EPIC Day in ABU DHABI (gold coffee, fastest roller coaster, local markets)

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[Music] today is our first full day on our cruise through the middle east and last night we sailed from Dubai to Abu Dhabi and we have the full day to explore here yesterday we put on our Instagram story that we didn't really have plans today and we asked for recommendations and this super nice lady who lives here offered to pick us up in her car at the cruise for it and she's gonna take us around oh no way okay we're gonna call Nana because they can't pronouncing it tells a realness knock knock man come in - melody which is beautiful but I have a hard time saying it look she's a queen color by her nickname try this beautiful flowers and she said she's watched all her videos so she knows what's really well I brought us to the local fish market she loved local market we're getting all groomed I'm so excited to have you here really finally last year right so we're walking along the water right now and she just left her car running back there not locked or anything and we just learned that this is one of the safest countries in the world you can leave your phone your wallet anyplace your code running and no one will come forward so apparently more than half of the population here is not local there's a lot of Indiana maximum so a lot of people are scared as though is their job and it is very strong the police presence is everyone love it love that it's the same as in this country you heard it here folks [Music] so one of the good things about being here with a local is my original plan was to buy fish here and get it cooked at a restaurant and eat here because that's what I dread to do on the internet because she said there's much better food elsewhere so we're gonna be getting a local dish later today [Music] - camera yeah thank you so now we're at the local vegetable market and there's this little restaurant right here which I the local TV got it tada which is actually what I drank on the border with the security officer was used by my bag and it was super what were you deep its burrata cheese and chips of mine oh it's the yummy bread yeah it's red actually filled with potato chips that is an amazing combination I love this definitely not very healthy but delicious and it was so cheap - it was eight terms which is about three dollars for two sandwiches and three teams it's hard to go wrong stuffing barbecue potato chips into a delicious bread I can't believe that's a thing but it's so good thank you [Music] yeah so a bus full of Chinese tourists is pulled up behind the car we're stopping take a picture and they all wanted pictures with the car and with the girls [Music] Wow we're now entering the Emirates Palace which I think she nicknamed the golden palace when everything is called whenever we post on Instagram yesterday asking what we should do in Abu Dhabi pretty much everybody told us we had to come here it's a hotel but they also do a lot of events here and we heard that there is coffee with golden flakes on top [Music] and speechless right now I'm holding a cup of coffee with here 23-karat gold like something it was 76 drops but not talked us into it she said what else can you have coffee wouldn't go on it [Applause] it's delicious I'm more off I can't really taste the gold and phenomena I cannot believe that we destroyed your golden cappuccino never in my life did I think that I would do something like that a lot of youtubers celebrated hundred thousand subscribers to go to balloons Wow so this is keema it's meat stuffed with meat and nuts this is red chicken level we cook it with the bursar prominent sauce and this is a cheese aged cheese we mix it well onion and these things and we put olive oil we also take the grape leaves and we stuff it with rice and eat eggplant fattoush this is Raqqa and Janet so everything on this table is like the best thing I've ever had seriously I love all of it but now I'm out to try my first chicken liver hopefully I'm saving the best for last it's the texture it's a very like mushy pasty kind of texture but this sauce on the outside I will say it's a really nice taste probably won't go back for seconds but I will go back for seconds winner looks intense even though he just finished 11 these beasts you're only in the city that has the fastest roller coaster in the world once maybe once and we've been given the opportunity to ride it so we are now at Ferrari world [Music] [Music] Hollywood Wow that was insane but couldn't film producer easy 40 kilometers an hour I don't agree I went to like scream and then I mouse was instantly dry from the wind it goes straight up so fast I've been on two motors and I love them and I can tell you I've never lost my breath like that like it was like as soon as it started just couldn't breathe that was frozen I would have loved to have had time to stay here all day but we're trying to get to the Grand Mosque before the Sun Goes Down [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] this place is incredible gorgeous and we've learned a few fun facts from Donna first of all that was the biggest carpet in the world it weigh 35 tons and took 1,300 people to make and they have the third largest chandelier in there which is also beautiful and who is safe their leader who's been dead for ten years the founder of the rainy everybody who loved him apparently after people die sometimes people read the qur'an Tim and he has never been alone in his grave if he's buried here somebody's been constantly reading to it like in chips for 11 years and this is the largest mosque in the entire United Arab Emirates and they gave me this anything to wear [Music] you are the best this is the best day ever and I love all the doggies we woke up this morning our plan was to try to figure out how to take the public bus around to some of the major so thanks three things I told her the only problem was this was our first full day on the cruise and I don't know how we're gonna beat this [Music] massive that's right that's gonna say yacht [Music] who's seen the rock it sounds like a human
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 408,217
Rating: 4.951077 out of 5
Keywords: abu dhabi, abu dhabi vlog, abu dhabi travel vlog, u.a.e., united arab emirates, travel, travel vlog, travel vlog music, travel couple, couple vlog, kara and nate, husband and wife, middle east, gulf states, cruise, cruise vlog, middle east cruise, gulf states cruise, what to do in abu dhabi, abu dhabi travel guide, grand mosque, grand mosque abu dhabi, grand mosque abu dhabi at night, grand mosque abu dhabi dress code, grand mosque abu dhabi tours, local guide to abu dhabi
Id: l4ex6PXyHKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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