Episode 1 | Vault 14 | Fallout: Zero

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the first game of fallout zero brand new rpg tt rpg game that we are streaming here on arcane arcade and the first episode is pre-recorded so um this episode is premiering right now so if you're in the in the live premiere right now welcome thank you for joining and um thanks for hanging out and checking out the stream so a lot of you've been asking i want to know the rules give me the rules i want to know what they are because we are not using the official modiphia system uh for uh this game instead i have written my own system that has gone through a bit of play testing and will continue to go through play testing along with patches and updates and things like that so the game that we are playing now is probably not going to be the same game that we are playing in a couple months from now so just keeping you guys updated with that um the link to get the pdf for the game is down in the description um you can go check it out there and download it look at it all yourself i will warn you it is very it was written by only me so it's not like a a very like professionally written draft or anything like that you may find typos you may find things that don't make sense those are going to be in there speaking of that this whole game is going to be a bit more loosey-goosey we are going to run with the rules that we think are fun and we may not 100 percent stick to the rules that i i have written and i may change stuff mid game uh so just keep that in mind um we don't plan on uh sitting here and being real crunchy with the numbers and all that kind of stuff but this system is based very much on survival so that that is um something that we'll be keeping in mind moving forward another thing as well is um i was talking about rules talking about the pdf uh the other thing was uh uh oh the world and the lord so in case you don't know fallout is a pretty established setting for you know that's how it is uh however um the world that we're creating in it is um going to be different from that of the official sort of canon material um it's not going to be we we may uh do things and change things that alter the future course of the games it wouldn't make sense maybe the players find the platinum chip that might happen if it does this is an alternate universe and it does not coincide with the real one we're using everything as we possibly can from the past but there may be some things that i change certain things that i don't like and other parts of the game that i'm going to change this is our fallout this is that's what this is so all right enough of me talking um look it's everybody we're all here now hey um we teleported welcome back good to have you back all right a round of applause i've been playing we've been playing our own uh game uh throughout the week though with other people streaming as tyler throws himself into the table and craig is here i am hi oh coffee i love seeing person-person person robot cowboy a protector it just wow just really did you mean to put all three of us all through all three of the humans on one no i didn't it just kind of happened that way actually so but um these guys can take radiation damage these guys cannot um yeah i don't feel hungry no you're not so hungry we ran with a little bit of a um sort of a session zero which we kind of pre-established certain things but we also uh did a bit of uh setup as to where the party is currently right now now none of you have never met each other um you have no idea who each other are but let me establish a bit of where we are the year is currently uh 2270. um it has been over 29 years so to kind of give an example of where this is in the in the world and the story it's been 29 years since the fall of navarro navarro was the old headquarters of the enclave remnants of the u.s government who wanted to reclaim the wasteland and um put it back the way it used to be though their methods weren't entirely ethical they were taken down navarro was destroyed and that was 29 years ago old news previous war from a bygone era and now the ncr the new california republic is the uh a primary sort of government taking over the west coast of the us you guys don't hear very many stories from other states or other commonwealths as they were from across the united states whispers certain people traders claim that they've been to the east coast but that road is hard arduous and difficult to travel you all live in the new california republic and have lived here for a long time in your own respective places some of you some of you have in any case each one of you has been contacted by the osi the osi being the uh the offices of science and industry they work under the ncr um as a sort of um they're their scientific division effectively and each one of you have been contacted separately on your own terms about working with them to investigate a sort of uh uh radio message that had broadcasted out towards um the ncr the ncr is currently in the middle of fighting a war it's a bit of a cold war there isn't any like uh battlefields that are being littered with people currently but there are um the two factions the brotherhood of steel and the ncr are a bit at odds currently and um it's depleting resources and depleting people and it's um uh not the greatest times uh i'm gonna pause real quick as i'm gonna ask emma can you do me a favor can you go ahead and take the camera the um the that camera right there and just point it down a little bit that'd be great thanks so um the the um where was i the osi had contacted all of you for a special mission there was a radio broadcast that came from a vault one vault 14. um the ncr was unaware that there was a vault 14. they thought they had accounted most of the vaults uh across the across the west coast they're not too difficult to find and people occasionally come out of them but vault 14 lies in the middle of uh the valley in the center of california in which dust storms and a and a new dust bowl have completely taken over this central area of california which is why nobody had ever seen or heard of it it's um been hidden under dust and storms so you've all been contacted because apparently there is a distress signal coming from inside this vault and the ncr doesn't have the resources or manpower to go figure this out themselves but they do have the money so the osi had gathered all of you together people of different re people of different creeds and uh backgrounds to uh perform this job a little bit of insider information you've been gathered to this job uh to see if this group could work together pretty well and if so there could be more in it for everybody else so you have all been brought to a station an ncr outpost outside of one pine which is up near the mountains and brought down kind of towards the flatlands where the the landscape around is complete dust and dirt and is is almost completely a desert if not for the mountains behind you nobody lives out here there could be people that live out here but they are um far beyond the ncr's reach you were all loaded onto a very old pre-war train with only two cars the uh the main sort of locomotive car uh and uh the leading car behind it um you're accompanied by a couple of ncr soldiers who bring you a board and one actually steps on board and leads you guys all on and that's where we start today's game the train begins to start as it is uh powered by a bit of coal and pulled forward along the track as you all sit together in this train it begins to move forward you need to be here as you begin to move slightly downhill on this railroad towards this vault you look around and you see one another um sitting on this train um looking out as a bit of the the heat from uh outside even though it's january it's still a bit uh still a bit warm um it's by the way january 5th thank you sir you're welcome um as you begin to move along oh it's about uh 2 p.m by the way and you've been told that the uh the train uh uh uh the ride there will be about two hours you don't know what to expect the ncr doesn't know what to expect but that's why they're sending you um as you all look up and around at your fellow companions um tyler why don't you explain your character and describe your character yeah um she seems like a fairly young woman with like blonde hair though um her outfit is like semi-militaristic in style but has almost like a cloak likeness to it too not like a cloak over the head but more a little more drapery to it um coming off the back it's kind of red and browns um in total entry has a pistol on her hip that looks incredibly like it's not just a ballistic pistol it has a lot more energy weapons going on to it uh that also looks to be like on where her shoulder is would have been a patch that seems not have been removed at some point um she's kind of quietly sitting sitting kind of looking around and keeping to herself for the most part unless someone approaches her um sitting next to you is marshall your character why do you describe your character as well uh my guy is like he's uh he's heisenberg man he uh he's bald with uh with a goatee situation going on red red red hair um he wears a nice little lab coat with an apron probably has like spatters of blood kind of dried in different spots on his clothes uh kind of some rugged pants with some like one little knee pad some knee pad protection going on uh it's got a lot of pockets or a lot of different like little uh attachments on his jacket on his pants and his like his uh and it all has like medical looking symbols all over it as well as a little sharp and probably blood stained as well but not along the blade hatchet that he's probably sitting there just kind of keeping sharp or kind of cleaning probably uh with a single shot shotgun uh probably strapped onto his back and uh he's just chilling all right and uh he's got glasses too nice yeah and uh sitting next to you um kind of off towards the corner cold you want to describe your character yeah um he stands about uh five foot ten um has a a uh bowler's hat um and then underneath uh as as it kind of falls back uh there's a bun like right behind uh right where the hat would would end um he has a goatee uh in a pair of glasses um he's kind of leaning on a on a golf club and he seems like if you took someone straight out of the pre-war era uh a golfer on the pre-war era and you just put them here and that that's what he looks like he has like white and black striped shirt and uh and uh the like like kind of puffy-ish pants that are that are very comfortable and not at all practical for the situation um and then he seems to be wearing uh kind of almost almost like like how would you describe it almost like like nice fitting like fancy sketchers so like they work like walking in like a like a like out in grass but they look nicer than like a pair of tennis shoes um and he's just kind of leaning leaning up and just kind of looking and paying attention to cool and uh across um the train car uh craig you want to describe your character yeah probably small disclaimer i don't know anything about fallout so i'm like oh all horribly wrong i i'm also you are fine you this like i said before uh this is our fallout so you know then mine's blonde hair no to be honest hey protectron pretty normal model standard kind of patina that old kind of puff blue but kind of rusted so it has an orange tinge and then on like the arms and legs have this like diamond pattern that's orange and purple visually not very pleasing but there's a lot of sounds going on there's like a bag next door that has like bottles clinking together inside them and then they like words and pops of like circuits or whatever's going on inside cool and uh spencer he's very obviously a synth he's got like glowing uh blue eyes uh like plasticky looking skin but he's dressed like a cowboy which i assume is very odd for uh the wasteland um he's like probably pacing up and down the the the card of the the train and you can hear like the clink of his the boots that have little spurs uh i just want to point out for everybody it is yeah you got some stuff yeah yeah yeah and they uh most of you have never seen a synth before um if anything um paige maybe heard of them but never seen one up close but it's not out of the ordinary it is i mean it's whatever your character wants to think about uh what a what a synth is but uh strange never seen one before don't know their history but it's a cowboy um and i would say another uh noticeable thing about him is his his arms are exposed metal they don't have like the plasticy skin that is facing so you can kind of like see through him and he has a uh a tire iron as a weapon probably on it at his tip does he also have a shotgun he does have a shotgun very cool nice so uh you're just kind of pacing down the train as it begins to kind of like rumble down uh into uh the valley um as you guys just kind of sit there and next to you is um a soldier very clearly ncr soldier he's got like this padded kind of armor he's got a beret a younger looking face um he has a rifle on his back um a knife on his side and he's just kind of sitting in and looking around at all of you and he's motley crew you could sit down if you want i prefer to stand all right paige is probably like watching you pace back and forth just like in like almost like interesting like curiously like watching what you do does billy have any weapons on him or just the golf club uh the golf club i don't know what he has he has the golf club and then yeah wrapped over his shoulder uh on uh on a strap he has a lever action rifle okay okay um i will say though if you look at the rifle it looks like it's never been used all right um so yeah you look over at him um his clothes are weirdly clean so uh you plan on doing any fighting yeah you're going to be beating them with that stick over there i have before he lifts it up and on the on the edges of it you do see what looks like dried blood yeah what's that for golf normally you played golf not out here the vault i was in i was the best in the vault probably the best of all the vaults oh it makes more sense actually vault dweller yeah this place is new strange maybe there'll be people in this vault you can play uh golf with how do you play golf well you get a you get a ball about the size of uh i don't know i guess about oh there's not a lot of images of the photos there i was gonna see how big the like the protectron was uh the protectron's body or head uh how big is the hand this big a little smaller a little smaller maybe could fit in the protection the hand it's not what i heard what did you hear i think you were playing a weird vault version of golf i was going to question you on your stick i've always seen that there's much bigger sticks and uh you hit heads into much larger holes no that's okay i'm a little confused everyone seems to know it i've heard of that one croquet you hit the you hit a head and you're not you hit balls and like a little that's that's a made-up version really it's off about it might be right 50 60 feet you take it and just and you uh you wear this outfit for uh for for for golf for golf yeah well then how do you protect against when the balls hit you or the heads hit you i've always heard president kimball is um he's a is has played golf before and he's really good at hitting heads did you think we were finding a golf course out there where we're going it just seems like maybe you don't want to be wearing that it seems like you know i could just cut right through that you know i mean i could if you get the chance to i mean i could take my axe right now and i just we could just i mean that doesn't seem like it's going to protect you at all you're going to hit me because i no i'm he's just showing he takes the club and he goes and i could just yeah but i'm good are you threatening me right now like you have your knife pointed out okay i'm just talking about the weakness of your fighting all right he's trying to protect you that's all i'm just saying you know like it seems like your pants are just good are we almost there no we're about two hours away a lot of fluffy they may think they're hitting me they hit the cotton instead mostly you're going to trick them yeah yeah why not oh by the way uh i'm going to go back on something i said real quick um i know this ncr guy just said president kimball the president is president peterson so that's what he said jacob you know damn it i've already just mentioned it into my lore i already wrote it down your notes can't be erased hey man whatever whatever you want to do i'm just trying to look out for you it just seems like you know you um you like a medic yeah i'm a pretty good one too yeah a little baggy figure there's some stuff in there all kinds of little tricks you know just to patch people up i don't think oh i i don't have any i don't have blood yes are you i'm not a person you're not a person no not technically so i'm just like there's nobody right now no oh i mean i'm like you i don't have blood and i don't need to eat or drink or sleep i don't really look anything like him yeah but i agree with the same like guy i'm shaped like you are and not like her where did you come from you don't mind i think okay you don't know i i feel like i'm from here right like i woke up and i was like i gotta go west west is where i need to go so i don't really care about the east i care about the west so i'm here that's that's mildly concerning why i'm curious i kind of feel the same way you don't have like a dr you like a dream right yeah i don't i can never dream i'm not a person oh ah no no i was saying that i got stationed out here actually me and my boys we all signed up to you know protect shady sands they got stationed back there i got stationed way out here now i'm not even with them i just want to go back and play our poker games you know play poker yeah could you teach me how to play poker it's not that hard i could teach you how to play um uh caravan too actually sure yep now see poker that i understand i don't know what this guy's uh goof game is all about but uh i mean that's that that i understand poker yeah yeah uh play some poker he pulls out some cards and some chips and um you guys start playing poker who engages in poker oh yeah i'll play some poker all right you guys play some poker roll a luck check do you have any caps to bet i do uh i think i have some caps to bet yeah we're betting caps already i don't even know how to play the game oh sure i'll teach you first he teaches you how to play the game all right now you serve it uh skip the tutorial he just says how much do you want how much do you want to bet how much are you going to bet oh well i can't on a standard there's you know one one one cap per chip so he he says i'll put in two two caps i'll do two caps yeah put in two caps all right uh cool you guys put in two caps go ahead and roll a luck check uh how do i do that p20 plus your luck plus my luck roll shoot [ __ ] that's also great this was the first roll of the game um there we're using a new system called karma caps you may recognize it from the sort of star wars role playing game everybody has a cap and uh which is that right there and at any time anybody can turn that cap over to get advantage on a roll but as soon as it is flipped over just flipped over permanently until i decide to flip it back over to um gain advantage against the party or perhaps give disadvantage but if the party if you have a flip cap and you ever roll a natural one or ever i roll a crit on you to flip that cap right back over so that's kind of what we use instead of cards which is what we normally use with our other games but what'd you get four four what'd you get seven you rolled a natural 20. you both lose two caps as he takes he did oh he gets a loyal flush he's like well it normally doesn't go like this yeah sure so i'm sorry i it really it's it's just random it is really all it is but you want you want to go again i have more caps to bet now actually you know before i lose any more caps i would who the heck are you me oh yeah what's your name um i'm what are all your names j jenkins private jenkins jenkins yeah right okay what's your name oh people call me hook oh and that's the tia hook and that's a nice last silly name well i didn't pick it i guess you didn't pick yours either did you pick you no i didn't pick my name your mom pick your name yeah well you picked your name not me some guy walking this way while you were walking to the west yeah and they called you hook yeah don't know why all right do you know why i no i have no idea it's a it's a strange i guess it's maybe that's strange i mean i like it it's a good name it's a pretty it's not a bad name it's pretty good you know it's very succinct i like to sing things that's nice what's your name i'm paige h oh another succinct nice you know clear to understand so did you pick that name no did somebody else name you on along the road no oh your parents need you yes no that's nice private jenkins looks over there he like goes like this and goes yeah oh sorry what's your name cerebella i actually got to pick mine whoa like hello my name rolls off and flies up that's not important gone the desert wins well now you get to pick your name again i don't know how that works sure i like that now do you have a cerebellum no no no bella bella bella oh sorry i got you like like the boxer sorry sarah yeah i saw a poster come on here oh saw a lot of those walking i thought it was like a joke you know because the cerebellum you don't have one but no but okay that's fine that makes sense that's mean oh yeah i'm dr alabaster cool water um did you pick that last name that's my parents uh last name yes uh some people call me dr al no that's not that people call me doctor uh nowhere really my parents ever been in shady stance the hub town i don't know if i've been there now [Laughter] oh okay uh i mean i told you where i'm from were those places be anywhere near that nope okay okay as i thought okay uh no no i've never never heard of that can't they ever but you uh consider joining up with the ncr to really use a medic i mean pretty low on those it's hard to i don't know the first thing about patching up a wound yeah well you gotta study i gotta tell you you know it takes a lot of time actually you're gonna put it put a lot of gonna put a lot of stuff on there and tie it stuff is good stuff is you know good things that absorb blood that's better put beer on yeah i wouldn't do that that's not no no i've always heard that you should do that yeah that you should not listen to those people anymore that's not a good idea okay uh they will they will let you die for sure so if i have an open wound what do i do well you should cover it up you should just come see me that's probably the best bet because you know uh but or just you know apply pressure is always a good idea that's good um so you don't think beer would help i mean you could drink it that'd be nice but that's probably a bad call too you know because then your blood pressure if i put beer in a number i would imagine the yeast would be problematic yes it's very very what the yeast well there's see there's stuff inside the beer that would grow on your wounds and uh oh you would die it would be pretty painful i gotta say i wouldn't yeah i wouldn't do that i would say other alcohols would be better than me yeah oh yeah i know your stuff you're not too bad a little bit i'm not hey train trained in it but oh well you guys hear me knowledge is better than none coming from outside as the train shifts forward as uh you feel the brakes begin to be applied uh on towards uh towards the train um and uh private jenkins kind of stands up and he said and he kind of looks out as like the wind hits him and he holds onto his brain and he looks everybody's i don't know what's going on but we're stopping raiders i don't see any i prefer this i'll lift up my bag the train slow over the course of like like five minutes like comes to a stop and after it's like kind of slowly at like less than about a mile an hour uh jenkins jumps off and kind of runs ahead and then he kind of runs back over um and she says uh he says conductor says um there's there's a bunch of dirt and rocks on the on the railroad um i need to clear it well i could do that there's shovels so um probably do that and you got soldiers right i mean they use hands to tell you we're the only ones here the conductor me and you all are we're the only ones out here i could do it i gotta i i can help um i might help all right um grab some shovels then let's let's get digging i go start digging all right um you guys go out and as soon as you um kind of move over and start walking out beyond the train and head over you just see the the landscape before you the sky is a deep brown sort of color there's only maybe a bit of blue up sort of in the center um and as you kind of head out towards the front you see the conductor she kind of looks over towards all of you she says careful um and as you guys kind of make your way over towards um the front of the uh yep uh can i look around and see if there's like what caused this like did someone do this on purpose to maybe like ambush us interesting roll a it's a natural like rock slide type thing i will let you roll either survival or pers or just a basic perception i would like to look for inconsistencies in the rock yeah um everybody uh shared um uh names with one another um i assumed billy would have told everybody his name was billy um either that or i was thinking maybe until a train uh ground to a stop he uh he may or may not have been taking a small nap took a little nap the train stopped um private jenkins went over woke you up with uh with a shelter i imagine that i imagine he woke up when the trains get into a stop um there is a bunch of rubble dust and sand on the track and it needs to be cleared um what do you roll 19 19. that was survival uh no this does not it would be a good tactic for certain people to use in order to get a train to stop but these tracks are old they have been used in a long time this looks very very natural it's actually pretty long stretch of just like dirt and dust that you just have to dig out there's a couple of rocks you guys have to roll over to to get that done and um it's gonna be a minute as you guys stand out in the kind of blazing sun there's a bit of cool wind blowing in but um it it's still maybe 80 90 degrees um out here as you guys go over and begin to dig is everybody digging and moving here yeah i can't get like a pull up get like a like a piece of cloth like cover like like wrap it around my face kind of like my mouth and nose uh as you kind of go over and begin um digging away at all this uh stuff here and this goes on a couple of minutes because dig into the sand until eventually um can i get i know it's not written specifically on your character sheets but what is everybody's passive perception and that would be ten we actually do have a section oh well it would be um do you remember what is the line in the older character sheets it does not which are the printed ones um the digital ones do um what's do you remember what the calculation is i don't remember if it's ten plus your perception or or eight plus i have written in that mine is i'm pretty certain it's ten plus let me check that doesn't make sense yeah right because my perception is minus two so unless it was eleven minus perception it's twelve percent plus perception mod there it is so well you can have a minimum of like eight and a maximum of eighteen twelve plus your perception mod yes oh sorry your modifier yeah so mine should be ten then all right ten minus sixteen sixteen twelve twelve fourteen fourteen thirteen okay you have a very high perception i do i have a nine in that well you should have taken the two ice trade i don't know if that was an actual one but four four let's just say i have some pretty high stats and some pretty really low stats hey you guys look off and in the distance page you're the first to notice it kind of like stop for a second and you're like it's darker you look up there's a wall of dust but not but a couple of miles away if you guys are you guys are effectively heading west it's north okay and it's moving south fast and you just look over and it it has to be it's huge and it's just in like imperceivable dust just moving off to the side it's just in between certain bits of the dust occasionally you just see a strike of like green lightning just moving directly into the middle of it and then you all hear you all look up and at the same time you all just see that can i like i'm assuming this is like a special death song but can i like roll something to like get an understanding of more of what this is science science uh 19 19 uh dirty 20. um yeah this is this is a dust storm it's an irradiated dust storm and they are not as bad as typical irradiation irradiated storms you guys know that there are certain places like the boston commonwealth where there is a um a uh chill yo this some sweet music yeah right um there is some uh there are some uh like storms that um surround areas that have been um completely decimated by um nuclear warheads and those are awful can kill you in minutes for even standing in this isn't on that level but it's not good to be in it and it is enormous and making its way towards you um it's definitely got irradiation um but it's not enough to kill you within minutes but i it's not going to be good do we know if being inside of anything is going to protect us yeah it could protect you a little bit but not all that much just being in its vicinity is going to be is not going to be good i mean the more cover we have like deeper thicker they can and the problem with these storms is they can last anywhere from minutes to hours to days and by the size of this one you're not certain how far have you been traveling like how long um i'm gonna see you guys travel for an hour how far would we have to go i've been having another hour of travel oh man you guys believe it's going probably meet your path about 15-20 minutes i want to find the other guy that was with us uh private jenkins we're like hey uh do you know of any cover nearby that we can get to deep that is a radiation he kind of turns because he's not facing the other side of the train he's like oh [ __ ] yeah we need to get underground maybe as deep as possible as soon as possible do we have any sort of maps of the area maybe like a mine shaft is somewhere nearby no nothing nothing it's hilarious mostly on unmarked territory how quick can we get to the vault if we pick up the pace we could be there within the hour that probably is our best chance most vaults don't suffer from any by foot or by train you know what this is perfect he says oh gods god not d god there's only one uh looks over in the distance and he points and moving at the front of this storm about a mile away uh our is movement and you see at the front head about a dozen or so ghouls and then you see two dozen more and then you see three dozen more and you see dozens and dozens of ghouls just heading this storm almost as if they're creating it and they're just pushing forward through it you can't hear them they're so far away but they are just moving and running at a certain speed were we able to clear the traffic screen oh no the tracks are not clear yet wait do you guys want to try to quickly clear the clear the track yeah there you know the train could also just power through it maybe well you think we should just plow our group it could possibly derail but we need to clear this jenkins loads his gun and he says i'll try to get as many as i can if they get here you guys focus on the train and uh the conductor looks over and starts parking orders as well we're going to move into a skill check skill challenge where everybody can either make a strength check to try to shovel or an intelligence check to try to get the train moving i'm going to use intelligence to try and get my chance all right go ahead and roll intelligence strength strength to get the to get the thing to all help out that sounds good here what are you doing just flat intelligence right flat intelligence 13 on the intelligence cool 15 on thousands 15. nice nine nine on seven plus two nine for what are you doing strength strength okay so um the huck are you the only one doing strength checks okay so you two are like clearing and and cerebellum is like trying really hard to like move things but there gets to a point where the train is just moving you guys are shoving things off to the side the dust storm is he's like i'm going to find more of that bleach stuff we had it in the vault i can't find it here um you guys go over and you clear most of it but you see a couple of of these ghouls are getting closer and you can hear them at this point screeching and growling you guys turn you don't have enough time to kind of go you turn and move over towards the trainers already going off and moving and as it continues down it breaks through a couple of the rocks and as you get um you guys all hop on the train and are good but as the uh ghouls land into the the train two of them roll and land onto the train they kind of uh turn and land to the other side and one of them kind of stands up it's a radiated melted face screeching at all of you another one like sunburns completely red and like like shiny and like melted almost gets on board as well as like holding onto the side and pulls itself up and it's like as you guys move past the like the horde of them which is like left behind as the train goes onwards everybody roll combat sequence did jenkins get on jenkins said get on everybody's own yeah no remind me what combat sequence is really quick um you should have it as a step but that's all right i i'm going to go slow as a staff do you see it comment i don't think we have combat sequences oh um i believe it's just a perception check basically but um uh i can double check the rules here i will answer 20. chief i'll see if i can find it yeah quick draw perception so and i have a plus one because of red scare it's just oh my god it's just perception yeah just just flat perception combat sequence there we go all right i can only take so many jump scares does this game follow the fallout i see interact with an object eat some nutritious food can i can i interact and eat like a banana to regain health in the middle of combat uh no a food um food does not regain health food only regains health over the course of 10 minutes okay so so i can't do this can you guys actually go ahead and write um your uh names on these with them if not with a pen that you do not have sorry let me go ahead i have two pens i can pass around um here's one i assume by our names you mean your character's character spencer yes yeah he could um put it on both sides too do you have a longer card uh which way do you want it um um spencer i think there is a pen up on the counter over there just walter white okay well then you guys figure out comment sequence it's just oh it's all that's just perception and then you have a mod because i know cerebellar has a modifier because of your trait then i have a modifier due to my treatment wait do you also agree i minus four oh no i don't have red scares uh so so i get plus one to combat sequence but a minus two to a bunch of my christmas oh you have a bonus to combat sequence well i have a plus one from that but my perception is minus two so i have a minus one of course so that's about that's why i worked out the other way yeah both sides it's you it's usually up just because of the weight okay let's do it this way give me that does anyone need this uh i prefer i'm that one smells bad yeah oh my god i've never seen you hold a pen before he's left-handed i'm left-handed and they never taught me how to hold one right so i hold it you mean because you're supposed to hold it like this right but i i literally i wrap my fingers around it like this and use my i use my wrists i never gave them those big pencils hey man it's one it's part of it it's happening it's half the reason i can't draw like i got a drawing tablet of like one of the small wacom ones you probably can't get like even like but it's like try and do what you're gonna do yeah oh my god what um all right uh 25 to 20. sorry 21. um i'm confused on colton's uh that's a goal oh that's the best initiative i'm ever going to have yeah cerebellar and dr al five ah i beat you i got a seven that's gonna happen a lot i'll be very very crit 21. whoa it's feral ghoul we're gonna do peter the mind for this um hope you guys are ready yeah it's fine i wish i i would use that but i it's all covered and ready for something else so yeah okay so top of the round huck you're first what are you doing uh i'm gonna so just to explain for the audience as well um we run combat sequence just like initiative but instead of having actions and movement everybody has action points that they can spend and everything costs action points in which you can do so huck what are you doing here how far away is this ghoul from let's say five feet all right i love to hear it [Laughter] and then you can move up to 15 feet away from it uh i'm going to move towards him okay so spin a point and i'm gonna bonk him twice with my tire iron five feet meaning you're already within oh then i'm not gonna move at all i thought he was five feet away um which one do you want to hit the one that like kind of slid to the back or the one that's like kind of like half holding on oh can i hit that guy yeah yeah go for it can i try and you wanna try and knock him off his arms knock him off is that a is that a shove can i try to shove and then hit him or hit him and then shove you can try to shove yes or can i flavor my am i hitting him spend eight points and shove and hit does that make sense sorry you just want to use eight points to shove and hit the same time yeah yes you can do that um um let me just look up i don't know if i did anything crazy you push someone within five feet of you contest straight actually if you succeed the target moves back one second okay i i have i have that entire part up so if you ever have a combat question i literally have it can i use my karma cap you sure can use your karma cap flip that guy over much better that's how that works right it's a contest strength you said yes contest strength for sure okay what'd you get um sorry would you say i re-roll right uh it's advantage okay um 19 19 to hit yes okay so you hit and then my strength your strength contest to shove 15. wow um go ahead and do damage bonk bomb and in this system there are both stamina points and hit points stamina points get subtracted first and then hit points go as well basically we just took the parts we like from d and d star wars and star finder and put them yeah put every rule i ever liked ever and made it into my own thing and from fallout as well we just took stuff straight from fallout seven seven damage um so you go over and you swing and as you swing the ghoul uh pulls its hand back in order uh to kind of like dodge the hit to take it to the stamina points but it leaves it prone and you just hit it with your foot and it falls off rolls in the sand and it's gone oh looks like it's just a monitor hey guys oh no if you're still here give us a moment if not we just lost a whole bunch of the beginning of the game oh man okay the monitor's turning back on sorry guys the monitor literally just went dark and i haven't seen that one my monitor did that earlier today too which is weird we're good we're still still recording we're good okay i'm gonna check something it's on sleep huh i bet it's on sleep i'll fix that all right yeah um so yeah you you as it kind of dodged and moved you use the other end of your tire and like push it and it literally just it fell off the train and rolled and it's gone one down yep um paige allergic to ghouls do you have any um uh do you have any unused action points um that'd be two two so you get one next turn oh you do half yeah half of your half of your unused gets recycled next year um how far is this other ghoul five feet from me yeah so it was set to sleep or set to turn off the monitor after 30 minutes but not sleep till five hours so it would have been fine but yeah i just turned that off i am going to use one action point to back up five feet okay um i believe he can get an opportunity yes and it has to use i don't think he has to use anything let me double check here [Music] are there reactions you don't have it listed as it costing anything if it is yeah i think it but you can disengage also isn't a thing so yeah so i'm not sure is disengage a thing uh not on your list of uh things that cost unless it's somewhere that oh weird maybe it's maybe we don't have it i feel like i remember you saying that that opportunity attacks weren't going to be a thing because it was cool yeah so you're good you move back i'll move five feet back and i pull up my gun at him so i'm 10 feet away from from this ghoul and i will uh uh fire at them all right go for it um actually it takes like quite a while for it to like charge up and it you can actually literally see like lights come up and then it just goes your gun lights up yes that's really cool yeah you guys have never seen anything like that it shoots a projectile but there's a lot of stuff that's going into shooting this projectile cool uh roll that attack roll there is a a some team uh 17 will hit go ahead and roll that damage um hello sweet that is uh 18 damage 18 ballistic damage christmas and i hit i i hit like a truck you it nearly depletes all of its stamina points as you fire and it literally like grazes the side of its face as it tries to move out of the side and it's like lying on the ground and it's completely worn out at this point um uh from just narrowly dodging that that life-threatening hit um it's pretty it's very weak um oh by the way um bloodied is still a thing in in this game bloody just means you've taken damage to your hit points yeah oh um i actually just remember i forgot to mention um in the page's description she actually has like almost like uh like like electrical scarves that kind of go up her neck and slightly into her face awesome action points um i think i have like i have one then you know are we doing any advantage flanking any of that type of stuff no okay i will uh i'm gonna just kind of he's gonna take and like kind of twirl the golf club almost like it's uh almost like it's like not like a drumstick you know where it like kind of does the spin then he's just gonna grab it just case you're wondering why flanking isn't a part of this thing that's what stamina points are so if you surround a creature and overwhelm it you will deplete a stamina points faster sixteen did you uh advantage no it it oh oh it was jack uh how much uh 16 16 hits i'm gonna swing twice so i'll go ahead and roll [Music] cool screw it all right 30 20 30 20 also hits yeah so it's gonna be nine plus seven sixteen twenty uh twenty uh what's the i put a p there prone oh maybe maybe it knocked some prone on it yeah that must have been what it was yeah so 20 bludgeoning how do you kill him [Laughter] oh sorry actually oh and he is dead go ahead [ __ ] dude he just kind of the fallout version though i imagine he he takes the club and he just kind of swings at the he kind of like step because i also have i have an action point for five feet of movement so he stands off to the side and he just swings it low and like takes out its knee and then when it falls to the ground he just swings down and bashes its head in awesome and then he'll bring it up and kind of twirl it and nod towards heisenberg cool cool and i almost imagine the head literally just like goes off the train as well and it is dead as it just stops writhing as its body lies there and you guys are out of combat that's a pretty useful little stick it is the nine iron i wish i had a driver it weighs nine pounds no it's it's a golf term oh it's your game still all right that's right yeah yeah that's uh yeah you have nine is there more of them these sticks i don't have them but uh they're they're different the heads are different oh they can send the ball further or shorter this one you saw the head it kind of goes where do you play this game it just seems like there's nothing out here to do that with so it really isn't i want to i want to build a golf course though no one no one no one out here there's courses yeah oh my goodness that was apparently what the pre-war i don't know if it was the purpose of my label or i don't know why why are my vault was there but we had a golf course that seemed strange but i mean hey who am i to judge you know you guys do what you do all your free time and now you're out here beating ghouls with it that's it that's that's progress i'll give it to you you know it's nice it was really close we're still not out of it because we still have the the storm still coming he would look over at the storm how many more ghouls and are they coming towards us no actually as you guys have mostly passed them uh they weren't able to keep up with the trade it's mostly just the storm now moving closer and closer estimate 30 minutes before it it reaches and and takes over the um the oh the train couldn't train go any faster oh no not really it's got kind of like a top speed i mean maybe we'll hit more hills and we'll hit hit further down um downhill but i don't think so well i guess you guys aren't too worried about this huh imagine you don't have a problem with the radiation no billy pulls it down inside and pulls out a full-on gas mask nice good good protection um oh that's a good idea private jenkins literally pulls out this and he's like um i've got some red x in case we need it are we gonna need it if if that storm overtakes us probably yeah if it's bad enough you know he kind of opens it looks like he's like i've got four well do we know much about this vault of this vault's pretty radiated no i don't know anything about the ball i mean we could go in first kids what you think is worse the storm or the ball can you tell if things are if the person who's sending the distress signal is a human then the fault should probably be fine oh that's right um so whenever i tell you you take radiation you subtract it from that you've got to it resistance so does the gas mask last for 50 points or is it unless i take my base is 25 is it if i never take more than no it you have like a resist of okay so if i ever if i tell you you take 60 you take none if i tell you you take 100 you take 25. you just remember it it's like a damage threshold but for radiation right i didn't well i didn't know if it was maybe like the 50 rad resist was like that's how much the gas mask can hold away before it breaks or something like that but that makes sense since that's a good question yeah um that i probably understood more and my answer to do i have a way to detect radiation and thresholds of how much is present even though i cannot sustain that damage um i would say no you probably don't right off the bat it could be something you could get though does anybody have a geiger counter no that brings up a good question what kind of uh robot are you too expensive but you just protect like i mean are you like law enforcement are you like that's generally the name it's during the name of that type of model of robot function maybe or the question is what function is at the moment i just what is your directive to pay back what is owed i guess that's very emergent that sounds like a very vague directive so we got a uh go goof a golfer a golfer over here we got a merchant somebody who doesn't even know who they are seems like oh i'm a cowboy yeah you look like one oh it's true okay and then uh you're the one who i gotta probably be talking to the most with you i don't know i assume well we have two robots a soldier and i'm a cowboy you got a little not a robot are you taking any medication for that um it's it's an old scar so it's it'll be fine no okay so you're not like that's not going to get worse it shouldn't okay because i don't have any creams for that it's usually a doctor thing but i don't actually have any no well i'm sorry anyway train ride continues on you know 30 minutes pass and eventually the air gets very very heavy private jenkins goes over and closes kind of like the car doors um because you guys are basically in like a storage car like very basic steel just rectangle goes over and closes both of them and uh the visibility is immediately uh reduced as it kind of hits over um and it's very dark in here at this point kind of none of you really have a hard time seeing how all of you have a pretty tough time seeing you're kind of aware of what's around you um cerebella but um it's dark yeah um pull out my flesh there is huge winds that are battering up against the uh the train as i hang on give me one second watch this we're into this huh no we're gonna get waiting we have colors hang on oh good jump scare no no he's turning the music and suddenly at the ghoul good he has money so many things i wish i purchased i just take them and you just go come in here [Laughter] like this you guys um can hear it battering up against the train and immediately like occasionally there's a rumble and it kind of shakes the entirety of the train so you feel the dust storm kind of pushing up and into the um into the train with no visibility on the outside of what it could possibly be this goes on three of you start feeling pretty pretty weak feeling very good is there a path to like the conductor no oh shoot i always say the worst thing weaker than cotton splash does spit the three of you take 150 rats over the course of about 10-15 minutes oh my gosh subtract your rad resist brother yeah i mean not much for me that we chose right yeah it depends on your uh where's bill though radiation there we go nevermind oh my god none of you should be taking on immediate effects but you're feeling sick yeah fatigued headache it doesn't feel good paige like saying down [ __ ] her hands on her head by this really you may not be like accustomed to this you must be like it's dark and i don't feel good you two are aware like you you felt this before you're a doctor you're you like you know that you're you're taking on radiation poisoning well we need to get moving fast we really need to get out of here this is going to be to our death should be there soon we should be there really really soon uh like how soon is soon i i'm not really sure i'm i'm not entirely like certain and when that will will will be it could be at any any time oh my gosh see ya hopefully right away thank you what you're a boss is she a human conductor who's driving the train how's she her she doing all right for how long oh my god she got do you want to stop the train to find out no does she have how are you going to stop the train i don't know what she's if this radiation keeps up what they're saying is a conductor might die i yeah i understand that does she have any of those fancy pills immediately everything freezes well there is a moment of like surprise and and like you're immediately startled as the ground raises up from you you immediately stop and fly into the side of the train everybody roll luck the train has come to an immediate halt but deadly so is i like early yeah i have a huge damage threshold let me deal with lose one that's true so i'll survive it should be real man what did everybody get 30 20. okay 13. you come to a bit of consciousness you can't have been up for long you you like slowly open your eyes and you look around dust and sand underneath you wind kind of blowing off to the side it's a miracle your hat's still on probably you've taken one damage to your hit points to my hit points as soon as you take hit point damage your stamina points uh no no sorry your stamina is still full you have taken one damage to your to your hip i have a damage threshold of one oh really yeah okay um i'm going to move past that you've taken one damage past that as well so threatened to take [Music] i also just realized that's something we need to figure out there's actually nowhere on the springs fraction that's beautiful you look up undamaged unhurt you seem to have gotten lucky somehow you look up yeah you look around and you see destruction so it's perfect an enormous you can only see about maybe 30 50 feet out you see enormous boulders the front of the train has completely collided with it and is burning the car that you guys were in has gone upwards and flipped over towards the side and somehow you luckily slipped out and fell right into the sand undamaged but it is craned off to the side and lying over you don't see anybody else what do you do i look around do i see as you turn and you look around the rock conf the rock um formation that the track has completely moved into turns and uh forms into a larger rock and you see the opening to a cave to your left other than that you the rest around you has to be uh miles of planes as you see nothing else but like uh like sand and dirt kind of moving in the storm i look around or my things around me too uh you look around your golf club is half buried in the sand you pull it out do i have my other stuff yeah yeah okay cool and i'll just kind of walk towards the train hey make your way over towards the train look in do i see any bodies uh do i see a busted robot you go over and you you actually have to climb up the side of it in order so like it's a train car and it's on its side so you have to climb up the top to open the hatch to look in you understand so like you got it no bill do you have the doors on the side but it's it doesn't he doesn't like it slide it open paige you are hit with a bit of light as you look up and you see the opening to the train above you [Music] you've taken five damage to your hit points not subtracting your damage threshold i know you look up you're bonked on the head as you look up and you see more looking down at you um into the train car next to you apparently is huck um huck a hug's eyes are open but like just um just just blank um you see uh cerebella also kind of uh uh on her side maybe a small crack in in uh in the glass kind of also motionless and also dr alabaster over um on top of maybe private jenkins you're not really certain i'm gonna go over to the to the pair of humans just okay you go over whether or not we can fix the robots if they're broken i'm gonna go to see if i can like figure out if roll uh do we have medicine we have vessen all right roll medicine natural 20 plus 5. the doctor is alive though unconscious oh private jensen private jenkins his neck is broken oh okay do you guys have any rope no but the doctor's alive did the private have any rope can i check the privacy does that wrong what oh like try and toss it to you you throw it up uh not hard um i assume there's metal on this train can i tie it to that you go over to one of the wheels and you tie it under there yeah yeah now you've got a fashion rope you could pretty easily climb up can i check the the two robots as well as i'm would you check first uh but let's go uh more human looking the more human looking all right you go over you see huck flying there um what do you do uh can i see if if they're like active at all there's any sort of active mechanics i'm going to go ahead and slide down and i'm going to tie the rope around uh our friend here okay you tie the rope around doctor allen's going to climb back up okay and pull them up pull them up uh 25 25 um but no no no yeah there's there's there's definitely electric currents kind of moving very strange tech here it's partially human it's not even really like my binary even this the programming with this thing it's so far beyond your comprehension but there there is life here is there any way for me to um figure out a way of honestly that kickstarter slapping up this like slapping him in the face might just wake him up [Laughter] you've taken six damage to your hip points and you you just immediately power back on and you look up and you see paige uh holding over you blood like dripping from her head oh yeah absolutely so just you know i'm not too hip points i guess you didn't have that much help no i did not have that much health so taking five brought me down to two um oh my gosh and then uh okay how soon do i get do i get our friend up here up yeah you pull doctor alabaster up and he's gonna pull him over to the side yet well i'm gonna just put him off to the side untie the rope he's winging him he's unconscious um can i see about the rope again can i look into our protectron friend yeah you go over um what do you do once you wake up um do i notice that uh our friend died um he's lying there um and you look over yeah his neck isn't supposed to point that way you get my caps back yes you do yes you do you take everything off you can add six caps to your inventory i'm good good good good did he have more than that um yeah he did you had 15 more caps on it oh [ __ ] we're in this bathroom sorry um his eyes open um yeah they wouldn't be i'll close them don't watch me as i rob you disrespect right um cerebella um you look over pretty easy probably needs a a just a quick reboot i i'm gonna try and just reboot all right go ahead and roll science uh 18. yeah you reboot cerebellar cerebellar you come back to life and have taken five damage so what's that mean to me so i will actually include your damaged threshold so what is your damage startup 10 10. so um yeah well you have your damage threshold so three so two yes you take two which does not meet the decay threshold yeah yeah your decay threshold sorry it's both they're both dt so yeah you're taking two to your decay threshold okay just for everybody at home cerebellar uses a different sort of health mechanic system where uh she takes uh levels of decay um or instead of damage to hit points so you got a small dent but not enough to really hurt you you kind of were back to life you see cerebellum or back to life you look over you see paige standing above you you're gonna have to get out on your own i don't think we can pull you up go ahead and leave i'll under my two fingers i'll be fine can you try and like bust away all this thing yes okay um but you're in here currently just so you have to follow your doctor isn't waking up okay i'll see if i can do it the doctor died too three of you take 200 more reds 200. um can i go through this guy's subtract i am fatigued now sorry can i go through the rest of this stuff before i climb up uh yeah roll a um roll a luck check hey could you also get the rad x off of that guy yeah i'm gonna click i'm gonna i'm gonna try and get up the rope and get to the doctor okay you climb through up and get to the doctor um we'll show you um one second i gotta get some first spencer here what'd you get on your left check which i would have gotten this earlier 19. um he has a only uh one level of decay um rifle sorry give me a second specifically a the lever action i can't find my own rifles shotguns rifle fairness um sorry two levels of decay it is decayed by two levels a hunting rifle and it has a pack of 308 rounds you also find a combat knife on it and that's it all right or does he have the bottle of radix on him he does have the bottle of radical he also oh sorry he all says what did you get on your left check 19. 19. okay two stim packs two stim packs very lucky the radix bottle had four pills in him four pills so you climb up the rope i count the rope and i'm gonna go over to the doctor and as i'm like i i like trying to like i like kneel down next to um him i reach into my backpack and pull out a uh first aid kit um and i call over to billy check on the conductor uh dr alabaster you've taken three damage look at the look at the engine that's where they would have been you look over at the engine the flames have spread i'm gonna climb up you climb up okay does that damage a negating threshold uh it does negate threshold okay so um yeah without your threshold there's a bump today does the first it is it used up since i'm using it um let me double check i don't think it's mentioned i think it has a number of uses kind of like a medicine kit in d d but let me check here not has a load but i don't see first aid kit can be used with five ap to immediately stop bleeding with 15 minutes heal um yeah once it's used it's used okay so it's a one and done so will this count as being used then yes if you're what are you using it for to wake this guy up you want to use it to wake him up yeah you can do that so you use the medicine kit and um i'll also go ahead and let you um it would take 15 minutes to heal the rest of them so you can't heal them immediately but you can kind of use it you uh to go over and kind of wake them up a bit um you find some um you're like this is a drug you stick it into them dr alabaster you wake up with a syringe in your in your in your chest and paige pulls it out um you're like me a wallet top of a side of the train billy and huck and uh paige standing over you storm or everywhere you feel tired and i'm gonna pull the rope up okay throw it down the other side so we can climb down all right cool you guys zip down the other side i don't think this is the worst we've ever woken up before you imagine being drunk out in the wastelands alongside yeah they need to get out of the storm here yeah just one point over oh thank god let's get started at least so describe me where it's adding how it's all set up again they're going to try and find their way out there's no way we can pull them because there's one trade there is an exit but it's like a thing this tall made out of almost solid metal yeah i just dropped um no you're already in the bottom so like um imagine like a rectangle and then there's a hole in the top they're all standing on the hole in the top you're in here the only other exit is up and out or technically underneath but it's facing because because so the whole thing is flipped upside down on top of it yeah yeah so can i push it that way flip it flip because i have no way because i'm going to follow you regardless because i don't have very good knees i'm going to jump and fall in the way so i'm just going to push it and hope i can yeah yeah slam it down so i'm going to put it in the train huh because the car was on top of another cart right no it's just one cart flat on the ground oh it's just like this yeah yeah could i lift it yeah so what you could try to do is get under the other door and like grab the other side and kind of like push it and try to escape like to do that real straight okay uh that would be a 21. you guys all get off and um are down on the on the side you're like how's the protector i'm gonna get out and you watch the whole thing just kind of shift to one side and then shift back down and cerebella walks around on the other side thanks for waiting there we go well that works yeah that's good let's get in well let's get in this cave at least is punk with us i'm right here oh i didn't see you okay howdy howdy everything to say we're gonna go into that cave okay you guys run over towards the entrance to the cave kind of pushing against the sand holding on to yourself as you get closer and closer the radix taking red x all right if you guys take a rad x take it yes oh i would definitely take one of those thank you keep the spark radix should increase your rad resistance by a certain amount it increases by 25. i didn't realize that radical right away were two different i'll take one one before all this happened um and as you guys make your way over towards the cave you pull yourself in away from the storm away from the exposure that's out there and into this cave um final at the final kind of this moment the last of you for your little bit of being out in there take 80 rads oh i take zero was that they took the writer there you go so you can add that 25 resist nice 80s the gas mask was the gas mask mvp given plus 50 rad resist so um how much rats are are you at billy uh i'm at 200. so i have the first effect uh minus the healing um what am i at right now oh by the way your healing rate can never be zero your healing rate is always a minimum of one okay well my my healing is a minimum of one so here's a question uh this isn't important right now but stim packs heal an amount of health equal to your healing rate is that affected by your current radiation so if you're if you have a healing rate of minus two from the radix and your healing rate is taking more radiation makes stimpacks worse so you can only kill one with a stim pad so so if i was to take a step back now i would only kill for one health um because my healing rate is one well nothing is everything everything is based on healing rate almost yeah so yeah in normal fallout taking a stim pack uh is is great but realistically they only feel about half your health very very quickly which is already insanely in unrealistic but hey that's how it is um a uh a stim pack right now because you're irradiated and you're having your body's cells are literally deforming it's harder for to heal you nice jacob yeah if like if endurance reaches zero not mod but score score yeah you die okay just wanna make sure um right now because i am at level two radiation i am at one endurance oh wait yo you're at level two i'm at level two oh no we're both at level two we're both at level two oh okay yeah yeah you're both alone a lot of rats bro yeah yeah i know it was it was what you were at uh 375 give them to you i knew you're level one all right so you both are level two so your your healing rate is at least one um and you have your endurance is a three my endurance is a two normally yeah if you take any more reds you will die yeah let me get out of this now um you can roll a d20 though and uh if you're lucky you'll turn into a ghoul yeah that's hype after all that's going to make you characters no uh you look horrible yeah what are you talking about i don't mean it like that i'm like super pale and they do i mean uh wait is that a thing can you stack red at red x in the game yes find this game you cannot stack radix you can't you know oh dang it you've been cooking the thing oh yes we could just live in this cave for a while chug four pills and have a long long while how bad do you need that mess right now oh you need to eat i mean i think this person over here doesn't look too good you know i mean don't be wrong sweetie you know you uh cool well she looks like this i look like incredibly pale like sickly you guys are in the cave at this point you guys have pulled yourself in it is completely dark in here you cannot see anything do we still feel the effects of the radio turn on my flashlight turning your flashlight yeah um kind of brown sort of walls um completely dry in here but away from the exposure do we still feel the radiation like a little bit yes in here but you uh you assume if you get in deeper you might be fine because i went unconscious have i lost all my stamina points yes i put it on breathe in but actually you know what um no because i didn't apply it for everybody else so you guys still have your stamina points you didn't hit zero hit points which is more important tpk first game okay i gave uh just giving you a little taste of how this setting is going to be it's awesome uh where my gas mask okay um until we get once we get a little deeper in i want it back yeah you guys get a little bit deeper in um kind of hook sort of lighting away as you push in at this point you guys are feeling a little bit better though very very irradiated and not feeling very well you need to get one of those yeah you continue along the cave and as you kind of push through it opens up and you turn to one side i mean you're almost blinded by a bunch of light to your left lit up along the wall is an enormous metal gear watch me through questions can i finish this description first um as the enormous metal gear like maybe 10 20 feet in height and the an enormous 1 4 is is imprinted onto the front of it there's a small lit up control panel uh right in front of you um as well uh as you guys get closer and actually turned on as you got over so as you walked over you heard like oh like floodlights turn off yeah and i'll walk over okay you walk over towards the um towards the small party nerve is that still a thing or did you kill party nerve is a thing if anybody has a charisma score of uh a charisma modifier of of plus two it will do something does anybody have not yet but i'm planning on going into charisma okay cool no negative charisma does not be a hot cowboy hot count robot california yeah yeah so basically if you have a higher charisma you can grant your other party members special bonuses like bonus to dt and stamina points and stuff like that it pays to be beautiful yeah i wanted charisma to actually have a stat that affected the game in some ways so cool i'm gonna go ahead and go to the panel does it look like anything that i would normally deal with when i was in my my vault yeah actually being a vault dweller you know how to open this so you go over and you look down at it and you just push one button and then you pull over power's out the lights are on you guys hear this enormous whirring and gears gear movement as the as the giant door is pulled backwards as it scrapes along the metal or i guess this way for you guys and then you watches it [Music] and then you see sparks explode from the back as it opens up maybe about three feet isn't enough to get in it's enough to get in hey uh why don't you go through that hole over there and okay for us huh you make your way in and step into vault 14. slowly kind of sliding yourself in yeah i was just yelling how is it in there you looking um a lot of dust on a rust um there's it's kind of like this open room stairway in the back you can see like three doors and a terminal um empty nobody's home there's a terminal well didn't we come here to get someone well no one's in the first room i'll start making my way is it let's make your way in and step into the vault um yeah there are some but they're it's very very different i'll put my flashlight um as you all step in that's where we're going to go and break hey we'll be back about 15 ish minutes yeah we're i know it's pre-recorded yes we're going to have a break if you're watching the pre-recording you're not watching the premium you can just skip ahead but um uh for everybody watching live we're going to take a natural break so uh we will be back in just a couple of minutes and i actually will probably just edit this out so we'll be back in just a second but before we do i'm going to give a shout out to our patrons over on patreon oh give a big shout out to dub mill digged in oh by the way this is probably not up to date because it is june 30th when we're recording this episode so there's the date yeah so this is everybody from june 30th so big shout out to dub mill digged in big buff soft cyber reptar 13 big res storm melody olvera michael arthur sulza jaron cow the goddess six salmon and salmon cask penguin culture fluffy the barbarian pimpin the hood the psychic pineapple formaldehyde uh addison henning teutonic knight micah god of puns will pratt possibly related to chris pratt adam hallick death to fire angriest bird god mini h mama love papa joy come fourth and edge knowing tori's thieves amazingly awesome rejected tough full of semen uh josh travis kdl autism i swindies nuts zaf creator of d d waifu's roaring verlaine laurent a furry in avnia who loves kobolds duncan york nick cameron richardson jessica m reno burger muriel stahl and laird olive thank you guys so much for supporting us on patreon we'll see you guys about 15 or so minutes and welcome back uh marshall's doing stuff with his character sheet whoa super awesome scotch tape stuff uh um so you guys are uh currently here uh which is um the entrance to the vault what is happening right now um paper character sheets jacob was like all right guys we're gonna come back it's gonna be super serious and immediately we're like see a thief um you guys enter into the vault uh which just barely opened just a crack um and you guys kind of stepped in and um perceived the room around you there are a couple of lights in here that are um very very dim exactly what to ask so what does that mean to us i know what it means in like other terms it's enough for you to see it's not it's not invoking any sort of uh negative okay i'm gonna ask the group yeah [ __ ] you i don't know eric's not gonna ask anyone i should do it i'm gonna ask the group [ __ ] you yeah because i mean the giant middle door just dudes i don't even know if we're stealthy anymore i have an inability to be stealthed i have spurs on my boots to make it exactly okay so i'm just gonna light a flare so we all have light bright light for 30 feet around me for an hour and i only need one hand to punch somebody in laser fist so right you just put something with the oh yeah yeah i can hold it so i'll light a little flare going left the light is quite dark in here damn and coming from these like very old uh can you turn off the hallway light for me he's very old sort of uh uh um vacuum bulbs um that are lighting up the room this kind of yellowish sort of orange tinge and here we'll do that now it's spooky in here because that red is now because it's the flight it's like a red flare yeah yeah so it's even worse it probably looks uncomfortable yeah this like lighting's actually making me feel a little sick a little radiated why i don't feel pain oh you don't feel pain what oh you updated their app what better oh what is that it's it's different oh it looks like that please tell me i didn't update automatically automatically for me why is it green i just want to be able to change all the lights oh there we go this looks the same i think mine's old still there we're just never going to update again so this is kind of what the lighting is in here just like that plus here we got one of these dude that that happens at work do we have like a scheduling software that we use to schedule volunteers and once every six months they completely change their interface and it's like why it was fine the way it was there's your flare that's your flare right there oh that's cool um all right so there's a red light off the side and not everybody can see that so um you guys are in this first room um as the dim light kind of sort of takes up this very sort of dusty uh uh room on the inside though um the only dust that has come in here is the only dust that you've let in um other than that it's pretty pristine no dust in here at all other than like like natural sort of look like those signs of life as if people like your stuff pretty left alone or is there stuff that's been moved papers out maybe it's hard to tell no it looks like there were once signs of life so things are yeah it's not just like like this isn't like a sanitary room no actually towards the right is a small table with um folded up uh vault jumpsuits with um enormous gold lettering on the back that says 14. oh very important can i take one of those yeah you said that there was a um a terminal in here that looks like it so as you can see there are three doors um over there and uh the four the north most door there it um or say this way is north i guess i don't know um no it'd be south technically but we'll just say it's north um the north door there it has um it's a it's like a railway and stairs that go down to a door below um it seems to go down like a level and then next to it um level with you is a table with a with a terminal on it that has two chords connecting into like the walls does it look to be a um so the same type of mechanism that opened the door on the outside it looks like it does it look like there's another one of those in here no to clip to open a closed clip door from the inside there does not look to be one at all okay interesting before how were they supposed to get out you could open mine to get out that's what i was going to say anyway and we want to look around we've got to find this but that doesn't mean that we will have probably some radiation is a basic cloth okay mainly for a carrying capacity yeah of course sorry the the issue is is that we will probably have some radiation still looking in from outside sorry basic cloth is in light cloth medium cloth like light basic clothing it is one pounding one that needs that one load another change gotta find this earnest guy [Applause] wait wait we had data that said that there's someone in here it was a distressed speaker right oh that's what it is callaway okay callahan well how would we how would one normally for our people who are maybe from vaults or have an understanding of technology how would someone be able to send the signal out let's try and find that room it's probably from a computer of some sort there's a terminal either radio broadcast or a terminal of some sort that can connect to the landlines could you determine if there was maybe a start time maybe uh if you could find the terminal that can access that hub points to a terminal yeah i i know i was going to look at let's see what i can connect to can i go to the terminal and see if i can get into it and what um there's your flyer yeah right here you go over to the terminal look down at it and there's nothing on the screen there's glowing light with one word it says hello with a question mark okay i'll walk over also okay that seem like any any tech that i've seen before yeah it's a very standard issue um uh uh terminal terminal issued by uh uh robco thank you okay is that hello like uh a standard like the computer no someone types that typing all right i was gonna i was gonna type in hello back you go and you type hello back with a question mark at the end um do you guys have our our text group chat oh i will respond there oh text oh hey whoops that appears on the screen as soon as you type okay i type in um where are you um the viewers won't know what the heck we're saying unless we say out loud yep right behind the door to the right sorry is this a door right here yes you guys can read it out loud so that the options are stairs okay so someone had responded to us it's saying um i can't believe someone's here someone's actually here and then when i asked where are you they said i'm behind this door right in front of you are these stairs right here and then a door uh i'm gonna i think i think that stairs children song this person says there's a people in this vault but i'm not quite sure i believe that no this is this is that man can i try and get out of this like messenger program that's on the terminal and get in to see what sort of networks this thing is connected to and these doors somebody told me they were doing something i was typing what was that i was gonna go over to the door okay you uh what door are you going on the the this one okay go ahead and move yourself over and i think you've got a standard pretty uh uh vault door it's made of steel and it's got like um they use steam and hydraulics in order to open meaning that it's nearly impossible to uh to open manually um they they you would have to break the door down before you were to open the door yeah you just kind of hit your fist against him that's pretty rad that's how hard you hit it is like that no i'll bang on it actually you hear that back oh my gosh people back there so at least some it's not it's not like a ai of something hey type in their uh ask your vision be injured i rolled an 18. you would have to reset the computer what what are you doing you guys see paige reaching over to like the back of the of the terminal and you're saying that i'm gonna say what are you doing there we might lose connection to what this to the communication with this guy right now but i want to see what sort of networks are active here active with this what if we just find the overseer's office at least we know what at least we know what to expect a rad bridge these things tend to happen when you do that can you at least ask anybody and if that was them uh knocking back because there is somebody through that door over there mm-hmm sure before before disconnecting our accident was injured on the other side of the door um can you do me a favor and type it in actually i just want to know what is being said and um for clearing is the terminal here s is stranger or ernest colonel i think that is where the tunnel is okay so then he would say hang on so if this is the terminal that means the door is here who's here oh hey you know the door is here well that's a door right this door you know it's not this door right here because he said it was to the right of us no he said in front of you he said i'm behind the door right in front of you oh i'm so sorry directional i need them in cardinal directions from now on i can't read the book functional i'm like right to the screen right in front of you okay you haven't it never mind okay okay so are these i guess i'll wait are these doors like doors or they also vault doors like how how they're default doors they're not they're not gears they're metal kind of like they slide from the ground up and then back down and all powered up and all three of these are correct all three of them okay no windows no no no just steel walls if we just ask them if there's any system still operating that we have to be wary of you know anything date any dangers in this hall that might be a good idea of course if there are dangers and he says there's not because we know this guy can't be trusted was there any was there any of that type of stuff uh in my vault jacob like any defense mechanisms any um defense mechanisms no probably not okay there were weapons that that the guard that the the police had down in the vault and they had weapons and things do i know that they were involved oh yeah okay the vault tech not one question that's making me correct well they weren't vault tech they were literally just vault dwellers i don't want to talk they just wore weapons there if they like you could have been a police officer if you don't want to do it we did have trust this guy says if there's any dangers no he's going to have a little bit more of an idea if we can trust him all right that's good i also don't want people or enemies coming into this room forcing us out the cave and if there are good people we don't want them to be exposed to radiation let's keep them here until dodging the question until the storm dies out keep them locked in and secure that's pretty good we should not free anybody good or bad you know directionally challenged you are but i gotta say you're you've got some good morals i don't have enough fingers to do the left or right so just understand so just so you know it's like this like a c so just so you know um they said that they don't know if there's anyone else injured they apparently hacked a door months ago and were able to get to a community to get to a communications room and they um the with the rest of the people that are supposedly herod and and the door is locked and they can't get back and then they promptly asked are we am i alone maybe davey's put it so not any dangers up in the know of maybe babies so i'm not i'm so incredible in the dark in so many ways this is frightening can you give me a uh a description on davey's buddy oh that's a good question are you where are you writing that to us how do you know what that comes out as a threat yeah that does come out let's leave them to their own devices at the moment we're here to help them i don't know about you guys but i was sent here to rescue people i mean i thought that was what we were doing here yeah yes but they need let's maybe see what the other system is capable too in case they think we're going to come in if they come out here we'll kill them if they come out here and they want to help anyway they'll die why do they need to know we're capable they send a distress signal they're industry i'll just say regards are not we're on the outside they're on the inside we're capable enough i think we should stop talking to this person this this golf game has made you pretty ruthless before i send it's a bloody game goal it must be it can be what's up you like this is pretty nice enough that gives us get some information without but completely clever one page oh i put a question mark but there's a question mark on there did you mean to be once um no but it's there now the keyboard's a little finicky i'm sure the key is a little stuck here yeah so that's been used for a while clearly need some they were repairs in though ghouls nothing of value just people trying to live you've heard of the horrors of the outside door please open the door and leave us alone please open the door and leave us alone they're probably just stuck in there need out why wouldn't they want our help i think that's what they want they want us to open the door for them and then leave that's what we're here to do this is what i'm here to do that makes sense i mean our contact did die so which leads even more to these people are not ready to go out i mean i hate to sound bad here but we hate to have a missed opportunity do you ever uh take some stuff in that guy's body oh yeah i robbed him oh thank goodness okay that's good i was gonna say it's robbing the correct word i guess you didn't need it anymore i don't really know how you people work though i like i like the way you think too that's pretty good i mean really you can't let anything go to waste in the wastelands you know it's gotta it's a play on words um i did find these two sticky things i've seen uh people like you stabbed themselves with them stim packs my goodness now they're really good friends i gotta tell you you are you are a joy i'm going to disconnect the computer now i'm with you on that one i sent one last message and then i'm going to disconnect are we concerned that these people are inert and we turn off the system will it potentially kill them not this terminal this is a this would be an auxiliary terminal that would just be connected to the main the mainframe if we if there was a mainframe then we would be good to know if we shut that down and they were somehow nerfed i would imagine that would be a big issue after i sent that message i'm disconnecting the terminal so to reboot it's trying to send the message and you go over and i'm going to try and boot it back up to get to that you're like the worrying and the whizzing and the ticking from the inside as it kind of comes to life and it kind of like runs its bio setup and it um starts up again um and uh it says find it hello are these like old i don't prefer i don't know about fallout they're like the the computers like they're old like 70s 80s ones like the clacking like keyboards yeah it's like the things oh that's better yeah it's like text and comes down it's like keyboards yeah yeah what a wonderfully horrifying sound you can see uh it says that page and then there is a there's like a text line underneath that like it's like blinking as if you could type okay um can't bypass um some of the bio setups to get into and try and see what different networks this computer is connected might be able to run a diagnostic that's more that's why i'm doing something like a sort of diagnostic to try and find out what it is um oh good job hey uh that's a 13. nice um a 13. okay so you go through um and you try to kind of hack your way in to try to get further um information um there's an administrator password you don't know what it is you try to go back through old logs it really seems like nobody's used this computer actually very little usage um coming from this so it's really difficult for you to try to hack to get into you go over and you just try to gather other network settings and you just ping it real quick it pings to three other terminals that's all you know okay oh emma's timer went off the weird thing about this is with the rest of this place too it feels like at least this area has not been used very much well why don't we see my me where everyone might be at we want to knock on these doors not being used right wasn't used how could you bailey it sounded like that you were from a vault i was how often did they go to the main entrance how often when my vault would the main entrance be uh main entrance area to be honest your vault is your fault so um and that's the colton kind of came up with that so that's really up to you how strict were the people in your vault because there are some vaults where people just they can they're allowed to leave and come back in there some vaults are like do not open the door and there are some vaults that are like a secluded society that are very very certain that whoever is going to come in isn't going to be a danger to them and they want to stay inside some vaults are like [ __ ] this place let's leave and go live somewhere else it's up to you not every vault is the same that's um no we really only ever use the main entrance to kick people out kind of a futuristic courtroom yeah apparently it's based on some old old pre-explosion game called mafia or something like that that's funny can we knock on these doors which door do you knock on this one you go over that one and you just might have hands but do it so it's more of a knock versus yeah me just ramming the door is there a door like a button to open the door yeah there's a there's a small little beside each door is this very large sort of like terminal with like two buttons on it i've always heard it's polite to knock so um another ah throw one open can we try the other door oh sure i'll walk over the other door i walk over the other door sorry i have a kitty on my lap comfortable here oh cowboy we go oh um i'll go ahead and remove some of those as the door um rises upwards oh it's just it's just jacob mine's good he's got medicine trauma hey no one's gonna hurt you dude all right no more medicine in your ears okay you uh open up this doorway to my the back of my head sorry oh coffee cake's damning now no you're not it opens up and you see a hallway dark completely dark and then and then um it and then a couple of lights and they're just flickering in the hallway they barely work i'll turn my flashlight on turn on your flashlight illuminates the hallway let's see more people going in as you look down it's just this straight shoot of metal that goes down to two doors on the left and right both of which are coming right behind flickering in the darkness your flare goes in lights up the rest of the room as well how long does that flare last all right i assume we'll i'll walk down to this door and look in or uh you look over um it's a it's a door and it's got another terminal kind of a button on the side do a little knock nothing it opens um you can move that paper back a little bit just post on screen oh yep um hey emma can you adjust the camera for me what in the buck all right so uh you open up the um this one whatever you have another door ahead of you and then you i mean you don't know it's too right until you turn and look you turn down and you see a bunch of rocks oh the entire room is what looks like it looks like it's caved in some body parts it looked a lot like a spike like and this is a door like alphabet soup um can you turn it um to the right i was like what is that even trying to convey to me keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going and uh down a little bit i guess we'll go this way that's okay then you're good thank you i'll open this door if i can work there for a few seconds yeah we're gonna constantly be moving it should be good for now okay um all right and you've got another door i'll open the door that door opens as well and you can kind of move that back careful not to reveal anything else here well i want you to take the paper right there that's on top and put it on the stuff to put this to the yeah to kind of close us in here so it's kind of hard to it so this isn't this is an in between wall right yes do you want if i right on this yeah what type of pin is that it doesn't that's one that you can erase a little bit more add here there we go and then uh scoot that other one kind of over the yeah yeah and there you go okay i'm going to do this because this is this is not a metal that's just an empty space yeah yeah that's just empty space you step in and uh completely dark in this room you fly you um shine your flashlight onto the inside and you see what it looks like a living space is that a [ __ ] bed um there is a table in the corner right next to you with a chair hold it next to it completely covered in dust um like an entire layer of dust in this room um there's dust floating in the room as as the flashlight shines through on your left there there is a um a cabinet um with like drawers like real old-timey kind of rounded sort of um art deco sort of thing um there is a small desk with a lamp um that is there as well and then there is a bed the bed has a lump in it yeah it does i'm gonna go investigate the bed my boys have a lump in it you go to the bed i'll go yeah i want to make sure that you look next to our doctor on the pillow you see tightly fitted sheets fitted over a skeleton all right the sheets are disgusting completely rotted there's liquid all over them there's liquid all over them like dried liquid like it's been dried and it's just a skull lying there like it's a bit like putrified yeah petrified everybody's mics on by the way just double checking yeah yeah okay right just make it sure um yeah like the a body was laid here and decomposed in that spot uh i'll go through this cabinet he's wearing a vault suit okay is there anything any other like tag or any other identification you can't tell the fitted sheet is over a little bit you move the sheet and it doesn't move it's stuck in it's like it's been crusted over and it tears before it um actually slides off if i could vomit i would yeah it's it's usually pretty gross i got it would you say that's pretty neat i said if i could vomit i wouldn't no no before somebody said i'd like to go through the cabinet the cabinet that's a desk there's nothing there oh there's um the there's the cabinet over there the cabinet ah yep it has a bunch of um oh no actually the desk would have some stuff on it the you go over to the cabinet the cabinet on the inside you have another vault suit shut that another one up you open up another one and you find a bunch of empty boxes um everything's like blam co mac and cheese um uh uh uh different kind of empty soup cans um open the next one you find a bunch of old um uh pre-war um uh like uh uh water cans they're all empty as well find anything you go through the third one can you roll a luck check sure can you i want i really appreciate if you find anything else empty food cans and uh water bottles that are empty the the mac and cheese things are empty yeah all the food yeah what's on this desk a lamp and a um a photograph photograph what's the photo expect photography a man um he looks to be uh mid 40s or so uh kind of like small kind of patchy not a patchy beard but like a like a small beard kind of bald on his head um and he is uh standing next to he is holding arms with another woman um who is long kind of like brown hair um they're both smiling up in the back i have a question is it in a frame i'm going to grab it take the frame off and see if there's anything written on the back um very smart but there is not look at the body and do two things i want to figure out if there's any like injuries to it because of the skeletal frame any damage whatever and then looking at the picture can i guesstimate like is this body the same height and everything that the body would be in the picture yeah could i actually stand century in here yeah yeah oh what's up homie naturally okay so um yeah it actually fits perfectly to the man in the picture um this has to be him um very very similar in in that style and as you look over you even find a little bit of hair still kind of left behind um but no hair on the top of the skull that means that he had had to have been bald this hat this corpse has to have been here for decades and um as you look around there's no trauma no damage to the body as well there's no broken bones other than what time has necessarily done to it it's almost like mummified in this um in this uh in this bed and as you uh kind of look over and kind of examine the rest of the body around his neck is um like a like a dog not a dog tag a like a lanyard and at the end of the lanyard is um is a uh it's like a chip um it looks almost like a really oversized usb like for us to be like a usb but it's like this enormous kind of metal chip giant floppy disk or something yeah but yeah like a really thick floppy disk doctor what are you thinking he's dead [Laughter] i think he died unfortunately he's dead well first things first he's not a ghoul that parts that hurts pretty good skeleton yes you've noticed as well you've studied um looks up camera like in the office like no no it looks like these fellas when he's been dead for a long time for a while now um it's this it looks like it pretty much matches the the guy in the picture i tell you that much so you know he kind of kind of fits that and what did you find no i found a stand pack and empty food he probably starved today that's what i'm wondering you know matches anyways the picture um he's in regular clothing and so is his wife um what would assume could be his wife uh girlfriend what's the setting in that picture is it outside yeah okay pretty well it's a pretty warm grass house behind them yeah definitely pre-war mm-hmm so this is probably well yeah but people in the vaults had children and moved on you weren't in the vault before the war were you let's see if this is the same person i don't know how many vaults did that um nope that's fine okay i mean if that picture is then before the vault this guy was in here when during the war yeah you may have this place is old i mean like and then like the people are possibly the original people and like the numeral in a vault means nothing right like it's a craig doesn't indicate any order it's a low it's a local they tend to get into the uh single digits on the west coast and the um and like the into the hundreds on the east coast there's not like a name on the door is there no like okay oh like i said like a quarters the fact that but not this one sorry the fact that this person just died in supposedly in their sleep well that's the thing that's got me curious i'm not sure he died in his sleep well he may have died in his sleep but he was tucked in very tightly i mean somebody had to have done that the uh whatever what whatever is left of the body can i study the liquid that can i tell if it's like just juice from the body or is it decomposition okay yeah it's just it's just from his body that's that's pretty common let me tell you you know you just turn the soup so um you don't want to eat that though that means that means no one has been here forever centuries like a century or more 150 years at least makes me curious who are the people that are still here it makes me curious of who who we were just talking to i mean this guy would be a great grandfather at this point i mean do ghouls age gonna be a ghoul you can rule science science i'm dumb but not when i roll well 17. um ghouls age longer than humans it doesn't make sense though no the people who were still in here like ghouls you did have a radiation leak i guess they don't you could how do you feel any radiation in here what about further in do i feel right now i still feel terrible but it's you it's not something you feel horrible don't feel worse okay that's good we're not feeling worse so i don't well not geiger counters i don't know i feel like we need more information we should probably look around some more could this uh this rock was it come from the ceiling is there any way i can tell is this look like metal has caped in and is broken through where are there char marks maybe like an explosion has happened okay roll i don't think we have investigation or something no we don't have a missile let me double check see all the skills that we got here yeah hack the rock crafting oh crap we don't have hackers i don't have anything i would take crafting um but uh maybe uh a perception check could you kind of not do more can you like a science check consider i could do like maybe like the the normal erosion on this yeah maybe like i'll take something like oh [ __ ] real dice swear to god no that's not within me yet uh that's the 13th you do not find any char marks but you do discover that it is um a result of uh the way that this place was built it wasn't built shallow enough um if it was built maybe a couple like feet shallower this cave in what makes sense because because they built it into a coast yeah but there has to be a bunch of rock above you meaning it completely covered up this entire thing yeah and it has been covered up like that for a while because the rock's not sitting on a on the actual lane yeah so like the walls aren't caved in but the ceiling is and it's in it's yeah that's all the way sorry do you mean deeper yes okay that was confused what did i say you were saying a little shower sorry but i i yeah we get it it is too shallow that was built too shallow yeah it's okay that's good not for them well why didn't it could have been where the radiation was leaking in from and we don't feel it because that's blocking it yeah yeah we should look the other way there's another door okay uh i'll go that way if you all go down there you're gonna die you know there is a lot of radiation down there yeah if there is it's possible at this point you know i mean i mean we could go take it out but i can die still like uh they blow my head off i'm i'm gone well what can you i can go first can you die in a way i imagine i could always come back if we had some technically savvy enough um i could probably help repair let me go for most most damage this door unless you open the bowl unless it is can i open it you open it roll up what'd you open the mirror because it's a medicine cabinet oh that's a different mirror i asked is it like a medicine cabinet mirror you think it is so like a specification oh yes got to ask at 12. uh a 12. okay roll d4 one bobby pin yeah yeah knowing the helpful four uh you find six bobby pins and uh one stim pack and one right away oh so six that's how blue six robert depends away um i'm assuming stim packs are one load each or two two load each and how much well it's not necessarily heavy they're cumbersome yeah yeah i'm gonna hold this right away like a bag of brown like yeah literally like in like an iv bag and it like sloshes around yeah doesn't mind if i use this go ahead give me back the math not a problem i mean i don't know okay i'll just let the math if you get injured it's all right you know and i'm going to try and use this by the way okay um they aren't that difficult to use um so i just figured that you can't just use it um i'll say also my medicine is a plus five so now let me show you how to use it okay that's how it works you use it on yourself you gotta leave it in for a while before i do it it takes an hour oh yeah no okay maybe we don't do it right now can i walk while i'm using it okay maybe we don't do it right now and you keep the mask you need an iv bag sure it's like little yeah you literally have to let it go through your system i'm curious what is your resist with the mask because uh with the rad x my the mask and my natural rod resistance is 85. oh so your natural resistance is tin yes nice okay i hit low i think we want to go in this next area yeah okay do you uh push the button though oh yeah if it's endurance then i'm lower endurance now it would be even lower technically is it this one you can remove that uh jacob yes question that's the bad is your resistance uh modified by your endurance getting into the due to taking radiation yes your red resist gets worse as you take on more radiation so your resistance is five now yes okay it's literally deteriorating your body so your body would succumb to it can i move all of us in there or you sure can as you step in you see what looks like um some targets targets with holes in them um like humanoids sort of like um shooting targets oh you find a table with a police baton um a uh what looks like a pristine nine millimeter pistol and two packs of uh nine millimeter um uh ammo and then we're gonna use this there's another terminal in this room um as well along with um another table with what looks like um like a bunch of like glasses and like um it's actually a sink you see a sink is anyone gonna use that pistol i don't want that pistol nope you're not i'm assuming you're not no i i wouldn't i just keep in mind it is a nine millimeter pistol not a 10 millimeter yes all i could say is my my weaponry takes pretty expensive oh right on the head you go ahead and take the red away the pistol it's all good don't worry i'm not trying to take everything in this place [Laughter] is there anything uh no anything shiny nothing shiny but the sink and the faucet the knobs how much was it was two things of that weird rattling and it like it squirts out a bunch of brown liquid and then eventually it it like clears out and it it shoots out clean water oh hey is that not amazing to you no it's actually it's actually probably drinkable really what because it would probably come down from like subterranean levels like awkwardness drink it i can't tell me what it feels like it may have no money perfectly clean drinking water oh my gosh this is not i will drink it to help uh with my daily drink needs sounds good you can do that i'm gonna go i mean i will do the same thing so let you guys know if you've got three hours marshall's are you gonna do it to say oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're about to do it 12. if you go yeah 12 hours without drinking water you get [ __ ] so sorry i go back in the room i have those empty canisters um you now have eight um um eight um purified waters how important is this very important this is like right because i happen to and i'll open my my backpack i have 10 molotops 10 bottles filled with liquid and rags sticking out of them i'm gonna hand two to you replace them with water and two to you no okay i'll just send you back up and put it back on is it two bottles of purified water two yep two purified waters kind of just sits by the sink and watches the water run you see the water run down and drain throughout the sink as you watch the water continue down where it's mesmerized by its consistent falling to ebb and flow how it continuously changes the light from behind it it continues running and running and running and running and running and then he'll turn it off i'm just and i'm just filling up as much as i could just drink you guys yeah just to keep in mind 12 hours without water you um there is no safe you just take on negatives if you do not drink every 12 hours um and hunger is different you can go longer without hunger expensive we sell it i think the thing is in this game it's not the most expensive it's like it's also really hard to find that's what i'm saying we can find dirty water and dirty water has rats yeah i think during water's like 10 cats something like that it's from memory it's a lucrative market it's almost like that kid in fallout 4 that sells the water fallout where you find a sink and you're rich i mean yeah we don't tell you what we just everyone died the water's not good what do you think i got in the field buddy make a lot of money selling those medical supplies okay that's good that's good um for my there's not like any door in the far into this hallway right there there's a terminal in here that might open this door okay with clean water check that out oh but there's no but that's the whole check out whatever these are they are targets okay uh from behind them as you pull it back you hear and as you kind of pull it back taped to the back of these is stuff you find what yeah um taped to the back of dungeons i um you find uh mentats the water billy no um uh great men cats you [ __ ] mmm tastes like candy yeah what is right is there anything yeah can i look fine tats literally tastes like candy can i find one of them too uh where is this i'm looking through all of them yeah yeah he's kind of doing that you look behind the other one you find um another mentats and buff out i have a question so um mentats normal uh grape mentats yes that means they're flavored like grape yes what does a normal mentat tastes like normal mentat tastes like mint mint chalk chalk chalking it yeah it's like those uh those sticky candies actually i have i've always imagined that a mentat tastes like a tums ah like the mint comes though yeah which are superior to the fruit flavored ones are the tropical ones the little stuff that's intense like mix them yeah yeah yeah what a weird thing to be mint and grape though i don't know i can't eat food so uh that's why i can't have drugs um i know this isn't written inside of it but um each of those each of the buff out men and men tats each have five in each one okay [Music] okay i have all the maintenance yes did you give me purified water to hold oh it's right buff out i forgot buff out comes in i was thinking of a psycho probably psycho is a yeah an injection that's one was like five but i was thinking of a psycho and they're called cans okay youtube are you right sorry no no it's actually fine it's all good you can elicit substances oh no it's actually okay so long as it's not within like the first minute of the video yeah you're good it's awful because you don't start starting drugs have you ever watched uh a video and for like the first minute they they bleep out any cursing and then they don't for the rest of it that's why my favorite podcast is so he has to be he has to be good for the first ten minutes yep okay much i'm gonna assume you give me all the water to hold oh no i just took it oh okay it's up to you do you not want me to hold it because okay i can carry quite a bit still okay you let me know what you want me to hold i have a battery i have a backpack and a gun oh wait how much does the backpack get here 50 50. oh i can carry a lot substantial yeah yeah a lot of things range bag is also nice yeah that it is that it is okay i can carry 120 some guns nice range back will have your um half weapons [ __ ] weight oh left weapon load okay what else uh there's a terminal um and paige you wanna you wanna uh let's take a look at that terminal i can i can i'm try and log into it and see if i can get in it's gonna stare at the sink somewhere um not hard to get in you open it and there's a couple of entries they look like personal um entries that have been put into this log okay uh i don't have these all written now i would have done it ahead of time but it did not um half the time so yeah um i will just describe it to you if that's all right that's fine um there are a couple of notes detailing um the uh journal of uh one wesley cooper okay he details how um the as soon as he uh he he was the overseer of this vault are there dates um yeah 20 like the october 15th 2077. um it's original yes they don't they go about maybe um a month and he explains how he got all the ball to um all the the other vault dwellers down below and as soon as he did the ball door wouldn't open he couldn't find a terminal to open it um he wasn't told anything nobody else came inside and when he tried to go open the door uh to go deeper into the vault it also wouldn't open um he couldn't figure out how to reroute the power he was really upset at himself for not understanding computers um there's a lot of mess uh journal entries here i was very distraught and upset um at this this awfulness that has happened to him of him being locked in this upper portion of this vault with the inability to go down to his wife which who he had hoped he had saved um he uh uh goes day by day talking about how much food he's running out of until eventually there are no more entries and that's it what is the last date the last date about a month after um november 10th now i'd be about two months so december 10th sorry so i think we found the journal of uh oh and there's a final entry that basically says i'm going to die here um tell my wife i love her um i did my best to save save everybody um if you ever find this message um give uh give vault-tec all the hell that it could um that that could be spared um and that's it i didn't hear what you said because i was right what happened so these are journal entries of who i would assume would be the man in the other room about how he got how did he get stuck out here again why was he up in the section knocked out um he went into the overseer's office to like um to like start because he was like you're all down there i'm good he went in and then he said like the power was rerouted he couldn't open the door the terminal wouldn't let him open the door and he was just stuck okay and then we'll just stuck here and start today that's unfortunate but yeah that must be in the overseer's office is somewhere nearby they would it would mean the obvious student series of offices here and he says that he wasn't able he didn't understand um computers i kind of do so i might be able to bypass whatever was blocking him and or at least get a better idea of what we're looking at let's go figure it out then the uh the other door won't open though to the overseer's office we might be able to force it open but maybe this chip will help us in some way yeah i forgot we found a chip yeah let's just go get into this put that in one of the terminals it's possible it depends on if the thing has the right uh input for it only one way to find out yeah okay let's return here then check on this door oh no we're leaving the gm we win gg we win the role-playing game how do you win this game exactly we all die that's how we win no you're winning yet hiding it craig i didn't know all the time for myself even from what but no the bottle cap yeah i'm like really playing with it so i just know that i haven't used it yet but so when do you guys think jacob's gonna uh get me and me i don't know i hope you forgot [Laughter] no we'll probably have a maybe have a comrade in here yeah mom will probably do it if you're in the car there's a cat at my feet which one oh hello miss lady it is she's hiding hello poof because she's kind of just laying there mm-hmm it's not the first time tonight that she's been down there she likes to hide dummy it's a nice little hiding spot as long as my feet don't touch and i i i just i'm going to try and force this door open no we're trying to see if we back over to this room everybody takes 40 rats i take zero isn't your is it i'm okay yeah resistance higher than that yes yes thankfully that's good because of the um gas mask i'm still using that yeah yeah i think so you guys take none my requirement since it's my current resistance is 70. so cool um yes uh you guys aren't aware of this you uh like you yes players are but your characters on without a geiger counter are just like good thing there's no radiation down here i just feel like [ __ ] yeah is there a place for the uh the input thing there is atop the um atop the control panel there's a small little if of this i take um how long has it been not including any of the resistance 25 more rounds of british i'm dead are you serious i am that's close the flare is gone you're wearing them you would have just fallen over right now i'll show you another one yeah i would have i'm pretty sure [ __ ] died i'm pretty sure let me check the chip thingy right yeah um no sorry that matters to you um i have 10. of course okay because it's it's 400 is level three and level three is negative three endurance and i have i'm not one endurance right now well you found how to kill paige jacob in the first game radiation it's usually the great equalizer radiation i think we're no longer on the screen i'm going to get my i mean i'll do that on purpose go back and forth yeah no i haven't no like the minis oh no no no no you're not um hey emma you come with the camera uh we found a little slot so we're gonna put the does my little chip yeah it goes over um if you just point it over at the minis if you can kind of line it up with here i'll help you out oh yeah look at that look at that look at that go up a little bit and then to the right sorry to the left to the left there you go and then we'll go right there cool awesome thank you so much um you go over it slots in and you watches it it lights up and it opens okay and take it back out yep you take it back out and it closes oh you guys see another corridor that the light speed in to try to like light up and then just flicker consistently without being too bad sure someone stay out here to make sure this stays open you wanna you wanna head in there and i'll follow up behind you um question do you should we leave someone should someone stay out here to make sure that this door stays open if it's that willing to close that thing gets pulled out i could do it if you want to feel careful sure as you kind of turn the corner i'll follow you you can you can move that just move it over over you know if i start hearing something happening um as you go over and look inside uh you see this room that lights up with terminals all along the back and all of the terminals kind of come to life along the walls there's a desk in front of you with terminals there as well and as you do so you look along the ground you see four bodies all of which and they kind of like turn and then stand up and their yellow eyes just kind of stare upwards they're half melted faces look up towards uh uh uh you uh cerebellum and attack you everybody roll combat sequence oh oh boy i'm kind of not in the way i kind of am so apologies about that so i ordered a bunch of yeah and i don't have them yet i was going to have ghouls but i don't have them which is why cerebella is an orc and not yeah i think she's an orc on the inside fair enough she has ogre strike uh there should be a category we found this really really cool it might be in misconduct this weird picture of a dragon on it i actually checked uh lord of the rings came out in 1938. yeah yeah so let's just say the hobbit dude yeah i know about the wings but so i can make you make like smile jokes yeah yeah i mean yeah it would be technically that technically the fallout divergence happened in the 50s thank you would you like to kind of surround right there so the hobbit is about the opposite kind of like this yep and then um this guy's got a bunch of clothes he's like a whole vampire guy as well dolly parton he's a noose cannon all that matters is that real it's all that matters she's not actually in it okay did you okay i asked jacob if i could my character could like dolly parton um and if what tyler just said is true then my my candy would have been a while born in 1946 she's still alive three years old like so you couldn't you would have nothing to love no because she didn't she could have still had a career if she survived no because the elvis is like worshipped the great war happened in 2077 yeah so dolly parton is 75 she's old why not been 77 27 so when people go and wait it's currently in i think i'm just gonna say i think i'm just not gonna ask for clarification because they all make me more confused so i will accept what i've already known after clarification i wanna ask it after the game after so i don't mess things up okay okay um so okay let's see here what nothing the the southern is coming i did not like that was your jump scared again i thought it was over there i should have rolled i just zoomed last up still getting yeah okay dolly parton is amazing i don't think anyone could beat me i'm that last okay uh 25 to 20. uh 22. no sorry whoa not 22. my bad it's perception plus your role perception perception plus your role like perception mod perception okay never mind not 22. uh not 22. okay 20 to 15. there we go 17. um [Music] um billy what'd you get 11. okay and cerebellum zero zero i kind of wrote that about pretty lady zero nice yeah if it was lower i could get a negative philly what you get 11. i'm a negative initiative so i'm actually first of my own initiative [Laughter] where are they all at what are you doing go sleepy go sleepy oh you're getting flying what did you get 17. he's sleeping what's going on i don't like this okay uh one ghoul goes first it's going to be that front one up there and it looks over you cerebella it runs forward leaps through the air gains air and throws itself at you as it slams into you i like this school uh yeah all right so you can actually make uh so one uh one two you want to use make three attacks oh oh boy oh boy that's a natural 20. no i will make it not because i can put this right uh you can't turn my quest into nothing you can only give yourself advantage um you take oh it's just times two sorry so it would have been you take 10 damage so what's your damage threshold three three seven seven and then that and then what is your um uh what's what is the other one that that would be seven thresholds so you're at your second level your first level of decay so what so what so if i had let's say two already so do i track them or just they have to deal 10 exactly to push me over right no no yeah it's a total of 10. so even if you had taken damage before it continues down it's like a health part absolutely so what happens to that so it just stacks on top of it so that's gone so i have two more now you have ten more but you're at um equipment decay level one but what i'm saying is that there's is there overlay does the damage follow through to the next it does that that's all i need to know okay then we're gonna um cool uh it slams into you the second time you have multiple health and you guys watch as cerebellum land into the side the metal yeah some of the glass kind of snaps a little bit and then it bites you i'm nothing okay in there natural one no um all right uh dr alabaster oh man that looks pretty bad you gotta be pretty tough who's hitting me can i get my shotgun just around his face i just place it right in front of the barrels um you can try roll attack you want to move okay yeah do i need to move i mean it's up to you do i need to move like i don't know um yeah and i'll let you shoot around um cerebellar if you want i can't technically like kick out but oh yeah because no there's no attack opportunities you could just yeah come back out you have a disadvantage if you're you're within five feet he's not good oh then he's fine yeah then fire from there all right cool stay here right this is kind of a good that makes sense because they could push it out of the way this is kind of a good little technique oh oh okay wait cap though do that there's a little one uh 19 sir 19 hits roll damage gosh dang it yeah this is the the whole cap well if you've been there sorry get it back out of here you're going back to ghoul heaven yeah go heaven go hell i ain't judging no the great ghoul beyond you gotta get out of here you have no idea how much of a good reference you were i know it wasn't yeah yeah i like look yeah okay i know about that there are a bunch of ghouls that fall in new vegas who think that there's a great beyond and they're gonna get in a bunch of rockets and fly to it and you can do that you put them in rockets and they finally you can also put them in rockets and then set the terminal to have the rockets run into each other oh why so you can get them go it press the button and they go i wonder if they go anywhere all right actually it's bloodied um and you go over and as soon as you you turn it like slams into cerebellum you fire it tries to move out of the way but you clip it and you hit it in the side throwing off a bunch of flesh as it um uh nearly falls to the ground and i'm gonna open and reload all right so how much was it to shoot your gun five to shoot at six to reload yeah and you don't recycle so that's the end of your turn um paige um i am going to just kind of pop around with the nine millimeter and just take a shot uh actually yeah i can take a shot um so that makes it kind of digging this this formation is really good this is this is perfect strong you're gonna be able to come over here and hit that guy if you want um x's are great but that's a four four misses i have a plus zero to regular guns uh you you fired your gun so yeah it like fires down and just ding hits the wall yeah which is fine ricochet but at least i can try something right a page uh huck you can also go if you want to yep oh yeah um i'm going to recycle a point okay i'm gonna round it up around and down down okay it doesn't stay so sure i'm also gonna do a peek out and shoot down shoes what are you talking about we're just keeping an aligned peek out around the big robot yeah you're right you're right crowbar was my fallout new vegas character beat the [ __ ] out of everyone with that thing else you're firing with the lever action shotgun i am that was a really crazy role i don't know if anyone saw that i i just kept going you know i kept going on the journey that is a 23 to hit though a 23 wait no sorry i was looking at my um my the amount of my ap um that's an 18 day and 18 still hits sweet it goes like shield you're like all right like the broad side of a barn however i currently have because of the the two things of nine millimeters compared to thirteen could have been a ghoul yes seventy nine rounds how many if i died it was a thirty four per box i'm [ __ ] right i said it you turn around clip them um you turn around hit him right in the chest the ghoul like still moving forward and then you just is he bloody he's been blooded he's been bloody since um blood on my first shot you hit him yeah that is way better than an enemy well the thing is so energy weapon especially the ammo i'm using for my gun is incredibly expensive uh so having a secondary weapon that i can just like that's what it is my first weapon because it hits like a truck okay and it's built for the for the type of character i use okay by the way just to let you guys know the um the uh uh when you recycle action points you can only have a maximum of 15. you can never go above 50. okay that's what we have so even when we like level up later on yeah no matter nobody can ever have more than 15 and nobody can ever have lower than five question how do i know so if you look how many uh shots i can take plus four with your gun yeah um okay it's on the weapon um where yeah uh you get a lever action shotgun yeah yeah though so it's five ap to shoot yep to reload to six yep um you can shoot it five times five times it's you see the under ammo and reload 20 gauge five rounds okay um compared i'm gonna shoot it again then all right i need two uh ten ten times the big thing i really wanted to do with this system was to have low acs um i want you guys to hit more but in that case more stamina points kind of block that along with damage seven more damage i mean my ac is also 10 so yeah your ac if your ac is 15 that's like having a 20 in in indeed uh seven more damage uh seven more damage uh you kill him you well come on now die come on mr ghoul mr ghoul stinky mr ghoul nasty are you fired his face explodes off to the side i hate ghouls uh all right um uh this school runs right it's five feet within your school cerebellum no no that one right there gets right there and goes to it's gonna do three attacks all right uh please subaru has a higher damage actually uh that's eight bludgeoning damage all right that's actually really bad uh that's second level all right do you have a threshold that's pretty high well not really what is your name special two three three so you took five guys still pushed me over what are you what are you at on your on your next one uh i'm clear on that you're you're full you're clear on that um the next slam is a jesus christ uh 22 is that it uh that is six bludgeoning okay which would have been just three right yeah yep and then um the bite uh that's a that's a two plus three is five uh damage of the head it's a heat uh no no five smooth spikes onto your armor um cerebellar is getting kind of slammed and torn apart over there uh billy it's your turn uh oh that's actually good to know actually that's actually really bad are you just waiting as you walk in the door close ups and we are now locked and then we're going down yeah you are different can i go and pull out my lever action okay and i'll take a shot at the one missing a face okay go for it you're looking the wrong way bud well i i don't have that much control with this thing wow colton get good lever action is using oh he's my perception doesn't it lever action um it's guns which is that's right it's agility that's right it's agility and i get luck so yeah okay 14. billy's uh just for the audience billy's luck is so high that he gets to add what a plus two to everything two to everything yeah so billy's just so lucky that he's great and i plan on taking the thing that lets me add my full luck to everything nice what'd you get uh 14 14 14 will hit one damage just to do two confusing mic plus four how is your luck great there's only four but because you have the mod and the yeah it's more 11 damage 11 damage billy you turn the corner you fire and the rest of its face explodes and it is dead nice then he goes back out all right um the third one in the back that uh that one right there it is going to run past you cerebella and it is going to go to uh dr alabaster and fly it runs over flies at you um mouth the gate and runs over how much how much times so can only do two attacks rip [Music] um you take a total of nine damage so seven damage uh yes reduced to well no set from both so i should have done it that way mm-hmm and it's not coming forward it doesn't matter i have the same thing it's just minus let's find it is your dt1 yeah yeah yeah it comes from your camera first oh thank you so much oh my gosh almost pulled it from hip this hop so much better i was like i'm real quick how much damage you have i have 12. so stamina is a mixture of uh left oh no no no no i have five left okay so damage threshold does not subtract from your stamina hit points so you're stabbing a point sorry gotta keep track of that all right um so nine damage so yeah you take nine to your stamina as soon as you're taking hit point damage that's when dt is involved because it's literally hitting you instead the ghoul run runs over launches itself at you and you move yourself out of the way as it lands on the ground as it swipes at your legs you jump up upwards and you're just you're like stressed out you're getting tired as you're trying to load your shotgun and like make sure to kill this thing um you just nearly cross death i have three stamina left um cerebellar okay uh i'm gonna just do this i'll beat this fool to death i will try and attack him with my fists twice go for it um well do i keep it if it rolls out what are the rules for guys popping on this thing well that's fine i think yeah that's the gm okay i don't know um that's i'm sorry i've actually two decay there's only damage that's a dirty 20 to hit 30 20 hits okay i'm gonna do the second one uh that one is uh 12. yeah okay okay both um i'll continue separately because it actually quite matters um the first one's three nice and then the second one is going to be um seven you completely depleted stamina points you uh you punch it it dodges you punch it again and it completely dodges and it's now like it's like winded it's tired it's like it's now like it has like an opening like it's it's like stopped for a second you're like oh [ __ ] if you hit it you're gonna like probably kill it um that's where it's at though it's at the end of your turn that's it can recycle anything nope all right um the other one is going to go and it's going to run right at cerebellar yeah this way or that way um like will it climb over its body yeah it'll move over its body it's one two three four um they can do three attacks now if it rolls a two uh which is a six twenty one no sorry 19. oh that's right still hits um six bludgeon damage uh okay it's reduced to three for you yeah yeah and then a uh uh an 11 uh to hit yeah that's a mess it's a miss that's a mess awesome cool so the other one just it's completely 13. cool cool so you have a good ac very good yeah uh top of the round dr alabaster um actually that's a good point hang on how [ __ ] did i calculate pretty i'm pretty sure i just give you your ac i think i'm gonna need my protection i would imagine they would have a pretty good ac their metal check well they definitely would have a good damage threshold yeah sorry i need to look up actions sorry craig can you hear me now absolutely i'm sorry thank you hands left side hey look what i got on my character nice that's that's me right now i need it ready [Laughter] from the from the reds yeah jacob ready says plus 280 oh i see whatever you're doing yes um stowing an item is six action points stow is three three oh thank the lord and to pull out another item crippen item is three you get six to put something away and pull something out yeah so to switch weapons at six yes yeah unless you just wanna drop your gun on the floor hello don't fix that business picks it up and blasts you it's like what is this it's a scorched from 76. yeah they have guns we have guns in that case uh yeah i'm gonna stow my shotgun okay and pull out my hatchet cool so that's three and three that's six leaves you with another six left and i have four action points to do this so i'll take my hatchet and i'll just bring it down on top of that did you recycle any from last turn no no okay all right so go ahead and roll attack good is he prone no he's not broken he like fell to the ground scrambled back up um that's going to be a melee weapons right yeah catch it so that's going to be 14. yeah and cerebellar like punches it like dodges and it like it's got an opening you take out your hatchet and perfectly laid it right into its chest uh five five nice it's you take it and you pull it out blood kind of goes everywhere and it's ah it's still alive uh that leaves me with two points left so i can recycle one all right um uh huck and paige um i i mean i might as well just do try and do it again go for it um okay well better than the four yeah uh fire with the nine millimeter pistol uh natural 20. that works that works um so that means i double the damage because of the [ __ ] [Music] oh no i rolled it sorry well the two uh so that's four damage oh so it's two damage and then double the four yes uh to which one to the one that just got back um uh axed the question uh are you shooting it uh with the nine millimeters yes you fire at it goes right through its head and it falls on the ground it'd sure do be dead gave him a lobotomy all right why is that your turn uh yeah all right huck i'm gonna shoot at uh this fine gent twice go for it i turned him what's a repair check use i believe he uses yeah uh that's a 13 and a 17. good enough there are some parts of the the manuscript that have uh uh repair listed when it used to be a skill i wrapped it all into crafting uh a sick that does it thirteen and six um so when you recycle points say so say you have nine points use uh six which that means you recycle one right yes yes then so you have ten the next round you use six again which means we have four left technically does that mean i would get two or but even though i was psyched but one of those are recycled points yes okay but you could also say that one of the points you used was the first recycle point the rest of them you can you can you can if you get like five rounds in ramp it up to the point where it's like haha i now have five uh sorry uh 18 damage i'm 18. i'm getting close up being like one more round i can shoot twice twice nice right in the torso right in the torso again um and it like falls to the ground and scrambles back up one hit point oh my god you did everything but one it is near dead that was really good that's all i can do though okay um that's still good really good um that one right in front of you cerebella um sees that there's meat behind you um and it wants that instead that one's gonna fly fling itself over at um at page yeah it's going to run down the page oh no um it runs over the other side okay how fun did i have to move to get there uh that was one three three four four yeah is that the injured one uh yes that would be the injured one um the one that one hit point um and it does uh three slam attacks oh uh a nine and nine misses just misses swings wine um crit yeah ah [ __ ] and a 10. uh the 10 meter beats um oh boy did you roll max on the crew i'm it's not going to change what i did but i want to know how many stamina points you have i have nine nine how many hit points do you have uh max or how much do i have right now right now i have two what's your max my max is seven are we doing like the d rule about like no no no no no no no no you take double you're not just dead no no um yeah uh maybe something we incorporate later but for now now um yeah that crit runs over it misses once and you look up at it and it takes its hand and it just goes boom like that your head slams into the wall 18 damage wow um it will max on its crib oh it's going to take its second hit and instead slam try to slam hook okay which i will re-roll yeah technically it would have to move because then the page was here x's it will instead um spend so it's how it moved moved forward four all right and then it used two attacks on three and then it will move three spaces to billy oh so it's instead of swinging you just see it moving its way over towards because you see it and slammed me against the wall grabbed his head and went bam do that because he's around the corner but you see like the arm of pages yeah jacob follow the ground right yeah just so you know it only had to move two to get to billy only two to move to billy yeah cool it can recycle nothing okay um it's all good no no you're fine uh cerebella it's your turn thank you you just is this boy in the door using your [ __ ] noggin can i make a luck check pull the thing and crank it real lucky can you can you do it at the same point that they're in the door 12. did you roll i rolled an eight plus four you just take the thing out and it and it decapitates it and smooshes its body into place and then you i'll put the thing back in it's just dripping from the ceiling and its legs just fall down it's dead take it off um so would that be interact with an object yes okay interacting with an object twice twice so that's six points um well done and then i'll take a step and then i'll take a step forward and then i will also interact with an object if this is how this works use a use a a stim pack is a stim pack a kim um it is and it has a certain ap that devices so well it might have a different thing it's a stimpack five right what it's a pack of kim because use a kim is 580 yes yes okay cool and i have just enough to to stab a stab right here what's your healing rate just one it's one right now because i'm at no you suddenly come awake as billy um finishes depleting um uh a a stim pack into you um as you come back to life he just looks over you and he's like you owe me a stamp pack [Laughter] um you said that it's a minimum of one right for the healing rate so you heal sorry it has to be yeah because i think i'm at what is it let's see um i am currently at technically it would be a negative two uh oh yeah um okay cerebellum is your turn especially given that okay uh i guess i'll just turn back on this poor fool okay and we'll go and attack him twice someone go for it uh oh that's not terrible that's not a good either one one's a 19 but one's at 11. both hit okay this is a game of paige is very useful when she's up [ __ ] cyberpunk a stiff wind blows and she'll die so let's keep the page alive you're able to kind of swing and he like dodges the first one and then you kind of get him in the gut and you hear a couple of cracks for the bones as he as he falls back but he's still up you can almost say that hello was a variation of grumbles so which is kind of what this character is supposed to it's supposed to be like an updated version of grumbles so um the uh the the ghoul is much more intrigued with the fleshy uh sack of meat behind you and is going to go one two get into melee with dr alabaster which is two i believe uh he's gonna make three attacks on you first slam i forgot molotovs why don't i throw any of them of course man you can flip your token though you can put the thing i crit on you okay okay oh that works yes if i crit on you you can flip it or if you roll naturally um it doesn't it doesn't remove his crease but you get your you're getting an attack i see nice a nine doesn't hit thank god so the first attack is nine bludgeoning damage do i should know before i flip it um yeah so with nine blocking damage that means three from stamina yeah six now damage threshold yes so then five yes now five okay and then how much health you got left i'm gonna be unconscious how much health do you have four four oh yeah of course i rolled i rolled minimum which is four but oh the chris it's a crit so it's eggs um yeah uh he goes over and uh like smacks um dr alabaster and then like punches him in the face and he just falls on billy looks over i don't have another one of those stim packs he's got three on him top of the round am i awake doctor alabaster roll a death saving throw and add a luck modifier keep it secret keep it safe you know what maybe having a plus port of luck is really not easy luck in any game i've ever played with that is disappearance that's true okay that's why it doesn't exist in all the games page luck is very good um am i awake yeah you're up okay um i'm just gonna like stand up and pronounce five ap oh my god i'm just gonna kind of stay on the ground and like reach into my pocket and pull out the stim pack we found i found in the the the thing earlier and just give like hold it up to billy okay save the doctor um hug um hawks gonna shoot this guy all right shoot him i'll do one really epic fallout 4 battle music plays oh uh 18 18 hits see if i can kill him [Music] um yeah i should have had a gun uh i can't use him how do you kill him um yep you go forward the final one you kind of turn to the side you're glowing blue synth eyes uh kind of lighting down the hallway as your head kind of tips down and it's in your mind you just hear it's high noon blows over blasts the ghoul's head off and he is dead we're still in initiative can i combat sequence as the rest of my uh of my ap to give um our doctor here this impact yes you can okay just take one out of this pack i was really holding a sim pack up i take it okay guys are out of combat i use one of yours by the way that's right you did it how much so how many so with the stim pack how much would is it just the ones the one healing rate just your healing rate once okay okay we need to wait here a while okay i'm gonna look around you do that i'm gonna i'll step back outside of the room just in case yeah i think the robots look around over to the back you look around you find behind the overseer's desk you find uh two more rataways uh two more stim packs and a uh two first aid kits that's right yes she's you also find two robot repair kits i'm fine i'm taking out my first aid kit and i'm using it on myself right now uh that you're gonna take that one uh that huck found oh you have one of your own yeah yes go ahead yeah they're called healing kit is what you said uh two robots i'm gonna take the 15 minutes uh first aid kits first aid kit two first eight kids sorry i'm gonna take the 15 minutes um yes 15 minutes to heal 184 plus or my level times 1v4 plus my healing rate no it's plus my something else medicine you want these robot repair kits uh yeah so it's right now it's 1v4 plus 3. yes 1d4 plus 3. that's how she can heal with that with 15 minutes um you guys can also get back uh stamina points equal to um how long are we waiting here well my thinking is if you wait for an hour you can restore half of your maximum stamina points i think we should right now right away i was gonna say use the right away maybe can we use the right away and the healing with the first aid kit at the same time sure that's fine you just set up like a [ __ ] operator pretty do i find anything else um other than those things the only thing you find is the terminal at the overseer's desk the other thing you find as well as you go to the back of the overseers terminal that the um there is the floor is raised underneath his chair um and it's open about maybe this far um and you can see there's a stairway that light goes down but you can't seem to like get in there unless you like crawl and shove your way in oh where oh is this is his chair a spinning chair yes can i spin him yeah you sit in it and it's nice and leathery and it kind of like like it makes that like noise when you like you sit in it and it like um use the tables nice spencer are you uh i'll grab one of the rataways yeah i'm using a first aid kit and a battery on myself are you you're giving up the first aid kit yeah i'm giving you guys sweet all the human stuff all the human stuff i mean i can't use it um um you already have it right away right uh i'm yeah i already have one you just got one yeah it takes two and there's two of them right yeah you guys can take those um right aways heal yourselves with the with the um did you kill yourselves with the first aid kit feeling great is half your endurance plus your level okay yeah but we get one level of exhaustion and dehydration so you say it one more time half your endurance plus your level so less than difference luckily you have a bunch of candidates and you're in a score i do so i can get rid of the dna that's better because that just takes 15 minutes right yes no a weapon a robot repair kit that's instant okay then that's actually pretty decent but i'd rather do one level of dehydration in one level of exhaustion but i'm gonna go ahead and drink water to get rid of the dehydration there you go you have to consume a whole water to do that yep i'm going to do that as well while they're oh you're suffering that because of that is there any way those are the right ways hydration you think you could just shove it if you wanted to can i just hang on to sleep jump on yeah try to shut it yeah huck goes over towards the the hole and like jumps on it and it shuts wow geez level two what are these points like sorry there's like monitors and things those are monitors yes you did you want these i closed the hole that the ghouls came through are these important these monitors yeah i i'm not sure are they monitors yeah they are monitors and as you look um across and they look to like monitor different ways actually i don't think that matters i'm not going to take my right away yet i'm going to hold on to it okay what's his decimal out of what's what what's his desk made out of this by 250 yeah and i don't take another negative until we hit like 400 something the tables out there are made of are made of metal okay i'm gonna do that and then and i'm gonna do a check on my where the ceiling caved in maybe the oh that's true how much oh yeah if i could go back not take it takes an hour yeah you have an hour you can go find some scrap metal to try to remember yourself could i find enough to get two um it's bad for two scrap metals this one oh yeah yeah yeah exactly the uni is not too crazy 450 is bad i don't have a lot of them are static there are three that are active one is a hallway you don't recognize it another one is uh is a what looks like a bedroom no movement other one is what looks like a hallway here at the level of the hallway is what looks like a person sitting down vault suit um and he's just sitting up against the door oh one level okay no true level yeah um he has kind of like grayish hair kind of off to the side kind of curly he has black skin and he's just sitting up against the door i i would probably walk in what's going on huck's spinning immature there's a monitor that shows someone that's alive that's on the monitors what taking a short rest how how much stamina points does that get back there's not really a short rest in this game but just an hour taking an hour half of your maximum okay and you don't get hit points you can get more you don't get definitely going to eat some food yeah okay go ahead and eat it you can gain that back hit points is only six hours of rest right yes okay and you heal your healing right yeah and there's no way for robot to rest correct no you guys can rest you just don't want to sleep what was i give me something there's no benefit every year um every hour you gain half of your you don't have stamina points but you do um and then for you you would heal your healing rate equal to well i guess you really wouldn't no um but i did roll a repair checker myself i rolled a 12 plus two which was 14 which is actually what the [ __ ] what what about the roll um i think that's i i think you're you're there's a typically like a dc on there but um creature must succeed or repair check you go oh equal to 10 plus i apologize um then it is currently at decay 2 so the dc is 12 which is 12 plus 2 which is 14 so i remember one cool that's what i'm trying to figure out sorry question for you and you heal up all those hit points as well the k threshold yeah they gave oh okay yeah but is that because of rest because i removed it uh it's because you you repaired it so i repaired okay so the book says the book the thing says i remove a level decay does that also remove basically the thing before it yeah so it it heals i'm calling them like hit points because it's basically a certain amount of hip hop takes to break you yeah it does heal those all the way back up yeah even if it's at six so so if i was like this yeah before so it goes all those and that yeah oh so basic i think so you go to tip top of the previous level yep you basically have five levels okay and it takes so much damage to remove a lot of interest if you heal a level you heal it all the way back up so it will take more damage to remove it that's good enough it says heals your level heals your level of stamina points heals one stem is that really what it is i don't know most of them all say that you just consume your level of stamina points um let me look real quick they all say that no no no not crown cram is your level a noodle cup would only be one it heals your hip points or your sanity you have some dog food dog food heals your level number of d4s to stamina points d6s actually the [ __ ] is dog food more nutritious than cup a new highway you know what like as you said that yeah just like it was water and soup yeah it's just noodles i mean soup however i will say that over the course of this rest and you guys investigating and all of that i haven't properly done it yet but we will for the future because this is kind of the introductory kind of game but everybody gains 200 xp and levels up to level two oh so you guys can go ahead and freaking round up yes oh come on cheers minus one cup of noodle um wait wait hang on hang on i gotta play the obligatory um oh the little sound hang on that's cool here we go here's your um how are we calculating like levels again there is a table okay yep um yeah let me get it one second so don't wait i'm sorry do i have to keep track of xp yes stacks correct yeah okay okay thank you thank you okay you said how much uh you guys have 200 xp which is level two i don't for that oh no uh yeah i don't see yeah sorry i it's everybody should get a perk and or plus one to your special 200 200 thank you you're welcome i'm trying to do a lot of this healing great thing too okay perk or special do we have time to level up yes pretty well i know i already already know what program thank you i don't i don't know oh my gosh there's so many yeah there's a lot um um oh no you're taking dumb luck i am oh [ __ ] there are sense specific perks right yeah they should be in the rachel and then because we leveled we lose tags correct um no you keep your your tags stay forever but the bonus of the tag stays oh yeah whoops well i'll save it though tag is basically just proficiency oh i thought last time we lost after level one no no it stays level one you guys got tags traits three special points uh and 10 hp and 10 sp and now you guys have a perk or a plus one special and this system goes up to level 30. okay cool do i want gotta hear you that's fine you're worthless to me do i want to take an l and make you guys like cool a what do i want to take the l and make you guys cool oh that's up to you what would that be um i think it's one perk or oh or yeah oh my god what can i read i think so colton has taken the um so all of the the perks are divided kind of like fallout 4 but i used a lot of the perk designs from um new vegas and also paul of course kind of a mixture of both but um the mega level uh luck perk the highest level one that you can get is called dumb luck and it's there is no sense to your life's aptitude and billy can now add his full luck modifier to all skill bonuses instead of half and billy now has a plus eight to melee you know what purely out of luck you know what i'm gonna do if you get your look up to a ten everybody praise me no level up to level three because i'm taking here now whoa you're taking okay so it is a perk that you can only take uh once yes so only one party member may take this perk you and your party mainly gain an additional level complete with all the advantages that they bring so tyler is the only one only one per um per uh per like game effectively yeah but um everybody is level three what's our uh xp at now um your xp is now at wow dang that's cool um 550. i think this helps in the lower levels especially when we level up or is this still like this um it can flip when you level up sweet uh awesome what's our expertise what's our exp now uh 550. i also hate to say it but what does that do for me um no nothing okay love to see it um i might go through and take a look and see if i can um give you a little bonus because i didn't realize that would give you nothing so that is i may give you something jacob yes uh so level three is plus five to hp plus five to sp does that also add to like your current or is it only adding to the maximum uh only to the maximum okay you don't suddenly oh i'm here so i'm still so i'm still 10 or 15 hit points and i need to heal the vibe and it's just a flat because you gain plus five to both know modifications are you fine you take it just take it as as if you healed it sorry sure it's just a fl flat plus five sample points plus five hit points no um no no no you do um i believe you add your your bonuses to it your endurance oh we add our opponents you add your endurance and your agility okay so agility is to stam yes okay and then hit points let me just double check here because i'm i'm all i'm certain that's what it is now now i have to look at parts wait i can upgrade my special you're gonna make your oh i'm gonna make my luck tint um i think you add your h um you add your corresponding ability to both and if it's a negative you do subtract uh i bumped my charisma up to a seven which means okay so your modifier is three so that's two isn't it yes that would be two sorry so um that's party nerve yeah um so dang took the perk right out the gate i thought it made sense it basically does nerf you have a perk though yes but everybody got the left but i think at this lower levels it makes sense uh let me look here advice party nerves is solar power no longer a thing no it is it's in um it's an endurance perk so i was in the racial perks it's all good why is that like that oh thank you um let's see here pull the powders right here yeah yeah i'm sorry i thought for some reason because it was named solar powered i assume there's only for robots so um which is because everybody if everybody can listen up real quick uh because of huck's charm and influence it has an effect on the party making everybody else more die hard and determined or even just plain focused every member of your party including yourself gains a bonus equal to half of your charisma modifier to maximum hit points and death saving throws so what's your modifier you get a plus one plus one everybody gets a plus one to their maximum hit points and um you can add it to your your threshold the damage threshold or the decay threshold the decay threshold okay um and uh hit point up by a one and then if we roll a death save it also goes up by one i'm going to say that that falls is your decay threshold uh no with that plus one from huck that'd be eight it'd be eight yeah so what did it start it starts at five uh no it starts at seven well it starts at uh five five because i had it because i have an endurance so then for you every time everybody else gains plus 10 to everything else you add five plus your endurance so add another eight i'm sorry hang on it say one more time so um every time everybody else gets uh that's five the plus five you get the same thing but to your threshold so you get a plus five to your damage threshold plus your bonus so it's eight do we do 200 less than that it possibly is a lot because there is there isn't regenerate but i'll have to do that they have stamina points and you know but i'm saying does the toner points not recharge we can but we can recharge them with an hour of rest you have to do the same thing i can do that almost double full you have to repair yourself don't you recharge your absolutely like that's a okay cool we'll try it we'll try it we'll try it but if it's too much because five's a lot because that'll push me too but you know those rules were not doing a lot of damage so i think i think what what's missing is we get five stam and five hit points so we're getting plus ten you're only getting plus five no decay well yeah but that means i have a grand total of like something like five fifty somewhat healthy i'm totally down four mushroom make sure i don't know if you want to back it up later yeah but but you yourself getting decayed is way worse than hard decay going like you you have to heal that that's crazy about it for now so yeah everybody does get that plus one bonus to their hip weights though okay um and to your death saving throats yeah i wrote that it don't i also get a luck bonus of my death slaves yeah so your luck bonus plus six so your death no your death saving throw bonus is six yeah that first one be applicable to the plus one oh because you don't have deficiencies yeah sure that's my my uh my melee weapons is plus nine now so in theory helper against the most targets i'll need to roll a one to miss oh my gosh dang thanks just to make sure i read this correctly yeah okay first date i can patch somebody up and heal them up to their healing rate is this a perk yes one second uh all right i think i'm done leveling yeah much like uh once you heal in this way that creature can only be healed again after resting so like they only be healed this way i'm going to say six hours of rest but i'm saying like if i use this i can still use a stem pack later yes first first aid basically lets you have a free stim pack once per day for everything it's like the healer feet it is exactly like yeah that's neat this he didn't say heal this way i just had healed again and i was like i don't wanna make sure i'm reading that right um computer cousin oh what does that do um robots won't attack me unless uh all my allies are out of sight or they are unconscious um and i can hack any computer with a dc of 10 or less that's awesome cool um i took uh meltdown nice it's going to which is the one where if you kill somebody with an energy weapon they just explode and that can explode another guy and that yeah yeah i can isn't that really dangerous for us the way we have played it in the test is i can choose if they melt down but yeah yes um i'll let you can't make the meltdown not hurt your companions but you can choose not to do the meltdown if you don't want to yeah i i can't run down but it's something that we have been playing with i shouldn't be able to right you can't what it would go to your it would go to your uh your threshold to put your threshold your um which one what is that [ __ ] call not the damage threshold the other one that's in your headline the decay threshold the decay threshold sorry okay you could add it to your decay just so you know just just accept that you're the tank to see i'm not down with that i like that i intend on taking is mysterious stranger yeah awesome billy's dad yeah billy's dad is a mysterious stranger yeah well is that kid you guys know how that perk works when i roll a natural 10 on a d20 for an attack roll the mysterious stranger appears and attacks dealing half the target creatures for points and damage that's so cool i know how it works once per day once per day he just shows up shanks them and then leaves no he has a gun he has a gun he shows up and out of the corner of everybody's eye you see this mysterious being who wears a a trench coat and a fedora and you hear this it's like off the health of an enemy in the video game he shows up and kills whatever you're shooting but um i feel like that should be like you're you're like i mean you should like take like a long drive with like a golf ball and a [ __ ] is going to hit some fool in the head today and you're like there goes oh that's awesome there we go weaponized luck critical breaker is cool too uh which one is that whenever you roll a critical hit you can treat the wrong banker sorry whenever you roll a critical hit you can treat the role as a normal attack and save the [ __ ] for a later attack whenever you attack with any weapon you can use your saved crit to treat the attack as a crit i should have done that it requires a lock of seven dude don't feel like perks are really cool i'm really glad that i went did look i want to take a pump the coolant when i hit level five pump the coolant yeah is that uh yeah i might uh a lot of the synth ones are pretty cool i'm looking at getting light touch yep it won't trigger traps and stuff like that uh no i think it has oh no light touch is um is the it's armor yeah yeah that's in uh uh it's no it's under intelligence actually oh yeah you know how to specifically craft your armor to fit you to grant you more flexibility and protection your crit chance of all weapons increases by one additionally when taking damage to your hit points you can have your armor absorb the blow decaying it by one level but reducing the damage to zero you basically whenever you you basically take your armor and whenever you wear it you custom fit it to where it'll work perfectly for you can i do first aid on myself yes um but only only once until you take a six hour rest i should do it right now what did you take that did you take a difference yeah no i took perk first aid and then the next one i took a special increase oh nice yeah would you increase oh my intelligence bloody mess is funny yeah i love bloody a plus one the damage with all weapons and when killing an enemy roll a d20 on a 20 the target explodes into a violent gory red pace jumbled with limbs and bits spotted across the floor walls and anyone nearby all creatures within 30 feet of the explosion are frightened for one round after eight levels of having this perk your party is used to the bloody explosions at this point and is no longer frightened when it happens you have the perk for eight levels of roots doing this yeah um does anybody else need any healing i'm good i think we i think we kind of know yeah frightening is also uh full i haven't been hit yet i healed myself up pretty thoroughly how i'm hurt it's like food and uh first they got me up back up to full hit points what tyler's trying to say is paige has very little health yeah and it was not hard to get it up yes yes that is very very true the first day kid only does a 1d4 i think it was 1d4 plus i like that skill is higher than mine yeah i was um ridiculous like so high because i had a 10 um intelligence so i don't know it's awesome no no i did not attack it i didn't talk about that one i picked oh no you okay equal to a number of d4s okay jacob yes first aid kit uh you uh with 15 minutes heal hp equal to a number of d4s equal to your level plus your medicine bonus yeah so it would be um it would it so if you're level three right now um you would roll 3d4 and then what's your medicine bonus five 3d four plus five so four plus five plus or less than the point because the way it because the way it is written also could mean yeah that makes sense now one e four plus fifteen no no you're saying like the number of d4s is equal to your level plus your medicine so my level's one my medicine's three that's four so i roll 44. no sorry that yeah i didn't even think of that no that's not what it is anyways the way it works your medicine bonus added to the to the how much you have that might that might need to be cleaned up the text sure a little bit just because it's a little bit messy um but still how did you get this one whatever man i don't know i have even if you rolled the d4 you had a plus five would have given you nine and then we just leveled up yeah i have um nine right now at level three you still have nine hit points at level yeah i had seven hit points so we just clarified this plus your endurance modifier which i have a negative if your robots assume it just does this says yes that sucks yeah you but what's your stamina points uh it's not amazing because i don't have amazing stamina either is your agility also negative uh negative one oh okay i am heavy in certain things and low in others you should have at least i should not be i don't want to be hit nine max and you have a 11 stamina 13 center for reference i have 23 sam now yeah and 21 hits yeah i don't want to be hit okay so so i i feel like that total right now is six yeah because it's five what's your things yeah so here's what it is okay um holy [ __ ] but i guess it is only in the sun but i'm gonna allow it to only be if it's your first level of decay oh okay i really messed with the um the balancing of those because now yeah but what's your what's your [ __ ] science bonuses uh hi i mean i mean they haven't gone up at all because i haven't changed because it's the same thing but it's a science is plus seven crafting is plus one in something else it means you're really good at it and that is exactly what's your medicine bonus my medicines plus five so i have more medicine but here's the thing if you're ever using a first aid kit you're effectively healing almost all of your hit points every time you use one exactly so yeah that's great but yeah i have trade-offs it's like i don't want to be hit but if i'm hit and i don't just die i can yes and a half of stuff where i can recover we're almost done right now yeah yeah if it just works it just works it just works it just works todd you've you've blessed the street so what do you got big big damage no no no big damage no no big tire iron damage i mean i do damage yeah here's the thing jacob i have a plus five medicine plus seven crafting plus seven science and plus seven seven energy energy weapons plus nine not really so you gonna um take the cowboy perk there's the cowboy perk just kidding i removed the cowboy perk there was a cowboy dare you put it back right now all right put put cowboy 20. put it i want a dolly party version this whole last like 30 40 minutes of the stream it's just gonna be us just like dealing with like level up we were talking too much about leveling up yeah was there something you wanted to do in gate yeah i wanted to end it got it i'm getting hungry oh yeah well um cool everybody was going to be level two but yeah there are also perks that allow you guys to get more xp in the future and i will do a proper calculation for xp i just didn't have enough time to properly flush it all out i have an idea of it it is all based on encounters um and uh discovering locations so every time you guys have an encounter i just i find out the difficulty of it and there's really only like three um and you guys get xp based off um how you succeed and you guys gain more xp if people go unconscious so the more players that go unconscious and come back you guys gain more x because failure is a very good teacher so we're going to use page to grind up levels you go first page yeah you go first yeah yeah you're gonna go away first i know the system is a little wonky still but i hope you guys had fun um it i it worked out pretty well the ghouls did a lot of damage and that's what i was hoping yeah so um i would have been more disappointed if the ghouls didn't do a lot of damage i would have been like oh but yeah this is hard and i like that oh man like intense she passed away yeah all right well thanks everybody for joining us on the first episode of fallout zero we will see you guys next time here in arcane arcade um exactly uh oh you guys already did that yesterday you guys did the one ten candles yesterday yes yes yes it was a good game yeah oh was it i heard it was the best thing on earth yeah it was an amazing tip no i i think i thought it was terrible though yeah oh mixed reviews yeah i think the word [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna we'll be back next week guys another episode of uh uh adventures of apnea and then uh even fall and then ice with nails next week yeah and then we'll be back with avni on more follow-up so thanks again everybody we'll see you guys next time that's the end of the stream bye
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 268,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3
Id: e50CVnOnq_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 29sec (13349 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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