synced ugly I won't even go there okay but if someone comes and tells her you're going to have this name the Delano rollouts is going to rain she's gonna say but I don't know did Lana rules I'm not at the lateral she says she doesn't say that she don't care with the house of David because she is the house of David she's the bloodline of cake come on she knew who she was she says how can this be because you know I'm not no no man you understand and then is it all that's a problem because you're looking for a king from a human bloodline that's the thing she said who you're still looking for a king from your human blood line from your grandfather's blood line oh no I'm going to give you that blood line but yeah how is what happened he will not be the human part and this is an angel a sitter the Holy Spirit listen carefully these words how can this be because I don't know a man a man is not overshadowed me a man has not overshadowed me this is not please understand it is not intercourse like in a human sense please understand this is so godly kind and spiritual okay so you must understand no man is overshadowed me it says the Holy Spirit will come upon you gonna be a man thing the power of the highest will cover you when overshadow you come on what's going on here is it there therefore also the Holy One who is born will be called not a man but he will recall a son of God he says Mary what I have planned for you is not people to have an earthly King anymore you know that the earthly Kings have not worked you know the directly bloodlines are not worked I'm going to bear from your bloodline the son not of man but a son of God so that now you and I to be received this promise on this day that Jesus is born as a firstborn so that we could now walk into his birthright as the son of God we all we had to do we say yes Jesus when I'm going to the communion table today you have to go with it yes Jesus I understand that you were destined to come on the earth 2,000 years ago why because you were looking for people you were looking for a kingdom you were looking for me I mean you go to the table what you're saying is Jesus I know like maybe was chosen like Tamar was chosen like David was chosen like Abraham was chosen like you disqualified many people before you got to me I know that you have chosen right do you understand that's what I want you to do when you go to a table are you ready but right now we just really just lift your hands on purpose we just release a sense of destiny a sense of purpose that they don't just think that they're human beings that they don't just think that they have come from their family lines that they will know that you call the people a special peculiar people that you call the holy nation and you want a special people call up your name and God you looked to and fro all the earth and you looked at this town called Colombo and then you saw their faces and you said I'm going to die for them I'm gonna be born for them and I'm gonna give them my inheritance Lord today little revelation come to them that you are a peculiar God who chooses so wisely you have never made a mistake for millennia and generations thousands of years has spanned you disqualified and you have qualified you rooted and you build you up rooted and you broken-down Lord you look carefully for the people that you are going to that is going to bear your name Lord you've not made a mistake in Colombo here today but on this day in Colombo we say yes to you then we are that people call for a purpose in this nation we are your chosen people and we say yes to you we are not the house of David we are not from Judah we are on the house of the Son of God Jesus Christ bless you guys awesome awesome Christmas okay go have communion give someone a hug have a good time have fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no matter what you say now [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 3,616
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Id: Is9O89vGxQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 17sec (5357 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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