Equipping the Saints - The Riches of His Glory - Joe Sweet

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amen so i'm calling this equipping the saints the riches of his glory of his inheritance of the glory of his inheritance in the saints it comes from ephesians chapter one if you have your bible you can read it with me ephesians chapter 1 verse 16. we're going to attempt to unpack a couple of phrases in this prayer with believing the holy spirit will give us illumination and revelation that will change our lives ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 this is one of the apostolic prayers that we've been praying and when you study the prayer life of the apostles how they prayed for the church the adjectives describing their prayer are like this we do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in our my prayer so there's unceasing giving of thanks and prayers then another adjective is we pray always for you always here's we do not cease to pray we're always praying and first thessalonians he said we're praying night and day exceedingly for you so these apostolic prayers the apostles were praying these prayers night and day always exceedingly for the saints and god was answering these prayers and they the church was being filled with wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of god so let's look at this prayer we give thanks to you we're making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory now that phrase is loaded the father of glory the father of glory that's our father you're his offspring the father of glory may he give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him it's of the father and of the son it's the god of the lord jesus christ may he give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him so we can know him how the eyes of your understanding being enlightened now pause there for a moment the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that means light comes to your understanding now this is a prayer he's praying it what i want to show us from proverbs 2 right now we're talking about accessing the revelatory realm accessing the grace of the holy spirit number one paul is praying for revelation so we want revelation of jesus of his ways of his word we have to pray he said i'm praying i make i'm not ceasing to give thanks and to make mention of you in my prayers there's unceasing prayer he's asking for wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him and that will look like the eyes of your understanding being enlightened now psalm 119 verse 130 says the entrance of your word gives light it gives understanding to the simple so here he says i'm praying for illumination and understanding and psalm 19 verse 1 30 says the entrance of your word gives light and understanding so now put those two together it takes prayer and reading the word when we pray and read the word together the spirit of wisdom and revelation takes what's in the word and he makes the word alive and brings into our heart light illumination understanding okay let me just i'm we're gonna come back to ephesians but let me just read proverbs two one through five it says my son or my daughter if you receive my words and treasure my commands now note the word treasure because we're going to see that word reoccur treasure my words and my command within you so you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding if you cry out for discernment lift up your voice for understanding seek for her as for silver so he's telling us to do two things take my word treasure my word store it up the word treasure means to store up like a treasure in your heart within you take the word put it in your heart and then pray with cry out for understanding cry out for discernment lift up your voice he said if you do this and you search for discernment and understanding like you would for hidden treasure here's the answer in verse 5 proverbs 2 5 then you will understand the fear of the lord and you will find the knowledge of god the knowledge means the experience you'll encounter god so there's the word in the spirit that's why in acts chapter 6 the apostles when there was some needs among the widows and the distribution of the food and they were asking the apostles to take care of it they said we can't get caught up in waiting tables we're going to appoint seven men full of the holy spirit who have a good reputation they're going to be the deacons that serve the food but we must give ourselves to prayer and to the word so the prayer and the word together is where the spirit of wisdom and revelation flows amen so this is equipping this is training because if you just pray for revelation and don't open your bible you're stifling yourself of the means that god uses to bring revelation but if you just read your bible you're not very prayerful you're limiting you're throttling down the revelation so he said when you lift up your voice and cry out and this is for you you all of us everyone that hears me your sons and daughters are the most high god the father of glory is your father so ask him father give me understanding give me wisdom give me revelation cry out for discernment as you read your bible the spirit of wisdom and revelation comes amen now here's what god wants to bring to us the knowledge of god to know him then number two he says that you may know what is the hope of his calling now i'm not going to focus on that phrase we could spend weeks on that on the hope of his calling we could spend weeks on it but all through the new testament when we pray for wisdom discernment and understanding and then read the word and say lord i want to know the hope of your calling on my life the holy spirit will start opening up the word and revealing it to you revelation chapter 2 and 3 are full just full of revelation on the hope that we have the hope of his calling on our life jesus spoke directly to seven churches of asia minor that represent churches on the earth today represent christians of all walks today and each letter phil is filled with hope jesus said to the lukewarm church if you'll repent open the door and you'll overcome you'll sit with me on my throne and we can get so caught up in life in this life the cares of this life that we lose our eternal perspective and god wants us to have our eyes opened to the hope of his calling i doubt that anybody who's caught up in all the cares of this life is going to end up in the next life sitting on the throne with jesus we have to be intentional about walking with god amen so that so he talks about the hope of his calling so the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know him to know the hope of his calling now let me just throw this out here one of the shortest it might be the shortest parable that the lord jesus christ ever spoke is in matthew 13 verse 44 here's what he said the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and he hid and then for joy over it he went and sold all that he had and bought the field that's the kingdom of heaven it's a treasure hidden in a field in a field a man found it actually it was a treasure hidden in a field a man found it and then he hid it again and went and sold everything and bought the field he said that's the kingdom so what's going on here that treasure is christ in us the field is us when the man's eyes were opened and he saw the treasure it filled him with hope wow i can see i see it now i can walk with god i can be close to god i can be filled with the holy spirit i can walk in the heavenly realm with christ when you see that treasure you'll gladly sell all you have to obtain it so that so the person that walks by the field and doesn't see the treasure he's not going to pay anything for that field of dirt he doesn't see anything worthwhile there so paul is saying we need the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him to open up our eyes you don't have to try harder or have more discipline or have more guilt or any of that what you have to have is your eyes are opened when your eyes are open spiritually you'll gladly sell everything to walk with god and when we don't it's because we can't see we see the things of this world is greater than walking with god so we need the spirit of wisdom and revelation so we need to know him the hope of his calling hope is huge and then here's what i want to focus on tonight what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints that's what we want to talk about tonight what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints before we talk about that i'll finish reading a little bit and what are what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to his working of his mighty power which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead so what is what paul is saying is this the same power that raised jesus took him out of a tomb raised him from the dead and it said and then it seated him in the heavenly places it goes on to say far above all principalities and powers all might and dominion every name that's a name not only this age but in the age to come the same power that took jesus out of a tomb he was his body was cold and dead the power of the holy spirit that raised him from the dead and then 50 days later ascended him up to heaven and seated him at the right hand of the father that same power is at work in us who believe to deliver us from sin to break bondages and enable us to walk holy how do we know that he said that the power that raised jesus from the dead is working in us here's a companion verse hebrews 13 verse 20 and 21 now may the god of peace who brought up our lord jesus from the dead see the god who brought jesus from the dead may the god of peace who brought up our lord jesus from the dead that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant may he make you perfect in every good work how are you going to get perfect he make you perfect in every good work how working in you what is well pleasing in his sight how through jesus christ who lives in us to whom be glory forever now that's the last that's toward the very end of the book of hebrews and if you understand the book of hebrews it begins the whole book is a comparison of the old covenant with the new covenant of jesus is a better mediator than the old covenant priest the new covenant is better than the old covenant the blood of jesus is better than the blood of goats and bulls that's what the book of hebrews is about and he's and in the beginning of hebrews in the early chapters he said the blood of bulls and goats could never make us perfect it couldn't perfect us it was a temporary band-aid so he said the there was moses he was great but jesus is greater the law was great but the new covenant's greater the all of that and so he so he says he talks about the superiority of the new covenant better covenant better promises we have a high priest now we they used to have priests that would die and then another priest take his place he said now we have one priest and he lives forever he ever lives to make intercession for us at the right hand of god so he's telling us all through hebrews how superior the new covenant is how superior jesus is and then he concludes the book by saying now unto him now may the god of peace who brought up our lord jesus from the dead this is a conclusion of the book of hebrews may the god of peace who brought up our lord jesus from the dead that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect he just got done saying the old covenant could not make you perfect but the god of peace who brought jesus from the dead can make you perfect how working in you what's well pleasing in his sight through jesus christ whom be glory so anyway that's the exceeding greatness of his power anyway you can see how this prayer in ephesians 1 is loaded we could be unpacking it for weeks the riches of the glory but here's the phrase we want to look at paul prayed and we should keep praying this that our eyes would be opened that we would know the riches of the glory of jesus's inheritance that's inside of us what is that and that's what we want to look at tonight and uh it's going to help us walk in the spirit walk with god and fulfill the ministry that we have amen the riches of the glory of his inheritance what is that it is the holy spirit or the spirit of jesus philippians 1 19 the holy spirit is called the spirit of jesus christ okay christ lives in our heart ephesians chapter 3 by faith now his spirit the spirit of jesus the holy spirit lives in us and uh that is not that he is the holy spirit is a person he is the riches of the glory of jesus's inheritance that's in us colossians 1 27 now notice the words the riches of the glory it says to them god willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory so the prayer in ephesians says god open the eyes of the church so they'll know the riches of the glory of the inheritance of christ that's inside them and colossians 1 27 says the riches of the glory is christ in you how does christ live in you by faith and by the holy spirit so that's the riches of the glory now the holy spirit being poured out upon all flesh was jesus's inheritance as part of his inheritance when he went to the cross so that's why it's his inheritance he paid by his blood for our sins he earned the right to have the holy spirit to be poured out upon all flesh so it's his inheritance for being obedient son his inheritance is to pour the spirit out for us to receive the holy spirit in us we now have the riches of the glory of his inheritance in us and here's what how we can see that in john chapter 7 verse 37 on the last day of the great feast jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as the scripture said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water but this he spoke concerning the spirit whom those believing in him would receive future for the holy spirit was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified so jesus said there's going to be rivers of living water coming from those out of their heart and he was speaking of the holy spirit but the holy spirit wasn't given yet because jesus hadn't gone to the cross wasn't glorified yet now in luke 12 49 jesus said i came to send fire on the earth and how i wish it were already kindled he's speaking about the baptism of the holy spirit and fire that happened on the day of pentecost he said but i have a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed i am till it is accomplished so the baptism was the baptism of suffering in the cross remember the disciples james and john came with their mother and they asked lord could we sit could my son sit on either side of you in your kingdom he said you don't know what you're asking can you drink the cup that i'm about to drink and be baptized with the baptism i'm about to be baptized with he was speaking of the cross remember in the garden of gethsemane he said father if it's possible let this cup pass but nevertheless not my will but your will be done so the cup he was speaking about was suffering and the baptism of suffering was the cross now disciples i don't think they knew what they were doing but they both said oh we can we can drink the cup and be baptized and jesus said you will and they were and so uh that's what jesus had to happen but he said i want to send fire on the earth so the day of pentecost he wanted to pour out his holy spirit with fire on the earth but he said i have to first be baptized and i'm so distressed until it's accomplished so that was a going to the cross so now the holy spirit some people because of these verses think that no one was filled with the holy spirit or no one had the holy spirit before the cross that's not true the holy spirit was in people's lives the holy spirit filled people before the cross just the holy spirit wasn't poured out on everybody and i don't understand all of it all i can do is tell you what's in the word i can't explain it but i can proclaim what's in the word there were people who had the holy spirit they were filled with the holy spirit in the old testament you might say well how can that happen when jesus didn't go to the cross yet well if you read revelation chapter 13 it says that the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world so in god's economy it was done before adam and eve were created can you explain it no i can only proclaim it there's things of the spirit it can't be explained they just have to be proclaimed and believed amen so now yes people were filled with the holy spirit in the old testament he was in them but not everybody so that's why jesus said after i'm glorified he's going to pour out his spirit it says in the book of acts then on all flesh and that's what was quoted by peter on the day of pentecost when people saw them fill the holy spirit they thought they were drunk speaking in other tongues he said these men are not drunk but this is what joel prophesied and he quoted in acts 2 verse 17-18 after this i'll pour out my spirit on all flesh so that's our inheritance in first peter chapter 1 it says that the prophets of old watch this this salvation prophets have inquired and searched carefully first peter 1 verse 10 11. they prophesied of the grace that would come to you they searching they were searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ who was in them was indicating when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glories that would follow so the old testament prophets had the spirit of christ in them but it was a mystery they said this mystery was hidden from ages past but now has been revealed is christ in you the hope of glory in luke chapter 1 verse 15 john the baptist was filled with the holy spirit from the mother's womb in luke 1 41 john's mother was filled with the holy spirit and she flowed in word of knowledge and prophecy she knew mary was the mother of the lord she prophesied so she was filled with the holy spirit and prophesied in luke 1 67 zacharias john the baptist's father that says he was filled with the holy spirit and he prophesied concerning god's faithfulness and the calling in the ministry of his son john the baptist when his son was an infant his father prophesied and you shall be called a prophet the most high you should go before the face of the lord and prepare his ways so he was filled with the holy spirit and prophesied and so that could happen for some and again i don't understand the distinction but after the cross the holy spirit was poured out on whosoever will amen so we're still going to try to unpack this phrase the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's in the saints now before the cross the holy spirit was with the disciples but not in them yet jesus said in john 14 16 i will pray the father and he will give you another helper here's some understanding of of the riches of the glory of christ's inheritance that's in us is the holy spirit is god he's the spirit of christ the holy spirit was a close companion of the lord jesus christ from his conception all the way to the cross in his resurrection glorification the same holy spirit operated and lived and influenced and empowered the lord jesus christ lives in you today the potential in us is unlimited i said the potential in us is unlimited the potential of god's grace in us is unlimited there's no limit to what god can do now before the cross he was with the disciples he said i'm now he's called here the holy spirit is called the helper he's not the doer he's the helper which means we have to do and he helps we have to take a step and he empowers us we have to obey and he anoints us we have to ask and he guides us we have to lean on him and he directs us we have to look to him and he strengthens us so he's the helper and he said i'm going to give you a helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth so there's another thing about the r that a revelation about the riches of the glory that's inside of us so this is christ's inheritance that's been given to us is now not only the helper but the spirit of truth the holy spirit knows the truth because he is the spirit of truth right whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him jesus said but you know him for he dwells with you this is jesus in john 14 and he will be in you so before the cross when the disciples walked with jesus the holy spirit walked with the disciples and jesus told the disciples you know him so they could hear his voice they could feel his influence but it was external he said you know him he's with you he's dwelling with you but he's going to be in you that's why jesus said it's better that i go he said if if i go i'm going to send the helper if and that's better so the holy spirit was with them but jesus said it's better if i physically the physical body of jesus he said it's better if i leave then the holy spirit who's with you can come inside you that's what he said so after the resurrection of jesus now remember the holy spirit was with them uh now he's going because jesus shed his blood he's going to be in them john 20 19. it says then the same day and evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews jesus came and stood in the midst and he said to them peace be with you when he said this he showed them his hands and his side then the disciples were glad when they saw the lord so jesus said to them again peace to you isn't that awesome they're terrified their messiah was crucified they didn't understand they weren't sure if he was going to rise from the dead their world was shattered he's risen from the dead they're filled with joy and then he says peace peace peace and there and they're glad then jesus said to them peace to you as the father sent me i also send you and when he said this he breathed on them and said to them receive the holy spirit so now they're born again the holy spirit was with him he's resurrected from the dead he breathes on them the breath of life their spirit man is born again now he's in them after they're born again and jesus is spirit of christ is in them just before jesus ascended to heaven he showed him a life he showed himself alive for 40 days after his resurrection luke writes with many infallible proofs the bible says that jesus appeared as recorded in scripture there could be many more times but we have 11 times in the scripture that jesus appeared alive in his physical body after his crucifixion and his resurrection one of his appearance was to over 500 people at one time and then he told his disciples to meet him they assembled together and then he commanded them not to depart from jerusalem acts 1 verse 4 but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you've heard from me for john truly baptized with water you shall be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now but it ended up being 10 days later on the day of pentecost therefore when they'd come together they asked him saying lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel you know we we have problems sometimes with our assumptions and presumptions of what god will do we're still thinking now you're going to restore the kingdom to israel they were occupied by the romans so their understanding of the kingdom was get the romans out and israel has our land back so that's what they were asking him okay are you going to get the romans out the lord wasn't concerned about that his kingdom was not of this world his kingdom is inside the believer so he said [Music] will you at this time restore the kingdom israel he said to them it's not for you to know times or seasons which your father's put in his own authority but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you you shall be witnessed to be in jerusalem in all judea and samaria to the ends of the earth so now the holy spirit is upon them when they walk with christ before the cross the holy spirit was with him after the resurrection he said receive the holy spirit the holy spirit was in them and now that they're born again the holy spirit's in them they need another endurance power they need the holy spirit to come upon them so they can be as witnesses with power so it's not just enough to be born again we need the baptism of the holy spirit with power so we can be as witnesses so that's my introduction to the message tonight of trying to discover the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints please bear with me because we are going to get to some more keys that will help equip us to walk with god i'm going to skip over some of this looking at the life of jesus the holy spirit was involved in every part of his life from his conception to every part of his ministry to his death to his resurrection to his glorification mark chapter 1 says i'm sorry his baptism his birth luke chapter 1 his birth the bible is told the angel said to mary in luke chapter 1 the holy spirit will come upon you the power of the most high will overshadow you therefore that holy one who's to be born will be called the son of god so jesus was born by the power of the holy spirit coming upon mary we're born again by the power of the holy spirit coming into our life amen when he was baptized as public baptism after 30 years in obscurity it says when all the people were baptized it came to pass that jesus also was baptized while he prayed the heaven was opened the holy spirit descended into bodily form like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said you're my beloved son and whom i'm well pleased so jesus had the holy spirit in him always he's the son of god but he also needed the holy spirit to come upon him to begin his public ministry his baptism then his temptation in the wilderness it said immediately the spirit drove him into the wilderness there he was tempted by the devil he was there for 40 days so the spirit at his conception at his baptism then after his baptism he was driven to the wilderness by the holy spirit um then after the 40 days it says he jesus being filled with the holy spirit returned from the jordan was led by the spirit i'm sorry luke 4 14 he returned in the power of the holy spirit to galilee after the 40 days then he went into the temple and he said luke 4 the spirit of the lord is upon me he's anointed me to preach good news to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives recovery of sight to the blind freedom to those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord here's what we need to know jesus didn't do any miracles until he was baptized in the holy spirit we know that because after he was baptized the holy spirit came upon him with power he then was tested for 40 days he came out full of the power went to galilee the first recorded miracle is in john the gospel of john where he went to a wedding at cana and turned water into wine that says this was the first of his miracles so so the supernatural ministry for all of us believers we have to have the holy spirit in us and then upon us amen the miracles that jesus did were done by the power of the holy spirit matthew 12 28 but if i cast out demons by the spirit of god surely the kingdom of god has come upon you and his death hebrews 9 14 says how much more shall the blood of christ who through his the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god so jesus was able to offer himself in gethsemane and on the cross through the power of the holy spirit that's how he did it his resurrection romans 8 11 but if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he erased christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you so the holy spirit raised jesus from the dead and now the holy spirit lives in you so if the holy spirit can raise jesus from the dead he can heal anything in your body i'm going to try that again i'm going to read this again romans 8 11 but if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you he's not talking about our glorified bodies these mortal bodies so we have to believe in an ongoing way we live in a fallen world we may encounter infirmities or illnesses things that happen to us that we need to believe this promise of the word believe it and speak it that the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead lives in me he will give life to my mortal body somebody say amen that's we have to listen we're going into more turbulent days than the days we're in now are ahead and god wants us to all to increase in our faith and our love and our obedience and to walk in the spirit even as jesus walked that's our goal we're going to grow into that and living in divine by faith what if what if we're not able to access doctors what if you can't get medicine what are we going to do we're going to have to live by faith somebody say amen anyway the holy spirit was involved in jesus's death his resurrection and his glorification in john 16 jesus said he the holy spirit will glorify me so that's just touching very quickly his conception at the beginning of his ministry his baptism his testing in the wilderness his returning with power the miracles he did is offering himself on the cross being resurrected from the dead being glorified all of it was done by the power of the holy spirit in the life of jesus and jesus himself said i can of mine own self do nothing we're the same jesus told us in john 15 without me you can do nothing so the spirit of christ in us which is the holy spirit is our life the spirit of christ in us is our power he's our wisdom he's the spirit of wisdom and revelation he is the love of god romans 5 5 says the love of god is poured into our heart by the holy spirit that's our introduction we're trying to look at we're trying to understand the the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's in us and for the purpose of knowing him that we can look to him who's in us we can lean upon him who's in us we can rely upon him who's in us we can follow the promptings and the leadings of him who's in us and we can avoid grieving or vexing him who's in us but we can walk in the spirit and walk first john 2 6 now we may not be there yet but i believe we can get there it says if anyone says he abides in him he ought to walk even as he walked that's our goal to walk even as jesus walked and the way we're going to do it is by tapping into the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's inside of us it's not by might it's not by power it's by my spirit says the lord none of us is going to be able to boast before the lord but we're going to be humble and learn how to live by the spirit and to god be all the glory now i'm i honestly i'm not joking that's an introduction we haven't even scratched the surface i want to look at some of the names of the holy spirit and they reveal to us the activity of the holy spirit what he does and what i'm about to share with you it might sound funny but it's not funny at all i'm very serious when i say this i think one of the best analogies is you know in the movie the wizard of oz dorothy had those ruby red slippers on all the whole time she's in oz she wants to get back home to kansas she doesn't know how to get back home she's battling a witch and battling this and battling that and toward the end of the story she finds out the whole time all she had the power right on her feet all she had to do was click her heels together and she'd be home and we have the spirit of the resurrected jesus christ the spirit of god inside of us for all that we need and if we're not aware of the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's in us we'll ignore him we won't access his grace we won't access his help we won't access his wisdom we won't listen to his promptings if we're not aware of the riches of the glory of his inheritance who's in us the spirit of christ everything that jesus did he did by the power of the holy spirit not by his own power which means if we can learn to walk in the spirit we can do what jesus did help me somebody and we can now the holy spirit one of the things he's called is the spirit of wisdom and revelation revelation means understanding the holy spirit is the one that gives knowledge wisdom revelation if you read isaiah 11 verse 2 the seven spirits of god that rested upon the lord jesus christ the spirit of the lord wisdom and understanding counsel and might knowledge in the fear of the lord the seven spirits of god the holy spirit is in you and me to give us guidance jesus said he'll guide you into all truth he'll bring to your remembrance the words that i've spoken i know you've had these experiences you're sharing christ with somebody and while you're doing it all of a sudden scriptures just start coming out of you and you're marveling how did i remember that how many have had that experience yeah it's not you it's the holy spirit the spirit of your father inside you jesus said the holy spirit will bring to your remembrance the words that i've spoken now he's our he's our counselor he's our advocate he's our comforter he's our helper i want to tell you an example of uh i heard this testimony from dgs dana cotton man of god in india he was a seer prophet and people would come to him multitudes wanted to come to him for prayer because he moved in all the gifts of the holy spirit and people could get healings and miracles from his prayers a businessman came to him with an urgent need he said i need prayer desperately he said tomorrow i'm going to court he said my business partner stole my business from me and if i can't win this court case i'll be homeless or penniless he said here's what happened i was busy working and he came and just shoved a piece of paper in front of me but it was blank and told me i'm sorry i don't have time to fill the paper out but it's for this purpose just sign the bottom and then i'll fill it out so i trusted him i signed the bottom but he filled out the top of the paper saying that i gave him the whole business he went and filed it legally and he took the business from me and he said uh he stole it from me and i need my business back so dennis cut and said okay i'll pray and he bowed his head and began to pray and it was not uncommon for him he had visions all the time he said when he prayed he saw the face of the lord jesus and the lord jesus told him i'll have nothing to do with this man he mistreats my servants so identical and sadly told the man he said the lord's not going to answer your prayer he said you mistreat the servants of god and the man was convicted he hung his head and he said it's true i have been that way i've been abusive toward god's ministers he said please ask the lord to be merciful and help me and identical and prayed again and the lord said no and the guy asked him a third time and he said the lord's already told me twice and he said i'm sorry he's not going to answer your prayer but the man wouldn't leave dennicotten alone he just would not leave his office he was crying he was begging so here's where the holy spirit comes in in another way he's already there but in another dimension denickens said to himself he said what shall i do the lord has told me no twice but this man won't leave me alone so he bowed his head and he said holy spirit what should i do isn't that great we should all be doing that all the time all the time he's with us he's in us he's to guide us he said holy spirit what should i do and when he prayed that the holy spirit showed him a vision and spoke to him he said many years ago this man was driving down the road and saw a young lady that was about to be abused by three men he pulled his car over jumped out and stopped them he said remind the lord of his act of mercy and ask him again for mercy for the scripture says blessed are the merciful they will obtain mercy so he said lord remember years ago he said this man he told the lord the whole story lord said all right he said i'll give him his business back tell him to repent and stop abusing my servants now here's another scripture that i didn't even talk tell you yet in paul's letter to the corinthians paul says the holy spirit searches the deep things of god and that he reveals them to us who knows the spirit of the heart of a man but the spirit of a man a man's own spirit searches his own heart and the holy spirit searches the things of god so we have the riches of the glory of his inheritance inside us when we don't know what to do we don't know how to handle a situation we need to ask the holy spirit guide me into all truth give me wisdom show me what to do help me somebody see this well this is tapping into the riches of the glory of his inheritance when we get in those situations we shouldn't just use our own carnal mind to make a decision that's how we make mistakes here's what it says in first corinthians 2 verse 11. as it is written i has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him but god has revealed them to us through his spirit so here he's saying what god has prepared though i see no ears heard it's not into his heart into our heart what god's prepared that could be for in this life it could be for the next life it could be for the millennium could be for the ages past that but for what god has prepared our mind can't conceive of it it has to come by revelation so he said eye hasn't seen ear hasn't heard it has not entered into the heart of man what god has prepared for those who love him but god has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of god for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of a man which is in him even so no one knows the things of god except the spirit of god so this is what happened when dennican said holy spirit what should i do the holy spirit knows the heart of god he knows everything he knows what to do and he's our advocate our helper the spirit of truth our comforter and our guide amen this is the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's in us i'm going to just for a few more minutes i'll be begin i have about 30 of these but some of the names of the holy spirit will reveal the characteristics and his functions what he does in our life and help us tap into the riches of the glory of his inheritance now this holy spirit in first peter chapter 4 is called the spirit of glory you know what the glory of god is it's the manifestation of the holy spirit now we're told in first peter 4 14 that if you are reproached that means reviled for the name of christ blessed are you for the spirit of glory and of god rests upon you okay we need to hold on to that especially at the end of the age persecution's coming if you're reviled you're persecuted you're reproached for the name of christ he said blessed are you for the spirit of glory rests upon you so the glory of god comes on the saints when they're being persecuted look at the book of acts when stephen was being stoned the martyr he didn't feel the rocks the spirit of glory was upon him his face was shining like an angel he looked into heaven he saw jesus the right hand of god he was full of the holy spirit he said blessed are you when you're reproached for the sake of christ the spirit of glory is upon you that's good this is the riches of the glory of christ's inheritance that's in us now the holy spirit is also called the lord because he along with jesus and the father is lord it says in second corinthians 3 nevertheless when one turns to the lord a veil is taken away now the lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty so he just said the lord is the holy spirit the spirit the holy spirit along with the father along with jesus is lord he's god and that our next one the holy spirit is god in us when we meditate and ponder these things the rich is the glory of his inheritance when ananias and sapphira lied peter said you have not lied to man but you have lied to god and then he said why have you conceived this thing in your heart he said you lied to the whole ananias why is satan filled your heart to lie to the holy spirit first he said you lied to the holy spirit then at the end he says why have you conceived this thing in your heart you have lied not to men but to god so the holy spirit is god he's the spirit of revelation he's also called in galatians 4 6 the spirit of the son the spirit of jesus in philippians spirit of god in first corinthians now is isaiah 11. that's a whole nother thing to unpack i can't explain i don't know if anybody can the seven spirits of god but there are seven spirits of god a spirit of wisdom and counsel and might and understanding and knowledge and the fear of the lord and the spirit of the lord there but all those aspects of the holy spirit of his power his counsel his wisdom his knowledge they're available to us the seven spirits of god are mentioned in revelation 1 revelation 4 revelation 5. i'll finish with for tonight i'm only about halfway through this but the holy spirit is also called the breath of god in job 33 4 it says the spirit of god has made me and the breath of the almighty gives me life remember when god breathed into adam he became a living soul the spirit of god came into him job 34 14-15 if god should set his heart on it if he should gather to himself his spirit and his breath all flesh would perish together and man would return to dust so god breathed there's life if god were to inhale right now and take his spirit back we'd all turn into dust how dependent are we upon god he's the comforter the counselor the advocate the helper the spirit of the most high god the spirit of the father the good spirit the holy spirit the free spirit the spirit of prophecy the spirit of holiness there's revelation in that listen to this romans 1 jesus was declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead so we want to see the power of god with resurrections it's by the spirit of holiness i want to walk holy don't you i want to see resurrection from the dead it's by the spirit of holiness jesus was declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead it's a spirit of adoption that word is wheel thesis the holy spirit is called the spirit of adoption the word is we ophecia and it means to be groomed and trained and brought to maturity as a fully mature son or daughter and placed in god's house with authority and power to do the father's business that's what we ophesia means so the holy spirit is called the spirit of we officia he's a spirit who convicts us chastens us trains us and matures us to become mature so that we can walk in authority and power and do the father's business this that's what the spirit of adoption means he's the spirit of life he's a spirit of christ and he's the spirit of grace but we can spend another session unpacking some of these other revelations about the holy spirit is the spirit of grace the spirit of holiness the spirit of life the spirit of wisdom he's in us he's with us and to fulfill everything that god began in us he's the down payment he's the he's the assurance that god will finish what he started in our life we're sealed by the holy spirit he's god's deposit we've been paid for by the blood of christ and jesus filled us with his holy spirit and said that's my down payment that's my that's my uh guarantee the surety that i'm going to finish what i started in you the holy spirit's in our life amen so there's a lot to understanding as believers in our walk with god the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's inside of us so now everything we do in life in our prayer he helps us the holy spirit helps us when we don't know how to pray with groanings everything we do we should look to him lean on him ask for his help ask for his wisdom ask for his power lord i'm having a hard time praying help me to pray in my weakness fill me holy spirit give me that garment of praise the bible talks about a garment of praise everything we need is in the holy spirit everything we need any time any situation is the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's inside of us for god has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness christ in us the hope of glory he's blessed us ephesians 1 3 with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in christ jesus the riches of the glory of his inheritance we're blessed with every spiritual blessing we've been given everything that we need for life and godliness all we need to do is be in the word look to the holy spirit follow him amen be encouraged god is with you what it now practical whatever we face it doesn't matter what it's not too hard of a problem for the holy spirit whatever answer we need it's not difficult for him he has the answer whatever guidance we need he has the guidance whatever help we need he has the help however weak we are he has a strength whatever counsel or wisdom we need he has it we have to live by his by his life in us so that's what paul prayed that the eyes of our heart would be illuminated that we would know the riches of the glory of his inheritance that's inside of us thank you lord be equipped in jesus name [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 3,080
Rating: 4.9679999 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: mkPNjTWETs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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