Brookhaven Farm Hide & Seek SECRETS ROBLOX

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today in Roblox we're playing hide and seek on Brookhaven but we're checking out the new Farmhouse and I use the top secret hiding spot to troll melon oh this was so much fun can we get 3 000 likes for more Brookhaven videos if we can hit that like goal in 10 hours we'll film more Brookhaven let's get coded yo melon we're back at Brookhaven it's been a minute since we've played this game dude it's been a while it's been so long actually that they added a new epic Farmhouse look at this place it's so cool dude this is awesome sonny can I pretty please hide second oh yeah I mean fine I wanted to hide first anyways because I spawned this one in on the gold Ranch location because there's something pretty cool I'm gonna show off so give me my two minutes and I'm playing hide and seek you got two minutes good luck sunny I don't need luck where I'm going yo goats check out my secret hiding spot but I've just gotta run over here grab the shovel and then if I use the emotes and activate my digging ability and I go right under this little water container and just dig right about here come on do it I gotta find the sweet spot right here yes it teleports you underground to The Secret Safe location now there is no way melon can find me down here this should be an auto win this should be the greatest hiding underground secret spot in Brookhaven ever let's see if it works melon I'm ready bro good luck finding me all right Sony let me go let me let me let me go on this farm right here now Sunny if our perhaps hiding in a house my name was sunny uh what would be the best hint you could give me to find you the best hint I could give you is that I am in fact not inside of that house I'm in The Great Outdoors actually I'll be telling you there is there's no way you're outside because there's nothing out here all right Southern melon I'm outside and you're not finding me you may as well just give up that's your best play I give up you win this round actually no you think I would say such a thing no way Sunny no way you literally did I'm just joking I was joking it's called making a funny all right Sonny second question are you even in your house Farm location area I mean yeah of course I'm not cheating bro there's nowhere outside like what do you mean bro I might be in a secret spot but I'm definitely inside of the property okay there's gotta be something like in this dirt this dirt patch over here makes no sense maybe I can fall through something here oh I need to grab my sleeping bag sleeping bag sleeping bag yes melon that's a fantastic idea you should waste all your time trying to use a sleeping bag I will Sonny maybe I can sleeping bag back here no no wait guys I have a genius idea whatever this is it must be underground because like where else could he possibly go so if I go to my wheelchair and leave this Farm momentarily actually let me reset my character this will be faster melon you have one minute remaining at least a minute and a half and a half okay I'm gonna give you a 10 second extension bruh you are such a cap Lord where are you melon I'm trying to find you on my house cams don't you worry about things Johnny don't you worry you know you have three questions you can ask and you have two of them left uh hold on I gotta do some reconnaissance some Recon using my helicopter and it's time to go under the map and check out what's below this stinking house chill chill you can't just use a helicopter and glitch under the map that's not fair I'm allowed to do whatever I want to do Sonny I had to work hard for my secret spot whoa there actually is a big mountain in here hold on maybe there's some way I can sleeping bag into this he's definitely in here I gotta go inside of the safe close the door it's the only way I could stay hidden guys how am I gonna do this how am I gonna do this can I drive by sleeping bag in a helicopter okay big old turn oh oh oh oh this is confusing this is confusing sleeping bag sleeping bag no oh did you fall in the void Sonny this is really hard I gotta maybe just try and glitch in with the helichopter I know you're in here how dirt block let me in melon 20 seconds left yo I know you're in there you know what I'll even tell you I am and check this out let's see if you can see this oh no I might die I might die here oh below the map way too far below the map this is not good hey melon hey melon can you see this explosion I can't see the explosion but there's no way in From Below okay I wonder if I could sleeping bag out let's see you see my sleeping bag uh hold on I'm flying above uh um no I don't even see a sleeping bag bro dude this is bogus how am I supposed to get under there 10 seconds left nine eight seven six five four three two one victory whatever you win Sonny where did you go and how did you get there okay I'm gonna show you because it's so cool this secret so I just teleport back up I'm in front of the entrance can you see me oh yeah I can see you and then look you gotta get a shovel out you gotta start digging I can't even pick up a shovel what do you mean go to your backpack items I'm sure there's a shovel in there I don't think so Sunny oh there is there is and then you just dig here until it puts you underground what how was was I ever supposed to find out about that see it was fair you could have got down there you just garbage bro that is so stupid how was I gonna find out about that that's insane you weren't supposed to that's why it's called a secret spot you definitely looked up the secret spots of this house before we recorded uh no comment you dirty cheat Sonny that's it my turn guys there's a secret spot that not many people know about notice how there's no tree here and that weird thing on the farm but then when I go and spawn in the mysterious barn house check it out all right Sonny uh I got two minutes to hide yeah yeah your timer started 30 seconds ago what okay guys I gotta climb up in the barn climb up in the barn how do I get on this tree house how do I get to this tree house I don't get it I don't understand gotta get on top of the barn somehow is there a ladder somewhere or something guys I think I need to spawn in my own ladder okay bag ladder boom yes that's how you do it now that I'm on the ladder and now I've made it on top of the barn just gonna walk over to this tree house and beautiful guys no way Sonny knows how to get up here it's a perfect crime I can even oh I could jump up on the tree into the tree this is perfect all right Sonny I'm ready and it's time for me to track you down let me just go back to normal size already and I've gotta sniff you out and to do that I need a gas mask cause you are stanky melon I just gotta sniff out the poop Trail now it's like there's nothing over here towards the house yeah he's not in here I can tell what are you doing I'm sniffing for poop and I don't smell any over here maybe the barn that is so weird what you're weirding me out right now nope there's nothing there oh back here let's see behind these boxes [Music] sorry that's uh that's just an allergic reaction there was no fertilizer back here I'm good melon for my first question are you at high or low elevation I would say I'm a pretty high elevation yeah you might be on the roof you might be up here let me grab the ladder and that also rules out the secret spot so you're not under the house and uh back to sniffing I'm smelling something there's something up high here somewhere it's not on the roof it's over here Sunny your sniffer is failing you you only have two minutes left that's lots of time wait a second on the windmill no there's literally nowhere to hide on the windmill you're not up there and you're not on this roof either but the smell it's getting stronger wait a second are you in the Barn are you even in the house property uh uh no comments the sense it's getting stronger guys this is not fair he's literally cheating okay guys I'm gonna go and add a layer to my hiding spot jump into the leaves over here it's really strong in this tree house oh there's definitely a watermelon here somewhere oh it's disgusting it's a good thing I wear this gas mask or it would be too overpowering the scent to fertilizer guys I just fell I just fell out I just fell out this is not good this is not good I'm running in I'm running in I gotta dig under I gotta dig under the smell is really strong up here but it seems to be fading it's like you were here but not anymore melon were you in this tree I was at one point in time guys it's not working let I knew you were here but I don't know where you went it now melon next question are you uh in the house now I feel like you went in the house probably this is your last question and no I'm not I have no clue where you went and the smell is totally disappeared now I can't smell any fertilizer which means the Watermelons Trail is run dry 30 seconds left bro you're such a cheat it's hide and seek and you changed up your secret spot I it wasn't even on purpose it wasn't even on purpose so you're telling me you fell out of the tree on accident yes think about how many bones you would have broke there's no way you could move after that I don't have bones you idiot I'm a watermelon dang it well then you should have splattered or something let me see if there's some watermelon splat down here nope I I don't see any wait you could be in one of these bushes 10 seconds remaining nine eight seven six five four three two one yes are you in the crate are you in these boxes no but I am in a hiding spot that you may have went last round are you kidding me no I'm extremely serious Sonny dude you're so cringe if you're just under here get wrecked why I went where you at least expected me actually you fell out of a tree and then dug down here like a cheat yep but it still worked and I went now it's one to one Winner Takes all final round of hide and seek fine fine fine I'm teleporting to a new location and I'm gonna create my beautiful Farmhouse okay guys this isn't good I need to have a successful win here I'm spawning in the house and there's gotta be a place here that melon won't suspect gotta think about this very carefully and I'm gonna go inside of the house and look for a top secret hiding spot yes let's put the TV on to act as a distraction puppies who can resist adorable puppies now can I go in the fridge oh maybe I can yes I'm in the fridge and because it's my house there's no way you can open the door I think this is an auto win let's go melon I'm ready all right let me just check my teleport options to see what which home you're located at and the timer started now by the way so you're already losing your time uh no I don't want to melon I don't make the rules okay I just enforced them there you are sunny I found your location you're probably trying to be cheesy and going to the map come on come on let me under let me under yo guys I locked my house now I'm gonna change the color to act as another distraction let's make it watermelon red and also I'm gonna spy on him with the cat wait I just saw the house change last second hold on hold on tell us we're back out yo where are you son you lock the door you're so in here but little do you know I know how to break in yeah do you I do Sonny it's green now the house you wouldn't break into a green watermelon house would you uh yeah I would that's like pretty much my home so I don't even have to feel bad about going in there and I'm in where are you guys I wonder if the TV will distract him I'm changing the Channel with the house cams how is the TV changing channels you're out here somewhere you're around here somewhere oh can smell you rags to my life story and if you reverse it it's your life story dang it Sonny I thought you were behind this chimney I just found this epic secret spot and I'm stuck I'm not that dumb breaking news melon is gonna lose this hide and seek sunny sunny first question are you inside or outside I'm inside not in this house though are you something tells me Sonny are you in this house that I'm currently located in uh no I'm in Rosie's gym getting jacked you can't lie you actually have to be in Rosie's gym no no no it's a joke it's a joke Melon No you can't lie you can't lie you're not loud I'm not lying it's a joke look at the TV that's Rosie's gym on TV I'm watching the episode no Sunny you gotta answer my question then are you in that house yes I'm in the house bro obviously I'm changing the TV channel okay but you can't be lying I'm not lying all right no cap No Cap you better not be capping look I'm even turning the fireplace on what else can I do all right time to shrink myself down and check out these cabinets see I made it winter time outside checking cabinets is so annoying I gotta sit down and I still can't really see this is really annoying man this is really annoying if you're in here I know that's why I picked this hiding spot it's kind of the best where are you Sunny I'll give you a hint for free yeah when was the last time you saw your dad are you in the fridge yo I can't open the fridge I can't even open the fridge are you in there sonny when he left to go get milk he checked the fridge to see if there's milk in there and there wasn't and then he left sorry are you in the fridge is that your last question yeah it is stag right I'm in the fridge I got milk chocolate I got milk I got eggs bro I got all kinds of stuff there's probably even Prime energy in here so I found you bro I won you you literally have not found me okay you can't just hide in the fridge because I can't open it sunny you know I can't open it oh poor melon look would you like a slice of pizza oh no I got you close the door close the door oh I'm fine no I I literally touched you oh no I won I won guys comment down below you know I won this round dang it bro I was just trying to get a slice a pizza and then I accidentally opened the fridge door but I still got that pepperoni on me bro how are you eating that through a mask that is crazy this mask has secret compartments to it but yeah I'm gonna take it off so I can enjoy this and if you guys enjoyed this video press like And subscribe right now let's go and stick around out for the rest of this Epic movie and get yourself a slice of pizza and a little bit of drag to stay hydrated to enjoy the rest of this Epic movie today in Brookhaven we play hide and seek using bannable houses the rules are simple The Hider gets to pick between two houses to find their hiding spot and then the seeker gets to decide one house that they immediately delete and ban from the game so there's a 50 50 chance they'll instantly find The Hider if they ban the correct house if not they'll have five minutes to try and locate The Hider yo Sonny are you ready to play hide and [Music] let's let's do bro I have spawned in the most epic House of all look at my sports car back here dude my whip looking crazy yeah you're hiding first Sonny I wonder what else you're gonna pick you think your house looks really cool right it does and yours looks so average very mid bro not bad but like not good yo what the heck bro I'm hiding in my Playhouse well you hide in your real house honey you got two minutes bro this might be the most goaded House of them all can I hide here absolutely not this is my house oh I just bought another one it's a double decker now it's one of those Art Deco homes it's abstract and beautiful okay fine I'm gonna go hide so just you count melon two minutes let's go two minutes one minute one minute 58 one minute melon count in your head I don't want to hear that okay I'm sorry okay guys I've muted up and it's just you and me now which house do I wanna hide in Big Man melon's little average home or the golden Sunny house you know I want to pick my line really really bad the problem is if I pick it melon is for sure gonna delete it on me so I'm gonna ensure that he deletes it by opening the garage okay so I've opened the garage to make this super sus so melon will definitely delete this house especially if I accidentally leave my Jeep in the driveway so let's take this and let's back it up drive it in like this and go whoosh let it crash land a little bit now that looks super sus so I'm gonna go hide inside of melon's house now let's see here can I go inside of the fridge or the cabinet dang it I gotta shrink myself down it's the only way yo this menu looks a little different can I get even smaller now I don't know but I can turn myself into a cyclops look at me I'm literally Kevin from the anyone want a banana banana banana I'm going inside this washing machine that's what I'm doing yes I'm beautifully hidden this is perfect okay melon I'm in my hiding spot for for finally now I'm exiting my epic doll Playhouse look at these two lame houses bro you just called your own house lame yeah bro I put a lame house in here on purpose don't you worry but look at this extra lay Mouse you even left the garage door open and your car here Sonny you're so trashed wait what I thought I closed it I thought I closed the garage oh nice one sunny but that's what you want me to think that's why I'm gonna ban your house okay my house just got banned you're not even in there are you kidding me I thought about parking the Jeep so it would look sucks and then I actually hide in it but I still thought that was too risky because on the off chance you thought I was trying to out thank you in too much thinking and Duncan would have happened and then I would have been dead oh yes the thoughts would have been thinking and then the thoughts would have been bunk and thinking and thought see I'm always one step ahead of you you're hiding in my house huh so it's time to check out the cameras do I see anything on the cameras yo chill bro don't be spying on me like that I don't see you on the cameras now I'm gonna use my one and only question ask you the most ingenious question ever brought up to mankind Sonny are you inside outside bro you are really really dumb aren't you do you see how small your yard is why would I hide there I don't know what you're up to I'm inside bro you wasted your question I wouldn't call it a waste now I know you're inside check the fridge wait you can't even open these cabinets because it's my house you're right you're doing something sus are you hiding in the sick wait I gotta shrink down yo yo don't go in the sink I can't even go in the sink I am not in there why don't you just let that sink in bruh uh what let's go let's go how do you like my face you're literally a cyclops bro I know isn't it epic you want a banana I am Kevin banana banana banana I found you bro let's dang it whatever dude next round I'm gonna find you even faster we'll see about that one Sunny melon I've selected my house the daycare center yo your house looks snazzy Sunny the kid where to hide I mean I I mean what what dude don't hide in my house that's cringe yo what is your house I don't think I've ever seen this one dude I don't know but it looks lame honestly bro yeah it's so lame that I bet you hide here bro it's just so lame no I would never hide here whatever melon you got two minutes I'm going to the play place your timer starts now good luck where do I hide guys do I want to hide in the play place yeah that slide or my own house I want to hide in my own house and I've gotta figure out some way to bait Sunny into thinking I'm hiding in his house I think I play the same troll he played on me but this time I use it on my own house I'm thinking bro park the car in front of my house and change the color of my house yo let's go I want to find some secret area to hide in that would be so sick I know this house has some secret spots I just gotta figure them out melon you have 60 seconds remaining yo a little bit sunny boy guys I can't find a secret in this house so I've got something else planned all right Sonny I'm ready it's about time dude I'm gonna come find you with a funky dance let's go melon you're finished yo your house is so talking about sunny and you parked your car here bruh thing is though I'm not sure you're actually in there but you might be in there thinking three steps ahead of me trying to use forward and reverse psychology at the same time I don't know which house to bend guys so I'm gonna do something else well catch a tiger by his toes abandoned my own house you better be in there come on delete schmello you again let's go that's it melon I'm coming into your stupid house you're going down bro I'm kicking in this front door like SWAT open up where is that melon I'm taking it yo this is hide and seek you can't just ban me I just did Sonny check me out see you buddy I'm just gonna chill out in my jacuzzi now you think you could just taunt me to get away with it I got a trick up my sleeve I could break through this band yeah let's see it then I go like this and then I gotta go down here like that and then it's like come to the edge and let me in Oh I thought that would work it's so beautiful let my Barbie doll gazebo through Ellen want to put my tent please dude I thought the playhouse would let me glitch across the band wall you know what I know what to do melon I need to call in the police I need backup Ellen what are you trying to do Sunny don't be a coward get on my bike oh you were so close oh you almost touched me with that bike you are so annoying Melody if I could just get you out of there I'll win too bad two trash oh well you gave up on your little bike I'll find another way in the backyard thanks for the bikes get off of my bike I deleted it no okay guys melon thinks he's so smart I'm going to the back of his house and if he tries to troll me again I'm gonna scoop him up with a shopping cart melon it's so hard to climb into the back of your house yeah I picked the perfect house for the occasion sonny get me in oh you almost touched me let me in hey Sonia no yes no what the heck you fell for it dude no way and now I crash you no no I'm sliding all the way down and Gotti yo melon you found another brand new house there's so many we've never checked out yo this is sick I can't wait to discover all the wait you're hiding no wait melon can you open your garage for me I just want to go in the bottom floor and check out all those gadgets I got two minutes to hide start my timer it started 10 seconds ago that's fine what the heck dude there's like a fireplace out of a Coca-Cola bottle this place is so strange but also so goaded yo I bet this is part of the agency guys what is this computer for I really wish this was my house then I'd be able to check out these screens and find out what's on these computers I'll leave that up to melon though for now I just need to hide and I'm gonna go inside of my submarine I just gotta close the lid locking the hatch and now where do I want to go I think I want to launch some missiles at melon fire at will for my hiding spot I need to blend in somewhere but I don't know the best place to go I think I should probably try and hide back here behind all of these boxes okay melon I'm ready now using my form combined melon seeds which actually equals 200 IQ Points each you think I'm gonna eliminate my own house which made you hide in the summary wait what therefore I'm Banning the submarine Sonny what two I'm in your house bro no I don't buy it that's caps bro that was the fastest round of hide and seek ever I'm just a goat well I salute you goat well played I'm choosing a new house for you here have this piece of trash I will gladly take this piece of trash all right Sonny I got two minutes aside okay I'm gonna check out this new house this house is so weird it's so open bro dang it bro I can't find anything I'm lost wait I hide in the barbecue if I shrink myself down jump in the barbecue let me do this please it'd be such a goated hiding spot no it won't I got a lot of shopping to do yo that looks about right my stacks are fat one billion 751 million 639 490 that looks about right I've checked out all the websites there ever are on the internet that ever was I think I'm just gonna slip back behind this shed and hopefully Sunny doesn't check back here back let's go okay sonny I'm hidden I'm coming back up the ramp let's go which house would the melon have picked there's no way absolutely zero chance you hit in my dumpster of a house so I'm gonna delete that and play fair I want the challenge Melon No I'm coming up your stairs I'm going through your side door are you in the sink bro I gotta shrink down already this is getting ridiculous yeah you not in that sink right yo you probably in this toilet though I know you flushed yourself down nah you ain't know anything okay melon I have one question I'm gonna use it very intellectually yeah what's the question are you hiding in a secret spot I am not hiding in a secret spot okay that's really good that means I should be able to find you pretty easily and I don't have to try and glitch through walls or anything weird like that awesome coming downstairs melon yo I know what you're doing bro are you serious what am I doing let me just do one of these boom that's not a safe what the heck I thought that was the house safe Sonny this house has multiple safe visits I see they're just giant file cabinets yo that's the safe found it now I blow it up you're not in here but I'll steal your money let's go why'd you rob my safe that means you're outside here somewhere because I've checked everywhere inside the house yo I saw that little melon top I saw it I can't get back here did you get back there don't worry about it it's a top secret top secret this yo not the shopping cart I'll capture you can I get him he's on the Run let me out of here dude it's hard to open these glass doors with your tiny did I lose them bro what do you mean did you lose me I already found you I think I lost you sonny get back to the shed yes you think I don't see you up there you can't get me though he's getting big guys this is not good I gotta go no I missed the jump open the door I'm so small and Tiny don't feel Sunny I'm not gonna use your shopping cart get on my lawnmower stay away captured him but wait I'm riding the lawnmower that is so funny let's go I win this round goat mode well GG Sunny so I thought it would be pretty funny to cheat in this Brookhaven hide and seek so I pretended to be a taxi driver I'm gonna disguise myself and then offer my friend melon a ride to his hiding spot and then when it's my turn to seek him out I'll know exactly where to look melon bro we're in a public server for some broken even Hide and Go sheet yeah I am ready to dust you sonny by dust you I mean completely hide from you so you never find me well good luck you've got two minutes to find hiding spot dude you are weird I'm out of here okay goats well melon goes to hide I've got the ultimate game plan check this out first I gotta change my outfit so I look less suspicious and have a more formal attire like this I'm ready for a day at the office then I've gotta change my headgear so I blend in a little bit more I'm thinking a beard yes that looks good and a different pair of sunglasses something more maybe like these ones and then I gotta change my color melon will not suspect this at all light pink yes that is very inconspicuous and I'll even change my facial expression that looks much more appropriate for my new profession check this out I am officially a taxi driver now all I gotta do is go find melon and offer to give him a ride guys I have no idea where to hide right now but I'm way too close to spawn I've got to get out of here somehow huh uh okay guys go in the Subway and get to the other side of the wait what there's a taxi yo taxi taxi slowed down pretty much I'm trying to get to the other side of Brookhaven right now so can you drive me to the mountain and all the way up wait I think you understood me I think the honk is for a yes sweet hey watch where you're driving no he's actually going to the mountain this is insane Sonny's so done there's no way you can find me yo guys melon thinks this is just a normal taxi another player in the lobby good thing he hasn't checked the plates yet okay okay I'll get out I'll get out thank you so much Mr Taxi Driver wait what's your name what's your name guys I just barely got away melon almost noticed that the car says Big Man sunny on it that could have been so bad okay guys you see this tree that's phased into the mountain I'm gonna hide straight in here no way Sonny Finds Me Hold on hold on I could even add another layer deep oh yes I am perfectly hidden all right Sonny I'm ready okay guys I gotta take this outfit off and then go find melon okay dude I'm on my way question number one are you at a place of high or low elevation I would say I'm at high elevation that could only mean one of three places yeah what are those one Arch over here at the barn one Arch all the way on the other side or the mountain uh totally not on the mountain I don't know what you're talking about second question what color are you touching uh green green a little bit suspicious given that the Giant mountain is green and the [Applause] dead oh melon it's only a matter of time until I find you how did you track me down so quickly sunny I just had my suspicions now the question is where up on this mountain is this watermelon chilling I'm gonna find you bro and when I do I am going to absolutely smack you yeah I'm still confident in my spot you won't find me plus you only have two minutes left two minutes is ample time bro that's way more time than I need okay buddy let's see green high elevation there is a little cave here is there a little melon in it what there's no melon in this cave I thought for sure that was your spot wait you might be hiding in a tree bruh he could be doing these cheeky tree spots hey there he is got him dang it how did you find me so fast melon that was the easiest round of hide and seek I've probably ever played it's like I knew where you were hiding or something year round starts now you have two minutes to hide okay guys this is actually pretty good I've got the drone on right now so I've got lots of places I could drop in let's see it's okay I'm gonna find someone's house that looks really good for hiding yo I'm gonna go to the motel melon would never expect this I'm gonna go in somebody's motel room dude they colored this place green like a watermelon actually it looks kind of minty looks like a minty green oh it's pink what the heck are they doing all right time for me to hide uh where's a good spot I think I'm gonna go in the sink yes the sink is perfect then I just gotta sit down and make myself a little bit smaller they're like why is there somebody in my sink right now no reason okay melon I'm ready finally Sunny now time to track you down guys this person is telling me to get out of their house now I'm just trying to live inside of their sink no no I gotta type back telling them up the sink monster hot sunny first question are you hiding inside or outside I'm hiding inside there's so many things inside okay are you closer to the city or the outside of the map I'm closer to the city wait you might be in this new dealership this is new I know you can't resist this where are you sonny no you're in here somewhere okay guys this is really bad this player is threatening to kill me they want me to get out of their house so badly so I told them the pipes are busted and I'm a plumber hold on I'm telling them they need to chill out I need to fix their sink what are people saying in the chat hey Sonny why are you typing yo I am the sink monster mahaha your pipes are busted I'm a plumber wait what are you reading chat just chill to fix this sink what I just gotta find Lex at his house okay home cams uh no no no melon melon why are you looking here hey buddy I'm coming in drink my avatar and now it's time to get you your boy makes the getaway wait where'd you go what what happened to you I'm fixing other sinks dude someone's gotta do the plumbing around Brookhaven I'm getting in Let Me In yeah I'm not in whatever house you just talked about by the way it's vacant it's literally empty okay I need to get out of here now and that's awkward bro where are you Instagram Zach's house his door is locked why oh that's a real shame it's probably because the plumber entered the house and is doing a little bit of work that's it again I'm in let's see are you in this sink Sonny I know you can't resist it Oh I thought you were in the microwave I was convinced you were in the microwave I'm not even in a sink bro I'm rping as a plumber to distract you sonny we're probably gonna get kicked out and guess what that means I find you when I kick you always she's trying to ban me don't get my name tag stay away I Gotta Keep On Moving or I'm gonna get banned no that's hilarious stay away [Music] no no you got banned no I know it's gonna happen I need to keep moving I need to keep moving yo melon you gotta find me still though coming down you've got one minute left are you sonny I know you're gonna sing somebody no stay away from me I just want to play hide and seek wait are you in here no wait what she picked me up 10 seconds left oh boy that was close I don't know how you didn't see me I think I ran straight through you where did you go you've less than 10 seconds now I don't understand where have you gone one dang it hey melon how how sunny now we get banned together I'm pretty sure I ran right through you into the safe dang it sunny how she banned me dang it all right Sonny this is the final round I need to get a dub here I'm out yeah good luck with that melon I'll start my countdown now you've got two minutes guys I've gotta figure out a goated hiding spot where is it gaunted hiding spot yo guys it's time for me to get my taxi outfit back on just gotta go and equip it except this time I won't be bald I'm giving myself a hairdo I'm even gonna give myself an RP name Taxi Driver nothing suspicious here and then I spawn in my vehicle jumping and I'm gonna change the color to something melon won't be able to resist there we go now I just gotta find him and pick him up wait why is this taxi following me no I don't want to get in sir Taxi Driver jeez bro I'm already at my spot relax okay now I changed this into the dealership and now Sunny will net why is this Taxi Driver being so annoying he's honking so much what do you what and Mr Taxi Driver I never caught your name hold on let me check your license Big Man sunny what this isn't good I was trying to use this taxi to cheat I thought for sure if I made it green or red melon wouldn't be able to resist that dirty cheat he probably used the taxi the first round to find out where I was that's why it was so easy for him I know where to hide roof of the school he'll never expect that just gotta do a little bit of Bobby yeah is this crack right here Sonny will never expect this all right Sonny I'm ready let's do this bro time for this Taxi man to get back in his Whip and I'm gonna make it a more traditional color once again such a cheater Sunny you cheated the first round and you tried to cheat this round now melon the question is where are you hiding this time did you stay inside of the restaurant upstairs or the Brookhaven dealership area I wonder if you did that it will not tell you first question for you melon is going to be are you hiding using a public player as a distraction which means their house their car anything like that no second question are you near the center of town or on the outskirts I'm closer to the center oh fine last question melon are you hiding in the Brookhaven Bank Mall or let's see what's it called or the grocery store apartment small uh neither hold on let me consult with the other players in lobby has anyone seen an ugly watermelon I need some help dang it no but I saw this oogly taxi driver yo melon shush it bro I need action no fine I'll give you a hint I'll give you a hint ready ready place that is not very cool and it rhymes with the last word of that sentence what the heck cool cool you have one minute left Sonny dude I'm almost there but the school's huge how am I gonna find you with this school this place is massive I don't know that's not my problem is he upstairs painting or chilling out on the piano the bathrooms girls bathroom nope not in the girls boys bathroom why would I do that that's weird bro you have 30 seconds left Sonny let me give you your final hint with 15 seconds remaining I'm on the roof perfect I'm playing four three two one hey let's go hey Johnny you actually cheated you're not on the roof yeah I fell off at the last second it was a total accident dude that's some cap where are you I'm right here Sonny right at the uh keep going that way yep keep going that way bruh I was just chilling right here dude so tiny I at least won two rounds of hide and seek so I'm still today's winner fine even though you cheated actually I didn't shoot the Taxi man did this is Brookhaven but every game of hide and seek we spin the wheel of colors to decide a can't touch color meaning if it lands on yellow I'm dead melon it's time for some Brookhaven I can't touch the colors do it bro I really hope I get yellow I'm going first I'm spinning the wheel first let's go you'll literally die if you get shut up bruh I'll be fine I'm the goat but actually yeah you right dog yeah you didn't even think that through dude I'm spitting let's go please please yellow even though it'll kill me please yellow okay I'm not yellow I'm fine sorry I'm cringe yeah you're cringe bro but you got blue dude so I guess that means uh no water right I don't know what else that means oh wait my sunglasses have blue on them but they're not touching my face the blue part am I safe I I'll let it slide bro I think you're good I think you're good okay I got two minutes to hide I'm out of here I can't even go an arcade it's so blue in there good luck my friend I don't need luck when I've got the biggest most goaded hiding spot in the game check this one out homies we go to the vehicles and we scrolling down and we grab the mega truck and I gotta just drive this away somewhere nice and Rural so melon doesn't know maybe I'll do something really weird you know I like to do stuff that's really weird I gotta find me a good spot this could be it back here in the cave melon will not be able to see this from above now I gotta figure out how to drive a truck at a reverse I'm messing it up I wanted to back the trailer in oh this is so hard I do not want to be a truck driver okay I'd say that's that's good and now I will unclip it and drive this part of the vehicle somewhere else because I don't want to get busted too easily and you know what I'm gonna drop it off in the water but I can't oh that was close though okay we good now I'm going back to my trailer open sesame now I've just gotta change the interior a little bit for my liking I think I want to go with the super spy setup which isn't this it's definitely not this Rusty jail oh it looks like poo poo that's the one right there oh yeah we in business then we close this up no melons allowed and I'm officially ready to go I've hidden myself melon good luck finding me dog all right bro I'ma sniff you out uh but not like a dog like a pig because their noses are even more sensitive are you a truffle pig over for you dude it's over good thing I showered bro you can't smell me because I smell like nothing well I'll smell you then because I'll know that that's the only area without a scent easy oh no I didn't think about that all right for my first question how far would you say you are from Spawn I'd say pretty far realistically pretty dang far pretty dang far like do you want me to give you a street name I can give you an address I'm on the corner of Cedar and Aspen Lane bro I know exactly where that is I'm not smart like the back of my hand you definitely don't that's why I read it out bro I literally do I know exactly where Cedar and Aston Lane meet you don't even say it right it's Aspen Lane whatever dude Aspen Lane right here right here wait is this it Cedar I found Cedar wait what chill chill chill chill yo there's a truck on that's what I wanted you to think dog Cedar and ask nice one Broski she's gotta figure out a way to get in here I literally see you no stick your melon top somewhere else this is my truck bro let me in I'll kill you wait I know how to get in I know where to get in dude you're making my whole trailer Shake dude bro I'm gonna flip your truck over dude chill no that's a tank bro relax come on no you're stealing me out of my trailer oh my God I'm getting kidnapped what did you do to my trailer I got you that's what I did you're a monster melon wait bro can you still open that yo what's going on oh my gosh chill brooch yo yo trailer goofy bruh you totaled it it's gone now melon it's your turn to spin dog good luck please don't give me red that would mean I die right away give him red give him red give him red green oh we've been through this inside of my watermelon is not green so it doesn't therefore not counters green so they're forming a lot your melon might be safe but these ferns aren't bro no touching any green you got two minutes get out of here okay I'm out of here just don't touch green and I'm good to go yo why don't you scratch your head no I am not gonna do that okay guys I've got the perfect plan so all I've gotta do is this down somewhere around here and I'm gonna try and hide under this bridge but I gotta be careful because I can't touch green where's the tent at where's the tent jump I'm good here I'm good here so just gotta make this jump let's go okay he's never gonna expect me to be here all right Sonny I'm ready whenever you are I'm on my way you said you're a truffle pig and you could sniff out well this time I'm just gonna be the eye of the eagle bruh and I'm gonna find you from the skies good luck dude good luck yeah let me get my helicopter real quick give me a second you almost make myself a fugitive while I'm at it police copter I don't think so I'm more of an agency copter I'm rolling out bruh God oh God I'm I'm busting on God I'm big busting now the question is melon are you inside or outside cause I get a weird feeling that you're outside doing something dumb I guess that's a weird one I guess I'm outside oh I'd say I'm outside outside next question is gonna be a very basic one but I feel like I need to get it out of the way are you near the center of Brookhaven or the outskirts I'm closer to the outskirts I'd say really that's interesting because there's a whole lot of greed on the outskirts dude technically speaking I guess I'm closer to the inside then why would you lie to me because it's close dude it's hard to tell so I gotta stay somewhere in the middle of the map that makes my trips a little bit easier so if I'm a melon and I can't touch green and I'm doing something stupid near the middle slash the outside of the map and I'm kind of outside man this is really not helping I I know where you are unless you're out near Lake Madison is that your question no I never said it was a question I'm just scouting bro I'm just checking it out I'm increasing my velocity I need more speed more power yo wait wait wait did I fly over you that's my question you did not oh that was a bad question then it could have been really good turns out it was really bad bro we'll never find me dude I only have 30 seconds give me a bonus in into at least I'm so lost um I guess my hint would be from where you're looking right now I'm on the left side of the map left side okay so I swing to the left and I see Green Pastures which you're not allowed to touch so you're clearly not on them and then I gotta go this way a little bit because well I can't go further out because you're not on the stupid out s wait wait wait wait wait wait turn around turn the feeling I know where you're at gotta whip it quick I'm gonna become a land Chopper oh this is gonna end really bad for me oh god I've got a freaking out wait you're not even in this tunnel nope no I'm not wait what was that I said what was one thing it was what you're at the North estate you're underneath what do you mean what are you talking about bro I'm turning you into Blended melons yes get him much of the dog let's go I had like five seconds that was crazy bro I guess you win that round that was a close one though and now I'm Gonna Make You Touch Screen yeah I'm still in a helicopter hey thanks bro I'm right on the road are you kidding demands lived it's my second turn to hide and I'm spinning the wheel I actually kind of don't want yellow it'd be goaded but oh oh um yeah nice one dude you're literally dead no oh oh that is so unfortunate Sonny wait I have a solution I'm not yellow I'm not yellow bro good oh let it slide but you got 22 000 minus whatever to make 120 seconds quiet I'm out of here dog okay I can't touch yellow I literally transformed into Barney the purple dinosaur now I gotta find myself a hiding spot I've got an idea I'm not allowed to touch yellow and I've transformed into purple so I'm gonna go hide out somewhere where I'll blend in a little more naturally I gotta be careful about these yellow lines oh it's close perfect I made it to my favorite place in the whole wide world the ice cream shop I just gotta shrink down a little bit I gotta change my Hue wolf purple I think that's probably the best one and now I just sit underneath the countertop yeah that'll work that's good Mel and I have hidden myself and I'm feeling good all right Sony can't touch me alone I must eat this so tasty so good let's eat what oh sorry I got sidetracked sorry but no no I just got a little character yo you're in somewhere where you can eat so that kind of Narrows things down quite a bit thanks for the hint are you in starbrook somewhere oh this is so tasty let me drink this too oh yeah that's good bro's not in Starbucks the bruh is wherever the bruh needs to be yo ice cream shop you might be in here low-key though low-key though here are you behind these tables yeah you're the goat you really think I didn't see you you really didn't think bro I thought it was juking you around you see what I was doing I saw you try I saw you right away no [Applause] bro look at this it's bigger than my head yeah dude that ice cream is pretty giant for your size it's buzzing all right bro it's the final spin will I get red or will I get pink come on please give me Pink Give Them pink actually give them bread no wait quickly quickly you gotta change my color yes I'm a survive I don't believe this how did you survive I'm a Survivor that's all you gotta know great you're Survivor now get out of here with that I can't touch the color red the last place Sunny will expect me to be is gonna jump oh I almost touched these buttons so last place Sunny will expect me to be is the fire station so I'm gonna go in that sponge that everybody knows about oh wait this ladder's red um okay change the color of the ladder no can't use it then can I do it with a sleeping bag I just gotta jump yes I did it with a sleeping bag let's go did I just removed the evidence and now I'm hidden in the last place he'll ever expect all right Sonny I'm ready whenever you are I've got an ace up my sleeve bro you're so stupid and I love it so I'm just waiting here at the Brookhaven Fountain where you respawn because uh you forgot about something you might have changed your character to Blue but the inside of that melon is red dude you should have known look at the red under there whatever dude you win this round this is not fair this is Brookhaven hide and seek but with secret clones yo melon it's time for another public Lobby Brookhaven hide and seek bro let's do this dude I'm gonna disguise so hard you're never gonna find me bruh that's what you think dog no shot no cat I'm hiding first you got two minutes to hide good luck my friend okay guys I have two minutes to hide I've gotta be sneaky about this so first things first I wanna troll melon I'm gonna pretend I'm in Brookhaven school because I'm gonna write all kinds of nonsense on these walls let's go let's make this say melon equals nerd what is nine plus ten let's see if melon knows that math he probably doesn't know then I'm gonna go to the English class so check this one out right here melon as for IQ you guys already know comment down below how many IQ points you think melon got he's only got four melon seeds which means he's kind of small brain okay guys check this out melon is not the goat okay it's time for me to get my disguise on and go to my real hiding place I'm gonna become the pharmacist yeah I look good the only thing is technically I'm not allowed to delete my sunglasses which means I gotta cover them up oh yeah that's about as good as it's gonna get now we just go stand in the new Brookhaven Pharmacy okay melon I'm ready bro I'm in my Hiding Place and there's no shot you find me yeah that's what you always say let me check house cams bro did you spawn in a house if that's your first question no that's not my question no all right you almost got free information though um from my first question are you hiding in some random person's house oh God put me down sorry uh I can't talk right now melon that was close that man's almost kidnapped me uh sorry what was your question what'd you say are you hiding in some random person person's house no I'm not but I might be in Escuela I don't know what Escuela means bro you don't know about schoolio Escuela Escuela Escuela the school bro I'm teaching some classes out here are you actually in the school yo guys this is why we don't play in public lobbies what is this person doing they're so weird melon equals nerd what is nine plus ten one new one okay for my second question are you close to the school or in the school maybe if you check the English class I'll answer that what bro you put a bunch of oh my God melon is not the goat that's right bro you're not even answer my question though are you close to the school yeah I'm kind of close but I'm not in the school you probably walk straight past me bro I'm looking like this dude right here I'm dead bro the hospital's right next to the school I don't know what you're talking about you don't know what I'm talking about wait what's this new section bro what is going on here is this you I can't even tell oh you do you have the sunny glasses bro I would never have known if you didn't say anything bro you're kidnapping that man's what are you doing bro I'm in a wheelchair man GG you found me in the first round yeah I thought I'd try out the new Pharmacy you need some pills bro honestly I had no idea that was you until you was freaked out when I walked near you okay melon you've got two men minutes to hide good luck finding your hiding place and then I'm gonna flap you dude chill out okay guys I'm running around this corner and now I'm gonna teleport to some random person's house who has a nice home I can enter this guy's got a nice house no he locked the door this guy man wait I might be able to sleeping bag in let's go I'm in this dude's house now bro all right Sonny I'm ready whenever you are bro that was pretty quick I feel like you're near the center of town all right my first question are you near the center of town not really but I can see you right now wait what how could you see me right now and you're not close oh you'll never know and you could probably see me too if you looked hard enough okay my eyes are literally peeled I am pushing my eyelids back into my brain socket where are you you know what I'm getting a police helicopter I'm gonna track you down where is the stinking melon for my second question bro I gotta ask this it's important are you inside or are you outside I'm inside I'm inside oh okay then my final question are you in a building or in a player house I'm in a player house let's go there's only a few places you can be all right full steam ahead there's a couple houses over here oh we got the frat house and we got the see-through home bruh no melon why would you hide in a see-through house what are you thinking whatever bro good luck getting in oh you're actually kind of right no cap how do I get in there I jumped over into the yard how did you get up there I just used my big old brain open up it's not working okay guys I escaped to the roof Sonny's Never Gonna know he's gonna be so confused maybe I can talk to them please sir open your house I must get the melon no Ellen please open it up dude there's a Madman in his house shooting everyone I'm he opened it he actually listened then he re-locked it on me what a guy what fine I'll take the piggyback ride bring me in you know melon I don't even have to deal with you right now rules of hide and seek are clear if I find you it's over get off that roof no you don't see me bruh the viewers are gonna call you a cheater again bro but you didn't even get close to me yo I know how you got in there you stinking rat oh you're done now melon you said I couldn't figure out my way in there did you wait no chill Sunny chill we can talk about this we can talk about this don't do it whatever you're thinking about don't do it sure you're gonna regret it don't do one oh that's right dog get found it's over bro I'm dancing on you it took you long enough to figure out how to get into his house though whatever bro I'm kind of shaking my butt cheeks on you let's go to the next round all right bro you got two minutes good luck okay guys I'm sneaking back into the center of town and look at this big vehicle here I'm on a BRB myself float on in and melon's gonna be so confused okay I don't need the car controls right now no someone green man can help please spawn a car I really need it for hide and seek bro the future depends on you I think he's AFK I give up that's it I'm going in this truck if I go small mode I could disguise even more hold up hold up hold up and now I have Blended in successfully melon I'm ready I'm in my Hiding Place where's where's the sunny at are you in one of these cars is that your first question oh my God you know it's not my question all right bro I'm just questioning you on your questions all right Sonny are you closer to the fountain or the outskirts of the map I'm closer to the Fountain just a little bit is that honest that just a little bit I mean why would I lie to you you've been weird again you're being sus yo nice Whip Yo what I see you in that old school where are you what you still got questions bro you got time to figure this out no that's not you that guy doesn't have sunglasses on is this you no yeah investigate every player I love public lobbies it's so fun yo I'm in the club dude I don't got one hour till it closes up no no one's in the club bro that's cause the club can't even handle me right now yo what's going on with that truck what is going on with that truck I mean bro you can see the Caboose of the truck wait a second I see everything no what guys he didn't see me guys he didn't see me bro nice nice sunny dang it you did see me uh someone despawned their giant truck on me good job I thought you were this guy and I was like wait he doesn't have any glasses and I was contemplating stuff for a while that ain't me dang it bro I was hidden perfectly and then out of nowhere the truck vanished bro that's what you get for using someone's vehicle melon you've got two minutes to hide and you actually have a fan here support like bro you got two minutes yo guys I'm running this way but I'm gonna wrap around to the bank and try to hide in one of the secret spots Sonny hasn't checked there in a while and I don't think he'll have a clue about where I'm at yo this sad person who is this are you melon I'm the real melon she's offering to help me let's go bro she better have a good spot for me yo bro she's got this figured out this apartment looks so messed up bro I think she's doing the secret portal spot bro Sweet let's go she's gonna take me to the portal room she whipping me around for real [Music] yo she's taking me to the Secret Agency wait is this the part where we have to smash the boxes oh my God it is and then let's get to whacking [Music] yo what dude that light was crazy I think we're going to the secret portal now now died let's go oh my god dude the secret Brookhaven portal bro it's so weird it's so trippy wait I have the perfect idea for Sam can you disguise yourself as me to throw Sonny off become the wander melon clone yeah this looks about right damn that boy looking good that's perfect Sonny's never gonna find out bruh are you finished yet this has been the longest round ever bro we're red I'm I mean I'm ready I'm ready I was the most such thing I've ever heard time for my search to begin okay melon first question for you are you inside or outside it's the generic question but I need to know I'm in so I mean yeah I'm inside yeah I'd say I'm inside bruh this is the most us round ever you don't even know where you are okay bro I'm inside everyone would say this is inside if they said this was outside they'd be crazy that makes me think you're doing something dumb like the yacht so let me just check that place out real quick make sure that there's no melons in there melon I'm just gonna ask because I'm lazy and don't feel like sleeping bagging and I feel like you're in this are you in any sleeping bag glitch spots nope I am not what you're I'm just out here being my best self with my best self dude what are you talking about that's weird dude don't play with yourself that's cringe maybe you're in the skate park place in one of these crevices bro give me a hint all right bro you got one more question I'm not giving you no hint are you using a secret spot that I don't know about bro there are no secret spots that you don't know about you know about every secret spot yeah cause I'm goaded okay so fine are you using a secret spot uh yes I am bro there dude there's so many that's actually a terrible question why did I do this to myself no yeah dude you messed up big time buddy anti-gravity chamber I must check it first you're not back here bro you only got one minute left dude and I'll give you a hint I would say this is the hardest secret spot to find did you use the church teleporter let me rephrase this is probably the hardest secret spot to get into the hardest secret spot to get into and it's not a sleeping bag glitch yo that means you probably spawned in the portal because that thing takes forever you got 30 seconds buddy good luck maximum speed let's go come on I'm running low the time let's go four three no two bro I see you oh I literally see you I got you bro I got you bro did you get me or did you get my secret clone wait what yep you didn't find me bro you just found my clone dude wait this isn't you in my arms nope that's the face cake melon yo melon how did you find this person to be your clone bro dude I just found her and she reached out and she would send me a secret spot and then she became my clone dude bruh they're goated low-key dude they're saying they make YouTube videos as well wait really yo Sam the melon clone sent a friend request yo let's call them a Discord bro let's do that for sure for show yo Sam nice to meet you that was crazy oh thanks oh thanks man I was just you know testing out all the cool secrets in Brookhaven bro you're actually the Clone goat that's crazy yeah honestly this was pretty fun and I was wondering would you two maybe want to film a hide and seek with me on my channel too let's go I'm in I'm in I'm in yeah let's do it awesome this is Brookhaven hide and seek but we only use secret spots located in the newest State Mansions which is your new favorite estate the prison modern house or Cottage we're here in Brookhaven to show off the biggest secrets of this update but before we go play hide and seek in these estate homes and reveal the secret spots there's something we've been meaning to share melon bro it's this we've already seen this truck what are you doing dude no you haven't no you haven't bro bro stop doing that you're so cringed I didn't do it the truck did it it has a mind of its own all right now look at this you ready for this I thought this little button here just closed the doors right but it doesn't if you press this it change truck look inside empty look inside check this bro you should have done this the first time you should have filled it to the brim I know dude we got that Rich Man swag back here but I kind of feel like it's illegal money bro we're selling iPhones bro we stole all this it's falling off the truck we can't be having it take a look at it now though SWAT mobile from law Breakers to law enforcers what is this oh moldy check it out there's more though it's even dirtier now it's Rusty it's like a jail truck wait but why is there an explosion back here wait why are these coffins in a jail what is the agency doing there's gonna be some really weird secrets with this truck I can already tell and look there's even more look we got two computers now dude do we have the nuclear codes yo chill we can't be firing this off at Brookhaven yet dude we're not ready for the full map update now melon I got something else to show you get in the back of the truck okay I'm gonna make it nice and cozy for you I'm making it cozy truck okay okay I'll do it and now it's perfect close the doors bro what's wrong with [Laughter] don't worry I'm driving out of here wait let me back in I fell out you shouldn't have jumped bro stay in there we rolling we rolling not even in it anymore bro too bad leaving you behind so I'm bringing the melon sucks mobile over to Brookhaven school because there's one other little secret I gotta show you check it out come with me melon we must go upstairs I think it's upstairs where's the janitor's place again is it down here oh it's down here take a look no students allowed okay let's go in do you know what's new do you notice it yet um um no his list has changed we've gotta wax the floors and paint the gym doors janitor's kind of poetic look at those Rhymes he's got flow I think he just has another chore to do I think you're looking too deep into this bro dude it's for sure part of the agency Mysteries all right chill what would they be doing in high school waxing floors and painting gym doors why can't I move your truck roll out bro roll out hit the gas I am it's not working yeah it's probably because you suck bro okay sonny check out these new Estates bro this is the prison house us and I'm hiding first okay good luck you better secure those inmates dude otherwise they might get on the loose bro don't worry this is an empty facility it's not empty anymore we got the biggest criminal in the game in it melon that's a compliment thanks dude what's not dude you're a filthy criminal I'm a good criminal though whatever just hide you got two minutes okay guys if you go into some of these cells there's actually a secret passage so if I go in this toilet and then jump oh well I fell all the way down but you can enter The Secret Vent slash dirt tunnels these are the underground tunnels that they use to bring people in and out of the jail why are they bringing them in I don't know but they probably do sometimes it's really confusing down here here's the secret vents you can go through the whole prison quite easily I think I'm just gonna hide in one of these vents all right Sonny I'm ready whenever you are I hope you've hidden yourself well melon cause I'm coming to sniff you out in that prison bro the only thing you're sniffing is my dust gross does that mean you're farting and crop dusting me yo I heard that you just farted again bro I'm literally just eating stop adding sound effects bro you're tooting all the time it's stanky dog bro it's all in the eye of the beholder I think mine smell quite good you're nasty dude is there a secret on this infirmary table let's see nope just an operating room okay nothing suspicious here what about these jail cells though bunk bed oh any ceiling vents I'm hopping like crazy where else could this melon be at though melon my first question is are you hiding in a secret spot I just want to get that out of the way I mean yeah I'd say this pretty secret good are you hiding in a glitched secret spot like you put a sleeping bag to get there nope I think I know where you are please work yes I found a vent where am I anyways is this a storage room it doesn't matter but I found an event I'm going in oh my God guys Sonny didn't see me because he was facing the other way dude I'm down in the dirt tunnels is this what you were talking about by I'm gonna eat your dirt oh no anything like that dude it's so dark down here I had to bust out a flashlight but I'll find you bro this place is like a maze what I got hops bro this is how the prisoners Must Escape you gotta get through the vents and then Escape through these tunnels wait what is this yo wait what you could go through the prison cells into these vents wait does every prison melon I see you what are you doing no no you don't see you don't see anything I see a crazy melon in the infirmary why are you swagwaying bro does every room have this um a lot of them do you literally jumped in the vents and we're right next to me and then I just jumped away from you gosh you're so trash where do these vents lead there's got to be a bigger mystery I will find it oh just more prisoner bunks okay melon it's my turn to hide in the Estates and I've got the perfect hiding spot let's go we're putting in this beautiful modern home dang Sunny that's pretty fancy dude but you got two minutes aside good luck thanks man two minutes is plenty I could stay out here and admire my new property with you for a little bit I've got no rush dude I saved up my monies and I bought that with a billion Robux what do you think I think your house is pretty nice dude it would be a shame if something were to happen no no I'll be able to shoot that thing better not be able to no you can shoot it get in the house now I'm protecting my property spawn trucks protect it bro you just mangled that truck right away I didn't mean to it's gonna be my house Shield check it out boom protected damn boy whatever will I do that actually worked pretty good the melon sucks truck is actually protecting it nice okay guys I've got less than a minute to hide but it's fine because I have the perfect place I just gotta come inside that's what she said close the garage door so melon doesn't suspect a thing and then take a look at this I gotta grab myself a sleeping bag I get my bag and I put it in like nope I need it to be in front ways nope yo I'm not trying to work out I'm trying to put a sleeping bag perfect if I get it in like that get in the bag scroll out press the button open the mystery door oh no am I stuck it's not supposed to be like this guys I guess I'm in a different secret spot now not too bad I guess it's got its perks open this door I wanted to go into the safe room I can fix this you see nothing man you're right I am blind gotta go I gotta hurry I gotta hurry I gotta hurry I gotta hurry uh maybe if I just put it all the way on this wall instead will this work is this the safer way of doing it I think this is the safer way of doing it open yes I'm through move my bag my bag is secured open the safe shrink myself down really quickly and get inside perfect melon I'm ready brother good luck finding me all right all right I'ma find you we're gonna start from the basement going up so oh I can't open your stupid garage I'll get it for you hold on oh thank you thank you got it opened dang this is a nice little basement you got here thanks I'm glad you like it it's normal compared to my basement but yeah whatever dude it's nice for um someone with your kind of financial status yeah a billionaire in Roblox yeah it's nice to meet you too well I'm a trail you're now so yo you just passed the kitchen nice one bro get off the cams you're cringe dude what if I was hiding in the fridge huh you wouldn't even know bro you're not checking check the fridge melon check the fridge fine I'll check the fridge I can't even open the fridge it's because I locked it and I'm inside of it I'm in the freezer bro so toxic okay I'm not in the fridge okay thanks all right for my first question dude are you in a secret spot yep obviously I'm even gonna play some music it's called Baby DJ wait I can hear that dude that's so annoying turn it off don't you love it it's a good beat huh no it's just really annoying all right for my second question where is the floor that the secret is located on I'm located in the first place you entered the home ah Bros in the garage slash basement yep you know it do you have to have to press these paintings press this button whoa don't press that button it's like in the walls somewhere melon go back to the painting I saw something I'm not joking I'm not joking go back to the painting quick look yo do you see that bro how are you doing that there's a strobe light what the heck's going on whoa it can get brighter look how bright it got bro looks like you have a flashlight behind there are you behind there with a flashlight that's what it looks like I don't know what you're talking about dude my house is a party time where's it at where's it at I'm making a yellow too yeah what's up what's up what's up what's good what's good what's happening what's happening what's happening I got a feeling bro I got a feeling I just straight up flagstone Melody didn't even notice what a dummy should I do it again guys do I risk it do I risk it I'm it again oh there's a vault room back there he didn't notice wait what's this button how do I get it I didn't notice I'm literally doing something and he can't tell bro stop changing the floors I can tell you're changing the floors changing the floors what do you mean I'm stuck I can't move you got stuck in the wall didn't you bro what am I supposed to do I have to reset my character there's a secret room back there I don't know how you got in though I may or may not have been opening it for you this whole time wait what yeah I've been pressing a button unrolling you okay guys I gotta be quick melon's resetting his character I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this move move oh yeah look at my yellow floor it looks good and oh my God he didn't see bro what the heck I don't understand how you got in that room me neither I really don't understand it either oh my God bro yeah dog you're gonna love when you see me oh this is good this is classic melon I'll tell you the truth can I click this button I'm not in there you walked right past me bro I'm stuck in this stupid wall again foreign s yeah you're kind of trapped I I mean I guess you won this round but like what am I supposed to do I have to reset my character again you know you ran right past me I was chilling right here what not the whole time but for part of it all right so take a look this is what you gotta do you take your sleeping bag I tried sleeping bagging no that's dangerous don't put it there put it here less dangerous if I could just scroll the camera open it up boom wait a minute that button actually worked yeah you can't have your sleeping bag selected when you press it oh my God bro you're a noob yo Sonny check out my estate bro it's nice and cottage dude this place looks cozy but also fancy nice pickup dude yeah now get out of here so I can hide hold up hold up let me just get a little fruit real quick I need a banana dude your bananas aren't for sale in this house whatever oh they're plastic get out oh who has fake fruits on their kitchen table what a weirdo okay guys I'm gonna go in the secret vault room for this so first you gotta jump up on this light then you jump up in here then you glitch through and you'll see this little ladder room and you drop down and boom you're in the safe room and you even got some guns so I'm gonna troll Sonny with these all right Sonny I'm ready whenever you are dang bro that was quick how did you get in your spot so fast I'm just quick with it dude I'm kind of quick with it right now too it looks a little strange but it works it works I'm busting in your front door where you at hold up can't open your side doors are you kidding me bro I wanted to go in that hot tub it looks clean that's a shame bro yo yo you're shooting a gun I heard that you're up here somewhere no bro we just live in a bad part of town bro nice try this house is all by itself on a hill there's no one else in this town it's you I know what you're talking about do it again you won't I can't cause I'm not the one shooting dude I'm literally not so capped dude you're underneath me how did you get down there uh there's a basement bro you didn't go in the basement I'm trying to find it right now but all your doors are locked it's super annoying all right out the front door walk around the side of the house see if I can find the Cellar Door entrance bruh there's a hammock out here oh I can't swing dude this place is insane you have your own private pond yeah dude you don't have a private pond I don't I don't got no pee pee out here all right I'm at the back of the house there's got to be a secret entrance here somewhere dude I hear that hear what you're shooting bro I literally don't know your dog that's it I don't know why I said that's it because I have no idea how to get to you but that's it dude I'm gonna get to the bottom of this mystery and when I do you are give me a second give me some I was gonna do that I'm gonna blow your whole house up yeah yeah yeah you try that dude I'm just trying some new items out all right you have fun with that just wait bro you know you have questions right okay fine uh question number one how did you access your secret location bro I'm not telling you that okay great uh question number two was the access point in the kitchen yes or no uh uh that's a yes that's a yes in your capping that's a yes bro I'm not capping bro I never cap okay final question can I even access it or is there a weird button that I can't click because I'm not the house owner nah bro you can access it wait I have an idea I have an idea please there's a little ledge here come on I can do this maybe it's because I'm too small get big again oh you're finished you're finished getting right in here but there's a sleeping bag what melon why are you being weird nothing no reason at all looking behind this wall looking everywhere don't see you I can't glitch back there are you in the safe um no I'm not in the safe I can promise you I'm not in the safe that's a lie hey Sunny time's up and guess what that sleeping bag was a distraction blew your safe up and you're not in there nope but look where I am what I'm writing where were you bro I place that sleeping bag down last second as a distraction and I hid in this box oh my gosh if I get the right angle I can see your little tiny arm I didn't even know I could blow your safe up like that that's epic neither did I dude that's good to know don't forget to like And subscribe and click the next video on screen let's go
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 1,146,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SeAj4VQKss0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 41sec (4661 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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