Dungeons of Drakkenheim Episode 5: Rat Trap

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[Music] Drakken i'm is no more struck by a falling star the city bathed in Elders fire Ahmed won't believe the tumultuous aftermath brought chaos families torn asunder in the kingdom shattered 15 years later monsters stalked the haunted streets of Dragon heuerman caught amidst rival factions struggling to rule the rumble three unlikely partners venture forth into the crumbling city in search of riches renown and revenge good evening and welcome back to dragon hime this is our weekly Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition live game with the dungeon dudes that's me your Dungeon Master Monty Martin and I'm Kellie mcLaughlin and I'm gonna be playing a Sebastian Crowe a half-elf shadow sorcerer and we're joined by our good friends Jill denied us playing vo Sonya the Ranger backseat gloom stalker and Joe Gorman as Pluto Jackson human battle master thank you oh so much for joining us again if you're just tuning in for the very first time Kelly and I post new videos every Thursday on our YouTube channel where we're the dungeon dudes and we cover everything D&D including advice for Dungeon Master's and some cool guides for players as well as some pretty click baby videos about the most broken spells in D&D 5th edition so you can check those out too you'll also find prior episodes from this campaign available there for your viewing pleasure we also are really really excited to say that for the first time we have D&D beyonds new twitch app integrated into the screen the stream wow it's just become available for all streamers and so we've launched that in with us so right up on this side here this side yes this side of the screen you should be able to click on by by mousing over and see the full D&D beyond character sheets for Sebastian Vale and Pluto including how much damage they've taken what awful conditions that have been inflicted upon them and whether or not they're alive or dead so you can click through it a new window will open up in D&D Beyond if you want to see their entire character sheet but that'll always be there for reference we're still gonna have the stat cards coming up on on the stream itself for those who are tuning in afterwards and for those of you that might be tuning in to watch episodes afterwards we're gonna have links in the YouTube description of the video to the full character sheet so if you do want to see everybody stats what everybody's playing you can go over and dive right in and check it out so with that let's return to the ruins when last we left our heroes they had ventured into the safe haven of amberwood village a small settlement about five miles south of the ruins of Drakon Heim City once a prospering village on the champion's way heading into Drakon Heim amberwood village has become a bit of a no-man's land but a safe haven for travelers adventurers and those who would make their fortune in the ruins and so our heroes ventured there hoping to rest resupply and have some safety further away from the Ackerman mill where they'd been staying for the past couple weeks once in ember wood village though they were rather surprised by the people that they met there for Sebastian grew up in amberwood village and ran into his father Tobias crow who he had not seen in 15 years after a heartfelt reunion Sebastian found out that his father has since remarried and had more children and so the rest of you have been staying in amberwood village with Sebastian's new family in a lot of ways it was a wonderful lovely time and while a number wood village you have all taken the opportunity to level up and resupply so what are some of the things that you picked up in your time in number wood village well I know they uh being very specific about the food she was gonna have afterwards picked up quite a few were actions for the group got some candied salmon oh she really she's really excited about um and then when they Oh levelled up she got Sharpshooter sweet very excited to start to do some major damage when we come across some foes sebastian bought a health potion because seemingly that's that's very important and also a I bought thieves tools which is kind of strange but you know I have a history of sneaking into places and I wanted thieves tools because I'm proficient in them for my levelling up I actually took the feet what's it called elven accuracy which allowed me to boost my charisma which was very nice so now I'm even more deadly and for my spells I took mold earth as a new can trip and I took the suggestion spell as a second level spell and that was my level up for Pluto Jackson it was doubling down getting some new splint mail to from from because I misspoke last time I said it was a scale mail and you got splint down well we yeah we knew you guys knew you knew and I clunk around even more I and I also picked up for my level I went with shield master so I can slam people into stuff with my shield and I look forward to continuing that tradition it's a Caspian tradition that's why it was the style at the time all very exciting goodies which you already got to use a little bit because at the end of last session after having done your shopping running into an old rival of Bluto Jackson's Lord Jupiter Jones and shopping with al Dorothy immense the caravan merchant in amberwood village you decided to settle down at the bark and Buzzard tavern only to find that it had been overtaken by agents of the Queen's men bandit gang including several of the survivors of your last encounter with them in the city ruins a pair of halflings a dwarf and a human man the unfortunate reality of it is that well you managed to slay almost fight off almost a dozen of the Queen's men slaying another eight of them I believe the halflings and the human got away including their leader Cora who managed all flee into the night and as you get your bearings once again you hear the thumping coming from the cellar of the bark and Buzzard was that oh I do an eye return knock no no help them Oh what's going on and I open up the cellar Sebastian's pouring himself a beer from the tap yeah so the bark and Buzzard has become a bit of a bloodbath right now as the corpses of several slain Queen's men litter the floor and the overturned tables from the bar fight when pollute Oh threw one at one of them there's a got one of the men has basically his head caved in in the side of the room I think four of them were incinerated yes they're smashing fire and others were relatively shall we say totally peppered with arrows by veio although many did many did get away and in the ensuing chaos you didn't hear the cries of the coming from the cellar in the kitchen so Sebastian you've gone up to the cellar it's all been ransacked around back here but you can hear the thumping coming from the cellar door uh are you guys with me oh yeah well you're knocking on the door back so I opened up does it open is it locked it looks like so the cellar door itself has been latched shut and as well several of the barrels in the kitchen have been stacked up on top of it I'm trying to pull it open but like I'm like why is it not opening Pluto could you give me a hand and by give me a hand I mean could you move these barrels I do all the work I do all the necessary lifting taking the time to drag these heavy barrels of grain and water and other provisions aside you cause deep rents to screech in the floor but pull them away and open up the cellar door upon which you see Karen and Holger ellsberg and the rest of the staff of the bark and buzzard there they're normal barmaid and their two children all huddled and tied up in the cellar and it seemed like Holger was knocking on the cellar door by head-butting it with his head so he looks very very like blood is kind of streaking down the side of him although maybe it's because the Queen's men might have beat him up as well good evening friends my name is Sebastian crow and I'm here to rescue you um Holger seems a little bit discombobulated by the beating to his head but Karin recognizes you immediately and she says oh what happened to them where are they thank you mostly dead some of them did flee you might need to take the night off to clean will you help me out of the cellar oh yes of course Pluto I like a good survey come on I can't I can't lift them out of the cellar I wanna do like one of those like just pull her out just by one arm just as you're pulling them up you see the ladder that's been pushed over to the side of the kitchen oh I knew that was there we all knew that was there and as they they pull them up a sigh of relief washes over Karen and her children mixed with an expression of horror as they look out into the tap room and see the bodies and she she says you killed them all then they started it and most we killed most of them yeah most holger rubbing his head speaks up and says there's no law in this town there's no justice but what we make here thank you of course you're under our protection I hope it'll last this ain't the first time they've tried to do something like this to us and I don't think it'll be the last those Queens men think they have the run of this town the hooded lanterns do nothing about it they say they're supposed to protect us but Holger looks your looks at you Sebastian and says my Paul used to say you were a blight and a curse but you'd done right by me and my family that's all that I wanted to do you're under our protection now our protection oh yes all three of us the you can call us the three crows Jackson 5-2 Karin says well whatever that whatever it was that you're calling yourselves you're three we thank you but we you should know I think they were doing this to get at you whatever you did made them mighty angry sorry about Bailey yeah they were they were in the city trying to hurt children and elderly and I don't think there's there's any place for that here alright well be safe if they're willing to beat us up just us normal folks just to get at you I'd be worried about what they might do next time and also maybe looking if you can spare it maybe hiring a guard to help you out some some muscle that's what some of the others do cross the way that mr. van Dyer he just pays them either way cash out of your pocket but what about we saw the leader run out the back door is there any that woman yeah she's alive then yeah she got away where would she be running off to Karin kind of mothers she says I think I heard that the the Queen's men had some sort of hit to hide out somewhere in the spokes they talked about having a hideout in the city somewhere but I've only heard rumors yeah they seem to be wherever wherever I've seen them is all around the city I haven't seen any concentrated area of them but we do have that map of the places that they plan to hit or oh yeah over speaks up again and says I heard that there's a bunch of them that have a fighting ring somewhere I'm in the spokes interesting I might have somebody to do they like take contests in the fighting room that's the rumor I might have a good candidate for that might be one good way to get back at them Hammond if you get into if you get into one of their games who knows what you might be able to do but I'd be careful seems like words out that you're a mark and if you let some of them go they're gonna be after you again for sure yeah maybe I should stop telling everybody my name these are not following up with like an address they didn't know my name before I started showing you around so yeah you've been with us for like less than a week holger says look it if you want to if you want to stay here you want to have some drinks you never have to pay for a drink here oh good wow that's phenomenal thank you I'm gonna take you up on that a lot I'll have a nightcap I'm pretty sure we raided the bodies right yeah yeah there were several aside from their equipment several coins and most of them have a few other packs of cards or dice or something to do to gamble with scrounging across what's on their person most of them had a couple gold pieces each give it a random roll I'd say between the eight of them that you managed to slay there's about 85 gold pieces but a little more than that what about um they all wear the armbands right yeah the the Queen's men usually wear some sort of rose or our ban or bandana on their person to mark their colors I want to get one okay I suggest that we all take just in case I try to disguise ourselves as them know that what we were discussing I take you never know that would be listening yeah what if it what if I'm one of them I'm not one of them I grab one of them as well and I mean realistically if I put one on it wouldn't be too far from you know believable okay I might do better than my minor illusion badge that I keep trying to show them we've never used the badge it's best I could disguise myself and put it on there you know what's your next move well we're gonna be spending the night again at the crow family home and then in the morning I think we are making our way into the city making our way downtown so we're gonna go back to sticks and we're gonna try to enter the sewers okay you leave the Ellsberg's to clean up the mess of the bark and Buzzard they say and they say I hope you come back at a couple days when we got the place cleaned up man I wonder if any of these boys were local you hear them kind of muttering to each other as they look over at the slain and you head back through amberwood village to the crow family home the squats building which has been built up again it was the one room started out as a one-room cottage and tobias crows built it up with a nice fence and a cozy barn and two extra rooms to it your family is concerned to hear the news about what happened at the Barkin Buzzard but not surprised Moira makes a hearty and delicious meal of roast chicken and leeks and the children have many many more questions for all of you wanting to see displays of your magic and speed and strength so they keep you up late into the night once again but once they're tuckered out you're able to carry them into their beds and bid them goodnight and actually get a chance a brief moment of privacy in the small quarters of The Crow home they're so cute yes it's we should come back here more often I I didn't think I'd ever feel that way but are you with like a hey bed and a warm meal like more could you ask for it's much better than the mill where we just have the lists of people who have died carved on walls and we sleep a haunting reminder of it looks like during the day it looks like more Tobias crows new wife went out and spoke to some of her friends and the village and it's come back with some quilted blankets for all of you to sleep on so she actually went out and got some more accoutrement sleep on so it's a little bit more than just a pile of hay in the common room that she that she set up for you seems like she takes takes keeping her home quite seriously I wonder if we can request a triple layered bunk bed being built out here would be nice yeah so what do you guys think we I mean we can ask sticks maybe two does he just row back and forth it can he yeah can you take us to the - entrance but you know it's it's a bit further up so I'll have to get up there first and probably get a rope but generally yeah we can get there so your plan is to bed down for the night if you'd like to you can mark in long rest I would like to and so to recap it seems that your plan of action now is to head back into the city and actually make a strike at the inner part of the city is that correct yeah Vail mentioned that or I guess there you mentioned yeah you have a home base I do yes which has been taken over yeah bye-bye harpies armed harpies but ya know that was like my home away from home and our home in home per se but yeah it was a great place I had my stuff there there's a lot of stuff I would love to get back but um yeah it definitely would need some help with that having having a place to hide out inside of the city walls where it's most dangerous could be very beneficial especially for all of the tasks at hand well especially since it's above the Delirium and that was the one thing that prevents a lot of people where I'm staying in the city is that they're in the Delirium so if we can have somewhere that somewhat of a vantage point to get out of that the best the the memory flashes in your mind veo of the vicious harpy leader that that out stood you from the clock tower that darn red dot red feathers that's all that's all I remember that's why I read is my least favorite color red dot so I call her red dot that flies around and taunts me from the from the sky and ah can never get it never [Laughter] will we'll figure that do you make a figure I hope that you can somehow shoot that red dot out of this guy and help me reclaim my you have a fortress I'll distract it and then you hit it with the bow thank you I can throw my my sword that might be all I can do we'll see what we can do okay you know I will have taken a troll before so I mean I hope harpy is like no problem for you now no problem you get me in the city I'll clear the I'll make it heart be free no this is just 20 big journey goal that you're all proposing if we take a look at our map so sounds like you're gonna head back into the city probably by following up the river I would assume almost the entirely the way you came until you get to on our map 0.8 which is where sticks is ferry was mmm-hmm you remember veo that actually all of you remember seeing several sewer entrances there and then taking the sewer at least until you get into the city walls or do you planned it to take it as far as you possibly can because the clock tower is it is it 12 right in the center of the city so is your plan to actually take the sewer all the way there are the sewers delirium free you would have no way of knowing I guess we'll play it by ear once we're in the city and we see what our situation in the sewers is we even it like it's been a while I think since even veo has been inside the city it's been a bit and I mean the sewers were not somewhere where I particularly liked going but it's somewhere where I can generally navigate so if we are in trouble the city streets are gonna be better but the Delirium we're gonna have some problems so I think the idea is to get past the wall and then assess our situation and try to figure out where to go from there okay that sounds like a good plan yeah the in its day Drakken Heim was well known for its engineering marvels the sewers being one of them it has a very complex sewer system both for draining out all the filth of almost a hundred thousand people and making sure that they have fresh water but of course the the sewage system and the aqueducts were separate systems in their day so the way that you're proposing will be through will be through the front of the sewer system I guess the only thing that you can count your lucky stars on is that there hasn't been a large population making use of the sewage the sewer system for about 15 years so hopefully it's washed its way out reduced reduced levels of poop produced human waste but a lot more corpses hog coffee grounds down master fecal matter we might be able to find rat food our companion who died he might be okay the next morning his body you arise so rather gloomy looking overcast day as you rising early your father's already making his way for the getting ready to make for the shop Boyer is prepared a breakfast and as you had to go Sebastian your father comes to you and says get on safe son it's good to have you back in my life and I don't want you leaving it anytime soon thank you Father I'll I'll make sure to come home again soon now pollute oh you take care of my son all right Papa carrot top we'll do our best and you take care of your friends will do and citrus and as you pass by civil and EMA the two young daughter say bring us back some treasure I'll do my best I'll find something amazing for you guys that's my mission they might have like a very low bar or two so almost any it's true I'll just find them like a rock I'll bring you back a harpy feather if I can they look completely beaming at the idea of having feathers did you just outdo me with no siblings she's way better at this than you are I'll bring you back a rock from this city streets it's probably got delirium all over it it might kill don't give your siblings delirium well away from children [Laughter] okay setting out you had the you take the hike along the champions road towards Drakon Heim again approaching Drakon Heim by the champions way which was once the most common way for long-distance travellers to come into the city the market gates to the north that even the area where you were around earlier in our adventures was the most popular entrance for locals but for people traveling from Illyria or caspia you would have come in to Drakon Heim through the champions road and the city itself looms large as you walk up the champions way you see because this is the way this is the view where the rise of the city cliffs is the most dramatic you see essentially the city out in front of you with the castle rising up on the cliffs and it's the most imposing view of the castle because you see it rate head on rising in the distance as you crest the hill from ember wood village all the the slate rooftops the broken whether they're broken are still intact in the distance the walls of Drakon Heim and of course the many many spires of the various churches and Cathedral most prominent of which is the Cathedral of Saint but Rubio and so as you approach track and I'm from the champions way the trifecta like the three crowns of Dragon Hein the old mage tower of the amethyst Academy the Cathedral of Saint Petruchio and Castle Drakken all kind of loom large like points on a crown and the whole city looks like almost this big thorny crown that's rising up over the the cliff face itself from from this direction it's a very imposing sight made all the more eerie by the fact that the clouds overhead as you get closer to dragon Heim they get darker they take on this purplish Sheen and as you get close to the city a light fog has settled in there's a bit of rain once you get close the rain is largely passed for the day which would be good because you'll be heading down into the sewers and loss of rain and the storm system is not a very good fun thing to have to deal with you approach the outskirts of the spokes the most expansive part of Drakon haim outside the city walls as the as the old abandoned farmsteads once more give way into tightly packed tenement buildings little burrows with around churches old ruined shops and tumbling down buildings you make your way from the champions way along one of the side streets towards the durán river to follow it up along the key so that you can get directly to where Styx keeps the other side of the ferry and of course sure enough after several hours of travel you come upon the key where you left Styx last and the old undead ferryman is sitting there in his boat exactly where you left him last time Styx did you miss me how do you two feel about this site so Styx you you've been back and forth a lot or just just hang out here waiting for us that's what I thought I uncomfortable as this whole place makes me this is kind of par for the course so I accept my undead riverboat ferryman and pay him in what do we get I'll give him a copper piece this time we're good so you can give him some copper but III all six last time all I had was some fish bones it wasn't very much so I'm gonna give you a whole gold piece because you know what sticks we need you to do us a bit of a favor so see that well it's a bit far but when we get closer we're not gonna go to the dock that we normally go to be mind taken so we're do a sewer grate the zombie looks at you with a glassy stare let's take that as a yes all right we're good I place a smooth round stone in his hand this time now I don't think he can tell the difference between a copper piece and a stone that's the same size as a copper piece the zombie looks down at the stone sees the flat round stone and goes and like the sinews of his face try to like curl into a smile as he pulls the stone back and skips it and it skips 4 times before landing with a splash in the water he's good that was impressive for a man of your age dexterity next area it looks like one of those fingers also came off now how is he gonna roll properly he'll be fine I hop in the boat well I'm glad you trust him as much as I do yeah yeah you got us across last time I've had a problem I he did he's he's a great listen if he's a friend of yours I'm good even if he's a little um rotting or not rotting he's just falling a part of it he's like a fine wine interesting the best is this the best he's ever been taking Bao's gold he begins to row across the dran River that's this in his slow and sluggish but steady way very clearly straightly bound for his usual peer though all right Pluto we're gonna need to need you to help them out a little bit so I'm looking surveil where's the where's the sewer entrance I think it's a little bit so I'm gonna take the right okay so I'm gonna take I guess the the appropriate or I'm trying to think orientation wise like the left one and I'm going to just make sure you get the right orientation or orientation no time for jokes this is a if I go the wrong way I do another circle because you're facing backwards cool can I do I know the right side yeah as as folk sticks is a very simple man and taking the second or you're able to kind of like as you paddle kind of pull it further off course and before by the time he notices that it's off course you're already pulling it back off course again and after a short while the boat crosses the Duran River and you're a boat no more than 30 meters from the sewer entrance that you spotted before his own pier is quite close to this entrance anyways and so you come upon essentially the the dran River all through the city and up around here has all been built up like a stone pier or key so the the river banks themselves originally generations ago would have just been marsh but the people of drak and I'm long ago built up over them and the river banks have been artificially built over and so they rise up about ten feet over the water level where you can see periodically there are arches where the sewer main line the main of the exit points of the sewer are put and there's several along the way but this is the largest one that you can see on this in this area and it's the closest largest one to the city walls now before we start to go in the sewer there's a fishing line in the back of the boat I want to check it and see if there's any catch before we get up there so I didn't feel any tugging but you never know sadly there is not in fact the fishing hook is gone ah sorry sticks you know use that gold to pick up some more fishing materials before next time you make it to the market sticks you've got it use a finger it's fine [Laughter] or is there anywhere so are we up against the side so as you come to the the sewer entrance here what it looks like is this it looks like a large cave that's been artificially built so it's an arched entrance way that is in line with the waterline and so the kid the water goes right right in but you can actually see that the water is flowing out from this this area it's a light trickle but it is flowing away from it and it goes underground about ten feet before there's a large grate that's been built into the wall where it's raised above the water level and the drain there's a drainage pipe about five feet wide that has sewer grates built into it that have been smashed to pieces and so the sewer grate the sewer grating itself is like a portcullis so 20 feet underground hat from the water but still above the water line make sense yeah it's we're able to get from the boat like can we move the boat into this kind of tunnel with some cajoling with mr. sticks yes as you come up to the the water here is kind of this brackish green you can see the algae collecting in the water above it's very muddy looking it flows a little bit but there's very clearly a plant life and algae that's growing up around here and a fair amount of just dirt and waste as you approach it smells but not like human or animal waste more like water that's been like still water that's been left to stay in in dirt so it smells like mud still water and that kind of that musky humid underground smell is there uh is there a bit of a platform before the sewer grate there is not okay on a Sun Pluto hurry but they get close to that sewer grate and give it a little jiggle see if we can get in it's it's just been smashed open oh it's specially unnecessary okay I still jiggle it but yeah we're gonna uh I juggle I would tell you to go first but I just want you to be careful with all your armor if you miss step you might sink into the river clump clump clump clump I'll go first I ain't scared of no River River okay you step in through the through the grate and what are you gonna use for a light source because there's none down here not my eyes like him I'll use my my my trusty dusty torch I mean I do have this orb that we picked up in the rat's nest what's it do I don't know is it a torch might be then it was glowing when we found it I can't seem to make it glow anymore but I don't know I like try to fiddle with that orb a bit making our college check 20 as you palm the orb you realize that it twists slightly in two different directions the almost through an invisible axis in the center and as you do so there's a small click and the orb illuminates you realize that as you chain twist it a little bit more it changes what color it is and once you finish twisting it the orb suddenly rises up out of your hands and floats about two feet away from you in the air told you need a light what color do you set it to orange can't match my hair like a pumpkin orange yeah so an area of orange light emanates from the glowing orb and it follows you about floating a little about five feet away from you at most can I can I make it float with Pluto rather than me fiddling around for a few moments you catch it and if you pass it to Pluto and he activates it it'll follow him you're gonna need this more than me I I can see in the dark and so convey our thanks if you need a floating torch there you go but I want it back in good condition I'm gonna try it can I can I III give him I can I get like the the QuickStart guide yeah he's the I'm gonna make it blue though okay Caspian blue the blue the blue light is quite dark overall when it when it's set to a blue color it's more of a shadowy illumination rather than full illumination but it's enough to see by okay yes a little bit - how's that stay hidden so are we and then I'm gonna start to Percy yes you are through the through the sewer okay so we are now in the sewers of Dragan Haim these sewers here you walk down a large long sewer channel the way that it's been constructed is it's roughly sir oblong circular in shape with a long drain tunnel in the middle so this part of the sewer as you come through the drainage grate it opens up to be about twelve feet wide at its widest and it's a circular it's curved up in the ceiling as well and then there's a drain a drainage gully in the middle that's about five feet wide and is slowly it's slowly kind of ramping up words at a very very slight incline the gully in the center is roughly four feet deep enough that this this hole opening what when it got to the sewer a sewer grate it would have lined up with it perfectly but it's actually widening as as you get deeper in here and there you can actually see that there as you walk forward there are holes in the ceiling or the sides of the ceilings where as much smaller pipes would drain in and you can see bits of water leaking down you can hear the drip drip drip and here and there you'll actually hear a longer drain like of water falling down a gutter pipe into the main the main line here and then it drains out and goes back out towards the river as I said before it doesn't stink like sewage so much is this musky underground odor of still water and dirt and degraded stone well there are bits of refuse here and there the water has really ground down most of the sewer and you can see that the stone in many places has discolored because it's been under water for so for so long without any proper maintenance and as you go further eventually you come to the intersection here where after travelling about 200 feet and veil it's difficult to tell but with your sense of the city you guess that your rate under temple road right now okay because the sewer widens significantly here and it heads off the long way that's heading away from me is heading roughly in the direction of the city walls there's a at the edge here they this is another drain gate that that is draining it to a smaller tunnel about the same size as the one that you can't came through but this very wide channel at the intersection the depth of the channel in the center is about five feet deep and then there are the two Reyes sections on either side of the sewer and then it curves up so the whole thing if you could look at it like a cross section it would almost look like a circle with then kind of this chin attached to it right if you can see the cross section of what the the tunnel looks like again all throughout here there there are secondary drains that are that have a trickle of water in one place there's a bit of blood draining down what you think might be blood and once in a while you do see piles of droppings or refuse or a stray limb anybody need a hand turn to the group say well it could be worse it could be I mean when I came back to Jack and I'm I I won't lie I did not anticipate us traversing the sewer systems filled with blood drainage and limbs but here we are and oddly enough it doesn't seem that out of place these days so yeah doesn't faze me for limbs are kind of scattered all around especially as you start to get into the city great what they you've you've been in these series before since the fall of Dragon time yeah but I really try to stay out of here because this is probably not my easiest vantage point again to the city but it's the easiest way for us to get in besides the obvious rat problem that dragon Hein has which has lost us a few people over our time here what else uses these sewers have you seen anything I really haven't come across other than rattling Xand rats but that doesn't mean that there isn't something down here I mean to be honest anything could and if people wanted to find a sneaky way in you never know you're gonna come across let's remain cautious definitely as always I remain cautious I'm saying that more for me include open I pick up the arm you have an arm waving it around I'm adding it to my equipment I have a plan for this arm it looks like it might have once belonged to a dwarf Oh is there any rings on it Harry arm the wristwatch there is a plain looking wedding band on it oh that is that are you gonna take the wedding band oh absolutely okay cuz I was going to he doesn't need it anymore here it's clearly in the sewers this is where waste goes yeah he threw it out one man's waste is another man's free wedding ring wait he just tossed his arm dummy I don't yeah maybe he thought that if he wanted a divorce it was like the fastest way it's a chop his arm up it wasn't my fault Maya anyways okay but I keep the arm who's going to lead the way I do okay are you going to wait climb up onto the the walkways or take the central channel in the middle so are you gonna say take my new armor and why and before feet of Stillwater or walk on the walkways I didn't say that the channel was full of water oh it's just not deep the channel itself is four feet deep okay but the trickle of water here is but there's only a trickle of water here okay okay um there it's very muddy and dusty where it's not muddy and so there's that kind of like where it's not muddy it's dusty but it's pretty much muddy and wet everywhere down here but it's not like her if you're walking in the central channel you're not trudging through four feet of water in fact most most of it is settled settlement and the remnants of whatever was carried through here last considering how much it's been raining lately it immediately strikes you as odd whatever it tracks is their obvious tracks in the channel there are several sets of tracks give me a survival jacket 14 1 4 you can see the signs of what looks like large round dragging footprints several group several of them and the footprints of several what are probably rattling hmm there's rats in the sewer what are those big round ones oh no maybe it's a rat on stilts are the round ones look like they're dragged no they're lifting themselves like maybe we do stay on the walkway I stay off the I know that you're going first because you're our muscle but do you trust your senses down here well if if what you guys want to go ahead I think I should go first I could be there sure I can be the loud one I think I want you to maybe Scout just we have a long hallway ahead of us around this corner and I'm nervous the great to our immediate left mm-hmm is it also destroyed or is it pretty serious is it is intact and looking at it you can see that at the base of the channel in front of it it looks like some sort of creature might have dug some sort of nest there at one time out uh out of the sand and mud um possibly and looking down at it it looks like there's several eggshells broken around over there am I able to a sewer mongoose investigate or some sort of I want to look at it and do I know what kind of animal it might be I give me a nature jacket nature are you trained in nature never no I'm not okay you can give me a check but but it's a long shot I got a five a five the only thing that they look like at closer inspection is they don't look like bird eggs but more reptile eggs friends these are not bird eggs yeah they're they're too large to be they're too large for that and the shells are much thicker [Music] sewers hey yeah you really made some excellent conclusions with your egg Anatomy egg and listen I'm and the the big thick circular tracks lead to this nest and then lead away we either have giant sewer birds or possibly reptiles I woke up beside them to also take a look at them as well and are you proficient in nature I am okay you can look looking at these sixteen these are turtle eggs like I said not birds are birds turtle turtle else maybe you never know with these big feet you know something to consider you're welcome looking at the sewer grate several of the bars have been broken out and there are several smaller tracks of whatever hatch going out through this grate you surmise that a rattling or a halfling could almost certainly squeeze through this part of the suit the sewer grate but this would lead this leads into a smaller drain tunnel that goes away from the city walls okay you're welcome to pursue this way if you would like to but it is absolutely in the opposite direction of the city let's mark it on our our sewer map that were obviously recording this whole time and because maybe this is like in my legend I write eggs and hole it's an egg hole hole okay I hope you keep drawing this sewer map so we can show it next week on the stream I accept the challenge let's go let's go towards the city eyes yeah and I think I'm gonna stay like one thing we could do is maybe I'll stay on the opposite side of a oh so yeah and then that way a little trench I'll walk in the mud okay then that way if I hope to keep the illumination just to the one side from the globe I'm gonna start to go ahead just a little bit to scout and as I'm going I walk a couple feet forward and I want to like kind of observe if there's any more tracks as I go so I'm trying to slowly go and try to figure out where the tracks are going knowing that this is the direction towards the city sure there are several more pairs of rat tracks following in the central central gullet but then about halfway forward they get back up onto the walkway and they disappear in the stone and by disappearance oh I mean like once they're on the solid stone there's there's very little trace inside okay hey guys coming up here where the tracks go off Sebastian you may want to get out of the center one thing that you do notice is that when as the tracks go off the amount of mud and dirt in the gullet going forward is significantly less it's like the build-up of all the sediment and dirt was collecting towards the end of the passageway rather than the the front ends of the passageway interesting I follow the footprints off okay is there a chance that maybe the water runs in Reverse somewhere like maybe that or maybe all of the water that's draining into the is coming from one of the the holes well the water would be carrying anything and in the direction towards me right because it's it's because land yep so it's slanted slightly right so if it's the pot it's not unreasonable to assume as if it's depositing anything like the sand or mud it would collect over here towards the end rather than be swept away but it is a conspicuous lacking let's keep moving what about the hole right above it like the drain holes the drain the drain holes are going forward there are more drain holes and a bit bits of water and mud and droppings are collected in in those areas there's a few puddles further down the hall the the tunnel you'll have to keep going to see more so I continue forward and again checking for any signs of footprints in the center but any signs of life along the walls as well looking for signs of life along the walls yeah signs of like anyone who may have touched the walls or anything that may be out of place in terms of this is an area where things settle so if anything's been disturbed sure you move along looking through it and everything is pretty solidly constructed going forward and there's no sort of like it's remarkably its held up remarkably well okay yeah but the tracks have stopped Sebastien casually walks up to this corner cool as I'm like looking on that like ground pretty like super super sneaky and like checking for things and Sebastian's just like I'm gonna go look around the corner it seems fine here and I just stroll up hopefully there's no traps I just stroll ahead and to the corner and then I kind of like push myself against the wall and look around I look around the corner to see what's what's going on there are you coming up as well yeah yeah put me halfway okay so as you move move forward Sebastian you look down this is a short pipe goes about 20 feet to the to the south again before ending in another in another drain this pipeline doesn't have any walkways along the side the gullet just goes straight down and it doesn't look there the gullet down here is completely clean if I I'm going to drop down and if I move forward and kind of peer through this grate where does it seem to go okay as you move forward you uh you walk forward and all of a sudden the air right in front of you gets really thick and you push forward into it and something's pulling and there's the sucking noise in the air right in front of you you are surprised and I'm gonna have you all roll for initiative Oh you're welcome guys what Sebastian does best it's a giant vacuum guys there seems to be some sort of passage here it's making a sucking noise it's probably a Dyson there were 12 sales yeah Sebastian what did you get 10 Ludo 14 1 4 do any of you have a passive perception higher than 15 of 15 or higher okay you are a team you are all surprised oh this need as Sebastian you walk face-first into a gelatinous cube not yet so you walk a rate forward okay so you are because you walked right into it we were actually immediately subjected to the engulf of the gelatinous cube and so I need you to make a dexterity saving throw with disadvantage we believe we believe that's a three it's a three so Sebastian you are engulfed by the the gelatinous cube immediately you take 10 points of acid damage uh a yell for help but I think and pollute oh and they a Pluto can see this because basically Pluto you see the air almost shivering and quivering as you realize that this gelatinous cube was almost invisible hiding in the corner there oh no the the vacuum it got him so I'm just floating in this you but I like walk and I like go to peer in the grate and then all of a sudden I'm just like floating and yeah I'm inside of a gelatinous cube there's a lot of the is there anything else inside of this gelatinous cube like now do I notice like a floating skeleton next to me yeah the remains of a former rattling so yeah I don't know if anyone seen these before but these are the whiz kids gelatinous cube minis and they are so cool because you can open them up and place the engulf miniatures dying from acid yep acid death it burns I mean are the goggles helping they do nothing okay so so Sebastian it's the cubes turn uh and you are going to take another ten acid damage at the start of its turn oh man and it rolls out into the intersection and lumbers towards and lumbers towards pollute oh how far can it move it spends its entire action doing that so it moves and then it moves one more full movement towards Pluto yeah and it's just as quivering and like a zit like it's perfectly contoured to the to the inside of the oh no oh no how tall is it it's ten feet tall so it actually stretches up over the channel oh man ordered hope Pluto it's your turn so yeah that that was the the engulf was the surprise of the the cube then you all go through a turn of being surprised and then now it's a pollute oh can I see I can see Sebastian right uh you can see him getting horribly dissolved inside this cube he looks like he is alive uh you can try to reach in and grab him mommy i'ma get my my Harold out I reach into the cube and I want to grab the closest part of Sebastian okay because you're reaching down into the channel give me a strength check with advantage seventeen you rip Sebastian out of the queue oh my god I'm I'm it burns in the process though you take seven acid damage I accept your acid damage and I want to can I carry pollute can I carry Sebastian I'm sure I'll say that you can move half your speed dragging him away and I'm gonna action surge and I'm just gonna first like I'm just like like firemen kind of carry him like panic running past okay I'm gonna dash with them okay like on your shoulder my clothes are basically melted and you try to run away the cube is gonna lash out at you with it pseudopod because i'm gonna say you provoke an opportunity at that but it only gets an 11-2 hit yes i nimbly now it's your turn I go well it's a good thing that you're safe because let's get out of here and I turn a 9 - I'm using my agility and that's double so booking it 20 feet I think I can get and I kind of like just move your sideways [Music] we're out of here your that you're asking me while I'm dragging dude what are we just gonna row back over your shoulder and you're running and I'm just like wait we're running I had that yeah you had the whole situation the situation was under control I was going to defeat it from the inside it's my turn I I'm actually not going to run I turn like little has you over his shoulders and you're turning around slumped over and I point and I fire bolt it getting a 20 that hits awesome it's been hard to hit the cube is a broadside the broadside of a barn I do four damage it takes four fire damage take that foul beast okay back to the top with the cube okay so the cubes only as a speed of 15 feet so it slithers forward and then you see it kind of contract itself inward and then kind of raise up and put itself on the on the side of so it's half in the gullet half not like it's now turned into a gelatinous L because I got nitrous block and it slides forward towards you pollute Oh another 15 feet does it get all the way there no it just gets right up to him and so that it's use this action and it's movement so that it dashed so that's all that's all the cube does its rate up at you pollute Oh what do you do and I'm still holding Sebastian yeah oh my god you could set me down all yours so he bounded fights can I drop them without yes you can set him down I I'm gonna just like let them fall off my shoulder and I'm gonna turn around and I'm just gonna take a swing at the cube with my sword all right do it to it 24 9 damage so you slice into the cube and you cut into it like jello and like it just Quivers and then the the the slice like closes up but a little bit falls away would you like to do anything else I'm going to uh I mean do I want to stand my ground against the cube I gotta go I'm gonna back up another 15 feet okay that will provoke an opportunity attack I will accept it it gets a 21-2 hit for for acid em as it lashes out kind of like the the cut that you make splashes back at it and so you set me down and run past me and now I'm back face to face with the cube and I'm yelling squiggly you were like wiggling too much it's your turn so I realized that I'm like way ahead of you and I'm like oh crap these guys need some help so I do Zephyr strike so I still want to get away from the cube and I move back 30 so I can see okay I take my shot with my long bow against the cube knowing full-well like let's give them a distraction thank you for strike and I get a 21 so your arrow hits the the side of the cube and there's like it's like a puncture wound like a like a boils been Lance and this jet of acid just goes - all over the sewer yes it's like this let clear gelatin like acid right like it sits it's kind of like when a sore or a wound is like leaking that clear fluid it's really gross for the YouTube nine damage good stuff and then I turn back and run back to where I was okay Sebastian you are in front of the cube again realizing his situation and no longer feeling super-confident he like kind of tumbles into the center and like clamors his way over the back side give me an acrobatics check oh no I used too many descriptive words did you have to kurt weill so as you go over the ledge you trip and slip and land on your face you can use the rest of your movement to stand up if you want to but that's all you can do no no action you can still take an action though or basically you slip you fall in you say the rest falls face-first in the bud yeah I stand up and look around first to see if anybody saw that and everybody everyone even the cube and then I fire another fire bolt at the cube 12 you only need a 6 to hit it just oh that's cute hurrah I do I do 1 1 solid point of fire damage to that cube okay and the cube slides directly forward towards both of you spending it's action to - ah sorry spending it's action to engulf so it moves at speed and both of you can make a dexterity saving hopefully I do better well that's that's better 18 now this is a weird question but can I using shield master I can add my decks to saving throws but all it targets me would I be able to use my shield to increase my deck save like if I impose me in this case it's trying to like it's just if you impose your shield it's just gonna slither around well whatever okay so you try to do that anyways Sebastian you leap out of the way as the cube income the cube engulfs Pluto little you take eight acid damage from being engulfed and it is your turn can I at the start of your turn you take another eight acid damage Pluto's hurtin can I swing my sword inside the cube you are restrained while you are in the queue but you are not prevented from acting can i you can try to escape you can try you can swing your sword the only thing is that you're restrained so you have disadvantage on attack rolls and dexterity saving throws and attack roll against you have a advantage then I gotta get out so I'm gonna try to get out of the cube okay give me a strength check to claw your way out a14 you barely managed like you you slide into the cube and Sebastien's like getting to his feet knows that he sees your hand like juts forward out of the cube is you pull yourself with a scream and land on the ground with you side I guess we shouldn't shut the cube that tight because you'll did nothing in a move you can move your full speed use your action but you can move you can move I'm gonna use okay so I've used my action I can move I'm gonna take another hit right yes that's correct oh okay I got I got to do it so I'm gonna I'm gonna run into the corner the cube only gets a seven to hit you with its opportunity attack okay yeah and then can I repost it can I throw my sword behind and repost as it makes up yeah absolutely yeah you said yeah so I got 16 to hit yeah 4 oh 20 damage you carved deeply and like there's kind of like this splosh has a huge amount of the cube just starts leaking out of the cut inside of it and the gelatinous cube is is leaking and and my final thing is I'm gonna I want a second wind okay and then I'm good I'm hurtin but I'm good now it's your turn the cube is continues to Pluto engulfed by you just see the site as he rips his way out of the cube and Sebastian narrowly dodges his way out of it the two of them are like there's like acid burns all over them like parts of their clothing and and his new armor have like corroded in certain places they're not looking very good I just like guys run towards me and I just take my longbow and I take a shot okay the 13 hit that's enough hit now did you apply sharp six damage every bit of it Oh [Music] gonna kill I keep yelling at you Ratdog you say you know if you want to say sharpshooter is on by default and declare when you're not using it I'm totally okay with that okay so for the future cool yeah that would be definitely yeah um Sebastian you're up all right I'm gonna once again I feel like my dodge out of the way was not graceful like I'm just rolling in mud and I feel yeah I'm I'm just falling all over the place so I like stumble run down this hallway okay and then you can go a lot further than that doll if you want to yeah and then I fire another fire bolt behind me okay eleven yeah I actually think you guys only miss it on a one and yeah I do three more damage okay fire fire fire uh that's the turn for Sebastian so the gelatinous cube slithers off the deck and seeing that it's got two potential meals right in front of it it spends its whole turn slithering directly towards both of you Pluto you're up buddy I'm gonna come up behind the old cube and I say I was gonna do something about a rhombus now I'm just gonna hit it right off with a clever oh I was crit but I yeah I definitely hit for seven more damage alrighty the cube quick Quivers on as it's leaking from several gashes and punctures in the sides of it now you're up the cube is like right in front of you right behind you sticks is paddled away so right now as you as you look back there's the entrance to the sewer and you're looking at water on one side and a cube on the other I'm just gonna give it all I got I really go okay and I take my bow out and I'm yeah you Sharpshooter on this one and oh six that's exactly right in front worth it worth it 15 damage nice and I'm just like you literally see me back against this great okay the cube is still going they'll help poisonous did you say this water is poisonous and acidic is that cute Oh God um what a dilemma I so your rate beside the QC we'll get an opportunity attack if you move from there Sebastian yeah I'm gonna go ahead and take that opportunity attack okay the cube gets a 13-2 hit I use shield okay oh so I like deflect it with my magical shield and I run to the entrance mm-hmm and I turn around and I'm gonna fire bolt it again okay I'm just blasting it with fire yes I hit yes for for more damage nice okay as the fire bolt strikes into it the cube aquiver some more like parts of it or scorching or roasting but it still continues its march Sebastian calls out Pluto are you okay back there yes okay and then I die [Laughter] okay cube the gelatinous cube comes forward towards Van Gogh I want to hit it you get never seen Sentinel oh I get a 16 and I do 13 more damage and its speed is zero you bisect the cube splitting it into two gelatinous rectangles don't you pop and melt just edge of the cube you're like tiptoeing on the edge of the water and the cubes coming right up towards you and all of a sudden it just splits in half and there's the splash of acid and steam and you just see Pluto lowering is blade on the other side hey where's Sebastian my head pops up from the water and I'm like we had that handled from the start good job good job guys hey I crawl my way back out of the water I stumbled forward like bleeding you dreamt you jumped in the water eh yeah give me a Constitution check I save ya saving through 18 okay you're not poisoned Oh water wasn't that bad I go into the corner and puke for a while I'm gonna sit down on the edge of the of the like dangling my feet into the pit just just taking a moment I'm just you just here in the back I have to say the humble gelatinous cube might be my favorite monster in D&D every time and the answer is always yes so yeah I slump down as well just to take a breath cuz I didn't get any damage but I'm just like my heart was racing like wow that's scary I feel like you're telling us that you're like man that thing didn't touch me but my heart is racing and I'm just there we're covered in those we were both living inside that cube at one time it was part of me there's no part of my armor that didn't touch the cube did you notice that like when you try to talk inside of a gelatinous cube it it goes everywhere it's it was in everywhere I mean I am I the you know guide of the city for you and not above saying that I think we might need a little bit of help here cuz if we just got barely into the sewers and squashed by a gelatinous cube I don't know how much further we're gonna make it on our own what are you suggesting well remember that time we met that large rattling prince hmm the ghostly three yeah he did say he could help us get through the sewer I mean I see your point a guide might be helpful we had this covered but you know best to be cautious right we have a long side I vomit more acid I wanna I'm I can hear you I don't I don't Sebastian doesn't agree with himself either he just doesn't want to be ashamed in front of all of you so I'll I I mean we have two options we can continue down these sewers and potentially get squashed by no more gelatinous cube that I did know we're in the sewers or we could try to find an alternative route I mean apparently you can just walk into a gelatinous cube and not even know it's there that's horrifying and I don't like these sewers as much as I used to which was already not a lot so sewers are not a pleasant place yeah the remnants of the kuber's there anything else that was in the cube that it's a phone that themselves are almost like jelly flecks of maybe a hand or a foot and what you can surmise might be the rest of the dwarf I chased but as my arm still holding up my second arm my third that that arm is masae flee secured but it is definitely got some acid burns and leave it now I was gonna use it to like set off traps and stuff but I mean you did a really great job of that that's what I do I help us find traps incident there was an incident in a sewer so you want to leave and go find the rat prints and maybe ask him to guide us like he promised that would be one option if we can convince him to do so with all the rat trap can we like can you guys like carry me part of the way so I can rest just carry me with you okay last time I carried you you wiggled out of it well I mean do you have some potions if you really need it we have had our short rest and recuperated our hit points and ready to get back at it but before we do Kelly's got a few things to say yeah before we delve back into the ruins again big THANK YOU to axe and shield for providing us with the awesome gaming accessories we use and to tabletop audio for the great ambient music you're hearing and finally 100 years for for the amazing narration in our introduction video if you're enjoying the stream and want to help support our work check out our patreon you can find it by following the links below or at patreon.com slash dungeon underscore dudes and of course you can always support us through Bitzer Cheers or all this new twitch stuff that we're still figuring out so thank you all so much to our new subscribers who have joined us and those who've been cheering us on in chat thank you so much and it's super super appreciated we also want to let you know that there's the dungeons and dragons team at Wizards of the coast has teamed up with Adobe for this really cool creative challenge for D&D fans to create the next official D&D monster called the terror of the under mountain it's to to celebrate all the new stuff with water deep dungeon of the mad mage and the the ruins of the under mountain and it's really cool you can download these Photoshop templates and a free demo of Photoshop to create a monster of your own making and then submit it and if you win the contest you win $5,000 a chance to meet Wizards of the coast as well as the monster that you make will get made into a real D&D Monster including a miniature but straight up like I was just poking around with the templates and cool stuff in Photoshop and it's actually like a really cool DM tool because they give you like all these bits of like monster art that you can mix and match together and submit to the contest so it's summon the terror calm for details on that contest and check it out cuz even it like the contest is really really cool but the tool itself that they put out is really amazing and I love using Photoshop but it's how we made the maps that you're seeing and in Drakon i'm so it's a really good resource like if you if you're a DM running your own game and you haven't taught yourself how to use Photoshop yet actually really highly recommend it and getting a chance to use it for free is a pretty worthwhile opportunity so check it out so before the break we were delving into the sewers of Drakon hein where sebastian ran afoul of a gelatinous cube and had a little bit of head first contact with said creature having been pulled from its quivering mass by pollute oh you fled back down the sewers where pollute Oh was also engulfed but managed to rip his way free and Vail was also almost engulfed before pollute Oh managed to attack the creature apart you sit at the edge of the sewer looking out on the drain River acid burns and covering your flesh smell smelling of the sewer water what do you do sitting on the edge can we see sticks at all like in the distance he has rowed back towards his pier you kind of peak at around and he's he's rode back not on the other side on this side yeah but he's righted himself a creature of habit I just picture the three of us like just perched feet dangling just like like having one of those like grown-up moments where we just coming-of-age tale ice adulting is hard Oh how do we get out of here so I mean I could try to climb up and put a rope and so that we would want to swim all the way around to a dock I'm still gonna have to get in the water a little bit and climb back up but let's see what I can do the water stings a little but not as much as a gelatinous cube so I mean I guess we can cut our losses and I want to tie a rope around Vail and maybe lead her off that way if you fall maybe I can grab you and you won't fall into the water yeah it's not too difficult with a rope herve oh thanks to your claws to climb along the sewers edge and kind of scuffle back up to the key and then the rest of you can holding the rope in place Sebastian can take the rope next and the two of you can hold it for pollute Oh to kind of climb across the solution hood back up and out again okay so and so you've resolved to seek out the rat prince yeah he made a promise to us when we when he thought we were the ghostly three that if we came a-knockin he would lead us into the city through the sewers because he knew the way at this current moment it seems like our attempt to navigate the sewers by ourselves resulted in near death and it might be better if we have a rat Prince to go first then he can run into a gelatinous cube and we can run away and I may be great at navigating the city on top but the sewers are definitely not my area of expertise so he might be one that can provide some resources for us we're going to need to trick him into thinking that we're the ghostly three again yeah hmm I'm gonna turn off my Loeb and put it back in my bag oh yeah I'll do that you can hang on to it I don't need it I'll keep it for now so at least I can lead you back to the rat's nest of course to to get that same entrance hopefully there's nobody hanging out there but at least we know we can go back in that way okay you do have to lead the group across Knoll country fortunately Vail I'm gonna have Vail you can take the lead and because you've come this way before with with them you can all make a stealth check with advantage to slink through the ruins towards the rat's nest and pollute Oh because you are an armored you just make it normally without advantage at 21 24 ok 12 okay Val and Sebastian the two of you are able to slip through the back alleys of the sprawl towards the rat's nest and Vale now that Sebastian knows the direction that he's going you're able to take point as you lead across temple lead them across temple road and through the ruins of the sprawl and Sebastian is actually finding his feet and between the two of you with Sebastian's help you're able to keep a lookout for Pulido and he doesn't create as much noise as he usually does and you're able to steer him away from oncoming danger at one point you do run a you're heading across temple road and you see what looks like a group of almost 2,000 Knolls setting themselves upon a group of adventurers and you wisely choose to X not lead them towards that mess I feel like you talked me out of it like I see it I'm like there's people in try I mean you're like no no no no no no no and I steer you in the right direction Pluto go so you can see on our map that the the rat's nest is up at number six and so after it takes you about an hour to travel through this part of the city to get to the rat's nest but you do make it there safely you'll recall that the rat's nest Tavern was struck by a piece of the meteor and it just resembles a broken rib cage splayed open and so you can still smell the ozone in the air around it but it's significantly faded since the last time you were here you remember that in the basement of the rat's nest where the meteor where the meteor piece actually hit the rattling had broken through and dug a series of dugouts and burrows how do you plan to navigate that this time I mean I'm more or less remember the way it wasn't that complex of a system no it wasn't you you can remember the layout you remember that they had a rally relatively nasty trap at the base of the entrance I really remember I think we like all carefully help Pluto down the ramp at the start okay is there anything that you'd like to do or prepare before you head in um how do you guys want to be ghosts well I need to be not in the light so I think Pluto if you prepare your lights to be on because I think if we on the shadowy ghost you're the fire ghost and you're the chain ghost so definitely need to make some noise when we do find the rats nailed it um I'll like fire off some fire bullets when we see them yeah uh why don't I stay behind stay in the darkness are you gonna catch your darkness once were past the traps yes because I don't want you wandering into a trap just because you can see also if we because you're not gonna be able to see but if you can't I say a rope around your waist and we can lead you using that rope at least you won't get into the traps but then we can see in the dark so we can gauge in the right way why don't I just hold your hand clear yeah I was thinking yeah you hold my hand and I'll just make a lot of noise when we meet the rap Prince okay shake that so I'm gonna cast darkness on myself and a my you can't see in my darkness I can't see but I can be up front in front walk with me in the time yeah I make ghost noises but ultimately I think when I mean they're gonna have to see our faces eventually what if we say because we're ghosts that we possess some travelers and that can be kind of like and then we reveal ourselves in our physical forms of these possessed travelers this form will allow you to understand our troupe but if we were to show you our real form your so let me get let me just get this straight you're going to go down in in Sebastian's darkness fell present yourselves to the rat Prince and try to convince him that you're humanoid bodies are possessed travelers yes he's mattis's the ghostly three so he already has a certain fear about us so we'll see how this works oh wait I have a better idea I'm pretty sure this is the best idea but go ahead I mean humor me why don't you guys go and you can just illusion the sound of me and I'll just stay back and then once you guys kind of negotiate the the barter then you can stay dark in the hidden I mean honestly it is probably safer for you not to slip and slide around down there so yeah give you guys I'll stay near the I'll stay outside of his stay outside but remember there there was a an area to the sewer that went outside of his nest that sewer is outside somewhat if you stay up there yeah could I I know what they was talking about did that lead up to the street or up to the sewer that lead it was the it was the other way into these there was another way that led into the sewers so you'd have to find a manhole cover open that up and head down into the sewers again and start trying to find the back entrance I don't know about that I think maybe just stay up there until we come and get you although near the end although then what happens when we reveal ourselves and you're not there I was thinking like you guys could you know ditch the revealing part just take you some point we'll have to reveal ourselves okay okay I'll come down we'll try it let's try it okay plan one okay plan a so you cast darkness are you gonna use 2 or 3 points to guess it yes so we can see through it so I'm still gonna be out in front so you can't see me anyways you stay in front of the darkness I'll hold Pluto's hand I'm just gonna head no I'm gonna both oh and your waist oh okay and I'm just gonna shake and while I shake I hope that I make enough sea use very carefully head down the slippery muddy so remember the the rat's nest tavern the the lower level of it is just wreckage where where this meteor hit and there was a breach in the wall that led to a curved burrow that then quickly slid down into the darkness like a slide at the bottom of which you remember was a punji chat trap of a spiked pit working together and with knowledge of that this is likely to happen you're able to secure each other secure a rope and very carefully navigate your way down this slide to the base where as you get to the bottom you see a sleeping rattling coiled up at the bottom of the Burrow in the large Burrow that leads on do we recognize them no it is not the rat Prince via would you kindly do the honors I start making ghostly noises I want to wake him up where is your prince the the rattling sleeps to her feet and screeches out at the top of her lungs and says and leaving her crossbow in in place begins running completely forward and because the darkness fell she can't see and so she gets up runs and collides with the wall of the Burrow and knocks her off to a good start hey I meant kill it I've been killing as like you meant to wake it up and after being unconscious for a few moments the rattling gets up again realizes she can't see and says I've got blind blind mother save blind you're not blind milady you're dealing with the ghostly three you may have heard of us from your prince oh the rat Prince spoke of you terrible ghosts that came and scourge dour people no don't kill me please I'll give you cheese I'll give you food I'll give you anything we'll take the cheese and food it's odd that you separated those two things but lead us to your prince yes yes I'll lead you oh I take a few steps back so she see my site is returned your welcome signs you pulls out a wheel of cheese it's been wrapped up in cloth and it's been nibbled thoroughly but yeah you reach out and you grab the cheese she and she to her eyes because you're invisible in the darkness she just sees the cheese float up and disappeared Oh Hungry Ghost Hungry Ghost you like cheese yes take you take us to your prints and cheese the rattling just scurries for it and it goes follow yes ghosts follow follow don't eat me you eat cheese not being able yes yes agreed for now glug glug glug and you you head forward and she starts screaming ouch and she says Prince Prince Prince they come for you the ghosts like come and and all of a sudden you can see here this screeching chorus of rats all singing no no the horrible ghosts yes we've come for you or famous and as they lead you into the chamber where the statue of the rat God is and you can see that arranged around the rat God have been carved this smaller effigies of three ghosts one with a crew one that has been wrapped in foil and lit on fire another that is that has been painted black and another that is wrapped in chains and the the this monument pleases me and it looks like around the statues of the ghost around such as the ghost they've left like offerings of animal bones and bits of cheese and coins and pieces of delirium and like several of them have like written small notes that are like in scrawled common that say please don't murder be in my sleep rat friend are these offerings for us and she says oh yes yes they are offerings to appease the angry ghosts you are the herald of the rat God yes indeed and I start taking the gold in delirium I'm just like do you have any more coin no no that is all we have been making offerings to you in hopes that you would come and kill our enemies and no coin oh we have cheese yes you like cheese yes fine the shadow ghost loves cheese the rat prints appears a short while later and the rat print stands a good head and a half over all of the other rat links almost the size of a man rather than a halfling and as he steps into the chamber you can see him shaking as he brings a bag forward and he drops it in the floor in front of him and the bag is filled with cheese sausages bread dried fruits and nuts and the rat princess yes I have been doing your work angry ghosts this appeases you yes yes yes yes yeah good good my hump servant look how the ghosts devour it the darkness of the ghosts of ours of who is the end of all things it heralds the coming of the rat god my prince don't burn me no and all the rattling is kind of all crouched down and you can see that like there's several rattling Tsar coddling smaller giant rat like children and they're like don't look don't look it'll be ok there's no need for that you may you may rise to your feet I am a I'm a kind God I don't know but I'm liking it you promised us passage into the city oh the time has come one of the other rattling said to the ghost has chosen our Prince to lead them into the next age we have taken three bodies and we have decided to possess them oh and there's a gasp from all the rattling zazz they are all chitter and screech our true forms would haunt your dreams for years to come but we have chosen forms that might be a little more pleasing to look at if you can handle it the rats quiver in anticipation and the rat princess reveal your true form to us not our true form our less horrible form we can handle it ok here's our here's our here's our good-to-go form that you're going to be able to handle it you ready yes I heard off the darkness fell all the rats screamed horrible and I shoot another fireball and they scream you can't see me turn on the light turn on your oh I turn on the globe and I also give like a I I stop touching you I was enjoying it on the light the the drift globe and I'll do a a shake truly horrible they take the forms of humans and cats the ones that catch and kill the rats like shaking many of the small rattling Tsar crying I feel a little bad we mean you no harm you have given us great offerings on this day it will spare your life we yeah oh thank you thank you great ghosts great ghosts we see that you have taken these bodies yes yes and the rat prince comes forward what do you ask of me and in exchange we have many offerings for you yes yes now these bodies they allow us to travel around we're on the plains of others you know above ground but we need your help too and we need your offering of leading us to the sewers to get into the city you will go into the city yes where the great shiny czar yes yes you seek the shinies seek them that's why we were pleased with your offering oh the great ghosts will seize the shinies and the rat God will be born again oh and all the rats begin to sing a really macabre and terrible song in their language and they like are rattling on skin drums and screeching at the top of their lungs [Music] what language is their language it's like a combination of broken common and what and like rats squeaking and hissing so it's like a chittering like and once in a while you know how like kpop inserts a little bit of English into it yeah imagine rats screeching and then once in a while they insert a few a few words of common terrifying absolutely terrifying now one more thing before we leave the last time we were here we did leave a large rock where we happened to put your mother to rest do you happen to know where that is oh yes it's still here it's still yes I earn that we can use to I mean yeah that's higher that it is another offering yeah we will protect and guard it do you wish to take it now how heavy is it yeah I'm gonna waste thousands of pounds can you have a group of your rats deliver it to the mill it will be the body for the rat god sure we might be thinking an alternative you know real body for the rat God but that could help us along the way to getting here great rat God will take a body of metal and crush the humans and the cats that's right the cat's thing that angers me no cats no cat killing what about the humans oh yes yes the cats they will be our slaves we will catch them instead ah you are wise ghosts these shinies you speak of yes the purposes the purple shinies or where are there any more here oh no no we give the few bits but the rest we feed to the young ones yes yes make them grow no you got us oh yes yes yes no oh yes yes yes you know I want those Oh the shadowy ghost wants those shinies but what about the young they need to grow big grow big so they may serve the rat God give us half okay a half half of the shiny okay they look upon you with awe and the rat print says you'll hear the ghosts they are the heralds of the rat God go and take the great iron to the mill on the hill there they will build the body for the rat god go forth and gather the shinies for the ghosts need the shinies to summon the spirit of the rat God into this world I will lead them deep and they will find the great shiny I will lead the ghosts to the true shiny and the rat God will come the rat god this is paying off huge we have servants that are gathering us iron I mean rats is a good start and they're gathering us the other rats they do not believe it they do not believe it they fight us and kill us but we will show them yes yes yes we will show the other rats the error of their ways yeah we will well I do not believe in the ghosts but we have seen the true way the true way of the rat God we got the craziest dress like those are our servants the cult rats hey hey if we can you can use this for them to gather us delirium and iron like we'll use them as just like probably wouldn't help us so we need the crazy yes yes okay to help on this journey of getting the rat God lead the way to through the sewers to help find the shiny yes yes I show you the way I show you the way we must go far south yes yes yes yes yes we must go far yes yes yes yes I show you the way there a secret way humans very crafty when they build their tunnels and their sewers but there is other way we be careful yes yes horse you trust me yes you trust rat Prince yes yes yes as long as you don't betray us you have given us reasons to trust who betray the ghosts is to betray the rat God exact exactly totally alright we trust you now but don't let that trust be in vain okay the rat Prince leads you the back of their burrows into the sewers and leads you through a twisting maze of narrow tunnels and small drainage pipes further and further arcing and twisting their way through the pathways and he says I know a but one way through the sewers into the city under the walls it is but one way it is secret way ses yes yes can I be keeping a map can I be making like a record of this of the the turns and the yes yep and the weaving yes you you can and so the the the nice thing I've actually about the sewer tunnels is that well there are small pathways that he leads you on the sewers of drakon hein largely follow the main streets and all flow out to them right so the he leads you through this network of smaller tunnels that seem to follow closely under that follow closely underground before you actually come back to that long passageway near temple road and you recognize that as he leads you past because you can you see you think you might be able to tell oh maybe that was where that gelatinous cube was and he says the humans build many ways to send their water and their waste out to the city but it all comes out this way yes yes yes and this is the way that we may get in yes yes yes you ever seen any big cubes of jelly around here oh they're truly horrible there are many of them now do you know how to spot them oh the way the best way to spot them is you get smaller rat walk ahead of you and it goes squish and then melts away and that's how you know that's with us yeah we brought out a smaller rat oh how do you plan to get us past gelatinous cubes I guess I will have to walk out in front that's why you're here but we will reward you greatly for your bravery greatly and we will try to pull you out if it happens maybe lead you through a mess to the along the sewer mains of temple road until eventually the sewer main comes up to a great sluice gate the sewer here ends rather abruptly and whereas before there was drains what you can see is the it's the wide sewer under temple Road and it ends at this basically the the gutter that was running in the center has this big stone iron and wood vertical kind of guillotine like gate that has crashed down and the Reta we don't need to represent it on the board right now yeah that's okay um the way that it's been built though is it actually raises up as well because the sluice gate is solid wood and iron and it's held up well you can see bits of it leaking through but the top part of the sluice gate is actually a portcullis that is quite narrow and you can see the sewer beyond it and the sluice gate here you can see that the that you know how a bathtub has that top part of it that if you run the bath too long it stops it from overflowing you can see the sluice gate here has been closed shut but the top part of it is like a portcullis so that if it overflows it can flow through and it's overflowing so a bit of water is running out from the top of the sluice gate over and so you can see looking into the sewer beyond the sluice gate is shut and the suit the water level and the sewer inside is all the way up to the top of the gate so that may be looking like you have to get out on your tippy-toes to see this but there's only maybe about a foot 18 inches tops of clearance between the water and the top of the sewer main and the the rat princes you come up to this you can see carved into the sluice gate are several runes and the royal crest of dragon hime and well you can see what looks like to be a track on either side of it the way the the it's built there's no hinges there's no chain there's no obvious like whatever causes this thing to raise up is built into the sides of it so that it offers no purchase and the gate itself looks like it has been built to withstand a siege weapon and the rat print says the humans build this so that none can sneak in when they get attacked yes yes yes so how do you get in I know a secret way and he he points to it and he points to several charred bones in front of the sluice gate and say you don't walk close to it either or that be you but I know another way and he leads you up back towards the where another kind of runoff drain is this one is only about four feet wide it's very small so you have to get down on your hands and knees any points to it and says we crawl yes yes yes sounds phenomenal okay you follow close yes yes yes yes I tell you there are many monsters this way you must follow close you must watch out there is horrible beasts this way but we go quickly we be sneaky sneaky sneaky like ghosts yes yeah you can do yes like ghosts I'm gonna stay yes yep yep yes and just know that if danger does fall upon us we're all incredible at dealing with it well protect you oh yes I don't I see so you crawl forward the rat prints leading the way which of you will follow behind him first I will hold up the rear okay a few inches of water are in this drain tunnel and you can see about 40 feet down the drain tunnel there is a crack in the pipe it's a large gash and you could see an eerie green light illuminating from there and he says we go this way come come come and he leads you up to the crack in the pipe the pipe continues on for some distance in the crack it opens up into a large cavernous chamber something has burrowed through the bedrock here it is roughly hewn almost like the claws of a massive animal we're carving through the bedrock itself and it is hewn a rough tunnel that by chance hit this sewer pipe and opened up this is way the cavern that opens up in front of you is a small v-shape and I'll grab it now looks dangerous this whole city is dangerous that's very true still a giant beast that bird it's way past here did you want to pick up a piece of the sewer set change yeah just put that right in pretty Sebastian nice cool let's take a look at this small little room so see the the hole in the wall towards me yeah no no no we're in the man right in the middle yeah cool let's see if our table cam can work yeah that's cool cool so the little hole there is where the pipe comes from you see this kind of v-shaped cavernous room of roughly hewn rock and there's the rat prince and the rat prince leads you into this room and you can see that the glowing in this room is being caused by all this bioluminescent fungus which has collected and grown up in this in this area and the rat Prince looks it looks and points towards the tunnel right in front of you which burrows off and goes further deep down into the into the darkness and the rat print says we not go that way that is where the monster is what how would you describe the monster oh it's terrible its eyes its eyes they flash with a light with a light a light that just it gets into your mind and it's so scary and I run away and I watch as my brothers and sisters get shorn and cut and ripped and torn it didn't even eat them it just killed them and went on on on on but that light that light very awful you see the light you run you run the eyes are awful so we just avoid the eyes okay easy easy all right any other tips and tricks were down here we go very very quick yes let's go very very quick this way this way and he points to the south never trusted a rap Prince more than right now what was the what was the thing that's actually turned the whole thing just rotate it the other way Kelly yeah yeah that'll do us good there was a green glow you said right yeah what was the green glow from what was the green glow firm it's from the bioluminescent fungus I actually I personally don't trust the fungus okay so I'm gonna take a like one of my arm wraps cuz I have a couple wraps of my arms I actually tie some across my face I'm not directly breathing anything in because I'm not sure about that sounds good I don't want to glow from the inside okay I hold my breath I put my goggles on that helps right the rat prints leads you through this narrow part of the tunnel until you come upon it raises up just a little bit you surmise it with the with the it's a little disorienting because you surmise with the curvature of the with the Rays of the pipe that you were crawling through and the Rays of this rough cavern you might actually be slightly above where the sewers are but also quite close probably to where the city walls are and it's not long before you come towards this the end of this passage only about 20 feet down from the sewer pipe is a breach in a masonry wall that is made out of stonework that is identical to the walls of Drakon I'm it opens up into a large chamber into a large hallway that is about the thickness of the city walls of Drakon Heim and looking up in the arch were working or our word overhead it looks like you might be in the foundations of the walls or the buildings around temple gate and the however the ceiling here has entirely collapsed whatever cracked through the wall here caused a massive cave-in and the rough dirt and sediment and what would look like the the filler concrete of the city walls above have collapsed down to fill this hallway and what you can see is that at the South at the end of the hall so there's the rounded end of the hallway and you can see that there's a storage room off to the side and then the stonework has collapsed in front of this large Ironbound door and then at the south end of the hallway there's another doorway as well a wooden doorway that leads to a short hallway that ends in a sari it's actually not a doorway at that end it's a portcullis it's like a prison style portcullis gate and then to the north and you can see that there is what remains of a staircase that was coming down this way but it's in time but the crack in the ceiling has caused the top engine edge of the stairway to collapse down in here as well so we can surmise that we're at kind of the bottom of the the wall but on the inside perhaps yes hmm yeah the door right in front of you looks like someone was trying to push it or batter it from the inside and it's it hangs slightly like it's like kind of buckled out from the inside as if it opens towards the rubble but someone was pushing on it and OH was trapped by the rubble on the other side is how much how much rubble like is it pretty big can I start to ship some of this rubble away you can and looking over there's actually the the supply room over there is filled with shovels pickaxes and all sorts of artisans tools pretty much enough that you could given a fair amount of work you could probably clear it clear enough to clear the door I'm excited because I didn't know if this would actually ever come in handy but mold earth allows me to move loose rubble in a five-foot cube I did it guys clapping for your tantrum I actually like I leaned up against the wall and I'm just like sitting there staring at it as like piles of rubble are being shifted away from in front of the door and I'm just like yeah guys just relax I got this just give me a few minutes should use the dwarfs arm I should have kept the torus and hopefully this works okay so you can pull the bit of rubble out of the way and you you move it out of the way and it looks like the door could be open now and it opens towards us yeah you'd pull it open yeah I just asked the right Prince do you know what's on the other side of the store no no you waste your time the way is this way any points towards the the prison the prison style gate that leads off into another room that you can see you can see it in the darkness it looks like another another room and from here the angle you can kind of make out a looks like there might be a wooden table set up in the middle of it and you can hear kind of this creaking sort of lurching mechanical sound coming from the room of the set you waited an entire minute to tell me that we didn't need to go through this door I told you there was a way to the cell reference you know you'll have to forgive us but we're interested in doors and I just spent a lot of time moving this whole ghost you're very strange creatures I'm just gonna take a look actually I wait here yes if monster comes from the other way I warn you that be actually fantastic wait can can you guarantee that there are no monsters when we go your way no monsters monsters keep probably not I think monster go big monster big I monster with the lights that flash lights flashing all my brain I think it lives other way it not come this way this much it not find too much food in here okay who wants to open the door I got it I guess are you turning on the grip the drift lobe again ya cuz ya cuz otherwise there's no light okay yes I do I do that and then can I command the drift globe to when I open the door actually yeah I'll start with the door I'm gonna open the door okay you open the door just slide everything towards me this way so that our good folks on stream can see the next room full o notes treasures demons Nowell treasure demons whatever yeah it's obviously something was trying to escape and bridges like did you Thank You Sebastian okay boulder so dream older or here's what you see snowing and videos you open this door man and you see what looks like a common a large common room it has several barrels and boxes stacked against the walls and on the other side of the door as you open it up you can see several bloody gashes and gouges as someone pounded on it from the other side with their fists until they hammer their fists into a bloody pulp trying to get it open from the other side there's splatters of dried blood all on the hallway in front of you and looking up as you look into the room at the table in front of you you see a grisly sight indeed on the table on spike is a man's head impaled on what looks like the end of a broomstick and then it's been pounded through the table and left in the middle and the head is trying to speak it's say it's mumbling something under its breath that's moving its lips are moving you can see that it's long wispy beard falling out of it and it looks like part of its head has been cracked open and and whatever matter is inside of it as an chewed at as well again it's not rotting because bodies don't rot in this part of Dragon hime but it's very clearly dismembered because the rest of its body is parts of it are all over the place but it's just bone because surrounding the the head dying on the bones and yelling at it are three emaciated men they look almost like the bone the skin and bone is clinging tightly that they almost look skeletal and as they look up to as the light opens up you can see their sunken eyes are bruised around their faces and one of them is gnawing on one of the bones and you can see that the bone that's in his mouth has been like chewed almost right down to the marrow repeatedly and they look up at the light at you and they hiss and you can see these eat that their tongues have been long gated and their hands they have chewed their hands and fingertips into long claws and they look at you and they just scream and I will have you all roll for initiative my mistake pardon me Pluto twenty fail twenty which way we would like to go for you can go first yeah Sebastian 11 do you think pay our fee if you would do your thing you recognize what's happened to these men they have become ghouls one of your favorite enemies sure see now I'm coming what you like these things so a veil Pluto the ghouls then Sebastian and as they they they scream houghton they say meet finally finally driver there's meat and now it's your turn I take my bow and I say not today not this meat and I fire the bow at the closest one I'm just gonna flick them are you going right behind me I yeah slightly over I'm gonna move out of the way afterward the old shoulder shot it's nice crit thank you because of my red ambusher so that's thirty-six damage okay you get him execution-style what happens oh I want I aim right for his neck so that way hopefully it severs through it and severs his head off his body right through the spine it pulled the critical shot pulls out pieces of the ghouls spine that clatter along the floor and it dropped to the ground dead completely nice shot and I take my second shot and I get 19 2 hits that hits and I'm gonna go for the one on the right okay and that is a 19 damage it is very bloody and then I scoot back out of the way to let room for my comrades like I say your turn Pluto you're up oh man nice nice shot Vail I'm gonna stand in the in the hallway mm-hmm and I'm gonna give give them like I'm gonna slam my shield and sword together like nice to meet you okay I'm just gonna stand my ground okay the two ghouls that survived I'm gonna ready in action okay can I read that is if one comes in range I'm just gonna whack it you bet you bet the unwanted one rushes at you bounding forward its and getting rate right up to you make your attack would you take a fort no wait no 15 I take it yes it runs up to you and is impaled on your blade for seven damage seven damage as it does so it pushes itself further on your blade and claws right at your face pollute oh my face he gets a mighty eight to hit okay and then I'm gonna repost that you've already used your reaction okay yeah the ready to action was the reaction the other one rushes towards you as well yeah leaping forward to attack getting a 19-2 hit that ties all rightie it hits you with its claws and they bite deep into the flesh around your neck and you take nine points of damage and I need you to give me a constitution saving throw as you feel this bitter chill seeping through your entire body a one plus the six Ludo you drop to the ground paralyzed Savannah bottle we're over to you and the ghouls I you with hungry eyes like they're going to dive into you at any moment some Pashtun finally stops leaning on the wall and it's like oh no there's enemies and I come up and I stand over Pluto as is customary for when he gets knocked down and I do the same thing I always do which is we're gonna burning hands okay so I'm gonna say you can definitely aim the flames over pollute Oh cuz he's laying on the ground so you fire the flames and it gets both the ghouls both of whom succeed they're saving throws so they leap backwards denied their next meal to dodge the burning flames they still take a bit 12 damage so that although one leaps backwards it's not enough to save it and it is still caught in the flames and expires the other is bloodied yes and burned bloody didn't burn go to the top of the round with the nail I'm gonna back up or no actually I'm gonna stay on top of I'm gonna peek back in take my shots and say it's time for you to become ground beef and I get a 14 that hits nice 15 damage what happens oh I I am cleaned up this house out at you and they're destroyed you see the severed head in the centre still whispering mumbling on some words Cluedo you okay I do not respond Pluto roll the saving throw the Constitution okay there we go you come to about ten seconds later the paralysis having seeped out of your body after you wake up I bend down and I start smacking your face guys guys okay okay I got it BAE Oh Sebastian thank you what were you scared I just so scared that you dropped man not be able to I had a momentary lapse in movement earlier today you were inside a gelatinous cube then you get bit by one monster and you fall down I asked to give up what are we gonna tell his friends and family that he fainted when he got I killed a troll but when a ghoul bites me I fall down and die anyway you guys seem to just forget the whole gelatinous cube encounter completely I walk up to the head and I listened the head as you get closer it says you [ __ ] don't pull the iron lever first I look around the room for an iron lever you morold you don't pull the are and lever last didn't say first said last I'm contain oh yeah sorry I misspoke I look I look around the room for an iron lover lover there's none to be seen just do I see a body anywhere or is that the bones it's what remains of his body or and as you look around you here again oh look over lift the Ross I'm gonna investigate the door from this side he the door on the other side they clawed into it as hard as they possibly could to escape but they couldn't get out judging by the amount of masonry that Sebastian had to move it would have taken a lot of work to get out from the other side but I see no levers and looking around the room like they the this room has been appointed as what probably was a mess room like there's a bit there's some food but there aren't any tools or anything that you could use to really break down the door the men it looks like judging most of their clothes have rotted away but what remains of them it looks like they might have been sewer workers and it was a don't pull the iron lever last pull the copper one first pull the copper flip the brass okay is he saying anything else no he just continues to repeat whole the copper flip the brass don't pull the IRA never last haunting I walk over to this door and listen up to it most of this door has been broken away and you push it open and it's a pantry and all the food has been eaten but no letters no I'm gonna check out this door because I'm really good at opening doors and within this door are four palette style beds that don't look like they've been slept in and ages several of them are broken but its rules and the one beheaded the the severed head that's the four right what about the supplies looking around on the bones on the floor you can see that there's one there's a insignia on the remnants of the clothing around it that said that says fast city engineer now maybe this has something to do with the other room that the reference wanted us to go to maybe definitely because maybe these guys just got trapped in here potentially we'll keep an eye out if there's any anything that comes along keep going with the reference and it's totally dark in here right other than my there are tasks once's for torches but the fuel for them it is long gone right they're looking around the room there probably wasn't even enough enough in here to make a fire kimby veins better moments spiking it seems mean I'm gonna just this probably won't work but I'm gonna try talking to the head and I say where are the levers it repeats the the sentence again and as you kind of speak to it it says pumps the pipes close the levee watch the sewage open the gates it's the wrong order it'll be very bad now this is a dull converse so we know we I think we've got the order right he seems to be in charge when we run into the hole the copper flip the brass don't pull the iron lever last so what's the order uh once we see what we're looking at i'm sure well okay let's remember the rhyme the rhythmic right nothing in that bedroom yeah and it checked the beds looking underneath one of the beds the one the one bed has a small purse of about sixty gold pieces and a few personal items and a few bits of clothing 85 plus 60 that's been their call so far 28 for the other one each plus 20 here so plus it's just some like random tinker mm-hmm they remember some of her math lessons from when she was at the palace okay I don't think there's much else happening in here but keep your eyes out for some levers yeah I'm feeling it might have to do with potentially the other door yeah the the door like waterway yeah although I don't know if we need to go back there with the references but could be useful for later yeah should we bring the head I mean if he's gonna be yelling out yeah from ergodyne yeah we don't want to attract I don't know scary lights with eyes and whatever the razor had laser head I monster slicer yeah okay I'm gonna head back towards the main hallway with video in the rap Prince put me up there with the reference so all right Prince lead the way do you want to shift it I'll just tilt the camera down a little bit there we go perfect so past the iron gate is a large room with a singular table in the center in this room are three large bastions of machinery with many mechanical wheels whirring chains and great gears if you had to guess you might be right above the gate that you saw earlier in this room because on the opposite side of the room three levers one of brass one of copper and one of irony well that answers that question easy very quickly on the opposite end of the room there is another barred portcullis style gate that is open and the rat prince gestures to you and says come become nothing but machine men minds in this room we go forward we go forward yes is yes but we have so many clues we have like a puzzle ghosts are strange there's nothing else in the room right there's no thing people any bother there's several barrels of tools and what looked like perhaps replacement parts for the bits of machinery in here a few ladders and other assorted pieces of equipment yes I'm gonna double back you know one second mm-hmm and I'm gonna go grab the head that's sick and I gotta put it in the other okay he continues to to rant and rave away there so now we have it we know we're getting our instructions from the boss he's like our supervisor all right you're back home you're exactly where you want to be what do we do chief pull the brass don't pull the IRA never last wait pull copper brass pull the brass I had pulled copper flip brass don't pull the iron look at last so our all three of the switch is the same do they all function the same they're all set into the wall in different places there's no other functions that are marked aside from the material leverage Omega are they in a certain order yes the the order that they are built in is the iron lever the brass lever then the copper lever so copper I want to investigate the iron lover mm-hmm in which way does it appear to move all of them appear to pull down right and they're all in like their current position yeah they're all up and they all are that kind of lever that is on like a gear and then has the to the yoke and then the center lever yeah okay so iron can't be third we know that the other two are just generic instructions so now flip and pull are two different motions yeah so my guess might be that flip needs to stay up yeah okay well I asked the head again is it flip the copper pull the brass or is it hole the copper flip the brass don't pull the ayran lever last what are they all in the same direction they are they are all up and they all appear to go in one direction which is down so my guess is we hold the iron pull the pull the copper Lee ignore this that sounds reasonable to me I will take the I'll take one of the levers which one do you want me to take what I can do is maybe I'll stand guard at the other entrance if you guys want to pull the levers we don't have to pull them at the same time then you know what everybody's stand back I'm gonna use mage hand ooh nice so we all stand I'm also wary of these machines so why don't we all just stand I'm gonna stand in the entranceway okay now on the opposite wall is there anything indicating other than these three I see kind of a beaver on the other side that there's the lever here here and here okay and then this is the iron portcullis that Corner's off and it looks like there's a set of stairs going down okay where do you want to be closer to the door Oh should I be away from you guys sure okay so which I'm pulling the iron first mm-hmm so I cast mage hand mm-hmm and it floats over and it grabs the iron lever and it pulls it as it pulls it one of the machines whirs to life and you see that you hear this pounding sound and you hear what sounds like the the the sound of rolling chains and coming from far far down the the distance sounds like another gate might have just shut somewhere and then I pull the yep I pull the copper okay you hear the kapre gate and all of a sudden there's a loud crack Shh and you hear the sound of water flowing and rushing but it sounds like it's rushing away from you I have a question does the does the handle reset after no let's go now so they stay down they stay down okay I feel like we accomplished something here well now where's your hepatitis E I mean yeah if we go out that door if we heard some sort of crash like I'd be wanting to know did it block our path going out I think we may have just opened the past by letting the water that you see that two of the three machines now are running you oh no maybe we had to turn the breasts on then off again you haven't touched the brass at all yeah because I'm wondering if maybe we were supposed to engage it first and then put it up like almost like I think maybe it you know turn it on and off do you want me to try it or do you feel like I don't know but we shouldn't do it now or we should reset everything and try again I say I say we move forward yeah I don't know the the the use of the word pole and flip there's a difference there there's something it can't just be as simple as pull the levers wrong lever well which one did you do second the water one I did copper yeah and that release the water what if you put the copper one back up I'm nervous is that it would you like me to try I'd like at least go out the door and see if oh yeah you've potentially been blocked yes past the door okay look past the door we'll turn around the stairs and the stairs lead down into dark brackish water and the rat print says yes yes this is the way we must swim now yes is it normally this full of water oh yes yes yes it's flooded it's flooded this is the other side of the gate oh I think we should try this again because I think we can't get rid of the water I pull the brass there's a crash and you hear the sound of the gate rising and all of a sudden the water begins to flow out and with a torrential crashing sound the water crashes out the drain and drains away from the steps revealing a clean passageway down yeah nailed it hopefully and that is where we will end things for the night did you do ghost well done well done we solved the puzzle so we're gonna wrap up for the evening here we will pick up right where we left off next week at Tuesday 8 p.m. Eastern Time 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Eastern Time 6 why did I say e p.m. and I don't know I don't know 6 p.m. Eastern Time a big thank you to our cast Kelly Jill and Joe and as well as Clayton and Kyle who worked behind the scenes to manage the stream and keep things running if you enjoyed the stream and want to help support our work you can check out our patreon you can find it by following the links below or at patreon.com slash dungeon underscore dudes and a big thank you for our new subscribers and everyone that cheered us on through that through this episode we really appreciate it it really helps us keep the keep the lights on quite literally on this on the stream and we really love your your help and support so thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts if you if you don't know already kelly and i also post new videos every week on Thursdays on our youtube channel where we cover everything Dungeons and Dragons including advice for Dungeon Master's and guides for players you'll also find prior episodes from this campaign available for your viewing pleasure there I think this week we have our episode dropping on zombies in dungeons and Ekans so that should be a fun one if you're planning a post Halloween adventure you should also check out our latest video that's already up now on horror in Dungeons and Dragons for my playbook for Mayan Kelly's playbook on how to run horror elements in your game tonight's game session featured music by tabletop audio as per usual and the narration from the introduction was performed by a hundred years bore and our game accessories were generously provided by accent shield and you see before you terrain by Norman Forge and we use miniatures by hero forge and whiz kids we've been collecting these for a very long time and where we'd love to play with these really really fun setups and finally just so you know make sure that you do check out the the the fact that with Wizards of the coast and Adobe have their contest summon the terror of the under mountain where you can create your own monster for a chance to win $5,000 and a trip to wit meet the D&D development team and get the monster you make added to D&D including a miniature it sounds like a super sick contest so you can go to summon the terror calm to check that out we highly recommend it we're gonna be working on our entries ourselves because it sounds super super exciting thank you all so much for watching us again in Drakon hime and we will see you next week [Music]
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 209,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book, actual play, example session, live stream, campaign, horror
Id: mgGnwNGLrAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 0sec (10140 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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