Sunday Service - Terry Bennett (9-12-21)

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i want to welcome you guys to uh be here with us few today we as i explained last time we've been um not doing meetings because of the sickness that's been in the body here and wanting to protect people from its spread but all things will come to pass and this too will come to pass and we'll be able to meet again but appreciate all who are live streaming as we always do and do not take you for granted we appreciate the fact that you would live stream and listen and uh we like you are desperately and wanting to be more desperately hungry for the lord himself than in any other time in our journey so we're asking the lord for that so again welcome and so i want us to open with prayer this morning go before the lord before we get started sharing so lord jesus we are thankful for this time in which we live and for you purposing us to be here in this time it is not a mistake that we live now it is divinely orchestrated thank you lord may you be our comfort in our peace that your will in this is certain and that lord uh may the fear of the lord triumph over all earthly fears or all fears lord of evil may the fear of the lord with a gulf so fixed and so wide and so deep an incrossable and impassable gulf and barrier between the fear of the lord and natural fear in all of its forms supernatural fear in all of its forms other than the fear of the lord may the fear of the lord cause us to move towards you and never away to never shrink back but to press on into christ to run toward you not away from you to listen more intently and lord not be in panic nor paralyzed by fear we ask and lord i'm asking right now that you would open my ears and my eyes to yourself and to your word you lord are speaking you would speak and you are speaking i want to listen i want to hear and lord by your spirit become in reality in actuality what it is that you are after eternally speaking in christ again lord it's not the doctrine of the thing we're after it's not just truth for truth's sake it's not knowing something freedom is never found in those ways knowing you is not in those ways but lord we want to genuinely inwardly by your spirit know you in deep personal relationship know your voice that way deep personal relationship and become by your spirit what you desire transformed transfigured into the image spiritually speaking of jesus christ to be your people to be your body on this earth to be your testimony now open my ears to hear beyond where i'm at lord did i not categorize what you are saying or lump it in with what i think or my doctrines but instead lord fully impact my heart fully impact me by your spirit in my inward being and outward being my whole man impact me with your life through your word your release by your spirit your baptism of life and a fiery life at that impact me lord that it not be intellectualism not it not be mental ascent that it not become just another doctrine or another thing i know but instead lord the life of you in it the truth is in the life the way is in the life you are that lord we fight right now for your people and my own heart your people's hearts my heart we fight for reality of life let it go beyond words spoken words heard words agreed to words lord that we say yes and say lord we believe let us go beyond that to the life of it the life lived christ in and through us we cry out to you for that lord so much lord has been said so much has been heard but yet lord it seems so little of the christ's life in reality i do not lord wish to live for you i wish for you to live in and through me i do not wish lord for you to be addition to my life but for you to be my life we're not asking lord for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the good that is the knowledge of god on that tree is just as evil as the evil it is not lord the information about you that we're after that's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil slanted though it is we're wanting to know you intimately personally by your spirit by direct and continuing inward encounter of you as our life and your increase says life we want to know you that way our brains can't figure it out lord it is beyond the mind of man but it's true nonetheless and it is by your spirit let us be okay with our minds lord being put in their proper place that we cannot figure you out lord we really can't even we do so pitifully i do it even explaining you have to be experienced you have to be known personally thank you lord that you're willing more than willing to give yourself and share yourself and reveal yourself willing lord to fill us willing lord to have us come into you and you come into us that union we ask for it more so than ever before lord so that galatians 2 20 i am crucified with christ i no longer live becomes reality not doctrine christ lives in me we ask for that in actuality we ask for that in a people in a body of people across the nations whatever that number might be we ask and we fight for the actuality of it the reality of this so we bless you lord you are able make us willing lord you are able make me willing we bless you today lord for you are worthy to have that vessel upon which lord you as well have waited we certainly are but so are you waiting so thank you lord we ask not only for patience we ask for willingness to become to be made anew to be formed and conformed to your image to be gathered into christ and you come to your fullness in a people make it so in our time no more delay we ask lord let us be willing therefore no more delay you lord are willing and you are ready make us willing that we may be made ready we ask in the name of jesus amen well i'm going to begin this morning uh i don't normally give titles but if i was to give this part and this part obviously is connected to all that has preceded it over the past well really since the july conference i would entitle this the lord's testimony at his return and what we're endeavoring to to show forth here with the purpose of becoming though i'm not interested i know you're not i'm not interested in knowing something without becoming it when it deals with the intent of god and the purpose of god the eternal purpose of god the eternal thought of god is not the knowing of it that i'm after securing that or lodging that away as i know it's becoming it's being his people being that vessel that we are after i'm after you're after and lord make us all after the same thing that that which you desire that which you've purposed that's what you've planned singularly align us bring us into eternal purpose in it so um we've been moving forward looking at this invitation i talked about it at the july conference if you've not gotten to listen to that you can go back and listen if you wish but i talked about the lord's invitation to us in this time concerning his return and we're talking really about conditions today we'll be focused upon that that's really what i'm speaking to the lord's testimony at his return i want to see the condition that is present in his testimony when the lord comes biblically what has he said about it i think it will help our hearts to understand what the lord is after what must be done in us so in first john we're going to start there in first john chapter 3. we'll read the first three verses first john chapter 3. see how great a love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of god and such we are for this reason the world does not know us i want us i can i can skip over that phrase really quickly the world does not know us that's not true of the present church it is not true we'll hit this harder later but there's something called the church has not appeared yet let me say it again there's something called the church that has not appeared it's meant to in our time there's something called the church that's a mystery and it don't exist on the earth right now but it will be before he comes it will that's jumping a bit ahead but i want us to see it even in this verse because it's everywhere once you see it it's everywhere so to speak even in the old testament for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him there's no way that we come in to god's purpose the image of christ without this being true they'll know more know us than than they would jesus christ anyway let's go on beloved now we are children of god and it does not appear as yet what we shall be we know that when he appears we shall be like him because we shall see him just as he is now that statement is loaded i want you to keep it in mind verse two we know that when he appears we shall be like him it is a prophetic statement there is a reality to it in the present but the greatest reality of this will will bring his return and i want us to see that for a moment what john is actually saying i want us to see it in the light of what he is saying he is saying that when christ comes we will be like him there'll be a vessel like him in other words he'll have a body he'll have his church that's what he's saying for we shall see him just as he is now verse 3 everyone who has this hope what hope is being like him bringing his return fixed on him purifies himself just as he is pure now we're going to jump over to several scriptures revelation chapter 19 and read verse number 10. revelation 19 10 and i fell at his feet to worship him and he said to me do not do that i am a fellow servant of yours that means he's a man here not an angel that's what that verse means it's what's being said here a man a redeemed man already in the presence of the lord is talking to john i'm a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren who hold the testimony of jesus no angel holds that testimony when you understand what that testimony is and we'll talk more about that the testimony of jesus he says worship god for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy now let's go again i've got a lot of scriptures matthew chapter 24 verse number 14. just bear with me here i know you're like me you love the scripture so it's not much to bear with matthew 24 verse number 14. let's let's dissect this one like we did a little bit there in first john chapter 3. let's dissect this verse a little deeper and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness or testimony to all the nations and then the end shall come now i want to dissect that it's not saying that when it reaches all the nations it's speaking of a condition of the testimony that the testimony god is looking for will be present then the end will come notice it then it's not pointing as you know i've wrongly believed i don't know what about you you know about yourself i don't but i know about myself i've wrongly believed that well when this really gets to the nations all nations then he's coming that's not what this is saying it's talking specifically that's why i'm giving a number of scriptures they're all saying the same thing you'll see it as we go through it there is this beautiful isn't it sam there is this testimony a completed testimony and that brings his end nothing else will can we just say hallelujah for a moment hallelujah make it so there's a then and it's all over the bible or until and once you see it you cannot stop seeing it it's then that then is a completed testimony isn't that beautiful so when as we look at these scriptures you'll see it over and over uh the truth of what was being said revelation chapter 11. let's go back there should have just stayed in revelation jumping around a bit but revelation chapter 11 this one order to get us another hallelujah verse number 7. we'll just start listen to this and when they had finished their testimony let's just zero in on that listen to this they can't die until the testimony is finished the end will not come until the testimony is finished i want us to see it we're going to have to define testimony aren't we a full testimony because god's been waiting on it and and still is inviting us to become it that's his invitation i'm talking about right now when they had finished their testimony the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them and overcome them and kill them so let me back up a second so here are his witnesses same word for messengers same meaning two of them they are real i'm saying they're real people but in principle there's a principle behind it as you know he sent them out by twos didn't he christ did we could go on with that but out of the mouth of two or three witnesses let everything be established there's a principle to this thing that you got two witnesses preaching one message about one life is itself a miracle in our day you can't get two people to agree on anything really but here it's a no-brainer why is that because it is they are both living by the one life of christ in them see our our call in this into this is for the many to live by the one life that makes us one with him and one another that's where oneness lies is in life not in belief you will believe in him who is the life if we experience that life and it will change our belief we will know him be bound to him be his bond servants anyway he but the process is he will break and i don't trust what's not broken of man he will break us and break us and break us i'm not talking about a breaking because we've gone through difficult circumstances that's not the breaking human breaking i'm not speaking of that i'm talking about when the lord breaks you the lord and he doesn't let up and his desire is for a completely other than christ's life to move to dominance in us down goes our intellectualism that we pride ourselves on down goes our thinking that we can give this to people and explain it to people in such a way that they'll get it they'll never get it that way it can't be explained it has to be experienced did i say that plain enough it's not a curriculum god is after it's living epistles life-filled men and women who know their god and will take action this is not mental assent you can't build something around that we mustn't it is a mistake of the greatest degree say but man that's just what i'm good at we'll get over it and get out of it i know it's my question to all of us it's not what we are it's what he wants us to be it's the right question what is that and it's not who we are it's not our strengths our strengths will only lead us to another delay please hear me when i say that our strengths will only lead us to further delay there's got to be a people whom he has taken hold of and he has broken them and they understand something this is by his spirit and humanity no human can do it no redeemed human can do it no preacher can preach it good enough no messenger can say it well enough it is not in the saying of it alone it is in the power of transformation inwardly to where the saint is made into where this union is found am i saying this strong enough i'm speaking to an intellectual american church that prides itself on being able to explain something and we're producing i'm telling you we are producing what we are intellectual believers who don't really know the lord as their life that's what's being produced it gets tested and it comes apart and it's not just satan testing it it's the lord by fire let me speak to this thing it's not a speck in our eye it's a log let me speak to it for a moment that god may cleanse us from it every thought we would have that we can lay this out for people to get is wrong by its very concept it is by his spirit we're called to proclaim him and it must that itself must come from the one life in us springing up like living waters like an eternal well within us bubbling out and giving forth him it's unexplainable how to explain what it is to be in christ you can't map that out you can't do a curriculum around that and arrive at god's will in this you can do it but you will never alive arrive at a living organism you'll arrive at a non-living organization and understand what we want we want to just produce another organization we're the people who believe in jesus is that what we're after no it's not what we're after not after any of that we're after what god's after a testimony of his son that is a living reality living because one people are in the one life and that one life is being lived through the many many are living by the one life and the one life is being expressed by the many that's the testimony in fullness so that christ this is why you guys understand this it's why i've resisted everything called the church that i've ever known that i've ever experienced why i'm not resisting it because i just have a problem with this i'm resisting it because i know it's not the church that's why i'm resisting it keeping this thing ultra simple letting god take away everything we do so that we might be finally if you want to say i don't like that terry i understand that that's why you got a lot of choices but i've already made the choice if i'm going to lead something it's not to the slop i once had and the vomit i came out of i'm not going back there all that stuff's been done what did we where are we because of it where have we arrived you know what sam we are where we are because of all of it there is something called the church that's a mystery and the world will never get it and if the world gets it it's because it's not the church if the world understands it if the world sees it and the world sees this stuff in our systems and organizations and what we do and they say yeah that's the church it's irrelevant to us of course it is because the church is not of that the church is a mystery it's a relational mystery and you can't organize it and you can't set it by the clock you can't build it jesus said i will build my church it is impossible for man to build amen am i hitting this strong enough think about it guys we are where we are because the church is no longer a mystery and the world looks upon it and says we do the same thing only better we're better organized we got better equipment we got better music we got better musicians we got better singers we got all of that the church was never meant to be that it is the mysterious body paul calls it he uses the husband and wife analogy he said i speak of a mystery speak of the church and we've lost the mystery that is the church well i will never get far if i stay on this too long but i don't know if i can stay on it long enough there is something of invitation in front of us to become that which does not presently exist in a corporate way the mystery of the body of christ to where there are people in actuality not talk not teaching not doctrine in actuality living the life of christ lives and expresses himself in a fullness that this earth has never seen and that's what's coming at the end that then will bring is coming and nothing else will that's why i'm getting at it so clearly because i don't want any more delay how about you i don't want to be the cause of delay but my insistence or my resistance to have my way insistence and resistance to god breaking me breaking me at every level at a level of concepts this thing called the church is not in my mind until god puts it there by himself and reveals it by himself i don't know what it is because it's a being factor not a doing it's a mystery and i'm okay with it we can be it by relationship we cannot do it and establish it christ alone builds his church it is a living relationship we don't go to it we don't build structures for it don't misunderstand me i'm glad we got a building to meet in but this ain't the church the mystery doesn't exist here if it exists at all it exists within sounds like terry you think the whole thing needs to come down yesterday it did or maybe i don't know i don't know victor maybe years ago would be better said don't you don't you think layla years ago it needed to fall but it man won't let it fall it's like what we do to these corporations you know what happened a few years ago isn't it oh well this is too big to fail and that's the way we feel about the church it's already failed let the thing die quit propping it up with support amen now i'm sure this is going to get a lot me showered with roses after this message [Laughter] but i don't care i'm not doing it for people i'm doing it for the lord to get what he wants for myself for all of us the invitation is there but the lord is worthy to have exactly what he wants it is not what i want that's going to bring his return it's what he wants and until he has what he wants he's not coming would you this thing will not end in defeat satan defeating the church what did i mean by that keeping it from being all that god has purposed it will not happen that will not happen god will have that chris that satisfies him i ain't to be a part don't you brother what an invitation is there a better invitation guys is there there is not there will be a people who will be radically in love with jesus christ from within to without it's going to happen may it be happening now they will lose sight of the natural in such a way as they understand this thing called the church is the mystery of the godhead and the world's not supposed to understand it it only has a choice to become willing to come into christ you can't invite them to the mystery let me say it again we mustn't you can't invite them to the mystery without meaning christ alone in that we're not inviting them to the church called the mystery that's a relationship with christ this deals with man's will it deals with man's hopes it deals with what man can build what man can do because we do it all we we have hope that if they come to church you might find jesus forget about that in-between thing that's not the mystery get up to the christ who is the mystery and they will become one with this person and the mystery of his body will be real and not get off on the wrong footing of going to a building now most leaders don't want to say that because they know that without tithe they can't keep things going i have no such fear the lord wants to take this thing down that we got here he is welcome to take it at any time i will not hold on to it nor am i planning on going down with the ship i've already abandoned the ship if you look at it in that light that ship was abandoned years ago once the law i figured out the lord wasn't the the commander or chief or whatever of the ship why would i want to be on that i'm not sailing on that ship anyway that's kind of my form of humor though it does it has a message within it all right so so again matthew 24 we see again and in revelation 11 7 we see this concept keeps re-emerging of the testimony keep in mind revelation 19 now we see sam don't we what it means the testimony jesus is the testimony that's being spoken of here this vessel which is the which is the divine representation of christ in the earth that vessel that testimony is the spirit of all that god has ever been saying to man about our invitation to join him it is the spirit of prophecy fulfilled the testimony of jesus it's coming forth we'll fulfill all the prophecies sam every single one of them i want us to take hold of that for a second every single prophet every single apostle that has ever spoken up until this moment if it's been the word of the lord like i talked about last time by the word of the lord the heavens were made that word that's not the prophetic movement the prophetic movement never had what i just said didn't exist in it but we are in a transition sam and what's coming up on us and we'll come upon this endtime witness witnesses is the word of the lord by the word of the lord the heavens were made by the word the lord noah built an ark by the word of the lord think about it we're not talking about a gift there the word of the lord is not a gift for gifted people the word of the lord is divine and as he's talked to me about it he's like don't worry about it terry when the moment of its need is there you'll have it how about that sam is that not comforting there's going to be a vessel say it isn't like well i've got to be one this is the death of all moves of god me inserting myself that's the death of every move of god when it becomes about me it comes about my gift becomes about my need becomes about he needs to use me why aren't why am i not included that's the death of every gift every movement of god every time god is trying to do something it's the death of it this is about the lord getting what he wants not me if the lord wants me over here in the corner praying silently number one that would be a miracle that any human can be silent for long's a miracle sorry that's just our nature we've got more of the nature of what peter displays talking when he don't know what he's talking about that's me at least i don't know where you guys are come from at least i can admit it it doesn't bother me to admit it i want it long gone but the issue is the increase of christ so anyway so my friends me will be the end of the messengers if we go there let's not repeat the mistakes of history these messengers god are after he's after nothing could be worse for it than the insertion of what about me what about you what about me i could care less it's him where does that leave me anyway let god go deep and uncover the selfishness that stops the moves of god people are driven by it they're unnerved if they're not built up regularly but i'm still one of them aren't i no and you'll never be why would you say that to people that's too cruel maybe it's what we need to hear know and you'll never be with that attitude this ain't about you if god's not calling to you and if god's not able to get past the me that's being exhibited here it don't matter you will never be the messenger he's after not ever messengers are not after what they want at all they mustn't be it must not the word of the lord must never be our word if our word our concept is there it's not the word of the lord i guarantee you that if our gift is involved in it it's not the word of the lord so what a definition you can't teach the word of the lord and you can't teach people how to give it it ain't like a gift the word of the lord creates the heavens the word of the lord speaks and noah builds an ark the word of the lord speaks in revelation 18 and brings babylon down in one hour the word of the lord can speak to america and stop the evil dead in its track when the word of the lord is released and we've not come up against that yet have we we will we are going to we're going to see it as in revelation 11 where there is these witnesses these messengers who are giving the testimony of jesus and they can't die until the testimony of jesus is fully released in accompanying that release of the testimony of jesus is the judgments of god and they're instantaneous no delay there is the word of the lord by the word of the lord jehu says castor down what about that one how needed is that right now see what i'm saying it is not a prophetic movement he's after and are these end time vessels who are his the great and i'm just tell you this acts chapter 4 verse number 33 i'm not randomly coupling that scripture just want you to know that it's not random with what i'm saying i'm not being random i'm being specific what i've heard from god the father standing up and speaking it directly to me that's where it's coming from quoting acts 4 33 with this group the great power of god will be made known concerning the resurrection of jesus christ that group that vessel that he's after must be completely under his hand must be as malachi 3 they are mine says the lord and i will protect them as a father protects his son i make up my treasure he says what's he saying there this vessel is his vessel they're not in it for themselves they're in it by divine call in preparation much of that preparation being a slaughter to our old selfish nature the cross applied all right i'm still on page one i got seven pages isn't that terrible or however you look at that i was like i don't even got past the scriptures because you can't you can't just say these scriptures can you they're too meaningful well let's go on i want us to see uh colossians chapter 3 verse number 3. just uh the repetition of this will i think help our hearts so i'm going to start with verse 1 of colossians 3. if you have been raised up with christ keep seeking the things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god set your mind there's a description going on here and a challenge concerning a purposed vessel set your mind on the things above not on the things that are on the earth for you have died in your life is hidden with christ in god now verse four listen to this when christ here is a prophetic statement of a vessel that is yet to appear the vessel of the testimony when christ who is your life is revealed that means manifested then you listen to that then catch that sam then we've heard that word before then the end will come matthew 24. here it is again then you also will be revealed with him in glory prophetic statement concerning the vessel at the end if what is true what if it becomes true what is said before verse 4 then what will follow if that becomes true what will follow then you also will be revealed or manifested with him in glory there's final things there but there's a then and this bible is not silent on the requirements or the description so let's put us a couple of questions moving forward i mean it's not even 11 o'clock yet i don't know why i feel like i'm in a hurry let me put a question out there and this is what we're answering by these scriptures this is the question being answered literally how is god's end to be attained in our time how's god's end to be reached in our time and secondly what is god doing today and am i in the knowledge and reality of it i think those are important questions especially anytime but for our time as well what is it that is eternal and always upon the heart and mind of god so that he not only now but as always is at work by spirit unto that being achieved so we've been looking at some biblical answers to that showing it to us the bible talking about then you're going to be revealed with him in glory when this happens until this happens you won't be revealed with them in glory the end is not going to come until the testimony is finished can we hear that colossians chapter one paul makes an amazing statement here as to this question i put forth what is it that eternally is upon the heart and mind of god so that now as always i said this way where is god's energies focused where is god's working focused where is god's power of the spirit focused good question huh i need to know the answer if i'm going to be with him and a line to him i need to know and become one with him in it so paul really does answer this in colossians colossians chapter 1 verse number i love this passage verse number 28 and 29 and we proclaim him admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom that we may present every man complete let's take a moment what i've been talking about a full or complete testimony this is not you know pieces of the puzzle that don't fit together this fits completely and perfectly together paul's language here is speaking of a completed testimony let's go on and for this purpose so i can answer this for a fact this question by the apostle paul he understands what he calls this purpose that he just mentioned listen to it it gets better he said and for this purpose i also striving according to his power where is god's power focused paul says it's focused right here which mightily works within me some use because of the greek words here translate it his energy god's energy god's power focused upon god's purpose singularly not multiples singularly i'm gonna drive that point home so that we recognize god's power god's energy is not focused on secondary things but on the primary and once the church starts stops being the mystery of a relationship only can you hear that once the church decided to stop being the mystery of a relationship with god and that relationship with god called life one life that one life being in the many is what brings us into oneness nothing else will christ as our life makes us one with him and that's the only way we'll ever be one without you cannot build unity in the body of christ any other way than that which i just said god himself is the inward unifying part and he always will be and it's called life his life once the church decided to go the direction of the world come out of the realm of mystery sam don't you think once it decided to come out of the realm of mystery of relationship and become organization rather than organism once it took that choice then we suddenly had secondary things move into primary importance and i say away with it all i'm serious i'll have nothing to do with any of it i was made for him and no one else or nothing else now that's a personal thing god's going to have a people like that and they're going to be one in that cry give me jesus i was made for him i'm telling you we organized it and lost the mystery we chose that that was visible as pertaining to the world to invite our intentions may have been good but it led to evil in order to invite the world into something we are inviting them into what should be real within us the mysterious relationship of christ in you the hope of glory nothing else amen i tell you guys i'm so excited i just want to throw the mic away and jump around for a while we were made for him weren't we let me speak right to your spirit you were made for him he alone can satisfy you for you were made for him and he wants to satisfy you listen to this with all of himself there's no one like him i mean that we need to see that horizon needs to appear to us what is the horizon of christ it is unsearchable riches in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge ain't nothing like that on earth this is a christian we've lived a long enough victor and layla to see that i haven't we live long enough folks to see this earth ain't it it's necessary as long as we're in this body and i can't wait to put it get out of this body so that it's no longer necessary i don't want the lord to come to end evil i want the lord to come because i love him and i want out of this temporary thing and into the eternal how about you that's why i want him to come and as the hearts cry of those of the testimony they want him to come because they are in love with him and can't wait to be fully joined it's a marriage thereafter so am i how about you let's shout hallelujah again hallelujah let the marriage supper of the lamb come forth let the testimony be realized and there'll be a wedding amen there's no way i'm getting to all of this today but you know we'll give it our best shot i'm still on page one oh well oh well so god is not focused on secondary again it is his supreme will this was what paul's bringing out god's energy he says that's working through him as the apostle is unto something of supreme importance and i'll say it's more than that it's of something that is of divine will eternal before man was ever created and when it's before man is ever created you can't bring this stuff into that because the purpose of it is there when there's none of this when there is no human need man builds something to offer hope to man god builds something inwardly to satisfy the very reason he was created man builds something that he knows man wants and seeks and desires god builds something that god desires a relationship need i go on see the distinction man has built the church in the image of man its focus is upon people upon what they need what they want what they like you keep them that way but there's going to be a small and it will be small because few will choose it the invitation is to all but few's going to choose it that's been proven throughout history i pray that it's everybody but it won't be i only say that so we won't be discouraged but just how few choose it man's bent is on getting what he wants even calling it god oh but you know god told me i doubt that it's so far off the eternal mind and will of god there's no way that that's true can we just be real god can't be saying opposites god told me to do this you need to check your voice go back we used to have the machines you know you go press the button and listen to your messages go re-listen to that one i'm pretty sure you'll recognize it was your voice and not his sorry it's simple all we got to know is the divine will they are there you'll find the divine energy and the divine power because god alone can bring it about satan is fighting to keep us in the secondary god is calling to us to come out to the primary to be it to become i don't want to be found wasting time on that which is secondary let's just go to what we call the church right now let me just ask this question i know the answer is you do have we seen enough of what's called the church to realize it's not it and if we keep doing the same stuff over and over and over thinking that this time they'll get it that that's called madness we need a lunacy check [Music] [Laughter] well we'll just do it better because we'll do it this way oh really you can't organize by his spirit not by might nor power you can't build that no one can christ said it clearly i singularly will build my church it's by spirit so i'm not wasting my time and i and let me add to this especially in this time of invitation and in this time where evil itself is being released in unparalleled dimension why do i want to be found i'm sorry but do i want to be down at the beach building sand castles when there's darkness and evil rampant everywhere and me down there just enjoying my little sand castle that's what i compare to what's going on in the church we got an answer called a band-aid and evil laughs at us you do you feel better now what's that got to do with anything your emotions emotions are so up and down if we live by them we'll be up and down i'm not going to waste my time building doing that which i know is of no eternal value to any of us can we not get our children aligned that way you know what i mean guys can we not see our children or our grandchildren from the beginning a line to the church is a mystery and only christ can build it and it's an inward relationship and this thing that man has built is not it never was and never will be it is the antichrist the beast system the false prophet will that inhabit that thing it's so solid and it is that it's ready made for the false prophet well so that which is not the main eternal purpose will eventually prove i'll use some surveyor's language to be a cul-de-sac well prove listen you just go to england that's in america now will prove to be a roundabout that you'd ever get out of just keep going around in circles do you think that's the truth of that sam do you think the church could be in a roundabout stuck doing the same things it's been doing for the last hundred years thinking that's the answer thinking if we do it this way or that way it's not a way of doing something it's an inward life relationship that releases his expression into this earth of the christ himself it's lived out in front and expressed in all manner of language and the living of it in the difficult situations life expresses itself in this world there's a testimony of jesus that is that expression but it's coming from an inward reality actuality of christ is that vessel's life christ is that vessel's life and it is proven in life in all the tests and all the trials and all the tribulations in this world you're going to have tribulation but be of good cheer jesus said i have overcome the world so what's that do for me that means christ in you that's what he's saying me and you will conquer it this thing has to be proven in life this vessel has never existed or the lord would have already come we are invited to be and lo how long how long don't you i long for the transition out of this experience into the eternal i do that statement has nothing to do with evil though yeah all of us will be glad to see evil be put in its place but understand again if god wanted to put evil in its place right now he's using it if he wanted to put it in his place all he has to do is by the word of the lord i just want you to see that for a moment psalm 2 kings and the rulers take their stand against the christ god laughs at them speaks to them be wise you rulers they're not but he says it anyway kiss the son lest he become angry and you be destroyed in your way all he has to do is speak hay over there drop dead and they will it's that simple all god has to say is no more breath you'll be better as a corpse than what you are right now sorry i see the humor in there who's getting who here the devil is playing into god's hand god's got him on a leash with boundaries difficult for us to see it he's not all powerful he's minuscule i'm not taking anything away from him is he more powerful than us yes is he more powerful than christ in us no all right so let's go on let's not get stuck in a roundabout people you know people are like well you know i just know that the gathering it's not really a church we get that it's not really a church what do you mean by that you mean we're not doing the stuff that's by choice because that's not the church either we need reconstituted that's the problem the judgment is of what's out there and i'm not we're not the only ones there's others i realized that that had said no and have come outside the city to the lord outside the organization to the lord and ever more coming well we need to be doing this because people need i could care less about it there's one thing i'm after and it's the eternal and i will not go to the secondary somewhere down the line that line of demarcation has to be established within us if we want the eternal we won't get it with mixture let me say it again if we want the eternal we will never come to it with mixture the soul is too strong in man it wants its stuff it must be completely resisted in spiritual matters the soul should have no place in spiritual matters it must not lead it must not direct it must not be god's voice in us i'm just giving a brief synopsis of the last 20 years or more of my journey out of what's brought me to this place to realize that the church is not buildable by man and nothing man has built is it and that it is completely this reality of the lord's testimony that god is after therefore we must become that singularly hello otherwise delay there will never be in our lifetime the then word i want the then don't you i want it the testimony has come to fullness then we we will be with him in glory manifested as he's manifested manifested with him revealed with him that is coming in glory so there let me say this to us these secondary things have delayed the coming of the lord long enough what we are talking about and becoming the full testimony becoming the full testimony speeds or this is the that's the meaning of the word there in peter or hastens the day of the lord it speeds it up brings it to fruition brings the combination brings the completion brings the fullness bring the fullness in and the lord will come quickly read revelation 11 again they finished their testimony and i didn't have time to go to this i'll do it as we can move on down just for us to look at it together but look at it on your own move into chapter 12 and 13 and 14 and you will see that when the testimony of the two witnesses is finished the end comes rapidly in fact you can read it the kingdoms of this earth have become the kingdoms of our god right after the testimony is finished that statement is given can you see what's going on there is a vessel shown in the two witnesses they are two of many i'm saying a larger group not a large amount but they're two of a larger group they are one singular testimony in the two because there's one life in the two what a miracle something that doesn't exist has come to reality god keeps them alive because there's many reasons we'll get to more of them as we move along wherever that is next year whatever i don't know chris you may have to listen to it on live stream but god's protecting them malachi 3 i will protect them as a father protects his son the lord told me some time ago he said do you think i'm going to spend all this energy and time on preparing this vessel and have it killed off in the first few days martyred he said no i'm going to protect that vessel that i spent so much time to make ready it's going to be a lot of murder them but not among the messengers very little murder them will take place among the messengers now some people are thinking make me a messenger why are we afraid of dying do we know that's graduation seriously it's all talk about losing our life if we're afraid of dying i may be one of those messengers that goes first i may be one i may be the only one to die whatever i don't know don't care i want to see the lord gets what he wants when he gets what he wants he's coming and so they no sooner finish their testimony see it in revelation than the end comes you get this declaration the kingdoms of the earth have become the kingdoms of our god and he shall reign because of a finished testimony i want you to catch that when there is a finished testimony the lord returns amen well i'm excited about it there is that coming into that reality will speed that day that's my point it'll hasten not coming into that reality will delay it all the more and we've been under delay now for far too long wouldn't you agree well 15 after 11 page two oh well so the answer to what is god doing we've been talking about it god is building a people called the testimony of jesus that's an entity not a doctrine wait think about that sam the testimony of jesus is a people not a doctrine not a teaching but isn't that good victor you got to see what it is don't you think layla we've got to see that what we're talking about is a people in right eternal relationship with what god has always wanted don't you think scott we got to see it to become it we're invited you are invited the vessel of the lord's intent is to get the bride ready it's the bigger picture for the vessel the bride ready no way the bride is ready without the witnesses without the messengers without that vessel john the baptist must come forth first christ will follow can you catch that in our time there will be a john the baptist vessel corporate a small corporate john the baptist vessel the goal is to make a people ready for the lord the goal is not to be a messenger the goal is to make a people ready for the lord anyway god's building now thus the answer to what is god doing i've been saying it he's building a people of the testimony of jesus a true eternal i said this way a true eternal prophetic purposed vessel one that is the exact representation of christ corporately and that's what god kept speaking to the prophets showing to the apostles that kind of a vessel they speak to it everywhere calling the people of their day unto that reality as we are meant to call sam josiah mike donna chris layla victor scott and i forget your daughter's name as we are meant to call people to that reality in our day we are to example it example it and call them to it in the it is written it's everywhere but few always responded so the testimony is son is a life testimony of a people in what i call sunship relationship this answers romans chapter 8 by the way it is not an infant or child-like relationship we have that now in the church we've got to have our stuff or we whine kick and cry about it sorry but that's a childlike relationship we need this too it's all the additions to christ that should not exist he means to become our one life our one resource our all in all corporately speaking can you hear that because when we add in the ingredient of corporate we add in the ingredient of things god doesn't he has one life for the corporate one love for the corporate one purpose one will one mind one heart one thought one eternal desire for the corporate it is the infantile relationship that cries out for more than jesus because it doesn't have enough of the lord to inwardly and outwardly satisfy that is the diagnosis of its condition but it is this sonship relationship listen to this romans 8 that the entire creation is anxiously longing for what do y'all think about that the entire creation is waiting for this vessel of the testimony it is called the sons of god in other words it is the son of god formed in a vessel inwardly in life and expressing himself through them listen to me by light not just activities not saying there's no activities i'm saying that we are in a ditch about activities we want activities because we are i'm just going to tell you this because of the element in christianity that is performance-based and it's so strong in us this performance-based christianity that only activity makes us feel like we're pleasing to god god using us makes us think he loves us deliver me from perform performance based ideas and concepts that want to rule my mind and rule my heart and rule in our relationship deliver deliver lord deliver we're filled the church is presently filled with activity and lacking it is an infantile relationship lacking the sonship i'm adding that to this vessel it is a vessel that is sonship it is the testimony of the lord that's sonship he the son of god ruling in a people making them the long-awaited by the creation sons of god the creation is anxiously whiting they know there's been delay do i they know that it's past time do we they understand it should have already happened sometimes i think the rock's smarter than me sam i think that rock out there is like where in the world is the people that bring the lord's return maybe the cactus is doing that too i don't know he's like man that sounds crazy maybe maybe it's the gopher or whatever i'm telling you they're under this curse they're under this slavery we built for ourselves we're under it too but we built every kind of band-aid to make us feel good about ourselves they've not been able to do that they're just roughing it out out there you know what i'm saying they're anxiously longing shouldn't we be isn't that what first john chapter 3 is saying those who have this hope the lord coming and us getting the lord we love being in the eternal union that's that's the drive of it coming into that relationship and finality the final things coming into that chris even so come lord jesus that's the cry there in revelation 22 they're longing for this relationship the one they love to come and deliver us from this present state to the final state see what's going on it's not because look at the evil help us guys the testimony people are winning not losing i'm telling you they're winning satan can't stop him the dragon's there to devour them from the very beginning with his mouth and he can't god won't let him kill him amen again the lord's brought this vessel forth prepared it it finally comes on the earth you think he's going to let satan kill it instantly because satan surely would again there's going to be a lot of murder them just not among this vessel then i'm talking about the vessel the testimony vessel they're going to finish their testimony they win that's winning then the end will come and what an end it is the lord cleans house the lord appears and after that all the human condition and all the human will and all the human strength and all the human power and all that man is built and all his weapons and all his armies and all that he's arrayed against god is just meaningless it's that john wayne thing that needs to be said by god down to the earth if that's all you got you better not go up against me because they don't look tough enough to stomp a stringy jackrabbit that's what john wayne said about it that's the way it is with the lord if that's all you got guys man guys who can withstand the almighty he speaks and it's done and there's no one who can stop him how do you fight that chris there is no fight i don't want to fight do you mind i surrender take me lord i'm yours anyway so all right let's press on here we're after a relationship and just bringing this addition i've talked about this some years ago taught about in some of the shiloh meetings this vessel was a sunship it fulfills romans 8. it's a sunship vessel the son of god is fully in charge in command in life in that vessel it makes them to be called the sons of god that's not about them it's about the one who's filling them christ the teaching has made it about the vessel rather than the sun filling the vessel that's who's it's about so moving on to the first answer what is god doing what's very clear what he's doing he's making a vessel of testimony unto the end can we catch that i can't say that without it hitting me over and over again he is making a vessel of testimony that the end may come what is that end i love it in revelation don't you and he shall dwell among them and he'll wipe every tear from their eye it's that isn't that what we're after we were made for that relationship and because we're in it right now and plan on going further and deeper into him and him filling us more than ever before we want his coming for that reason i have got haven't we i've got a glimpse a taste really it's not just seeing something i've tasted of a relationship that i was made for and i want the final state come lord jesus how beautiful is that so we go back over this how then the second question how then will god's end be reached and what to spend whatever time we have left on this really how will god's end be reached well as we've been saying it all centers around a completed work concerning this vessel of testimony thus why god is having the messengers now proclaim that fact he's not coming without the testimony and without the testimony's release and exampling in other words a finished testimony like in revelation 11 verse 7 when the testimony is finished then he will come quickly again that declaration there chapter 11 and 12 chapter 11 the kingdom chapter 11 read it in chapter 11 the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our god that's a finished testimony it's saying this it is finished god got what he wanted himself his son shown in his fullness right here on this earth satan's defeated not god he could delay it no longer satan couldn't he's doing everything to delay us guys can you see that he'll throw everything at us everything conceivable at us to delay he i can tell you this for myself i've been under incredible battle unlike you know i've been under a lot of battles i wrote a book on it the angelic order of war i've talked about it regularly been no battle i just know battle i've been under it so much but unlike anything i've ever been under since before the conference and after because of who i'm up against to think that we're not going to face a dragon when we're calling forth this vessel we better think again don't you think we better think again let me alert the gathering to what i just said i'm not going to go into it all yet i'm sitting on a lot of stuff here i'm just not ready to share what's going on with us is not happen chance it's more than that god has released something of will of eternal will concerning this vessel of testimony and the dragon himself has come out to devour it that can't be terry it absolutely is stop it stop the testimony stop the pronouncement stop the gathering of a vessel stop the will of god being released the will of god being made known the will of god that brings the end being exposed stop that to get at it he goes right at us i realize as you do this ain't no game it is on the battle but he killed us yet either so the testimony will go forth and i'm finding myself a new footing and i'll tell you what it is deeper than ever before christ has my life that's what i'm finding i have nothing against satan that can defeat him i have nothing that can defeat him nothing it's christ in me as life that defeats him it's not like the other battles i've been in where angels are taking on principalities and i've got the word of the lord and making divine pronouncements and that kind of stuff going on i've done that kind of stuff for years and years and years of it nearly died i don't know over a hundred times in that kind of battle sorry but that's the truth say well man i don't understand that terry i get that but i'm just telling you but this is not that this is against the entity satan himself the dragon has come out the very threat of this vessel come forth has drawn him out god drew him out by the word listen to this by the word of the lord drew him out right against us against me against you so uh we learn greater is he that's within us in this kind of a fight don't we boy there ain't no tricks of the trade gonna defeat the master of evil christ in us is already the victory wanting to be the victory though in and through me he's already the victor but he's got to become that in me in reality of life so i'm learning christ as my life in this most intensive time of battle because it's against satan himself that i've ever been in but i'm learning christ as my life as i should i put no hope in anything but christ in me because there is no hope anywhere else angels are not being used in the battle christ is the singular weapon that can defeat satan has and will i'm not saying angels aren't helping i'm saying they're not taking on satan because there's angels who could satan's a cherubim not an angel doesn't have the power of warrior angels he doesn't but god's not using those angels he's proving something the need for christ as my life in reality in actuality not in doctrine there's nothing like it being proven in battle don't you think you can see it in the book of revelation the bride is made ready by the tribulation it's a part of her test she's forged through that fire her love is made real and true for god by the fire you mean god's using the tribulation to make the bride ready yes anyway let's let's let's move forward this complete full testimony satan fears again look at revelation 12 and you can look at history throughout the bible and see every time the lord moves like that to bring forth the vessel satan right when the woman's giving birth he's this dragon is standing there waiting to devour i'm just going to say what is evident don't you think guys god is birthing something in our hearts right now about becoming this vessel unto him of his testimony that brings the end is he not and wasn't that what was declared at the july conference of his will to come in our time if we would be made ready you think we know this satan did not let that go unchallenged he is challenging what's he doing have you noticed he's trying to devour us with his mouth be aware of it what that might mean so so god is set the end will not come without the vessel god is set on having this pure spotless representation of himself in the earth that is him in representation through a possessed a possessed vessel and until that vessel is there in reality and in actuality until this is realized the end will never be attained for this dispensation to reach god's climax his son's full expression in and through this vessel is the necessity so let him let me just quote it gather two or three in his name let that be the definition of the church in his name is an incredible statement it can be quite flippant about it and oh yeah in his name we gather yeah no no no no that's not what that's talking about that's all about this full expression that's talking about him in lordship absolute kingship absolute ruler within absolutely expressing himself the name implies that the people of the name in the old testament that's how they began to be called it's the way the nations would refer to him the people of the name are coming that's actually what went on the people of the name they feared their god israel's god they feared him because of what he did to egypt the people of the name are coming all that god is was coming in those people isn't that something there's your type in the old testament this vessel we're talking about the people of the name are that people coming forth who god the undefeatable the incorruptible one who has defeated the victor over satan it's that people who he's inhabiting they are inhabited by him he is embodied within that people within that vessel they are quite undefeatable because he's undefeatable they are quite unstoppable because he's unstoppable his very word brings us down to defeat that people are coming that's what gathered two or three in the name means it is a prophetic statement of the eternal will of god to have a people in the earth that the earth fears the people of the name at the name of jesus every knee bows every tongue confesses he is the lord i don't care if you're a demon a fallen cherubim it don't matter a human it's that that satan's trying to prevent now in the early stages guys stop the release of the voice of the lord of the word of the lord calling his he said the father said it to me he was standing by the throne in april he said it right to me give me the vessel and i will finish this thing you think i'm not going to proclaim that what an invitation what do you think guys you think satan's standing by twiddling his thumbs oh that don't mean nothing it means everything to him right in this room's enough people right here to start start an avalanche god's able to start an avalanche don't you think chris right in ohio or right over in franklin right here in bandler right over in tennessee ridge they're on a ridge anyway you might as well have an avalanche don't you think mike god's able to start an ambulance with one little pebble one man one voice one person says yes and god's like i'm going to use you to speak to others that i'm calling to be messengers i'm going to use you to speak to some it will confirm and some it'll snatch them right out of their present condition and shake them to reality of call that's what's going on i can tell you with certainty that people are responding because i'm in contact with a number of them and have been there's a response going on across our nation amen can you say amen to that there's a response going on you think satan doesn't fear that so the tables are turning that we are talking about the turning of the tide and satan knows it evil is going to reach its climax at the coming of the lord its end amen so this dispensation's comics can be in our time if we if we are willing to become the vessel of the testimony the sons and daughters of god god's son i'm moving a little further i actually got to page three but if we don't if we allow satan to rob god of that vessel if we allow doubt if we allow fear to cause us to shrink back if we allow the voices of the mockers to turn us aside i can tell you this for certain it is by the word of the lord that i'm proclaiming what i'm proclaiming for me it's not well i think i'll start saying talking about this has nothing to do with that i was forced into this now i went willingly but are you going to say no no i'm not i already know what people are going to think do we really care it's what god thinks that matters there's going to be mocker settle that in your heart show us the promise of his coming and the word of the lord to them is you forget this fact markers it's the same passage there and peter same thing by the word of the lord the heavens were created by the word of the lord he calls the vessel out makes it ready and returns what a surprise isn't that great self the word of the lord initiates this thing he calls to us come out to me under this purpose make this vessel be a part of the making of this vessel of the testimony of jesus and i'll finish this that's what's going on satan will never win there will be a people of such love what love john 17 the same love father that you have for me they'll be a people of that god love and of the dedication shown by christ himself because of christ filling them the love of god unto the father that love and that dedication unto god will be in that people guys we were made for this to love him firstly to love him supremely to be a people of the name to be sons and daughters of god to be a people of the testimony satan won't be able to stop them once they're ready satan can't stop them the delay will be off can you say amen to that revelation chapter 10 the seventh angel comes with the seventh trumpet read it it makes a divine pronouncement i had the father bring this up to me he's the reason i'm saying to you just so you'll know now i've read that many times but when god brings and it was the father when he brings it up to you in direct encounter it's a little bit different how you see things here's what that angel says before he blows the trumpet there shall be no more delay god the father said it right to me said you want that terry with all that is within me i'm telling you from the lord from the father from the godhead i'm telling you we're invited into that divine moment there's something else about it tell this to the messengers don't say it publicly though it is a must it's what was said to me by the father you have to eat the scroll read it in revelation 10. john is required to eat the scroll ezekiel was in chapter 3. and the scroll is the same scroll that jesus alone is worthy to open we would call it the book of revelation but it's a bit more than that even but it is the end john has to eat that scroll of the end ezekiel had to eat a scroll now it wasn't the end it was though an end in the sense of god was about to rise and do a work in his time that you know really people weren't going to appreciate because it was a work of judgment and discipline did you hear that and so there was a bitterness to it so what it said sweet as honey in his lips bitter in his stomach and for us messengers we're gonna have to eat the scroll you read ezekiel chapter 3 verse 14 ezekiel went out with bitterness to preach the message in anger that's what it says what yeah he would just unknown some anger thing it was the anger of god being expressed to an unrepentant people a people not willing to repent he told him right up front like look this is a stubborn stiff-necked people i'm not sending you to people who don't know your language i'm sending you to people who are familiar and they are stubborn and stiff-necked towards god himself and toward his voice what do you think sam a stiff-necked stubborn people towards the word of the lord they mock instead of bowing and responding rightly they mock tell me we're not in that time anyway so there will be a people that will emerge by spiritual birth it has begun they are emerging emerging not by born again the first time but by spiritual birth unto a testimony it is a testimony that birth is occurring the testimony of jesus which is the spirit of prophecy is being birthed in our time that's what's going on it has begun god has opened hearts therefore opened the womb an open heart is an open wound womb not wound a womb he has opened hearts therefore he has opened the womb for a spiritual birth of people that will come out we will be the testimony of jesus that is so long been told foretold of by the prophets the very spirit of prophecy the prophet spoke of this vessel in union it was foreshadowed and foretold it was typed christ's testimony was throughout the scriptures all the way back to genesis 3 15. you'll bruise his heel and he'll crush your head all the way up to the present he fulfills all that he has wanted and sought for in this vessel of the testimony that the creation has been longing for anxiously waiting comes to fruition sons of god and daughters of god have come the vessel of the testimony is there divine representation the exact representation of jesus his actual body in actuality and reality is upon the earth again he's seen so much delay we have forgotten about what he wanted and in the delay we've allowed the secondary to become the primary and we have lost that which is a primary importance and that which will bring the end and nothing else will witness he will have his witnesses they will finish revelation 11 7 they will finish the testimony and he will come things will move swiftly to an end so god's end will see his beloved son seen an actual living an actual living of his life a people who embody christ as their life it's a corporate vessel though small it may be it'll be there thus bringing the fullness of christ to bear in their time showing a resurrection christ-filled organism so that god's eternal manifold wisdom may now not only be demonstrated on this earth but to all intelligences throughout the entire universe that's ephesians 3 and what paul said through the church the manifold wisdom of god will be made known to the heavenly intelligences the entire universe ephesians chapter four that christ may feel the entire universe i just expanded the vessels bearing and what god's after with it it doesn't end in the book of revelation it begins evil dies the testimony lives on to the rest of the universe god finally has the wife the bride the vessel that speaks of her husband and who he is what he's like by the living of his life in front of them unto the entire universe it will not only be heard it will be seen first the earth then the universe so though small filled with christ makes all the difference not the number the possession the measure of christ let's read it in ephesians let's go back to that let's see it again in the prophetic scriptures that's what it's called it's what peter refers to the scriptures as the prophetic scriptures so i'll end with this aren't you glad [Laughter] oh boy this is ephesians chapter four and i'm jumping over to jumping down excuse me i'm jumping down to chapter four verse number 12. for the equipping of the saints for the work of the service to the building up not the building the building up christ does the building i want us to catch that christ doesn't the building but the building up that is christ is life and his word that encourages of the body of christ listen to this verse 13 sam until it's just like the then word see it let's see the prophetic scriptures here until we all attain this vessel to the unity of the faith here he's giving he paul is giving again specifics about that vessel the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god that's an intimate word knowledge there sentiment it's a word for intimacy it's not just some theological thing it's not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it's being spoken of it's the tree of life that you eat isn't that something of course it is it's eaten therefore it's intimate it comes within makes it intimate to the knowledge of the son of god to a mature man see it see the vessel it's not childlike anymore it's mature the testimony of jesus and fullness is a mature man sons and daughters of god just bringing it together sonship has occurred to the measure listen to this description to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of christ can you see that that's describing the vessel of the lord that he's after until until he gets it he's not coming until it's present the end is not yet delay delay delay we've had enough delay our response means everything we cannot speed or hasten the day of the lord in any other way than our response our choice our yes our submission our obedience to be to be joined to be one in life with him to be his testimony now in the earth made readied to be that testimony with the time that we have so that's what's before us i'm going to stop here with this final statement god's end therefore will see his beloved son seen testified to in actual living of his life terms in a vessel through a vessel embodied within and among a corporate people thus bringing the fullness of christ to bear in their time showing this resurrected one to be the messiah long promised to be god's son there will be a group of people revelation 12 verse number 17 speaks about them who keep the commands of god and hold firmly to the testimony of jesus though that testimony be sealed as it was with christ by the spirit of god and suffering and with blood the vessel will be there so we're going to close right there we'll pick back up on this whenever i share next just want to go back before the lord in prayer lord you answer the question what is god doing right now it is of eternal plan your wish is to form to ready to conform the vessel of the testimony sonship not simply children but sonship to be realized a mature man and until that vessel is upon this earth delay will continue we're asking for our own hearts in this matter and i'm asking you to go ever deeper in me in us and all who listen and all who will listen deep lord a call out to all leaders all leaders wherever you are all leaders in the body of christ i call out to you before it is too late bow bow to the known and declared will of god right out of the scriptures bow now do not delay do not mock do not continue in the the secondary when your call is to the primary and to the person do not go another step forward but instead in the way you've been going but instead come outside the gate of the city come outside come outside come out to him leader may we not be guilty by what we feed the people of delaying his coming come outside may we lose quickly man's will man's hopes man's desires man's plans man's way of building way of establishing way of doing the things and activities of god and may we become a part of the mystery that the world can't even understand called the church may we not fear people may the fear of man not rule us whether that be others or ourselves ruling over this decision we ask you lord to continue what you're doing even now you have begun it thank you that the word of the lord has come and a people are coming out a people lord at your summoning to be the vessel that you're calling forth that people that are to be the mystery body of christ that the world doesn't understand does not recognize cannot control a body that's not in the control that man's hands are not upon it at all but it is by the spirit of god alone yes lord we ask for that mystery that body of christ's mystery the reality of by your spirit alone it is obvious lord in the first john paul it does not yet appear what we shall be but i know this about it it is a mystery not an organization a living christ organism a body not created by man not built around man's plans man's hopes ben's ministries man's giftings man's purposes man slant man's doctrines or any such things but it's by your spirit and it is in the life of christ himself and we say amen and yes and amen and yes and we say yes and amen to the will of god so be it amen so be it lord so be it in us so be it in a people so be it in leaders call to leaders again lord call to them summons them out of the confusion of of our own minds and their own hearts and their own past and their own giftings and their own callings and call us out to you lord we'll never come on to clear hallowed ground until we come out to you we'll never come out of the confusion we'll never come into the doctrinal disarray we'll never come out of the mocking until we get out to you we'll never stop being the cause of delay until we get out to you and this thing will never stop being delayed until you get the vessel out to yourself and we are ready lord we are ready for a wedding let's just say it to him i'm ready for a wedding i'm ready for love's final completion the final things out of this body and with the lord forever and ever and ever we are ready for the wedding make us ready lord make us ready that ending lord we cry out for that perfect ending joined forever to the lord one forever with the lord john 17 jesus prayed it that they may be one there's that vessel again lord one with you one life one people one testimony many lord but one testimony one voice one life one purpose we cry out to you lord that we may be we may be your people may be across the nations made ready for the vessel of the testimony that finishes this dispensation with the return of christ yes lord yes yes lord too much delay i'm afraid it's brought a lethargy and a blindness and a deafness awaken me lord awaken me awaken me awaken me deeply by your spirit to your invitation to your eternal declaration the spirit of prophecy right in the scriptures the prophetic scriptures the testimony of jesus awaken me i would not be blind i would see and behold you to inward and outward eternal transformation of christ in me christ through me through each and all of us listening all who are still within the sound of your voice lord now is the time and the invitation time to come out to be made ready to become the vessel of the testimony in the end of time this lord move by your spirit as only you can with deep conviction deep conviction that drawing of you that summonsing of you your voice your word calling to us we bless you lord that we've even been allowed to hear i thank you that you would speak to me lord to others to myself to one who's so deaf that you would speak one who's so blind as i am you would show your will by showing yourself i thank you i thank you thank you lord we can have ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the church bless you lord you're worthy son of god you are worthy worthy to have exact representation on and in this earth in and through a vessel of your testimony that fulfills every prophetic voice that has ever spoken's word you're worthy lord you're worthy i weeped lord grieved that it's taken me this long this age my age lord to come to see what was clear in the scriptures all along and i would have never seen it but that you father triggered it by your voice by your word so blind am i that i could not see it didn't even know to pray for it ask you for it to be a part i thank you i have only one boast in this and it's in you lord i would lord we would as your people that your voice be stronger and stronger and stronger and grow ever stronger to dominate our hearing firstly and foremost not what the media says not what satan says not what christianity says not what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is giving out but the word of the lord that breaks the cedars of lebanon break me free of that nonsense and let us become those who hear your voice follow you obey you your voice contradicts all other voices for they contradict your voice and your voice will break them in time lord and they'll be revealed to be the nothing that they are the word of the lord stands forever it does not decrease nor diminish with time thank you lord thank you lord thank you i bless you lord well guys what a day to be alive in huh what an invitational time that we should live to see such a time and live in such a time it's beyond blessing isn't it may god keep that inward fire that he is shut up in our bones so to speak inwardly it's going to take it with the battle that's going to rage him being greater a greater fire than the fire we're going to face outwardly may the fire that he is within us be greater than every fire we face outwardly amen because all the outward fire will pass the inward fire will never pass only consume us isn't that what we want that's called oneness of life his fire is a life we figure that out haven't we his fire is a life the living life that he is so we thank you lord what's going to increase will forever remain and what we lose will be forever gone we say yes and amen to it and count it all as nothing to the surpassing greatness of knowing christ amen [Music] so [Music] you know more stretched out over time [Music] my arms are free as i were like a bird from the ground my heart [Music] races [Music] to the side [Music] i am no longer [Music] [Music] the air around me is new [Music] my face feels so much differently from this view [Music] i breathe the breath the baby breathes when born [Music] my life seems so much simpler than before [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] angels whisk about me as i smile [Music] praise comes out of me [Music] the throne room before my eyes appeared [Music] from laughter my heart is here [Music]
Channel: Messengers of Shiloh
Views: 2,811
Rating: 4.8773007 out of 5
Id: 2WoDFzgmP6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 59sec (8579 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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