The Anointing Mindset - Greater Works

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers hello bill Winston here and welcome to the believers walk of faith where we walk by faith and not by sight well it's time for you to stop thinking and planning small praise God why because the anointing of God that's on you has the potential to do things that you've never been able to do before it gives you an ability to operate virtually on God's level why because it's God's power praise God let's go right into the day's message it's called the greater works miss anointing is God's burger movie dope destroying powers most powerful force of the earth and his birth virtually God himself in that unordered form doing what God wants to do in these last days and so this Christ in you is a revelation the hope of glory now let's go on over to John chapter 14 please open the Gospel of John chapter 14 we see here where Jesus makes a statement which we wanted you did not only just you know hear one time but really take this and meditated and he says here in verse 10 believe thou not that I'm in the father and the father and me the words that I speak to thee speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works so then we saw in verse 12 Jesus said verily I say unto you that he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall I do because till he do because I go to the Father so he's saying not only do you go are you gonna do what I do but you're gonna do greater well I just right now I just settle for what he did look I do that cuz I saw where he stopped the storm I saw when he crushed the tree had dried up within 24 hours I saw where he it made the blind to see the lame to walk I saw I even took the man who had been dead for days at his body decomposing and brought him back to life now this this is the one that says I'm supposed to do that too well what I discovered is a revelation and I discovered a revelation over in second Kings and chapter 2 and in second Kings chapter 2 this is when Eli's jaw was about to be taken out of the earth and Eli sha was going to receive that anointing and he said in verse 12 of chapter 2 and Elisha saw it and he cried my father my father the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof and he saw him no more and he took hold of his own clothes and rent them into pieces and he took also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and he went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan of Jordan and he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and smoked the waters and said where is the Lord God of Elijah when he had also smooth the waters they parted hither and thither in Elijah went over a miracle took place but notice what he asked where is the god of Elijah so now it is covering that Elijah wasn't doing it the God of Elijah was doing this but because of how God set the earth up let them have dominion God has to work through a person Jesus could not come in his Godhead power and work miracles he had to come as a man and because he did God could work through him and do the things that he did he said my foots up me it's a father in me it's not a larger it's the God of Elijah it's not David it's God of David it's not BW that's bill Winston it's a God of Bill which he can't do this he didn't know anything about them all got it now God says touch not my anointed see and do my prophets what no harm because that's my vessel that I'm using to do what I need to do in these last days so before in the Old Testament the Norden came on the prophets priests and kings and those who are set up for special assignments look at Exodus chapter 31 in verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying see I have called you by name busily o the son of hur the son of you I the son of hur of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and a knowledge and in all manner of workmanship to devise cunning works and to work in gold and in silver and in brass and in cutting of stones and to set them and in carvings of timber to work in all manner of workmanship check it out and I behold I have given with him a holy ad the son of Hashima of the tribe of Dan and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom that they may what make all that I have commanded thee notice they didn't know how to do it watch this God dropped something more if I were to say now now that's no different than Matthew's Gospel Matthew chapter 13 and verse 54 and when he was come into his own country he taught them in their synagogue and so much that they were astonished and said one which has this man this wisdom and what else mighty works see now how does he know so much how did how do you think he knew so much because he was well here's an order whoever said Luke chapter 4 and verse 18 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for here then ordered me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted preach delivered to the captives recovery of sight to the blind said it never did them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord then he closed the book and set out eyes of all them that in synagogue were fastened on him and he began to say this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears he was saying I'm anointing now I'm anointed to preach now I'll talk about what Jesus said but I am to add some you know and so we don't have any competition say because the anointing is the thing that's getting the job done so as that anointing left in the altar for me as the man left in the Old Testament called Elijah his anointing fell and that mantle was picked up by Elijah am i right and worked for Elijah twice as much as it worked for his predecessor why because he asked for a double portion and it did it said I will drop my mantle and you gonna do greater works than I do now it wasn't I'm telling you now I noticed it's hard Jesus is called the Messiah he is the Anointed One but that anointing he said it's a father in me what does he do he's doing the work now Jesus did most of everything he did he did with words alright let's start right there go to Genesis chapter 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the line created God is a creator now if I go down to verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion Wow of all the Earthman now notice exact duplicate of kind operate the same way so God created of creators big so if you're not creating hmm you will find that when men mankind falls into that place of creation God is just right there as we made to create verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1 and the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God what moved upon the face of the waters what the Spirit of God do he moved he's a mover I understand that earth was all water and he was moving over and was there any light there nope he's all dark got it now while he was moving nothing was happening he's just moving but look at the next verse and God said wait a minute wait a minute he said let there be light and what happened that would like now what was the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God moving waiting on the word then once the father released the word the Holy Spirit or newellton manifests the word because that's what he does that's his part of the Guardian go with me so if I look at this no watch this nothing happened till God saying look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 6 and God said Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters no what was it nothing happened till God said and anything he wanted to happen he had to say [Music] now what he didn't say is what was he said what was to be the word create means bring forth its Latin whoo but if you look at God where was light before it was on this planet it was in God how did God get it out he spoke it out how did he release it by a word call now what is faith Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance well you know the world was made out of nothing no it wasn't he was made out of something you couldn't cheat now how do you understand this Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God see well by faith we understand see I could set up in system I couldn't tell you in nine months you supposed to be a millionaire got it now now you can do something with that you example I understand that I don't believe that see you're trying to understand it before you receive it that's not the way faith works he got receive it by faith the way you go get healed and the kingdom is received by favor okay we used to have a song in that Baptist Church they will understand it better by and by see some of y'all know that he's smile gonna tell as time goes on you'll understand well God first said that you don't understand it you just receive it so anything in a book you just receive is true the things that he spoke endeavor to know can we keep going yeah so God spoke things and whatever he spoke became because he released it with the substance of call faith now this is the way you supposed to be Jesus said wait a minute it's not Meads father in me come on he's doing the work I'm just speaking it and here's the one that's making it manifest I mean how do you think these people got these things look at it Matthew chapter 15 and verse 29 look at that and Jesus departed from thence and came into the Sea of Galilee 9 to the Sea of Galilee and he went up into a mountain and set down there and great multitudes came unto him having those that are lame blind dumb maimed and many others and it cast him down to Jesus's feet and He healed them watch this and so much that the multitudes wondered when they saw the dumb to speak the maned be made whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and what did they do now what happened to the lane they want what happened to the blind so what happened to the main they mate they were made whole am I right about wait a minute here that means they didn't have a part and somehow they got a part because somebody created something see it's a same God that made you it's the same God that's creating another part it's the same God that made you is the same God that's gonna give you another kidney it's a same God that made you it's the same God that co-create well now what's missing the substance the substance is missing all right let's see show you how the lady got the substance look at mark chapter 5 verse 25 now see somebody might look at this and well I don't know about all of that I can tell you that that's why you are where you are Hey because the Bible says as a man as a man thinketh in his heart so is it I can tell you what you're thinking by looking at what's in your life come on your car note two notes behind and I can tell you what detective you think of poverty my bike got to buy everything by debt I can tell you what you're thinking you're thinking death I catch the flu every year I'll tell you what you're thinking you think include every year so you've been redeemed from flu so now I got to get you thinking something do see words are most powerful but thought of the most powerful because it's true thoughts do you get your words so if I can somehow affect your thinking I can affect your words and if I can affect you God can affect your work you can have what you say you say you have what you think he said you have what you say alright now look what it says here in mark chapter five verse 25 are y'all with me so far now the only thing I'm doing with this as I'm trying to get you my wife asked me the other day she said sweetheart do you what do you like best you like to preach or fly now I have a commercial pilot's license and so forth and I flew in a military few days and so forth so do you like Freight you like to fly because I find it's just a wonderful thing and I said let me think about that there's some people answered real quick you know trying to be smart but I think and I took a day to think about it I said it's not preaching I like it's setting the captives free that I like it's after I have preached somebody broke the power of death over their lives are y'all with me here that just thrills me right over said verse 25 and a certain woman which had an itch of blood twelve years had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had was nothing better but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came to the press behind it touch this garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be Wow now look at that same verse in the amplified translation I've shown you ditch before but I'm going somewhere poor she kept saying Wow now that's like a lie if you tell yourself a lot long enough one day you go to lose you but that's wrong I believe that was you know we gotta live why because you're me you were never made to save what you didn't want so you won't design that way you were designed to save truth you were designed to say things of God and so now because of the curse we lost track of the trunk tone and so now man kind of says he thought but but look what happened to this woman she was nothing better but she grew worse am I right about she heard about Jesus so what was she doing continuing to say she was building another image do you remember when they came out of Egypt into the wilderness Moses went up into the mountain and stayed and next thing you know they built a cab question how did they know how to camp looked where did they get that image from got it from Eaton see we got food from Egypt we got debt from Egypt we got that say the next thing we have to do is get the word of the kingdom and destroy the image so you will always follow the image so we got to destroy that image so she can't say and you keep saying you keep whittling away at that image as a child of God you are made in His image you are redeemed by his stripes you are healed by his blood you are forgiven and through his anointing you are victorious are you ready to walk live and reign in Christ are you ready to find success revelation and opportunity your time is right now to walk in greater works call us right now at 1-877-727-9348 can unleash God's provision and power in your life call right now one eight hundred seven eleven ninety three twenty seven or online at and order the greater works series or manifesting the kingdom bundle today hello bill Winston here now I trusted you've been blessed by the day's message I'd like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center we have a call center to set up to pray with people who would call in now we've created this Center for you the partners viewers those would call in need prayer for any matter it doesn't make any difference we want to pray with you stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you for the thing that you need God to do in your life now here is a testimony that was given to me this came in from Florida this particular person had a family member that was in a coma they had been in a coma for two weeks and that this family member was the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off of life support or just leave them on well this one person decide to call the prayer center here at bill Winston ministries and that permit is separate with them and believe God for that person's deliverance or that person to come out of that coma well shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister the dear sister that was in a coma opened her eyes and woke up and it asks for a drink of water now they asked what time that this sister called the person what time did they pray for this dear sister in the hospital they prayed at 11:16 a.m. in the morning and that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks it's God let me give you another one this tech of testimony comes from Illinois this particular person called for prayer for their godmother now she had stage 4 cancer and was going to have surgery now after they'd received received prayer from the prayer call center the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this verses body now these are actual testimonies that have been coming in so I'm just saying here that if you need prayer if you need somebody to agree with you we've got people that know how to get old of God I'm totally you see God's plan is that we all be healed God's plan that we all be delivered God's plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you so if you're going through something that isn't God's planned in other words there's something in your situation there that you know is not God's will for your life call that press enter they're standing by these folks know how to pray and as you pray with them and they agree with you we gonna believe God that every need if your life is gonna be back well remember we're here for you the prayer call center is available we love you and this is bill Winston saying keep walking by faith doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer loving and highly-trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online at /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music] you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 113,062
Rating: 4.796 out of 5
Keywords: Greater, Works, 1601 3a
Id: nwWme0wkcNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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