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how's it going champs we're playing tiny town we're back over at the toy factory at the moment because i figured i should get rid of this old lady we've already harvested her soul see ya lady she's gone she's out of here there i am just got my hands on my hips i'm so proud of myself there we go cheap super happy let's just sit there and look at all the work that you've done you've done so good for yourself there you go he's got his axe by his side all right so on the last video i showed you guys that there was a comet headed for snack tooth ireland some of you guys guessed what was gonna happen some of you even come up with some really good ideas which we're gonna run with today here we go we've got snacktooth island this place is completely destroyed it's super sad a comet just came down obliterated it and now tiny town runs so much faster we've got like a burrito left oh man would you eat a burrito that was in the sand what about bacon sand or sand bacon or sand pizza sand chicken drumstick sand dog how long has he been stuck there for there's like a mountain of poo right behind him has he been there for days weeks i don't know and what's this giant pop-tart doing there but what you guys might notice is that there's a bunker here so some people may have actually survived which is nice to know i was a little bit worried for him all right let's head back down to the abandoned toy factory how we going down here oh no oh this isn't good there's just an arm left i got a comment from someone saying hey finn i realized that kissy missy punched killy willy right in the stomach mouth you know the mouth he's got on his stomach that's true she totally did any bit off her arm that sucks for her where's the rest of her though i thought we would do a little bit of a story where kylie willy actually won that battle yeah plot twist i didn't see that coming yeah you didn't did you cheat even though he's got like one of the best most rarest masks you can get this guy is like he's pretty awesome only the awesome dudes have mutant huggy woggy masks on there we go you keep wearing that champ that guy knows what's up so in the last video we stuck a bunker just here just by the abandoned toy factory and i thought this would be like a tunnel type bunker let's just go ahead switch to snapping off we can have our survivors coming through here from snacktooth island and those survivors are snobby and chandler i wonder how many of you guys are like what the heck is a snoopy snorpy and chandler are the characters from bug snacks who survived the big giant comet that destroyed snacktooth island snoopy there's snorpy where's chandler oh he's one of these dudes that's right i forgot about that this is chandler he's looking here like all tough because he's a mega chad he's an absolute dude bro what is this place this doesn't look like a snack tooth island snorpy's always the scared guy gotta gotta make him look kind of worried all right got some speech bubbles on this guy snoopy is like i'm worried chad low chance like i've got you bro that's pretty much what chandler would say he's got every situation all right i'm gonna put whoa i'm gonna put a little bit of sand here as well just to make it look like some sand is coming out the door there we go they've come from bug snacks place all right so i asked you guys in the last video whether we should delete hard to kill reptile or whoa i'm under the map let's go back over the map or delete the groundworm scene all of you guys pretty much all of you said the groundworm scene so this scene is going let's delete some more stuff feels so good to delete things there we go i'm still going to put some of the damage there i think we could make like another scene with some of this damage what do you guys reckon let me know in the comments if you've got ideas of what we could stick over here we've got like some broken ground going on i'll just clean this up we'll get rid of it hey there we go now it just looks like someone's yard what should we put here instead let me know in the comments all right oh i feel good about myself deleting so many things alright so we've got over here the mutant huggy wuggy destroyed this van he tipped it over now i've got a really good idea in the comments in the last video to put like one of the uh the robbers over here one of kylie willy's henchmen actually in some of the liquid z so there we go this guy's basically crashed the car let's put him like in a crashed pose what's a crash pose like kind of like this i guess finn i crashed bro he's on the side of the road he's all crashed and smacked up so the idea is that this guy's in liquid z and maybe he's gonna mutate what is he gonna mutate into i don't know i've got no idea something scary though no doubt okay there's a barrel oh yeah a couple of barrels about the place wonders on the road over here all right guys got his killy willy mask just next to him there we go put his killer wheelie mask there i've been creating these poppy playtime characters now for a couple of weeks and i kind of feel like i want to make up my own you know what i mean like yeah i've got the spider and stuff and i've got the mutant huggy woggy but they're like they're versions of something that already exists i kind of feel like i want to make up my own you know i mean maybe i could make it with you guys get some ideas for any sort of character i've heard a few people say oh god these eyeballs are so little i've heard people say what about like chili willy is that like a cold version or is that chili is it he's like super chill like he just hangs out and doesn't do much like maybe he's lazy maybe he's very carefree he makes like necklaces out of macaroni who knows let me know in the comments if you've ever made a necklace out of macaroni i'm pretty sure that's a go-to thing that kids make in school i made them oh yeah that's cool this guy is gonna turn into something scary i asked you guys so many different things right on the last video that i've got to update like the game world with all this stuff all right so pretty much all you guys wanted me to say something along the lines of hey dog please get help all right so that's what this guy is saying i probably put the speech bubble a little bit easier oh god the speech bubble moves around all over the place okay that's fine the tiny dog is just staring back at this guy so far he's not doing anything it's almost like he's enjoying watching this human dying okay hey dog please get help the dog's like that is not my primary function sorry about that champ you're gonna have to die under the big giant spider leg what if we made some kind of holy character like holy molly something like that you know what i mean here's the plot twist killy willy did not die after all killer willy is still alive and he's got kissy missy with him that's right champs that's what's going on all right let's build some killer willy let's do this these guys are still back here playing some smash bros i really need to get a smash bros picture to put on there okay let's get this guy oh yeah killy willy man you cannot kill this guy it's in his name only he can kill stuff maybe i'll put him here like this oh yeah he's looking he's looking over give him some arms i like this guy killy willy is one of my favorite characters in this it really is i really hope they stick a killy willy in the poppy playtime game you know what i mean like because i know that he was actually made up by someone else yeah forget the name of the person who sort of created him but uh yeah he's not he's not actually in the game all right oh god how are we going to get his legs let's get your legs there champ he's got a really weird stand going on at the moment uh what's going on with these legs oh this they're sticking out the back of him i gave him a bum ah they want to do that might make his legs just a bit smaller for this one because he's standing so close he's got a very strange kind of stand going on it's hard when the legs aren't completely posable and of course his head doesn't go up here his head goes down here it's like on the front of his body like he's got a big hole big old hunchback if we gave him eyes with pupils what would he look like kind of like a cyclops hey that could be one of my characters like a cyclops guy the cycling clubs i don't know man being creative is hard i'm not a super creative person believe it or not oh he looks weird with regular ice okay so into this vent of liquid z is going you guys can probably guess this it's kissy messy that's right he has stolen the body and he's throwing it into liquid z all right there we go let's put the rest of the body in there i think this one's a bit big i can't tell oh yeah this is awesome now of course she is missing an arm so you only got one arm i'm gonna make that arm a bit smaller for artistic purposes there we go maybe like a leg sticking up or something oh this is really cool i like this i like where the story's going that looks so funny the only problem is that she's still got an angry face she's like angry that this is happening rather than like upset or sad you know what i mean okay yeah yeah that's looking good i'm happy with that oh i've got my sniper claws up here hang on a second i had an idea to update sniper claws let's just go ahead and make him you know look a little bit more realistic he's of course we we know he's been there this whole time he cannot move he's basically stuck so i thought i'd put some mold around him and moss if you stand still long enough you're just gonna develop mold he is now moldy claws that's his name get some more over there it's just got mold on him uh maybe he's got a bit of mold on his gun he's got a real moldy gun the guy needs to move a bit more got a bit of mold here on his arms put some mold in his beard too there you go got a moldy beard champ that's a bit gross [Music] that's great covered in mold god santa's gross such a gross moldy man another scene i wanted to build here was one of the smaller versions of the killy willy spiders taking on one of the mutant huggy wuggies it was a suggestion i want to do in the last video but i kind of forgot so let's make that happen here because i wanted these smaller guys to kind of battle it out a little bit let's kind of do this one on a bit of an angle maybe like that there we go cool get some legs okay rotate the world around okay how big are these guys oh they're sort of big all right i need to make the spider a little bit bigger and make this boulder bigger as well i kind of want to make it look like he's jumping off the boulder all right i'll get the the tail coming up there like that okay that's looking pretty cool get the head all right let's kind of get the body of this mutant one going on and i get the legs like this now this one's got six arms so we'll put his arms in maybe do like one of the arms kind of grabbing there we go that's pretty good oh yeah that's really cool okay oh what's going on with his face he's eating his own stomach there we go he's being attacked man that looks awesome all right let's get these legs there we go we'll get this uh i was about to call him spider willy that's a really weird name oh yeah nice that looks really good okay so we've got him kind of like climbing up over a rock sort of thing taking out a mutant huggy wuggy man that looks good it's good to see these guys like battling it out you know what i mean it looks almost like it's moving let me know if there's any more battles you'd like to see me set up in this world just remember though this guy has got a mutate and i reckon we should do something with my finpair character as well this guy who's just been sat on his bum all day look at that just sat down here at the train station hanging out with train huggie and like i said if you've got any ideas for any unique characters you'd like to see me make let me know in the comments thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 114,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, siren head, siren head vr, SCP, SCP Monsters, cartoon monsters, huggy wuggy, killy willy
Id: snK2dK_us0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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