Possessing the Priceless Treasure of the Heart of God Pt 3 - Joe Sweet

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we're talking about getting the heart of god and god desires to give us his heart and the greatest treasure that any of us could ever have is when the holy spirit pours his love into our heart god commands us jesus commanded this is repeated numerous times in the gospels jesus commanded a command that's so lofty that it's impossible for us to fulfill it on our own and god doesn't expect us to fulfill it on our own that's why we need to be born again become a new creature indwelt by the holy spirit and fulfill it by his power and here's the command this is my commandment that you love one another as i have loved you we can all say we love each other and i believe it's true but as i have loved you puts a qualifier on it god has called us to a supernatural love god's not asking me to become a better lover he's asking me to move aside and let christ in me love because only he can fulfill what he's calling us to do and to be and it takes having the heart of god having the heart of god and so here's my goal in today's message i my prayer is that all of us will get a revelation that number one our inheritance in christ what he paid for on the cross is for us to have every have the fullness of him that's our inheritance and that he's already uh ephesians chapter one verse three he's already given us blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in christ jesus do you believe that i don't know how that how to explain that the way i understand is it's given to my account maybe we're not walking in all of it but it's given to our account in christ ii peter chapter one god has given us all things that pertain to godliness and life through the knowledge of him who called us to glory and to virtue so we're new creatures in christ ii corinthians 5 17 colossians 2 10 we're complete in him he has become for us first corinthians 1 verse 30 and 31 it's of god's doing that you're in christ jesus who has become for us wisdom from god righteousness sanctification and redemption he's everything we're new he's in us we're in him so the fullness of christ is our inheritance so we have to learn how to step into it how do we move from where we are into the fullness of him and part of our inheritance if we'll ask the lord if we'll uh if we'll uh let me just back up ii peter where i said he's given us all things that pertain to life and god is through the knowledge of him who call us to glory and virtue the next verse says whereby are given to us exceedingly great and precious promises through which we become partakers of the divine nature okay so that means i could be born again but if i don't apply the exceedingly precious promises by faith if i don't apply those i don't become a partaker of the divine nature what does it mean to be a partaker of the divine nature it means the very same spirit who lived in jesus who now lives in us rises up and begins to impart to us and through us his heart his thoughts his feelings his wisdom his plans that the divine nature is love now god's substance is light first john 1 5 god is light his nature is love first john 4 16 god is love so love and light together are the nature and the substance of god god is light and in him there is no darkness at all that's why god can't lie a lie is darkness elias crooked god's righteous and he's light and he's love so god imparts his divine nature into our heart the greatest gift any human being even in christ could ever have is for god to keep increasing the revelation and the impartation of his heart to our heart so that his heart starts beating through us that's what an overcomer is an overcomer is someone who has god's heart in them and it you can't get it but we can't get it by reasoning can't get it by study you can't get it by human sweat you can't get it anyway except by grace through faith god imparts it the bible tells us in the book of romans that the ways of god are past finding out that means they have to come to us by revelation humans can't get it unless god gives it graciously so we're talking about getting the heart of god in any situation that any of us are ever in uh even difficult situations even relationships that may be challenging all we need any of us i'm understanding this more and more and more the only thing any of us needs is the heart of god if we'll just say god we use will you give me your heart for that person everything changes because god's not offended god has a good plan for him everything about god is love and redemption and when he gives us his heart it changes everything change the way we see and then and we and we end up walking in love and if you read john chapter 15 right around verse 10 i jesus said when he he said continue in my love just as i continue or abide in my father's love and then he said these things i've told you so that your joy may be full so when we if we succeed in saying god give me your heart and he gives us his heart and we start and his love now is coming through us instead of instead of my opinions my perspective my judgments my criticisms those are pushed aside and the and now the heart of god is in me jesus said abide in that and your joy will be full so joy is a byproduct of having the heart of god isn't that awesome and god will come to the weakest person the person with it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter what our sin is or was or how addiction or bondage or perversion or darkness it doesn't matter if we just come to the lord say give me your heart i want your heart his heart pushes out darkness darkness cannot overcome it when light comes in the darkness goes that's really all we need i'm understanding this more and more there's about one prayer that i need to pray every day give me your heart give me your heart give me your heart this situation lord all i need is your heart here's what david i said this last so that's my introduction we're going to go into this psalm 27 verse 4. here's the heart of david don't you love david here's how would you like god to speak about you like this and say what he'd said about david there's a person after my own heart could there be anything more pleasing to god than a person that all they ever want to say is god i want to know your heart and i want i want your heart beating in me here's the great miracle it's not only possible god wants that more than we do that's our inheritance in christ so here's david in psalm 27 he said one thing i've desired of the lord that will i seek that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life it's not just because he wanted to be in the house here's why to behold the beauty of the lord and david wanted to know the heart of god to inquire in his temple she said i want to behold god i want to i want to know with my heart i want to see the beauty of the lord and i want to inquire of him that means what's on your heart how do you feel what are you thinking lord everybody says all this stuff about our nation what do you think everyone thinks this about that person what do you think i believe that's what jesus was doing when they found the woman caught in the very act of adultery you have to ask the question how did they catch her in the very act what were they doing there and without the clamoring their noise the law says stoner but they knew that jesus was preaching mercy and grace they thought if he says let her off the hook they'll say you're a breaker of the law in every situation it's what i believe jesus all he had to do is say father what do you say jesus said i don't speak on my own but the father in me does the works the father said tell them this let the person without sin throw the first stone see that's all we need is the heart of god there that is the heart of the lord that's what we need to know it's like the pharisees they condemn jesus and his disciples they're walking through a field on the sabbath and as they're walking through the field the weight grain's about that high and they're hungry and they grab some heads of wheat and then pull the husk off and they're eating it because they're hungry the pharisees saw up that's breaking the sabbath and jesus said if you knew what this means i desire mercy and not sacrifice you would not have condemned the guiltless so they they had the scripture but not the heart they didn't have the heart their heart was so disconnected from the heart of god and that's what happens if we don't have his heart we misinterpret what he says and so uh david said lord there's one thing i want i want to see your beauty i want to inquire in the temple and then he goes on and says when you said seek my face my heart said to your face i will seek so we've been talking about ii chronicles 7 14 it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their ways that don't agree with me i will hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land that is the word of god for america for the church right now that's the word until we do that our land won't be healed if we got our way in politics our land would still be sick and corrupt we need the church to have a major reformation encounter with the lord when the church changes the nation will change so seeking god's face we discover his heart that's what i found out if we're going to seek his face we'll find out his heart do you agree and here's what here's what happens when we know the heart of god well it's easy to be passionate to do the will of god without the heart of god trying to do the will of god runs contrary to our self-centered flesh even if we're born again if we're born again and walking in darkness of the futility of our mind because we don't know the heart of god trying to do the will of god doesn't make sense to the carnal christian but having the heart of god here's what it says about david acts 13 22 i found david the son of jesse a man after my own heart he will do all my will so getting the will of god done in the church requires a church to first get his heart when we got his heart we'll do his will you agree with that and that's why i shared weeks ago bobby connor's experience taken to a stormy sea and it was a windy and the waves were choppy and it was dark out and it was cold and the lord said it's time to go fishing and bobby said and of course this is a prophetic picture of uh going out to make wind souls and make disciples bobby's thinking this is bad time to go fishing the lord said this is the best time to go fishing and he said i feel very ill-equipped i feel ill-equipped lord i don't have any bait and that's where the lord put his hand over his chest pulled out and there in his hand was a piece of his heart and he gave it to bobby bobby said i felt as i was holding a piece of the lord's heart i had the greatest treasure in all of existence in my hand if we could pause for a minute and recognize that that's the truth if god gives you or me part of his heart that's the greatest blessing he could ever give us and if we don't have his heart we're the poorest of people in the blindness of people and then uh the lord told him to cast his heart out upon the sea when he did you remember the story a great fish the harvest started coming in and then the lord said to bobby if please hear this if you will come to me i will give you my heart i pray all of us will let that sink in and then he said the more you give my heart away the more i will give you of my heart i can't think of anything better to have than more of god's heart so i want to get his heart as much as i can and give it away as much as i can that's life if you read john chapter 17 jesus said this is eternal life to know you and to know jesus no it means know his heart and know jesus christ that's where the life is amen so god's i'm getting warmed up here god's heart is when he imparts to us by his spirit his love his perspective his viewpoint his understanding and his desires for other people god's heart is throttled when my thoughts or your thoughts are all about us huh how will it go for me uh what about me what about my no when we're like when we're thinking like that god's heart can't flow the principle in the kingdom is that we become a focus on him and his will and he takes care of us that's how the kingdom works it's it's out of order to focus on taking care of me i'm going to take care of him that's how jesus walked that's what anyway that's what david did then i shared last week the prophetic experience i had where and bob jones had the same experience on the same day i'm not going to retell the whole thing i was carried into a theater and all that here was the word of the lord galatians 2 20. and that's what we want to talk about today getting god's heart and walking in galatians 2 20. the lord said when the church walks in galatians 2 20 and that says this i've been crucified with christ it's no longer i who live but christ lives in me the life which i live now in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god who loved me and gave him self for me the lord said when the church walks in this i will turn on the power it'll be the greatest show on earth signs wonders and miracles and the church will then have power to stop people from going to hell does anybody want to have that power i do too and there's not anything else i want except the presence of in the heart of god so his kingdom can flow if that's not going to happen take me home now i'm really not interested i'm not i it might sound bad but if if i can't have more of god's heart more of god's presence and more of god's kingdom flowing just take me now that's galatian 2 20. so when we get the heart of god doing the will of god becomes our passion so we're going to talk today about how do we walk in galatians 2 20. does anybody want to know how do we i've been praying over this verse for probably a couple of years asking god to give wisdom revelation understanding how to walk in galatians 2 20. so here's here's how we do it our focus hold on let me read our focus must be not on i'm crucified with christ as much as it's on christ lives in me see last sunday i told you at the end of the message if you go if you're going to a car dealer and you're looking at a a lexus es 350 a 2021 pearl white if if you're looking at one of those don't worry i'm not going to buy one but i can look if you're looking at one of those the salesman wants you to buy one he's not going to tell you oh man this is going to be six or seven hundred dollars every month and insurance on top of that and every so many miles you've got to get new tires that's expensive and maintenance if it breaks down they don't do that to you but in the church sometimes when we hear i'm crucified we think huh i can't do that it's too much of a price but what they tell you is this is what you're going to have you're going to have the coolest car of anybody in your neighborhood this thing gets a great mileage they have a reputation for never breaking down they have a high resale value they go on and on and when they're done telling you you don't care how much it cost do you you just say take me to the finance guy is that what you do okay so if we're going to walk in galatians 2 20 you can't stumble over oh i have to be crucified well of course you do jesus told us that up front he just said if anybody wants to follow me let him deny himself take his cross come after me jesus said if anybody doesn't take up their cross they're not worthy of me he said if you don't take up your cross and follow me you can't even be my disciple so of course we know that but we're not focusing on that i'm not going to focus on the gory details because that's going to happen i'm going to focus on the glory come on somebody so how do we do it we're going to look at the life of christ and i want shall we look at it colossians chapter 1 verse 26 and 27 the mystery that's been kept hidden for ages and generations but is now revealed to the lord's people to them god has chosen to make known among the gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery which is christ in you the hope of glory so we focus on this reality christ is in me say that out loud please the hope of glory it says in second uh corinthians 4 verse 6 and 7 that we have this treasure christ in us a treasure in these earthen vessels it says for god ii corinthians 4 6 who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts the same god when the earth was without void i mean without form it was void dark the spirit of god hovered over the face of the deep there it was without form and void darkness covered the earth god spoke let there be light and it was he said that same god who commanded light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus where is the glory of god it's in the face of jesus where is he he's in us the hope of glory christ is in us here's what jesus said matthew 13 44. it's the shortest yet one of the most powerful parables that he told the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field you are that field your flesh is the field your flesh is made out of dirt the treasure is christ colossians chapter 2 says all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in him he is the express image of the invisible god he's one with god he is god he is the word of god through him all things were made he's the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end and he lives inside you stop ignoring him look to him he's in you he's in us to be everything we need he's in us because we can't live the christian life he's in us so that we can live through him he's in us so that when we recognize my love falls short his love can rise up and manifest through us that's what we're to focus on the kingdom of heaven is like a man who walked through a field his foot tripped on a treasure he looked down moved the dirt back saw a pile of gold he covered it back up so nobody else would see it and for joy sold everything because when he saw the treasure he realized that all that he owned wasn't even a fraction of the treasure jesus said this is jesus christ revealing to us the mystery of the kingdom he said when our eyes are opened we will for joy sell everything to walk and abide in the love of god [Music] because our and if we're not yet at a place where we're full of passion and zeal and say god i'll do anything to abide in christ if that's not yet burning in your bones then pray for god to open your eyes don't just stay blind where you are and try to do the will of god that's not how it works you don't tell people that can't see the treasure you need to sell everything and buy this field all they see is dirt they'll never pay the price but we have to say god open my eyes open my eyes to the riches of the glory of the inheritance of christ inside me amen now god is light first john 1 5 and the entrance of his word gives light and his word is alive hebrews 4 says his word is living and active jesus said the words i speak in john 6 are spirit and life god is light his word brings light his word is alive so when we meditate on the word of god that feeds the life of god inside of us romans 8 11 says the same spirit who raised jesus from the dead lives inside of us so you already know this i'm not going to redo it last year we went over it a lot but i'm just going to say quickly some of these verses you are a new creation in christ we are not called to live as a natural man number two revelation 1 says your sins have been washed away by him who loved us and washed us in his own blood do you agree with that christ lives in you you're blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places god's already given us everything that pertains to life and god is through the knowledge of christ in ephesians chapter 5 verse 30 says that you are now a member of the body of christ it says this you are of his flesh and of his bone please realize this your flesh and bones have been redeemed by the blood of jesus our physical body is now literally the body of christ christ lives in us so what gives then why why not why why aren't we walking exactly like jesus yet our mind our mind has to change to agree with what god said it says don't be conformed to the world but be transformed that word is transfigured by the renewing or the change your mind the word transfigured is used where jesus went up on the mount of transfiguration it was transfigured so here's what god says first john 4 9 this is the love of god manifested toward us god sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him so god's not trying to get us to be better to get ourself to be better but ourself to be deader so that he lives through us god's not asking me to live up to his standard he's asking me to yield to his spirit who will live the standard even faith is not our own read first timothy paul says it in second timothy also he said in the grace of god was exceedingly abundant toward me watch this with faith and love that are in christ jesus when the grace of god came into paul's life it brought faith and it brought love our faith is not our own by grace are you saved through faith and that faith not of yourselves it's a gift of god for god has dealt to every one of us a measure of faith the faith by which we're saved came by grace so god's not asking us to be able to do what he did he's asking us to yield to his spirit so that his spirit in us can do what he did to be who he is this is good news now this is how jesus lived so we're going to look how do we walk a crucified life we recognize his life is superior infinitely and i choose i don't want my life anymore i want his life that's why jesus said if anyone's going to be my disciple he has to hate his own life we've got to get to a place where we see i said god my love is deficient my attitude's deficient i'm i'm done with trying to renovate me i'll take you lord said i've been waiting for that now let me fill you up but now this is where we get this is where we start praying we've got one prayer to pray here's one prayer pray one prayer give me your heart god i'm not gonna fast fast fast and pray and start asking god god fill me with your heart if you're in me and he is and you've already given me everything that pertains to life and godless you've blessed with every spiritual blessing the heavenly places and i'm complete in christ lord fill me with your heart don't stop praying that prayer until it starts manifesting because when it does everything changes everything changes here's how jesus walked we're looking at what it means to live a crucified life she said i came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me john 14 10 do you not believe that i am in the father the father is in me the words that i speak to i don't speak on my own but the father who dwells in me does the works now if the father did the works in jesus is jesus going to expect us to do the works no that's why jesus said come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden i'll give you rest take my yoke upon you you'll find rest for your souls here's what jesus said i can of myself do nothing as i hear meaning from the father as i hear i judge and my judgment is righteous because i don't seek my own will but the will of the father who sent me to live a crucified life is to recognize i can do nothing i can't do this christian walk on my own i have to be filled with the holy spirit it you know it means where i'm at down here stuff going on i can't see what i need to see i can't see people in the right light i can't so i've got to constantly say god fill me with your heart when when he does he lifts us up out of our mire and he makes us see from his heart when we see from his heart there's no offense we love now if jesus said i can do nothing on my own what makes us think we can do anything now liberty and freedom in christ begins with understanding that we're completely incapable we're totally corrupt apart from christ we're totally unable but we're not alone on our own but we're not alone because christ is in us so it's a lifestyle of living looking to him leaning on him depending on him trusting him being filled with him that's our calling jesus said i do nothing on my own as i hear from the father what if in every situation every wherever there's contention or there's this or that this what if we refuse to pass judgment what if we did like jesus and said i'm not going to judge as i hear i'll judge lord i'm not judging what do you think you know what i heard a a man came years ago to one of our conferences i love this the perspective of god's heart how narrow and dark our hearts are without christ's light he was here from the uk at our annual conference and in between sessions he was telling me how excited he was he he's a guy in his 30s he said there's a group of us about a dozen of us and it's really been on our heart to go out in our city and minister to the homeless and to the outcasts and uh so we're excited about doing that and he said we thought we'd start get together and have some prayer meetings first and uh we have a plan to minister and he said uh i prayed he said i i prayed and i asked the lord he told me this he said i asked the lord a prayer and as soon as i asked the prayer i instantly heard his voice back he said here's what he said what i'm about to tell you is why we need god's heart he said he said he told me this he said i thought i was praying a really spiritual prayer i said lord as we go out to do this ministry help us to love the unlovely and he said i heard the lord speak instantly back to me he said they're only unlovely to you see that's where we are that's why we need god's heart but it's our inheritance in christ don't stay in you and try to get up to where christ is we're not to we're to be crucified crucified isn't just the negative part of of dying it's also the part i'm not going to refer to me for any resources i'm not referring to me for strength i'm not referring to me for ingenuity i'm not referring to me for a brilliant idea i'm not referring to me for wisdom i'm not referring to me because he's me he's dead if i'm gonna live the crucified life lord what's your judgment i love these people so jesus said i can do nothing of my own he said if i honor myself my honor is nothing it's my father who honors me so here's jesus he's living the crucified life he relies completely on the father not on himself he comes to do not his will but the father's will the father guides him protects him instructs him empowers him speaks through him and does all the works do you think we're supposed to live the life of christ on our energy no way it doesn't work so the father guides jesus he empowers him protects him provides he and the father honors him in a crucified life we're dead we don't seek on her we don't we don't seek honor when we're dead it doesn't matter if people hate us or like us because you're dead and one of the ways to get free from praise because praise can affect people adversely one of the ways to get free from it is god allows people to misunderstand you back stab you talk about you hurt you defame you twist your words and he'll give you practice so you can practice dying and yes he does it's the best thing that could ever happen to your soul because because you're either going to get mad quit the ministry or punch them in the face or die those are the options aren't they you handle it in the flesh or you die so when you die is gay oh why does it matter hey it's not about us anyway see how egotistical we are we make everything about us it's not about us it's about the king and his kingdom so god allows people to mistreat us misjudge us backstab us twist our words hurt us and over and over and over and how long does he allow that until you're dead people come to me and say pastor i'm hurt i need help yes you do you need to be hurt more until you're dead it's the truth otherwise we're going to fix this hurt and you're going to be hurt next week then i'll fix that when you'll be hurt again and when you die you'll stop being hurt and once you stop being hurt then the love of god can finally flow out of you [Applause] because when you're hurt it's always about you getting better stop trying to get better get deader that's the truth i'm telling you the truth and this is a good thing for us to go through because when when you get stuff come against you and your your flesh is one to react and then you just let it kill you let it kill you then when the praise comes it goes like what are the ducks back so it doesn't matter i don't care wait anybody because through the process of being crucified you learn one thing i only am living for the smile of god and if a million people praise me and god's not smiling it doesn't do anything for me it doesn't do anything for me when we all stand in that day one on one before the lord the only thing that's going to matter is to hear these words well done that's all that matters it doesn't matter if a billion people like me if god doesn't like me it's all gonna burn up as wood hay and stubble and the contrary if everybody thinks you're the worst and god likes you that's all that matters so that's a crucified life jesus said i and the father are one jesus said he whoever has seen me has seen the father now we're called to this life the life that jesus lived we're called to that here's the proof of it there's many proofs john 17 verse 20 21 jesus said i do not pray for these alone but also pray for those who will believe in me through their word that's you do you believe in jesus through the words the apostles wrote in the scriptures somebody help me i pray for them here's his prayer that they may all be one he's not talking about the baptist and methodist having an ecumenical lunch and all the churches coming together that's not what he's talking about he said that they the believers in christ may be one as you father are in me and i'm in you that's what he's talking about father the way i walk where i lean on you and i look to you i rely on you and you're the one that does all the works of myself i can do nothing father the way you and i are one i pray that they will be one in us also that they'll learn how to walk by faith that they'll learn how to look to me lean on me and rely on me that they may be one in us that the world may believe that you sent me how many know if the baptists and methodists and presbyterians and catholics get together and have a meeting the world still won't believe but when people start walking the earth manifesting christ the world will believe agreed okay so jesus said in john 6 as the living father sent me and i live because of the father whoever feeds on me will live because of me so he's the bread that came down from heaven and so we're called to the same life so so rather than focus on now galatians 2 20 is it talks about the crucified life and the resurrected life he said i'm crucified nevertheless i live but christ lives in me that's the resurrected life so let's start calling galatians 2 20 the resurrected life instead of the crucified life let's call it the resurrected life how many want to walk the resurrected life yes you're going to die but when you see the resurrected life the price to die is nothing for joy we'll sell all to walk in the resurrected life i i said this in okay hang with me so to walk the way jesus walked what we need to do is pray and get his heart how many believe that if you pray god will give you his heart okay we have to do this i'm experiencing it now i believe as born-again believers we all have his heart in degrees because god's love is in us when we're born again so we have degrees of it but god wants us to have the fullness of him do you believe that here's what if ephesians chapter 3 paul prays that god would strengthen you with might by his spirit that christ would live in your heart by faith you'd be ridden grounded love that we would be able to comprehend together with all the saints the length and breadth and depth and height and know the love of christ that passes knowledge so that we could be listen filled with all the fullness of god so when god says ridden in love grounded in love comprehending his love that's his heart so god says i want the church to pray and ask me to give her my heart keep just pray that from now until jesus comes back and he will he will incrementally keep doing it and as he gives us his heart we become filled with what all the fullness of god the kingdom breaks out wherever the heart of god is i shared this in prayer but if you weren't here at prayer i'll share it again years ago i heard dgs dinner cut and tell about he'd been taking heaven many times and one time when he was in heaven he met the apostle paul and yes that can happen read the scriptures read the letters to the corinthians read revelation john was caught up to heaven paul was cut up to heaven and read that there was a messenger anyway i could tell you more so he's in heaven the lord's talking to him the lord allowed him to talk with the apostle paul do you believe that could happen the paul told him about his conversion experience on the road to damascus here's what he said he said when i was on the road to damascus and the lord appeared in a light brighter the noonday sun he said when i heard him utter these words he didn't know jesus was lord he was persecuting christians he thought it was a false sect he said when i heard the words saul saul why do you persecute me he said and i fell to the ground blinded by the glory of that light he said i had never in my life heard such words of tenderness compassion and filled with love he said i was my heart was instantly converted because of the love that was in his tone he said as i laid on the ground he said i knew at that moment i wanted to serve him forever and then he said who are you lord he said in the kindest voice he said i am jesus who you're persecuting that amazing now what happened to paul that's called the knowledge of god was imparted to his heart so the heart of god was committed paul didn't know god's heart god revealed his heart to paul paul was changed that's what we need because our minds think one thing about god but god is something else our minds think well this is the way i see it god must see it the same way we do think that way well of course i've looked at this from five angles the lord has to agree with me we don't say it like that but we think those kind of thoughts without even realizing we do it and and so what we need the biggest thing we need is god give me your heart give me your perspective um here's now when we get his heart everything changes we prayed this prayer last sunday at prayer i'm going to go over it right now when god imparts his love to us all the fruit of the spirit comes how many know the fruit of the spirit is not by us it's by christ jesus okay i'm going to read a scripture i want you to follow am i going too long you having a hard time following me okay philippians 1 9. this is very important this i pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and to all discernment we're talking about praying to get god's heart how many know that if we ask god to fill us with his love he's giving us his heart okay here when god's love comes all the gifts of the holy spirit come with it you remember me telling you that john rabinoth the man from india he'd sought the lord and saw the lord he was sad to his mentor and he moved into all the gifts when he was younger and he sought god and sought god lord i need the gifts he was taken up to heaven and he asked the lord for the gift lord said do you want my gifts or do you want my love long story short he said lord i want your love the lord said that's a good choice because all my gifts are hidden in my love see the lord filled him with the love of god he came back to earth with the heart of god and all the gifts flowed do you understand that that happened to dgs denicoden same thing it's what happened to heidi baker god said heidi look at me and he imparted his love into our heart from that point on all the gifts and the power flow so when it says here i pray that your love will abound more and more in knowledge and all discernment all the gifts of word of knowledge word of wisdom prophecy discernment they all come where love is my prayer is that all of us will seek god until he imparts his love into our heart 10 times more than where we're at now and and that everyone in this church will be filled with all the fruit of the spirit and all the gifts i pray your love will abound more and more in knowledge and in discernment here's what happens when the love of god comes god give me your heart he does guess what happens supernatural knowledge comes supernatural discernment guess what else comes you may approve the things that are excellent when the love of god comes we can now see with x-ray vision you can see past all the faults into the excellent things about people that's the heart of god is anybody hearing me when the love of god comes we are we become sincere and without offense if we want to judge the level of our love judge the level of our offense because when the love of god comes it makes us without offense you want to judge the level of the love of god we're walking in how sincere are we or do we have a mask do we talk about a person one way when they're not around and smile when we're with them that's insincerity but the love of god is sincere the love of god is not offended the love of god can see with x-ray vision right past all the faults to the excellent things that are there when we say i can't say anything good about that person it's because we're blinded without the love of god the love of god can see what we would see as the worst human being the love of god would say that's someone i would die for so that's really all we need all we need is one prayer lord make my love abound not my love your love in me and i'm telling you god will do it it's happening he'll do it can i say it again ii peter chapter 1 god has given us already everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who call us to glory and virtue whereby are given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that by these you may become a partaker of the divine nature i'm telling you the richest treasure any believer could have versus christ is in us number two say lord since you're in me i want to be a partaker of your divine nature fill me with your heart that's what this prayer is one says let your love abound more and more is saying give me your heart start praying i'm praying i love my wife i love my kids but i'm praying for more i'm saying god show me more i want to have his heart more and more for my wife and my kids i want to have his heart more for this church i want to have his heart for every person i contact under my breath i'm praying god give me your heart i don't care what anybody else thinks i want god's heart for you [Music] i don't want my opinion have we come to a place yet where jesus said unless you hate your own life you can't be my disciple have we come to a place yet where we can see what we are and say god i hate that i want you so here's what the love of god does philippians 1 9. it overflows with supernatural knowledge and discernment you want the gifts i hope you do i do pray for love the gifts will come eyes love gives us eyes to see we cannot see anything without god's love his love gives us makes us able to see what's excellent it makes it sincere it makes us without offense and then it says being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by your sweat no it doesn't say that the fruits of righteousness that are by christ jesus where's christ the hope of so so lord fill me if he's in me he has all the love fill me with your love i'm not i'm i'm not gonna stop pray this he's answering but i want more amen i told you this before in the natural when you eat you get less hungry but in the spirit when you eat you get more hungry god fills me with his love said i'm not satisfied thank you i want more isn't that the truth and so now here's a way to gauge where we are spiritually if you're not hungry on fire zealous seeking god for his heart because you haven't been eating because the more you eat the hungrier you get oh i have so much more to go but can i do one more verse colossians 2. we're talking about the heart of god and i hope what happens through this message is that faith gets built up in you and you walk away from here going i'm going to pray for the heart of god because if that's not what's going on then i failed i hope you're walking away with a confidence in your heart going if i ask god for his heart he's going to do it do you believe that i believe it and pray if you need to fast fast don't give up stay on it knock until the door opens seek till you find ask till you receive because one when it starts happening you're hooked all right one more verse this is about getting the heart of god colossians chapter two verse one through three paul has not there's been people in colossae who have not yet seen paul's face but before paul gets there to minister to them in person he's praying for them and as he's praying he's discerning demonic conflict so paul's entering into spiritual prayer for the saints at colossae and he's writing to them telling them about the conflict that he's feeling for them in prayer that's what he's saying i want you to know what a great conflict i have for you and those in laodicea and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh so he's going to go there they haven't seen him yet and he's praying for them and here's the conflict that their hearts may be encouraged being knit together in love and attaining to all the riches of full assurance of understanding to the knowledge of the mystery of god both of the father of christ whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge okay this is one of the prayers we prayed at morning prayer last sunday here's paul's conflict he's discerning satan has two strategies to make the church blind and weak number one discourage you to keep you from being knit together with other saints your spouse your family to keep you from being knit together in love those are strategies here's the process he said i'm praying that you'll be encouraged that you'll be knit together in love and that results in the encouragement comes from being knit together in love and that results in attaining all the riches of the full assurance of the knowledge of the understanding of the mystery of the god both of the father and of christ whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge what does that mean it means christ and the father are in you it's not just christ the father's in you too if you read john 14 23 jesus said whoever keeps my word is the one that loves me and my father and i will come and make our abode so the father's in you too doesn't it say that okay it says the mystery of christ and the father what is that mystery it's the mystery of colossians 1 26-27 this mystery which has been hidden from ages past but now has been revealed unto the saints christ in you the hope of glory so he said i'm praying this one you'll be encouraged two you'll be knit together in love and that will result in you attaining this full assurance you know what full assurance is it's another word for faith it's when your heart's not moved i am fully assured that's faith full assured of what the knowledge the word knowledge means it's epignosis experiential knowledge i'm fully assured because i'm experiencing the mystery of the father and the son in me that's what he's saying so satan he said i'm praying for you i have a conflict the demonic mind blinding spirits is trying to discourage the church and keep the church from being knit together in love because when they're knit together in love they attain the full assurance of the knowledge of the mystery of the father and the son in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge amen now watch this satan comes to blind the church dull the church get the pastors to always give three-step messages on how to get your breakthrough three-step message to how to get a promotion three-step message on a blessing and i'm not saying that some of that's not true but that's missing the mark paul said colossians 1 him we preach warning and teaching every man in all wisdom so we can present every man perfect in christ that's the gospel paul preached so satan blinds the church and then the church and then he uses offense because of our weak low level of love to keep us from having our hearts knit together in love and so we're discouraged and blinded and we're like samson who had his eyes plucked out and he was chained to the mill and he went around in circles week after week doing nothing and going nowhere blind that's a picture of the church that's been put to sleep but the good news is his hair grew back come on somebody hair speaks of the glory of god coming back to the church the glory's coming back and guess where it is it's in you god wants to unwrap it in us him in us in fact that's what paul said in galatians chapter 1 when god who chose me before i was born what did he choose paul for read it he said to reveal his son in me didn't say he chose me to reveal his son to me to reveal his son in me everywhere paul went he was revealing jesus when paul came in they said we could see jesus in you his call as an apostle was to reveal the son so now here's what it is when we're discouraged everything easy becomes hard and here's how now here's the prayer that you would be encouraged being knit together in love we were made to love each other and we have to we have to all pray to get filled with the divine love that's higher than human love because a divine love is not offended now when we are operating on a low level of love our love is like this we touch each other there's love but but knit is like this now when you love like this as soon as there's an offense then we go over to the other one guess what they did i heard that too i'm just telling you this so you can pray about it only for prayer that's all that's that's when we touch and you know what happens when we live like that our hearts whether we know it or not our hearts are discouraged because we weren't made for that first john 4 12 says if we love one another god dwells among us so what we're praying for is the love of christ to fill us and that hearts would be like this now when you're knit together like a fishing net you can carry weight you can the harvest can the fish can come in you're knit together in love knitting together you can take some pressure it's all right i can't handle it well do you know what they did it's okay i've had my bad days too let's pray for them come on they're a great per listen when you're loved come on that's they're just having an off day they're a great person i love that person let's pray lord help them in jesus name that's what knitting together in love is the net can't be broken the harvest can come in if that's really what it is now here's what he said when we are walking and that's what i wanted to see us to see when the love of god is filling us and we are being knit together and it's progressive work we're being knit together in love it says we will attain we will we will attain the full assurance of the knowledge of the mystery both of the father and of the son that means we'll the body will be so when we when we all pray god fill me with love knit me together help me to love my wife better love my kids better love my church better if that's our prayer lord help me to see everybody through your eyes when we do that god says i will come and dwell first john 4 12. we love one another god dwells among us then the full assurance of the father and the son abiding in you the ex of the knowledge that means the experiential knowledge it means the manifested glory presence of god starts filling the church and we're walking now in the full assurance and now it's we realize when you know when you're full of the holy spirit you don't rely on yourself you just feel like superman is inside you how many feel like that you know how many have ever locked yourself away for an hour or two just reading the bible and praying and instrumental you should go i better cut out the she's getting free and stuff like that and you're kind of lost in your own world and you look up oh my gosh it's been two hours i gotta i gotta go and when you get up to walk out of the room you feel like how many know what i'm talking about how many feel like superman's inside you you know why because he is they asked charles spurgeon do you know charles spurgeon wrote 165 books they said how do you do the work of two men he said there are two of us come on encourage knit together in love attaining the full assurance of the knowledge of the mystery both of the father and of the son in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge there's all the prophetic gifts did you know that every gift healings miracles discerning all of them are activated and connected with the prophetic gifts a word of knowledge can release a miracle a word of wisdom can release a miracle so all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in christ and when we walk we get full of the love of god those treasures are opened to the church is
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 6,358
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: Q_gjsWoEwXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 34sec (4054 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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