The Authority of God's Justice | Dr. Bill Winston

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers the church is in charge I will say one more time the starch is in star it is the most powerful institution in the Joel chapter 2 verses 1 to 12 God is coming to set of his throne the very foundation of the throne of God is justice so there's been a lot of injustice in the lair st. net built a system and it takes sin to keep it going if you stop sinning in that system Satan's system will break down he can't stand God because God is gonna bring in holiness righteousness integrity love and you have never seen where darkness can take up light light is always stronger than orcs good is always stronger than evil come on now it's a new day God is establishing Authority because there's a higher authority than the National Authority in the land there is a higher authority than the US Supreme Court there is a higher authority than the Congress of the United States there is a higher authority than the White House there is an authority that comes from God now let's go and look at that in a couple of places let's go at Isaiah chapter 33 please Isaiah chapter 33 now the devil doesn't like it because you represent the higher authority and that the justice system of the earth is number that one of the number one targets of demonic abuse and the reason why it is is because it affects the laws and the laws affect a lot of people so now here is God and he's speaking about who he is right here and he says this he says verse 22 for the Lord is our who judge the Lord is our who lawgiver the Lord is our who King so that takes supreme court that's the Congress and that's a white house so if I go all the way back come to Genesis chapter 18 please this is Moses Abraham now and this is when God is telling Abraham he's going to destroy Sodom now understand God is a just God say God is a just God matter of fact that talks about the habitation of his throne I'll go to that script in just a minute so here's verse 23 and Abraham jr. and said will thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked peradventure there be 50 righteous within the city without also destroy and not spare the place for the 50 righteous that are therein that be far from thee to do after this manner to slay the righteous with the wicked and that the righteous should be the should be as the wicked that be far from thee shall not the judge of how much of the earth all the earth come on do right they not thrown by the judge of Chicago he's not talking about the judge of Mississippi he's not talking about the judge of the East Coast he's not talking about the appellate courts he's not talking about some Supreme Court's of of the different nations he's talking about the judge of all the earth so there is a judge of all the earth that people can go to when they don't feel that they're being treated right in the courts of the earth now this message has got to be priests and because vengeance hadn't been preached many times we've been victims but those days are over now and not only are those days over but everything the devil stole he's got the recompense for that's good preaching right there now this has got to come to pass because that's what's happening in the earth is that God is coming to set up his throne darn - Psalm 97 real quick saw God is coming to set up his throne why do you think he's setting up his throne out what do you think it's going to be eventually set up right down here in this earth folks look at Psalm 97 and look at verse 2 verse 1 and 2 the Lord reigneth let the earth rejoice and let the multitude of Isles be glad there are clouds and darkness around about him righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne now it says righteousness and judgment there but that judgment translates what justice so righteousness and justice are the foundation or habitation of his throne so the very foundation of the throne of God is justice God is a God of justice say he's a God of justice so there's been a lot of injustice in the land now let's go to Psalm chapter 75 and it's home chapter 75 we see here where he says verse 6 for promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west keep going nor from the south verse 7 but God is the who judge keep going he puts down 1 come on that sets up another well what happened - never can answer he didn't believe that nebuchadnezzar was a babylonian ruler who thought he was all that you all know what I mean by all that well he thought he j-man he thought his breath in snake man he knew that he was the man so what happened here's God came to him somebody take you out because Nebuchadnezzar got too proud that too much I take it down whenever Knesset didn't quite believe that Daniel translated form says hey he's gonna take you out and you go Nebuchadnezzar had a dream or image and it looked like a tree that got cut off but the stump was left there and then so forth he asked for interpretation Daniel said let me give you interpretation you coming out of there matter of fact you're gonna come out and you're gonna be like an animal you're gonna have hair grow out on your body and you're gonna be on fours like an ox and you're gonna eat grass just like an animal somebody say wolf man and you go wheat grass just like an animal and so as he got it they tell in the Hebrew that's what it says and and Josephus says that and so as a result of that he's gonna be out the in grass well you didn't quite believe that because he thought he was all that but what did God do boom took him right out took him right out took him out next thing you know he was out there and the Bible says he will be out there too seven seasons Passover so he had to wait seven years seven years Passover next thing you know it says until you acknowledge that Jesus is Lord I'm putting it of all words now until you acknowledge that Jehovah is God and he acknowledged it the Jehovah was God God put him back up there I'm telling he'll take one down pull what up you don't have nothing to worry about I show hope so it so act right if he do not right we put him down and put it up one up you see what I'm saying because this hasn't been preached we've just been wondering what we just called labor under this a labor under that folks you don't have to do that the church is in charge I will say one more time the church is in charge it is the most powerful institution in the world ever Joel chapter 2 verses 1 through 12 you see it yourself so I'm saying here that the justice system of the earth is one of the main targets of demonic abuse the reason why it is is because it controls so many people another example is Daniel Daniel chapter 3 chapter 6 so Daniel what did he do Daniel was being raised up because of the excellent spirit that was on it and he's been raised up in a heathen Kingdom well some of his co-workers got mad about him getting so high because he was a Jew and it's plotted against him so we can't find anything against him except something against his god so notice they're going after one man all the devil is plotting against one person because when one person rise other folks will see it but anyway so here he was what did they do with him they made a law what did they make a law say no one can pray to any God other than the king for the next thirty days what did Daniel do come on now what did he do he went right up into his room come on open the windows shun dhaba no wonderful know what you got to know is you're divinely positioned Pharaoh could have very easily ordered Moses had to cut be cut off but did he do it no can't touch you can't touch it when he said touch to not my anointed and do my prophets no harm folks that's more than words he said the angel of the Lord will then camp around about you and keep you at Psalm 34 verse 7 now my point to you is is this if you don't know this then you shake in your boots and your shaking your boots and fear comes in and connects you with the devil and now you can do something to you but once you know who you are and who's you've been who you've been sent by my bonus will rise up beside you say hey because this whole system is crooked now let me help you out there turn with me to Ezekiel chapter 28 all right this is talking about Satan here's the key the world is groaning under curse now how did it get here through Adam and Eve sin okay so this this death and all this this world wasn't ever made for that the Bible says once Cain killed Abel the Bible says Abel's blood was crying to God from the ground so blood does speak and and and and the the garden when was made the garden was the guard was not the best the garden was the starting place it was the hardest place that man was the live you I was using until astray boy if your carpeting you build houses you first built your first house by the time you built your 50th house wouldn't that be much better than the first I would ever learn all right that's all our life so God created man for the blessing to be on him to release that blessing to replenish or renew this earth and it needs renewing that blessing was supposed to renew your body you supposed to live 120 years that blessing supposed to be renewing your cells just like that so do you live 120 years something get wrong with your body food your blessing oh lord have mercy yeah I put put it up there on the board right quick put up there Romans Romans chapter 8 verse 11 but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you does it dwell in you that spirit that blessing dwells in you he that raised up Christ from the dead keep going shall also quicken that word quicken look at some translations restore life to your mortal body some part of your body start breaking down that depth but part so thanks Boulder replenish you've only what I'm saying so I said physician heal thyself y'all will get it we don't talk about this blessing son boy you gonna wiggle we'll get back on there cuz I can see right now so as we look at this the blessing and that's more powerful today than it was an Eden and in this this Babylonian system has kicked in and in Ezekiel now let me show you where start of that like just true that I got a little more time look a look where net you put something in Ezekiel chapter 28 do you have to have that place right there then come back flip back to Genesis chapter 10 real quick a moles done Genesis chapter 10 are y'all with me so far Genesis chapter 10 Satan is a thief and he comes to what steal kill and destroy see now he'd rather steal from you rather than kill you because he needs you to keep gathering up the things of the earth so this Babylonian system I want you see it now look at verse chapter 10 and verse 6 and the sons of ham were cush Mizraim put and Canaan come on down to verse 8 and cush begat Nimrod he began to be a mighty hunter in the earth Nimrod was a first leader but he was a leader of rebellion against God first set verse 9 he was a mighty hunter before the Lord before means in the Hebrew against wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord and the beginning of his kingdom was what Babel standing for Babylon so Babylon was the beginning of his kingdom Babylon once got out let's go back to Ezekiel now syke chapter 28 look at verse 15 this is talking about Satan and his name was Lucifer and he lost his status with God he was a part of the music that flowed into the throne but he's lifted up himself in Pride thought he was so beautiful and he committed a high treason in heaven he went against God and the Bible says iniquity was found in him got it iniquity was found in him now verse 15 thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created God created him till iniquity was found in it got it so iniquity was found in him so it's interesting about what's in a person what Evers in a person is that which is produced out of a person deal with it so Satan is the god of what this world say this world system where did this system come from it came from him he's the architect and iniquity is in it so a man who's got iniquity in him can't produce anything good he's got to produce what's in it so the system that he's produced is a system of wickedness now what says he he can't stand God because God is going to bring in holiness righteousness lost light and you have never seen where darkness can take our light light is always stronger than darkness good is always stronger than evil come on now hey man I'm just telling you love is stronger come on that hate it's a more powerful force are you following what I'm saying so I'm saying here that Satan has built a system and it takes sin to keep it going if he stopped sitting in that system Satan's system will break down so he needs people to live cheap steel murder sound drugs he's got a head if he doesn't have it it'll break down the system that you see out here in this natural Babylonian system is rotten to the core even when it looks like it's good it's bad and people try to go to that system and get an education without God so they get an education without God and come back and somebody talk to him about God they said all they're just really know God that it's just all so forth us on that's what that system did because it told them that their God it told them that because they got a PhD they don't even know nothing about God then the Bible says only a fool says there is no God so I'm not coming against education I'm just telling you the education don't got out because if God came in here then the education system will be a different than it is now so what did the enemy do he goes to the legal system get a court system have them delete them all that you can't get a Bible in the school and the people of God because they had no knowledge of vengeance and recompense they went along with the program but the days of our compromise it's a new day God's people are getting knowledge now the Bible says in John 10:10 the thief cometh not before to steal to kill and destroy jesus said but I am come as to systemc that you might have what lice and have it how let's go to Isaiah 60:1 real quick your father would have saying we were about to pull Satan out of business where he wants us to hate somebody we go why he wants out to cheat somebody we go treat him honestly say mentally I'm saying everything that's in that system it takes that to make it keep going if you take the hay out of it it'll stop if you take a darkness out of it it'll come to a halt and I'm saying you and I are coming with a culture of heaven we're coming where people would normally get back and retaliate against somebody we just gonna love them and say and say this you shouldn't have done that I got a daddy let's go see that you give me my stuff back say me to that it's gotta be breech folks gotta be pre so what it Moses do let my people go Pharaoh okay I'm not gonna let him go okay all right here comes some hail sir let him go Pharaoh I'm not gonna let him go okay here comes blood in all the water let him go Pharaoh here comes lice here comes from frogs in the bathroom falls in the refrigerator frogs in the bed frogs everywhere and he came down this out you ready to let him go he said I'll let him go tomorrow who wants to sleep with frogs one more night I'm telling you can't get frog to in your house you get rid of the night you know you don't have to stay with that problem one one night he said in Luke chapter 18 I'll finish me of my adversary he was talking around judges you can make the devil get up off of your stuff tonight get up off of your kitchen knife get up off of your body tonight get up off of your business tonight you don't need to wait one more day with no frogs in the car side of your life right now I'm preaching betting you saying Amen what am I telling you tell you something everything is contrary the kingdom of God is about to be pulled under subjection I don't know what the wicked got going they ain't gonna be going much longer because before Jesus comes back Satan is going to be under our feet that's Bible folks nothing can stop God he's the judge of all the earth then he doesn't take sides you take his side he's too big strix Acts chapter 61 mercy I the Lord love judgment or justice and I hate what rock what is he talking about if they owe you something you can go out there take a good stick em up so you give me my stuff back what happened that's in the flesh that's what's happening we focus now Satan is using them because they in the flesh he's using certain folk to curse other folk you gotta watch that because he'll he'll try to use people to steal from other phone so I just came back from India what happened pastor got ahold of this message he said pastor let me tell you what happened he said they had a group who went down and forged a land deed went to the courthouse got an eviction for my family and came out on Friday at 4 o'clock so we wouldn't have time to appeal all during the weekend and put us off our land put everything out and had a huge celebration on Saturday and invited all their friends and relatives look at our new land we got and they forged the whole thing pastor we got it back but it took three years with a battery of lawyers and if we didn't have the money we would have lost it and people are losing their land over this country like that every day as Babylon but we know the judge pray the Lord I trusted you enjoy that now remember now God is the highest authority in this window things are not going right in the earth we can take it up to another level now this is what believers that's one of the reasons why you need to know Jesus as your Lord and your Savior now once you get born again the blessing is on you now what does the blessing do it's perpetually renews and supplies the blessing the blessing of Abraham the blessing that was on Isaac the blessing that was on Jacob and Joseph the blessing the Bible says now has come on the Gentiles couldn't come on us through Jesus Christ in Romans chapter 8 and verse 11 it says the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you and he that raised up Christ from the dead quickens or restores life to your mortal body the authority of God now is coming in through the blessing of God and parts of our body you know we were made to live 120 years but it's the Lord and I'm talking about in people say well what about 70 or 80 years that was a disobedient bunch that died in the desert but God is saying hey our bodies are supposed to live much longer and it's supposed to be the blessing operating in us to renew and supply the parts of our body that's getting worn out I'm saying this is a powerful powerful teaching now this and so much more are in this teaching you need to get to tape so that you can get a revelation now the church is in charge before Jesus Christ comes back and the enemy is under our feet nothing can stop the Justice of God he is the judge over all the earth well until next time this is bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith the church is in charge I will say one more time the starch is in charge it is the most powerful institution in the ever Joel chapter 2 verses 1 through 12 God is coming to set up his throne the very foundation of the throne of God is justice so there's been a lot of injustice in the lair CNET built a system and it takes sin to keep it going if you stop sitting in that system same system will break down he can't stand God because God is gonna bring in holiness righteousness integrity laws and you have never seen where darkness can take our life light is always stronger than orcs good is always stronger than evil come on down it's a new day stand in your Divine position and rise above the curse of this earth in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ in pastor Winston's revelation fill teaching the authority of God's justice to order on CD or DVD by bankcard at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at order the authority of God's justice today the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 57,719
Rating: 4.8291817 out of 5
Id: tNFjFZ3biw4
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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