Bobby Conner at Shekinah Worship Center - Sun, Feb, 9, 2020

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all right I kind of want to go with the kids because the Bible said except you becomes a little child you can't see or enter the kingdom Wow that's what Jesus said except you becomes a little child you cannot see her enter the kingdom I suspect we're gonna have to digress to advance don't you because we're so busy quoting dr. so-and-so and all that listen if you want to cut catalyze the life of Jesus simplicity here's what he told me said Bobby the most profound thing you can ever do is maintain simplicity religion complicates things doesn't have you read the Bible God don't even like religion I can prove to you I dare you to go home read Isaiah chapter 1 and come back tonight and tell me that God likes religion here's what it says away with your new moons and your Sabbath's and your holy convocations they weary me I'll pour the sizzling of your fat like God needs us to throw a barbecue a burnt offering no listen God did set up those festivals so he did set up those feasts but he set him up for the purpose of showing us the relationship but when we junked the relationship and hang on to the ritual we got religion every role from the lips of Jesus Christ in the Bible is to the religious Pharisee those that held on to the ritual but despised the relationship Wow Wow in that something will undo you scribes Pharisees hypocrites Wow that's what he said well we got a lot of wolves - whoa you're like a casket shiny on the outside Baloo when you lift the lid God's a lid lifted God in me you're not going to hide a single thing from him it is foolish and Farley - thinking hide from the Bible said the eyes of him in whom we have to do we're all naked and exposed that's what the book Ebru says he knows everything about us everything we say everything we think and still lose us and loves us isn't that amazing wow it me a good God yeah he's a good God I'm glad you're here this morning I've enjoyed being here listen O Lord we're busy as you can imagine all over the place but God told me said don't go unless you're sent that's what he told me don't unless your sin one time I was scheduled to go to 28,000 feet 28,000 people and 13 people open up 10 plus 3 not not 13,000 there are 13 people opening up over here and the Lord said to me Bobby I want you to not go to the 28,000 I want you to go to the 13 people so as said to him Lord I figured I'd reach more people at 28,000 and 13 people he said to me Bobby that's why I have to run your schedule you don't know how to figure so I went to 13 people in some of the leaders in the in the whole economic world in America was in that 13 people and if you see them on TV air all the time but see God wants to direct your steps the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord I don't know it seems like a lot of the people in the body of Christ are mixed up as a tournament in a yo-yo they don't know which way to go God wants us to walk on a straight path he was he wants his word to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path psalm 119:105 and the interest of his word will give light it'll give me a grasp and a comprehension of the ways of God God doesn't want us to stumble in the dark he wants us to walk in the light as he is the light will have fellowship one with another and the blood of his son will cleanse us from all unrighteousness we need to learn how to walk in the light you can't walk in the light of devoid of the Word of God Psalm 36 verse 9 say it Psalms 36 verse 9 said with him God is a pathway of life and in his light we'll see light that's where that's where it comes from you cannot neglect Jesus without with and the the penalty is stumbling in the dark if you neglect Jesus he's the light of the world and he says you're the salt of the earth the light of the world you're a city set on a hill that can't be hid I don't God has nothing to do with these secret disciples I'm a believer but I don't want anybody to know it you know listen listen let your light shine be bold and brave about who you are don't try to hide it under a bushel some people light a candle stick it on the bed you'll burn your bed up he says put it on a candlestick so it'll give light to all that are in the house he loves like first words every recorded in your Bible out of the mouth of the God is one let there be light he's heat liked listen men love darkness because their deeds are what evil have you ever seen them as well these old nightclubs and strip clubs they always just they got just one little door every it's dark ain't no windows in that you know what they don't nobody peeking in there's dirty things happening in there man love darkness and they they don't like the light we love the light don't we I want to be bathed in the light I want to walk in the light as he is in a lot and I want to talk to us a little bit about some stuff you think you're going through a rough time I can show you a guy in the Bible he is going through a rough time called equipped of God and he has he he is going through a rough time all initiated by God to teach us some things now if you want to get depressed and you want to get despondent read lamentation listen let me just start out with a verse here in lamentation okay you ready say yes Bobby here we go now I mean get this paper unstuck here he says lamentations chapter 3 verse 1 I am Jeremiah the man who has been afflicted under the rod of God's wrath lo this is a man called equipped qualified by God to be one of his great prophets and now look what he writes about himself and say I want you to know some things God wants us to be very open and honest with him so Jeremiah says I'm Jeremiah the man who has been afflicted on the rod of his wrath and has N has led me a me through let me get this right and has led me and brought me into darkness and not like Oh surely he has turned away from me his hand is upon me all day my flesh in my skin he has torn out and made Oh he has shattered my bones he has built up a hedge of mountains against me and forever you say why because Jeremiah had to step into a people that are supposed to know God that it turned away from God whoa that's what that's all about you read the whole if you start with chapter three and start reading don't stop till you get to lamentation 3:20 listen when it says Dinah Lee actually all this lamenting and after all it's this saddest some of the saddest reading you'll ever real verse 15 says he has filled me with bitterness he has made me to drink of the excess under I'm almost drunken under wormwood bitterness in me man Wow don't turn away from God this is what happens if you turn away from God and Jeremiah had to walk into this as the testimony does what happens and oh it's pretty bad oh look at verse 16 he has broken my teeth with gravel stones he has covered me with ashes whew bad stuff and you have believed my soul and cast it far off from peace I have forgotten the good and happiness what good goodness and Happiness is wow this guy's going through some stuff and look when he gets to verse 21 I got mine highlighted in red circle underlined look what it says but I mean there's about to be a new page turned it's he's going through anguish agony but but this I recall and therefore I have hope and expectation it is because of the Lord's mercies and loving-kindness is that we are not consumed because he has tenderness and his compassion spell not they his great mercies are new every morning and abundant is your ability in your faithfulness the Lord is my portion of share saying bye he said listen don't give up he says his mercies are new every morning what we've got to do is not let the past define our future God says it's a new day Psalms 95 says weeping may last of the night but joy comes in the morning you and I need to learn how to get over the past I run into people that listen this is a this is a tragic story but it's comical but it's got a good ending I heard for 26 and a half years and I'd counsel with people and I'd keep a journal of the counseling and I counseled with this this lady over and over my wife and I every Wednesday night we'd set up a counseling session and we'd counsel and here here's how the counseling sessions with end time after time after time after time here she is this lady was 52 years old when this was taking place and here's how the counseling session would end you ready this is a hurt crime not me homecoming queen that's back in high school she's 50 going 52 years old and she's all broke down because she didn't get chosen homecoming queen and so after several of those counseling sessions with this dear lady she starts her schnapps get over that Almighty God chose you to be the eternal bride of history your son and your whining over homecoming queen do you see how out-of-focus we can get we better focus on what's real 57 years old squalling over not being homecoming queen in here my Almighty God chose us to be the eternal bride of his dear son he said you didn't choose me I chose you ain't that amazing okay that's pretty shocking - his second Corinthians 6:1 labor together with God is God's fellow helpers he chose us to be a worker alongside Jesus Christ anything good well we're glad you're here you glad to be here you're gonna learn something here's what God told me said Bobby wouldn't you get before my people leave their head along he said you fleeing this seed into their heart he said I'll guard the seed you put in their heart I'll keep the fellow heir from stealing a single seed and I'll cause to seem to spring up and bring forth fruit that will remain so listen I'm not even Radek ating the mind but you can't learn God in the mind you have to learn him in the spirit that's that that's how you approach God in the spirit I don't care I brought you are you could be the most genius person in your college but that's not how you get the things of God sometimes it stands in the way human intellect your ality Paul said I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear any much trembling in my speech and my preaching was not with eloquent words but he said I did that on the purpose because I don't want your faith to stand in the list of men but drugs are in the power of God so he deduced it down now Paul could have out him he was tutored by gummel he could have what does it mean to be a Pharisee means you kept 482 Levitical laws a day he said the Pharisee of the Pharisees touching law blameless wasn't it but he said all of that I counted as manure none uh-huh I did a whole message on dung it's exactly what you think it is and I'll tell you what dongle do it'll keep the king out of your account the Book of Leviticus says the king will not come where your dung is that's why a lot of churches don't have God they got too much flesh he won't come we're done yes Wow you studied what he said what I thought would be gained to me now account-book dung Wow so we don't want to preach a whole series this morning on done but it's what flesh has to produce a curious extract it everything it wanted ooh look out now no flesh or glory in his presence but lamentation I just want to throw that into you because God's mercies are new every morning great is his faithfulness you look at situation circumstances you can get disgusted can't you it says miss hearts failing them for the things they see coming up on the earth what we got to do is get our focus up a little higher don't look at the chaos of the world look above I say have 26/3 that will keep him in perfect peace perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon they trust in the Lord listen guys we've got trust in the Lord if you look out it says your hearts will fail you the guys that do all these kind of Statistics they say people are dropping dead or stress-related sees diseases now on a rapid pace because of the stress we're facing but what are we gonna do with this stress I suggest we do Philippians 4:6 it says it says we've got to maintain an attitude of gratitude so that the peace of God that surpasses all I'm talking fast i'm throwin seed we got to have an attitude of gratitude so that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will keep our hearts and our minds you don't you look out you'll get confused oh man wow these politicians are confusing aren't they they don't even know what they believe Bernie says he's gonna pay for everything communism has never work don't fall into that or he's gonna pay off my college debt no communism never works ask ask Argentina in some of these places I'm telling you guys it just don't work but the Bible said if you don't work you don't eat God God wants just to to work not just well I deserve a handout no no I read the Bible not according to that you know if you don't work you don't eat Wow you say well what do you think about that I think it I don't think any Christian should both for somebody that's for abortion that's what I think I wouldn't even consider it you better boat some biblical values okay he said now I don't think order being Quran be talking about that in public see they trying to make that law that you can't do it but I'd say we should talk about the public the prophets used to proof predict he was gonna be the king who would be the leader and I don't think I was changed that one bit and I think he said well what do you thinks gonna happen I think Donald Trump will win the next election I believe he's buttoned it down me my wife had a dream he came to her house before the before the election even actually before he chose to run my wife had a dream that Donald Trump came to her house and she had a button off of her tip sleeve of her blouse said that Donald Trump stood there and sewed and sewed and were tested and sewed and sewed and tested this button here finally actually had it tested she said that button would last till Jesus comes that's what she says said but then he left and he came back and checked it again so I said well he's button down this election and the one coming also you saw I don't like you well listen you better take that it with God don't you think I read the Bible it says there's nobody in power that God didn't put in power hmm Wow so anyway I'm thankful for in myself you'll don't you you know what I think I'll just be honest with you I think the modern-day media should be tried 44 creasing that's what I think I think the modern they need you should be tried for treason look up the definition of treason and attempted overthrow overstating government attempted overthrow versed in government I'll tell you what if the modern day medias not guilty of that I don't know who is don't you get your information from it they got a spin on it headman they are mixed up guys look at our oops I mean they're trying to sweep that on the road day they look yeah oh man listen it's a mess but we better get in the Bible and find out what God has to say god wants to stand up God wants us to stand up for Israel Donald Trump will do that he wants us to stand up for the right to assemble and meet and have church Donald Trump wants to do that Wow did you know I was in a city where the mayor wanted to make it illegal for any pastor to stand on Sunday morning and read out loud Romans chapter one wanted every pastor to submit their manuscript before Sunday Wow look out now that's that's the far left huh yeah in Texas so God visited that city with the largest flood they ever had in their history you won't do that kind of stuff without judgment coming and then here's here's New York lighten up lighting up the towers over abortion listen have you read the Bible God God wants us to to protect the innocent and I'll tell you there's you can't get any more innocent than a fetal candy yeah I don't think so oh man but anyway you know I don't want to hear about if we don't stand up who will God's gonna hold us accountable one of the things I don't think we're enough I don't think we're I don't think we're militant enough well you know I'm a Christian we better turn the other cheek you better read the book of Jude we got to earnestly contend for the faith that was once and once for all delivered to the Saints we got a is what you have worth fighting for that's what Judy now have you read the book could you'd shouldn't take long just one page why one page now Jude's powerful if I was you'd I've never I've never started my letter like Jude started his letter here's how she started his letter Jude a common bond slave of Jesus Christ if I stood here's how I started mine hey you better listen to me I got connections what kind of connections Jude health well Jude and Jesus came out of the same womb what Jude and Jesus came out of the same womb had the same mama I'd pull that one wouldn't you but he said you'd a common bond slave of Jesus Christ a love servant laughs but Jude begins to he said here's what it says Jude I picked up my pen derived an you concerning the common salvation now not common like Hebrews 6:1 that he was quoting the elementary rudimentary principles of Christianity said but I'm just going to write about that but I got possessed that's what it says I was under compulsion I found it needful to write unto you that you earnestly contend for the faith look up that word earnestly it means with every ounce of strength you have fight for the faith why certain men equip and underwears teaching it doesn't matter what you believe does it matter what you believe Hosea said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge if the Foundation's be removed what can the people do I'm telling you our forefathers never dream we'd have these discussions about is it ok to murder babies no they wouldn't had that what happened to us where did common sense go does anybody know if the ancient landmarks be removed what will the people do where there's no vision where there's no markers people perish we got to get back to truth head when it says in Isaiah truth is fallen in the street there's that's what the big battle over his truth you know why John 17:17 jesus said sanctify them through the truth thy Word is truth we got to get truth back in the church truth typical truths and you know they go well now that's just kind of however you see it no God said what he meant what he said though God his peers tried seven times more than silver the word of the Lord is perfect that's what it says that's the only absolute I've ever found in the universe is the Word of God the grass withers the flower fades but the Word of God does what stands is for it's forbidden now if we're going to get that firm foundation we're talking about in this we got to have the word no firm foundation you gotta build upon the solid rock hey that's what Jesus said well anyway you know that don't you I'm glad you're teaching those those doctrines listen that's what we got to do and he gave you a brilliant idea have a have a have a night over for you have some coffee maybe in some cinnamon rolls or something like that and you can take those things on YouTube and put them on your TV and they can watch Joe as he teaches right there and it's in it's in a non-threatening environment it's your house and you can just say well what do you think about that and they and then you can give them some insight to what they've just learned we I take the problem y'all won't see the problem yes Bobby sure sir problem our problem is were not mature enough to receive the secrets of God where's that at in the Bible first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 I could not release to you this hidden wisdom until on screaming and scream and I felt like I was directing acquired have you ever watched a real director he's into it in E he's now that they're done yeah I don't like preachers that are not into what they're doing well you know I don't want to I don't want it I don't stir anything up I want to stir up your pure Minds that's what I said stop the gift that's within you no job we got to have a shake-up for a wake up that's who read the Shepherd job there's coming a shake-up for a wake up the saints of God many are asleep the Bible said sound alarm well anyway let me read that for you that first Corinthians is it okay yes let's let's look to do that we'll talk about one of the problems and the don't ever just show the problem without showing how to get it fixed okay first Corinthians chapter 2 cool to hear that feedback beam me up Scotty you read about this yes that was almost my Morgan Freeman voice down don't just be honest with you sometimes I entertain myself yeah that's alright remember years ago they used to have the guy that would paint a face on this thing and he it's alright so sometimes I get up in some strange hotel and I know he's alright you're going to have a blessed day today I will lead you yeah yeah say I'm telling you so I just entertained myself one time the Lord told me said you amuse me boy yeah that's what it's told me you have amused me boy he'll talk to you like that if you'll listen but let's look at the problem first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 yet when we are among the full grown spiritually mature Christians who arrived in understanding we do in part a higher wisdom the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden but it is indeed not a wisdom of this present age or of this world or the leaders and the rulers of this age who are being brought and who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass away verse 7 but rather what we are setting forth is a wisdom of God once hidden from the human understanding and now revealed to us by God that wisdom which God devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification to lift us up into the glory of his presence now you get a secret out of this it's a hidden mystery God won't reveal it until he finds the Christians mature enough to be ripe and understanding you see that's what he says I couldn't Rock would not release his hidden wisdom but he says it's hidden wisdom that's going to be released now we'll do something to it we'll catch us up into the glory of his presence this whole thing is about Psalms 16:11 in his presence is fullness of joy the joy the Lord is our I'm Mary Hart does good like a if you get into his presence and his presence gets into you things are gonna change so the devil's gonna do everything he can to keep us from getting into the presence of God and boy he does everything to try to keep us away from the presence but God wants us to he wants to draw us up into his presence you can't get in his presence with that purity you can't get in his presence without hunger and it is hard to meet with God and we got to do that we got to seek first says seek Him while he may be found call upon him while he's near boy one time the Lord shook his finger at me said hey you tell my people when it comes to seeking me I did test multitasking then he gave me the verse out of Jeremiah said you will find me when you search for me and synchrony with all your art you this this just put him on the burner listen we got a the best way to seek Him is get in Matthew 6:6 get in the quietest room buddy house and shut the door spend some quality time with God he wants you to doesn't he yes I think so well hey some wonderful verses in the Bible in there say yes I like that look look look what he says in verse 10 of the same chapter chapter a crime like the Corinthians 2 first and yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and through his spirit these hidden things for the holy spirit searches diligently exploring and examining everything even sounding the profound and bottomless things of God that have on counsel and things hidden and beyond man's scrutiny if you want to know the secrets get with the Holy Ghost he'll get you into the deepest things of God he'll carry you to the highest heights Wow don't you who wants to stagnate God God does not want us to stagnate he wants us to always advance always coming up high and that's what the Shepherd drives about coming learning how to walk on the wings of the wind how to come higher I say a 40 28 through 31 said didn't you get out of just paraphrase didn't get the memo everlasting God's not where he's not up there going what's going on then it says they the wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as of eagles they will run and not be weary we got to learn how to soar above the chaos and boy you've got to learn how to catch the winds of God and thermals that I put a teaching in there about thermals that's what those Hawks were riding on was thermals and atmospheric changes brings thermals do you believe he can can pray you to change the atmosphere you can't you really can look at look at John the Revelator said I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind the Wow he said I was on the Isle of Patmos I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day your prayers and your attitude can change the atmosphere he said I heard a voice behind me now remember I told you God's about the end of reintroduce himself to his people John revelations chapter 1 is a introduction of that there was no friend greater than John to Jesus it says he laid his head upon the heart of Jesus and now he's about to be introduced to him in a new dimension I'm still not a pet I went there to Isle of Patmos to see what it looked like it's a nine mile long rock island where the Romans used to put their prisoners to acquire out the stones to build their forts now John the alertness think he's somewhere between 98 and 92 years old Josephus the historian had written that John had been bald in all they tried to satin to try to kill him but he can you imagine what he must have looked like way back there in Texas my grandfather used to kill pigs and they would cut off pig head and drop it in ball and all and make pig skins and then they'd put them in cornbread y'all don't know a thing I'm talking about you got it too many Disney movies but anyway they would take that pigskin drop it in ball and all that's how John must looked Josephus the historian said they boiled John and all try to kill him but it didn't here he is probably would you say 96 a prisoner in a penal colony and I'm sure that all of us I think people carry burned have you oh man he's been like this but he's in the spirit on the Lord's Day he's not like a lot of people I know being your friend don't work out he could have been like that best friend Jesus had now he's burnt to a crisp smelly in a pendant penal colony but his spirit I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day he wasn't griping and grumbling over his environment he realized what he had to change his environment and he gets caught up into heaven and we get the book of Revelation Wow listen anything you find it here is apropos for you your hardest situations can produce the sweetest nectar of God Deuteronomy 32 13 why sure Deuteronomy 32 13 says God caused him to siphon honey from the rock now you don't know much about siphoning Texas we knew about siphoning you stick the hose in the gas tank door I could just about siphon from a car while he stopped at a red light man gas was 16 cents a gallon and I still scythe him yeah good gracious whoo Texas anyway Safin now you to syphon you have to put out a little effort to get a flow Deuteronomy 32 13 says God caused him to cyclin honey from the rock so sometimes the hardest situations you face if you'll put into some effort God can give the sweetest nectar the honey honey is one of the strongest types of anointing in the Bible it brightens the eye and strengthens the spirit yeah yeah you remember when Saul almost killed his son because his son touched the honey to his lips Wow so that shows religious leaders sometimes don't like the anointing Wow anyway honey have you figured out sometimes God does not excuse you from hard things but gets in the middle of them with you remember Shadrach Meshach and had other kid hey never he got right in there with him and I write about it and then in the Shepherd's rod this year boy it's it's one of the strangest things when you're in these experiences it's more real than us in this room wow it really is in so I'm gonna read you just a little bit about holy fire I'm reading on page 147 chapter 8 holy fire purging and purifying fire a prophetic trance angels with flaming swords and much all will be sent to earth now here's what here's what happened to me I was preparing this year's Shepherd shod I was suddenly carried into a powerful trance that it first terrified me please take time to prayerfully read these words as I describe this amazing trance in this prophetic in in encounter trance I was shown a great number of people running and rushing they were streaming into churches all over the nations these people were very excited and thrilled to be going together in churches then the these people packed the buildings there was not a single seat in any of the many building buildings and I was also excited to see the hunger within the Saints and then when each gathering place was completely packed out suddenly I saw mighty angels coming out of heaven with huge containers of all I thought this is awesome there is coming an outpouring of the fresh oil upon these Saints these many mighty angels begin to pour this all upon the church roofs that were packed with people all over the world packed to the hilt with people and these mighty angels begin to pour this oil upon the many packed churches roofs they were totally saturated and dripping with fresh oil at this point I noticed something very strange angels were sent to shut and bar the doors so all of the saturated churches I was sure that this was going well I was not sure what was going on but I knew it was something God was designed to happen I thought God is going to make sure that they stay under the anointing and in the oil until they get all they need I was so excited thinking this will transform the and empower the saints of God watch this over but swiftly a massive group of heavenly angels are descended each one having a huge flaming sword appeared these angels stood over there also church's roof and begin with packed people and then they stuck the fiery swords into the roof at this point I am breathless because I see these angels with flaming swords thrust the flaming swords in the tops of the roofs instantly the entire roof and building burst into roaring flames my heart was pounding I was stunned and shocked I screamed Oh God these places are packed with your people and the buildings are shut God said in a calm tone don't worry well I'm worrying him I protested screaming in Harbert father these flames are roaring in the Saint the people are inside God responded saying in the most peaceful in pleasant tone yes Wow standing there I was undone at what I was beholding these my feelings my body trembling my heart pounding my mind numb how could our loving Heavenly Father promote such a thing but then the doors of the church of these burning buildings burst wide open and all the people came rushing out jumping and rejoicing filled with great joy and jubilation uncontrollable praise not a single hair had been since everyone was in perfect shape I questioned Lord what in the world is going on he said this is holy fire it's going to burn up burn up the wood hay and stubble that that worthless parts of our lives that doesn't really matter Wow the Apostle Paul had written about it he says now if anyone builds on any other foundation this but anyway pretty amazing and it burned away all of the bonds I want God to burn away the wood hay and stubble in our life the things that doesn't really matter but why when this was going on I was horrified can you imagine that churches all over the nations packed doors shut tight every seat every area taken with people and then they soak the buildings with all huh that's all is attack of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God and then the angels came with the flaming swords set the whole buildings on fire it was roaring and boy and my heart I was screaming Oh God and then they came out that people were filled with jubilation some that something is going to happen that's gonna set the people of God free free from all the trifling things in earth the things that hold us back I was busy here and there listen we're gonna seek first the kingdom of God we're gonna make it top priority getting our foundation right we're gonna get ready for what's coming now I'll tell you what's coming God's gonna feel this whole earth with the knowledge of his son I'll tell you what's back at 1:5 we've talked about that back at 1:5 says look search among the nations I'll work a work in your day it'll be so marvelous you barely can believe it don't you want to see God do something cause your jaws to drop and you go I was studying the Bible that's a good thing to do but I studied out every English translation I can find when I read to you I read out the amplified classic version but when I study it I studied in every translation I can find and then ice break down the Hebrew or Greek word so I'll know for sure when I'm teaching you I'm teaching you straight and so boy it's pretty wild man but God God wants to release some things for us that that we have not experienced before and he's going to bring back the fear of the Lord and the holy things of God to the body of Christ soon get ready get ready God's gonna do some things that's done one things our problem were too casual with God we already feel like well I've been there seeing all that's gonna happen no listen everything that has happened everything that has happened in the past up until now is but the mere fringes of his force everything that's happened in the past that we've heard is the faintest whisper of his voice there's a verse the Bible tells us that wow I've been preaching for 50 years five times a week for 50 years and I was waiting before God thanking him for all that was going on and he screamed at me you ain't seen nothing yet and gave me a verse it says all you have seen I'm talking about it sloughs the street I'm talking about the great outpouring all the mighty moves of God from history past till now is but the mere fringes of his force the outskirts of his doings all we've heard from now from eternity past a noun is a faintest whisper of his voice it says who can dare contemplate when he roars God's about to show us things we've never expected to see that gypped that verse Center I'm talking about now see little cajoled oh man job is powerful in it say yes it really really is I mean read it - yes Bobby please okay I'm reading out a job chapter 26 verse 13 now just listen to the simplicity of this by his breath the heavens are garnished what does that mean it means God goes and put all the planets into place all the stars all the galaxies everything Hubble is going goodness I've been involved John J's house when Hubble would call him and say tell us what you see we know you can see further than us you can look in the Shepherd's rod I said they're gonna find strange new planets that's happening but that's how they're happened they said God did like this by his rep the heavens are garnished all the stars were in place in that's powerful in it who would look for anybody more power from that there's nobody more powerful man look what it says by his breath the heavens were garnished his hand pierced a swift fleeting serpent that means he handled the well first of all team yet these are but a small part of his doings the outskirts of his ways the mere fringes of his force the faintest whisper of his voice who dare contemplate or who can understand the thunder of his rule majestic power we better understand something God is about to show us who's running this thing he's in charge he don't have to answer to anyone he's all-mighty God I'm doing a whole series on all-mighty God that sums at all there's no one above him he answers to no one all-mighty God job 42 to says anything everything he sets his heart to do can't be stopped Genesis 18 14 says is there anything too difficult for God no he's all mighty God you do not know that's good I'll tell you something about yourself okay you're gonna find what you're searching for okay the problem is it let's just talk I mean it okay the problem is you know these little integral puzzles they come in a box what happens is the only way you can ever put them together is follow the template of the picture on the box but if somebody shuffles and puts the wrong pieces in the wrong box you'll never get it together and that's what's been happening you look in here oh I can't none of this makes sense to me somebody switch boxes on you okay but God's going to put the right puzzle in the right box and you'll see the template and you'll go that's what's wrong all this time you've been wearing yourself out trying to get all the puzzle together and it won't work but he'll hit you okay he's going to give you the template he will even show you where which piece goes where you fill out the borders for you okay won't that be something and you'll go I knew I was created for this okay that's that'll be good and here put it all together for you okay mm hmm hmm what you driving now a 62 I was I was googling fastest car and somebody's come out with a Camaro and it's called The Exorcist to cast the demon out of the Dodge you know God's made a demon and yeah and it'll run 217 miles an hour on straight road a Camaro I Hennelly or hint-hint Sulli or something like that I'm gonna test that thing out not that I'm doing bad but when I surrendered preach I had the fastest car money could buy off the showroom floor a muscle car a 68 GTO two four-barrel carburetors have you ever been in one oh it's gas was 16 cents a gallon yeah yeah is a 441 yeah with two four-barrel carburetors and you can shift it or leave it in or it's bad bad car yes that was a strange - anyway I've always likes fast cars but you know you're supposed to be obey the laws yes I have had some of the most amazing conversations with state troopers now you're supposed to obey the law I'm in Houston I'm doing live television and I'm late and I'm on the Beltway going around Houston and I have got her up there man and this patrolman he's that he's doing his job he pulls me over that in Texas you have to show my insurance cards and all that kind of stuff so I flipped my console open that little thing there and lower hold there's my pistol with yeah it's laying there with two clips that shoot do a Kevlar vest honestly so I'm fumbling for methanks I just laid the pistol up there the next thing I know mr. officer got his block through the window going you don't know why I put hands on the steering wheel and so here we are and I've got the hands on the steering wheel he said do you know how fast he was going I said no sir not exactly and he said 97 I you know I didn't dispute it I said probably and he said to me do you have a permit for that pistol I said not only now I hand in my driver's license now this is where it gets bad I got my driver's license out of a pocket adda my wallet like this and I give him to him and he says mr. Conner these license expired five years ago so I said to him well I've been stopped a lot since then you know what another guys finding and then he said something to me where was she going so fast I said I hate to tell you now I was going down there to channel 20 to do live television every day he said I thought that was you he said I've been watching that and this gentleman let me loose he said I should carry him over the speed I should carry him for having that gun and anyway but he said I've been watching you all these weeks he said I love what God's doing through you I told him I said I promise you sir I did not know my license were expired I'll go get new license as soon as I get back to Tyler Texas he said you see that you do so I go back to Tyler Texas to take my license driver's license Ted and it to start all over Oh whole thing again couldn't just renew it so they gave me my driving test but no they gave you a written test but my computer you just punch some button so I did that now I got to take the driving test how would y'all like to have been the the officer riding with me on the driving test so she's over there and I get in in a buckle up and the first thing we only do is park my suburban between two cones two parallel parking so here's what I did I dropped my suburban in low gear and ran over both the cones I wouldn't say exactly what she said but she said something like shucks what are you doing I said don't worry I'll make it a on the rest of the course she said you better so I had to take the whole driving thing again but anyway that doesn't have a thing to do with what I'm preaching about it but I'm telling you I've always liked fast cars see when I ask you what you're driving Oh Lord that GTO I had to sell it and I got me a slam six Dodge it sound like an old lady whizzing I hated that car yeah I went from the GTO with headers to a slant six Dodge yeah have you seen them that's how it sounded when it ran but anyway that's neither here nor there buddy merely I want to pray with you that even if you're going through this hard time you'll see light at the end of the tunnel Hebrews 10:35 says don't fling away your steadfast confidence in God hold on to because it brings great recompense of reward the devil will do everything he can to get you to give up that's what that Jeremiah passage is about instead of giving up he just kept pursuing till he found those new mercies of God great is God's faithfulness think about that great that makes gigantic big is his faithfulness he's so faithful he'll hear every every time you crowd to him I've been studying the Bible a lot and I found I found out it says and they cried unto the Lord a lot of times we think here they took out a hankie just that's not the word cry when you found they cried into the Lord it's a Hebrew word that means they screamed and screeched in anguish and agony they were serious when they cried we got to learn how to get serious with God when we seek Him I mean that's pretty amazing and they screamed it screeched and anguish and agony Wow anyway God's really really good and he's got some good plans for us I want you to understand that he wants you to succeed better than you want to succeed yourself his plans for your children are awesome I love that it's Isaiah 44 3 & 4 out pour water upon him that is thirsty pleasure bone dry ground I pour my spirit upon your descendants and they will spring up like willows by fertile river if you're hungry and desperate your children flourish aren't you glad you can bring up your children in the way of the Lord Wow you can transfer gifts to them to spiritual gifts we teach you how to bind up the ancestral curses and release the lineage line blessings Wow it can stop with one generation Wow alcoholism doesn't have to follow addictions didn't have to follow says whom the Sun sets free is what I like that I looked it up it's a courtroom turn whom the Sun sets free free indeed the word indeed is a courtroom term means irrevocable understandable Wow I like that don't you that's good where you guys from Pam Marino I don't know where that is but it's know near Pasadena I've been to Pasadena headway yeah oh Lord but anyway California good gracious what is God going to do I told you about the listen he goes it's a shake up for a wake-up he said what do you mean don't say shake up in California shake up for wake up I'm telling you God's going to shake everything and can't be shaken for those of you that are entrepreneurial wealth is going to be easier to find from things in the earth than ever because the inside of this earth is swelling it's going to push it all to the surface the gas to the surface the goals back in the rivers and so treasure hidden treasure in the earth will be easy to find it's the inside of the earth swelling now if your entrepreneural got said I wrote about it God will give you smart plans that work out witty inventions and they'll come through to you by revelation an inspiration and a revelation will give you an idea of the workout it really will got you're leasing new ways of doing old things anything's been done once there is a better way to do it anything there's a better way to build that fire pot anything that's been done once there is a better way to do it then God will show you how to do it if you line up with him and it says I'll give you witty inventions smart plans that work out you can get them when you get in chin with God he can show you things that was this a better way to do that and people go why didn't I see that because they didn't do 20/20 this is here's what you know what it is is second Chronicles 2020 second chronicles 2020 says trust the Lord you will be established believe his prophets and you will prosper we're moving into people actually start believing what the prophets said now what's your problem skepticism has so ministered to the church the church says I mean believe me until I see it totally opposite of what Jesus Christ taught John 11:40 Jesus Christ said did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see skepticism says don't believe it till you see it Jesus says believe it in order to see it Wow Wow anyway a lot of fun I'm having a good time preaching all around one of the things we're doing a lot of this TV that's the way to do now is you know everybody's watching something and you would get on these tablets and stuff like that 23,000 videos of me could Trish is a good bad the ugly is on there listen they can put anything I've never put a single one on myself there's 23,800 videos YouTube said you can have your whole and I don't I just want to go what I'm doing okay they thank good it's pretty wild you know then take anything it shows us talking to some witches and warlocks yeah a stone there you can find it Bobby Connor saw my esophagus yeah yeah that's that's what it says but some witches and warlocks showed up yeah anything crazy so what do you do out there at near Pasadena we're here do you what do you do here 25 years in an attorney's saving everyone's homes under me that's a good thing oh man that's a good thing that's a that's what it says it says the evil forces ruled and raged until the Ancient of Days stood dropped his gavel and rendered a verdict in behalf of the saints of God so you watch this that's the Ancient of Days that's God he's gonna drop his gavel and he's gonna render verdict in behave for the saints of God you're gonna read about the Justice of God if God is anything he's he's for the peace for justice Sydney and so that's good how did you get into being a lawyer where are you [Laughter] now I'm hoping to be the next congressman here in the 25th all right you love Jesus okay see that's what we got to do we got we got to find out about these people that are running and we got to get Christians running thank God I'm so busy I can you can't afford not to you're not true base crazy people out there anything I'm glad we struck up this conversation see she believes you I'm serious my wife told me Bobby I'll follow you anywhere got elite y'all doing anything got to ask you do you ever get weird and start faking this I'll be the first person to expose you now we need covering like that yeah but that's good so you want to be the congressman is that what you said that's more we need that no one listen we're one of the richest nations in the whole world we shouldn't have families living under the bridges and listen I'm telling you you get them converted they get a hold of look on life and they realize they're worth something they're not somebody's garbage they're not listen I'm telling you guys stop there and get into it I'll tell you story about this 101 bridge you know where they the homelessness stay that's up that better with a Bill Johnson what I'm doing the pastors conference six or seven thousand pastors there so I'm up there preaching watch this I'm up there preaching and I said you know I feel good and I go my god that's a James Brown song that's what I said so I jumped down off the platform and run over there they was a black pastor from Stockton California I'd made him one hand some was thinking in his clothes were immaculate his handkerchief messages time his time and his socks and so I jumped down there and I said hey sang me some James Brown songs he looked at me and said what I said I want you to sing me some James Brown songs so he said I don't think I know any I said well hum a few bars so I came to microphone and he gets up and he starts in this rhythm and he started and here's what he got to sing him and Papa's got a brand new bag I said shut up sit down that's it I grabbed the microphone I said God is sick and tired of the church operating out of hi nice bag he wants him to operate out of Papa's back Hagi eyes bag every time they reach to get some money it had a hole in it because they were busy building their neglecting God's so I screamed it Oh bill Johnson bill get a bag bill jumped up and ran off we got a grocery bag and ran and put it here on the front of the church there in Bethel those pastors jumped up ran far burdened through twenty eight thousand dollars in that bag you couldn't have put a pistol on him got that much out of twenty eight thousand dollars because God wanted them to operate out of Papas bag instead of Haggai oz bag and so they took the twenty eight thousand dollars and went down to 101 bridge and and gave it to that ministry therefore they're feeding the homeless and they're doing hygiene falling stuff in that wonderful well that's good man just think about it these are human beings and we we need to love them Jesus did look in the Bible when the foreigner came Israel was commanded to leave grain in the corner of the field so they'd have something to eat the glean in the corner of the field you remember that so that's I'm glad you got food I was out here one time and a fella walked up to me up somewhere Turlock or somewhere like this this feller walked up to me said hey you got a food bank I said yes sir I have he said you want some beans and I already had two suitcases I thought oh man I could put 40 pounds in my carry-on I said yeah yeah I I was gonna tell him no and I said yeah I could use some beans here he stunned me he said I'll have a 50-ton boxcar down there as soon as I can arrange shipping 50 tons I was thinking 40 pounds and I was gonna say no and I said okay I got in the Karnataka good Lord God I can't use 50 tons of beans he said you can't but Pat Robertson can't and and Franklin Graham came so he shipped down 50 tons of beans out of California down to Texas Pat Robertson took 28 tons and Franklin Graham took the rest of and they shipped him to Africa when they had that great famine over there you look at that old farmer if there you would have thought he didn't have enough gas to get back to this truck back to the house but a next year I'm after again he said you don't want you got them beans anyone see do you think we have I've got to quit we got do you think we have a propensity to underestimate what God wants to do I just way down in Mexico and a lot of the people were going blind because they just needed reading glasses so I get back to the church I was pastoring then I said next Sunday we're gonna put a cardboard box out in the for you and if you've got any used eyeglasses or you want to back some reading glasses bring him put him in the box now I was thinking we might get 300 pair at the most to send to a Mexico mission down there in that service that day there was Amanda's wife sitting there when we dismissed the service she comes up to me she says pastor do you mind if I ask my boss about the eyeglasses us that no ma'am I don't mind you asking your boss about the eyeglasses I didn't inquire who her boss was but here's what happened as expected maybe 300 pair of glasses her boss donated 40,000 paradises that's a trailer truckload of eyeglasses thirty thousand four zero zero zero now her boss was owned Texas State optical and so all I had to do was sign a thing that I would do it for charity and would not sell the glasses that's a truckload of glasses but see don't underestimate what God wants to do I promise you he's got it covered I can tell you story after story about that yeah see ya God okay you to do something a little bit bigger than you think but it ain't bigger than God and step out just step out and say god this has got to work out and it will he said I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging provision God will pull it off he will he will it's amazing it's amazing I said I'm a hash-table his church one Sunday and I left there and I wheeled around it and my Hesh is sitting on the chair and I go why Mahesh one day that we their hands in their knees picking up diamonds here turn back around there was a guy right there and he found one it's $30,000 my hitch his wife found one right over there and she had it on her finger and was carried into the camera like this and the camera zeroes in on the diamond it goes disappeared but people would find diamonds nearly everywhere when I'm in a big old ballroom and I said I told the diamond store I said here's one kicked my foot like that and a woman started screaming it's wrong it's mine and she there was a ring with the little things hanging up like that you know but what's the deal of finding one in the ballroom like that you know it's something you say well nothing like that ever happens to me to look at now we've got testimonies like you can't imagine I told the diamond store and a little couple of preachers a MacGyver's married the preacher's daughter and he was poor as he could be and he heard the diamond store and he he said Oh Lord do that for me God didn't he bought the tenías little diamond I listened smaller than a match head for his little wife and so they golf on a honeymoon they come back to the their little apartment and he's she's so proud of that little bitty thing that like this that he had got her for the wedding and they pulled back the cover for their bed and there lays a rose-colored diamond about not quite the size of a dime laying in their bed I mean I forget how many thousands of thousands of dollars a thing appraised for and now she's got the little tiny one and the big and pushed in their back but see God God made him step out and do what he could do before God did what he wanted to do a rose cut diamond I don't know much about him but boy it was it's about it's not quite the size of a dime see he said well God never does nothing like that for me start praising him for what he's done for others and it a lot my channel for you if you're bitter and jealous over it it'll shut a door but if God does something good for your neighbor applaud God and that's how you get the generosity of God okay well good mm-hmm that's right y'all all right everything okay it's gonna be okay that's what he says like I said ski I'll give you a little hint you came out run God so run with him okay just drive with him instead of running away okay I tell people if you hooked swim to the boat you know instead of five these bass jump on five just swim to the boat okay that's what you do guess I used to box if my ring ever did like that guess what I'd lost the fact see but in the Christian life thank you the Christian life you don't win till you throw the towel in isn't that something y'all kissing me boxing catchy well me and my brother Todd the gloves on my mom would start crying yeah and we were sparring you know we wasn't really fat but then we'd be fat you know but anyway I never liked sparring you either fat man you ain't that you know listen yeah Wow I realize now how bad it hurts to get hit back then it didn't hurt you know but now listen your head rings for a long time but I don't those wrong then I guess wasn't nothing up there to ring you know just wham you know getting fast good Lord didn't get paid nothing hardly could well anyway you know what I told my momma wants don't ever do this I got to thinking about upbringing and I said to my momma momma I don't think he watched over me very good don't tell her mama because say she listen who could watch over listen I've set in the bed and shot flies off the wall with the 22 in the house me and my brother used to sit in the backyard and shoot cigarettes out one other's mouth with the 22 rifle my mom had come the back door swinging the door open holler hey you boys quit wasting them shells they cost money didn't say a thing about shootin Glenn the head or Bobby in the nose lord I wouldn't do that for nothing now I was so too you know yeah not for Mama good lord hmm well she said heaven God raised her from the dead twice that ain't bad for a Southern Baptist is it raised my mama from the dead twice then he came to him said it's my will to keep her the second time but your prayers overrode my will mm-hmm and I got documentation to it from the Undertaker mm-hmm don't get them lying Church I like these singers yeah yeah don't you y'all let her rip okay actually just let her rip your to do a whole album of let her rip okay don't hold back nothing just be you and you know he don't care about notes and he just wants you reality just get in there and let her rip okay if you feel like just having a spasm go ahead I've never been around where they had a spacer well I was in a Baptist camp when they had a spacer they jumped up the leaders about 600 of them started running around the Opie Taylor jumping like gazelles screaming freedom freedom these are a Baptist you couldn't have orchestrated that in a billion years I still get testimony strung up so if you do some recording where they have a spasm put that on that Angel TV no let them have a spasm okay okay you can have one I've you know you'll get you second wind and cut loose y'all understand what I'm talking that you know cuz people go turn that music down God said turn up everything God likes he likes loud he said lift up your voice as a trumpet and share my people about their sins okay we got to go we're going to out there you don't see that's not broadly yes sir I want to pray for you okay I want to pray that God will give you favor in this election give me this okay all right you're gonna let me have this all right now listen we're gonna pray for him I want to see Christians in places of leadership they ought to be running school boards or anything you don't somebody had vote in a Christian yeah you'll benefit in the long run your children will benefit so Lord Jesus I want to thank you that you've touched this man's heart and he wants to see the homeless helped and what I pray that you would give you a favor and grace in this election I pray right now that this would be a time of your favor I speak over him right now Psalms 84 11 you will be a son and a shield to him no good thing will he withhold from him that is walking upright and you will give him present they favor future glory honor splendor and heavenly bliss so Lord we call this in for him in Jesus name Amen Gil I want that thing good see ah I had a lot to do with the law enforcement down there in Texas but ah they hit me in the head who need to stick your finger in my head let's see that's what happens the Bible said the direct way of the transgressor is hard they said get in the car denied their request when we hit me in the head out of driven for him like Driving Miss Daisy listen I look back on it now some of them are my real friends you know really I get to go in jails they lock in jail you get to preach yeah that's fun the other time you a dime in my preaching so that's weak good good listen I want y'all to start enjoying Jesus okay don't just enjoy him on Sunday came to your home find time just to spend time with him while you're washing the dishes go just start humming a song great is his faithfulness just not talking to him he's not a trillion miles off he's as close as your skin he's in you and he wants you to start fellowshipping with her I mean listen I mean just talk to him yeah you as a friend communicates with a friend if something's troubling you don't say well how long ago night like it don't happen Psalm 55:22 says casting all of your care upon him because he cares for you somebody's going to carry the load and you can't but he can he says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden take my yoke upon you learn of me I'm making lowly in heart and you'll find rest for your souls you can't take enough value you can't take enough antidepressant come to Jesus cast all your care upon him watch him lift the burden and yes you'll see things completely different completely different and you go why didn't I see that before because the enemy the enemy just accelerates and tries to show you all the bad thing he's busy doing Daniel 7 24 and 25 the devil is wearing out the saints of God by accusing God Daniel 7 24 but I'll tell you God is going to have the Ancient of Days drop this gavel and read the verdict okay well ahead fun don't go to church and not have fun that's true I like this church I like the fact that they're wide open for the Holy Spirit but they've got boundaries you get a place wide open they don't have boundaries and that's why he's teaching about this and you've got him home for free yeah Abel's on YouTube last night this thing the thing in my computer showed it said nine hundred ninety six thousand seven nine hundred and seventy six thousand watch the thing through that I don't know how YouTube sends the thing I don't know YouTube's pretty wild but you know the kids are asking me hey do you tweet I go I'm out if I'm not quite sure so currently I don't tweet [Laughter] but I do do bobby's briefings and I do another guy does what he call it Instagram they're coming with these posters I pick the sayings we've made and made a poster and stick it up there but I'm gonna try this tweet yep wonder how much trouble I could get in Twitter you know I'm late you know I guys had a run-in our media go Bobby just just kind of stay out of that I tried to do my own thing and open the whole thing up it took a much to get the thing dig cleaned up you know so bless their hearts you know okay Lord Jesus I want to thank you you are who you say you are and you will do what you promised to do these are your people in this room and those that watch I pray that you would stun us with the reality of you being in charge I want to thank you Jesus you are king your king your Lord of all we bow before you here and Chicana Worship Center we give you glory Jesus we thank you for who you are we pray that you will accelerate filling this whole world with the knowledge of your wisdom and your ways Lord Lord I pray that a mighty revival will erupt here in this valley that'll be unexplainable and unstoppable in Jesus name Amen all right well listen I had a good time so I'll get over here gotta get my stuff [Applause]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 25,447
Rating: 4.8882351 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center, Bobby Conner
Id: ar88T2Pvri4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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