Spiritus Systems LV-119 Overt Plate Carrier Overview

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if you've ever fumbled a grenade throw go ahead that subscribe button whether it be in real life or in a video game make sure that you comment with the story of how it happened ladies gentlemen this video is brought to you by simply safe big thank you to them helping cover the production costs if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest supporter of this channel right now is big Daniel in Big Daddy limit is like the Costco the gun world it's gonna be an initial fee to get in and once you do that cheap products from a great company highly recommended well buy cheap I mean your normal products were incredibly cheap get in there in any nine cents for the first month if you're looking for it SiC and munition or plaid or bags that have a Cepheid vertex 25 or self grant them something like that ladies and gentlemen and of course my often overlooked but not by me Lee Enfield rifles welcome to the channel today we're gonna be talking about Lakers basically we're gonna be talking about the spirit of systems overt LV 119 so further ado this guttin let's put it on and talk about it now with movie magic we have the play carrier suddenly on now quick note I am incredibly sick right now but as we know the show always goes on so without further ado we're gonna go ahead we're going to get into it a couple quick notes about the lv 119 so the only 119 is a minimalist play carrier that is scalable for a variety of mission sets anywhere from LARPing in your mom's basement to actual professional usage so everywhere in between not saying that LARPing is not a professional endeavor don't get me wrong there gentlemen but the point is the scale will based off of the products that spíritus has to offer now there are many different products that are currently out for and there are more that are constantly being released for it as they update design or release new products for so understand that what I have might not be the type of play care that you might get from them in the future just due to the amount of products that they release and how they change it type of thing but in any case what we're gonna do is we're gonna go front to back the way it should be and we're gonna talk a little bit about this play carrier design a little bit about how I have it set up and then we'll kind of finish everything up what I really like about the lvu 1:19 over is the shoulder tattoo now both the overt and the covert or the same general shape and size and everything's the same except for the ability to attach things more easily on the overt form or over things so in any case many plate carriers live and die by the attachment point of the shoulders the cry jpc famously that was kind of a weak point for them where the material that they used while very lightweight tended to wear through and once it wore through you're kind of a so well the player kind of broke had to be refurbished for it by a variety companies in fact many companies build their living off of fixing jpc so one thing that I can very much so appreciate is that the fabric for the spiritus is continuous from the play bag itself into the shoulder attachment point now the velcro is at the very top that means that the weight of the carrier is pulling the velcro down onto itself this is in stark contrast to the Faro concepts slickster advanced watch while I loved it quite a bit I do believe a weak point was that the velcro was at the very back only and wasn't a whole lot because of that some people complain that in muddy conditions that the velcro would fail now personally I didn't have those issues but I didn't note it now that wouldn't be an issue with the Spiritist which I think has in my opinion a more superior designed by the way it is made so I can definitely appreciate how they have everything routed in this case another really cool thing about these shoulder straps is that for my gentlemen who are using a variety of different devices push the talks radios and user devices there is this a lot of wires that you end up having to and that's kind of a pain in the ass so the lv 119 was made specifically to allow for the routing of wires to be easier you have insertion points at both shoulders right here and here on the other side you can of course run wires underneath the shoulder straps and you can route them directly through the plate bags which with exits at the bottom and of course at where the Nexxus clips are this allows for you to more easily manage your cables cable management is a real pain in the ass and the overt uncover they both make that a little bit easier compared to many other plate carriers are out there now that's now that's not to say that the LV 119 is the only play here that allows for wire management I'm just pointing out that they did a very good job of allowing me to manage it now a couple of the notes here what I got going on I've got my foretrex 401 right here on my shoulder this isn't where I actually keep it rather this is my work rig what I'm using for work primarily rather I keep it right here that way I just know where it is so I put on my rig I detach it and I put it on my wrist just as a quick note as far as why I have that there these little velcro straps and loops right here I use for routing of wires especially my PTT wire coming off of my comms don't have somebody to help me undo and kind of route it through so use these to both manage that and for antenna management as needed and as necessary just as a quick note as I'm sure those questions are going to come up okay moving from there we're moving down to the front right here so like I mentioned before and user devices right so whether you have the car works case or the juggernaut case obviously for the Cobblers case I think they make great stuff you most play carriers nowadays allow for the mounting of those kits because they're so ubiquitous nowadays among modern warfighting community so in any case the over is no different they have mounting up opportunities right here with the addition of velcro on top in case you want to mount something different like a giant American flag I know many of my army DS are into that just the bigger the better and I'm down with that that's pretty cool actually so this one allows you to mount that now for my guys who've been working with that they know that you have a [ __ ] ton of wires to deal with again due to the routing through the exits and the Nexus clips that allows for pretty smart routing anytime you have to deal with your EU DS so very cool there I think that makes it a lot better now this play care is pretty centered in fact you have to push to talk loops right horizontally right here I'll show you it on this side right here this allows you to mount most types of PT T's that you typically see out there in the wild now the ones I'm running right here at the te a push the dots which are pretty awesome so right now I'm running to and again obviously I depend on what you're doing any running one or the other for most people I typically recommend that if you're a right-handed shooter that you keep this side mostly clear that we can shoot now for my guys who have to run two radios that's not really an option so gonna have to have them you know run both shoulders unless you're running some type of adapter allows you to run them all through one that's kind of up to you and use for preference and that type of thing in any case the PTT is good now a lot of people end up as if tying their push to talks and directly to these loops I think that is definitely a good option especially if you want to ensure that these don't come off now personally I don't have these done up right now just due to the fact that I'm moving stuff around right now but once you have your set positions how they recommend that you do make sure that they are secure unless you need to be able to take these off quickly and efficiently in that case don't do it right here I have velcro loop on this particularly push-to-talk to help manage my wires cut off the radios or any other crap that I might have right there it's just a good idea to have something to manage more crap moving down from all of this right here we'd have a front panel right here so now on the over it is a simple piece of velcro that runs under and they're primarily having you use their setup so you have Nexus Clips right here you can either run the micro fight which is phenomenal or you can run something like the five five six placard which is one running right here now going back I'm probably gonna end up writing the micro fight because I do like the ability to have notebooks that type of thing more easily accessible to me on this now I understand I'm also running an abdominal sac right here on this case this one is from Farrell concepts I think that spirit systems makes a better one I'm just testing this one out for right now but that allows you to keep some other kit down there but there's just a lot of kit you got to deal with in any case having pens and notebooks and that type thing for notes and whatever you have to do Maps all that kind of crap it's probably a good idea but if you want to go ultra slick the five five six placards really awesome another thing that's cool about the five five fix placard say these little loops here you can easily attach bungee to ensure that you can get really good retention on these now drawing things as drawing these is fairly simple I I kind of relate them to being like a better blue force gear ten-speed pouch they do a really good job of retention of course here we have to show off the Taylor Swift magazine good times that's a winner right there so these are pretty awesome as far as we indexing off of them it's not that difficult I haven't had a lot of trouble with these now compared to any plate carrier that I've ever reviewed I think that I've probably tested this except the jpc which I ran for a very long time I probably tested this one the most just most recently this went out on I found a three-day training event with me did some great school drags and that type of thing through it so I got to do a lot of stuff and test this thing out on a variety of situations in any case my school dragged up this thing on for quite a while as you can see the patches held up fine now are they as robust as you know something that's a thick cloth like the cry magazine pouch isn't that type of thing no they're not but again everything has kind of a different purpose and everything's a trade-off so understand that but they held up just fine given the situations that they were in so I don't really have a whole lot of qualms about their ability to hold up to hard use they run great now before we move into the back here let's talk a little bit about what I have going on so on the side here you have your cummerbund right there were multiple cumberbund options that you have from spiritus systems you have anything from what I have right here which is the three band skeletal you have their elastic type that have pouches built in you have their spear tubes which you can easily clip an unclip there's a lot of very good options when it comes to spear to systems and their cummerbund setup again it is user scalable for what you need if you need side armor they had those cider wear inserts if that's something that you run or need to run in that type of in any case I'm using the skeletal system with the three bands now I'd prefer this because I like to mount a couple different things and configure it to what I need now I know a lot of guys are running their radios on the inside of their cover buns on me personally it doesn't work so well for me I always end up getting like blisters and that type of stuff when I run them on the inside so I prefer to run mine on the outside I have a blue force gear pouch right here on the left side on the right side here I have a cry pouch this also doubles as a magazine pouch I know some guys are gonna be quick to state hey I have to carry six plus one when magazines you're only carrying four in your kit what the [ __ ] dude so as far as that goes so I run four right here typically another two in the Bell for six plus one again a equals seven that's how I run my personal setup just as a quick note again depending on what you need and what you do you might be constrained as far as how you're able to set up a gear so I understand you might have to set yourself different just so you have an example of what I'm personally doing in any case I really do like the blue force gear radio pouch speaking of which it's pretty awesome spíritus does make a really excellent inside the cummerbund radio pouch that works very well for a variety of people just doesn't work as well for me but again everybody's different so if your guy wear runs fine for you wonderful they have the radio pouch right here on the far left side right here I have a general purpose pouch you can see right there again a blue force gear one this is to allow me to have any amount of extra curriculars that I might need for whatever might come up just recently I had like multi-tool and bunch of batteries and like an extra map and there or something like that so it just depends I just have it you never know when you're gonna need it on the right side I of course have the cry pouch and then I have an is lid pouch from blue force gear so again set up to kind of what I need but it might not be the best for everybody as far as wearing med kits I know a lot of guys have to carry a med kit back right right here now me personally I keep my med kit on my belt that's my first line gear that's why I prefer to have it but if you need to and I need to have it on my play carrier I do have that area open so I can have it now this is a quick you know as far as the cut of the front plate bag I think it's worth noting a lot of plate carriers have that cut where they flare out at the bottom and then they cut in really hard and everyone loves those because they say oh hey that's that's cut in that allows me to get a really good purchase on the rifle and that type of thing the systems plate bags are just straight and what they are is they're cut directly to the size of the sappy plates so in this case I'm running issues you sapis in this particular plate carrier and it's cut directly to them so it is shaped for the sappy slash spear cut plates if you have the you know ten by twelves I don't think they're quite gonna fit as well that being said this plate carrier isn't super tight on sapis and East Happy's like the jpc is where you'll have to like shove that thing in there it's under like hard tension this has a little bit more wiggle room which kind of feels a little bit better to me I was always really worried about the jpc fraying because the stitching was under such a hard tension especially those older East Happy's we had where they were in conjunction with and you had to have soft armor backing behind them the newer plates Eastside peas and sapis don't require that so it's a little bit more room but quick note to you guys these definitely worked very well with all the plates that I've tested which are Gentry savvy sach is all way up to the newer Gentiles which is one of money in this particular one as far as shoulder and a rifle goes I'm showing a rifle and it feels pretty good it feels pretty standard for what you'd expect from where to play carry it's not amazing and it's not terrible just like any well-made minimalist cut plate carrier now compared to something like the cry es it's a definite improvement of course that system was made to carry a lot more weight in my opinion again everything kind of falls into its category of what works best alright now that we've talked about the front of the plate carrier let's go ahead and I'm gonna take it off and we're gonna talk a little bit about the back of it now quick note safety now you guys don't pay my bills but simply say paid up quite a bit for this video to insure that would cover the production cost and cover a lot of the training cost I went along with this so let's go ahead and hear what they have to say make sure that you have some type of home security system I don't care what it is now you know this video is sponsored by some safe and that is the home security system that I recommend because of many reasons mostly because I like that it's piecemeal so let me break it down budgetary constraints make it really difficult for a lot of people just go ahead and purchase an entire security system I like that with simply safe I'm able to kind of compartmentalize the purchases so if I can kind of beef out my security as I have the funds available so that's really great for me so there are different types of securities elements you can plant in your house if your home system the nest that actually controls everything you have video cameras you have door sensors window sensors window break sensors now what I personally do is on my firearm room my gun room and also my safe I have both cameras and door sensors and that type of thing that can alert me to specifically who's committing because I can see who it is and then I'm able to keep track of that and that makes me have a little bit more peace of mind when I'm home you know when I'm away at work and that type of thing and that's why I like simply safe now it's also not that expensive and compared to a lot of things make sure once you get it that you call the local police department around make sure that you get a register and all that again simply say if it is a do-it-yourself type thing and because there's a lot of savings to be made which is why I stick was simply safe check them out now if you guys are really interested there's a huge sale going on right now make sure you get in there get your home protected that's gonna be the deal ends I believe it on cyber monday so make sure you get in there links right below check it out alright back to the other stuff once again thank you to move you magic we have the plate carrier off so let's go ahead let's talk about the rear of this play carrier right here so the first thing that I kind of noticed about the rear of this play carrier was how smooth it is so compare that just something like the cry JP seen have a cry JP see also similar except that the cry JP see has exposed bungees on the back this can be a potential problem for snag hazard so I do like that the Spiritist has its bungees for its systems covered up that way there's less of a chance of snagging any of the you know bungees and having a potential issue there so I think that was a very smart idea and I am and you can mitigate that in the jpc with a pack or you know a MOLLE panel or what have you but I like just a peace of mind that I have of not having to worry about it on the spiritual system another quick note that a lot of people get confused about on the superior system is that this does have these zippers that resemble the cry back panel zippers and I'll be honest at first I thought that this fit them as well however the cry back panels do not fit onto the spirit of systems back plate bags spirit system is currently developing their own system of back panels with probably a better mounting solution so I can understand where they're coming from so if you're really hot on those cry back panels I'm sorry but they're not going to fit on this potential plate carrier and even then I am somewhat dubious of you know having a bag mounted to the black get back to your plate care as far as ease of getting into an area have you have teammates but I think a pack might be a little bit more useful of a solution in most cases for a variety of reasons we'll talk about that in future videos mostly due to weight ability to get to in that type of thing that kind of messes with play carriers the recovery handle from spirit systems is also easily integrated with it if you're not familiar with the recovery handle it's essentially a better method of dragging you when you're down it's a little handle right here hooks down into your belt system and when it pulls up it pulls up a length of fabric and allows people to be at a more advantageous position while dragging you a really cool system and I like that it's easily integrated with their own systems so good on them there now we've kind of talked about most things I really wanted to talk about when it comes to the Spiritist systems of rig this is to be clear one of my favorite rigs right now it's my primary rig that I'm using for work right now it's my primary rig that I've used for a long time in my reviews you might have noticed it over the past couple months or maybe maybe about six or seven months that I've been using the hell out of this thing so I really appreciate all the designs that they did on this particular plate carrier now understand compared to something like the Christ CPC or the cry AVS or other heavier plate carriers those can or comfortably hold a lot of weight it's due to the shoulder pads kind of the way they were designed the harness system especially in the ABS is wonderful however however if you're not carrying like a ton of stuff on your plate carrier the systems rig works really well even though two radios the sphere system carries it all very well now as far as what does it feel like to live in this carrier so I've lived in this carrier for about three days so far without taking it off well I took it out for a couple hours and and stuff like that but for pretty much almost a solid 72 hours I had this thing on so what does it feel like just like any other plate carrier guys you get the normal aches and pains in your back and your lower back from carrying it you know there's no play care that's going to be amazing and just be you know super comfortable and it's not gonna give you aids and pains but as far as play carries go the spirit of systems is definitely among on the higher end as far as like comfort ability and ease of use in that type of thing highly recommended to purchase the lv 119 over plate carrier I know a lot of my buddies like to use it I know Lucas uses it quite a bit I can't say enough good things about this it's hard to describe without actually being here and having hands-on time with it but if you're in the market for play carrier I would definitely recommend the spirit assistance play carrier if you are not looking for a play carrier well there's a cool video right if you're looking an upgrade kind of look at yourself hard in the mirror and think if the money is going to be worth it if you have a jpc there are definitely some great upgrades at the spheres over the aapc again that's gonna come down to you personally and whether or not you think it's gonna work spiritus comes in different colors you know multicam black tile - can all your sold colors in that type of thing if you wear multiply be aware it's not really a camo but you do you just kidding guys giving you a hard time ladies gentlemen these play carriers rocked right they are awesome but without the training they're not gonna be cool because there's gonna be fumbling around so make sure you get the training with these play carriers I see a lot of people who harp on people for going to the range and shooting a kit and that type of thing if you like why are you doing that and like who the hell cares what they do worry about yourself your Pioneer as good as shooter in them as in and if you are then why aren't you supporting the community more training plate carriers who the hell cares it's freaking America do whatever you want within reason but if you're not sure what you're doing you need that training bare solutions Haley strategic cog works Darcy Tony cotton Pat McNamara tons of great guys with great knowledge and I can't recommend enough guys because there's so many good ones out there get out there train train your kid get good with it otherwise it's not going to matter ladies gentlemen thank you for watching again the spirit systems LV 1:19 I got nothing else for you guys a final thing for you guys is a note that I've wanted to I've kind of harp on it quite a bit but that is going to be forgiveness once again I see a lot of people were like if anybody makes a mistake it's like the end of the world they're never gonna forgive this person ever again ever never ever because how dare they make a mistake everybody makes mistakes I'm sure you do I know I have so it's insane to believe that we can't forgive people for these mistakes I understand people continually wronged you then you have to put your foot down but if somebody is making one or two mistakes what is it with our community right now where we just want to roast this person instead of either making it a teachable lesson and forgiving and lifting them back up or doing something along those lines again kindness and forgiveness is what makes us world go round we need a lot more of it this world is all about you know it's the roasts and how cool that is and big gotchas but I can remember what builds communities and what doesn't love you guys appreciate you guys for watching you know if you guys have gotten this far the last thing I'll plug for you guys patreon that stuff covers camera equipment that type of stuff it goes directly to funds possibly win a chance to come shoot with me pretty cool check it out guys let me take care
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 193,287
Rating: 4.9762206 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, spiritus systems, overt, lv-119, spiritus systems lv-119, plate carrier, best plate carrier, plate carrier setup
Id: 81hh5RYUuJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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