😍 Text To Speech 😍 ASMR Cake Storytime | Tiktok Compilations Part #47

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oh crap hey what did you do it wasn't me Mom I swear who was it then Casper yeah no son you should never lie line is very bad okay sorry the next day oh it's Mom's phone hey it's Dad hello hey son can I talk to your mom real quick yeah hey mommy daddy wants to talk to you tell him I'm nabbing okay Dad mom is mad I mean no she's wrestling with Uncle Fred in your room what why'd you tell him that because lying is very bad mommy honey I think our son has reading problems really why well look at this yo son can you spell this word um n e d i c i n e good job what's the word nasty oh my gosh you see what I mean it's because you didn't give him an easy one let's try again with this one can you spell this d a d nice now put the letters together cheater oh great Heavens son your mom and I decided to ground you for sneaking out of that house you can't leave this room tonight and your mom said you have to eat leftovers don't worry oh and give me your controller because no video games no dad what can teach you a lesson has anyone seen my laptop I have it sweetie I'm about to look up purses real quick okay oh thanks sweetie huh you were trying to get me popular gifts for my birthday [Music] son remember to never take off those headphones okay Dad I won't hey Hey sir you you look so ugly wearing those headphones leave them alone don't listen to them they're idiots thank you don't worry I got you but why do you wear those all the time well my dad told me to never take them off oh okay hey class we're taking a pop quiz hey no cheating take those headphones off who can't hear you okay I'll do it myself breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out hey you want to go get something to eat yeah let's go Hey brother can I come with no you always want to come when I have a friend over so so stop being so annoying yeah stop being annoying who said you could talk bad about my brother I was just you were just walking out the door son you will marry the girl I choose what no way but she's Elon musk's daughter oh okay Dad visits Elon Musk I want your daughter to marry my son no but my son is a CEO of World Bank oh okay Dad visits the World Bank make my son the CEO of World Bank no but my son is Elon musk's son-in-law oh okay thank you thank you hey bro can I use the bathroom yeah it's downstairs to your right thanks thanks [Music] five minutes later oh no what do I do oh well hey sweetie let me guess you had Taco Bell hi Mr Adams who's this this is the principal of your son's school I'm calling because your son got in a fight yes sir okay here he is hello no sir so who was it the kid has been messing with you yeah did you beat him up oh yeah that's my boy let's go don't ever let anyone yes sir we finna celebrate and get ice cream after school okay oh yeah make sure you act sad like you're gonna get a whooping later no Dad please anything but that all right good job son I'll see you later yo you owe me 500 you need to pay me back already um no I don't oh I'm never letting someone borrow money again hey I overheard your conversation I'm a lawyer do you need help well my so-called friend owes me 500 but won't pay me back and he won't admit to it well first of all you need written evidence okay but how text them okay hey where is my freaking 500 that you owe me what five hundred dollars I don't owe you nothing you see he still won't admit to it say he owes you two thousand dollars what but he only owes me 500 trust me just do it okay Hey where's my freaking two thousand dollars that you owe me I don't owe you two thousand dollars I owe you five hundred dollars hey you were right that'll be 499 dollars man she's so hot who Britney bro go talk to her I'm too nervous bro you only live once you're right I'ma go hey hey will you go out with me I'm sorry I'm only into emo guys oh okay the next day this song is made for Brittany because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you ever again don't mean me change my mind this show is so funny I know right oh shoot it's past my bedtime [Music] yes he doesn't even know maybe if I stay quiet he won't know no not the commercials please don't look at the time please don't look at the time what time is it whoa I think it's past your bedtime buddy really I didn't even know that's crazy well now you know go to bed yo son did you hear about the crazy car accident the other night no what happened this guy was intoxicated while driving and he drove off the bridge really was anyone in the car with him yeah his son he was killed from the crash what happened to the dad he survived how can you do that to me what wake up very heavens hey sweetie what are you doing I'm playing my video game why is it so dark in here open your curtains oh you need to go touch grass whatever oh my gosh son you're freaking disgusting and you know that Mom shut up hey don't be yelling at your mom what's going on I'm trying to play my game but Mom is disturbing me can you tell us to get out son you have to get out and get yourself a girlfriend that's disgusting oh my God can you both just get out [Music] hey class I'm your substitute teacher Miss cream and just because I'm your substitute for today doesn't mean you could be late I want everyone to introduce yourselves and we'll start with the four that were late and tell us why you were late hi I'm Jack and I'm late because I was blowing bubbles outside hi I'm Jennifer it was blowing bubbles outside hey I'm I'm and I saw them having fun blowing bubbles so I joined them what is up with y'all blowing bubbles that's so kindergarten at least wait until after school to do that okay we have one more person that was late let me guess blowing bubbles hi my name is Bubbles knowing people's age or knowing people's name usually it's easier to know people's name and people lie about the age all the time so I choose age morning Mom Happy Birthday whoa you remember my birthday I'm surprised how old are you gonna be a mom you forgot what no you're gonna be 40 years old thank you for remembering here have some pocket money thanks Mom hey um how are you I'm okay just a bit stressed wait you're 19 years old how's that even possible we're all 17 in class did you forget they had to retake the same class twice because of my grades oh yeah true I totally forgot sorry if I hurt your feelings good morning children please welcome our new student whoa It's a girl I really want her to join our group don't you but wait a minute if she's not 17 I don't want her in that group you two just calm down I can tell if she's 17 or not really hello everyone my name is Tasha hey do you want to join our group are you sure you want to ask her that guys but we still don't know if she's older than us or if she's younger than us then hurry up and check um why isn't hot 8 showing up sorry guys but I can't see her age oh great but that's so strange no what's strange is how all the boys are crushing on her I mean she's really pretty but I still don't understand how I can't see her age oh yes I remember reading in a book that if you're struggling to see someone's true age you just have to knock them out knock them out do you want me to get kicked out of school but if I don't hit her I'll never know her real age all right fine I'll slap Tasha good now where is she we need to find her I think she might be surrounded by all the guys as usual let's look for her in the hall hey what are you two doing here yes what are you doing here don't get close to Tasha guys relax I'm her classmate I just wanted to ask her about the task we got in class oh okay just a moment I heard you were looking for me finally hurry up because we don't have much time Amara do it now foreign
Channel: Cake Zone
Views: 5,004,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR Cake Storytime, cake storytime, satisfying cakes, cake, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, POVs Tiktok cake, cake compilation, rainbow cake decorating, cake recipe, tiktok storytimes cake, how to make cake, Cake Zone, colorful cake, fondant, chocolate cake, chocolate dessert, satisfying POVs tiktok cake, ice cream, ice cream cone, amazing chocolate
Id: U-h34j_ViRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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