Escape Mr Funny BUT Custom Hearts ROBLOX

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today in Roblox we got hired to work the night shift at Mr Funny's Toy Factory but this time we get to unlock custom hard power ups every five levels we spin a wheel of hearts and get a new power up what's your favorite Power up comment now personally mine is the ice heart and can we get 3001 likes in less than six hours let's go this is gonna be so cool bro every five levels of Mr funny we're gonna unlock new custom hard power ups dude this is gonna be awesome you know what to do sunny spin that that we first custom our Up's gonna be something good give me something good you're gonna look beautiful why what do I get what do I got the butterfly heart a wait I've actually never used that what is that by the way it allows you to unlock the butterfly pack power up this is awesome give me the butterfly pack this is sick hey Sunny you look beautiful okay my turn to spin the wheel and my first custom heart power up is going to be oh yes the most powerful heart of them all the ice heart cause I'm too killed yo that's oh that's awesome wait all right does that mean you can freeze me I get to unlock the Ice Crystal staff power up and I could freeze other players for 10 seconds it unlocking my power up hey melon do you mind if I just uh test this out oh no sonny oh no oh ah wait no no stop it works it works I died I am dented it oh this is awesome I think I got the best custom heart possible you're so no stay away stay away oh my God Sonny I didn't even do anything you walked into it now I'm so cold and I'm Frost oh my bad I'll put it away bro I didn't mean to I think it's the most OP item ever though pulling the lever I have turned the power back on same what was that it sounded like it came from the shop floor why does Mr Funny always have to break out of his toy box we've killed you like a million times Mr Funny can you stop haven't learned your lesson yet have you well we'll teach it to you one more time let's go butterfly pack activate yo you could jump over this stuff so easily with your power up check this out melon skin if no way that's actually so good yep I'm pretty overpowered and Sonny did you say every five levels yeah why because I'm at stage five give me my second custom power all right bro we're both gonna get new power ups your second heart power-up's gonna be come on come on come on come on come on bro you're getting the fire heart wait what does that mean it means you get to unlock the flamethrower Power Up Wait the flamethrower I don't even see a flame yes I can fight back give me the flamethrower and now I'm spinning for my custom heart you don't want to mess with me melon I got the star power up wait does that make you invincible let's see the star heart lets me unlock the star boost power up what does that do let's see it's right around here uh become invincible for 30 seconds anyone you touch will also fly across the map what was the second part I missed the second part don't worry about it I'll uh show you later but for now it's ice versus fire die looks like fire wins yeah that's so unfair my wand isn't working anymore what the heck ah no oh that was close I gotta get out of here fairy jet pack uh the lights uh went out and I could hear something weird in the distance Sony I can't get out of this thing I can't get out all right I'll help well I gotta reset my character wait hold on I got you ah Mr Funny came out of nowhere Sonny you glitched my game the door is closed on my screen here I got you I actually got you oh thank you thank you now let's go wait why am I so tiny uh you're tiny I don't know I'm just trying to get out of here oh Mr Funny stay away please I just want to beat the game this butterfly backpack is oh Mr Funny quick with it I don't see him yet I still don't see him he's nowhere to be found just kidding he's right behind me what the heck where do I go where do I go fence vents please hey I found the exit I don't feel so good about this can I please freeze him nope he grabbed me oh oh you tried your best Sonny that's all that matters no my best wasn't good enough I gotta take the first left turn and find the vents please show me the way where did you go I'm so scared just take left turns that's all you gotta do I found the air arrows I should be good now Mr Funny please leave me alone I'm just trying to escape peacefully the exit that's a knife oh wait a checkpoint oh no I did not get the checkpoint oh assume is awesome I didn't even get according to play whatever bro I'll make it this time for sure if I have to I'll even use cheats yes I made a catch up to you melon and get my revenge you think your stupid ice staff could stand a chance I'm not using my ice staff now I will though oh my God son I gave you a chance I'm never giving you a chance again yeah you didn't give me a chance you literally lit me on fire challenging me to that duel so I had to kill you you're dead Sonny you're dead no I'm actually on checkpoint eight and I'm making great progress right now melon stop it melon stop it not my problem hold on hold on one more time freaking measure nope no no no no more times no more times guys I gotta get my Starbucks power up and I gotta activate it and destroy him are you kidding me Mr Funny grabbed me see you Sunny what are you trying to do there I just wasted 50 Robux for that I gotta do this again so annoying and steadily cross this time guys it'll work I don't care I will jet pack across Mr funniest Lair Sunny what are you doing I'm just yeah well let me just cross first whoa whoa you just launched me all the way back over here yeah you have a good time over there melon I'll be progressing now don't even matter you can't see me anymore I have super powers these laser beams okay they can hurt now gotta jump this and go up the elevator None Shall Pass hey melon I'm almost on level 10. it's okay sonny oh wait no it's not okay you're gonna unlock a new power and I've officially made it to Stage 10. yes oh where's that little melon at I'll be there in a second Sonny don't you worry how I'm midair you like that huh you're so annoying I have the power to freeze you like Elsa die okay you burnt me to a crisp and now go up here and while you ride that elevator I'm gonna spin for my next heart What's it gonna be yo I unlock the Cloud heart whoa let me guess you can ride a cloud bro you're a genius it says unlock the Cloud power up you're so smart I know I know I know and the wheel is spinning for you melon let's see what you get come on give me something goaded give me something golden no way I wanted that one you got the Jedi heart that's so cool it's the Jedi heart I wonder what it is you unlock the lightsaber power up whoa I didn't see that one coming no way 10 minutes lightsaber I'm gonna slice through you sonny the slice through you vertically and you're gonna die and you're gonna be dead and then you're gonna be happy because you're dead bro that is so uncalled for you need to relax a little bit and stop being such a meanie head because if you don't I'm gonna freeze you ow yeah you thought you were cool because you're a Jedi you were the chosen one and now I put you into cryostasis just like Han Solo yeah yeah hey yeah I have The High Ground Anakin yeah and I'm Goku can't catch me on my cloud You Were Meant to destroy the Sith not save them die let me out yes no how'd you get out now what are you gonna do I just have to fly away I should whack you when I have the chance I've got the coolest super powers ever hey melon you trying to come through there you're so annoying Sonny how I'm cold ice cold no no why why am I so low come back here honey I need to go up higher I almost died there that was really close to being really bad hey melon watch out for the robot I don't want you to die oh no oh no eight seconds left Mr funny can't catch me oh look at this little guy oh I'm sorry you trying to get me or something try again he's so annoying Sonny and I've got the next checkpoint hey melon do you see something coming through this door no I don't see anything oh okay that's cool oh how did you kill me and now I gotta wait you can literally see it I know I was trying to kill you did you at least get the checkpoint no I didn't Sonny now I have to wait again you gotta fight Mr Funny all over again yes I do Sonny it's not very nice you are garbage melon I'll be on my way to the next stages Let's Just Bounce Down the trash chute oh open the door wow it's like I'm really good at the game it's really dark in this warehouse this will be a good time to use my flashlight just kidding use my it is really dark I am kind of scared I've gotta get to the conveyor belt no Mr Funny came out of nowhere melon I'm gonna wait for you because I feel bad uh Sunny you might actually kill me here six seconds oh no oh no oh no hey killed me melon you can literally fly what is your problem Oh I actually want no I can't fly with it I can just jump really high oh I gotta do it all over again all right Sonny give me a second can you guys please comment melon emojis to cheer him on but I actually put some poop Emojis with the melons because he is Stanky at the zombie Sunny you don't understand the struggle all right you're right I don't because I'm too good 20 seconds to survive so all I need 10 more seconds come on please hold please hold seven six five four three two yes I'm so proud of you I'm so proud I am just this proud of you yes so proud indeed and now I go down to garbage now sunny what I'm just giving you some encouragement oh guys look he died he's such a dead man when I find you son you don't even understand you don't even understand ow oh was it I was on my cloud I didn't mean it I'm sorry bro you don't even have that power up your cheater no it was a misclick I was just trying to ride my cloud through the rafters I can't even see anything oh am I out of the map where am I I'm so lost oh Arrow conveyor belt and off the cloud easiest win of my life watch out for the cold sonny stop and I'm dead thanks thanks thanks guys this is the most satisfying power-up I've ever unlocked this is my favorite custom heart oh my God just stupid Mr Funny dummy so annoying don't worry I'm on the forklift I'll carry on our Legacy I'm zooming wait ever seen a forklift ride a cloud well me neither it's not working because apparently I froze myself yo melon you gotta see me I look awesome you don't want these problems count your days Sonny count your days wait I froze myself and died are you serious yeah now you know what it's like that is ridiculous whatever time to just shortcut this whole thing and I actually died you actually crashed your forklift melon you are quite impressive today I gotta say I'm just not on it today okay and I'm almost all the way across with my super cloud wow I got the best power ups today shut up and made it man that was hard that was a really tough level I can't wait for my next custom heart I hope forgives me the the Police gun that would be the best give me the Police gun please watch for the cold breeze Melon No stop Sonny stop it for real okay fine fine let me check the weather forecast turns out there's a blizzard my God Sonny I swear I will flame you to death I will flame you to death this is a war of fire versus ice ow ow what just hit me hit me die bro you really had to cheat I didn't even cheat I just pressed this guy by accident yeah you're supposed to be a Jedi not that it's an accident bro sometimes things happen ow you killed me that sounds like a you Problem whatever I'm gonna defeat funny game four and get my next custom heart then we'll see who's laughing not before I do get across this oh yeah oh Mr Funny are you gonna try and grab me oh my God I hate that log you actually actually lost yeah it's all fun and games so you hit the log Sonny I never hit the log unless it's 8 A.M in the morning and I'm on the toilet for two hours then I'm dropping logs you're you're gross you're just gross hey you're the one who talked about logs not me why I can't even oh my God the log has that stupid timing where it's impossible for me to actually beat the game and I'm out of the pipes feels good oh wait hold on is that checkpoint 15 it is time to get my next custom art around hey melon there's only two left the zombie and the spider it's spinning it's spinning it's spinning and I got the I got this some zombie heart is trash bro I want that spider heart the zombie heart gives me the ability to unlock the zombie power up oh no whatever will I do against a zombie maybe slice its head off dude I wish I was the wheel that was really not cool and now I'm gonna buy the zombie thing just gotta get this would you like to buy zombified yeah I sure would melon why don't you try that again huh all right let me just come in and take your head clean off you're still dead and I'm alive Get Wrecked yeah but now you're a slow zombie actually you're Jedi Zone great accomplishment hey girls who can do a flamethrower wow really nice for the final heart I get the spider heart what does it mean Sunny wait a second Sunny there's two hearts there wait you're right where did this come from how to get on the wheel no way no away give me the carport give me the Garbo you got the jail heart yes you know what that means Sonny you know what that means it lets you unlock the police Blaster power up are you kidding hey Sunny no no no no get me out of here I will snipe you don't you run don't you run yes I can run and I can hide you get back here right now you'll get back here I'll never be put under arrest too late too late resetting resetting just uh leave you a little treat and shoot dodged Dodge wait what where the heck am I I busted out of prison on my cloud I'm so confused Wait no that's not how it's supposed to go you're supposed to be dead and dying and mad hey I'm at the very start I'm outside of the toy shop that means you're close to the end no no does it I'm pretty sure I'm at the beginning I don't know man I'm pretty sure you're close to the end yeah you're right I'm gonna ride my cloud to Victory oh Sunny don't do it you're the one who put me in jail now I'm just using my power up against you guys I can speed run I can speed run and win jump good job and now take the train to Mr Funny dummy wait you're on the train I'm flying over the place where he's trying to knock you off the blocks dude I'm So Far Away actually I'm gonna beat you bro this isn't cool you literally cheesed me hey man I got the custom heart power that's it I'm resetting and I'm catching up I gotta go fast I gotta go so fast Cloud activate I'm gonna cheese every level then we'll see who's laughing oh wait I gotta get in the sewers this part's gonna be hard oh he crapped me and now I have made it time for Obi-Wan Kenobi to destroy Mr Funny dummy dude let me in this tunnel I'm trying to cheese this yes I passed all of them up the ladder in the door funny game three yeah more like funny game is easy sonny can we pay to win I am the Pay to Win God okay well I'm gonna pay to win then all right I activated the train but then I'm using my cloud to fly actually I think this is slower than just using the train uh yes I will take this 60 Robux a small price to pay for the ultimate bazooka melon destroy him why are you cheating one leg down two legs down two legs down hurry up Cloud we've gotta get in the battle and just finish this boy up spam him up with some rockets and he's dead let's go are you kidding me your jail Blaster was so overpowered and wasted all my time yeah that's the name of the game Sonny I gotta drop down and then at the last second get on my cloud no no I see what you're trying I'm not trying anything I see what you're trying you need to relax where are you Sunny nowhere yes I would like this yes I would like this 60 Robux for the ultimate power you sniped oh you're lucky you're lucky wait it didn't even give me the power up I'm still shooting slowly get ready hold on gotta put you in I can put you into you and now what just hit me ow you chill you chill Sonny I'm dead thanks a lot now this time it better give me saying I own it but it's not oh get wrecked really you're seriously doing this you are so cringe good luck sunny I got super rockets it won't help you from police jail come on die already no I'll give you one Robux oh just barely missed you oh wait his health is still low oh this is perfect defeat him bring him down bring him down yes he's been defeated and now I will defeat the Ultimate Enemy Mr Funny's minion who's that it's Mr Funny's minion you've never heard of him uh no I've never heard of him he's uh actually uh it rhymes with felon but it starts with the letter M come in you think you can defeat me huh Sonny ah smell it and yo got him got him oh you can't put me in jail when I'm on the seat just did if you guys want to bust me out of jail please press the like And subscribe button right now and click the next video on screen
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 1,068,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tj4qhHLWqd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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