Don't let HEADCRABS eat your FACE! - Half Life Alyx VR

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if you touch that you get stuck to it and sucked up into its math we should try that we're totally gonna let him jump on our face alright I just need to see what's gonna happen go for a little champ do it go are you missed you missed try again try again in my face it's right here jump up my face I was gonna buddy my name is finn pie and we are playing half-life alex misses probably one of the best-looking VR games i've ever seen this is absolutely incredible let's walk around and see what we can find oh hey it's eli advanced i actually don't remember much of half-life at all it's been like 15 years since i played any kind of half-life remember that guy though okay so the combine i think are maybe the bad guys they'd be moving some stuff into the quarantine zone i don't know what that is this is oh i've seen a bunch of people on twitter drawing things rude things on the window I'm not gonna do that though because I'm not a juvenile there we go it's button man let's give Batman a face he's just he's just straight-up pooping it's just pooping onto the grant she looks like a daddy longlegs what's he doing what's he doing to that metal thing he just connected a cable well it's the future oh wait is that my pit hey little pit this what's to say not coughing maybe we can feed him can we feed him yeah you can feed him can you feed me I don't even know what this is look with that day they go champ you look after yourself little buddy alright nice a laundromat maybe I can wash my pants hey yeah we good I'm headed back to the city house right now to meet dad let's go and see dad something's Haman stormtroopers what are they doing all right let's go Alex was he at 20:20 there you go leaving my mark on the peeps let's get out of here man this is creepy everything looks so real this is good this is good there's another pigeon I want to catch a pigeon and keep it as a pet Can I grab that pigeon Oh everything just went Orange that was weird you want to get out of here beanie lady some bad stuff that's going on can't you catch you later hey lady where are you let me in there can you let me in no pigeon it's pigeon serious almost so this game has these freaky things called head cramps you've probably seen them if you know anything about half-life they jump onto your face and they turn you into a zombie thing that's probably not how it works at all but that's my guess but they do try and jump onto your face all right which is terrifying so I'm gonna let one jump onto my face hey I'm just coming home give me that gun oh you tried to give me that gun is that my dad dad get out of here your camera thing get out of my face no they zapped my dad don't tase me bro I've been captured I'm back in the paddy wagon it was a grenade we're gonna we're gonna blow up he didn't expect that digit Alec it's the guy from Jumanji wait where's that fine all I'm a crime that totally sounds like the GAR from Jumanji let me know in the comments if you think it is all right what are we got in the bins we ever rent ok I just found a red alright this I didn't get a pigeon but I did get this thing alright this is now my pants one thing you don't know about rats is they have rubber tails where this they're so super stretchy isn't that amazing I'm gonna name him scoopy his name is scoop alright Scooby the rat alright Scooby we're getting on the bike let's go let's get this black oh gosh this bike is really hard to ride why you hold a rat alright Scooby you get down there cheap we're gonna hang on to this bike let's go let's write it oh yeah ooh this we're getting spider babies on the book you can pop a wheelie this is awesome now if you guys want me to play some more of this game let me know in the comments just say play the game champ and we'll play some more also if you're not subscribed go ahead and subscribe I play loads of weird games like this one let's go I've got my rent times are gonna be good I don't have to worry about anything bad happening so long as I've got Scooby this is pretty awesome yeah physics here have a ride scoopy Hey when we go down the slide little dude he's having a good time I'm the best rat owner ever oh it's one of the best five days see me I don't think it does but it just zapped my little robot friend alright see you later spider-man hey sheep how's it going let's go inside this creepy dudes land ok this place is a bit weed what do you mean doing in he chained why all the screens hey what's this oh cool I found a bubble head Russell have you met screw P they've got that I know yes what do we got planned to get him back oh his he'll be right then he goes to goofy get involved chambers the dudes gonna give me some gravity gloves awesome okay let's go cheap ok I'm gonna put my hands in are you serious you want me to put my hands in there after this spotting this mannequin look at this thing it's hands clearly blew off alright let's do it anyway oh what's this oh nice this is good I've got computer Hanes now here a this could be we're gonna go on an adventure cheap this is gonna be loads of fun let me know in the comments if you've got a better name than scoopy for my pet rent I bet you don't doing it I didn't catch it hey it's gone you missed ok I'm going this way nice a figure about I drop scoopy on the train tracks and I can't pick him up I've just I've made it worse I've just wedged him under the actual rail he's stuck I'm gonna have to find a new a block Alex oh yeah noise it's a dead guy good this is now a scary game I'm gonna put this hat on here we go probably not a lot of fun so one of the other games have been playing at the moments The Walking Dead so this should be a walk in the park right hey this place sucks it's the worst what's the stuff that's cooler than and if there's resin around here this should be a combine fabricator thanks for getting the door for me dude there we go let's go down this way this like this Bell station has this weird gross bug thing in it what is that it's disgusting okay use the handle to open the health station okay we just crushed it and got all of the juice out of it dude are you serious alright let's keep going okay I'm just at the Marvin my gun is basically just a door opener that's it I remember those from half-life 2 if you touch that you get stuck to it and sucked up into its mass we should try that let's do it rip Oh took my hand okay that was probably good idea wearing that hat let's go okay so that kills you don't do it yeah yeah you can kill them just by shooting them and then a skull comes in okay beautiful alright just gonna walk around that one don't touch that those things are disgusting there goes a rat could have been my best friend oh my god these things they're the worst wonder if I can walk straight through the middle there without them getting me all right reload here we go here we go here we go yeah yeah I did it I did it I didn't have to waste all my ammo anything in the trash yeah it's always a good idea to pretend you're a hobo and search all of the trash cans every time dude where are these head cramps I want to find a headcrab like I said and let it jump on my face I just want to see what happens you know what I mean it's been 20 years since like I first saw headcrab and I've always thought hey I want one of those things to jump on my face in real life we're finally gonna get to do that let me know when the client's if you'd let a headcrab jump on your head I bet you would [Music] it's like fallout to be giant fallout 4 all right we need to open that vault Oh is he gonna jump out of me who's this guy who's this balding champ hey guys I don't think he's alive anymore you go back inside all right hey it's got some ammo thanks dude hey you get back in there get back inside stop it yeah you get in there or couldn't Sesame that is so cool we're a little sticky crimp um yeah this place isn't very nice it's disgusting it's disgusting this is just gross and creepy all right let's go where the headcrabs at grab some more mo gram was this store items in your wrist all right I'm taking this flammable tank I've ever feeling I'm probably gonna need it oh cool it's a hit crab so I could open the door and then shoot the zombie I probably have to kill that thing though hang on a sec all right hang on I have an idea I have an idea watch this let's see if that thing will suck up the zombie I missed I missed you coming in dude come on in come on in walk into that oh my god that's creepy oh they call barnacles I mean those things are the worst is that thing dead now no it's not okay hang on all right I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna toss this on to the actual tongue is that the tongue oh cool cool yeah chew the explosive no I meant the graphics in this game are insane it really shows like how good a game can look and how well it can run when like a big developers behind it you know what I mean like this thing runs so smooth yeah it's probably the best-looking VR game I've ever seen yeah take that chair nice no ice neck got him let's see if I can get to it what's up a ghost up goes the Explorer t thing yes awesome got some resin all right jumping in the Train cool be careful for what what's going on oh it is more of them there's more of them let's go let's go grab a pint how do I open this up get the pipe out of thee nice what's going on in the Train oh just trying to bust his way in there is one in here alright I gotta shoot him is the head crap dead now what is - oh man that is scary that is so scary this head crap dead are you dead bro oh look at is ghosting and if I could just shoot him from here oh that's some that's some good glass physics look at this oh that is so cool you can knock out like the individual bits of glass yeah that's amazing so wherever you shoot the glass is where you get the hole and then you can just knock out shards who else we got there's one there men there's actually quite a few of these dudes insert pistol let's do it we can get a reflex sight okay insert resin that's five resin there's five more cool upgrade my stuff oh yeah nice it's like a little washing machine fancy look at that got like a whole site alright let's make our way through the rest of the trains there's another zombie mean Oh God wait do I need to load this there we go there we go we got it we got it here he comes nailed him alright grab this let's go dudes this isn't so bad a chain is going but I didn't scale not even a little bit man that's force many headcrabs around Oh Burt this one it's a head grip bigger is that little where's he going I think it's in here we're totally gonna let him jump on our face all right I just need to see what's gonna happen everything has come down to this moment let's go let's do it go for a little champ do it go are you missed you missed try again try again in my face it's right here so they take off a little bit of health when they jump on your face we got any more of them I can like hear heaps of them I think that might be another one okay get him mean there's boatloads of these head craps around three is actually an actual metric buttload miss me little dude at least they're kind of easy to dodge go again go again whoa that's fun that is actually fun it takes three shots dude get him man scared the crap out of me man this looks amazing I can't even stress enough how incredible the lighting is and everything in this game it basically feels like like a you know a triple a shooter but in VR form it's like an holy symbol flirting garbage that's basically what it is Mama's gonna say what is in it cycle Disney on writing can I walk down there doesn't kill me [Music] man that is cool okay so the gate there has this door latch thing connected to it you're like buttons a control panel I guess or a button panel and I noticed over there there's loads of like boxes and stuff drawn up so we need to work out what buttons it is that we have to press is it that one and this one oh it's that it's just those two again so that was that one right there and oh you guys can see the one that I'm pointing it alright I guess I just make my way through the poopy sewers let's do it oh this is insane or is there it's like pulsing around this thing and there's the I and there's a bell let's ring it's a ring the bell open the door you can open the door oh my god you guys collecting them is a nice guy I'll try and help all your friends alright but I'm here to save my dad down this super gross hole alright so like I said if you guys want me to play some more of this game let me know in the comments and I will play some more but thank you for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 1,354,394
Rating: 4.8763509 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Half Life Alyx, Alyx, Virtual Reality, HL Alyx, Alyx Headcrab, Half Life Alyx Headcrab, AlyX Gameplay, Oculus Rift S, Download Half Life Alyx, Half Life Alyx Story, Alyx opening, Half Life Alyx Rift S, Alyx Rift S
Id: Ph7q0TzK7R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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