What Should The Church Be Doing Right Now? Pt4 - Joe Sweet

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i'm going to spend uh three or four minutes recapping a few things that i said in prayer because uh it needs to be reset if you weren't here for prayer this morning you missed a few things and it's important so we can have understanding of where we're at right now what god wants what does god want have you ever thought do you think about that do you think what does god want or do we just think what do we want from god do we think i wonder how god will bless me i wonder how god will use me or bless me or do we ever thank god what do you want what will bless you sometimes we forget the bible says in revelation chapter 4 that all things were made by him and for him he created everything he holds all things in existence by the power of his word jesus christ is the center of the universe he's the center of all creation he made everything and everything was created for him now he's not like us he's perfect selfless love so he created us for himself he created us to know him to be loved by him and to obey his commandment which is to love him back with all our heart and to love everyone so he's the center of all creation and the more that he becomes the center of our life the healthier we become mental illness is nothing more than self-centeredness sure there can be things that happen sins injuries traumas but we become self-centered everything becomes about us the more self-centered we are the more ill we are the more christ-centered we are the more healthy and whole and free we become he's the center of everything and our we're to live our lives for him not for us one of the sickest things that's infiltrated the church is perverting the gospel to make the gospel for us the gospel isn't for us it's for jesus it's for him to have a people for him to have a people that love him back and that do his will and god so designed us that when we do that we become the happiest and the most fulfilled than we could ever be infinitely more than if we choose our will that's how god's designed us god's designed us to know him love him and live for him in fact jesus said if any man loves his life he's going to lose it he said but if you'll lose your life for me you'll keep your life this is a foundational very basic it's the very beginning of the gospel the very beginning the first step when jesus saw multitudes following you you could read it in luke chapter 14. i wonder sometimes of when i read the bible i envision it and i try to put myself in there think what is the lord thinking what's going on i wonder if he looked at the crowds read luke 14 sometime and thought to himself they don't get it the bible says he's walking great multitudes are following because of healings and miracles and signs and wonders the lame walking and he turned around and he said to them huge crowd if any man wants to come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me whoever loves father mother brother sister son or daughter more than me it's not worthy of me you can't be my disciple that's not a church growth message that's a disciple message and the the reality is this if we think the gospel is for our set for our satisfaction now please don't misunderstand me when we do it his way we become infinitely more satisfied than we could ever be by seeking our satisfaction we were made for god he's the only one he is the only one that can scratch the itch that's inside of us he's the only one that can fill the void he's the only one read what solomon wrote solomon had everything the most money the most women the most gold the most palaces the most food the he had everything the most servants and afterwards he was upset he said i was greatly displeased he said i saw it's all vanity it's vanity it's vanity it's empty we were made for jesus and one of the saddest things that could ever happen is for people to become satisfied with his blessings but not him it's a scary dangerous place to be that's where the laodicean church was god loves us and he wants us to be blessed he wants to give us everything but he can only do that safely if he's everything first when he is our first love when he is our life he not ministry not christian stuff him when he is our all in all god can then safely give us all of his kingdom but the moment we love something even his stuff even ministry even doing stuff for him the moment we love that more than him without realizing we've fallen from grace into idolatry i am the lord beside me there is no god and we're god's brought the body of christ to a place right now where he wants to make some serious adjustments and bring every one of our hearts back to look right in his face say lord you're my all in all and we need his help to do that because every one of us is subject to weakness we're subject to distractions our willpower is not enough we need the grace of god and god knows all that about us and so in his goodness from time to time as we walk with god he chastens those who he loves read hebrews it says every son every daughter that god receives every single one everyone that he loves he chases because we're too weak and too dumb and too blind at times to know what the right thing to do is and we're too easily distracted and god loves us too much to let us walk off in our idolatry and in his love he'll bring us back he'll bring us back he'll bring us back until he's the first love and when he's first love he'll give us everything and the moment we start to love his blessings we're in danger enjoy his blessings don't pursue him don't go after the blessings don't go after go after him so that's i didn't plan to say any of this it's just coming out of my belly right now it's not in my notes so god wants to bring us to the place where he's all in all and then from that place when we love him and he gets all the glory we know when we're in a place where we know jesus you are the vine i am the branch apart from you i can do nothing when we know that when we know lord not only apart from you can i do nothing without you i am nothing i'm nothing more than a created being who only has a capacity for sin if god were to take his grace and his holy spirit from me the only thing i can do is sin all we are are vessels that can receive his grace and receive his mercy that's all we are it's all we'll ever be if god fills us with his spirit he renews our mind and our soul and christ starts living in us which is god's goal for every one of us we're still nothing apart from him he's the beginning and the end he's the first and the last he's the all in all so we have to understand that so when jesus told his disciples unless you deny yourself the number one hindrance to the kingdom of god filling me in you the number one hindrance to the kingdom of god filling the body of christ filling america is not the devil it's us jesus didn't say if anyone wants to follow me let him bind the devil and follow me here's what he said if anyone wants to come after me let him deny himself the biggest hindrance to the kingdom is me and so that's where christian that's this is christianity 101 this is the starting point for following jesus not that what i'm talking about is not the deep things of god this is the first beginner 101 beginner discipleship class that's what he said to the people they were inquirers they weren't even disciples yet multitudes we we heard about the miracles let's follow this guy he said okay you guys want to follow me deny yourself take up your cross come after me why because he knows that if we obey if we believe him and obey him that process is going to cause the old man to shed in the new man to come forth amen and that's what he came that's the abundant life he came to give is the life of christ in us praise god so with that in mind let's go forward into today's message if god loves us and he does the greatest blessing he could give any person is himself the greatest thing that could ever happen to a believer is to be filled with the holy spirit and to be able to walk in such a way that we can maintain fullness every day that's the greatest gift if we have god we have everything of course now you've heard me say this for months you're born again you're washed in the blood your sins are gone you're a new creation all of that but god wants to bring us to a place where we're actually walking it out i shared this it's a little bit of a repeat from prayer time and from friday on prayer so if you heard it please bear with me it's just a few moments but melinda and i were listening to rick joyner i've been aware of and followed his ministry since about 1989 that's a long time 30-some years and um in november before the election he was caught up in a to heaven in a face-to-face visitation with the lord jesus here's what the lord said he said if the election goes the way that you want it to and the church does not have a an awakening he said the church will be in worse condition than it is now now that right that right there tells us a lot in other words god's saying the church isn't in good condition right now so we think we're in good condition maybe now please i don't want anybody to get condemnation this message not about that this message is to try to get us to see ourselves the body of christ and god's will from his point of view not from down here our point of view god's more interested in the church being full of the holy spirit full of love full of the gifts full of power making disciples setting captives free healing the broken heart he's more interested in that than who's in the white house who's in the white house is important but not as important as the church house and that's what the lord said to his disciples in acts chapter 1 will you lord at this time restore the kingdom to israel he said it's not for you to know but you should be filled with the holy spirit and power and be my witnesses to the end of the earth so he's saying yeah that's important the government's important but that's not what you're to focus on you're focused on what i called you to do get filled with the holy spirit and go make disciples and as we do that the government will change back in 2009 i was i went away to a cabin for three days to fast and pray and i didn't go to pray about the usa usa wasn't even on my heart i just felt this unction to get away i told melinda i have to go away i just have to be alone with the lord for three days i'm gonna go fast and pray and just wait on him and i did during that time i had august 2009 i had two prophetic dreams they were both about the usa well the first dream was showed me that the obama administration would take the powers of the government abuse them and turn them against our nation this is years before they came out and said they've weaponized the irs the doj and the fbi i saw it in 2009. he showed me that what was said in motion by the obama administration would be so destructive to our nation it would bring our nation to the brink of death as a nation we're there right now he also showed me that in that in that lowest point when it looked like our nation was in the death throes do you realize who's in the white house right now imposters that are puppets being told what to do by those who hate god and hate america on the first day started to do their best to advance abortion destroyed jobs let illegal aliens go free give free citizenship to guarantee themselves a perpetual voter base on the first day it's very serious time god's more concerned about the condition of the church than he is right now about what's going on in fact that was allowed that was allowed to humble us i spent uh i was on the phone about for about half an hour with my friend from india last night who's a prophet that you know and we got to talking about the con condition of the church in american election here's what he told me he said i was in singapore on inauguration day i was watching the inauguration and right before they got up to swear biden in who's not our president he's not our president we have a thief in the white house donald trump is still president he's in exile he said i couldn't take it anymore i turned a tv off and i went in my room i felt so sad for the usa and he said i decided to go pray and seek the lord and ask him how he felt what were his thoughts as he was waiting on god he said i was caught up in the spirit i was caught up into into heaven and a heavenly messenger begin to speak to him and tell him he said as absalom stole the throne of david in a similar way this has been allowed to happen to donald trump david's throne was stolen david went into exile he said in a similar way this has been allowed to happen and the purpose is to humble the church and to humble the president for if the president was allowed to go right into the office the church would just continue on walking in pride but now i've allowed this situation to happen to bring the church to a place of brokenness and humility before me and as they go to this place of brokenness and humility from there i will make the church shine with my glory now there's a true word of the lord there's a true word of the lord i know there's others that have said we could see trump get back in the office and maybe that's true and i hope it is but if it is it's going to be after he and the church have been humbled so there's no more we've made the greatest economy we've done this we've done that i'm not i don't believe god is done with donald trump i believe he's god's man he's god's choice but just like david had to go through a season where he was exiled how many know god was not done with david david came back he didn't tell me that trump will be back in the white house i hope he is i've heard others say that they've seen that i hope it's true but but that's not the most important thing the most important thing to god is the church and if hard circumstances will bring the church to the place that we need to be so that god can refine us sanctifies purify us and pour out his spirit like never before than so be it because when the church gets full of the holy spirit and the river of god starts flowing from the church and cities start turning to christ how many know that when half of san francisco gets saved the government in san francisco will change when half of los angeles gets saved the government's going to change when half of when people that are now involved in all kinds of corruption get saved our nation's going to change now that one dream was i was showing what what the previous administration would do against our nation i was also showing at the lowest point of our nation the spirit of god fell on our nation and brought a resurrection but it was a resurrection of righteousness and holiness then the second dream i had while i was on that three-day fast was i was asked i was in this dream i was kneeling down in my room praying there was a knock on my door i oh i said come in someone opened the door they said we're from the white house this is back in 2009 the previous administration they said we've been sent by the white house to invite you to come there's going to be some ceremony you know how the they might have some kind of ceremony and every now and then they'll have sort of like a token preacher there and they'll say a prayer in a few words he said you've been asked to come and do that for this event at the white house so i thought well we really want to see our government change okay i said i'll come and i thought to myself this is good maybe whatever we say or pray can help change the government to be more righteous that was my thought he said a driver will pick you up so a few minutes later a driver picked me up from the white house it's back in 2009 i got in the car as he began to drive toward the white house he broke every traffic law even going up on the sidewalk i remember holding onto my seat being afraid and thinking to myself this person is completely lawless which was this which was showing me how that administration was how many know we look back now how much corruption and lawless this then halfway to the white house i looked at my clothes now i don't remember now what they were but i do remember this they completely didn't match it's almost like i mean it was like i had polka dots and stripes my shirt and pants did not match and halfway there i told the driver take me back i need to go back and change my clothes but and then you can take me to the event and i woke up here's what the holy spirit said he said the church wants to change the government but the church has to go back and change first when the church changes then i'll give them influence over the government we're there god gave us four years of grace didn't he i still believe god has a good plan i still believe god's not done with the church or with donald trump i don't know how it's all going to work out but i know this what god wants is us to humble ourself and seek his face on a whole new level i i'm not asking you to do anything i'm not doing now god is so dealt with me i'm in a mode right now i'm not putting a number of days i'm not saying i'm going to fast for this many days or i'm going to seek god in an extraordinary way for this many days there's no number i'm just saying god i'm going to seek your face now like i have never done in my life and i there's no number out there it's not a number something's going to change and i'm going to encounter god in a whole new level that's how how long will that be will that be 10 days or 70 days it the days don't matter the process the the event the encounter is what we're going after and i know that it's god's will for all the body of christ right now to enter into that kind of mindset right now if not now when if not us who if not here where this is it and so when my wife and i were listening to rick joyner on november 1st he was caught up and the lord told him if the election goes your way and the church does not have an awakening they're going to be in worse condition than they are now meaning we would be like the laodicean church they did not know they were lukewarm why because they were blessed sometimes the greatest curse is the blessings they were blessed and their assessment of where they were with god was based on the blessings they had here's what they said i'm rich i have need of nothing let me paraphrase the economy's getting better we got the right party in the white house the walls going up life is good we are blessed there's nothing wrong with that god wants to give us that if our heart is right before him he wants to give us that it's not either or we can have both if we have the priorities right and god came to the church that he loves he loves the laodicean church and he said you that's your opinion of yourself but i love you and i can see how you really are i'm going to tell you what you're you're like that's what he said to the lyrician church he said you're naked they couldn't see their nakedness and you're poor where's the tongues of fire resting on our heads where's the lines of people lining up on the street waiting for someone to walk by for their shadow to fall and heal them where's the 3000 added to the church in a day where's whole cities being shaken by the power of god where's government trembling trembling before the church saying those people that have turned the world upside down have come here now where is it we can't see it we lost sight of it because we were blessed so god said you're naked miserable poor you're wretched and you're blind and god of the seven churches of asia minor that god addressed jesus christ addressed each church he gave he didn't say you're lukewarm get out of my way he said i love you as many as i love i correct and then he gave the lukewarm church the greatest promise of any seven churches he said if you'll overcome meaning overcome lukewarmness if you'll overcome you can sit with me on my throne is that the most mind-boggling thing you've ever heard that god would say to to men and women sinful men and women lukewarm people people that he said i feel like vomiting because you're lukewarm that god would say i feel like vomiting because your present condition but i love you so much that if you'll repent and overcome i want you to sit on the throne with me if we'll make jesus our first love and that means now how do we know that he's our first love jesus told us how to quantify our love for him john 14 21 and 14 23 he said whoever keeps my word whoever keeps my commandments that's the one that loves me we're we're sent into this world not to try to scrape out the american dream for ourself we've come down from heaven like jesus did to do the will of the father who sent us we have been born for such a time as this this church has been put here by the grace of god every one of us is here by the grace of god i had a visitation from the lord jesus christ on march 10th 1986. he walked into my office he showed me things he told me things god's will for this church is that he'd pour his spirit out and shake and rock the entire city and that it spread from church to church to church and from state to state the fire of the holy spirit i've seen it i've seen it so rick when he was caught up on november 1st the lord told him that about the election then he told him this the answer rick for the church is still second corinth second chronicles 7 14 if my people will humble themselves which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven i'll forgive their sin and heal their land he said but rick the church still has not done that and he said very few are seeking my face he said more prayer is going up from the church now than ever before but most of it is for their own needs very few are seeking my face and even fewer are turning from their wicked ways and i said right then to my wife i said oh god help us we want to be individuals we want to be a church that will give god what he wants god i determine right then god i'm going to seek you with all my heart remember a couple sundays ago the prophetic encounter that bobby connor had and there was a storm where we're seeing a storm of socialism now take over the nation it's wickedness john finn who's a true man of god he's got a house church movement had a visitation face to face with the lord not too long ago before uh i'm not sure it was november december and the lord spoke to him about the spirit of socialism in 2004 when he saw the cary bush election going on he said lord i'm seeing something different the democratic party what is it he said it's the spirit of socialism it can be slowed down but it won't be stopped he told that back in 2004 he came to him just recently again before it was i think at the end of last year and told him what i told you about in 2004 he said now two waves of socialism are going to come on the usa he said the first one will happen on inauguration day how many know that's happened he said it'll last for less than a year until the vice president takes over he didn't say if the vice president taking over meant she would officially become vice president or just do it behind the scenes so god's allowed us people have been talking about the red sea he's allowed the church to get into a red sea moment we got the mountains on this side we got this on that side we got pharaoh's army behind us at the red sea in front of us and how many know it was god that set up his people that way yes he did so that they could look to nobody they had nowhere to look but to the lord it's a god set up and god's plan now how many know that god used the egyptian army to bring his people to a place of humbleness and total dependence on him and when they got in the right place then god was done with the egyptian army and drowned him in the sea god uses our enemies to discipline us and get us to where we need to go so the wrong prayer is get those guys out of the white house get the right people in that's the wrong prayer right now i'm not praying i'm i'm not saying we should never pray that or that's not the the number one prayer the number one prayer is god get us your church in the right place help us lord to go to a lower place of real humility purity and obedience before you god you're not done with donald trump give him the grace to be humble to fear you to give lord make him a man that will give you all the glory how many know right now nobody has any power except god the god-hating left and that includes the rhinos republicans name the the god hating corrupt they've they've taken over all three branches of government they're deeply embedded if anything we learned from the watching the last four years and what just happened in the last from november to january we've just discovered the deep state corruption is deeper and farther and wider than we ever knew they've taken all three branches of the government they've taken over corporate america they've taken over big tech amazon facebook youtube twitter they've taken over the media we're surrounded on all sides and it's a perfect time for god to pour his glory out on the church of jesus christ and god wants to and he will but he's got to do a work to get us in the right posture before him that's where we are how many believe i'm telling the truth give god glory god help us [Applause] so i say that the greatest hope is set before us the greatest door the greatest time to be alive is right now i now i i believe if we'll cooperate with god and i believe we're going to we're going to come through the red sea and there's going to be rejoicing but we've got to do it god's way so i'm going to talk to us for a few more minutes that was my introduction i have more to say are you willing to listen god told ezekiel he showed ezekiel what the house of god should look like then he told ezekiel i believe it's chapter 43 he said ezekiel show the house to the house of israel and if they're ashamed he said then show them how to do it in other words there's times where god wants to come to the church and say hey everybody let's all take another look what is the house of god supposed to look like and if we're ashamed we drop to our knees and say god help us and god will help us i said god will help us see here's what happens when god pours out his spirit what we need what i'm after by by the grace of god i'm going to encounter the lord face to face and have a life-changing encounter or die so you're either gonna have here's one or two options for this church your e in the next it's not going to go that long because you can only go so long you can only your body can only go so long if you're fasting or seeking god we're either going to have a funeral up here and they'll show pictures of and they're we're all going to remember pastor joe or we're going to have a revival those are the two options [Applause] and i believe we all need to have the same attitude i'm not interested in going back there's nothing to go back to god brought us to this red sea moment so here's what it looked like in acts chapter 2 verse 1. now if you read acts chapter 1 120 obeyed christ the 120 was a remnant jesus ministered to multitudes he appeared to over 500 from the dead but only 120 obeyed him god always uses a remnant it was getting 300 that god gave victory to so 120 had been in the upper room how long they been there 10 days when the day of pentecost had fully come acts chapter 2 verse 1 they were all with one accord in one place god help us to be in one accord suddenly everyone say suddenly see nobody knew it was coming they didn't know when all of a sudden suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting i've thought of this over and over i'm telling you if that happened in this place the fear of god would hit your bones if the wind of god began to blow audibly in this place we'd all dive to the floor fill the whole house then there appeared as to them divided tongues as of fire and one sat upon each of them they were all filled with the holy spirit began to speak with tongues as the spirit gave them utterance there were dwelling in jerusalem jews devout men from every nation under heaven and when the sound occurred the multitude came together and they were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language they were all amazing marveled saying to one another look are not all these who speak galileans how is it that we hear each in our own language in which we were born parthians and medes and elamites those dwelling in mesopotamia judea cappadocia pontus in asia phrygia and pamphilia egypt in the parts of libya adjoining cyrene visitors from rome and jews from and proselytes cretans and arabs we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of god so they were all amazed and perplexed saying to one another whatever could it mean when we had our medean women's conference here a couple of years ago during worship and we went into some spontaneous singing and worshiping in tongues a woman was here from another part another state in the usa she began praying in tongues the woman next to her in the aisle was a woman that came to the conference from the middle east she came up afterwards and testified she said while we were in worship the woman next to me an american woman that doesn't know my language she said i speak arabic well she spoke in tongues it was perfect arabic prophesying to me and here's what she said and something to this do you remember the testimony tina she said my daughter persecution is coming to your country fear not be strong i'm with you in perfect arabic others mocking said they're full of new wine but peter standing up with the eleven raised his voice and said to the man of judea and all who dwell in jerusalem let this be known to you and heed my words for these are not drunk as you suppose since it's only third hour of the day nine in the morning but this is what was spoken by the prophet joel it shall come to pass in the last days says god that i'll pour out of my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams and on my maidservants and men's servants i'll pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy so what happened when the church was filled with the holy spirit here's what happened there was a mighty rushing wind there were tongues of visible fire they were speaking in tongues that could be understood by other people from other languages there was a supernatural boldness peter who denied the lord three times the servant girl who kept the door he denied the lord to her standing around the fire warning himself he denied the lord again he denied the lord three times he wanted to love god with all his heart but he couldn't because we have to be full of the holy spirit to be able to do it and that's how we are we wanted we want to evangelize we want to go out and preach we want to cast out devils but we can't we're too afraid we're not full of the holy spirit enough we don't have the boldness but peter stood up with boldness and he said you by lawless hands have crucified the prince of life he preached under an anointing a supernatural conviction came while he was preaching the bible says they were cut to the heart when the spirit of god is poured out and god anoints it the word of god cuts people in the heart and they're converted conversion is not something we can do i can't talk someone into it if i could the devil can talk him out but the holy spirit can cut their heart that's what it means to be filled with the holy spirit supernatural conviction supernatural harvest a church of 120 that morning the church in jerusalem was 120 people that evening the church was 3120. what a difference one day can make one day filled with the holy spirit gets more done than 20 years not full of the holy spirit then persecution followed when peter and john went up to the temple at the hour of prayer they weren't going to have a miracle service they were doing what jesus said he said my house should be called a house of prayer on their way to the prayer meeting the man at the gate beautiful was born over 40 years old lame never walked crippled from birth you know the story they say he asked for alms he said silver and gold we don't have but what we do have we give you in the name of jesus rise and walk is it true that maybe we have money but not power they didn't have money but they had power and then they were arrested peter and john were arrested they were threatened the government began to tremble at the church somebody help me why am i reading this because god wants to see it because he wants me to see my poverty he wants us to see our poverty because until we see it we won't dive to the floor and they went back to their own after being persecuted they lifted up their voice to god with one accord they said lord you're the god who made heaven and earth a sea and all that's in them who by the mouth of your servant david has said why are the nations rage and the people plot vain things kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers were gathered together against the lord against his christ for truly lord against your holy servant jesus whom you anointed both herod and pontius pilate with the gentiles and the people of israel were gathered together to do whatever your hand and your purpose determined before to be done now lord listen to their prayer when i say the church can't pray this i'm not talking about you as individuals but the church in general the church in america can't even pray this prayer because the church in general doesn't even have a burden to win the lost they could only pray this prayer because they loved god with all their heart and they knew that his commandment was to go and preach and make disciples and they knew that the way we show god our love is by obedience because they loved god with all their heart and they wanted to obey him they were driven to prayer these are the same people that were filled with the holy spirit in acts chapter 2. don't say we cannot say i've been filled with the spirit i speak in tongues i have gifts happen in my life listen a one-off feeling is not enough if you're phil wants we need to be filled again tomorrow feel the next day filled the next day and filled the next day read ephesians 5 it says be be says be filled in the greek it's ongoing continuous tense it says be being filled continually with the holy spirit so the same people that were filled in acts chapter 2 knelt down and prayed again they here's their prayer look on their thread and grant your servants with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching out your hand to heal that signs and wonders may be done through the name of your holy servant jesus so their burden was god we are determined to obey you we're not able to preach the gospel they're threatening us we need supernatural boldness god if you'll start stretching out your hand with miracles and give us boldness we can do what you told us that's what we have to do now watch this when they'd prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken they were all filled with the holy spirit they spoke the word of god with boldness now the multitude of those who believe were of one heart one soul neither did any say that the things that he possessed was his own but they had all things in common and with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrects of lord jesus and great grace was upon them all so what happens when god pours his spirit out this is what do i need from god more than anything right now i need god to give me a fresh filling of the holy spirit god's more desirous to give it to me than i am to ask him for it the reason he requires that we hunger and thirst and humble ourself is because our heart has to be in a certain posture before him before he can pour his spirit on us if i'm not hungry he's not going to pour the spirit out on me god will not pour himself out on people that could take it or leave it he will not if we don't value and treasure his presence he will not pour his spirit out until we see and recognize jesus your spirit is the most precious valuable important costly greatest blessing any human could ever have until we understand that and we begin to desire and say god i want to be filled with all the fullness of god until we have that hunger he's not going to fill us that's why god that's why jesus said blessed are they which do hunger and thirst they shall be filled now what happens when god pours his spirit out romans 5 5 the love of god is poured into our heart this is a supernatural love it's not me mustering up human love it's a supernatural love and that's what i'm asked now we all if you're born again there already is supernatural love in your heart but we need more we can have more i want more i'm going before the lord i'm gonna i'm asking god to help me i'm asking i know this i can't even humble myself on my own i can't i i can't even make my own heart broken over my condition i can't even do that i have to kneel down and just wait in this presence not to say god god please break my heart god my heart is so hard i can't even break it lord i can't even humble myself i can try to be humble i can i can try but god unless you illuminate me with your holy spirit unless you convict me and move on me lord you're the one that can humble me i have to ask god humble me humble me lord break me break my heart it's a work of god's spirit it's not something i i can't just say i'm going to humble myself and get full of the holy spirit no i can't do that it doesn't work i would say god i want to humble myself i can't i'm only capable of pride but god if you'll help me god is going to help me lord you can break my pride god if you'll help me you can break my heart god i want my heart to be broken before you god bring me to the place lord do whatever it takes do whatever it takes bring me to the place that you can fill me with fresh fire that's what we have to do we can't just pray louder and claim it but what happens when god pours his spirit out number one he fills us with the love of god isn't that the greatest thing on the earth mona is every do you think the greatest thing that could ever happen to any of us is god fill us with his love why do you think it says when they were all filled with the holy spirit they shared all things in common they just got baptized in love all of a sudden everything instead of going well he can work it's his own problem what's wrong with that guy here's 20 bucks you figure it out yourself when the love of god comes on he's like oh brother let me help you come on it happens to us when we come to worship god you come to church your heart might be a little bit stale and you know you start worshiping god and start getting in his presence how many have had to happen you close your eyes you're worshiping jesus the holy spirit starts to fill you then you open your eyes and everyone around you looks different you look across a room and go god that person is so awesome god that person over there is so awesome that person's so beautiful what happened what changed me i started getting full of the holy spirit this is a supernatural love bobby said the lord told bobby in that encounter from two sundays ago if you miss it the message is called what should the church be doing right now part two he said come the lord said come to me and ask me for my heart and i'll give it to you and then give my heart away and the more you give it away the more of my heart i'll give you the first thing that happens when we get a fresh filling of the holy spirit is god baptized us in love the second thing that happens i'm not saying these are in any progressive order i'm just enumerating them is love casts out fear and that produces boldness when we're full of love we have boldness god give us that then the next thing that happens is when we're full of the holy spirit is a river of power starts flowing signs and wonders were happening then it brings in supernatural harvest and the bible says not doesn't say grace was on all the church it says great grace was on all the church and they didn't even seek god to meet their needs they didn't ask god to bless them they didn't ask god please help me with this do this for me they asked god will you please give us what we need to obey you amen anoint us to obey you god said i will and when i do it's going to make you have the best life you ever had because you're going to get full of jesus and every need was met among the people they were in one accord they had great grace upon them god's bringing us to this place so i think i'm gonna have to save the rest of this for another time but what we have to do i'm going to try to wind down here we have to read second chronicles 7 14. i'm going to read to you if my people not the democrats not the republicans not the politicians if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven i will forgive their sin and i will heal their land the verse just preceding this in second chronicles 7 god said if i send locusts or a plague or a pestilence god said if i sin that if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways god said i'll hear from heaven i'll hear i will hear from heaven i'll forgive i'll heal the land i will hear i will forgive i'll heal the land how many know that it's never too late or too hard for god to reverse wickedness now i believe in christians being the salt and the light getting out there voting go get on a school board christians run i believe in all that but if that's what we're going to really rely upon that's too little too late they ain't going to cut it we're surrounded all they've already taken over all three branches of the government taken over our universities taking over big tech taking over corporate america they taking over the media they hate god and they hate the church the only answer is holy spirit fire now lord willing i want to i please give me just a few minutes to try to close now this is an important part humble ourself i said that a few minutes ago we please don't make this mistake because i've made it don't just think you can kneel down and say okay god i repent of every proud thing i'm humble now and i'm i'm humbled now lord come on okay lord i'm humble it doesn't work like that to humble ourself we kneel down one of the best ways to humble ours there's two good ways to humble ourselves number one is fasting ezra eight i proclaim a fast there at the river of ahava that we might humble ourselves before our god to seek him the right way for us and our little ones and our possessions fasting is a great way to humble ourself before god fasting helps us to put aside all other loves all other distractions and turn our hunger just toward him now another way to humble ourself before god is waiting on god waiting on the lord god throughout scripture uses waiting on he command his people wait on me because it humbles us how long do we wait until we're humble see waiting before god so so kneeling down and say god i purpose and i'm going to ask you to do this i'm asking every person who can hear me and everyone in this building will you please sincerely go before the lord and ask him lord do you want me to fast and if you do what kind of a fast because i'm not going to tell everybody you all have to fast it's up to you i mean if i could i would but i don't think that's the right way to do it the right way to do it is to ask you you can hear god if you do it because i said you're just going to resent me you do it because you prayed and god told you to but but don't not ask the lord ask the lord kneel down and say lord do you want me to fast how long should i fast what kind of is it one meal a day is it liquids is it eating every other day i know a pastor who fasted he ate every other day for over two years he fasted every other day for over two years and god used that time to really bring him closer to the lord so number one that's how we humble ourself number two waiting on god listen to this wait on the lord be of good church and he will strengthen your heart wait on the lord our soul waits on the lord he is our help and our shield so it's not like okay i humble myself i'm praying where's the glory no it's like lord i'm gonna fast i'm gonna humble myself and now i'm gonna wait here i'm gonna wait as low as i can i'm gonna get as low as i can and wait there waiting says god i am not able to do anything they that wade upon the lord shall mount up with wings as eagles god will lift them up he says wait on the god he'll strengthen your heart wait on god he'll save you wait on god so this is how we humble ourself watch this rest in the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes for evildoers will be cut off but those who wait on the lord they shall inherit the earth wait on the lord and keep his way he will exalt you to inherit the earth when the wicked are cut off you shall see it god will cut the wicked off if we'll humble ourself and wait on him and now lord what do i wait for my hope is in you i waited patiently for the lord and he heard me he inclined to me and he heard my cry i wait for the lord i wait my soul waits for him in his word i hope i wait on the lord who has hidden his face from the house of jacob and i'm hoping in him and it will be said in that day behold this is our god we've waited for him and he will save us this is the lord we've waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation so when we humble ourselves by waiting god says i'll hear your prayer i'll save you you're going to rejoice i'm going to lift you up i'll cut the wicked off but waiting is one of the ultimate acts of humility i can't make it happen i can fast that shows i'm hungry for god i can and then i can wait and during that waiting time i'm going to ask the lord lord will you move on my heart will you break my heart change my heart do whatever you want but lord i'm not getting up from this i'm not talking about literally physically i'm gonna kneel down but i mean i'm not gonna get up from this posture of fasting seeking and waiting on you until fire falls on the altar that's how you get a breakthrough it doesn't a breakthrough doesn't come from staying at the same level i'm at and hoping something just changes look to me all look to me and be saved all your ends of the earth for i am god and there is no other so we're to seek god's face we're to humble ourself pray and seek his face when we look at someone's face we can tell what their mood is we look in someone's face we can tell what their feelings their emotions are when we look at someone's face that means we're ready and able to hear what they have to say so that's what god says when he says seek my face god's saying find out what i want find out what i feel find out what i like listen to my voice and when god makes his face shine upon us we'll be full of the holy spirit seek his strength seek his face for evermore well i could go on and on i that's a it's for another message i just want to say this at this point god's brought us to the best place we could ever be i'm i'm so thankful god didn't let us get our way but i believe if we'll give him what he wants he'll give us our way but i'm still not focusing on that you know ponder this jesus was born under a corrupt government as an infant mary and joseph had to flee to egypt to keep him from being slaughtered by herod his whole life he grew up under roman oppression his whole ministry was under persecution and an evil government and he was able to completely fulfill the will of god with signs wonders and miracles and and birth the kingdom of god on the earth so i want the government to get better but it doesn't have to get better for me to fulfill god's will it doesn't have to get better for america to be saved but i believe america starts turning to god god will bless our government amen praise the lord so here's here's what's in closing and there's going to be more please come to a wholesale group this week get together with the believers and worship god and break bread together the word fellowship and pray together but i'm going to ask every person and again i'm not i'm we're in this mode i've never i've sought god before many many times i've fasted praise but i've never felt like i have right now it's my 43rd year year of being a christian i just feel like personally and i don't think it's just me i think it's the whole body i just think by the grace of god he's made me realize it we're at a do or die moment and i believe god is ready to do god's more ready to pour his spirit out and shake this city than we are let us just give him what he wants so i'm asking every person to do two things ask the lord lord do you want me to fast i personally believe that god's calling people to fast there may be some exceptions maybe you have health exceptions i don't know ask him to show you how to fast how long what to do and then ask the holy spirit to help you carve out make a high priority every day of time on your knees alone waiting on god waiting like this god do with me what you want do to my heart what you want soften my heart talk spend time reading the bible in prayer and waiting and just say lord i'm just looking to you i'm not able to to anoint myself i'm not able to do it i'm looking to you i'm looking to you and we're going to stay i promise you if as a body we'll do this it's only a matter of time till the fire falls then what happens deuteronomy 11 it says we will have the days of heaven on earth come on how many know when the holy spirit is poured out it's the days of heaven on earth stand to our feet let's pray lord we present ourselves to you lord you know everything that we said and did you've been in our midst and among us all morning lord we're asking you for your grace god your grace would fall upon every one of us and lead us and guide us each one of us lord into the secret place draw us lord closer to you lord during this time of seeking fasting waiting on you god you would break things off of our lives that have been hindrances but god you would do work in our hearts god you would soften us change us illuminate us and have your way with us god we want to be your body filled with your holy spirit your fire your love your boldness and your power god bring us to this place we we trust you lord we we believe lord that you desire this more than we do that you're ready to meet us give us the grace to cooperate we ask in the name of jesus and if you agree with that say amen [Music]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 10,554
Rating: 4.8756475 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: pDgo8WHVGG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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