SKI & SCUBA INSIDE A MALL! Dubai Mall & Mall of the Emirates

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[Music] today is our last day in Dubai and of our entire Middle Eastern trip and it's gonna be an awesome thing so before we came to Dubai we heard basically like the only thing to do here was go to malls and go to deserts and somehow we've been here for more than three weeks and we have yet to go to a mall so we're just packing it all into one day today we're doing two of the coolest things you could possibly do it of all in our image let's go welcome to the Mall of the Emirates and our opinion the coolest thing that you could possibly do inside this mall is go skiing let's just take a minute to appreciate that you can go skiing inside a mall that is built basically in the middle of the desert thank you so I kind of feel like I've been transported to a ski lodge except I'm still wearing sandals the good thing about this place is you have to bring your own ski clothes because it would be silly to do that in the desert thank you this is crazy well you're inside of all there's snow kara doesn't know how to ski I really don't really know it this is gonna be so much fun how you feel oh wow he's good wow did you see that yeah are you nervous no I'm really excited I'm so nervous you just taught me how to avoid hell I'm gonna get it on video if you do better good luck I love you don't hurt yourself we have a lot of fun things to do this year don't want to spin in the hospital she's so good oh you practically stopped yourself on the hill that's impressive [Music] alright Cara's gonna practice on the bunny slope a little bit while I head to the top I'm not bad at snowboarding but I'm definitely not good enough to make it look cool on the camera but I'll do my best also the only thing they don't provide you here with is gloves already [Music] [Music] how's the boiler I - Betty slow and I stop the film do we thought that they would just give us I don't know what are those big things called Barca I thought we were getting parkas for the best parts I wore a cardigan and a jogging jacket we were better and we kept moving we didn't fall in the snow did you not try hard enough you gotta get out there and go for it I am trying I just love to but figuratively kill time that was so much fun and care you did so good does that mean that like maybe one day you'll go real skiing with me [Music] fun's not over yet this is a divided program it just big enough to scoop time in and that's what we're about to Chuck this is without a doubt going to be the largest audience we have ever had while scuba diving opinel the buoyancy and don't look like beginners sinking down to the bottom loading that go to the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we just finished our dive briefing we had this 10 page book about how to interact with the sharks in the tank I want to read you my favorite line of the book other than smell and hearing all of their senses only have a 1 to 2 meter range in the aquarium due to multiple interferences by pumps and others equipment therefore when the shark swims directly at you don't misinterpret this as aggression they just have it sensed you yet this should be a lot of fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow that was absolutely incredible I seriously will never forget the look about folks you don't have good fruit for your vision when you're wearing goggles so it's like all sudden you would turn your head at you would be face to face with a shark so you could see all the people in the mall and then the tunnel and they'd be like waving inside start waving like the kittens up and then I'd realize oh no there might be a shark quick bright music because you constantly have to look like down like they're everywhere it was insane in being able to interact with the people in the mall is like one of the most fun parts there were little kids they come up and then touch their hand to the other side of the glass people would wave at you - I see if you're paying attention to the next course with the Stingray I just couldn't even believe that was that close and for some reason you thought it was a good idea to swim right over the top of it so we have this clip it's one of my favorite and it's kara when she realizes and the shark is like right above her and you can see how big her eyeballs are through her mask but I felt so safe like the two guys they would put us in that place and tell us to wait because apparently a shark's gonna have like a start all that they have like a routine and do they tell us to wait there and then one with also wasn't sure how and Phil diving in an aquarium as opposed to open water I thought like copying an aquarium might be kind of lame but not at all it was like all the best parts of open water diving packed into like one tiny area it was fantastic Thank You Dubai aquarium for having us that was the best experience ever and like a fantastic grand finale to our 20-foot stays when I go on stage [Music] there's also a zorb nice you have to turn over he said keep rolling yeah what size fish not a large when I do at all that he's good whoo she's good I'm intimidated she's really good too you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 528,915
Rating: 4.9430671 out of 5
Keywords: dubai, dubai vlog, dubai mall, mall of the emirates, dubai mall aquarium, dubai mall aquarium underwater zoo, dubai aquarium, what to do in dubai, ski dubai snowboarding, ski dubai mall of the emirates, dubai ski lodge, dubai tourism, travel vlog, travel couple, couple vlog, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, the meydan hotel, the meydan hotel dubai, the meydan hotel dubai - united arab emirates, united arab emirates, dubai travel blog
Id: VNMCxGfE7fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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