Kirby de Lanerolle | The Last Magi | Christmas Special 24th December 2017 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] while generous Church intelligent Church okay this has been an absolutely awesome here this is our last bow meeting the 2017 okay so are you ready to draw big time okay are you ready to just soak up the word and help open up realms of Revelation and agree with what's going on and follow through on the greatest Christmas message today joy to the world joy joy to the world man you know the the Angels when is sang the sang is phenomenal song is a glory to God in the highest and peace and I love this one goodwill unto men you know and that goodwill that you can sit down and a goodwill unto men you have to see that word it's you kiddo you're you cured or similar in the Greek and that word goodwill unto men is a important word is used throughout the Bible when when they said work out to salvation with fear and trembling he says because it's God is going to do his will and his good pleasure you see it's that same context God wants to do his will and his pleasure in your life and Christmas was about that so okay we're going to I'm going to take you to anyway that's all of thing just just a question how many of you had opportunity opportunities Orsola in this congregation just lift your hands up for the last year I said solo in this congregation just wave your hand at me one with one two three four five six seven eight that's for you to know okay okay this is just is this in this congregation okay not only opportunities people have walked into that and 2018 is gonna be an awesome year every word will come to pass it will not fall to the ground okay God is good to his people okay now come on give a big hand to Jesus but I figured out on me I couldn't do that even if I wanted to okay now okay so here's a story okay are you are you willing to to to follow the narrative yeah okay you know you're here at Wow right Wow is a dimension value is a realm okay it's not just the church it's a realm okay so when you enter in I'm taking you on the journey okay you ready to go on a journey okay so I want you I switched on say intelligent Church okay so you have to be like iqe like if you don't have an IQ just say right now through a miracle just increase my IQ yeah you're a miracle for me give me like just file all the neurons you know okay let me be able to grasp many people have a capacity for this okay right yeah you're a okay all right okay so now because I don't want to have man I can just come and give you some Christmas fancy message I got of YouTube or some latter okay I don't want to because go huh because God speaks really he talks to you okay and he talks to me and so when I said your people are coming out I wanted to give them a message that it will really rock their Christmas he gave us a message okay and this is right the way I get my messages I don't prepare like normal people I go to sleep I wake up and then I get bits of it but it's dimensionality of the messages and then I do then research and get to see what is right okay because the research is important because I you know all kinds of people here all kinds of voices okay I don't want to be one of those I every know it's God so when I see it oh wow it's God do you get what I'm saying so so I'm going to take you through a story and and and the Christmas story okay and the Christmas story is gonna open up to you like it is never open up to you before and you will see all the deception and the lies in the Christmas stories that have been said all these times okay and you'll really be able to see the Christmas story for the fullness of what it is okay so to do that I would have to take you to Japan in just just one hour dimensions of thousands of years okay so let me take you all the way into the profits - thousands of years I pick you up and throw you in to 400 years before Christ I'll ever take you back to a thousand years before Christ and see what the prophets said then and then how deep what they're looking at now okay and I bring the whole thing into conclusion and land the plane so help me okay okay so I I work well with noise okay all right I have to have a lot of noise okay like yeah that's right yeah okay big yeah yeah yeah because because it's it's joy it's joy okay it's joy Jesus we thank you we thank you whoa Jesus we thank you for joy real joy not joy when people tell jokes okay hey there's a real joy that God is looking for there's a real joy that God is looking for yeah yeah incoming just come and sit there and come and sit right in front I'm expecting you closest then missus friend so so the real joy is the real joy is is when God can do something in your heart that doesn't take a funny joke for you to laugh okay and that is why the Angels sang the song joy I mean glory to God in the highest you know goodwill unto man God wants to do something he wants to establish something and what he want to establish is his kingdom hmm okay yeah they send him forward so they can sit and then I want to start okay right now this is a family church please understand huh no man I can grow to a 10,000 but I'd still be the same stop my message say hi to people don't ever want to change that okay okay and when a special friend comes I will give him a big hand and I will we're coming forward because this is the way we do church right they're our family and even if you grow to 200,000 we will still remain as a family church I'll stop in the audience I'll talk to people like normal I don't want to become formal and become that person okay how's your mom how's your dad how's it going okay this is the way we all do this do it hey how's your wife she's heel huh yeah yeah you must also see she is she okay is she good yeah she's healed redress yeah but you said it pain left her okay left here sure that's awesome yeah let's be normal okay that's awesome okay Jesus is good today we're going into a bit of healing at the end we're gonna take communion and then we're gonna go in a bit of healing okay now you gotta hear me out okay this story we're going to do a bit of reading so I want the guys under under what is it called on the projectors to do a solid job okay so just be very alert they're gonna do a bit of reading week I want you to follow after me and see the Christmas story in the truth of the story are you ready okay now here's something that is very very interesting when you look through the Bible you will see that this story starts off the Christmas story starts off if it's the whole story of Jesus can start off all the way back let's drive all the way back and look at a person call Abraham okay there's a guy called Abraham and he's a very funny kind of guy because I'll tell you why he's a funny kind of guy because this guy talks directly to God he has no mediator you must understand that okay he talked directly God because the world was used to different types of mediators mediators means a person who can talk in between God and man who who the man who can talk between got a man what is he called he's called a priest okay so the world was used to different type of priesthoods okay say Melchizedek America's a dick okay so the world was used to different types of priesthood and but Abraham did not have a priesthood but God came to him directly and he was talking directly to God directly and then one day this guy although he was also a type of priest watch the words the pair of the words he was a type of priests he was also a type of King because he now had literally taken over every area he put his foot down on remember okay God called him is a leave your country go to a country that I shall show you while he was walking he took over okay so he hears from God and he takes over and then he so he's a king and he's a strange kind of person okay a king and a priest in the New Testaments called a royal priesthood okay so you get normal priests who you know who we're all kind of robes and they're sitting in a corner somewhere or up on a mountain somewhere Abraham wasn't like that Abraham was a business man he was a trader he had different things but here a direct connection with God okay watch watch what happens he stops he at one point has killed five Kings destroyed five kings and five kingdoms he's walking with a lute and all the stuff all the good stuff the nice cars and houses and camels and all that you know he's walking and Abraham and now drenched in blood killed five kings he stops for someone and that someone in the Bible is called Melchizedek he stops for this one person and he sees this one person now here's a guy who talked directly to God who's killed five kings okay he doesn't need to suffer one person he stops at one person and he goes just one person he says my god who are you he says I am a priest check it out a priest remember mediator between got a man all right he says I'm a priest but I'm not about normal priest the order I'm awfully ordered this is the Christmas story please note a Christmas story like you've never heard before okay he stops at a priest and he gives him a tithe 10% 10% yeah 10% sure the Impreza tied off his offering why would someone give a tighter yeah only me to pray for me why would someone give a tied at IDs a offering to a priesthood okay now why would he want to give a give up he's already a priest why would he want to give a tied to someone unless he considered that guy bigger that he was okay so please understand he gives a type to Melchizedek and I met Hasidic says I am the priest of the Most High God and then he gives it ID and he walks out and he Abraham who spoke to God recognized and not the priestly order okay Abraham from that day onwards after he met Melchizedek he went on and he did communion he took his only begotten Son up a mountain he represented the father-son relationship he started acting in the order of a priesthood and from that order Abraham had Isaac Isaac had Jacob Jacob had twelve sons now here's the Christmas story they're getting their 12 sons the twelve sons that that Jacob had one of them was Judah one of them was Levi okay I hear me out say intelligent Church okay good okay now Jacob had twelve sons one of Levi's one of them Judah so you have to understand Jesus this is awesome okay now now Levi according to the priesthood order Levi was supposed to be the priesthood are you with me Judah was not the priesthood okay anyone knows how priesthood through ancestry causes priesthood you can't Sonny become a priest company that wrote a long time ago a priest it's impossible because I need the ancestry in a bloodline of crystal so how can I become the priesthood it is impossible how can you become the priesthood it is impossible how are you called as a priesthood you don't have the clothes of a priest you are not ordained under the diazien criteria of the priesthood come on I'm just trying to tell you something whatever you want to call it but how come when we do things there are more miracles more signs more wonders we're talking about you then the priesthood because in that story is a change of the order a change of the order in the story of Abraham that's thousands of years before Jesus and out of Jacob came twelve tribes one with a Levites who was supposed to be a priesthood one was Judah which became David and all the kings and stuff like that from the Judah tribe so kings and priests taking the priests okay the Kings increase okay now understanding that God was looking at the world and he sorted the world was fallen and he said all the priesthood were robbing stealing at that time I don't know what happens now but at that time yeah okay they were robbing and stealing and the priesthood who was called to intercede for the people and forgive the people sins because as long as the people have sins they cannot have the blessing the priesthood is there to intercede for the people's sins so if the priesthood comes and no matter what order or what religion your form you go to the priest because of your issues your sins give a sacrifice the sacrifice is taken by God and a blessing comes upon the people because of a priesthood okay that is why the whole world needs a priesthood so ladies and gentlemen God is establishing a priesthood that is flowing in goodness and righteousness who can intercede for people's sins and the people get rest okay so this is the monologue ladies and gentlemen for the Christmas message are you ready okay understanding that yeah you're here yeah yeah okay so the reading now is taken from the Gospel of st. Matthew - please turn I'll show you something now Jesus we thank you okay now you go to see something okay something really crazy now remember what I said and put it on a shelf okay now reading me joy to the world joy joy joy come on Matthew okay here yeah you remember there was a guy called David he was a funny type of priesthood again well show you King David he was a king right but you remember that no man could stand before the holy of holies because if they saw the holy of holies and if you're not a priest you would die but David danced even one point without his clothes in front of the Holy of Holies he didn't die think about it Jesus is from the line of David right okay again you are not a story you watch the story of David David goes to the priesthood and he they were never supposed to do it he eats off the priests table if you do that you would die that was yeah here we go again okay so again he could eat off the priestly table but he'd not suffer the consequences okay now God said when he looked at David David is a man after my own heart and he loved the lineage of David so much that he birthed the Messiah of the whole world through the lineage of David King David not out of the Levites if God was God and if he were real as religious as you and I were he would have birthed hey buddy back he would have but the son of God through the Levite tribe oh man I'm trying to get to somewhere you see if God was you and I if he was really just as you and I were he would ask the question and we said how does Caballero become a priest let me but the priesthood through the priestly tribe let me make the priest form the ones who were the priests you got it he will ask the question how can you become the priests how can you die and to become a priest busy he's gone summer you can ask the patient huh how can Jude guide to become a priest exactly he has no chance just like Kirby general has no chance to become the priest as it is impossible my bloodline was not perfect it is impossible that I could pray over someone he get healed it could be it is impossible and my words can bring life to someone it is impossible man if you knew my life so my friends are here they known my life it is impossible that could happen unless the order changed and someone missed that you ought to change how come we can do it because the order Jesus okay I'm trying to tell you about a Christmas story you ought to change man there order change and people who are not a people became the people he called least while people to become the people the Jewish people were called for the priesthood of the world but they missed the bus and he changed the order and he changed the order okay and now we go to the story of Christmas I ready I read in me no chapter 2 chapter 2 now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea is it there in the days of Herod the King the whole wise men not wise men from the east came to Jerusalem saying where is he who has been born King of the Jews for we have seen what a star is it there in the east and have come to Washington so ladies and gentleman what their wise men is magi okay it's something like jedi yeah Magi jedi same thing okay believe me when I tell you you see what I'm telling you that's why everything prophesized ladies and gentlemen even the movies a prophesy ok what are the latest what was a little Star Wars what is call ok this is ok this is the last Jedi it was called the last Jedi right I didn't even know that but I'm trying to tell you the Magi the word there Wiseman is Magi okay now Magi is a very strange group of these guys okay have seen a star that had been watching for a long time and people say three wise men came there was no tree why is my ladies in Germany Christmas story not according to the Bible the Bible didn't have three wise men at all they had a Magi come in I mean the Magi came in they would have come in 50 or 500 people because the Magi were means means word about they were far from Babylon they were type of people okay and they were following a religion known as I don't know when who know to pronounce it but some of you might know it's Zorro crash dark decorations or was it called doctor Zoroastrian okay God professional mother singer she knows what I'm talking about okay now you see he was following they were following this type of religion okay now they've amides and they were astrologers okay and they saw the star but the interesting thing about the Magi is they had seen something in the heavenly sky at that time and astrologically you see in a raid antic tradition that Mercury Venus these are the main stars Jupiter they have if they are out there is Venus this Jupiter there's mercury and they're out it's very good but here's the crazy thing they had seen the Stars and in looking at the Stars they've seen Jupiter the King planet and have seen rageous the King star least 2,000 years ago Jupiter and rages in conjunction coming into the constellation of Leo please understand whoa right leo come on the line of Judah and the crazy thing that they call it retrograde in astronomy that star Jupiter kept going backwards and forward it happened three times that is why they say the star Stood Still you see it happened three times like this it was like a comet in in the night sky and they've been watching this thing and therefore they say wait Jupiter the King star and and and what is this one reaches the the the King star and Jupiter key planet they come together that means it's a king of kings and they somehow knew that they need they were a type of priesthood you see the Magi the wise men was a priesthood now why was a priesthood they were not Jewish hearing from God come on please because God only talks to his people right come on God do I talk to Christians right you know that right come on man you should know that okay but how come his people were not hearing from God and he had to talk to a priesthood Oh My Jesus they're getting their man he's the top to a different priesthood a Gentile priesthood a pea color yeah look huh we we are color we are not Jewish huh how did I become I'm a Gentile how did I take on the blessing of Jesus Christ you got what I'm trying to say okay he came first to a Gentile priesthood who did not know God like the Jews knew God but the interesting thing is because the Jewish people had rebelled against God and they have not ministered as the priesthood it says for 400 years that is from Malachi to Mathew was 400 years of silence I mean from the last book Oh My Jesus man from the last book Malik Malik I too met you 400 to 500 years of no prophets yes so he wasn't talking to his prophets he had refused he had said I'm going to stop talking to the prophets because my prophets align prophets and they are not speaking for the people because of that he had stopped talking to them and he spoke to a Gentile priesthood whoa about the birth of a savior and these guys are up there a Christian priests okay the Russian thank you so much yeah thank you thank you for the pronunciation come on Dee yeah yeah the ricean priesthood they heard from God and what happened was they saw the days are gonna be a king be born and they start walking into Jerusalem and it took maybe maybe say one year to three months that they started walking in so by the time they got there they came straight to Herod now ladies and gent if please understand people say that Jesus was poor when he started off and it's a very sad story but when we're on a donkey finding a place to stay this is the this is how Christianity and religion has turned it to a very very sad state this guy his father was Joseph he was in the line of David hello please wake up today if your father was president 30 years ago you still have a bit of cash okay all right if you were prison 100 years ago you still because that's the way the system works you know the system right don't tell me in a non democratic state that the line of the greatest king was poor it's a joke it's a joke that is why priests were kings the royal priesthood come and see him and I'll explain it a little further to understand this because they come and if you read Matthew have now turned all the way to Genesis again okay are you with me Matthew okay so here we are made you to follow you thank you so here we are so they said where is he who has been born King of the Jews you see they are not asking for someone who's going to become King see every man has to become a king you had to be crowned a king this was the for the first time someone was oh you're born a prince let him they never born a king right they walked straight into King Herod's you can't walk into a king here this is the most bustling city in the on the planet Jerusalem well I mean it is bad I mean they the Jews still run the show that they were running the show at that time okay you can't just walk into King Herod's palace the guys walk in because they had the ability the capabilities the cash the money you go to meet the king even now you move go to me the president you can't go there without offering trust me you get trust me on this one okay did I meet a minister without offering today right okay so they're going in to meet Herod okay the Herod meets them and he says when he had gathered all the chief priests and tribes and people who get inquired where the Christ was born so they said to him in Bethlehem of Judea for thus it is written by the prophets so now the the priesthood that was of a different order not a Jewish order is telling them about the Jewish prophets and what the Jewish prophets are written and these are these bold letters are thousands of years of writing that is in but you Bethlehem land of Judah are not the lie not the least among the rulers of judah for out of you shall come a ruler who will rule my people is it there then herod related secretly called the Magi and he had asked him tell me according to your plans your charts exactly where it is because he didn't want to upset the whole situation because Herod himself could now lose his throne because these guys are saying there's a king of the Jews it's like Russia coming to America please understand it and telling America because these guys are actually at war with each other Jerusalem at that time the Romans will evolve it something called the path onions and they were fighting with each other these are coming from that area they're coming and saying to like mr. Donald Trump that hey you know what I heard that there is a new king born and the enemy is coming into Jerusalem killing them we know exactly who and where he is and this is the lineage is coming from you understand this so this is the setting of the Christ's birth and if you look at this this is crazy ok say says verse 7 then Herod when he had secretly called the wise men determined from what from what time and the star appeared and he sent them to Bethlehem go and search she said carefully for the young child you see doesn't say baby yeah the word young child is it's not I don't think dr. Lachman can correct me I don't think it's it's what did he call not not rhetta's what is it called Nepean it's not a nephew on there it's teknon teknon means grown child okay I think I can be corrected on this okay so they said tell us where the young child was so this this child was maybe about two years old these guys did not come to a manger these guys came to a house yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and they came to a house maybe they were so visible because today if you come in in order Columbo the president will know that you came in and out come on maybe you're so significant maybe they he would know but when they came in everyone knew that a Magi had come and he got the call they're here either they came in fifty five hundred or whatever it is and it looked like and they wanted to go even in secret not in the day but in the night to Bethlehem because they were so visible it's like one entourage second entourage here you see what I'm saying third entourage bikes behind entourage bikes behind entourage no no no no no no it looked like that hello yeah and what are they saying we've come to meet the king come on man Jesus we come to meet the king and they've gone they've told Herod himself and Herod himself in this story says tell me where he is because I will come and I will worship Him because they know the prophecies okay this is the birth of Jesus I know you heard a humble story I'm sorry to change your religious perspective okay we have to speak to it okay and now as we as we go on okay this what he says was eight when he heard the King they departed and behold a star which they had seen these went before them and it stood still over the young child is he there I think let's take known as well when they saw the star they rejoiced okay and they say this here so the young child was with Mary his mother and they fell down and they worship Him is it there and when they had opened their treasures okay what's that was hello Stanley presented the K this is the true story of Jesus then it presented him okay with treasures just imagine a whole our king salmon Kings who made kings we heard a story of Sheba meeting Solomon Sheba brought on ROG of the entourage and Raj well okay Solomon received on Roosevelt and since Sheba back with the same now Kings have come to meet the King of Kings so when you are saying that they gave frankincense gold and myrrh ladies and gentleman don't be deceived that God is going to Burt his son on the planet and not make sure that he is set for life okay so when they open that treasure they opened up all the Franken seas are the most expensive things ever on the planet and they open it up to Jesus okay and they worshiped him the interesting very very interesting thing about this is a story I'm going to tell you of how they know about the star how do you think they know about the star how do you know about this astrological sign it's because they were following after the prophecies whatever their for thousands of years and who was the Prophet here's the interesting story who prophesied about the star about a thousand years before that I'm gonna tell you the story are you ready a thousand years before that there was a sorcerer I don't want Colin prophet okay prophet is the one who hears from God a sorcerer can hear from familiar spirits okay now there was a sorcerer okay and his name was Balam and at that time the Jewish people had come out of Egypt and they were picking on the world they were stopping in every town and taking over and if you go way back into Genesis can we can we go thousands of years back now okay we were thousand years back and just turn now to numbers numbers 22 okay if you go back into numbers you will see a guy who is a sorcerer of sorts okay but somehow the people of Moab when the Jewish people came and set around their country the Moab king called Barak got very scared what is it thousands of years before Jesus he called a sorcerer to curse the people of Israel okay how many of you know the story okay let's go there this is how these people knew the prophecy of the stars and the interesting story about Ballack's prophecy is why did a priesthood again we're going to another priesthood we're going to another mystical priesthood the Moab's called mystical priesthood back again if you trace back he is a metre okay he was a different he was not in Israeli person but he was call he was a Mead he was following after the same religion I cannot pronounce okay and he as well was called to curse the Jews who were about to take over Moab and guess what happened I'm 120 this is how the story of the star came is it now we've gone thousand of year back and going to numbers I'm sure I'll show you so you have to K take the Bible in its full volume ladies and gentleman not in just pieces to understand the full content of the story numbers Deuteronomy numbers okay hi there I'm not okay 22 okay so here we are Balak the king calls a sorcerer and he says so Moab said to the elders of Midian this is in verse 4 now this company with licks up everything around us which is the Jews as is also licking up all the grass of our field and all the oxen okay I want someone basically to come and curse them and it causes a look look of people has come from Egypt see they cover the face of the earth he's talking about a very special group of people that God called their own okay gold called the Easter people his own because he wanted them to be the priesthood okay and if it's special powerful things to them verse 12 and God said to Balaam you shall not and God said to Balaam which is the sorcerer you shall not go with them you shall not curse my people for they are a blessed people so sun-lee a sorcerer is called by a king to curse the Israeli nation but God starts speaking to the sorcerer that's why I'm trying that's that's directly because I'm telling you this is the crazy story because this guy was not a Jew our God is not supposed to talk to him because he only talks to Christians no but as this guy is taken to curse the people of God he starts cursing and I can't go to the whole story you have to start see the whole story and he starts cursing and he opens his mouth - I'm going to cursed him now and then he starts saying things like this God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent here what he says has he said and Billy not do or has he spoken or we did not make good of what he has spoken come on is your God mandis to you behold I have received a command to bless them he has blessed them God has blessed them and I cannot reverse it and Sully the King Balak turns him and says hey buddy I paid you money to come and curse the people why couldn't you do that I paid you for this so then he says hey I don't know I open my mouth I tried and when I tried what came out was a blessing is it there and listen listen to this Philippines is awesome now were swinging tree for all of you who believe that voodoo can work against you this is from the mouth we're just about to get to the prophecy about of the stars this is from the mouth of a sorcerer to the people okay he sustained this when the King says why could you bless he says this is the story there why can't you curse there is no sorcery against Israel whoa okay nor any divination against Israel is it there it now must be said of Jacob and of Israel or what God has done look a people rises like a lion here is your prophecy and lifts itself up like a lion it shall not lie down until it devours its prey and drinks the blood of all the slain now he's called to curse but cannot cuss he's called to curse but he's blessing and he's saying there is no sorcery against the people of God nothing can affect the people of God Wow you see what happening and then he says the most famous verses and that is how these guys thousands of years later found you must read the full prophecy about Jesus but this is just a bit of it now watch this this is what he says 24 numbers 24 verse 16 okay sorry with my fault the utterance of him who hears the words of God now watch this and as the knowledge of the Most High who sees the regions of the almighty see there who falls down with the eyes wide open I see him now the the sorcerer come prophet is speaking about Israel and he goes into a realm and he says this I see him but not now I see him but not now i behold him but not near is he there a star shall come out of Jacob come on man is there this is a thousand years before a scepter shall rise the scepter means its strength a king a scepter means Authority shall rise out of Israel okay and back to the brow of Moab and destroyed the sons of tomorrow it goes on and he goes on in verse 19 he says out of Jacob one shall have dominion again and destroy the remains of all the cities you see that prophecy came a thousand years before and this guy was a priest that was not out of Israel why am I telling you this because ladies and gentlemen look at this color of your skin you have no right to do what you're doing I have no right no lineage to do what I'm doing but God changed the order even before he started speaking to Gentiles priests because his own priesthood could not hear from him the people who are ordained to free the people to forgive the people their sins to do the job of the priest they were robbing and they were stealing come on Jesus and so then he called from out of the ordinary order a new priesthood a priesthood called the Magi at that time even to declare to the people of God that now Christ is born here in the Senate and of course these guys knew who knew the Magi because they understood the old prophecies they were watching the old prophecies and so they had heard even when the people of Israel not heard and that's what the Bible says he Jesus came to his own but his own did not receive him ladies and gentlemen Jesus is still coming to his own come on man this is not in you Jesus is still coming to his own people but his own do not know how to receive him do you understand they still are rejecting him so he goes to a different people he chooses the people whose hearts are open to hear and they are now come on talking about you the people who are telling the church about the new order they are now the people who are killing the people who said they have the Oracles of God about the new thing and a Melchizedek and a new order God has called us out of our bloodlines it is impossible for us to do what we are doing if Jesus didn't change the order right from the beginning what the story is Jesus has changed the order Jesus chaney order it change form Levi to Judah you understand that if I'm Levi to Judah a royal priesthood is what we are called for and this Christmas message ladies and gentleman is called to tell you you are that order you are that priesthood when the Christ was born he was born to give you a message what is that message the world is waiting for the right order for the right type for the right priest to come the world is waiting wait for your degree don't wait for your calling on your qualification this Christmas is your calling this message is your calling you get up from here you work out I am that order God change the order you got it now will you go back into math you just jump into math you and I'm going to show you Tommy no Matthew here it'll wreck again in the direct some of your religious understanding of of the of the nerd the Christmas story Matthew we win we win Mattie right going to look even Matthew right Bobby in Matthew yeah okay you win Matthew right you're going to look thank you Jesus watch this okay I already can we go with deep okay again I'm going to show you okay in verse 5 chapter 1 there was in the days of Herod the king of Judah a certain priest named Zechariah who hear me out okay Zacharias was a priest whatever priest Jewish priest so he's from well Levi you got it and he was in his division of a place called Abuja he and his wife and his daughter were there and his wife was the daughter of Aaron is it there so Aaron is ooh there you go Aaron was a Levi and her name was Elizabeth so why is he giving the details why is he giving whose details whose background whose genealogy is he giving John the Baptist okay whoa the last of the Jewish prophets come on man I understand it he was lineage John the Baptist was a rabbi people are people to understand Jesus himself was that okay people don't painting he was walking on the show he was they call him rabbi that means you had to go to a certain training to become who he was I won't go into death but John the Baptist came from the his father was a Levitical priest okay so and he was a cousin to Jesus okay and it says there that in verse I think it was worth living then the angel of Lord appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar of incense while he was doing his ministry an angel came his angel is a really funny angel I'll explain why I mean Zacharias saw him he was troubled and he fell upon him and the angel said to him do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayers are heard and your wife Elizabeth is having a son now these guys were quite quite all I don't know how old but they were quite all they were not supposed to have a son this was a miracle okay and raise it here he was six year whoa and Zacharias said yes he is six years old and Zechariah said to the angel how shall I know that this is true and an angel answered and said to him I am who Gabriel who stands in the presence of God who sent to speak to you now this angel is so interesting let me tell you a story this angel had been preparing this for a long time now here's I'm closing in on something if your hands up in the glory Jesus showed this to me open my eyes okay watch this okay this angel is really interesting where have you seen his angel before where have you seen this guy before yes of course Mary's after this he didn't come to me first no no this angel first came to this Zacharias after that Mary okay hold on hold on he first came and prepared the way for the person who can prepare the way okay now Jesus is from the tribe of Judah come on okay so he basically ordained it that the Levite which is the priesthood will bow down and say now I must reduce for he must increase he planned it he said every thousand years of planning so this guy was from the Levite tribe and he actually sees and he says I can't even tie the strap of his shoes and from that leave I try but I can't do this and he bows down to Jesus who is not off the tribe come on man okay you understand but where have you seen angel before that's the question and here's the interesting story okay okay I'm gonna bring it together you gotta see this this angel is seen all the way down when you go into the Book of Daniel okay yes and Daniel 9 says that he was having a vision and when he was having the vision the angel Gabriel came to him and the crazy thing was that Daniel 9 is about the Messiah and a new Kingdom and he gave the prophecy 500 years before Jesus to Danielle and that he said in 70 weeks he says in 400 exactly Daniel gives the prophecy of Jesus's birth exactly for ad exactly where he's from this will change everything the world will change prophet Daniel at that time prophesy the birth of Jesus Daniel 9 okay and interestingly Gabriel came and gave him the message but here's the beautiful story the beautiful story is this ladies and gentleman that Daniel was an Israeli boy who was a Jew and at 16 Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon walked into Israel because they had been rebellious under God Israel had been rebellious under God and they've gone now into captivity nebuchadnezzar walks in to Israel destroys every single thing in his right everything doesn't leave one thing overturned destroys everything and picks up four boys just think about it and I'm telling you Natan how old are you you're 18 right is anyone sixteen here show me 16 but 16 look at 16 16 years old just think Pratap is 16 is always pull up pull up just sign up just sampler look at this I just want to see Pratap right 16 not see done these are crazy stories just imagine America Invents Srilanka it might happen [Laughter] but-but-but I'm just gonna say you know Sonia said yeah yeah yeah here it is I'm just saying sorry if you if a superpower comes here baby loan was a superpower comes here destroys everything picks up just Pratap and for his friends why would he do that he does that because this 16 year old kid looked like something it was the same look probably when Abraham stopped for Melchizedek I can't explain it to you he he picked up four boys and he pick up four boy 16 years old takes them and keeps them in the best company feeds him the best food he keeps them in the best palaces why come on man because these guys were the most wisest they were like the Oracles they were prophets they were prophets and the most valuable thing for Babylon at that time for the prophets okay and they took captive the prophets 16 shining prophets I'm hearing from the God of heaven on earth Babylon Nebuchadnezzar takes them doesn't put them in captivity trains them and says advise me you understand it and he throws them here is the beauty of the story Jesus come on he throws them with a group of people and who were they they were called the Magi yes but thousands of years the priestly order was set up a Magi and he throws them with the Magi and the Magi gets so upset with him you know why they get upset with him because he could hear directly from God unlike Balaam who could hear from familiar spirits but only once in a while he could hear from God the prophets could hear from God and when he takes he takes the four boys they try to kill them and the story of Daniel and lion's den is the story where the wise men the Magi tried to kill the Prophet come on man and Daniel on many times saves the Messiah on many times you see the story when Nebuchadnezzar says that one day I'm going to kill all the wise men Daniel goes and says I have heard from God do not kill them he saves their lives he's a savior to them and God infiltrated come on man because he knew his people five hundred years before he came he infiltrated a priesthood who knew the craft but could not talk to God infiltrated them because he knew that he's not going to talk to his people he knew that his prophets can't hear from him he knew his prophets were lying he knew that he had closed the eyes of their prophets they could hear anything from from Malachi all the way to Matthew four hundred years it's called the Dark Ages the voice of the Lord was rare so he infiltrated gave them Daniel Daniel saved him trained him to hear from God so they could one day hear the prophecy for Christmas but it starts come on man is it is it sorry come on I just want you to understand the dimensionality of our God this is not just some story he has planned is for thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years so finally the Magi could hear from God and heard exactly from God and came and told the king who could not hear from God and told the people who could not hear from God and told the people of Israel who did not receive Jesus that the king is born do you understand this what a awesome story okay come on man can I have you up let's close with this let's go to this huh Jesus we thank you let's close with 1 Peter 1 Peter here it is what is it 1 Peter what are we going broad preset yeah Tammy knows Tammy knows what are you going love yeah but yeah yeah yeah I'm taking you right there 1 Peter 1 Peter 1 Peter didn't come on to 9 yeah I just thought of it now for you to hate 1 Peter 2:9 are you ready this word this word ladies and gentlemen was said on a mountain when the Jewish people first came to God he they came up the mountain and God told him his exact word he said I want all of you to come up the mountain I don't want one of you to come up to a fever two comma three of you to come I don't want only Moses to come I want all of you to come up the mountain I mean all of you come he said I want a kingdom of priests a kingdom of priests don't worry about disturbances not a d7 Simeon is very hard to serve me you know that okay ladies and gentlemen he wanted every single one to come you got it and he wanted to ordain every single one as a priesthood oh my god you got it that's what he were but they didn't want the people didn't want the people rejected God and therefore here to ordain one as the priest you got it so this promise of the royal priesthood 1 Peter 2:9 where are we 1 Peter 2:9 okay here we are verse 9 this is for you well but you are a what a chosen generation is it there now watch is you are hello you are now because you were Hindu before right okay now you are this case you can be Hindu but you are you still can be Hindu but you are a royal priesthood God is calling now you are a royal priesthood you are a royal priesthood you understand it you are a royal priesthood you are a holy people God is calling out of out of the normal order of understand it's a new order it's a new order man they could fulfill it so he called you our royal priesthood you are holy people is it they're a holy nation he's all special people that you may proclaim the praises and where there proclaim is is to show off you are called to show off the world who God is because now God is calling the Christ but was out of the ordinary now you can just believe in him as you believe in him you become a son of the all-mighty God you are called not just as a son but I think we stopped at sonship it's a big problem oh I'm just a son of God no Adrienne you're a priest not just a son you're a priest you're called to live a priestly life you're supposed to forgive the people's sins you're supposed to you have the perfect sacrifice of Jesus you have you have been ordained by the Most High God you are called now as a holy people a holy nation his own special I don't Jews were the special people oh no no they are but hey the orders shifted they are special as well but now we are called that special people as well is it there that you may proclaim declare show off the miracles of Jesus is there and washes 210 who are once not a people is it there is it there who are once not a people is it there but now you are that people you are the people come on just sign up for this you are a people well you are not obtained mercy but now there is a gentleman you have obtained that mercy this is a Christmas message the order shifted something change the Christ child was born to declare about her people who was just in darkness who was were no right to any of this he gave the right he gave the right just by being born and declaring to you just believe all you need to do is believe you don't need to do it's not it's not some heavy thing it's a beautiful story of saying I believe the Jesus has forgiven my sins and if he has forgiven my sins that I'm called by him to do the work of God I'm called to forgive the world I'm called to work and walk in the power of God what I thank you that I am that people I am the people there is a gentleman we're going to declare the rod reset right now this Christmas if there's anyone right here in this congregation who is sick right now because become going to much ministry wave your hand if you're sick I'm bringing remembering York memory see show Amara and delima right now and I want if anyone is sick just wave your hand this way we're handing me a look at that widows hands look at his hands okay now the only way that these people can get healed is that they need a priest they need a priest who will mean it not as a man but as God in them just turn around to the person next to you if you have a pain in your body you have a pain in your body raise your hands if you have a pain in your body raise your hands the person next to you the person next to you is your priest the person next to you is your priest lay your hand right now one word one word one word one word come on one word that's it go go go go bingo in Jesus name in Jesus name we are a royal priesthood a holy people a peculiar people a special nation a covenant community called to represent the Most High God the Most High God right now right now now ask him right now ask those people where the pain is just check on samaritaine is where the pain is how many we got healed how many of you got here let's raise your hand come up come on come on those about here just come across come on fossils come across you're gonna get Testaments come on come a fast come of us if you got he'll come a farcical come on watch this I just want to show you they have a priest next to them there was a new order next to them it is impossible without a priesthood you have to stand as a priesthood you had a perfect sacrifice you are a perfect priest and that is my less perfect kill you see what happens perfect healing can happen if you have a perfect sacrifice and a perfect priest you get it I don't know who was next to you yeah yeah but see it really doesn't matter it wasn't me right it wasn't me exactly [Music] today yeah yeah right over you know man but she like ordained something Lynette was she like no but what she ordained by some church or something to do that she wasn't no she just prayed how do you work Rory said okay she immediately - oh how long we'll be from here how long you been here for 10 months anyone like anyone ordained you to be a priest to do that kind of thing you have the heard you had a power of miracles but you just did a miracle how because you are a royal priesthood you are a holy nation you are a peculiar people you are not that before but now God is called you to be there that's how somebody was who else who else who else got here come on I had been suffering from a terrible back pain and Amanda she's your therapist and I was like a bit of pain also not being too well and Adrian this touched me and played on it okay Adrian come on come on come on I'm seeing you after a long time yeah this is their royal priesthood Edwin did it did anyone like ordained you to be a priest but how do you do miracles how does that happen tell me how easy was that I mean a politician you have no right no no right at all but you are a royal priesthood a holy person all under God to do the work of God come on man I'm just ready show you I'm going to show you the power of this ordination I'm going to show you the power of the royal priesthood the Melchizedek Howdy's guys do it who pray for you know Rumble your wife prayed for you whoa gone gone gone Kylie Coughlin what am I being just below my shoulder blade as I came and as they prayed it vanished just vanished but what right do they have - Jesus changed the order there's no rocket science here there is no training days no you are same days no training to do this he was just believing that the order was changed that each one of you can leave this Christmas knowing you're calling unto Jesus Christ Marwood heaven muscle pain Arabic for mourning and Tami and Richie I mean Richie come on man the road with low back pain healed by Sonali and Kevin with the falconer every meter funky here come on Kimmy come on babe come on look at his hair look at it look at it Bree said no no come on get on get on and get on the chair get on the chair get on get on the chair I mean you have no right you have no right to be a priest with that hair here it is impossible no one can get healed when you pray for people but hey what no order change we ought to change you are a royal priesthood you are a peculiar people you are a holy nation call foot to show off the praises or the one who is calling you're just showing off man that's just awesome that's just awesome come on come on come on come on come on mean only prayed on honey prayed come on man and we get testimony testimony after a royal priesthood a holy nation come on come on what happened what happening Oh lick pain no it's gone we don't you come on Jer oh man come on the royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people call after after God will show and demonstrate the healing come on I've been having fever for the past three days and now I feel really better I'm trying to show you something one by one it's still happening it's still happening what's going on here Christmas Day I had a pain on my right shoulder it went on for a few days like what do you do pray Oh me ever since then I don't have but I want you to see what is going on in this place do you see what is going on in your lives these people are not trained just laid hands and bang it's gone what happened you backache and for now for the last two days today also came with great difficulty and for me Joyce Joyce you are a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people call in Jesus name come on what a God we serve it's so easy if you know your ordination if you know your calling it is easy come on how do we just thank you we're gonna have communion guys just come up take your glasses we're gonna celebrate God take your glasses video we will pray together I'm going to drink the table of the Lord come on Jesus we thank you Jesus is the man [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,412
Rating: 4.6697249 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: EnPctx5DbeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 36sec (3936 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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