Bruce Allen - August 29, 2021

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[Applause] it must be the anointing god bless you thank you so much thank you pastor joe and melinda for inviting us please be seated oh you could stand it doesn't i've threaded that many places in the world i'm going to sit and make everybody else stand for two hours [Music] okay that went over well anyway and again i you know i i've got to introduce my beautiful wife reshma she's put up with blessed been blessed by me for 20 years are we good okay can you hear me praise god so we have some texans here huh did you bring any tex-mex [Music] a whale it's good we've met haven't we yeah yeah good to see you guys again praise god well the subject he wanted me to talk on was promise of the third day and back in 1999 the lord you know we've heard about especially during the passover season or easter about third day you know he's gonna be resurrected on the third day but in 1999 something struck my spirit and the lord drew my attention to the third day and he said i want you to start in genesis and go all the way through revelation and study the third day you're going to find not only revelation but a pattern that will play out at the end of the age and so i did that and i uh taught that a number of places and the lord said write a book well the devil didn't like that it took five years to write that book because you'd get it on a hard drive the hard drive would disintegrate you get this and on and on and so this has been a labor of love but you know when god gives a revelation it is always unfolding to a greater extent than ever now here's where we have to start ii peter 3 8 says that a day with the lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is one day in psalm 90 you find that it says that a a thousand years is as you know a night watch it's it's time to god is vastly different than what we understand the ancient hebrews taught and still teach in israel today that the first adam was only given a 6 000 year stewardship on planet earth remember when god spoke to noah and said to noah you know my spirit will not always strive with man for the number of man's years should be 120. so immediately in our finite western thinking we we point directly to 120 years i want to live that long well that's okay but have you ever seen anybody who's 120 years old okay you'll figure that out that's great if that's your passion and desire in your faith but i'm telling i want i would rather have 20 years of of consistent walk and kingdom advancement and doing the work of ministry than 120 years of nothing [Music] and so what they were talking about was this that when god spoke to noah he said the 120 years is actually shimita cycles 50-year cycles so 120 times 50 is 6 000 years they said and they understand this to mean that the first 2000 years or two days were the days of chaos what does that mean they were without torah the second set of two were the days of the law the torah and the last two days or 2 000 years were the days of messiah and so they had to revise their standard of understanding this because they said well messiah didn't come but we know he did so these last two days of messiah have been the church age now at the end of the church age depending on upon the calendar you want to study the enoki encounter the feast calendar i could go down to six or seven layers but really if we have study the jubilee calendars and cycles and we really do an in-depth study we have crossed the line from the sixth day into early in the morning on the third day from where jesus it's the third it's early in the morning on the third day from messiah if we go back four thousand years from jesus to adam then we progress forward we find out we're also early in the morning on the seventh day we're transitioning into this new season three is the number of maturity completion and covenant promise fulfilled that means that every covenant promise in this bible will be fulfilled on this day now if you just meditate on that for a while and recognize that god chose you for this hour that's overwhelming and then seven means maturity completion covenant promise fulfilled so we have an overlap of these two profoundly prophetic days that we are walking in right now and it's a transition season because we're early on this day so we begin in genesis chapter one as i was going through these passages again i haven't really gone through these scriptures for uh quite some time in regard to the third day the lord as he always does began to reveal new things it says that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was was formless and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of god was moving over the surface of the waters so the very first mention we have of this cosmos of this world was darkness isaiah 46 10 says that god declares the end from the beginning so it started in darkness at the end of the ages darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the people everything in scripture is cyclical jesus was in heaven came to earth went back to heaven and you could go on and on throughout scripture so god's solution to darkness via the holy spirit he said light be that's what it says in hebrew not let there be he didn't ask permission he just said light be darkness fled at the end of the age the lord told me this just a few hours ago next week rosh hashanah days of atonement and the feast of trumpets next week holy spirit who has been brooding over the darkness that has been increasing in this hour is about to speak light be [Music] and those of you who are in christ will arise and shine [Music] that's isaiah 60. what does it mean then when he says light be that means the real you the spirit man the man clothed with light as with the garment is about to come forth as a living sign and wonder but as a solution to the darkness that's pervasive throughout the world today you've heard it i've we've we've been we're part of the online church here amen okay doesn't mean much if you're not here but so we love watching the service you know of all the services we watch on we've watched online over the years just because we like to do that throughout the week this is the one place the worship actually sounds good i'm just i'm serious it's awesome it's anointed [Music] and so we're in a season that something's about to spring forth something is shifting drastically and might i add this too the lord gave us a revelation some years ago on the first fruits offering of the barley the wheat and the grape this fall harvest is the grape this is the hundredfold blessing especially now that you're giving to the needy if you give generously more than you usually do into that feast principle first fruit harvest at the end of the age or this fall feast this is one of the ways god will sustain you in the days ahead amen and we have heard tremendous testimonies around the world so as you're considering what god wants you to do next month to give to the poor and the widows and that let me let me provoke you and challenge you do more than you ever have before and you will see a miracle in your own life now we're not doing this so we can receive we're doing this based upon biblical principle anyway so god's solution to darkness was light that's you now in verse 9 it says then god said let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place and let the dry land appear and it was so a little bit further on you find out that man was created from the dust of the earth on the sixth day right okay so we see a separation of dry land from waters or a separation of flesh and spirit a culling if you will of the wheat and the tares on this day god is doing a work in the hearts of his people and he is separating the chaff from the wheat and that's why so many in the church are confused because you know the church as usual that many of us got used to in the past was a lot more comfortable because it catered to the flesh but the lord's not allowing that anymore that's why you're in a good place you're in a good place you're a forerunner church not only did he separate the dry land from the waters but do you know during that continental shift where all of this was taking place there was upheaval in the earth what's the sign we have today over 100 volcanoes are going off right now [Music] in the last three weeks there have been i think it's up to 14 don't quote me on that but it's close 14 7.0 are greater earthquakes when that used to be maybe one a year where plates are shifting they have a rift in china they say there's pardon me africa they say africa is separating and they you can see it you have unusual weather you have sinkholes happening all over the earth and you know what's interesting science has found and proven that there are four major bodies of water underneath the earth just one of them is larger than all the water on the surface of the earth and when they find these sinkholes even just the most recent was in kentucky a sinkhole opened filled with water they tested the water it was salt water that's because the plates are shifting because of what's happening and it's coming to the surface so all of creation right now is groaning or interceding crying forth that god would release mature sons and daughters jesus yes [Music] beginning and you'll find this all throughout scripture then god said let the earth sprout vegetations plants yielding seed fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them and it was so so this is a time also of seed time and harvest you know it's been interesting how over the last year and a half of this pandemic that the lord has provided for his people supernaturally [Music] resham and i for 20 years of our marriage that's all we've done is travel now we're locked down that was nice being home anyway and you know what we never had a care it's not our mo to ask people for things we don't do that and god took care of us and took care of us and took care of us he's a good god and he will take care of you you don't have to worry about these things so it's a time of seed time and harvest now let me tell you about seed time on harvest the last thing i ever equate seed time and harvest to is finances i got tired of that gospel many years ago it there's an element of truth but seed time and harvest are acts of kindness words of encouragement and love speaking forth truth you know what you sow with your mouth is what you're about to reap be very aware of what you're speaking because it will affect you greatly in the near future now i can't go into depth on every one of these because there's so many passages so i'm going to jump around a little bit is that okay in genesis 31 just a quick one verse 22 it was told laban on the third day that jacob had fled now if you study end time theology at all or eschatology the time of jacob's trouble and on the third day jacob flees in other words we're in a season at the end of the age where all of these prophetic scriptures are about to come to pass yes watch what's taking place with prayer and discernment you know it's fascinating to me since my early days as a christian i would and i worked at tbn in the 70s paul and jan loved to have eschatological teachers on pre-mid and post they just they believed one way but they wanted to you know give everybody a chance and each one of them was so compelling you were like the first day oh yeah the next day it was like yeah yeah so i got confused i said lord who's right you said you really want to know when i'm coming back i said please he said i'm coming back today and that scared me to life i said what do you mean he said today's all you got isn't that what my word says you live every day like i'm coming today you'll be fine amen [Music] and so i noticed over the years as once in a while i'd look at these these eschatological teachers their theology would change based upon what's happening in israel in other words it's not an exact study there's a lot of hidden miss the last one the the newest one is afghanistan yep that's the start of ezekiel 38. what well that's okay next week it'll be different and i'm not picking on them let's fa thank god they're even willing to pursue that and study but you need to hear god for yourself you live every day like this is it this is all i've got father i want to honor you in this day because this is the day you've given me and you'll be fine and so that's the way we try and conduct our lives leviticus 7 17 says the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice must be burned with fire on the third day present your bodies a living sacrifice unto god which is your reasonable service and on this third day god's gonna remove the remainder of the flesh so that you and i can come forth as mature sons and daughters getting warm in here i hope so the truth is the prophetic significance of god's word we don't even begin to comprehend it one of the things the new things the lord showed me just this last week he said when i spoke light be encased within those four or let there be light in your bible encased within those words those four words was all of the physics all of the necessary building blocks of all of creation in four words and yet we make assumptions like i know what the word says no you don't you have a facet nobody corners the market on what the word says you have a facet of truth because if one word from god created all of this in the physics that sustains all of the creation really scientists thank god for scientists but you know what they're not even close to understanding they'll admit that that's why they study and research and study but one word from god word from god did this boom our god's awesome he's amazing now in exodus 19 and 20 i love this passage and again i can park here for days it says verse 10 1910 the lord said also said to moses go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow and let them wash their garments you know that's one of the favorite things i have about tuning in to shekinah is joe's passion to see a people conform to the image of christ [Music] you don't see that too many places and he doesn't do it by talking he does it by leading amen and the lord has been using him just like this to consecrate a people that they would wash their garments prepare themselves so in this passage the prophetic picture is for 2000 years two days since jesus he's been preparing us and saying wash your garments and let them be ready for the third day for on the third day the lord will come down on mount sinai in the sight of all come on i wish i could see jesus well pull yourself out of your lip trip and you know talk and stand up and say the word says and i believe amen amen now this has multiple levels of revelation i'm going to jump ahead early in the morning on the third day matthew luke mary went to the garden tomb and jesus wasn't there now she's distraught she looked around she looked back in and here's two angels you know she wasn't too impressed with the angels read it her passion was jesus and because her passion was jesus angels were there there's a key for you and so she said please wherever you placed him they said did he tell you listen he's not here go tell his disciples and she come out she's weeping and crying and she looks and there's a man she thinks it's a gardener now think about that she's the one who helped take down his fractured body carry him to the tomb dress him in his grave clothes and lay him down she watched the whole ordeal and there he stands and she doesn't recognize him how can that be because she had a theology that was contrary to revelation that can't be god because we know when the messiah comes he's going to oust rome and he's going to set up a kingdom and so our finite limited thinking removes us from the reality that comes through revelation you're not to be led of your mind you're to be led of your spirit there's nothing wrong with an intellect that's sanctified and yielded to christ that's why theological schools today are deadly because it's all intellect the vast majority i heard a pastor recently say you know when i went into theological training i went in with my full bible when i came out i had nothing left but to cover because it was all intellect and they reasoned it all away be careful what you listen to so she's seeing a man she thinks is his garden said please please tell me where you've laid him and he said mary boom her eyes were open now in the hebrew and the aramaic she went to grab him but he said don't touch me the reason why was he was the high priest he had gone through purification now he's ready to go present that holy sacred blood on the altar in heaven had she touched him he has to start again but see her cry of passion on the third day opened her eyes to know him amen even in the midst of one of the most profound moments in the history of earth the redemption story of the putting his blood on the altar the lord is responding to passionate people today not you know mundane whatever don't ever let your passion wane if you need help setting yourself on fire ask somebody to help you but hold on to god now another thing happened on that morning jesus christ is the word in matthew it talks about how the the pharisees had put a guard on the tomb they wanted to hide the word keep it away from the people so they could not gain revelation and they would lose their influence amen so they had a guard placed in the seal of caesar if you broke that seal it was a death sentence but early in the morning on the third day was an earthquake more in a month now than they used to have in 100 years did you get that there's more earthquakes in one month now than they used to have in a hundred years an earthquake angelic visitation the seal that's trying to keep you from the heart of the word of god the revelation is broken and that stone is rolled away and the word himself came forth revelation not only that the fear of god struck those guards and they fell over like dead men at the release of the revelation of god in this hour the fear of god is going to be very prevalent it's going to be very prevalent when god visits it's not a happy clappy wonderful isn't this great oh he those days have been wonderful in the past but we're in a serious time now the lord told me many years ago the last great move of god will consist of holiness purity and the fear of the lord how many of you know especially in our western cultures we need that we have no concept we're about to be introduced to that back to exodus let them be ready for the third day verse 11 for on the third day the lord will come down on mount sinai in the sight of all the people so you will set boundaries for the people not this loose structure we've had greasy grace that's not a boundary that's licensed to sin there's got to be boundaries part of the boundary is you've got to know who you are in christ you are a servant then a friend then you can become a son and then you become the bride i don't have time for all of that today but you study that four major covenants the first covenant is the blood covenant servant it's the only covenant has to be renewed every single day what i got to get saved every day yeah well usually not in the way you're thinking you need deliverance or salvation out of some problem every single day something but no what it means is you be quick to apply the blood of jesus in repentance that's the covenant it's got to be done every day the next covenant is is the salt covenant or friendship god initiates all of these and they're not on the same day by the way the third one is the sandal covenant or sonship that's where you receive your inheritance jesus was 30 years old when he did that's when god proclaimed this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased now he's walking in his inheritance the last one is the bridal covenant each one of us is invited to be the bride revelations 19 verses 7 and 8 says the bride makes herself ready weaving the garment of bright linens clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints so if you're not doing righteous acts you're not weaving a garment that's why the church that sits on their blessed assurance he's not the bride matter of fact i got to say this because some of you look confused holy spirit asked me what i learned in bible college anybody who's saved is the bride holy spirit woke me up one day and said who's the bride don't wake me up in the morning who's the bride of christ and i'm thinking while my professor said it's the church he said get your bible god created man and he said it's not good that man be alone he needs a manager no i mean a wife and so out of his side out of the side of average the first adam he took a rib and he created his wife holy spirit said did you notice we didn't clone adam i said yeah but in the mouth he said genesis 24 boom abraham is the type of god the father sent aliaser his lead servant whose name is means helper and comforter back to his family and from his family brought the bride he didn't bring the whole family and he started taking me through scripture he said you have an opportunity to be the bride but you're not immediately the bride that's not scriptural holy ghost bible college but you can study that on your own beware that you do not go up on the mountain or touch the border of it whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death flesh will not stand in the presence of a holy god and if we try and put our hand or our fingerprint or our ministry name or our reputation whatever it is on what god's about to do it's not going to be pretty what god is releasing in the earth today is sovereign and we need to keep it sovereign amen every past move of god i used to love studying every past move of god matter of fact in our generation we've had a few the smithson pensacola toronto other places and every time i wanted to go the lord kept telling me no no i drove right past the front door of pensacola he said no i said why he said i don't want you influenced by a birth pain [Music] every one of those things and look at there's nothing wrong with going there that was for me but every one of those moves was a birth pain we're always looking backwards oh that move we want that again no you don't because all of them are leading up to the greatest awakening the world's ever known the greatest awakening starting next week rosh hashanah atonement feast of trumpets there is a major shift in the spirit realm do you know one of the seventh day passages in luke 13. jesus healed the lame man in the church on the sabbath the seventh day now the sabbath you're the temple do you know it's it's common it's it's god's the lord's practice to visit the temple on the seventh day you're the temple it's the seventh day you should have an expectation of of interaction with the lord face to face every day because what you focus on you will connect with amen and you know it's him it's god that wants to initiate this you just have to be willing so he comes into this synagogue and the pharisees are looking to accuse him are you going to heal somebody in here jesus told the man stretch forth your hand instantly restored that speaks of service by the way you know within every one of us there's an intrinsic hindrance through things we've gone through in our life we were talking this week about hidden sins or hidden hooks throughout your life that you've gathered that you don't even realize you have but it's got to come by revelation so you can be free so how do we get there father show me if there be any hidden thing within me and so his hand was released to serve god to the full extent of what he was created to and immediately the pharisees got angry religion doesn't like reality they like the facade they have built they're puffed up with pride in their intellectual acknowledgement of what they think the word says but jesus said the son of man is lord of the sabbath jesus christ is the lord of this day now he's the lord of every day but i'm telling you there is an imperative here that we've not had throughout all the cairo seasons on earth that's why at the end of the age is going to be the greatest healing movement of all time and you know what some of it might even be through preaching but he came to the temple that's you and he sovereignly brought forth healing you know who the pharisee is you that worldly thinking that religious thinking that we have to deal with and cast down so that we can receive the revelation of the kingdom that's why we always have these arguments no hand shall touch him but he shall surely be stoned or shot through so see anybody that puts his hand on what god's about to do no hands gonna touch him it's gonna something's gonna happen so moses went down from the mountain to the people and consecrated the people and they washed their garments here's a clue we've been honored to know our brother sadhu who has been one that's been a forerunner in going up before the presence of god and bringing back to the people that which god is saying yes do you know what actually happened in exodus is is when moses saw the burning bush he went to the burning bush the lord said take the sandals off your feet now again a picture of a sandal covenant is inheritance now you're about to mark your inheritance take your sandals off what was his inheritance go back to egypt and bring forth a people inheritance isn't bling it's not money it's not houses it's not cars it's people so he he took the sandals off his feet you know from that day on it says the people saw the pillar of fire but moses saw the pillar of cloud because they had not yet had an encounter with god who was a consuming fire they had too much flesh left but moses who had been in the fire spent time with god face to face he saw the cloud just they studied that out a little bit and so they were terrified they said no no you go out and talk to him we're more than content to be living by the flesh following our own dick but you tell us what he says so the lord finally said tell them not to come near me they're not ready and it will kill them the preparation of the two days the 2000 years is so that we are prepared to meet god face to face so again in verse 15 moses said to the people be ready for the third day now in this short passage of scripture there's four or five instances where he says the third day that the in the mouth of two or three witnesses his word is established all throughout the bible he's been saying prophetically this is what's about to happen on this third day early in the morning this is your portion are you going to be those who are going to be able to go up the mountain and meet him face to face or are you going to stand too far off the vast majority of the church is going to stand far off because they have not yet been to leviticus 7 17. the remainder of the flyer the the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day must be burned with fire we must be purified washed in the blood offering up our bodies as living sacrifices amen oh no then it says in verse 16. it came about on the third day when it was morning here we are that there was thunder and lightning flashes a thick cloud upon the mountain and a very loud trumpet sound you ever looked on youtube and all over the earth are hearing the sounds of trumpets they don't even know where it's coming from pay attention now we can do some scientific digging and you know there's there's uh magnetic things going but you know god doesn't do anything by accident all over the earth people said what is that it's trump it's like a trumpet it scared some christians something like did i miss i'm still here [Music] but this trumpet is get ready because the lord's about to visit amen we're about to have the great awakening all the people who were in the camp trembled verse chapter 20 verse 18 all the people perceived the thunder the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking when the people saw they trembled and stood at a distance the fear of god this is holy don't touch it then they said to moses speak to us yourself and we will listen but let not god speak to us or we will die that's sad but it's true moses said to the people do not be afraid for god has come in order to test you oh great that's what i want is another test no see at the end of the age is the final test in order that the fear of him of god may remain with you so that you may not sin so what's about to happen is this the invasion of the presence of god it's going to test you what's it going to test your flesh who you really are what you truly want to be and god's going to remove what's necessary to remove another seventh day scripture in luke the woman with the uh infirmity she was bent over she's bent over so jesus comes to the temple that's one of you one of us in this case it's it's in the feminine gender here's this woman bent over can i know wise can't lift herself up now she's not praying she's minding her own business this is normal life but we're talking about the condition of her spirit and jesus said woman you're loosed arise and instantly she came to full stature full stature i said lord why was she in that condition he said the number 18 18 means corruption defection disintegration at some point in her walk with god there was a seed that entered in and she began to no it began to corrupt her which caused the disintegration to take place in her spirit man see unforgiven we go down the list unforgiveness bitterness a disintegration now she's unable to become who she's called to be the full stature the god created but on the third day in the seventh day jesus says you're free so many of your loved ones who were lost in bitterness and in the world who had once professed jesus but have turned away are about to have a visitation [Music] he's a covenant-keeping god and so many of us are going to have the same visitation whatever area of your life that's been in bondage you don't even realize it's just normal he's about to set you free [Music] god you're good god you're good let's look quickly at i'll touch on this briefly numbers the third day in the seventh day numbers 19 verse 11. the one who touches the corpse of any person should be unclean for seven days so if you're gonna continue to touch or mingle with that which is dead dead works dead religion okay that's the prophetic picture that particular person shall purify himself from uncleanness with the water on the third day you cleanse yourself by the word of god amen and on the seventh day both days and then he will be clean but if he does not purify himself on the third day in the seventh day he will not be clean we need to move away from dead works dead works now you have to identify in your own life what those dead works are ask god [Music] i i mean i've heard i can hear this people say well how do i know just ask the lord you know what might be a dead work for me might not be a dead work for you because we're walking in different things but god wants to purify us and cleanse us because you have a profound destiny he brought you here on these days third day and seventh day and you're called to be set apart unto god you know just recently he gave me a revelation let me let me say this in 1989 when i was in the army i injured my lower back pretty severely so i wasn't able to do the physical stuff that i once could and and uh they said well it's okay you can still stay in you know i said no i don't feel right how am i i stand with my brothers and sisters no and so the first response to that was lord by your stripes i was healed i'm standing on this word and i thank you two years ago december while sitting in my office reshma was visiting with somebody ministering somewhere i think i'm by myself watching what was her name anna werner on sid roth she got a word of knowledge the lord says if you've ever had back problems you just stand up god's going to touch you and i i usually don't do this i but something knows me do it okay i stood up instantly the presence of god came into my office and i began to tremble and weep and all pain vanished [Music] [Applause] when i was done with all of that you know the lord said when were you healed i said when i took your word lord and stood on it he said that's true he said however what you don't understand is i'm the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world i've always been healed yes provision was made for that before he started amen and so the devil tries to bring that back at times and he said to me just give it to me so i said lord here comes that pain again he's trying he said give it to me i said lord it's your body i give you this pain gone see i don't want to carry it anymore how about you give it to him hallelujah then it says in chapter 19 of numbers verse 19 the clean person shall sprinkle on the unclean so sprinkle on the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day and the seventh day he shall be purify him from uncleanness so you are called to bring purity wholeness cleanse others also you have a ministry you have a ministry and a calling we've done this all over the world for years rashma and i we ask people how many of you are in ministry here and you know you see a couple hands go up i said okay thank you i said let's go to the gospels we go to book of romans i want to preach a salvation message and they get confused i sorry you're saved how many of you have a ministry a couple pastors i said no you're not saved if you're born again you have a ministry it might not be up here but see what we've cultivated in the church performance audience instead of servant equipped this is called to equip you to do what you're called to do [Music] amen brother thank you [Music] you're you have a ministry and it's just as valid as any person standing up here if you fulfill what god told you to do we have to understand this we need each other can the hand say to the foot i have no need of you no again it says in numbers 31 on the third day and on the seventh day you shall purify yourselves now let's jump are you getting this yes one of my favorite first samuel chapter 30 david ziklag said it happened when david and his men came to ziklag on the third day ziklag means press down shaken together luke 6 38 pressed down shaken together and running over on the third day he came to this place and you know what he found the amalekites had made a raid and took everything and burned the city on the verge of the greatest blessing the devil came in and stole it that's where some of you are right now your response is the key not only was david grieving for the loss of his wives and his his family all the men were and you know what the david had an added burden because he's the leader and so they immediately turned on him it's your fault this didn't work pastor it's your fault we're always looking to blame somebody else so this is what david did yes david who was greatly distressed because of the people spoke of stoning him he said to abathar the priest please bring me the ephod so abbath brought the ephod to david and david inquired of the lord first he comforted himself in god see there it's only a two-step process it must be a texas thing he comforted himself in the lord he didn't turn to other people he didn't lament he didn't whine he didn't complain immediately he turned to god and then he said now bring me the ephod and this is what he said now you gotta understand dave is a man of war he knows how to fight he's laid siege he's won victory after victory after victory the key to every victory was this every time he went to battle he said lord what do we do he did not presume to do what he did last time because this is a different day so he said lord shall i pursue and overtake and the lord said absolutely pursue and overtake for without fail you're gonna regain everything you lost plus spoils this is the third day if you comfort yourself in god if you receive a strategy from heaven without fail amen you're going to have everything restored to you plus the spoils we have watched this happen time and time again we've watched it happen you know there's a there's a responsibility to a revelation released to an individual we have to walk it out so reshma and i have been living these things out and we have seen god do amazing things in our life the first thing we always do is turn to god we comfort ourselves in god you know i i don't mind you oh you poor little thing you no i don't want that thank you for your heartfelt sentiment but i want to hear from god he is the comforter then i want a strategy from heaven because i know that on this earth i'm in a battle i'm on the battlefield some of you were in the military some still are you know what it's like you don't quit you don't sit down and say it's too hard today i'm not gonna fight and then what happens to your buddies there you get overrun no you don't quit you have no option but to continue on so you comfort yourself in god and you receive a new strategy for this day and god without fail without fail without fail i'm hearing right now there are some in here a couple of people you had your inheritance stolen from you even in business comfort yourself in god well that was some years ago it doesn't matter now you have a strategy comfort yourself in god ask for a strategy and without fail you're gonna see everything restored plus the spoils or we can say the interest get ready we see in first kings chapter three solomon wisely judges the difference between the two mothers you know the story they both have babies one rolls over kills her baby sneaks the other woman's baby she goes to solomon and solem listens to him and you know this is what happened she stole my baby in the middle of night because she killed hers and and solomon looked at him and says okay cut the baby in half and give each of them half the baby and the one lady said yeah that's a good idea i wouldn't want that mother and the other the real mother said no no no let her have the baby solomon said okay give it to the mother the one who said no no no let her have it in other words even in simple things like that we find it simple because we're reading about it but god is releasing wisdom in this hour see there's a one there's one here in us greater than solomon greater wisdom greater riches greater anointing greater greater greater if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of god because on this third day he's pouring it out he's pouring it out amen thank you lord hallelujah hold on stop on i'll stop on this one because i'm having fun but second kings chapter 20. second kings chapter 20. in those days hezekiah became mortally ill and isaiah the prophet the son of amos came to him and said to him thus says the lord set your house in order for you shall die and not live can i get a second opinion i don't know if i like this prophet yeah and he turns around and walks away thank you very much so hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the lord saying remember now lord i beseech you how i have walked before you in truth and with a whole heart and have done what is good in your sight and he wept bitterly or in the hebrew there was a pouring forth of intercession and before isaiah had gone out of the middle court see this is how you know isaiah was a false prophet because the first word didn't come true not ridiculous anyway the lord said go back and tell him he's going to live he turned right around i love these stories like this because it shows us how we're to conduct ourselves i didn't hear isaiah argue about god you know my reputation his servants just saw this and now you really lord no he said yes sir remember this in this day you have an audience of one only one the rest is superfluous it doesn't matter you have an audience of one that's the one you please remember now oh lord okay this before isaiah had gone out of the middle court the word of the lord came and saying return and say to hezekiah the leader of my people thus says the lord the god of your father david i have heard your prayer ah you got to pray in church here god's heard your prayers yes no you don't understand this has been a peak beacon of prayer and intercession and god is heard there's about to be an explosion [Music] [Applause] i have seen your tears and i will heal you on the third day you'll go up to the house of the lord i get to go visit he didn't say he's going to die no i'm going to heal you so you can go up to the house of the lord and i will add 15 years to your life triple grace or in the new covenant great grace and i will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of assyria and i will defend this city for my own sake and for the name for my servant david sake this is what the lord just spoke to me was reading that elder's been telling me for years not only will he corporate step into a congregation in resurrected bodily form so everybody has an encounter he's done this a couple of times but corporately he can take you all up to the house of the lord at once the lord has been praying preparing this body as forerunners with all that's been taught with all this god's been investing in you by the spirit you're called to be forerunners and what's about to break loose some of you has been difficult some of you is out of curiosity but every one of you is here by divine appointment and there's about to be a transition from this reality as we know as usual to kingdom reality even while i was standing here this morning jesus was standing next to me said you know i'm with you i said lord you're always with me he said no this is something important i want my people to receive i'm with you so that i can impart this into them they have to know what i've called them to in the hour in which they live so father i do pray this that you would release them into corporate encounter and i thank you that you have heard their prayers and it's not only gone up as a sweet smelling savor lord but it stands as an example in the courts of the king of what your heart is so father bless them with your heart for this group this people and may they be the light in this valley we thank you father and so i'm giving you 15 more years then isaiah said take a cake of figs they took it laid it on the boil and he recovered now hezekiah said to isaiah i've never understood this what'll be the sign you mean i prophesied and he sent me back what's the sign he's no different than we are isn't it interesting jesus said at the end of the age a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign we build whole movements on signs wonders and miracles and we chase from conference to compass to see the next sign and wonder okay i'll leave that alone what will be the sign that the lord will heal me and that i shall go up to the house of the lord on the third day isaiah said this will be the sign i'm going to redeem the time i'm going to do a quick work that's the prophetic picture the time the clock the sundial go backwards we you know we were with brother uh neville one of the last times we had together he was talking about redeeming the time and to him redeeming the time was the way he explained it to me was that everything every past opportunity that you missed every shortcoming you had when you believed you could have gone further every lost opportunity when god redeems the time something will shift in you and around you as if all of that was never lost to redeem the time means to bring the fullness of stature in a moment with what you thought you lost god's going to redeem the time between you and your loved ones that you separated from amen god's going to redeem the time in your life of lost opportunities yes lord thank you the lord's about to redeem the time lord i wish that i got saved years earlier you know god doesn't make mistakes he doesn't make mistakes but to redeem the time you're going to be doing more in a short period of time and you could have all your life not because of who you are but because of who he is amen i'll tell you a quick story as i close i was back east ministering reshma was at home with our grandson and um another brother there had asked me to come and speak at this conference which was a couple of days away i said no i no no i finished what i came here for i want to go home he said no we really want you to come i said pastor you've got your international speakers that flew in you've got a program laid out i don't like that word i like the leading of the spirit and they were going to dedicate their their building and they're going to ordain do all the so they had dignitaries there like i think as a congressman or a senator and mayors and all saved and unsaved i said no no i said why why do you want me you got this guy he's the one who wants you i said what are you talking about those lord said just say yes and i'm arguing now with two people i said but god and obviously i didn't win i said fine what do you want me to do well he really wants you to come and share before he gets up because you bring the glory i said what are you talking about everybody walks in the glory the lord said be quiet and listen well that's not how he said it to me but you know i'm just being real and i said okay what do you want me to do he said we're going to give you 15 minutes i got 15 minutes to bring the glory anything else you want i was dumbfounded i didn't know what he was talking about the lord said just say yes i said okay pastor i'll be there and now i'm going okay lord what are we doing instantly i'm no longer in the hotel room i've told you part i think i've told part of this story before i'm standing in emptiness i'm just standing there and the lord said take that garment off i'm thinking he's talking about my shirt my mantle you know i said okay and i went like this and light came out and i went i said what is that he said take the garment off so i gingerly took the garment off and now i'm just a being of light i said lord what is this he said that's the real you you created my image i am light and i'm clothed with light as with a garment and i went wow and i looked back and there was my flesh and i went ooh put that thing back on and then it was over i thought what in the world so i was sitting there for 45 minutes or so and i said lord you know i know you got to confirm this in the word he said open your bible boom mark chapter nine mount of transfiguration he said you do this by faith i i'm i'm going i've never heard anything like this what are you talking about he said open your bible i have not given you a spirit of fear but power and love with sound mind now go do what i told you i said okay fine what do you want me to share just what we did we talked about here so that night came and i went there and the pastor comes up and he whispers he goes now during worship again 15 minutes because we've got a program okay i know how to be under authority so i could whatever and i'm just going to do what god told me to do at least i had something and he handed me the microphone and whispered 15 minutes he knew i was friends with brother sadhu anyway i said okay and i began to share just exactly what maybe a little bit more what he said in the kebab the weighty glory of god came in and you should have seen the couple of the dignitaries that were unsaved their eyes were they didn't know what was happening and i looked at my watch i'd only spoken for nine minutes i said he said no no whatever god tells you to do do it i said i just did and you owe me six minutes here why am i saying that it doesn't matter the length of time it matters the obedience in the time you have [Music] did you hear that it's not about verbosity it's not about years it's about being obedient in the moment that you have because this is the only one which you got you're not promised tomorrow and you forget the past you've got right now right now this day choose whom you will serve thank you father there's a large angel just over this section what are you saying father let's stand up for a minute not only have i been preparing you and equipping you and positioning you i have also been visiting you even when you did not know i have put within your spirit a revelation a seed that is about to spring forth for i have called you unto myself for this very purpose that in this hour the hour you were created for you would spring forth as light and life in the midst of a dark and perverse generation i have had to take you through difficult highways difficult pathways some of it was grievously difficult but i did that walking with you every step of the way so that i could create and perfect my character within you this journey is not over but i want you to understand there is a purpose to everything you have walked through in your life and you will continue to walk by my side and i will continue to walk by your side for this is about to spring forth and that which i have given you and taught you and released in you you're going to receive the understanding now it's all going to come together and make sense even as you lay in your bed at night and mull and meditate upon all that i have done you will begin to see how it intrinsically fits together and how god has prepared you for this day it's time that you laid aside every weight every sin that easily besets you it's time that you sanctified yourself and put apart fro away from you those things that distract you're to be called under separation to me holiness unto me for i have redeemed you for this purpose as i'm speaking this this angel has been releasing a a substance that looks like glitter i'm not going to say it's glitter because it's not but it's it's not only healing but it's the presence of god that's falling like a rain thank you lord right now by faith reach up and receive from god those of you who need the healing receive it those who need strength receive it those who view who need peace in your heart because of the burden you're carrying for others receive it turn them back over to god you're not god you never will be god let god deal with them he loves them more than you do just release it just release it thank you father now as your hand is lifted up as your hands are lifted up i see the lord laying his hands on your hands and he's saying my hands are your hands that's how i reach out to people in this hour just understand as you reach out when i tell you to reach out and you do what i've asked you to do it's my hands doing it results are not dependent upon you the only thing i'm telling you to do is to be obedient to what i say your ego must die now your pride must die now your desire to be somebody must die now [Music] for i am calling you the nameless and facemus ones my body functioning together as one accomplishing the purpose of my kingdom establishing a pathway to the throne from multitudes that even before the end of this year are going to begin to come in faster than my people can contain that prepare your heart prepare your mind spend time with me thank you lord thank you father amen amen thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 18,518
Rating: 4.9092383 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: hFfjlrGvAhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 7sec (4327 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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