Ep 2 : 44 Radbolts, not great, not terrible : Oxygen not included Spaced out

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and we're back with some more oxygen not included and today today is the day we're going to go out and find ourselves a cold biome if we look around here there's some icy looking sections over there and we're going to use one of those sections to cool down our oxygen supply we're going to have to get ourselves up an electrolyzer setup sooner rather than later at the same time we're also going to want to get our hands on wheeze warts i did a whole bunch of testing yesterday in sandbox mode playing around on a test map there is so many new mechanics they've introduced i i wasn't supposed to take the whole day playing around with it but once you get started you can't stop also i can't wake into seeds but that's that's later that's later today we just want to get oxygen sorted and get radiation technology sorted uh if we go into research here go down to this section we want to get our hands on red bull generators and the atomic collider that'll allow us to start knocking out radiation research because that that's actually going to take a little bit of time and we want to basically start into that so we can start knocking out some of the more crucial texts like steam turbines and solar which are both locked behind us are two very very crucial techs uh just uh give us five minutes while we finish out pouring out this area i want to see exactly how much algae we've got to work with before we start you know panicking about our auction supplies i had forgotten how much digging you need to do oh my god uh over here we're just freeing up some of these some of these critters ended up in locations where they were trapped or they were going to end up decreasing their numbers because there was too many of them in two smaller space so we're just going to dig those areas out as a priority to hopefully keep those critters alive a little bit longer ah there's a wheeze wart ah yes the beautiful glow of radiation which we're going to need for our next few steps but nope nope oxygen first then we'll worry about radiating everything and down here where there also seems to be a nice biome we're going to get close to that one and have a look and i think there was a third one over this side yeah there's another one over there i think that's yeah that's a nice biome over there we have so many ice biomes on this asteroid it's excellent after much digging we've managed to locate four wheeze warts that will provide us with more than sufficient radiation for our needs also this has given us an ice biome which well yeah we're going to use that for cooling of all of our action and at the same time we've got a ventra geyser down here which we're going to have a look at now we could of course find out what it is by using the priority trick but nah that's no fun we will have to actually dig down and find out what it is but before we do all of that i should probably replace the bathroom so i just realized we never got around to that and we're going to have to redo our food food has been changed drastically we can still do vacuum storage however that's well that's a ways away we're going to need a bunch of tech for that which reminds me oh yeah atmos suits are done we'll grab gas tanks to go with that and where is hydrogen generators we're going to need those aren't we oh hydrogen generators never mind already got them okay uh here fridges we need to put in some fridges to store our food we're going to have to power them it's going to be weird but it'll at least keep us going for a while right now all this pickled meal is sitting here in some carbon dioxide and it's getting minus two percent of freshness per cycle because it's not refrigerated however it is in a sterile environment so it's not actually getting well that should be another minus two percent if it wasn't for the sterile environment so once we get this into a fridge hey guys fridges any anyone anyone want to stock the fridge fine we'll turn up the priority muppets and once they put it in there there we go pickled meal is delivered we can see here oh minus 0.6 so it'll still go down if it's if it's refrigerated just not as fast okay that seems you have to get it down to minus 18 to decrease it which means it will never go off at that point that could well that could take us a while we'll get around to vacuum storage in a bit but i want to get our toilet sorted first toilets wise yeah we're going to go with the normal recycled polluted water dump it back into the toilet thing we got plenty of space back here to chuck it in um give me one minute while i'll outline this the plan very simple this is going to be a 64 tile bathroom so we'll stick in one toilet here then we'll stick three more three more toilets along there we'll have in four sinks and then for the water on this plumbing-wise the output water is going to come over here and it's going to go into this end that will filter it into clean water which will come back out this way and go back in across the bottom and we'll just have this all the way along for every single toilet and sink of course we do have to prep the system which means we're gonna have to put some clean water in we'll be bringing that up the from down here so we'll bring it in let's say about this end and then what we'll do is we'll bridge it on uh actually right there up one bridge that across so that'll feed water into the system and all the way along and then once it's full it'll stop because that bridge won't let any more go in as long as there's more water coming from this direction so that should sort that out however that will need power as well of course so we're gonna have to bring in a wire now we could put in a floor on this whole thing but that's just more time and effort and i don't want to bother putting in a floor plus i don't think these pipes give a negative regular pipes don't give a negative it's insulated pipes that give a negative radiant as well no who cares um once these are in place we can start ripping out the rest of these toilets and sinks and replacing them with the new ones looks simple enough to me water should be along shortly we had to run all the piping for that but once the piping's in we can start getting rid of what we can add in two more toilets and then we can start slowly replacing the rest here comes the water once those two toilets are full done we can start deleting some of this stuff and we're going to need to deconstruct you and we're going to deconstruct you and we'll just start the replacements with the sinks at least well we've got another duplicate choice coming up and all we're looking for is farmers and ranchers any farmers any ranch well okay two and ranching any farmers since we desperately need a rancher right now we're going to take this pawn over here namely because it's just a plus two ranching we can also cross-scale them into construction and tidying once we find a better rancher if they if they weren't actually available i probably take this one over here namely because of the strength and ethics we could turn them into a just a regular gopher anyway please welcome matthew clark to the team matthew you will be going straight into ranching uh bathroom wise we're almost done we just gotta get rid of two of the old sinks and replace them with new ones oh and one more one of the bathrooms needs to go as well that can go and come on hurry up guys having a break sleeping on the jobs there we go but the system is not quite finished yet of course it's uh there's one horrible problem you have to deal with that is overflow when we have too much polluted water out of here this actually produces more water than it consumes so what we were waiting for on was research into liquid reservoirs so what we'll end up doing with that is just stockpiling that in the liquid reservoir for now and later on we're going to feed that into some reed fiber or something like that to dispose of it the polluted water is just all gonna end up in there we're not going to filter it into clean water because if you do then that clean water will probably end up in this tank at some point and we don't want that much germs in our tank but that is all of well this bathroom's automated that should hopefully cut down on a little bit of labor now now it's time to get into radiation research so on the research front over here you'll see we're going straight down for the red bull generators then i think we're going to go straight down here we're going to need to get some anti-rad medication as well to hopefully upset that's just cheap it's basically cost coal but we'll get around to that when the time comes for now let's see about extracting everything out of here oh there's a second vent down here that sounds crunchy okay let's see if we can't get in here without destroying too much of the uh the seat we'd like to keep some of that alive if at all possible we want to mutate that later all right let me plan this out that should get us in fairly cleanly without too much mess all right and i also want to see what's in both of these events not not just not just the radiation is good and what's the hell is there's another biome on the side of this how wide is this map i think i've forgotten how wide these were uh no i think the edge is about maybe there you can kind of tell by cycling back left right up there's some polluted action over there somewhere these things are pretty huge or maybe that's one of the oh that's probably one of the other asteroids never mind never mind all right let's uh let's dig all of these up and hopefully start ourselves on our radiation path while this is going on we might want to start issuing out a few upgrades namely to our diggers we're going to need them to build a dig obsidian because that will allow them to dig the material surrounding those vents and geysers otherwise they can't get in our field researcher you know what yeah we might want to keep that point just in case we needed for the atomic research i was going to give them improved carry but we'll leave it maybe they'll find a maybe they'll need that point uh our chef you know what another improved carry it can't hurt and handsome our firmer you know improved carry because you're gonna need that anyway and crop tonight we're gonna put you into a tinkering so yeah we'll start we'll start sending you that direction already and our first vent is general please a hot polluted oxygen vent we'll we'll just leave that covered uh the second one is a salt water geyser water comes out 95 c that is yes that's perfect we'll take it that is a whole bunch of water for us uh where are we going to dump that though it's 95c water i really don't want to destroy this ice biome just yet it is a nice ice pile seaweed's ready for harvest that should allow us to get a few frost buns nice and early i mean our calories are yeah that's too many calories already okay but we do need to dig up some of these wizards we're going to need let's just grab three four oh maybe five yeah we'll grab five of them five of them will be okay now we need to decide where we're going to put our research lab now research labs these stations where is it under radiation under stations yeah atomic collider oh requires 400 kilos of refined metal uh one minute while we chuck out some refined metal then while we're waiting for that to get smashed out we're also got a duplicate choice up ahead bookshelves nope nope nope we were looking for a farmer for a while now and well they've only got one skill it's fine i i just i can't wait any longer so please welcome to the team sean bjerg yeah now i know that doesn't look seem like sean buck but if you're irish you know what i'm talking about so that's sean build right there hey sean welcome to the team uh give us one moment while we finish at the last of that copper ore and we can stick in our science facility this device was unfortunately redlining our grid and causing it to get black out so um we moved it down here and put it onto its own separate little power grid that did set us back a bit because we had to pay for the smart battery but now we actually have it on its own individual power grid and there's no more slowdown it's just yep it's getting hammered out in a timely fashion and we should hopefully have enough copper shortly uh what are we up to 490 perfect that means station wise we're going to get our atomic glider and we're going to stick it down here actually right about there can we fit a light above that that would be nice if we could oh perfect we'll stick a light right there we've also moved our other science station down here the supercomputer uh the thing is the supercomputer takes water and it used to be i'd set up a little water tank near it and then i decided wait a minute what if we just moved it closer to the water i mean the distance between here and there's sleeping quarters and all that is not really that great anyway and if they just lie down here they can hop back and forth to get the water why you know have the mountain come to muhammad when muhammad can go to the mountain or you know i don't know it was something about a mountain and it wasn't housebroken and yeah he had to tame the mountain so we yeah we've got this over here this is going to be our atomic collider and we want to make sure our radiation is not too close to it or we'll irradiate our researcher because they're not going to be wearing any protective suits at the same time we're going to want to get into medicine as well aren't we if we check under medicine here we can get ourselves down an apothecary uh we're going to stick you down right here is fine it does draw a little bit of power but it shouldn't be nearly as bad as the rock crusher was then we're going to need to get ourselves some wease warts and we're going to have to put them over here somewhere to generate the radiation and then we're going to collect it with a rad bolter and fire it in a minute while i figured we're going to put everything this here is your red bull generator under radiation you can find them and they take 480 watts of power they're actually they're a pretty beastly power hog for this area in the game and you can make them out of stone materials best one to do is probably obsidian highest melting point but it doesn't really matter to be honest as long as we're keeping it down here now what we're going to do here is we're going to keep this about six tiles away from this entry point so one two three four five let me all about right there should be perfect uh we're also going to want to change its orientation so it's pointing at that now this here this little sort of solar panel almost looking type thing that is where the radiation is absorbed so we want to get radiation as close to that as possible that means we're going to put those wheeze warts through squeeze warts over here that we found earlier they generate radiation see it down here so what we want to do is plant the wheeze warts nearby as close to this as we possibly can and try and dump as much radiation out of that one tile as possible i know that looks very confusing but we're going to it will make more sense as the plants go in and as it's constructed and at the same time let's grab a wire from over here this is going to feed off our second power grid uh you can feed that and we'll have this feed over here into our red bolt reflector which we can then set the direction it fires that the red bolts in so make more sense as red bolts come online you can immediately where are they give me wheeze warts excellent we're also going to copy those settings to here here here and here this place is going to get pretty chilly but who cares it's around our power plant and oh and for probably going to put in a little bit more insulation here as well and when it comes to these the radiation that gives off can be blocked but it well can be reduced because it has a problem passing through materials so we're just going to use some igneous rock here when it comes to blocking them just know that when it comes to rocks igneous and obsidian are the best all the rest are not as good so we're trying to block the spread of the radiation that's going to come out of these uh yeah they also need fertilizer which is phosphorous do we even have any of that turns out we do we have a couple of tons of this stuff but we're going to need more we got to keep these all fertilized so they're generating that radiation they don't generate radiation when they're not actually fed yet all right i think everyone's taking a bit of a snack and a break but once they get around to finishing this we should be able to start this up ooh yes let's see if we've got any good dupes oh this one was very tempting look at that suit wearing and rocketry all in one that'd be great for a rocket pilot unfortunately they're gourmet which will decrease their food morale bonus which not so good i think we're gonna be taking the paku yeah actually can we keep those alive and maybe get them into our fish tank that would be nice uh maybe we can maybe we can't you move over there one sec they might flop out across here and end up in our water tank i think it's a little bit too far away for them to detect but ah who cares let's see where they go are you gonna go left oh yeah no they can they can sense the water they're heading straight for it that is actually excellent for us boom done ah here we are radiation online now you'll notice the radiation around here you can see 83 rads here you can see what mostly say 45 91 117 it all changes depending on where you're located now this thing says it absorbs radiation but no it doesn't really absorb it it just checks to see what the radiation is in the tile it's in in that tile right there and whatever that radiation is that's how much it absorbs and it does it and starts generating these red bulls once it hits 50 it fires the rad bolt out across there oh that reminds me we need to put in a bunch of automation on this sucker and we're going to grab a signal switch it doesn't really matter where it is we'll put you over there actually maybe it doesn't matter where it is that's really far away let's just uh put in a signal switch right there give it an automation wire boom i'm gonna get rid of that we're gonna want to be able to turn this off so we can save red bullets when the times comes hey where's my oh my farmer's on it and now we should probably make it so they can't get in here though how do we do that without blocking the red bull generally see i don't want them wandering in here when they could potentially get shot by that red bolt hmm redesign choice there we go perfect all right so now they won't be able to step across here and they shouldn't put themselves in the line of fire because this thing will fire right bolt and if it intersects with a duplicate the duplicate will take a lot of damage so radiation wise we're actually pretty safe out here you'll see there's zero rods out here where the people are getting research done and then this thing here is getting about 104 rads per cycle on this one tile which is good we could probably like there's nowhere we could find this oh there's 107. wait how is there 107 over there damn it never mind 106 uh 90 yeah that's about as good as it's going to get now these things are quite energy hog remember this is 480 watts at this stage of the game which is a bit of a problem which is why we have to put in a whole second set of cool generators to keep it going but at the same time we can turn this off when we want to but when we do you'll notice doesn't actually stop it's still collecting red bulls see what this does is it turns it on it turns it on and off whether it shoots those rad bulbs out it'll keep collecting them we just said don't collect any more the reason where we're just telling it not to fire them the reason being this thing can hold 100 red bolts and this thing fires them in batches of 50. so once it's fired two red bolts well not quite this thing will be full in fact we'll wait until it's wait until we've got a couple of charges in the tank and then we'll demonstrate it in fact we're going to need a researcher for that so synthetic systek whatever you're on atomic research boom now while that's going on let's maybe knock out a couple of other side researchers while we're here we want to get our hands on radiation protection pretty soon we're going to want plastic and low resistance conductors because that gets us right to there yeah we're going to want low resistance conductors then we're going to want plastic food reprocessing no yeah we don't care all right we'll get that done and then we'll get right back to doing some nuclear research at or atomic research i don't know what they call it but while we're at it rad pills they cost one kilo of coal we'll just put out about 20 of them reason being oh i'm gonna need a doctor for that dammit we actually there's actually a purpose for the doctors now reason being when it comes to rat exposure let's see if any of them got it so far you will see all of them have absorbed a tiny bit of radiation this is actually minuscule current exposure 0.003 rads however they don't recover from it naturally as in when they're walking around for the whole day any rad doses they get just keeps going up and up and up until they'll eventually get sick if they keep getting it however when they do go to the bathroom it subtracts about 60 rads from them so schonberg here has absorbed 0.52 rads but the moment they're finished in the bathroom gone absolutely vanished so this will absorb about 60 rads i believe i don't know the exactly i believe with 60. that means you can get rid of 60 that way but if they do take an anti-rad pill a basic rad pill it gives them a one minus 100 rads per cycle meaning they'll slowly bleed out the rads they've accumulated during the day this is just a good idea when we start dealing with things like this all right with that done what are you up to oh we got 56 we can finally fire a rad bolt well finally um all right we're gonna turn this on and then we're still gonna watch a bad one now remember this red bull comes out with 50 in it but turn this off again i don't think it really matters but if you check this red bullet there's 49 minutes because it loses it loses rads as it travels meaning in a perfect vacuum this will lose one rad per tile in a non-perfect vacuum you use a little bit more than 148 47 45 so we've traveled one two three four tiles five tiles and then it finally hits here it's absorbed and we got 44 so we lost six red bolts between here and here so what you could do is you could stack this right beside there but if we did that the radiation from this would be a researcher would be exposed to it every time they came here so i prefer to keep it just far enough away that our researcher is perfectly protected and we're also using igneous rock or obsidian would also do in fact to make sure they never go any further let's just break that in there that means that flies in there and this should give them as much protection as possible however as that flies through the air it causes it radiates things so any oxygen gas is in the way they will take on some rads and they can like float outside the area uh over here let's maybe put a tile there to help cut down on that it's just the radiation there is getting in on top of the the cool generators it's not really that big a deal to be honest if we deleted all of these or dug them all up the radiation instantly vanishes it just it doesn't really permeate things permanently it's only this is the only source is these uh wheeze warts and the shine bugs shine bugs also give off a little bit of radiation in fact a shine bug reactor would be a very good idea we might get into those later once our ranching comes online all right with that done let's uh wait until we've got enough of this to knock out one of the radiation researchers and we can see how it works might as well cover a little bit of that now when it comes to research here you'll notice this here requires five atomic research ten rad bolts are equal to one atomic research so just multiply it by five to figure out what you're supposed to actually have in the the research unit so for this we would need 50 rad bolts meaning we've already got 4.4 of them meaning we're just like one more shot and we'll be able to knock out that research and as you can see it actually goes up pretty quick using just a few of these we're fine and now i don't think we can see space yet no no we can't first where space gives off about 25 rads as in the entirety of the space biome is just irradiated in 25 rads but that's not as good as down here where we're getting ourselves what's our radiation 106.07 yeah we're getting ourselves 103 rads on this device here which means we're getting three times the amount of power we would get if we just took one of these in space at the same time you know it this cuts down on our power requirements meaning we can get it faster with less power requirements all right then we're all of that done nope the charge no i think next up is oxygen yes that was it we want to put in say a big auction production facility over here when the oxygen shooters section should we put it in here and run it too or let me come up with a plan i'm thinking we stick in our auction production right here it's close by should be fairly fast to build as well as that we're going to grab some of that gold amalgam that'll help us out making some temperature resistant pieces for it and we'll probably go with a full-sized auction production facility i mean we could go with the one kilo one but i think we'll go with the the three kilo or the rodriguez all right now yeah we're gonna have to i think we're gonna break this open and let that hydrogen out it'll be a bit of an annoyance but i think we'll just dump all of this water down there why not we can demolish most of this biome and we'll took all that slime away somewhere yeah this this could take a minute or three one thing we should really do before we clean this up though is uh prepare for more dupes we've already up to the max of eight so i've expanded our dining facilities so we can support more than the eight we currently have available actually we can put in a ninth there though that feels really lopsided we're gonna stick in an extra 16 bedrooms but i think we'll delete these these beds being closer to the dining area in the bathrooms just feels more appropriate so we'll move all of the dupes up there to those rooms and then once that's done then we'll go and do our electric electronic systems there are our oxygen systems we've got 40 tons of algae so we're good for a little bit while longer that feels more like it we've got everyone nice and close to the top it feels slightly more organized all right let's see i'm thinking we've got a mechatronics engineer over here well anemic no thank you narcoleptic no thank you so yeah i think our newest mechatronic engineer will be called joel seguin welcome welcome to the team and we've just finished all your bedrooms and dining hall areas and everything perfect timing before if we go any further just one last research thing we want to knock out we want to knock out the steam engines or or was it steam turbines and solar panels because it requires atomic research and we'll actually get to see it in action now that's assuming the researcher decides to do that or they'll probably go with the simple research first and then they'll get down to it once they get down to this we'll come back here we go right so they're using the atomic collider and you can see they're consuming the red bulls and maybe slow that down just a scooch you can see they're plowing through the red bolts so what we'll do is we'll turn this on once and that zaps the thing up with another bunch of rad bolts and that should give them more than enough to finish all the research and you notice they fly through it quite quickly this research is actually pretty fast and also you'll notice we've accumulated another 179 radbus remember it's going to be because of the distance we're away we're going to lose six red bolts with every transfer and we can only do it in batches of 50 so we'll only get across well never mind not bother doing the math on it we have enough to do this and the thing is we're going to turn this on when we need it we can't really automate this so to speak um the thing is we could leave this on all the time but the moment this hits a hundred red contents anything else fired at it is lost so there's going to be quite a lot of manual labor with this until later on uh let's check the research screen here and you'll notice boom all knocked out so i think the next thing we'll probably knock out will be hazmat suits and things like that i would really like to get around to making a nuclear reactor really soon no no no no we got to go down to the oil biome so we've got to get a few other things knocked out we can get power from the top of the map with this uh we have access to atmosutes so we're going to use that to go down to the oil biome and that'll give us a lot of lead as well as that gets this oil in a few other things we can start doing an industrial brick and then then we can start doing a nuclear reactor but for the time being no no cure at this space time to make a oxygen production well we're excavating a little bit of a polluted water tank down here we have had the chance for in some new printables and an interesting choice has come up i think we're going to take it though it's a plus eight researcher normally you don't need a second researcher but i think in this instance we are it's going to be to do with dealing with plants later on a bunch of other things but i think a second researcher might do us good please welcome to the team philip matthew toles okay mr torres you shall be our sciencer well our second sensor and faceplant yep because that's how all duplicates come into the world now uh yes over here we're just going to finish coring this out i want to make a bit of space for the pleated water that way we can drop the rest of it in there and then then we can core this out and get our hands on all of that lovely lovely gold amalgam we are in no way going to be able to finish this today we're already i think it's about 27 28 minutes of footage so i think we'll take care of a couple of side projects instead uh first ones we have to start getting rid of that polluted dirt we've been sort of just ignoring it because it wasn't worth the effort but now well we'll stick a bunch of compost back there and finally get rid of it just as some of that polluted oxygen is starting to become an annoyance so let's get rid of all of that polluted dirt we'll stick it all back here because it's all of course going to have germs in it and we want to make sure all of our duplicates wash their hands going in and out unfortunately we're still going to end up with them taking that dirt putting it into our meal wood and then eating it off their hands but uh you know what i don't care as long as we get rid of the polluted oxygen it's at least one thing solved uh over here we're going to go with console ore and sand wait no filtration medium to get sand we can go there we'll make you a very low priority that's just to make sure we have sand on hand for that water save it should cut down on travel distance then over here what we are doing is we are putting in a whole bunch of deodorizers to get rid of all the polluted oxygen full of slime lung terms there's a lot of slime lung germs in there but it's fine this stuff is mostly harmless it's been neutered since it's so many patches this stuff used to be a lot more brutal but a lot of people complained so the devs were like you know what it's not worth the effort we'll just nerf it into the ground so now slime lung is more of an annoyance than anything else if you're a bit of a masochist i believe there are patches out there that restore the uh the danger to slime lung making it far far far more deadly well if you're interested in that sort of thing personally i think i'm okay with the way it is right now all right with that done that gives us enough space for the oxygen production and it should have given us more than enough gold amalgam 9.6 tons we are golden literally so as a quick side project before we log off uh let's just make sure we knock out the last of what was this yeah there was uh this radiation research for lead suits our lead suit docks and lead suit checkpoints of course we can't make any of them just yet because we don't have the necessary equipment but no red bolts in there we'll just turn this on that gives us was it 44. oh my god i forgot how fast this was i've got a little bit of a speed mod working away so that's 44 red bolts uh let's just chuck in another one and there we go that'll give us 88 red bulls which we'll do is just fine and we've still got plenty more in the tank this here will provide more than enough radiation to knock off knock out all the research you don't really need to build the reactor or do anything it's just wizards provide so much even if the wheeze words weren't here we could just go to space and get it i don't think you really need the reactor for this i'll give you the reactor for something else but i'll get around to that later uh one other thing we want to take care of while we're here ranching we want to start our ranching up right now now we need was it 96 tiles i think yeah so right to about there we'll stick the doors in oh wait no back one because we need to stick in a bit there yeah we just need to stick in one of those about there mesh tile on top one moment i am quite proud of this old ranching design it has stood the test of time i can't remember how long ago i came up with it but it just still works and does its job lots of other designs if it's been changed modded or tweaked to improve but this one nope still works rock solid even after all this time all right done done done now let's just wrangle a few uh hatches in here shall we turns out there's six hatch eggs on the map so that that simplifies things a lot we'll just wait until those six hatch and we can start grooming them uh we'll set this up for where is it hatches god damn give me a hatch hatchlings done and we'll make it a max of seven critters and now let's duplicate this uh down one level and that should be ranching sorted for a while let's support about what 16 hatches well we'll have to put in some automation in a bit uh 5 10 oh yeah it's 5 10 15 so that's what about 15 hatches with the incubators we'll set those all up for hatchling eggs uh incubate yeah we'll copy those across how many of you were betting i was going to forget about this polluted water in here and let it overflow come on uh even i was betting i was going to do that when i installed this but i remembered timberwood in there that will uh take care of any of that water there was only about 700 kilos in there when we started i think yeah i think that's that's sorted however research-wise uh like just game theory-wise on this red bull generator and putting it into the atomic collider right now we have how much red bull stored up 1058 rad bolts throwing that through a calculator that should give us like between the the transfer losses and all that that'll give us about 93 atomic research 93 that's what we've got already in the tank so everything in this row costs five which means let me do some quick math to knock out all the rest of the atomic research and this is going to cost us about 30 uh 30 research points which yeah we've got 93 already stored up but like when you get over here this goes up to was it that's 10 but some of these are like well they're an awful lot more this one's here is 40. there's 40 atomic research here and when you get to the end ones you're looking at 340 there's 300 for rad bolt propulsion the you know radiation refinement as in the the research reactor that's going to cost us 40. some of these are going to be a little bit expensive but by and large we we're going to have all the red bulls we need to knock out all of the critical tech so i don't really see this as being much as much of a problem to be honest i mean all they had to do was grab some of these if you don't have wii sports that would be an issue but then again you can always use the where are they the shine bugs and if you don't have the shine bugs at the very worst case scenario you can start using space which it's much lower throughput you require a lot more power it's still very doable i don't know how i feel about it it's interesting but i really just want to start playing around with the nuclear reactors that's where all the real fun is anyway i think we've uh we've done had a very very productive day today i hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 65,342
Rating: 4.970274 out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen not included, DLC, Spaced Out, start, lets play, toilets, germs, sinks, bedrooms, barracks, water, how to, tutorial
Id: Ngx3v4L4mFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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