Vengeance is mine | Kirby de Lanerolle | 29th May 2018 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] hi everybody see you at the five-day program in September this program has been specially designed customized from heaven just for you it is guaranteed to change your life it will definitely set you apart in the flesh and will cause you to be led by the spirit to hear the Lord voice for your next season it's a life changing experience to see you in September god bless you guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you know there are moments that are holy you just written smile at them I just want you understand moments that are everything is holy but there are moments when you aren't you know certain moments are holy and for as a church group you know whether you entered a new season as a church group these are my leaders he's not this is not just someone who walks out of the back there and comes and talks he's has a prophetic ministry of his life he's right by my side okay what am I strongest one of the people I trust the most in my life this is him do you understand it and he's and he comes here to take to bear his heart to you he doesn't need to my god he doesn't need to open his heart so that people can twist and turn with watching the live feeds and say things he doesn't need to he's doing it because this is who we are as well we're not trying to entertain you we are trying to make sure that your life will change please understand that's it's so important for people to understand so that your life will change he doesn't need to come here and just say things like this you and this manager reputation in this country so he's coming here my god so that people's lives will change and that's right there the holy mount and believe me when I said after this thing somebody won't change this is Phillip right by my side he's a leader of mine this is Naomi okay you will see next week the new man will come and share something with you we've had breakthrough this thing about his brother these are things doctors can't repair doctors can repair it say the by but the Word of God why did he come to all because we are not just the teaching we're not just prophets we are a prophetic teaching group a prophetic teaching move the Word of God is your prophecy it will build you up and it will give you your inheritance it's the word you understand and can you see this brother of his today what is happening tomorrow we'll hear hear naomi has been suffering with what what what do you call it rheumatoid arthritis if salvation deliverance is coming to my home these are my leaders these are mine these are my leader deliverance is coming to us first you understand that believe me she'll testify next week were the doctor that told rheumatoid arthritis you see what the doctors have said to us first so what's what happened with you if it's coming like this what is gonna happen with you just imagine what God is doing in this house Jesse Manuel you got it doing this house it's crazy it's crazy crazy stuff you're gonna you're gonna hear it yeah just last week be the miracles from last week God is invading this place if a hearts arrived your life will change he'll raise you up to be the greatest and the best if your lives change if you take the Word of God the prophecies today I can prophesy man I can prophesy the prophecy today is a word get the word deep inside of you take it home run with it do what Philip did with it and the life will change I can take a seat you see I'll tell you something Oh My Jesus Arabic Arabic heed our Akili God is real ladies and gentleman we are not joking around Jesus Christ is the savior he is the king he is the ruler he runs this show he runs the world that not one hair on your head that goes great without him knowing you understand that there's no Sparrow that falls anywhere Jesus knowing about it he has a he is suffering authority on it he can let him follow you cannot let it fall he has that authority on you do you understand that and he has decided to covenant with people can you believe it this God is awesome God he decided to cover nun - what covenant is contract he contracted he chose a special people thousands of years ago the Hebrew people and as a sample and a symbol he covenant at the word covenant is contracted and he was a blood contract a blood covenant that he made with a certain group of people why to destroy the rest of the world Gentiles Kalu people like you and me huh okay that this awesome God will covenant with us as well he will contract with you so important he will make a contractual obligation with you can you believe it God who created in us and a lot of people don't understand this contractual obligation the word faith comes from the word faithfulness people don't understand it it means husband and wife husband and wife April I am faithful to Fiona she is faithful to me if you understand this you can understand it when trouble hits you he will act like your husband he will protect you the word salvation Zoe means he will protect you he will stand for you he will fight for you don't forget that this God is not some God he's not a consciousness he's not a universe he's not some idol somewhere he's a God who will come down and he'll protect and fight for the people he's contracted to the word faith comes from faithfulness that means I will be faithful my dad was sick I cried I die I said God are you going to cut his life short at his age come on I reminded him of my contractual obligation my dad from being in the grave picked up I'm a same you know it you saw it you understand it how how can we do it because of the contractual obligation he has towards us it's called a testimony jar Apocrypha Arabic and Arabic EB because if you understood that you'll stand before any code of law you stand before any president Prime Minister Bible I was explaining a couple of days ago I said people think rich is having money you crazy Philippe knows this which is not having money rich is having money and but no problems you can lose a ten million dollars in a second but not blink one eye lid it won't make you feel anything someone if you lose in ten million dollars now I'm blinking that's what I'm saying I can see but I can tell you there are people here yeah I'm telling you I mean be lost millions gain millions lost millions millions not once it is stopped me preaching like this why because prosperity the blessing of God makes rich but adds no sorrows that doesn't mean that doesn't mean you don't have problems that means you don't that what he's talking about there's joy there's peace listen there is a supernatural peace and joy that comes upon the Blessed and the blessed is not because you have money the blessed is the person has a supernatural peace and joy and of course you'll have money but who cares that's not the point I can go by bus and still have joy I can sit in a Mercedes and still have joy come on the blessing of the Lord adds no sorrow holes that is what that is means that means you're truly blessed even heathens out there are blessed and have more money than people are God you understand it by what they don't have is this they need to fold their legs and say ohm please understand to get peace we don't need to Carbonaro doesn't need to my people don't need to we had no sorrows that's a real blessing okay now you can make money now before I get there let me show you something it says this let's go let's go in Hebrews 1 are you ready God is good god is good this is the prophetic word for you today you karamakov chandra baba listen carefully but to the son verse 8 but to the son he says listen carefully okay your throne O God is for ever and ever is it there Oh My Jesus government's come and go what is he trying to say government's come and go man next year we might have a new one you onething your relationship with those people will last five years and then you'll have to give more money to build more relationships and you'll have more problems in your mind but the one who keeps me slumbers it doesn't slumber he doesn't sleep he strong is forever guess what I get when I'm ready say the one who keeps whose covenant of me he's truly forever listen carefully a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom the scepter of righteousness you very impulsive righteousness righteousness righteousness is a scepter it means it is at Orakei this authority posture is righteousness goodness okay and many people in Greece don't understand righteousness other Authority they think righteousness is just God is good and that's what I want to redefine for you today of course is good but it's a scepter of authority heard about kosher righteousness is an authority say righteously the authority watch is a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of his Dominion man so righteous it has to be very important right you have loved righteousness and hated evil Wow he says because Jesus and now his people have loved righteousness and hated wickedness is it there therefore so therefore therefore therefore we're for because you have loved righteousness and because you have hated evil oh Jesus therefore okay Arabic Arabic Shanda supernatural joy supernatural how do you have supernatural joy how do you have peace is the Jesus is the Prince of Peace so when it comes what Philip is saying is there is no fear why because when the Prince of Peace has may be strong instead of you right then what you can have is the oil the word oil is that the anointing there's a special anointing of gladness of joy beyond all your companions that means if you love what he loves and if you hate what he hates therefore true therefore the oil of gladness will come upon you the oil of joy will come upon you more than every single person on the planet Jesus was the happiest chappy he was the happiest of the happiest more than all his companions why because therefore he came why because he hates sin and he loves righteousness that person is inside of me I mean I say I've received his forgiveness do you know what forgiveness in forgiveness is people don't understand you know this guy okay before I feel like we're talking about but I was much worse than Philip I was constantly when I used to pass certain areas I would duck in the car because I've if someone saw me then they would come home you want to send it not to ask for money because they would come to kill me you understand it or the police will come to get me there was contracts on my life I never had a contact on your life okay contract means someone has given a contract paid money for your demise okay you must understand fear had gripped me the day I left to England to my wife Yona the CID I missed the CID by half an hour please understand booyah delimit fear was everywhere I that because why because I've loved evil and hated righteousness you understand I loved evil and hated righteousness so my god joy was so far for me I was so depressed to psychiatrist no truth to psychiatric I'll mention their names as well prescription drugs there are people here I'm telling you we need to change a perception you need to change a perception that is truly a devil there is truly a devil man are you serious you think they hate the devil man he's he's out to get you he's there to destroy you you need to love what he loves hey yeah Chikara Vijender you see yes Jesus has forgiven you but you know what forgiveness is do you know what forgiveness is forgiveness means do you know why people wanted to kill me do you know the things that I've done you know what forgiveness is someone's justice got aborted think about that when you come in here and receive forgiveness someone is looking for justice you could have Acura Bakura by Shonda do you know how many people were looking for justice and that's awakened I can't stand me taking his mic and talk about Jesus because someone's justice was aborted Chikara macoraba Shonda and it was given the dick they can see it or not it was given to Jesus on the cross so when Jesus says he's forgiven your sin the power of that is so powerful it means that what was supposed to come to you will not come to you because mercy has come to you and the word mercy please understand the word mercy people jump into grace you know people love to take grace over in grace before you understand grace just understand mercy because you can understand grace if you don't understand mercy you see mercy is you do not get what you deserve and what you deserve his death I don't care how many poor people you feed you understand you deserve death you know what you're about you know what you've done you know before I mean come on you understand that so before you get into grace grace is not that you don't get what you deserve but you get over abundantly more than what you even deserve that but hold on but don't jump into grace without understanding the next cancer should be your inheritance the next shame should be your game huh now why because there are people believing knowing what you have done you understand it there are prayers that have gone up praying so-and-so is doing this why did you do this to me there's a God who needs to answer justice the God was listening to the prayers of people do you know how many people I've done wrong to do you know that they are prayed but it a Hindu the buddhists or muslims don't worry about it how many people have you laid down how many people are you letting down all the time come on think about it hmm okay there's a God who needs to fulfill justice and because there were so many things against you he came down now you understand what righteousness is and he gave you whoo yeah righteousness the word righteousness and that's where people have misunderstood it the word righteousness has to do with just nuts they've misunderstood it righteousness yes yes it's God's goodness but it came by fulfilling justice come on come on come on he fulfilled the justice how many of her meetings just I'll take the 10 commandments forget the 600 laws how am i order ten commandments have you broken they're just the ten come on let's go under ten commandments aah today today how much are the 10 commandments in Hebraic just think about it now ladies and gentleman justice needs to be served okay and so therefore when you understand he gave you righteousness as a free gift ladies and gentlemen this was a cost that he paid you understand he loves righteousness and he didn't want you to get the justice so he made you just he made you justified he made you the just one you understand it that is what forgiveness of sins is and suddenly you become justice personified you become that crocus sugar Ibaka Chandra bikini you become that the holy Sonny the Holy Spirit the what spirit it's not some peretta spirit it's not some demonic spirits from somewhere it's not anything like that the Holy Spirit is inside of you he can come and now make his home without with inside of you because justice has been full filled I hope you understand what righteousness is righteousness the right word for righteous and we jump in revelations you jump it's justice and so when we understand a big word righteousness Oh My Jesus it means that justice has been done justice has been given to me God loved righteousness he rules the word righteousness in a New Testament someone needs to do a word study on it the real word for that I'm not sure what the roof it's I think it's something like Dick ion or something like I'm not a great scholar okay but it sounds like that D Karen or something like that the same word for justice is the same word for righteousness in a New Testament please understand it's the same word can you believe it the Greek word decay on it means justice waha just imagine when you say I am righteous by faith what kind of spin do you need to put on that when Jesus has forgiven me and I receive his righteousness by faith it means that now justice has been done oh my shucks Arabica D justice has been done shabu question D so that is why because he loves justice so much that he came and he gave you righteousness which is justice someone's justice was now fulfilled through Jesus Christ hmm Dickerson yeah praise God now watch is in revelation then we'll read revelation again okay so we have to understand this is not something cheap this is something that we need to really look at here we are revelations 19 are you ready listen carefully okay verse 11 now I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called come on what is he called you remember I explained about faithful faithful and true oh my God Jesus the who Jesus is is faithful faith faithful he's faithful to his people and something about him is true what is the holy spirit known as he's the Spirit of Truth come on okay he's a spirit of truth okay and John 1 beautifully says it I love what John 1 says he says the law was given by Moses but grace and truth you cannot have grace without truth when I said again you cannot have grace dr. grace and truth Shakya machine D was given by Jesus Christ he is faithful and he's true grace and truth was given by Jesus Christ that's what it says okay so all for all the graces who are listening to us locally and internationally guys I love grace and that's why I want to keep a church in grace and because of that we need to see the fullness of our graces its grace and truth there are three types of churches in the world today one type are legalists who believe that you can lose your salvation if you do not perform and work for it you understand that the salvation in heaven you can lose your position in heaven if you don't perform and work for it 99% of all the churches are like that or ninety I say ninety now we've got bigger now the real truth is coming out of the Protestant movement came I'll be Martin Luther King and all this and it was based on grace Martin Luther and you know he was based on grace and then he came after that after that there were different different movements based on grace okay and grace the grace people do not believe they can lose their salvation by their sinful actions that means you're a Grace Church you cannot lose your salvation most churches believe that you can lose your position in heaven if you do sinful things do not ever do a Grace Church believes that Jesus is work was so perfect on the cross that he came he saved you and you cannot lose your salvation even if you tried your place in heaven grace church but the problem is they'll go to the third type of church we are the third type of church you might secure your place in heaven because of God's work but ladies and gentlemen your time on the earth will be terrible and in fact you might actually get to your heaven much faster okay okay because the Bible in in Colossians 3 in Galatians 5 in Ephesians 5 is clear that the kingdom the Dominion the Kings Dominion comes for those who are true I'm not telling you to stop the actions please note what I'm saying you can continue in your action but ladies and gentlemen if you have true heart your actions will stop you understand it like the key is why are we still in seeming our position of sin now has been transferred they're not in sin anymore via in righteousness okay Jesus comes and saves you so that you will not be a sin anymore but you're a righteous person so your position has now shifted from earthly to heavenly now you are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus but ladies and gentlemen now we have Saints who are sitting that's the problem we have Saints but they're still doing the actions of their innings the innings and they're completing their innings that's the problem so we are so Paul writes to all the Saints but a problem is they're still in the innings but a position is Saints so now we are not looking at you as a sinner please understand I'm not looking at you a sinner I'm not looking at myself as a sin either but my God my life should not be cut off on the earth I need I need my body my my church my leaders my believers to have long life when sickness comes they need to be able to defeat it you understand it no one dies of no one gets translated anyone got translated recently no one goalie lat it's cancer heart disease diabetes these are the big three at the moment okay the wages of sin is not hell the wages of sin is not hell the wages of sin is with a third type of church the third type of church is looking and believe me this will be the majority which I just want to get the doctrine properly once the pastor's start reading their Bible okay then they'll realize this thing it's in the Bible okay it means that now if your actions okay you can do the things you want to do but if you don't have a true heart you cannot receive the proper tation you cannot receive the atonement you cannot have the blessing that God promises for those to live long on the land because of your heart it's not even the actions forget about the actions I'm saying you can keep doing the actions you want I'm dealing with your heart because I know I don't want you to keep doing actions but I can't deal with the functionality of it unless we deal with your heart first and the Word of God comes to the heart now watch this okay so he he is faithful and true is he there and in what in righteousness he judges and I love his word he makes war Oh Jehovah Gabor hmm Jehovah what else he smiles Shama that's his name I'm talking about the name of God my god which might surmise who God who comes to me as a man of war that's my God God who comes by my side as a mighty warrior like when he wants to come in but a mighty warrior you understand that that's the name he's Jehovah support the Lord God of hosts Angel armies back him he loves to fight don't ever mistake that don't go to to Ultra Gracie to think that suddenly God became you Sonny war he became what he liked he's a very characters you fight for those he loves that'll protect me you understand that that's what protects us you covenant to people are you covenant with him this is very important if you are not covenant with him then you can be on the other side of this wall you don't want that believe me Chaka boom Chaka day ha ha ha you understand he he's a he's a God of War I love Americans because when I'm into America and I go into the deep south I see their big Cowboys and and the first thing they're like I'm talking about all it's in Iraq and is like yeah so we're a warring nation could be you know that right I mean they are a warring nation a warring nation okay and so these guys half Indian half whatever run my quad my friend you know he's half Indian half cowboy whatever it is so he said we have that's that's their just worrying like that so now everyone except him because they're worrying your God is a warring God read the Bible I'm not making excuses for him he protects his people like a mighty warrior he protects his people if we are not living in the protection there's a problem I'm not planning destruction for my enemies because he's hold on hold on hold on don't get the please understand God didn't lose his ability to walk when you believe a doctrine of grace he still remains his unchanging one show Carrabba when did you get this revelation you will see certain things change why what happened to Philip is happening why what happened to naomi is happening because I got a God who was he's boring and he might be boring against every spirit that comes to destroy you but unfortunately some people are hosting the spirits they might get caught in a crossfire that's modern on my heart but he will war against every spirit especially if you are covenant with him if you there's a people that he wants a covenant with and he's one thing that he will protect them Djuka rubbish and rubbish under now watch this we are guaranteed a victory I'll tell you verse 13 he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood is it there and his name is called come here what a name but the name his name is called the Word of God now that's why we preach okay his name is called in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and that's why you're preaching the righteous word when we call when we make this is the righteous word it means the word that will bring justice it will bring righteousness it will bring righteousness you understand this word once it comes to you it will bring justice in every area of your life all you need to do is open your heart God is rallying his troops just till you get it and understand the revelation and see what happens I all right give it to you in writing what I'm trying to tell you you understand it you kirara this message last night the Lord gave me this word this decay on this thing he gave it to me I don't know how to pronounce here what every day but he gave it to me in a wizard and he said read the Greek translation of righteousness they've got it wrong that's how I got it these people who have to go to theology or college to get seminary I get seminary like that the word is wrong so when I reset oh my god he was right righteousness means justice so we have to understand when we say God is our righteousness he is our justice nowadays power nowadays power for the believer come on Jesus you're a beggar Ibaka shut up a Cordoba I'm telling you this he's gonna rock you okay now understanding that just understanding just a few things yeah Barbara Bach Shonda the Bible says very clearly the word he's that what the Word of God the Bible says this yeah the Bible says this guys that the Word of God Hebrews 4 says the Word of God is living and powerful did we say his name is the word right the Word of God is living and powerful sharper than a two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and spirit okay bone and marrow here it is leaving everything naked and open discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart the word when it comes to you it's coming to you now it's coming to every man Jesus the word it's discerning the thoughts and intent of the heart and it's leaving everyone open to give a count this word now some of you feeling uncomfortable it's okay it's coming what Philip did was very important because it's coming so that you are naked and open before him so that you can give account that is what the word does guys the word comes to the beacon give account to God when the word comes I mean recently someone told me who came recently home she said all your leadership is in but you know we heard about your leadership your leadership your leadership has weaknesses you know they're in there in whatever and then you know as I as I hurried I was like okay and I look at her and I said there might be because I never defended myself I would never defend myself come on I would never defend myself I hope I hope the people who are saying that we have weaknesses have first taken a plank off the eye that's my hope I hope but if you ever bring to me that I have weaknesses I'm a very humble guy I will tell you straight I have weaknesses because I'm I'm there's a fear of God in me sure but people come guides you don't understand people call me a prophet in fact God calls me a prophet now how do I know that how do I know that you think I just came and took it by force you can't take this thing by force people you can't take you by force prophets guys are listening to me online you can't take profits by force are you crazy you have to have the fear of God before you take the word prophet apostle some people are now apostles or really apostles they are postally they're bigger puzzles I'm so scared of a puzzles I'm telling you when they come I bow my knee you've seen me I was I won't even mention a person's name without saying he's an apostle at just at home I know Jo Carson MgO but with my leaders I say he's a pause he's in a puzzle because there's a fear of God guys we have to understand that we are not in a place where God can see God is healing setting us free he's doing miracles signs and wonders are we going to harden our heart when we have to give account when the word comes before God guys ladies and gentleman we have to give a count do you want to prosper do you want to save your family is your family in trouble is your husband your wife in trouble is your father in trouble will they be in trouble I'm just asking a question do you want them to come out the first thing is there cannot be he broke the hypocrisy so when someone said your leaders sin I didn't jump you defend him at all I said sure sure of course our leaders would have sinned let's say well the church is full of sin I say you I won't say we are not been transformed believe me if you you look at my leaders you think they have seen now you should Accord in five years ago you look at according five years ago I can tell you one thing that we are transformed that a Word of God has come he's transformed us and we are very open about it why because we have the fear of God and we know that we are transforming you under standard so of course no huyang no because no spells no word spells no talismans know whatever temple lockers they can do will affect me in fact you it'll go back twelve times to them but how does that happen because of the heart the truth the truth the heart is true Chikara passion if if your conscience is true ladies and gentlemen we are now free not stopping the sin first coming to truth if you have errors and mistakes in your life go before God in truth you understand it Jesus himself says when you say to ask for mountain to leave once you say that prayer ask God to forgive you for your sins and forgive anyone for your prayers to be answered we can't come to godless in Germany you can't get away from Mark Levin at the bottom of it it says when you pray when you stand to pray after you love your Big Shot you ask mountains move your big shot you ask mountain to move ok mountains are moving at your word now ok and it ends or Peter your claws what's a claws if you have seen the brains anyone ask that person to forgive you if you have sinned ask this forgiveness man now your prayers now mountains will move not running up and be proud about it we have to submit ourselves to it and say accord you know this is what I am I'm not a sinner I'm righteous by faith but God my life on this earth must be prosperous rich peaceful Shalom could guard me all around and for that I just need to come to you before in truth grace and truth we're not condemning ourselves please understand I don't remember the last time I'm condemn myself I don't condemn myself think I'll lose my salvation I never ever once thought after I received grace that I'll lose my salvation no chance I just don't want to get to heaven fast I've got things to do here you understand it and the enemy's hand cannot be upon me God's hand has to be upon me so for that I just need to be in truth I'm not worried about my actions guys that's up to him you can't stop reactions we want to all you can do is truth all you can do is true it you got it you robbed Akash under about abortion now watch this I want to show you something okay now I want you to understand how righteousness has been preached and how I'm preaching it and it's different you see when you bring the justice spin on it it changes everything now watch this you've got our bash under go to Exodus 34 I'll show you something Exodus 34 Exodus 34 is a really interesting place and I want you to see it cuz it is 34 in for what it is who your God is don't make excuses for him many people in Grace are making excuses don't make excuses for him I don't need to protect my God he's God he is different my understanding of righteousness and goodness he's not gonna trap God or God is not like that the Bible clearly says his ways are higher than our ways why would he say it he says his thoughts are higher than our thoughts he said the return to him that means repent once you understand that this is the problem in today they were looking at the mirror and saying God looks like me God does not look like you you need to look like him that's better he has give made the way that you can look like him don't look at yourself in the mirror and says how I thank God God looks like me Chikara beaucoup yo Chara by Shonda oh no no no no no he yeah God his ways are higher than your ways you won't understand him his thoughts are higher than our thoughts in fact when you see him you will get offended because his goodness and your goodness are completely different you understand a day so much so that they crucified Him he looked at the synagogue and said break this damn thing down got it you understand that he said break it down he looked at the most holy people who are wearing robes and righteous people and say these are all hypocrites shoo karappa shibi rebuild Yoruba Hashanah you understand it so exodus explains it watch this one okay now Moses you'd understand he's come down a ma he's he's about he's about to go up the mountain okay okay and he's about to take the tablets of stone and come down but up on the mountain I want you to see this he meets with God in a very special way and before he goes this is what he tells God he says God I don't want to move unless you come with me okay if you don't move come with me I don't come in fact God but at one point says I will give you my angel hunter he said I'll give you my angel to go with you he says I don't want to enjoy today people are taking angels and he says I'm testing your heart will you take me I want to be your exceeding great reward do you understand it says imagine God comes to you and says hey you're what I'm doing my angel and and he says all our enemies about long before you and the guy says it doesn't matter I don't want your angel I want you and he says today God is testing people's hearts today to see who will they take you see now what is now here it is most now this is Moses Moses and God having a conversation okay you wanna see this conversation is beautiful he says verse 12 at the bottom I was well I think halfway down verse 12 it says I know you by name and yet and yet have also found grace in my sight now therefore I pray if I have found grace in your sight now most of the same okay is enough you find grace in how it show me your ways if I found grace if I found what have you found grace have you found grace the first thing was they didn't show me your ways I want to know your ways because he's one thing with the people inside but they never knew my ways they only knew my works I don't know what I don't know I don't want a next miracle God I don't want an ex prosperity God you see the real relation we got but show me your ways who are you I want to take you for who you are I don't want to take you in to wrap you around my context of what good is he says if I have found grace who are you show me your ways I'm not going to wrap you around some political theory I got some theological thing I've got I want to know your ways is it there show me your ways that I may know you come on is the one prayer that we need to ask I want to know you I don't want a doctrine I want to know you and that I might find grace in your sight and consider that these people are your people and he said my presence will go with you and I will give you rest is that what is in that what you want isn't that what Philip is talking about yeah and then then he said to him if your presence does not go with us do not bring me up from here he says man if you don't come with me I don't want to go up verse 17 so the Lord said to Moses I will also do this thing that you have spoken for you have found grace in my sight and I know you by name look at the relationship and he says God please show me your glory and he said I will make all my goodness or Bashara kita roppa he said you want to see my glory no first I will make all my righteousness remember you're talking righteousness right I will make all my righteousness all my goodness go before you is it there I will make all my goodness pass by you I will proclaim my name okay his name is going up first I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion and then Moses goes up the mountain and God does what he promises his name comes first and in verse 34 five now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and he proclaimed the name of the Lord remember his name goodness okay my goodness will come before everything my righteousness and the lost Lord passed before him and proclaimed listen carefully his name okay the Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious is there long-suffering abounding in goodness and in truth come on this is your God merciful gracious long-suffering abundant in mercy and in truth in truth his abundant in mercy and in truth in truth in truth in truth say truth now listen carefully now everyone stops there go on keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin is it there does he do that now watch what look watch this verse here by no means say by no means by no means that means no way man this should the shirt that should cause you to understand who this God is by no means okay clearing the guilty we sit in the iniquity of the father's upon the children and the children's children to the third and fourth generation Oh mock Arabic Arabic Allah he first gives who is in a merciful and gracious I forgive for generations and slow to anger but by no means will I not make sure that those who have done wrong will be punished even that children will suffer what the fathers are suffering her chakra Bosch under the fart what the father is doing the child will do man I'm telling you you've seen it what you're doing can be bought your father did your grandfather did and he passed down that he said that is who I am I will by no means acquit Shu karappa she everyone's gone quiet in a Grace Church yeah by no means will I acquit cucaracha I mean you need to understand this is his character because if he acquits he's not just I don't get frightened hold on yeah you need Authority that for me is not a bad thing because I'm covenant with him please know I am covenant with him I am born again so that my generations will not have the iniquities of my father's my grandfather was a wild man who had long hair who put a pundit just like me who carried a double-barrel went into the jungle six months came out six months and he comes out he's got lions and bears on his on his own on his shoulders and he walks into the house like that he goes into the into the madam eater he wraps himself a joint he smokes it and then he goes back hunting you understand that we don't know what the heck he was hunting but he won't come he bears a large money that's my if he's if he's staying at home every one hour he needs to have a shot and a drink if he goes from his house to Colombo that say that he has to stop 15 times at every time on you understand it my dad became a born-again Christian and he was able to stop drinking stop drinking stop drinking so their iniquities but not pass down because God has covenanted with me his son chameleon roal yeah I could have been on drugs do you understand I loved my biggest my people say what are your what are your temptation my biggest temptation was drugs man ecstasy cocaine you understand it when I became born-again boom I have a saved redeemed delivered I don't even feel like it I don't even look at it you understand out those temptations don't even come to me the woman eyes won't even come to me you understand not because of mice my goodness but because I was born again so those things will not pass down come on man my mother's grandfather I'm sorry to say but I'm trying to say when he died there were other people who came to take the inheritance as well not just the seven children that he had I can't look at another woman I'm only looking here it will not pass down to my children that kind of addiction why because justice was done in my life you understand that right you have to understand what who God is and who he hates it we might laugh about it today but he hates the fact that we live like that but first we need to see it and hate it we need to see if they're doing things that we need to hate it you might be doing it July guys I was taking drugs for ten years till I hated it to God I said God why can't I stop it he says because you still not asked me for your spirit on it ask me for my spirit as my spirit comes in you still like it you still like it I said God give me your heart if you're not only what happened as that happened I started first developing a hate for what I was doing Chikara bukas arabic in arabic Shanda and then by the spirit not by my own strength I developed a hate for what I was doing and suddenly I could not look at it I could not take it God hates unrighteousness he hates sin he loves righteousness he loves goodness come on come on come on come on why are we not living in the fullness of God because we are trying to live by our own strength by our own goodness God's goodness is very different is ways are very very different he's a God who resists the iniquities of his enemies to the third and fourth generation have you ever have you ever heard of someone take revenge like that stop for a moment and think about that have you heard you will take revenge but one day tomorrow you forget and then when you can see your enemy suffering a bit you're happy and you don't you let it go this God the PE trial people he tells them for generations down he says today go and destroy them he said why because 400 years ago they did this to my people he will not forget that is why I covenant with him I got a husband I got a protector Shara Bakura Bachand ah see righteousness is a gift which is justice that comes to you you must understand people think righteousness is something that they can believe and then obtain it like some doctrinal thing no righteousness is something that you have to experience I'm going to say it again righteous insular doctrine look at Abraham I'm going to show you Abraham Abraham Sodom and Gomorrah God is about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah okay and he's about destroying it but he comes first to his friend that's why it says that God will not do nothing without explaining it or telling his prophets you understand it even first still them first this is what's happening anybody better he's going to destroy a place or he's going to keep it open whatever it is he will tell his friends now you must understand he comes to Abraham on his way and he says I'm about to go and Sodom and Gomorrah are going to be destroyed Abraham did something with God's righteousness that is mind-blowing what did Abraham do abraham reminded him and sat with him and started saying God you know because Abraham's cousin is there he's living in the city so Abraham is saying God I know you I know these people are wicked that's why when someone tell me told me that people at Wow may be doing things that are not godly I didn't I didn't try to rebut that I have the fear of God on for my life what I would do is I turned around and this is what he says Abram says to Sodom and Gomorrah plus me we are nowhere like Solomon come on rock okay but even if we were even if we were okay we've got a man of God who will intercede that's what we need to do and he turned around and he said God but if there's 50 good people would you still destroy sakuraba Chandra what what is he doing he's now negotiating righteousness for a generation so that they will live in that righteousness yeah Bakura Bosch under Abbas Shanda I'm going to say it again righteousness is not obtained by saying yes to a doctrine righteousness is negotiated with your relationship through good god it's negotiated with your relationship to God but can you God make this bunch who are in Sri Lanka who people scorned who is a reproach of this nation can you make them great God we are not talking of heaven please understand heaven we are sure of you got your righteousness for heaven but he goes to go Oliver his relationship he says God if there are 50 righteous people really destroy he says okay you have 50 righteous people he says no I won't in a few people then he goes to God again and says but if there are thirty righteous people would you destroy ah okay and then he brings it under twenty righteous people okay and then he negotiates it down but God you are so awesome you're so good okay for five righteous people will you destroy and he negotiated righteousness so that his people so that his people Sakuraba Shinde so that his people lot and his family I'll tell you something I usually miss it so that his people I have negotiated this thing you understand you can't point all your fingers you want I have a relationship with his mighty God I experienced him I'm not just saying it Jesus really talks to me you understand it I've met Jesus I've seen him all these guys who hear from Jesus asked him it's the last thing they saw him when he came institution wrote the word to him it be careful before you talk against person like that you must understand it he'd be very careful because I I've negotiated that I said for this group of people who have all the errors could you make them a great nation and he has given me a resounding yes not babe hold on not because of my sake not because of your sake Barabbas under Abbas under kindy okay because I'm standing under the cross of Jesus Christ because I the blood the blood speaks gracious tones I'm not negotiated by my strength I'm standing on a blood of Christ and I'm wanting righteousness to be experienced righteousness is something that is experienced it's not obtained by saying yes to our doctrine now you need to go back and say God you can see my situation with my company even know who I am can we talk can we talk would you save me would you in my situation in my life you know everything the Word of God is living on public shopping and two edges so appears individual soul and speedboat Amero leaving everyone open to give a comp trust me he loves you he forgives you you but you need to receive righteousness justice needs to be received into your life you came from the cross take it you need to receive it the abundance of grace and keeper righteousness people are just not receiving it why because they can be true it's only with a true heart do you get what is it has to offer for you you need a true heart I'm not on you stop what you're doing I'm saying go go to God with a true heart man go to God and say God I want to experience you righteousness is justice to be experienced really me I mean I'll tell you there was a situation that I got into about a couple of years ago with Christians that Christians okay we went we did a company with some people these guys took a took the company we went I had to go to court now which is meant to Christians going to court I was just a baby Christian I was just a baby Christian he just got to know Jesus Christ but understood grace not a guy was under the law okay and he was a big shot really a big shot and honestly I don't know whether I could have won the case because I mean all this situation was such a tough situation there is no way everything is against me but when I go to God how I'll win the case is if I go with the true heart Rebecca Chandra Baba Christian - Christian so that means they're both covenant people they're both covenant people who's going to win whose side is God going to take they had all the big pastors all the big purses in the churches praying with them I'm think on a daily basis in their apartments I was a thug who just given his life to Jesus okay with all their prayers I came out you understand winning winning taking the everything no chance you know how many times I won't let up you know just my prayers answered why if I pray for someone as much as I am pray for a blessing but someone I can pray the other way around I'm not trapped into it God is not trapped into it if I look in a good way it's good if I look in a bad way it's bad trust me it's really bad I'm not joking you understand it because I hear from God because I can pray I know to negotiate that goodness but you need to realize well in your life we can't depend on a doctrine we need to have a relationship with this God who says evil unique he will visit the iniquity of generations but you also forgive for generations I need to deal with him as a real God not a doctrine and say Oh God remember me I can I come in - you eat truth yes this is my situation yes I've I failed I fallen I made mistakes in my life but God you are a God who shows mercy show mercy I'll show you something oh this is this is mind going to look this is hi these are his ways okay just check this one out it's in Genesis 15 see when he comes to Abraham he comes to Abraham and Isaac and do you even as the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob three generations down so in Christ you must understand many when you're in Christ he remembers what Christ has done for you but we need to know we have no entitlement here we come with fear and trembling before it is awesome God if someone comes and tells me you have made a mistake I take it very seriously I pray if someone comes and tells me I made a mistake I don't rebut it at once at once I go before God I say God hear my prayer recently someone had said that Kirby Dylan role is leading people away from Jesus unto himself and this is what I've said that I'm leading people away from Jesus and taking it to myself when I heard that I was on my knees I didn't rebut that in fact I went to Fiona and I said you know this is what people are saying if by any chance we have given that impression out I call I live under the mercy of God Oh God forgive us if that has ever been done the people have got the wrong impression I personally can't remember doing it but unconsciously say I've done it please understand God is not going to punish me but I'm open I have not done it personally I've never done it but if someone is saying that before I rebut him before I call to God and say God look at this person this is what this person is doing and saying I need to make sure and I'm 100% sure here and telling you I've gone to God and I cried out to God I'm 100% sure that that has not happened now God let the very lies that are spoken against me become his inheritance I've got a protector don't be scared to do that people in grace are scared to understand a God is the protector you will see the protection for my life come on just because you're in grace doesn't mean God is going to protect your enemies are you crazy what kind of covenant keeping God is he when they're trying to kill you and he's protecting them are you nuts I mean what type of grace are you believing in he's the bridegroom of bridegroom's jealous lover a jealous lover over his people you understand I am NOT wishing for their demise but trust me he's he's patiently waiting here the patience of Jesus Christ he says he's patiently waiting till people repent and come to him you understand it but that means at the end it's not going to be fun and it's not hell we are talking about we have to know who protects us whose are you who are you who has covenant with you who's your God who died for you who loves justice so much that he came and died for you that no enemy no word can touch you not no enemy that he said I created a destroyer to destroy but every tongue that rises up against you you will judge because your righteousness your justice come on is from me the problem with people is that they don't understand what they can pray for you had to listen to my prayers you'll understand my prayers what they look like we are yes he's answering by rain and fire the moment guys please understand who Jesus is to you he is a jealous protector and it is important that the world sees that he jealously protects you my god how will the heathen come to God know that he jealously protects you but guys when they's protection the key to keep you under the protection is a true heart took you can't look like the enemy and ask God to protect you you can only have a true heart by the blood of Jesus Christ because your conscience is sprinkled by the blood now watch it is okay forget that go into Romans 13 why do we just thank you we just thank you for your word guys for the Hebrews I tell you what go to Hebrews God Hebrews I'll show it in hebrews hebrews 10 we're online at a Miracle's in-house the miracles in-house what's happening come on come on yeah fun that's all you're talking yeah yeah yeah but happy for 20 minutes s0 it's at zero the charge is at zero that means the charge is not working huh but a4 is charging the charger is not working it's at zero yeah how about get that down another new one yeah right now while we're speaking people are getting miracles phones are being charged miracles are happening right now as we are talking right now look look because this word is not just a normal word miracles happen to confirm the word it happens to what to confirm the word while I'm talking it's happening huh now watch is how many by Goldust on your hands look at that look at that just look around how many we have golden sit with us on your hands look at that Wow look at that look at that look at that that's awesome how many have phones been charged one oh man how many just check your phones right now right now right now right now right now how many you've got healed while I'm preaching right now how many got a healing huh joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy come on how many you got he'll check your body you came in a pin right now just wave your hand just wave your hand yeah one check your body right now - come on right now right now right now three three what is that now it's hundred you might see me again time again yeah no it's hundred now 800 no okay you know okay stand up no wait I want you to see the guy okay what's the guy what's the guy okay wait watch the guy okay you remember him how do you remember him last Sunday I prophesied over him the Prophet is out now he was into consciousness frequency vibration God is always okay he was searching for God and I told him God is going to do miracles for you just for you to know that he personally loves you and his name is Jesus am I correct yeah you remember that right it was at 50 right yes 100 right [Applause] last week he was they were discussing in a restaurant we picked it up prophetically we picked your name up and he said this is your name you were in a Chinese restaurant you were discussing that Jesus is real better his consciousness frequency vibration or he's a personal God who loves you and I said God is going to prove to you personally through miracles that he loves you that Jesus is Lord come on there you go signs and wonders follow the word when the word is true please understand what I'm trying to say okay now watch this okay now we're going to a really interesting part okay now are you ready Romans 13 I'm going to show you something I have to Hebrews okay Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 he were sitting about Hebrews yeah yeah this is this is this is big so I can go to Hebrews okay going to Hebrews okay what is Hebrews 10 what's between the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit we do this to us this is what he's saying this is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days says the Lord I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds I will write them then he adds the sins and the lawless deeds I will remember no more that is God saying that he will not remember your sins that is a sovereign work of God that he promises you that when you come to him he will not remember your sins why because justice has been done cherepakhin because scene needs to be punished so when you come to him because scene needs to be punished he's already not because he has amnesia please understand very important because he did he's number remember simple he has amnesia no because he paid for it we started you he paid for it so when he when you income with sin he sees the payment you have to understand not that he forgets his sin like how you do when someone sins against you is like oh let's forget it no no no no no don't forget it forgive it because forgiving means you'll have to take the precious blood of Jesus internet situation and you will understand the value of your sin it costs you cost God is life you will never want to sin again because it cost him his life you understand it so therefore you understand the value of it so he says I will not remember my your sins any longer I will not remember a lot of people in grace have have their own amnesia that means just because God doesn't remember they turn around and tell you if God doesn't remember pastor why do you remember and so I cannot now talk to you about something that happened previously because you have got amnesia and you've forgotten when God says I will forget because of the precious blood of Jesus I will forget I see the payment you have to understand the mechanics but he says I will not remember your sins it means that means if someone owed him 100 thousand rupees if you owe him hundred thousand rupees right Fiona comes and pays 100 thousand rupees so now when I see you I've got my hundred thousand rupees I've got my hundred thousand rupees if you're not paid it so when I look at you someone owes you hundred thousand rupees right yeah am I correct yeah I'm telling you yeah okay sure so now you don't have normally yeah no needed either but it's exactly what I'm telling you right yeah exactly yeah okay so this is why this property cause now it's paid but I'm trying to explain to you okay that is trapped rubbing right now but it's only explained God is not explained now yeah it is so he says so I will remember your sins no more AHA then he adds the seasonal ology that I remember of normal is it there now what watch was nineteen therefore brothers having boldness because he doesn't now remember your sins you have boldness to enter the holy here's placed by the blood of Jesus he there by a new and living way which was consecrated for us who is that us us is people who are covenanted with him this is very important this is for you it's not universalism people are Universalist today oh it's for everybody hello it was everybody but they need to receive it you need to be a covenant person you need to believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and your Savior that he's forgiven your sins then needs for you when someone who doesn't know Jesus that goes to him with their own righteousness it's a frightening situation Chikara Bucky Baraboo Sean did you understand us if we are not Universal is that's why we are covenant people unto God we go to him with fear and trembling a God who can Eenie we see the iniquities of a children look what is happening in the world you see the miracle that happened in this house but you go out to this house you see the same miracles you don't people think you would just join any Church it's okay it's not people are still can living their curses in this house those curses are broken if you are born again and you identify yourself in righteousness means that justice has been done rocker ABBA and how do you identify you don't go around saying I'm or I am just righteous by faith you go around saying I might have errors but I thank God for his justice you see the two work together truth needs to come man if you're a teacher you need to be able to be in truth and then speak in truth that's why I love Phillip because he's a man who's true he doesn't need to come and tell you all the things that he's done that's none of anyone's business but he can be true hey I'm just a man just like you defy Elijah was a man just like you but he had a life of prayer he had taken the proper tation just like you you have now taken Jesus not your own righteousness in one place if I love how God tells Israel people he said you're going to go into now this place and you gonna conquer this place and you're going to rule over this place but he says not because of your own righteousness but I love what he says not because of your own righteousness because you are a stubborn people God is saying but he said because I love this one and this is so cool there are two ways that you have power over your enemies I'll show you the botwins okay one way is if their wickedness exceeds yours and he's and he says it in the Old Testament he said you will conquer these people you will surpass these people not because of your righteousness because their wickedness have now exceeded the measure so the best way when your enemies against you is to stay innocent keep your conscience very clear Chikara Bushido rubbish and as your conscience is clear as your conscience is clear what happens is there but the only way it can happen if your blood of Jesus not by denial receiving the sprinkling of the blood on your conscience means before you came to Jesus you are the evil conscience so you come to Jesus now with a true heart and then you say God without your blood I'm finished Judy asked me the question yesterday he said what about is sprinkling on the blood that's a springing of blood Jesus sprinkled the blood on your evil conscience that means if you have done something said something all that just go and let's receive it is already done but you need to obtain it you need to receive it and how you receive it please guys just because you got a doctrine of grace or righteousness doesn't mean you can receive it it means that you have to go with a true heart and then you receive what has already been finished in the realm of the Spirit it is done it is finished that nothing more you just receive it one place it says you got to obtain mercy and grace that means you don't have to go and plead for it you just go and boil your obtaining obtaining means it's there but you need to go and you say God what is there for me God you know what pepper I'm a jealous man I'm an ambitious man Oh God you've seen my heart but I can come to you and I can receive your blood man I tell you his blood is also man his blood will make sinners bishops you understand he'll make sinners profits you understand it but it's been a true heart Chikara obviously they're obliged oh yeah yeah I'll tell you the secrets the mysteries of this book are not not hard that's so simple why am I not living in the strength and the power that we're supposed to live in because the inability to receive what the blood has done and I know my spiritual and my father and me differ in this context okay he you know personally let me define this confession thing okay but you know what I'm not there to teach pass Neal he's my father do you understand that I'm not there to try to teach him I'm there to receive from him you understand it so one day hopefully he'll hear and if he agrees he agrees if he doesn't agree I'm going to submit myself and bow my knee every time he comes and I'll be corrected if I'm wrong and teaching this and I come to you and tell you that he corrected me there's no problem I seen it done before I'll do it again if my preaching is wrong I'm submitted to a leader I'm you won't believe you know when Bishop Paul T Marin Patricia King was there at that time he he said the word of immortality he told me when you come to India there were hundreds of people picketing I couldn't go into a certain city because of the gospel I'm carrying okay B churches pastors praying against me first you noticed right painting a green in motels you huh so i couldnt go to Chennai I did go to Hyderabad and go from Hyderabad to Pastor Shyam kotori's then I'd come to Chennai and 4000 people who hate me now I'm on a stage 4,000 people hate me now want me to apologize for some stupid video that someone did which is complete out of context and so I was with Patricia Ann Patricia said cubby if they want you to apologize see the video properly I bet some Dino policy I apologize I took the mic and they said Bishop Paul T Martin who was my apostolate covering he's going to come there and he's going to correct you in public so the two pastors who were with me at that time okay who loved me at that time they loved me dearly today they're not even around okay not Patricia Patricia love me very much and still does okay she said but she showed me I said what do we do this thing is happening he said she said Kirby you go on stage who take the mic and seek the people's forgiveness she said don't and then bridge if they've got a video he was gone in the wrong way I said I could have run the other way four thousand people one in my head I went there Bishop ulti Martin become now and we heard that he's come to bring a correction to my doctrine hmm Bishop Paul tomaron messiaen twenty thousand churches on him I Monday's apostolate covering my two pastors with me you know what they told me they said prophet this is the best way to take this don't you can apologize to the people but do not take do not take you said do not take the correction you know what he will bring in correction you might change the doctor around all that do not take the correction in public take the correction in private because you take the correction in private no one knows what he has corrected me on so it'll be good otherwise your followers they'll fall because they believe in what you were saying so I told them today these people are not even with me I don't even know whether they truly I mean of God today but I told him I've never had I had my person is covering up all my life I love personally I've submitted to him okay and I'm ready to take whatever correction he brings in my life and I said this I said if Paul tomaron who now have submitted to wants to correct me in public I said I would love that because that's what a true son is whereas do I won't be corrected and if I had to change my doctrine I will change it die immediately so I went and I said properly you crazy it is suicide I said no I trust God God is my Vindicator whatever comes out of my Authority's mouth will be a blessing to me whatever comes out when he says your wrong stop preaching now that's fine it's a blessing man my life will be blessed I'll be protected that blessing upon my life is a protection because the body's coming on the corner that's so good and I said come on give it to me and I said probably don't do it I went there you know what he came I don't know what happened the correction happened and he came and he assured only a doctorate and he confirmed my word I was shocked they were shocked everyone shocked I seek forgiveness for the people and said I'm sorry this is what I meant please forgive me if I misunderstood they were like okay and then this guy come and said everything you said is right I don't know what happened I'll tell you time and time stories like that time and time stories that when we go to God with a true heart God you know you have God one day I went to meet a prophet I discovered the serious prophet he would see through people believe me okay and at that time people were saying different different things and I said God you know he revealed to this prophet if I am if that's somebody wrong some unconscious ting unconscious Singh we don't know there might be some coach Justin how do you know I don't know okay there might be unconscious things I'm doing that are wrong maybe I don't know what it is I can just guess I don't even try yes - are you beginning solemn yeah yeah you see I I can guess maybe this maybe that okay but I said god I'm going to go to this guy I know he's a prophet now I know he's a prophet I said let him correct me publicly no Heidi I'm going to go if he corrects me publicly in front of everyone I won if he doesn't I won okay when they're nodding happen came back I was very happy you understand it you see guys these are leaders submit to your leaders submission is the most precious thing if they can't talk into your life and if you're gonna get angry and rebel in the Word of God comes to your heart and how can you honor God that you can't see when you can't honor the people you can see the Bible said then you are a liar you need to first take the word into your heart allow the word to go into your heart where do you get a culture like this I tell some of my young ones man I wish I tell I tell you I wish I had a church like this when I was doing what you were doing man the leaders love you they speak into your heart they are there for you they're ready to die for you man I mean I wish there's no religion dead no judgment open your hearts to these people or if we can't open our heart to them how do you know you're open your hearts to God in your prayer time it's an impossible you can't take it from a man that you can touch feel and see you're trying to say that when God is telling you something you listen it's impossible I mean look at the hypocrisy you're living it's a deception well it's true I mean come on guys it's practical stuff we need to be build again this word is holy it's truth and my god God has come to save you like Noah save these people we can be saved how many of you have got sick and got same you understand it how many got saved from your financial destruction how many will say from depression you know that most of you or most of you me forget most of you me and one of you a majority okay here okay so me I should be in a insane asylum I should lose my mind my you don't understand a piece I have it surpasses Bible said the piece that God did you surpasses humanness and if you have lost your peace and I can tell you I can look at your face and then tell you who's lost your peace I know peace I know pieces look if you lost your peace you're not in covering if you lost your peace is not incurring by striving you're not in covering it means you've gone out joint turmoil your mind is in turmoil why because now you are under the covering of the enemy but come back come on come back and twine your heart again to Jesus we have a true heart as you have a true heart go to God with a true heart first number one rule of engagement with God is kill why why we have churches tell your leaders first you don't have to confess all your sins but tell your leaders I struggle with these things can you pray for me it shows humility before God because grace ladies and gentleman not a doctrine it comes to the humble grace comes to the humble they know you can't get away from that you can't change it around grace come to your humble humble means not humble before men Moses writes I am the most humble man Moses was Moses right in the Bible and writing I'm the most Moses the most humble man in the world he's right here what will make him think say that because he knows his prayer before God he knows before God his heart is open before your leaders your heart should be open because that represents someone man I felt like this I got a friend ladies my god upset ladies people are offended but want to come in city everyday don't be offended come and tell me I'll forgive you you'll walk into your inheritance you understand it because it represents what God is doing in your life but if we are going to hold it in and struggle with it Chikara Bosch and Arab Hashanah God wants to save you you're already saved into heaven but he wants heaven to come on earth save you now watch this okay last bit man can have you up Hebrews 12 we did Hebrews 12 video to Hebrews 10 okay one more Bible was so let us draw near is it there was 22 let us what draw near we do what Robbie de venir Widow true her came 20 to draw near with a true heart that is the condition of drawing near in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with the word pure what is the word so when I condition to draw near to God is through hot then he sprinkles he's already done it our conscience of a evil conscience is sprinkled so I can come to him even if I've seared my conscience even if I've done things against my conscience the sprinkling of the blood is upon the conscience so I can come with a true heart and say God this is who I was now man now grace is your portion covenant with your ocean protection is your portion even if you fall tomorrow he still protect you Shekhar abba-abba-abba Yaga Robuchon da you got it okay Romans 12 now watch is I'm going to show you Romans Road okay Romans rally is crazy it's a crazy crazy scripture I mean it'll add power to you Romans brother watches I love what he did with you man what's your name Dilip I totally loves you I'll tell you but why would he go behind I won't you understand why would he go with someone who was not sure not seen it may be cynical to eyes but because God doesn't see this he's he won't have done it believe me signs and wonders not really something signs I'm honest follow those who believe he doesn't follow unbelievers so why he got a ceremonious because he actually is a believer but he's not he actually believes but he's up and down I'm a greatest who has sinned cyllage searching you courageous who are religious that means they believe because they want to be edges but your weight is who is really searching if it stood he wants to take it our God who is a personal God came to him today at a meeting I prophesied for him two days ago and I said God is going to come to you I got there his girlfriend's name and he said Molly God is going to come to you and your boy from you're sitting ladies in the restaurant and you were talking and you were trying to explain God to him and you were talking about consciousness frequencies vibrations is God really personal I said God is personally going to come to you that's his wife and he just did it for everyone to see come on man God is awesome God is awesome he loves people he covenants he wants do one thing he wants to contract with you will you be mine will I be yours now we get ready I ready Romans 12 okay you guys have been really good okay this has been a hard message guys these are no messages I plan to like give I before I started my schedule as I said God give me the grace to be able to preach this without compromise you've got to be preached it pretty good because you know people under grace they were so scared to touch certain things I know I'm righteous by faith I know I'll get to heaven but I want to live long on the earth I want my life to be full of peace I want peace to be surpass human understanding whether you have money or I'm not interested in money but if I have money or don't have money I need peace any joy I need joy like I have a billion dollars believe me that's the joy I have you don't understand it it's unshakable I'm sure unshakable we're not joking when Philip saying is that it unshakeable place you can go to share Ibaka Shandy rubbish in day and that is that is the true blessing of God and of course which is money health all that my god and we are very healthy very very healthy not about question about watches watches ok Romans Romans here we are ok verse 9 let love be without hypocrisy sit down let love be without hypocrisy a bow what is evil what a blow the word a bow is the word abomination I mean please understand Oh God in New Testament doesn't hate really God doesn't hate when do you have I mean he takes vengeance two three four generations the Hun what are you talking about he abodes he hates evil Wow so now I understand my god I thank God I cannot comment to beat him thank God that I contracted with him thank God his bloody speaking coach acara because he even is abomination you see is it a I cling to what is good be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love is it there what is not lagging in diligence fervent in spirit serving the Lord rejoicing in Hope patient in tribulation Israel continued steadfastly in prayer is it their prayer is the key guys Grace Church prayer when did you forget to pray you will continue continuously in prayer pray that something you do for one hour in the morning play something that you continuously do in prayer is it there this is not works however can we call relationship with God works distribution this remainder needs under sense is it a bit all gone then now watch is okay verse 17 we pay no one evil for evil not listen carefully have regard for good things in the sight of all men is it there if it is possible that means it might not be possible sometimes say if it is possible if it is possible as much if it is possible as much as it depends on you live peaceably with all men if it is possible try go and talk try go and negotiate try live in peace with all men is it there okay not a if it is possible okay verse 19 now listen carefully beloved do not avenge yourselves rakesh Arabic Arabic and O beloved do not avenge yourselves is it there beloved do not avenge yourselves that people say ah there you go why I was sitting I was standing you know lying on my way to LA and in the line I don't know why in him in the u.s. in in the immigration in the line I was sitting there a woman was in front of me just turned around honestly I I did it was it was a spirit that got manifested because I'm going there for a Christian conference she turned around with her boyfriend and I mean the hatred that came from her mouth was like we know what the heck are you looking at and like I thought I didn't know she was looking at she was even talking to me I thought and then and bought the boyfriend and her boat at one time I was thinking oh my god now what now I'm thinking how do I defend myself do I go back to all Kirby because I might have to take the guy or and forget a guy is a big guy the girl is a big guy they're getting ferocious I've not done anything wrong I'm thinking do I hit first what very many people what time is gonna hit me I know how do I defend myself I'm going back to Dubai always and then I heard the Lord and then he says if you because now I was never getting I receive now coming in and roll the old guy was just about to get resurrected and he started he started saying what week I'm thinking I mean I mean this guy might be big but honestly I can finish him right right but the fact of the matter boys that's the truth okay on a good day I'm good at this ok ok ok now so I'm thinking ok ok right we'll see ok good take me on I'm thinking like this and the Lord said if you move I can't move that's all is it if you move because I'm very capable if you move he said I can't move like I heard it so clearly if you move and it was a lesson for my life for the rest of my days is that if you move I can move he says listen carefully beloved do not be seized new testamental we are not in Old Testament here beloved do not avenge yourself is it there but rather give room Chikara Bastion but make room for all you make room when you tie yourself on the cross you crucify yourself your passions and your desires my passion my desire is the RIP is everything out you crucify yourself your passion than your desires you understand her you shut your mouth let them talk let him eat and talk hub he says that a hub you know you're told up go and eat and drink and go up go and eat and talk keep continue talking and he said you crucify yourself why because he says beloved do not avenge yourselves but give room allow God to work it's there it is New Testament beloved do not avenge yourselves but rather give room give place to rod for it is written vengeance is mine I will replace as Lord come on come on come on is it there so a lot of the grace people don't understand this it says oh but if your enemy there if it's hungry feed you yes you gotta give him loose you're giving room to rod so you correct your heart first you can't point fingers at your enemy if you are at fault take the plank off your eye don't go there don't talk shut up wait okay God you know I've come to you I've come to you and I've applied your blood your blood is come upon my conscience if I had followed with my heart condemns you God is greater than your heart and he knows all things we got about he says he knows all things God is greater in your heart if he heart condemns you before he knows all things so you come in truth the word about living powerful sharper than a two-edged sword piercing through the soul and spirit bone marrow leaving you open naked and open that's the key the key for the blood during a key for the blood to apply the place is naked and open man I'm naked and open before you God you will have to cover me I come before you look at me naked naked and open look at me now hang on if you don't cover me I'm finished I'll be the reproach of his nation cover me God and he's good to cover you but you have to be naked open you cannot receive cover if you cover yourself that's the whole thing about covering and a man even naked and then what did he do he covered them immediately but what did they try to do they try to cover themselves with their fig leaves with their performance with their work that's what piglet is bida on performing the work no go before the word because he will cover you if you are naked not if you're covered if you are covering your different parts come on come on Wow God knows you he knows your heart I'm not telling you to be condemned I'm gonna go before him Oh God I need you cover me you know these areas in my life the blood is ready is there was given was shed so their coloring can happen but if you are justifying yourself if you are covering yourself how can he come you need truth saying truth you'll be covered he's a protector he will cover you because that's his job the keyboar will protect you the lord god of Angel armies will protect you he'll cover you is it there so he says if your enemy is hungry feed him if he's thirsty give him a drink why for in doing so he will heap coals of fire on his head you understand it yeah the lion yeah coals of fire on his head coals of fire that means look at what caused the fire that means when you do that when you're related and open before God your enemy will realize he will he doesn't mean he'll just realize in a nice way he's not gonna get a tap on his back and say hi sweetheart I want to tell you they're doing something wrong - Kirby the every exact thing he's saying about me will happen to him and he'll realize I've seen it happen many and many times the lies that are said about you now they're living in the lies and them it's like all hell has broken loose and it makes them think oh my god I was thinking this about him but now he's happening to me and that's caused a fire on his head he'll say I'm oh my god I need to call upon God I need to change my mind against talking about against his people they're saying that my people have sins or they have errors I'm just praying for you my brother I'm not saying no now what are you gonna do I'm not saying no so what's gonna happen but about you then hypocrisy in your life ah let's see you see because I'm naked and open come on there's no cover here only God can cover me he needs to save me he needs to redeem me he needs to protect me he needs to come down we bear all before him he will protect me Sakuraba Shigella Bastian you got it that's what it says now listen carefully in verse 13 in chapter 13 verse what is it - therefore whoever resists Authority resists the ordinances of God now I'm prophesying court cases you watch after this message what's gonna happen in court cases Court cases if you have any court cases to do with inheritance if you have court cases to do with your machinery if you have court cases do with your money being stuck hear me out just this word is going to take you out because I'm going to show you how what God uses see God he uses Authority how the judge came in and gave me the whole all the machines in the factory in the whole thing it had not happened on multiple times okay how did that happen a judge a judge a heathen judge who doesn't know God decides in court that I should win God uses them never never never think never think that they cannot be used God will use them and this is what the Bible says the woman in the line turned around at me she spoke ladies I said God I'm gonna wait and then I said to her I said I'm sorry if I don't ain't in no friend you know I didn't do anything I counted but unconsciously maybe it's my color I don't know maybe it's the way I was I don't know but whatever it is I said I'm sorry if it on ending offend you I don't mean to offend you what's the problem how can I help I don't know what happened we didn't a second all I know is you know how do you open these bars like this you know you know yeah port they can open a bar you can have a new row you can open one part and you can have a new road to go in a cop or someone or someone they open a new role and they didn't have they didn't have time to talk to me because they wanted to get to the counter so they ran into this thing that was opened before he know it I don't know what happened but there were like a SWAT team with guns and all kind of things and they had put him on a gun on the ground and the pointing guns at them and they're handcuffing him I don't know what happened but he was in seconds even literally seconds the same woman sunny she tell me sunny dissing open she thought it was an opening your people who against you they think they've got an opening the Bible says they think they in rest they think they're gonna open but I running into turmoil here understand it she thought she got an opening she thought she has more access Carabas Shonda before you know it and they were taken and I was like oh my god this is really powerful stuff from that time onwards I make sure that I'm crucified and every at every attack again my life will remain crucified we remain on the cross we tie ourselves in the cross we try our feet to the cross which I am outer cross retire hands in the cross because we make room for rod most of our problems you guys don't even know a leaders even know you don't have not even tell you why you will see what happens to people who against the blood of Jesus Christ we've got a God who protects man you can be in grace but know that God protects you he's comin to meet you he's are coming in to be the world he loves the world and he's given his only begotten Son today me so the day will also cover not meet him but unless they receive him nothing happens nothing happens very very important here we are therefore whoever resists authorities resist the ordinances of God is there and also resists will bring judgment on themselves they are verse 3 for rulers are not a terror to good works but to evil do you want to be unafraid of the Authority do what is good and you will have praise for the same for he is God's ministers for good that means the wicked president Prime Minister policemen can become gods Minister for good but if you do evil be afraid is he there for he does not bear the sword in vain for his gods minister to avenge and execute wrath on him who practices evil is there was five therefore you must be subjects a subject not only because of rod but because of your conscience hello we are talking about authorities I'm talking about authorities if it's local authorities can do that to you depending on your conscience then your leaders submission is a beautiful thing we are called to submit guys I have worked in government for a long time I've seen I've been with leaders who someone might call unrighteous but I've seen them favor me over everything else I've stayed with people who are the people might call we could but I've seen them favor me over all things I just told you how I submitted myself to a bishop who is not because who is loving and beautiful and I showed you the favor that comes upon me submission with a clear conscience don't worry wives if you're struggling with something just submit to your husband don't worry don't worry even if he's we could trust me I was that we could husband I was that we could husband so I know my wife did something that changed me husbands do the same I'm trying to tell you don't rule over your wife learn to submit as you learn to submit something shifts something changes when you have a clear conscience and you submit my god it changes everything it causes heaven and earth to move God is asking you what is in your heart I remember I mean to my parents mom and dad to my spiritual dad you know I'm always open I'm always open I might people might call me prophet but I've opened my parents to tell me I'm open to my spiritual father to tell me they can tell me anything and I will really consider it I'm not going to say I'm not gonna rebut it I will really consider what I will take it to God in prayer that's how we keep winning that's how we have the miracles we are truly submitted to the Lord there are places in my life who have maybe not submitted then I pray every day Lord show me those places she's not show me God show me the places God show me come on asking right now father just right now where are the places that I can hate evil there are places that I draw a bow the Bible says I need to a boy evil Oh God show me the places where I can hate unrighteousness give me the eyes to hate unrighteousness the way you hate it God give me the eyes for that Chikara Bakura Bachand Arabic a surah Baqarah Barbra Jean de horrible shandar abortion oh yeah rubbish Anna businessman I'm telling you I can tell you this there is a place in this country that you don't have pay bribes there's a place in this country that you can come that you learn how to play pay bribes but the problem is we don't have that authority the reason we don't have that authority because the church still has not understood because at the smallest level they will live lives of bribery they'd himself live lives a private how do we change a nation there is a place but it's country can come to it and you don't have to pay a bribe but first it has to happen in you it has to happen in you you need to understand are you relating with God on a system of bribery think about that is there a system of performance is the zero relationship God incentivized think about it it comes from their God if you do this then I will be happy that's in that is bribery God can change this nation but we need to hate hate hate you might fall I'm not telling you some of you I'm not telling you don't pray bribes on tomorrow my god you know I don't know what will happen what I'm trying to say if you hate it if you hate pray in the bribe then when the people ask you for the bribe you can give it but hate it then you will see the committed you say I hate giving us made this man not receiveth me this may not be blessed Paris you see if our heart changes the country can change you gotta brush under over I'm challenging business people because I was there I understand how governments work out police work I know that we can change a nation but we love unrighteousness get stuck on unrighteousness me being there as well we stuck on unrighteousness we make excuses for it we don't have boy evil if he our boy things to change things a change righteous government can come my god governments can topple in a second you know that our God you think you didn't put even the one on on on boats crazy he appoints them he appoints them in he reappoint say my boy last time the government toppled because they persecuted the church trust me it persecution of the church a crazy to touch God's people in one day you'll be your fall you can touch the wrong God's people all the time no problem I mean happen okay but you touch the right people of God and that's what happened okay the right people of God but frightened to carry a Bible into this country I couldn't get out of the car with a Bible in my hand he mean someone will hit me that's what happened boom it changed it didn't take long the same way God's people are God's people he protects his people he will protect his people in this country he would protect you in your industry he protect you where you are but are you ready are you ready to a boy evil hate evil you gotta hear it be goodness but a fury with a vengeance and love righteousness what can do great things come on just turn up how do we thank you we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus father we thank you God you are the Holy Spirit you make us oil just lift your hands right there God you are the holy making spirit we identify with you when we say that we have received righteousness by faith let it not be a hypocrisy come on guys come on you guys win grace if you have received righteousness by faith you've received God's justice he loves justice just say God give me that knowing of what righteousness is when you say you rule the nation's with a scepter of righteousness let me really understand what righteousness is what holy life is God come upon my life come upon my life come upon my life reveal righteousness to me reveal justice to me let me hate what you hate love what you love let me not say what is good is bad the muddy bad is good let me not say what is righteous is weaker than what is wicked is righteous let me not have a hypocrisy in my life for God but a righteousness is a free gift it is so precious I receive it in fullness into my mind into my heart into my soul in everything I do set me free set me free set me free because of your righteousness because it has come into me because you love me Butterfree me right now free me right now in Jesus name in Jesus name worship just worship just worship free me right now God free me right now there are people right now have you been freed from sexual sin right now sexual sin is falling right now yeah Cara barabash under about adultery is breaking in this house why because we have loved righteousness we have loved righteousness come on if we say we are righteous by faith the problem guys grace is the problem with righteous by faith just by saying that there has to be a demand for righteousness we cannot just say righteous by faith we have a demand for God's righteousness Oh God they're righteous now by our faith we attach our faith to that righteousness what does that look like that look at spur justice it's pure holiness and I say yes to that I say yes to that and I want that to transform me into perfection and purity so God I say yes to your righteousness because I can't do it by my own performance but I can say yes and believe in you come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Lord come come come come come come God come many of you will be protected this word brings protection you don't understand I don't know how many of you understand what I just said you got a God who will protect you you know that he will fight for you you understand that he's gonna fight for you a lot of the times you can preach grace in a way you take the power that God is a protector and you give it to all the world God is a protector of all the world God is a protector of his people there is no grace that God is the protector of all the world there are those who cry out to him for those who call on his name he will not put them to shame he will calm down and he will save you and you will not be put to shame that is the context he's a covenant keeper god he loves his people he stand by his people like a warrior that's a god know that know whose you are yes we are under grace but this is for the covenant or the people of God this is what a covenant or the people of Israel it is what a covenant of the New Jerusalem and my god when you walk into a certain place you will bring the justice into that place when you walk into a certain place you will bring the righteousness into a certain place a certain place can be blessed just because of you but for that you need to know this God you need to walk with his God listen carefully Joshua and Caleb they negotiated something they negotiated to see God's goodness in Israel and they were able to go in and possess the land with John's give me out but it says in Hebrew is that Joshua although what he did that's not the rest that God was talking about you understand it the others died in the wilderness but Joshua and Caleb they said that they had a different spirit on them and they could go into Israel and were giants in the land and they could destroy everything there and take over a land and he says but Joshua didn't really bring the tourists you see throughout generations right another preacher of righteousness Noah a preacher of righteousness he negotiated for his eight people Chikara Bosch and he negotiated for his eight people and a whole world was destroyed but he saved people but saved because he negotiated righteousness justice negotiated just despise people righteousness for his people and so eight were saved Joshua I'm Caleb same thing a generation was saved you are called to negotiate with gold that we will see the righteousness of God in the land of the living do you know your position do you know who you are be an artist you'll experience it if you stab me today you won't see light coming out you see blood but there is a people on the land now who will negotiate with God righteousness is something to be experienced I still not experienced the goodness of God in that way I know if I die I'll go to heaven the church has been very good in negotiating that we don't have to worry about that because people like Joseph Prince and said okay now you're righteous my faith and now if you die you'll go to heaven so that has been negotiated it's done to the blood of Jesus Christ and we get believers to believe it it's done but there is another place we need to negotiate I don't want to be cut off for my work here on the earth 120 was still a curse but we can negotiate then my god did I mad 120 that I look the same you're not doing bad at 42 but I'm telling you at 80 I need to be able to look the same but I need to negotiate that so that that generation will be saved that cancer will not take us that sickness and disease will not take us no matter how old we are same cancer 20 is the same cancer 50 the same cancer at 50 is the same cancer 80 but I need to seek righteousness I need to seek his kingdom and his authority so God is calling us to negotiate that this place might not be relevant to you in the state you're in now but in five years it might become very relevant to you I don't want that to be your portion you understand it in ten years it might become relevant to you and then you start coming to church don't make the mistake my friend come to church now because in this place what we negotiating is that you might just have si phone batteries been charged but believe me that's a miracle because only he knows the miracle that is what is done to his heart in one day one second look one of the greatest miracles is when a sinner turns and says yes to Jesus and that's exactly what he saw today this God not a consciousness not a frequency not a vibration not by any other name a God who saves came and charged the man's phone who didn't believe you know why because in a future we don't know what can come the same God to charge his phone is the same God will answer the cancer when he comes the same God who a child that phone when he remembers that is the same God will protect him for financial disaster the same God will save his marriage so don't don't make small the holy things of God my god people out there laugh at this stuff man don't laugh at this stuff man be very afraid it's a holy stuff we might love it we love it but he's a holy golden hand it's a holy thing who who can put it this is not some small dating this is the creator of heaven and earth who wants to come down and touch people's hearts I want to communicate he's very different was very very very very very different to you he's in fact extremely peculiar he's very childlike his speed can be grieved please understand his holy spirit can be grieved this is the god I love and more than anything he loves me I can't even I need to ask him one thing I always ask God is God let me love you more I don't love you enough I honestly I love him but I don't love him enough how can i you love him man ask that God help me love you help me love you in the best way I can in the capacity I have let me love you God help me love you why don't we pray those prayers any longer why don't we pray prayers God give me a heart to love you I'm foolish I don't know my heart is hard teach me how to love you I need to love you we who are in grace today don't ask that they're very happy with God's love or God has loved him yes God has loved you but you can ask him God give me more hunger for you God make me have more hungry for you God give me a bigger heart for you give me a bigger heart for the things you love let me see through your eyes I ask God help me love my wife more honestly I love her honestly if I love amodal hurt but that's exactly right I need to love her like that the same way God I need to love you love you to a place that I'm completely abandoned if you ting these abandon is nothing we can go deeper my god evening these hungry this is not hungry he doesn't deserve this you think he deserves my hunger bring he deserves my love I don't love him enough he deserves to be worshipped angels worship Him the angel the heavens worship is God my God is the darling of heaven if you put all our love together we can love him we need to ask for more God give us more give us more let us be able to love you with all our heart with all our mind with all our strength come on let's go back let's return let's return let's return let's return let's return acaba Segundo the broken [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 4,840
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, righteousness, justice, kirby, fiona, kirbyandfiona, vengeance is mine, vengeance, anger, wrath
Id: ClAeAydVqCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 7sec (7267 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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