Middle East Cruise Stop #3 | BAHRAIN FEAST with a local!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] today is day 4 on our cruise through the Middle East yesterday we had a full day at sea and this morning we have arrived in our 69 country of Bahrain so there's this girl her name is Georgie we've never met in real life but I think we're gonna be best friends she grew up in Bahrain is she is so excited that we are here today but sheshu lives in Dubai now so she was nice enough oh there's a band [Applause] she was nice enough to hook us up with one of her friends who lives here so we're gonna get shown around today again by local which i think is just the best way to see these kinds of places but first we are 45 minutes away from the city so we have to catch a bus into the city centre [Music] [Music] that took every bit the 45 minutes the cruise port is a very long ways away from the city center but it's super fun right here everybody's busy there's cars and people everywhere we're really close to the entrance to the soup which is Arabic for markets we're gonna go check it out before we meet our new friend she's on her way [Music] [Music] hello this is totally different than the souk that we went to in a lawn instead of being inside this seems like outside streets just never-ending alleyways it's never so good there's spices everywhere and it smells a curry it's kind of like an outdoor Walmart like there's some kind of touristy things like clothes and sunglasses but then there's like brooms and silverware hi we have no idea where we are we got really lost back in the suit somewhere do you think we get back to the I heart BH side we do try we're gonna try [Music] we found Shobana you're super guys I just trying to cheat you for the first time it's so again any like this no good it is only chiku no added sugar it's off to a great start perfect so now we're going to go to boring boat and for a nice lunch [Music] illness that makes a bit cheesy where's it okay and then we'll have one less try the bunny okay so a few fun facts about Shobana she grew up in the UK she speaks five languages which is lecture for five years she's a magazine editor she's super awesome and she's watched her blog so she knows that food is a huge tilde we're at a restaurant called food at home basically a grandma who was a real good cook decided that everybody should experience for cooking and starting a restaurant from this little villa and we just ordered with so much bit of bad and I how to say it I better be impulsive so what are the opinion so this is caution about engine which I believe is like a smoky eggplant with fried onions purposes Stephen something like that but it's like a really creamy like cheesy sour cream with a little bit of olive oil yeah yeah by leaves which approximate like all the right to goodness and they're a little bit tangy so everything is going to be super yummy guys and I surprised I just came fresh out of that steak up and in the ground it's one of the best things I've ever had that I smoked eggplant with onions it has sentiment on it oh my gosh but we had to stop ourselves because the main courses are here there's so much about the table right now soma tries the meat looks amazing still not sure what a lot of it is but it's all beautiful in the smells so good there's literally no rules so you can eat this however you want you can mix the rice you know and there's 30 different sauces and know which mousse is like a very local dish to particular large prawns the seafood one is always so this is capade Ichabod there's chicken lon and there's eat one this is a lunch anchor actually in a nice hurry and this one way my first I mean is I'm excited [Music] so who's right I think no I know we can honestly say as the best meal we've had since we've been in the least that was amazing and Siobhan has been coming here for a long time and it's never met the grandma who started it and we got to meet her today she was adorable it's all now we're going to vote [Music] [Music] I'll burn that guy's she rocked that yeah she rocks that sounded like when you said it I'm gonna say like rain [Music] [Music] so a few fun facts about the fort it was actually built like the beginnings of the fort were built in 2200 BC so I think it's probably one of the oldest bike structures that we've ever been inside the walls that you see today were actually built by the Portuguese so some people actually refer to the fort as the portuguese fort the coolest thing to me that was standing like on the rocks and seeing how old they were and then overlooking the city of bahrain all these like modern buildings in the background I just loved the contrast [Music] give me the today's already over Shyvana you were the perfect tour guide I feel like really saw Bahrain today so she even gave us a gift we now have cute little Arabic people as salt and pepper shakers that are gonna be on our table such a good day here in Bahrain one of the really nice things about coming on a cruise to the Middle East as an American is that the visa situation is sorted out for you when you get on the ship so there's a couple countries here that we need visas for but we haven't had to do anything every morning we get off the ship you give us these little green cards it's basically like a one-day pass into the country so we were supposed to pay a lot of money to get into Bahrain and we just got to go for free today so one of the reasons I'm just so happy that we're here right now is almost two years ago at the London travel market which is like a big Travel conference we were walking around all the booths and every country is there represented by their people and there's this one booth that was super fun with all these guys wearing these white robes and these red headdresses they were playing the drums like oh let's go it went over there and it was bahrain and i had never heard of it before i didn't know where it was in the world and i didn't think we would ever go and here we are a year and a half later in the country it's the first thing i thought of this morning it is just so funny that we're actually here [Music] hey guys before you go just wanted to quickly let you know that we just published our q4 income and expense report over on the blog so if you've ever been curious at how we afford to travel full time go check it out I'll put a link in the description below [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 318,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bahrain, bahrain vlog, travel vlog, vlog, vlogger, travel vlogger, travel couple, couple vlog, husband and wife, travel duo, kara and nate, gulf states, gulf states vlog, middle east, middle east vlog, what to do in bahrain, food vlog, foodie, full time travel, daily vlog
Id: ynjuVx1QH3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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